Which continent was the last to be discovered by people? The last unknown continent. Russian discovery. Pre-Columbian expeditions to America

Everything changed a few years ago. In 2006, a bill was submitted to the Duma for consideration, according to which the concept of not continuous work experience, but general one, came to the fore. Previously, the length of continuous work experience determined how much a person would receive payments for temporary disability. If the continuous work experience was up to 5 years, then 60% of the salary was paid, from 5 to 8 years - 80%, more than 8 years - 100% payment. Naturally, working people wanted the transition from one place of work to another to take as little time as possible. In this part, a limit was established - no more than 21 calendar days in case of dismissal of one’s own free will and for no apparent reason. For those who were fired by their employer, this time increased to 1 month.

In this regard, transfers from one institution to another were previously organized. For example, this applied to educators, for whom the concept of teaching experience is also of particular importance.

How is it now?

From January 1, 2007, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 16 of Law N 255-FZ, the amount of benefits for sick leave or child care under 3 years of age depends not on the total continuous work experience, but on the insurance period. That is, when determining the amount of payments, all the years when a person worked and was subject to compulsory insurance are summed up. The insured person is considered to be a person who is covered by state pension insurance, that is, everyone who has a certificate of state pension insurance. Thus, a person who had previously worked for 17 years quit, got a job six months later, then went on sick leave, and was paid at the rate of 60%, since continuous service began to be counted anew. According to the latest law, sick leave will be paid 100%. And rightly so.

Your work experience will not be interrupted if you join the labor exchange no later than two months after your dismissal.

Thus, now the length of service is not calculated continuously, as was previously the case, but cumulatively, regardless of the duration of the break.

However, the length of service remains relevant for receiving a pension in the future. According to the Labor legislation of the Russian Federation, to calculate a pension, it is enough to have 5 years of work experience, regardless of whether it was interrupted or not. When calculating a pension, continuous work experience does not play a role. The total length of service when contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation were made is taken into account.

How is sick leave paid if the “24” regime violation is marked? If the reason for the violation is recognized by the employer as valid, then all calculations and payments will be made according to standard rules. In the absence of force majeure circumstances, calculations will be made based on the minimum wage. Forgery of documents Wanting to extend their vacation and lie down on the couch for a couple of days, some citizens purchase fake certificates of incapacity for work. But such an operation can lead to a number of consequences, in particular:

The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation stipulates that the use of counterfeit documents entails:

An employee can confirm work experience with the following documents:

  • Payment of sick leave upon interruption of service
  • How is sick leave paid based on length of service in 2018?
  • How to pay sick leave if an employee returns to work
  • Consultantplus: forums
  • How is sick leave paid based on length of service?
  • How is sick leave paid if the service is interrupted?
  • How is sick leave paid if the service is interrupted for 6 months?

Payment of sick leave upon interruption of service Attention Of course, a person for whom employers have transferred contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for a long period will also be able to accumulate more money in their personal account.

Payment of sick leave upon interruption of service

  • Labor law
  • Protection of workers' rights
  • Hello! I have continuous work experience of 9 years and 11 months. On this moment I quit my job by agreement of the parties. I plan to take a break from work for 2 months. Will this break of 2 months affect sick leave payments in the future, if I am currently paid 100 percent of my sick leave? insurance period for sick leave Collapse Victoria Dymova Support employee Pravoved.ru Similar questions have already been considered, try looking here:
  • Does the employer have the right to indicate in the contract 80% of sick leave pay for more than 15 years of experience?
  • Is the period of military service included in the length of service for sick pay?

Lawyers' answers (1)

  • All legal services in Moscow Help in the absence of safe working conditions Moscow from 15,000 rubles.

How to pay sick leave if an employee returns to work

In this case, no more than 30 days should pass from the moment of dismissal to the moment of illness. How to pay for sick leave? In the amount of 60% of the salary, regardless of length of service. In the event of liquidation of the company and the inability to establish the location of the policyholder, payment in full is made by the Social Insurance Fund.

How is sick leave paid based on length of service in 2018?

  • or collection of other income received over the previous six months;
  • or carrying out mandatory work for 40-480 hours;
  • or carrying out correctional work;
  • or arrest for six months.
  • if an employee claims to have a certain length of service, but cannot confirm this, the employer has the right and opportunity to send a request to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • payment for the period of illness must be accrued no later than 10 days from the date of its provision to the employer;
  • if the benefit has already been issued, and later the employee provided documentary evidence of his work experience, on the basis of which the amount should be larger, the remaining funds are paid along with the advance or salary;
  • Payment for the first three days is accrued by the employer, and all subsequent payments are made by the Social Insurance Fund.

Benefit payments due to caring for a relative In some cases, temporary disability is due to the fact that the employee was caring for a sick child or a disabled member of his family.

How is sick leave paid if the service is interrupted?

Maternity leave is prescribed in the provisions of Article 255 of Federal Law No. 255-FZ “On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity.” Chapter two is entirely devoted to payment for temporary disability. And all cases are considered there - in Article 5. And Articles 6 and 7 talk about the conditions for registration and the amount of payments. How sick leave is paid depending on length of service. Payment for sick leave is tied to various factors. The main ones are:

  • duration of vacation;
  • employee's insurance period;
  • average daily salary;
  • cause and treatment option.

In terms of insurance experience, a citizen needs to understand how it functions.
The accrual of years of such work does not depend on the period of employment. Insurance deductions play a role here. They are carried out by the employee's insurance agent - the employer.

How is sick leave paid if the service is interrupted for 6 months?

Already with its help they multiply by days of illness. The final result will be the amount of hospital payments. If it was interrupted Russian legislation clearly defines the options for making charges.

And there are no provisions in the law regarding gaps in seniority. To calculate the cost of sick leave, the total insurance period is taken. The total number of years does not change due to interruption of service.
Therefore, the calculation is based on this indicator of years of work. Based on it, sick leave is calculated. And the application concerns the main types - based on the minimum wage, 60, 80 or 100 percent of the amount of earnings. To determine the length of service in the presence of gaps, you should compare the indicators in the labor record. They count all the years, months and days of labor. One month according to this scheme is equal to 30 days. For what length of service is sick leave paid 100 percent? Only certain categories of employees can count on full sick leave pay.
According to the Labor Code, every employee has the right to temporarily not perform his duties due to loss of ability to work. You just need to know how to use this legal provision correctly. According to statistics, every year 40 million Russians suffer from seasonal diseases.

After all, there are a number of other diseases, the appearance of which entails the need to issue a certificate of incapacity for work. Read on for more details on how to pay for sick leave. Registration of benefits According to Art. 13 Federal Law No. 255 “On Compulsory Social Insurance”, in case of illness or absence from work due to child care, the employee must provide the employer with a certificate of incapacity for work.

It is issued based on the results of a medical examination in the event of injury, pregnancy and childbirth, or illness of a close family member. The document is drawn up in a strictly established form.
Russian labor legislation protects the interests of the employee from all sides. There are very few examples where a citizen did not receive the corresponding rights under the law. But sometimes irregularities occur during payment calculations.

Therefore, it is worth understanding how sick leave is paid based on length of service in 2018. This point is important for every officially registered person. What is it? Official employment imposes on a person not only a number of restrictions and obligations.

There is a very specific set of rights that can be used in different situations. Sick leave is a vacation option. But the reason for this is the presence of evidence of one’s own health or that of a relative. Photo: what length of service is taken into account when calculating sick leave? In this case, the number of paid days is limited.

And you need to know how billing works.

How to calculate length of service for sick leave

Sometimes extremely unpleasant situations for the employer occur when an employee immediately goes from one sick leave to another. A reasonable question arises: how many people can be on sick leave without violating the Labor Code of the Russian Federation? By law, this period is strictly regulated and is limited to 12 months. However, it should be noted that the attending physician can issue a certificate of incapacity for work only for half a month, a dentist for 10 days, and if the employee is on sick leave for more than 15 days, then its extension is possible only by the decision of a specially convened medical commission.

Important! If an employee’s illness or injury occurs while he is at work and performing work tasks, then the duration of sick leave in this case is not limited by law in any way. Such certificates of incapacity for work are paid 100% by the Social Insurance Fund.

How to determine the amount of length of service for accruing sick leave in 2018

  • work under an employment contract. Moreover, to calculate the length of sick leave, periods when contributions were not paid, but the employment contract continued to be valid, are not excluded from it. For example, three years of parental leave will also be included in the length of service;
  • service in the armed forces and periods equivalent to it;
  • work as an individual entrepreneur subject to payment of contributions;
  • periods of work in cooperatives and collective farms;
  • periods of activity as a deputy;
  • periods of work in places of deprivation of liberty, but only after 01.11.01.
  • the onset of temporary disability due to illness or injury;
  • caring for a family member;
  • the citizen himself or his family member, including a child under 7 years old, is in quarantine;
  • treatment in a sanatorium as directed by a medical institution;
  • prosthetics for medical reasons.

For what length of service is sick leave paid 100%?

You can receive 100% sick leave with over 8 years of experience not only if the document is issued directly to the sick employee. Also, this amount of benefit is provided in a situation where the document is drawn up while caring for a sick family member.

The established periods included in the insurance period are summed up, and the result is the total length of service used to calculate sick leave. Temporary non-working pauses between employment with different business entities do not relate to the insurance period and are not taken into account when calculating it.

Sick leave - how is it calculated?

It is clear that the levels of these payments can only affect the highest paid employees who already have a fairly long insurance period. Most companies that set average wages will not be affected by these maximum contribution amounts.

It must be remembered that from January 1, 2012, the procedure for determining this amount has changed significantly. Thus, currently the base calculation period is not 12, but 24 calendar months, or 730 days. After a company employee recovers, he must bring sick leave. It is not at all necessary for the employee to know how the payment due to him is calculated. From this moment the work of the accounting department begins. First of all, in order to determine what amount social payments due to the employee, it is necessary to calculate his average daily earnings.

Features and procedure for paying sick leave in 2019

With work experience of more than 8 years, the benefit is subject to 100% payment of wages. If the total experience is from 5 to 8 years - 80%, less than 5 years - 60%. Less than six months - based on the minimum wage. At the end of 2017, this amount was 7,500 rubles.

In addition, starting from 2019, the work experience threshold for receiving benefits for temporary loss of ability to work will not be increased in full. The approved sick leave form will remain the same, as will the rules for filling it out. The payment period and calculation formula do not change.

How is sick leave paid in 2019 based on length of service and according to the minimum wage?

An employee who has closed the temporary disability certificate and has begun further activities at his workplace receives sick leave payment on the next day of payment of wages in accordance with the procedure established by the organization for issuing benefits to employees.

The disease is a normal phenomenon for the human body: according to statistics, a person gets sick 1-2 times during the year of his life. Most illnesses become obstacles to normal work activities, so in this case both the employee and his employer benefit from sick leave.

Payment of sick leave in 2018: percentage of length of service

  • from 10/04/2011 to 07/22/2012 he worked in organization N;
  • from 10/08/2012 to 02/04/2014 he worked in organization M;
  • from 02/20/2014 to 11/20/2016 he worked in organization S;
  • from November 23, 2016 to the present, he works in organization X;
  • from September 10 to 15, 2018 – was on sick leave.
  1. include all periods of work where the employee was registered under an employment contract. A priori, it is assumed that companies made payments to the Social Insurance Fund in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity.
  2. enable passing periods military service, as well as other services - for example, service in internal affairs bodies, fire service and etc.

Payment of sick leave in 2019: percentage of length of service, calculation rules

At the final stage, the insurance period must be expressed in years and (or) months and days. This is the only way to correctly determine the required percentage of sick leave payment. In this case, the possible number of days is up to 30. If there are exactly 30 days left, then the indicator will be expressed only in years and (or) months, since you will convert all the days into another full month. You will get a round number. The maximum possible value of days remaining is 29.

To determine a person’s insurance length, determine all periods of work of the employee under employment contracts - with you and with other employers, if such employment took place. Also add to the resulting time period the days (months, years) of military service, as well as other service. For example, this is in the internal affairs bodies (OVD) or the fire department.

Experience for calculating sick leave in 2019

Another common question. Does the period of being registered with the employment service count towards the insurance period? In this case, only periods of participation in public works are taken into account in the insurance period of citizens. These periods can be confirmed by fixed-term employment contracts or certificates from the employment service.

Payment for not all periods of incapacity depends on the length of insurance coverage. For example, sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth (maternity leave), as well as sick leave due to an accident at work or an occupational disease, is calculated based on 100% of average earnings.

What length of service is taken into account when calculating sick leave?

  • If you have just recently taken up a position and your work activity lasts no more than six months, then you are entitled to a payment of about one minimum wage. Today it is about 7,500 rubles;
  • in the case when you have worked for less than five years, then all you can count on when opening a sick leave is sixty percent of your salary;
  • those whose experience already consists of five to eight years receive eighty percent;
  • and only for people with more than eight years of experience, the law provides for benefits in the amount of their full salary, that is, 100 percent of it.

However, it should be remembered that if one period overlaps another, only one of them is counted towards the length of service. But an important fact is that at the time of the occurrence of an insured event, the calculation of length of service for sick leave will be separate for a person with multiple jobs. This means that the payment, taking into account temporary disability, must be paid to the employee for each place of work.

Accrual of sick leave in 2019 if service was interrupted

  • intentionally causing harm to one's health to evade work and/or other duties
  • temporary disability caused by injury received while committing a crime
  • during compulsory treatment by court decision
  • during the period of arrest, during the forensic medical examination
  • for the period of leave without pay
  • during a dispute about the legality of dismissal

It is very important to make sure that it is filled out correctly before submitting the certificate of incapacity for work. An incomplete or incorrectly completed sheet is returned to the employee until the errors found are corrected by the healthcare organization.

Calculation of sick leave in 2019

To learn how to calculate the amount of payments yourself, you need to figure out where it comes from. We all know that some part of our salary is transferred to a special fund (social insurance fund). That's where the money comes from. Only in the first 3 days the costs are reimbursed by the employer. The rest is essentially paid from money withheld from paychecks for Social Security. That is, the employee provides himself with a salary during his incapacity. At the same time, the previously withheld amount when paid to an employee in the form of sick leave is still subject to an income tax of 13 percent.

What about women who have just returned from maternity leave and already need payments? According to the laws of the Russian Federation, they are the luckiest ones - they can choose any of the periods in which they received payments over the last 5 years. Based on their choice, sick leave will be calculated.

In such cases, the accrued amount may differ slightly:

  • if sick leave was issued in connection with caring for a child during his treatment at home, then the first 10 days of such period are calculated based on common grounds calculation, and all the rest - already 50% of the person’s earnings;
  • when caring for a family member undergoing outpatient treatment or a child being treated in a hospital, the payment amount is calculated on a general basis.

Confirmation of length of service for calculating payments under a certificate of incapacity for work. The length of service is of decisive importance when calculating payment for the period of illness. An employee can confirm work experience with the following documents:

  • Personal work record.

Payment of sick leave upon interruption of service


Of course, a person for whom employers have made contributions to the Russian Pension Fund for a long period will also be able to accumulate more money in their personal account.

However, the reality is that many Russians, given the low level of salaries that exists in the regions, will not be able to save significant sums, even after working for many years.


Those whose employers skimped on insurance payments and contributions and paid wages “in envelopes” will also not receive a good pension.

Therefore, the Ministry of Economic Development submitted to the government a proposal to calculate pensions using a new formula that takes into account length of service.

This will not only make the size of the future pension clear, but will also remove the issue of increasing the retirement age - those who want to receive larger payments can continue to work even after they can retire.

How is sick leave paid based on length of service in 2018?

To calculate the cost of sick leave, the total insurance period is taken.
The total number of years does not change due to interruption of service.

Therefore, the calculation is based on this indicator of years of work.

Based on it, sick leave is calculated. And the application concerns the main types - based on the minimum wage, 60, 80 or 100 percent of the amount of earnings.

To determine the length of service in the presence of gaps, you should compare the indicators in the labor record.

They count all the years, months and days of labor. One month according to this scheme is equal to 30 days.
For what length of service is sick leave paid 100 percent? Only certain categories of employees can count on full sick leave pay.

According to current standards, these include those who have insurance experience of more than 8 years.


From this point on, they receive full inpatient coverage.

But this applies only to this type of medical intervention.

How to pay sick leave if an employee returns to work

FSS. Thus, an employee can count on the following amount of payment for the time he is absent from work due to temporary disability:

  • in the event that a person’s insurance experience exceeds 8 years, payment for one day is equivalent to the average salary calculated for a certain period of time (2 years);
  • in the amount of 80% of income if the insurance period is between 5-8 years;
  • if the length of service is more than 6 months, but less than 5 years, then only 60% of the average income level is accrued.

In the event that, due to incorrect data provided by the employee or erroneous calculations made by the accountant, an amount greater than that required by law is paid, the employer has the right to subsequently deduct the excess benefit from subsequent wage payments to the employee.

Consultantplus: forums

How to pay for sick leave if the code is “36”? Depending on the identified reasons for the violations: either in full or according to the minimum wage, Code Violation 23 Non-compliance with the treatment regimen, unauthorized departure from the hospital 24 Showing up for an appointment late 25 Appearing at the workplace without being discharged, even for voluntary dismissal.
The employer's obligation to pay the employee does not entail the need for him to be at the workplace.
26, 27

Refusal (failure to appear on time) at MSEC entails deprivation of disability group 28 Other violations If, after missing the next inspection, the insured was declared able to work, then on the day of appearance in the line “Violations” enters code “24” and the date of the missed inspection, and in the line “Other” - code “36”.

If the citizen remains unable to work, then the note about violation of the regime remains, and the “Other” line is not filled in.

How is sick leave paid based on length of service?

Although the spread is reflected in all types of sick leave. There is also some peculiarity. For long-term outpatient treatment, you cannot count on full sick leave coverage.

Starting from the 11th day of such sick leave, payments are reduced to 50%.

And here, length of service does not play a role, and also has every reason to be reduced.
What to do if benefits were calculated incorrectly Errors in sick leave must be corrected. The fact is that in this case, the reporting documentation and personal income tax contributions to the tax service will not match.

And the FSS is unlikely to not notice the accountant’s mistake. If funds are accrued incorrectly, there are several solutions.

In a situation where there is a lack of allotted money, it is worth submitting an application to the accounting department. There they will recalculate and add the required amount. If the amount posted is too large, the employer will independently identify the error.

  • if an employee claims to have a certain length of service, but cannot confirm this, the employer has the right and opportunity to send a request to

    Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;

  • payment for the period of illness must be accrued no later than 10 days from the date of its provision to the employer;
  • if the benefit has already been issued, and later the employee provided documentary evidence of his work experience, on the basis of which the amount should be larger, the remaining funds are paid along with the advance or salary;
  • Payment for the first three days is accrued by the employer, and all subsequent payments are made by the Social Insurance Fund.

Benefit payments due to caring for a relative In some cases, temporary disability is due to the fact that the employee was caring for a sick child or a disabled member of his family.

How is sick leave paid if the service is interrupted?

Based on the conclusion of a medical commission, a certificate of incapacity for work can be issued to an employee for a maximum period of 10 months, and for a number of diseases (injuries, postoperative conditions, tuberculosis) - for a year with extensions every 15 days. If an employee is ill for a long time, in the first four-month period, he is sent to MSEC, based on the results of which the employer has the right to dismiss the employee or transfer him to a position that is more suitable for the employee at the moment. If the staffing table does not provide for another vacancy, then the employment contract ends.

Violation of the treatment regimen Violation of the prescribed treatment regimen or failure to appear at the specified time for a medical examination for an unexcused reason may reduce the amount of social benefits.

In such cases, a note is made on sick leave.

How is sick leave paid if the service is interrupted for 6 months?

Legislative regulation of the issue There is a certain set of legislative documents that are worth studying: Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 347n “On approval of the form of a certificate of incapacity for work” This contains the main official document and how to fill it out Labor Code Russian Federation The Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes guarantees for an employee upon receipt of temporary disability in Article 183.

Maternity leave is prescribed in the provisions of Article 255 of Federal Law No. 255-FZ “On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity.” Chapter two is entirely devoted to payment for temporary disability.

And all cases are considered there - in article 5.

Continuous work experience during existence Soviet Union had important legal significance and influenced the calculation of pensions and the payment of social benefits. Due to the adoption of a number of amendments, the status of this legal concept has changed significantly in labor legislation.

You will learn in detail from this material what the continuity of work experience affects today, how it differs from the general one and at what duration it is not taken into account for the break of the work period.

What is continuous work experience?

This refers to periods after dismissal that do not exceed the time periods provided by law for individual cases of termination of contracts with employers.

After acceptance Federal Law No. 225 of December 29, 2006 “On compulsory social insurance” in case of temporary disability due to maternity, when making payments, only those periods during which contributions were made to the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation are taken into account.

Previously adopted norms on continuity of service were in conflict with Article 36 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation on freedom of labor, and therefore were cancelled.

They mean the inclusion of the specified periods in the insurance period. What matters is not only the fact of payment of contributions to extrabudgetary funds, but also their size.

When is service considered interrupted?

The length of service is interrupted in the absence of a concluded contract with the new employer within the period stipulated by law, calculated in connection with the specifics of employment.

Currently, the state does not strictly monitor compliance with employment deadlines after dismissal. This factor also does not affect the amount of pension benefits.

On average, a period of up to 1 month is counted towards continuous experience when changing jobs. However, proof of continuity may be required when applying for a certain position: obtaining accreditation as a lawyer, judge status, or other advantages.

Mainly, continuity affects the possibility of obtaining a decent job under a new contract.

When is employment interrupted after dismissal?

Continuous service lasts for 1 month after dismissal from the previous job. This rule applies to the termination of employment relationships with employees employed in manufacturing enterprises, commercial and government, municipal institutions, organizations of any form of ownership.

The exception applies to the following categories of employees (for them, a period of 2 months is included in the continuous work experience after signing the order to terminate the contract):

  • upon termination of activities at enterprises located in the Far North or equivalent areas, upon termination of the contract due to the expiration of the term;
  • in case of official employment abroad upon termination of the contract with the employer;
  • when working in states with which Russia has concluded social security agreements.

Three months are counted as length of service after dismissal:

  • in case of staff reduction due to liquidation or reorganization of the company in any form: merger, spin-off, merger, etc., declaring an organization of any form of ownership insolvent (bankrupt);
  • if it is impossible to hold a position as at the last place of work due to deteriorating health, the onset of partial incapacity, confirmed by a medical certificate;
  • when transferring the other spouse to another location to perform work functions.

The length of service is qualified as continuous when a citizen on pension benefits returns to official work under an employment contract.

Interrupted work experience can be restored based on the order of the trade union at the regional or district level. In any case, the time spent traveling to another location is not taken into account as a break for the spouse and, in general, for all adult members of the employee’s family.

What needs to be done to ensure that your work experience is not interrupted?

To ensure that your work experience is not interrupted, it is necessary to track the period of time after which a break in activity is considered. In this regard, rules can be used Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated April 13, 1973 N 252 , previously abolished, but applied in practice by analogy.

If continuity is monitored in connection with employment for a specific position, obtaining the status of a judge, lawyer, or other professional activity, then you should be guided by the provisions of industry regulations.

Continuity of service does not affect the amount of pension provision or its establishment, but may affect the accrual of additional vacation days, bonuses or other benefits for employees established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and local regulations at the enterprise.

What impact can continuous work experience have today?

According to modern legislation, continuity of service will affect the following factors:

  • the amount of social disability benefits depends on the time worked, for a period of up to 5 years it is paid in percentage 60% of income, from 5 to 8 years – 80%, from 8 years – 100%;
  • the possibility of employment for a position, since employers take into account when hiring the possibility of loss of professional skills due to the long gap between dismissal and placement in a new position.

The continuity of length of service is not affected; this situation remains in effect for 2020 and subsequent periods until the possible adoption of relevant changes to labor legislation.

When you should go to work at a new enterprise, how many days are counted in the length of service if a break is allowed is established in the internal regulations of the enterprise.

What periods are not included in the insurance period, but do not interrupt the total length of service?

They are not included in the total length of service, but do not interrupt its periods:


Enrollment in clinical residency or graduate school, if the period of dismissal and enrollment in the relevant organizations, including preparatory periods, did not exceed 3 months.

For those who were early expelled from institutions or took a course in the period before July 1, 1973, when entering work on October 1 of the same year, the break period is counted towards the length of service, regardless of the date of expulsion and the conclusion of an agreement with the employer.

Work abroad

When performing official duties abroad in branches of Russian enterprises, or while employed in international organizations, or while serving, if the period between returning home and concluding an agreement did not exceed 2 months.

Off-season period

During the off-season period, employed in certain types of work, upon completion of the profile activity in the previous period in full, upon returning to work within the period stipulated by the employment contract.Rules for calculating the continuous work experience of workers and employees when assigning benefits for state social insurance,” approved. Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated April 13, 1973 N 252 .

Wake up anyone in the middle of the night with the question: “Who discovered America first?”, and without hesitation, they will immediately give you the correct answer, calling the name of Christopher Columbus. This is for everyone known fact , which no one seems to dispute. But was Columbus the first European to set foot on new land? Not at all. There is only one question: “So who?” But they didn’t call Columbus for nothing discoverer.

In contact with

How Columbus became a discoverer

In what century did such significant changes for the world take place? The official date for the discovery of a new continent called the Americas is 1499, 15th century. At that time, the inhabitants of Europe began to have speculation that the earth was round. They began to believe about the possibility of navigation by Atlantic Ocean and the opening of the western path straight to the shores of Asia.

The story of how Columbus discovered America is very funny. It so happened that he randomly came across New World , heading to distant India.

Christopher was an avid sailor, who from a young age managed to visit all those known at that time. Carefully studying a huge number geographical maps, Columbus planned to sail to India across the Atlantic without passing through Africa.

He, like many scientists of that time, naively believed that, having gone straight from Western Europe to the east, he would reach the shores of such Asian countries as China and India. No one could even imagine what was suddenly on his way new lands will appear.

It was the day when Columbus reached the shores of the new continent and is considered the beginning of American history.

Continents discovered by Columbus

Christopher is considered the one who discovered North America. But in parallel with it, after news of the New World spread throughout all countries, the struggle for the development of the northern territories the British entered.

In total the navigator accomplished four expeditions. The continents that Columbus discovered: the island of Haiti or, as the traveler himself called it, Spain Minor, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Antigua and many other territories North America. From 1498 to 1504, during his last expeditions, the navigator had already mastered lands of South America, where it reached the shores of not only Venezuela, but also Brazil. A little later the expedition reached Central America, where the coastlines of Nicaragua and Honduras were developed, all the way to Panama.

Who else explored America?

Formally, many sailors opened America to the world in different ways. History goes back many names related to the development of the lands of the New World. Columbus's case continued:

  • Alexander Mackenzie;
  • William Baffin;
  • Henry Hudson;
  • John Davis.

Thanks to these navigators, the entire continent was explored and developed, including Pacific coast.

Also, another discoverer of America is considered no less famous person - Amerigo Vespucci. The Portuguese navigator went on expeditions and explored the coast of Brazil.

It was he who first suggested that Christopher Columbus sailed far not to China and India, but to previously unknown. His speculations were confirmed by Ferdinand Magellan, after completing his first trip around the world.

It is believed that the continent was named precisely in honor of Vespucci, contrary to all the logic of what is happening. And today the New World is known to everyone under the name America, and not by any other name. So who really discovered America?

Pre-Columbian expeditions to America

In the legends and beliefs of the Scandinavian peoples you can often come across mention of distant lands called Vinland located near Greenland. Historians believe that it was the Vikings who discovered America and became the first Europeans to set foot on the lands of the New World, and in their legends Vinland is nothing more than Newfoundland.

Everyone knows how Columbus discovered America, but in fact Christopher was far away not the first navigator who visited this continent. Leif Erikson, who named one of the parts of the new continent Vinland, cannot be called a discoverer.

Who should be considered first? Historians dare to believe that he was a merchant from distant Scandinavia - Bjarni Herjulfsson, which is mentioned in the Greenlanders' Saga. That's why literary work, in 985 g. he set out towards Greenland to meet his father, but lost his way due to a strong storm.

Before the discovery of America, the merchant had to sail at random, since he had never seen the lands of Greenland before and did not know the specific course. Soon he reached the level shores of an unknown island, covered with forests. This description did not suit Greenland at all, which greatly surprised him. Bjarni decided not to go ashore, and turn back.

Soon he sailed to Greenland, where he told this story to Leif Erikson, the son of the discoverer of Greenland. Exactly he became the first of the Vikings who tried their luck to join to the lands of America before Columbus, which he nicknamed Vinland.

Forced search for new lands

Important! Greenland is not the most pleasant country to live in. It is poor in resources and has a harsh climate. The possibility of resettlement at that time seemed like a pipe dream for the Vikings.

Stories about fertile lands covered with dense forests only spurred them on to move. Erickson gathered himself a small team and set off on a journey in search of new territories. Leif became the one who discovered North America.

The first unexplored places they stumbled upon were rocky and mountainous. In their description today, historians see nothing more than Baffin Island. Subsequent coasts turned out to be low-lying, with green forests and long sandy beaches. This reminded historians very much of the description coast of the Labrador Peninsula in Canada.

On the new lands they mined wood, which was so difficult to find in Greenland. Subsequently, the Vikings founded the first two settlements in the New World, and all these territories were called Vinland.

The scientist nicknamed "the second Columbus"

The famous German geographer, naturalist and traveler - all this is one great person whose name is Alexander Humboldt.

This greatest scientist discovered America before others on the scientific side, having spent many years on research, and he was not alone. Humbaldt did not think long about what kind of partner he needed and immediately made his choice in favor of Bonpland.

Humboldt and the French botanist in 1799. went on a scientific expedition to South America and Mexico, which lasted five whole years. This journey brought scientists worldwide fame, and Humboldt himself began to be called the “second Columbus.”

It is believed that in 1796 The scientist set himself the following tasks:

  • explore little-studied areas of the globe;
  • systematize all received information;
  • taking into account the research results of other scientists, comprehensively describe the structure of the Universe.

All tasks, of course, were successfully completed. After the discovery of America as a continent, no one dared until Humbaldt conduct similar studies. Therefore, he decides to go to the most little-studied area - the West Indies, which allows him to achieve colossal results. Humboldt created the first geographical maps discovered America almost simultaneously, but in world history the name of Christopher Columbus will always be first on the list of those who explored the territories of the New World.

The assumption of the existence of South Pole mysterious Terra Australis Incognita- The southern unknown land - they spoke out long before the first real expeditions were equipped there. Ever since scientists realized that the Earth is spherical, they believed that the areas of land and sea in the northern and southern hemispheres were approximately the same. Otherwise, they say, the balance would be disrupted, and our planet would be oriented toward the Sun with the side with the greater mass.

Once again one has to be surprised at the foresight of M.V. Lomonosov, who in 1763, even before Cook’s expeditions, very clearly formulated his idea of ​​the Southern Land: “In the vicinity of the Strait of Magellan and opposite the Cape of Good Hope, about 53 degrees of midday width, there is great ice, so there should be no doubt that in the great distance the islands and the hardened land are covered with many and never-falling snows, and that a large expanse earth's surface near the South Pole is occupied by them than in the north".

An interesting point: at first the prevailing opinion was that the southern continent was much larger than it actually was. And when the Dutchman Willem Janson discovered Australia, he gave it a name based on the assumption that it was part of that very Terra Australis Incognita

Off the coast of Antarctica. Photo: Peter Holgate.

The first who managed, albeit against their own will, to cross the Antarctic Circle and, in all likelihood, see Antarctica, became the Dutch. In 1559, a ship commanded by Dirk Geeritz, in the Strait of Magellan was caught in a storm and was carried far to the south. Having reached 64 degrees south latitude, the sailors saw "high land". But apart from this mention, history has not preserved any other evidence of a possible discovery. As soon as the weather permitted, Geeritz immediately left the inhospitable Antarctic waters.

Dutch galleon of the 16th century.

It is possible that the incident with the ship Geeritsa was not the only one. Already in our time, shipwrecks, clothing and kitchen utensils dating back to the 16th-17th centuries have been repeatedly found on the coast of the Antarctic islands. One of these wrecks, belonging to an 18th-century Spanish galleon, is kept in the museum of the Chilean city of Valparaiso. True, skeptics believe that all this evidence of shipwrecks could have been brought to Antarctica waves and currents.

In the 17th-18th centuries, French navigators distinguished themselves: they discovered the islands of South Georgia, Bouvet and Kerguelen, located in "Roaring Forties" latitudes The British, not wanting to lag behind their competitors, also equipped two expeditions in a row in 1768-1775. They became an important stage in the study of the southern hemisphere.

Both expeditions were led by the famous captain James Cook. He repeatedly crossed the Arctic Circle, was covered with ice, crossed 71 degrees south latitude and was only 75 miles from the shores of the sixth continent, but an insurmountable wall of ice prevented him from reaching them.

Cook's expedition ship Endeavor, a modern replica.

Despite the failure to find mainland land, Cook's expeditions overall produced impressive results. It was found that New Zealand is an archipelago, and not part of the southern mainland, as previously thought. In addition, the coasts of Australia, vast areas of the Pacific Ocean were examined, several islands were discovered, astronomical observations were carried out, etc.

In Russian literature there are statements that Cook did not believe in the existence of the Southern Land and allegedly openly declared this. Actually this is not true. James Cook argued just the opposite: “I will not deny that there may be a continent or significant land near the pole. On the contrary, I am convinced that such a land exists, and it is possible that we have seen part of it. Great cold, a huge number of ice islands and floating ice - all this proves that there must be land in the south.".

He even wrote a special treatise "The Case for the Existence of Earth Near the South Pole", and named the open South Sandwich Islands Sandwich Land in honor of the First Lord of the Admiralty, mistakenly believing that it was a protrusion of the mainland of the southern continent. At the same time, Cook, faced with the extremely harsh Antarctic climate, came to the conclusion that further research was pointless. Since the mainland “being open and examined, it would still not be of benefit to navigation, geography, or other branches of science”. It was probably this statement that for a long time discouraged the desire to send new expeditions to the Southern Land, and for half a century the harsh Antarctic waters were visited mainly only by whaling and hunting ships.

Captain James Cook.

The next and perhaps most important discovery in history Antarctica was made by Russian sailors. In July 1819, the first Russian Antarctic expedition started, consisting of two Russian Imperial fleets "Vostok" and "Mirny". The first of them, and the detachment as a whole, was commanded by a captain of the 2nd rank, the second by a lieutenant Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev. It is curious that the goals of the expedition were exclusively scientific - it was to explore the remote waters of the World Ocean and find a mysterious southern mainland, penetrating "to the furthest latitude that can be reached".

The Russian sailors completed their assigned tasks brilliantly. On January 28 (according to ship “mean astronomical” time, which was 12 hours ahead of St. Petersburg), 1820, they came close to the ice barrier of the Antarctic continent. According to them, there was "ice field dotted with mounds". Lieutenant Lazarev spoke more definitely: “we met hardened ice of extreme height... it extended as far as vision could reach... From here we continued our path to the east, trying to go south whenever possible, but we always met an icy continent”. This day is now considered the opening day Antarctica. Although, strictly speaking, the Russian sailors did not see the land itself then: they were 20 miles from the coast, later called Queen Maud Land, and only the ice shelf appeared before their eyes.

It is curious that just three days later, on the other side of the continent, an English sailing ship under the command of captain Edward Bransfield approached the Antarctic Peninsula, and land was allegedly visible from its side. The captain of the American hunting ship said the same thing. Nathaniel Palmer, who visited the same place in November 1820. True, both of these ships were engaged in fishing for whales and seals, and their captains were interested primarily in commercial gain, and not in the laurels of discoverers of new lands.

American whaling ships in Antarctic waters. Artist Roy Cross.

In fairness, we note that, despite a number of controversial issues, recognition and Lazarev discoverers Antarctica deservedly and fairly. January 28, 1821 - exactly one year from the date of meeting with "ice continent"- Russian sailors in sunny weather clearly saw and even sketched the mountainous coast. The last doubts disappeared: not just an ice massif, but snow-covered rocks extended to the south. The open land was put on the map as the Land of Alexander I. It is interesting to note that for a long time the Land of Alexander I was considered part of the mainland, and only in 1940 it turned out that it was an island: under a multi-meter layer of ice shelf, a strait was discovered separating it from the continent.

During the two years of sailing, the ships of the first Russian Antarctic expedition circumnavigated open continent, leaving more than 50 thousand miles behind the stern. 29 new islands were discovered, and a huge amount of various research was carried out.

The sloops “Vostok” and “Mirny” off the coast of Antarctica. Artist E.V.Voishvillo.

The first person to set foot on the land - or rather, the ice - of the southern continent, in all likelihood, was the American hunter John Davis. On February 7, 1821, he landed from a fishing vessel on the shore in West Antarctica near Cape Charles. However, this fact is not documented in any way and is given only from the words of the sailor, so many historians do not recognize it. The first confirmed landing on the ice continent took place 74 years (!) later - on January 24, 1895. Norwegian

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