Kazan University (KSMU): departments, faculties. Tuition fees at Kazan State Medical University

Kazan State Medical University - KSMU- initially it was only a medical department as part of Kazan University, founded in 1814, in which students studied at the Faculty of Medical Sciences. In 1930, the Faculty of Medicine was transformed into a separate institute, and in 1994 the university received university status, and today it teaches in 7 faculties: dentistry, pediatrics, social work and higher nursing education, general medicine, pharmacy, and medicine. preventive and medical-biological faculties.

Advantages of Kazan State Medical University

According to the results of the ranking of the European Chamber of Science and Industry ARES-2017, Kazan State Medical University took third place among medical universities in Russia, and second place among universities in the Republic of Tatarstan.
In Kazan State medical university there is a department of innovative projects and programs, which annually conducts more than 80 studies (also in partnership with other research centers) in a variety of areas of medicine: pediatric and adult neurology, gynecology, dermatovenerology, traumatology and psychiatry, molecular genetics and physiology, endocrinology, pharmacology , chemistry, pharmaceuticals and neuroscience. Since 2011, the center has received permission to conduct clinical trials medicines. Under the guidance of foreign scientists, complex operations are performed at KSMU - liver and heart transplantation.
Over the past 10 years, the university has established close cooperation with foreign research centers and universities located in England, Denmark, Germany, Israel, France and other countries. Among the university’s partners are companies such as Parexel, Worldwide Clinical Trials, Quintiles GesmbH, F. Hoffmann-La Roche and other companies.

Requirements for admission to Kazan State Medical University

To become a student of KSMU, an applicant must undergo a competitive selection based on the results of the Unified State Exam or entrance examinations conducted by the university independently. In addition, the applicant must prepare a package of documents for admission, including educational documents (certificate + transcript or diploma + supplement with grades), an application for admission, a copy of the passport, a medical certificate and 4 passport-size photographs. Foreign citizens must also present a certified translation of the educational document into Russian. In some cases, documents need to be nostrified.

If a foreign applicant plans to enter the Kazan State Medical University for a Russian-language program, he needs to know the Russian language at least at an intermediate level. KSMU also implements programs in English, but they cost an order of magnitude more than Russian-language ones. If you want to master the Russian language, a foreign applicant can enroll in 10-month preparatory courses, where he can improve his knowledge in other basic subjects (chemistry, biology, mathematics). Russian applicants can also attend preparatory courses; there are long-term and short-term programs for them.

The admission campaign for admission to Kazan State Medical University starts on June 20. Applicants wishing to enroll in undergraduate programs in Unified State Exam results, can send their applications until July 26, based on the results entrance exams- until July 10. Applicants wishing to enroll in a specialty program can send their applications until August 29, Foreign citizens- until July 20. Acceptance of applications for postgraduate programs begins on June 24 and ends on July 12, for foreigners admissions campaign ends a day later - July 13.

Tuition fees at Kazan State Medical University

Studying at the Kazan State Medical University is possible on a paid and free of charge. To qualify for budget place, the applicant must successfully pass the Unified State Exam or entrance exams at the university. Those who were unable to enroll on a budget can enter into an agreement with the university on the provision of paid educational services.
Tuition fees for undergraduate programs vary from 116 thousand to 128 thousand rubles for citizens of the Russian Federation, and from 75 thousand to 90 thousand rubles for foreigners. Training in a specialty will cost at least 128 thousand rubles per year for Russian applicants and in the region of 170 thousand-335 thousand rubles for foreigners. Russian citizens will have to pay around 160 thousand rubles for a year of residency training, foreign citizens - about 234 thousand rubles. To continue their postgraduate studies on a paid basis, a Russian student must pay at least 133 thousand rubles, and a foreign student - at least 234 thousand rubles.
ProgramRequirementsDurationCost of educationAdmission campaign
Preparatory departmentRussian A0–A1
  • 1 year
  • subject courses
  • preparation for the Unified State Exam
  • Sunday courses
  • 10 months
  • 45800-61400 rub.
  • 26,000 rub.
  • 8400 rub.
  • 16500 rub.
  • 130,000 rub.
  • -
    Bachelor's degree
    • computer test
      or Unified State Exam results
    • Min. passing score
      - from 194
    4 years
  • 116000-128000 rub.
  • 75000-90000 rub.
  • 20 June - 10 July
  • 19 Oct.-26 Jul.
  • 20 June-20 July
  • Specialty
    • computer test
      or Unified State Exam results
    • Min. passing score
      - from 283
    5-6 years
  • 128000-182000 rub.
  • 170000-335000 rub.
  • June 20-Aug 29
  • 19 Oct.-29 Oct.
    For foreigners:
  • 1 Jul - 20 Jul
  • Residency
    • computer test
    • practical exam in the simulation center
    2 years
  • 160500-185500 rub.
  • 234,000 rub.
  • Jul 2-Aug 4
  • 1 Jul - 20 Jul
  • Postgraduate studiesoral exam1-4 years
    • 133275-201600 rub.
    • 234,000 rub.
  • June 24-Jul 12
  • June 25-Jul 13
  • Scholarships at Kazan State Medical University

    KSMU students enrolled on a budget are entitled to receive a state scholarship, the amount of which depends on the student’s level of academic performance. Students who pass the session with marks of “good” and “excellent” can qualify for a cash incentive in the amount of 1,564 rubles. per month, excellent students - assistance in the amount of 2346 rubles. per month. Residents who demonstrate excellent academic preparation can count on RUB 7,842. per month, graduate students - 7,390 rubles.
    In addition to academic scholarships, KSMU students can apply for presidential scholarships, as well as grants and cash incentives from non-governmental organizations and private foundations. Students, researchers and university teachers have the opportunity to take part in grant programs organized by the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan by submitting their research project, as well as in other competitions for young scientists and research groups, for example, “Junior Leader”, “Stability” and other programs.

    Arrangement of the Kazan State Medical University

    The Kazan State Medical University has a well-developed material, technical, social and information infrastructure. The university has academic buildings, which include auditoriums for lectures, as well as medical laboratories for practical classes. The university includes a Central Research Laboratory, a Stem Cell Bank, as well as several research and educational centers: “Fundamental and applied neurophysiology”, “Molecular and cellular medicine” and “Development of new drugs and drug delivery systems”.
    In addition, the structure of the Kazan State Medical University includes the Pharmexpert scientific testing center, which includes two laboratories - biological and chemical analytical research, in which studies are carried out psychoactive substances. The university operates a dental clinic, which has an orthopedic and medical-surgical department, as well as a dental laboratory. KSMU students undergo practical training here. For sports, the university has gyms, a sports camp and a ski lodge.
    Kazan State Medical University has 6 dormitories, in which students have access to a library and reading room, a gym for weightlifting and athletics, a computer room, a laundry room, and a drying or ironing room. The cost of living in a dormitory for bachelors and specialists in a budget form of education is 327 rubles. per month, for graduate students - 654 rubles. per month, for contract students - 1094 rubles. per month. To listeners preparatory courses and non-resident applicants taking entrance exams at KSMU can also be provided with housing, the cost of living per day is 750 rubles.

    Outstanding graduates and teachers of Kazan State Medical University

  • Vasily Alexandrovich Mosin- Russian shooter, Honored Master of Sports, European champion in double trap in 2000 and 2006, bronze medalist at the 2012 Olympic Games. He graduated from KSMU with a degree in Microsurgery in the field of traumatology and orthopedics, worked as a surgeon for a short time, but left medicine in favor of a sports career.
  • Photos of Kazan State Medical University

    In the city of Kazan there is a specialized educational institution medical orientation. At this university, every 10th student is from a foreign country.

    Kazan State Medical University, or KSMU for short, is a leader in the implementation of scientific technologies, a friendly team of students and teachers, and a center for the development of new pharmaceutical programs.

    Education, departments and faculties of KSMU

    The institution has more than 60 departments, 9 faculties, and about 6 thousand students (including graduate students, residents, and undergraduates). You can get the following types of education:

    • pre-university;
    • secondary vocational;
    • higher;
    • additional professional.

    For student convenience, all departments are divided into 2 types: theoretical and clinical. Detailed list departments are worth studying on the official website. Among the faculties of Kazan University are:

    • medicinal;
    • advanced training;
    • social work;
    • pediatric;
    • pharmaceutical;
    • medical and preventive;
    • dental.

    How to become a student of KSMU

    To get your first specialized education, you must contact the admissions committee at the address indicated on the official website or call the specified phone number. Selection committee open on weekdays from 13 to 16.

    You need to submit documents to the admissions committee

    Training in the specialties of the chosen faculty and department lasts from 4 to 6 years. To be admitted, you must submit documents and achieve passing grades.

    Document submission procedure

    Admissions for 2018 begin on June 20. The duration of training depends on the specialty and the chosen direction (department). Bachelor's faculties: social work, nursing – 4 years.


    • general medicine, pediatrics, medical and preventive care, medical biochemistry and biophysics – 6 years.
    • dentistry, pharmacy – 5 years.

    Those wishing to study at Kazan Medical University must submit documents to the chosen department before July 10. For those who want to enroll based on the results of the Unified State Exam - July 26.

    Entrance exams

    The list of entrance exams for studying to become a specialist includes such subjects as:

    • chemistry;
    • biology;
    • Russian language.

    For training " nursing“You also need to pass exams in the above school subjects. To obtain a bachelor's degree in the direction of " Social work» applicants need to score passing scores on the following tests:

    • Russian language;
    • social science;
    • story.

    Passing scores

    To enter the Kazan State Medical University on a budget, you need to score certain passing scores. Minimal amount Passing points for entry are required for admission to the Faculty of Medical Biophysics - from 31.25 points.

    Information for those who have entered

    After the start of classes, KSMU students will receive medical checkup. You need to have with you:

    • photocopies of passport, medical policy, pension insurance certificate;
    • fluorography for the previous year;
    • vaccination certificate.

    Textbooks are issued at scientific library in August from 9 am to 4 pm. For those who didn't get it educational materials in the summer, on September 4, re-issuance will take place.

    There is a convenient library within the walls of KSMU

    Enrollment in the Kazan dormitory takes place in the building in which the Admissions Committee is located. You must have the following list of documents with you:

    • a copy of the medical examination certificate;
    • photocopy of passport from page 1-5;
    • SNILS;
    • personal photo, size 3x4;

    Practice for students

    There is information that Kazan State Medical University sends its students to international internships for practical training. Duration – 4 weeks.

    The following countries are open to students:

    • Jordan;
    • Germany;
    • Ireland;
    • France;
    • Italy, etc.

    In order to get an internship, you must pass a language exam. You can apply for participation online on the official website of KSMU. Students who have attended international practice can also participate again.

    Students at the university can apply from their second year through their sixth year. Graduate students and residents can also participate.

    The selection of candidates is carried out on a competitive basis. Eat point-rating system which includes the level of knowledge in English. It is possible not to take the exam, but this requires providing a certificate confirming this.

    On March 9, the jury of the competition “ The beauty and pride of Kazan State Medical University-2017“We chose the winner, who was a 2nd year student of the Faculty of Medicine, Yana Pustobaeva. Yana advances to the final without the qualifying stage " Miss Tatarstan 2018"! The titles of first and second vice-miss of KSMU were received by Alina Khisamutdinova (faculty of medical biochemistry, 5th year) and Guzel Safiullina (faculty of dentistry, 1st year). Congratulations to our beautiful girls!

    The beauty contest has not been held within the walls of the Kazan State Medical University for more than 10 years, and now, finally, this glorious tradition has been revived again. And on what a scale! The audience, which was a full house, saw an impressive performance, it is clear that the organizers and ten finalists put their maximum effort into it! By the way, according to the plot of the evening, the participants were employees of Dr. Bykov from the TV series “Interns,” but only one was supposed to stay to work in the clinic.

    The girls were evaluated by a jury: the president of the Tatarstan republican public organization Miss Tatarstan Isolda Sakharova, the chief physician of the clinical diagnostic research center "AM Medica" Damir Gilmanov, an employee of the cultural center, a pop vocal teacher, a repeated winner of regional and city competitions Albina Kamalieva, the chairman of the students' trade union committee KSMU Pavel Zinoviev, vice-rector for interaction with educational and industrial bases and clinical work A.V. Shulaev. Also present at the competition were “Miss Kazan 2017” Kamilya Kharisova and 1st vice Miss Tatarstan 2017 Ekaterina Grudtsova.

    The competition evening was opened with videos in which the contestants introduced themselves to the jury members and the audience and talked about their aspirations and hobbies. All girls are so different and each one is unique! Guzel Safiullina is following in the footsteps of her mother, a doctor, and now she has something to brag about: Golden medal and a gold GTO badge. “Miss Charm” Dinara Matyakubova, one of the cheerleaders of the Kazan State Medical University, approached the creation of the video with humor, presenting herself in the image of a competitor’s kidnapper. Gymnast Veronika Senchenko, who won the audience award “Miss Perfection”, amazed everyone with her fluency Korean language. Mastery of musical instruments and choreography was demonstrated by “Miss Grace”, winner of the 2nd youth category in figure skating Adela Minnebaeva. The title “Miss Genius” was rightfully earned by Alina Musina, a successor to the family of doctors and an experienced nurse. “Miss Elegance” Justina Chernova is also a multifaceted girl: she paints pictures and plays the guitar, and Justina is also a real optimist! “Miss Creativity” was Elvina Gilmetdinova, a medical volunteer with a big heart. “Miss Extravagance” Talia Sadykova, with the image of a superman medic, captivated the audience with her spontaneity. Holder of the title " Miss KSMU-2017", master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics Yana Pustobaeva appeared not only as a confident girl with a sporty character, but also as a future talented sports doctor. The video of the future cytogeneticist Alina Khisamutdinova is an example of a life full of bright events: Alina was the face of the Universiade, entered the top thirty at the Miss Tatarstan 2014 competition, and Alina sings, plays the piano and guitar.

    Here is what one of the organizers and ideological inspirer of the competition, Liliana Chindina, says about the event: “The contestants had a huge responsibility to worthily resume the competition of beauty, intelligence and talent at our university, and they coped with it brilliantly. The girls put in a lot of effort, both mentally and physically, because the whole event was accompanied by dancing. I would like to thank you on my own

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