What role does the sun play in the life of the planet? What is the significance of the Sun for the Earth? How is damask steel made?

In the section on the question What is the significance of the Sun for the Earth? What is the significance of the Sun for the Earth? given by the author philosophy the best answer is The importance of the Sun for life on Earth.
Even in ancient times, people realized that without the Sun there would be no life on Earth. The ancient Greeks called the Sun the god Helios, the Romans called the radiant Apollo or Phoebus, and our ancestors the Slavs called the god Yarila.
The sun is a powerful source of life on Earth. Without sunlight and no warmth Living being- neither man nor animal could live. Cold or warm weather, snow or thaw, drought or rain are all caused by an increase in summer or a decrease in winter solar heat.
Scientists estimate that the Earth receives one two-billionth of the heat emitted by the Sun. Some of this heat is reflected from the ice back into space. You probably know that large masses of ice are found in the north and south of our planet: in the Arctic and Antarctica.
Solar heat goes to warm the earth's surface. Without this, our planet would freeze and become cold. Warming up earth's surface gives off some of the heat to the surrounding air ocean - the atmosphere. Winds blow in the lower part of the atmosphere.
Imagine that some powerful force has bound the air, making it unable to move. There would be no wind on the entire Earth, no wild gusts of a hurricane, not even a light breath of air. What would happen then? The great water cycle in nature would stop, rivers and streams would dry up, the grass in the meadows would dry up, the grain in the fields would dry up, the forests would turn yellow and dry up. The entire landmass would turn into a great desert.
You have lunch: eat cabbage soup with cabbage, for main course - fried potatoes and for dessert - a slice of watermelon. It was the sun's rays that helped the plant create nutrients. Without plants there would be no animals or people on Earth. Plants are firewood, peat, coal.
If the Sun suddenly died out, people could survive for several decades due to the solar heat accumulated by plants. Then life would stop. But the Sun has existed for a long time and will exist for billions of years. The sun is the most powerful and durable machine that provides the heat necessary for life on Earth.

The sun is the source of life on Earth.

If you ask any person which of the heavenly bodies has highest value for us on Earth, then we will probably hear that the Sun. Without the Sun, there would be no green meadows, shady forests and rivers, flowering gardens, grain fields on Earth; neither humans, nor animals, nor plants could exist.

Man felt the importance of the Sun for life on Earth already in ancient times. But to primitive people the Sun seemed to be some kind of supernatural creature. It was deified by almost all peoples of antiquity.

Our Slavic ancestors worshiped God sun rays- Yarile. The ancient Romans had a sun god - Apollo. Kings and princes, in order to exalt their power, tried to instill in people the idea of ​​their origin from the Sun God. For example, in the famous poetic work Ancient Rus'- “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” the Russian princes were called “grandchildren of the mighty Dazhd-god,” i.e., the god of the Sun.

Various religious beliefs and rituals associated with these ancient ideas about the Sun have survived to this day, for example in the celebration of Easter, which is always associated with the onset of spring and the renewal of all nature from the life-giving rays of the sun.

Any movement on Earth occurs mainly due to the energy that comes to us in the sun's rays. The sun is the source of life on Earth.

The great Russian scientist K. A. Timiryazev in his wonderful book“The Life of a Plant” wrote: “Once upon a time, somewhere on Earth, a ray of the Sun fell, but it did not fall on barren soil, it fell on a green blade of wheat sprout, or, better said, on a chlorophyll grain. Hitting it, it went out, ceased to be light, but did not disappear... In one form or another, it became part of the bread that served us as food. It has transformed into our muscles, into our nerves... Food serves as a source of strength in our body only because it is nothing more than a can of sun rays..."


What does science tell us about the Sun? How far is the Sun from us and how big is it?

The distance from the Earth to the Sun is almost 150 million km. It is easy to write this number, but it is difficult to imagine such a large distance. Light travels fastest in nature. It travels at a speed of 300 thousand km/sec. In one second, light can travel around the Earth almost eight times. At such an enormous speed, light still takes more than 8 minutes to reach us from the Sun.

In the sky we observe the Sun in the form of a relatively small disk. Knowing the distance from us to the Sun and the angle at which the disk of the Sun is visible, we can calculate its actual diameter. The solar diameter turns out to be 109 times larger than the diameter globe.

To make a ball equal in volume to the Sun, you need to take 1,301,000 balls like our Earth. Imagine a large watermelon and a grain of millet - this will give you an idea of ​​​​the comparative sizes of the Sun and our planet.

By studying the movement of planets under the influence of the Sun's gravity, astronomers determined the mass of the Sun. It turned out to be almost 333,400 times the mass of the Earth. Compare this number with the number 1,301,000, which represents the volume of the Sun compared to the volume of the globe. This shows that the Sun consists of matter almost 4 times less dense than the Earth. The average density of the Earth relative to water is 5.5, and the Sun - 1.4, and yet the mass of the Sun is extremely large. Even if we take all the planets together with their satellites, it turns out that their total mass is almost 750 times less than the mass of the Sun alone.

We receive a lot of heat and light from the Sun. And knowing how great a distance it is from us, we can conclude how hot it must be. In fact, the higher the temperature of the body, the more heated it is (for example, a piece of iron in a forge), the brighter it is. The sun is brighter electric arc, which was first discovered and described by the Russian physicist V.V. Petrov. But the temperature of the electric arc reaches 3500°, and all substances at this temperature not only melt, but also turn into steam (gas). The temperature of the Sun is even higher. Using special instruments, scientists were able to determine that the temperature on the surface of the Sun reaches 6000°.

Due to such a high temperature, the Sun cannot be in either a solid or liquid state.

The sun is a colossal ball consisting of hot gases, in the center of which the temperature reaches 20 million degrees.

The basis of life on our planet

The sun holds us in place. Despite the fact that our planet is located 140 million kilometers from the star, without its gravity, we would simply fly into deep space, away from heat and light, into the cold of black space.

The influence of the Sun on the Earth

Our star, like the Moon, creates tides. Although most daily ocean tides are due to the influence of the Moon, the highest and lowest tides occur when the Sun, Earth, and Moon line up. It gives the Earth the necessary energy. Every square meter The Earth receives an average of 342 watts of energy. This is an average that includes day and night.

Most of this energy is reflected off the Earth and back into space, but our atmosphere acts like a blanket, retaining some of this heat.

Thanks to it, we enjoy an average temperature of 15° C. The sun influences our weather. As you know, it constantly heats the planet, and differences in heating create weather. When warm air over the land and cold air over the ocean move from one region to another, winds are formed.

When the Sun heats the water, it evaporates, becomes clouds and eventually falls as rain.

The ancient Egyptians were well aware that the sun was “the source of life for many countries and peoples.” Its light and warmth give life to everything on Earth.

Lesson content:

3. Solar system. Planets:

3.1. Terrestrial planets;

3.2. Giant planets.

4. Other celestial bodies of the Solar System.

  • Multimedia for the lesson
  • Educational films for the lesson

1. The sun is the basis of life on Earth.

The role of the Sun was noticed in ancient times. In the religions of all peoples of the world, myths and fairy tales, the Sun has always occupied the main place. For all peoples, the Sun is the main deity, for example, Ra among the ancient Egyptians, the radiant god Helios among the ancient Greeks, Dazhbog and Yarilo among the ancient Slavs.

The ancient Egyptians were well aware that the sun was “the source of life for many countries and peoples.” Its light and warmth give life to everything on Earth.

It rises and everything comes to life,
It comes in and everything dies.
You are the measure of life and the root cause of it...

With these words begins the famous “Hymn to the Sun,” created by the reformer pharaoh Akhenaten.

For thousands of years, the Sun was presented as something unshakable, perfect, powerful, and in the early stages of human development it was more an object of worship than research.

But already in the culture of the first civilizations, the Sun became not just an object of worship. People closely watched the luminary and understood that the change of seasons and the harvests in the fields depended on the Sun. According to the Sun, travelers found their way among the endless expanses of land and sea.

The priest of an ancient cult, raising his hands to the sky and bringing praise to the heavenly body for mercy towards those living on Earth - was he really mistaken? And were you even mistaken? The sun, of course, is not a powerful god, but only a plasma ball, a small star on a cosmic scale. If a star of the same size were at the same distance as Sirius, we would not even be able to see its light.

But located at a distance of 150 million kilometers from Earth The sun is the main source of energy for the absolute majority of processes occurring on Earth. The growth and development, and the very existence of everything living on Earth, depend not on the mercy of the almighty sun god, but on the radiant energy of the star.

Look. The role of the Sun in the life of the Earth and man. Time of this segment in the film: 0.00 - 3 minutes 10 seconds

The meaning of the Sun for the Earth:

The sun is the main source of energy (light and heat) on Earth

The energy of the Sun moves huge masses of air (wind formation)

The energy of the sun causes the water cycle in nature

The change of seasons and climate are determined by the distribution of solar energy on the globe

Thanks to the Sun, organisms develop and live.

Use of solar energy in human activities:

Fill in from memory based on the fragment of the film you watched or previously acquired knowledge.

2. The Sun is the closest star to us.

Sun- the central and only star of the Solar system, around which other objects of this system revolve: planets and their satellites, dwarf planets and their satellites, asteroids, meteoroids, comets and cosmic dust. The mass of the Sun is 99.8% of the total mass of the entire solar system. The light from it reaches us in 8 minutes.

General information about the Sun:
Radius - 696,000 km
The radius of the Sun is 109 times, and the mass is 330,000 times the radius and mass of the Earth.
Average distance from Earth - 149.6 million km
Rotation period - 25.380 days
At the center of the Sun the temperature is 15 million degrees, the surface temperature is 5,780 K
Age - about 5 billion years

3. Solar system. Planets.

The solar system consists of the Sun itself, as well as planets, with their satellites, comets, asteroids, dust, gas and small particles.

As we have already said, almost the entire mass of the Solar System is concentrated in the Sun - 99.8%, and with its gravity the Sun holds all other objects of the Solar System around itself. Although the planets known to us are at a relatively short distance from the Sun, there is big number objects that revolve around it, being at a very great distance.

By modern estimates, the size of the Solar System is at least sixty billion kilometers, and debate continues among astronomers about how far the boundaries of the Solar System actually extend. According to the data modern astronomy, with its gravitational field the Sun is capable of holding bodies at a gigantic distance, which is more than 200 thousand times greater than the distance from the Sun to the Earth.

PLANET (from the Greek planētēs - wandering) - heavenly body, orbiting a star and receiving light and heat from it

It is currently believed that V solar system includes 8 major planets(Pluto, previously considered the ninth planet, was excluded from the list of planets due to its too small size).

These planets, according to their distance from the Sun, are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. The largest of the planets is Jupiter, but even it is much smaller than the Sun in size and mass.

An object

orbits, million km.

circulation period

radius, thousand km

circulation period
around its axis, earthly days

surface temperature, degrees Celsius




88 days



225 days

243 (arr.)


365 days


687 days



12 years




29 years




84 years old

0.72 (rev)



165 years


Used materials from the site http://www.solsys.ru/index.htm

From the seventh floor I can perfectly admire the sunrise. Due to the constant rush and bustle, unfortunately, there is not always enough time to observe the surrounding beauty. But the Sun not only gives us light and warmth, from this heavenly body depends on the life of all creatures on Earth.

The importance of the Sun for life on Earth

The Sun is a huge star that is closest to our planet. It has long been proven that our lives and the existence of other living organisms directly depend on solar energy. And all processes occurring on our planet are subject to its influence.

The sun influences the Earth's atmosphere, thanks to which we can observe various natural phenomena. That is, snow, rain and fog could not appear without the participation of solar energy. Animals and plants also exist thanks to the energy of the Sun. But without vegetation on the planet, you and I would not be able to breathe clean air. It is with the help of chlorophyll found in green leaves and its interaction with the sun's rays that the air is saturated with oxygen.

How does the sun affect a person?

We all love the warmth and light of the sun's rays. After all, it’s much more fun when the sun is shining brightly outside the window. His energy helps:

  • improve the general condition of the body;
  • increase immunity;
  • improve metabolic processes.

But, besides this, the Sun can also negatively affect a person’s condition. If you have ever noticed a sharp change, for example, in your psychological state, then perhaps the reason is solar activity. This is all due to the fact that during solar storms a person’s hormonal levels and brain activity change.

People may react differently to increased solar activity. Some may experience increased irritability and aggression, while others may open up. Creative skills. It is also believed that the development of various conflicts, diseases and situations associated with accidents occur precisely during increased solar exposure. During such periods it is better to be careful.

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