Petrovsko Razumovskaya branch. St.m. Petrovsko-Razumovskaya (Lublinsko-Dmitrovskaya line). Initial stages of development

The Metro is considered the most convenient and fastest public transport large metropolises. The idea of ​​constructing a metropolitan network arose at the beginning of the 20th century. However, the actual construction of the first lines began much later.

Initial stages of development

With the increase in the number of residents of the capital by the beginning of the thirties of the last century, the question of creating transport through which the problems of cheap and fast transportation of passengers could be solved became acute. The idea of ​​building a metro in Moscow was discussed back in 1902. However, at that time, due to lack of funding, the project was not developed. They returned to it only in the early thirties. On June 15, 1931, at the Plenum of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, a decision was made to begin construction. Work on the construction of the first lines began in the fall of the same year. The first mine was laid on Rusakovskaya Street. The decoration of the stations was done at that time. Work on the construction of the first stage was carried out with genuine enthusiasm. The main volume was completed by 1934. The metro was put into operation on May 15, 1935. Preparatory work The construction of the first line took about two years. At the same time, the construction of the branch itself was carried out in record time. Thus, in 1934, 85% of the total volume of planned earthworks and about 90% of concrete works were completed. At the same time, construction took place in the most difficult conditions. The problem also lay in selecting a suitable material that could withstand groundwater pressure and earth pressure.

Current state

Today the Moscow Metro has many stations connecting the most remote parts of the capital. Projects for many sites were drawn up with the prospect of subsequent expansion. Today, new mines are being laid on certain branches. At the moment, the farthest section from the center is the Petrovsko-Razumovskaya metro station. Its total passenger flow is about one hundred thousand people daily, 87 thousand at the entrance, and 85 thousand at the exit.

Moscow: metro station "Petrovsko-Razumovskaya"

The depth of this section is 61 meters. "Petrovsko-Razumovskaya" metro station starts working at 5.25 and ends at 1.00. The first trains were launched on March 1, 1991. Petrovsko-Razumovskaya station is the 146th stop. It is part of the Savelovskaya - Otradnoe section and is located on the Serpukhovsko-Timiryazevskaya line, between Timiryazevskaya and Vladykino. Currently, work is underway to build a second hall. Upon completion, a cross-platform transfer to the Lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya line will be launched.


Many outstanding architects and sculptors worked in Russia over the past century. For most of them, the main place of activity was "Petrovsko-Razumovskaya" - one of many sites where you can see the work of the famous sculptor and artist Zurab Tsereteli. Its stained glass windows are located above the escalator tunnel, as well as in the windows of the external lobby in the modern hall. The track walls and columns are lined with gray and white marble. Datolite-wollastonite hedenbergite skarn was also used in the finishing of these elements. The lobby is made of red brick. At the end of the hall there are decorative plaster vases with flowers. The floor is tiled with dark granite. Columns supporting the vaults of Art. through wedge-shaped lintels. "Petrovsko-Razumovskaya" are located at a distance of 6.5 meters. On one of them, marble forms an intricate pattern. Passengers call it a "portrait of an alien."

Transfers and lobbies

Art. "Petrovsko-Razumovskaya" enters the clothing market of the same name. It has one entrance hall on the north side. It is located on Dmitrovskoye Highway, not far from Lokomotivny Proezd. In addition, Art. "Petrovsko-Razumovskaya" is located next to the platform of the same name on the Oktyabrskaya railway. The distance to it is about 1000 meters. Many guests of the capital are interested in how to get from Petrovsko-Razumovskaya to the railway platform? You can take buses No. 204, 179, 123 or 114.

Moscow: "Petrovsko-Razumovskaya", attractions

There are several museums nearby. Of particular interest to tourists are:

  1. Ostrovsky's estate.
  2. Historical Museum of Air Conditioning f-ki "Red October".
  3. "House on the embankment."
  4. Tolstoy Literary Museum.

There are no theaters nearby, but residents and visitors can visit cinemas. There are three of them here:

In addition, the Petrovsko-Razumovskaya station is surrounded by various small shops and shopping centers. As mentioned above, next to it there is a large clothing market. It did not work for some time, as work was underway to expand the existing metro vestibule. "Petrovsko-Razumovskaya" is located next to the Equestrian Complex of the Moscow Agricultural Academy named after. Timiryazev. Three swimming pools are located relatively nearby. In general, the infrastructure of the region is quite well developed.


In the near future, it is planned to extend the Lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya line in a northerly direction. In this case, a second hall with cross-platform transfer will be built. According to the project, one track of the existing old hall accepts trains from the Serpukhovsko-Timiryazevskaya line that go to the center, and the other - the Lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya line. They will go in the same direction (to the Fonvizinskaya station). A second hall will be built parallel to the existing one. From there, trains will travel north to the station. "Vladykino" and "Okruzhnaya". Currently future path The Lyublinsko-Dmitrovsky section is used for trains moving from the center along the Serpukhovsko-Timiryazevskaya line.

In Art. At the Petrovsko-Razumovskaya metro station, upon arrival and departure, you can see the groundwork for future tunnels. Because of them, the train noticeably slows down. This is noticeable when approaching the stop from the Timiryazevskaya side and departing in the direction of Vladykino. The pilot tunnels of the Lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya line were built back in the 1980s. They are located in the area of ​​the side halls of the future station. In addition, about one hundred meters of a distillation tunnel was built on the left side towards Okruzhnaya. Since mid-July 2011, the construction of tunnels using the drill-and-blast method began. Subsequently Art. The Petrovsko-Razumovskaya metro station will be expanded with return dead ends for trains traveling along the Lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya line. The construction of a new lobby is also planned. It will lead to the second hall. It is assumed that the exit will be towards the southern end, not the northern one. Yes, Art. The Petrovsko-Razumovskaya metro station will also open on the other side of the Oktyabrskaya railway, in the previously built one under Dmitrovsky Highway.

Features of the work

By March 2013, the construction of horizontal tunnels was resumed: train and station tunnels. In addition, work is underway on escalator slopes. Art. “Petrovsko-Razumovskaya” is expanding in the immediate vicinity of the Serpukhovsko-Timiryazevskaya line: a thin wall of less than a meter separates the new line from the existing one. In this regard, you should not use a shield that causes strong vibrations. Almost all work has to be done almost manually. In November 2013, a bridge was laid through which Art. "Petrovsko-Razumovskaya" will be connected to the new platform. Several spaces in the center between the columns are fenced off. According to the project, the bridge is located in the middle of the platform across the path that today leads towards the station. "Vladykino" along the Serpukhov-Timiryazevskaya branch, and in the future - to the station. "Fonvizinskaya" on the Lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya line. In January 2015 we started in the second hall. As mentioned above, construction began in 2011. In accordance with the project, the opening of the second hall was supposed to take place in September 2015. But the launch date has been pushed back somewhat. The opening is now scheduled for 2016.

Historical reference

Petrovsko-Razumovskoye used to be a village, but now it belongs to the city. The first mention of this area dates back to 1584. Then an entry was made into the scribe book about the Semchino wasteland, which was attributed to the village. Toporkovo. The owner of the village was Boyarin Shuisky. In 1623, the sources no longer mention the wasteland, but the village of Semchino. The area developed quite quickly and after 15 years it passed to Prozorovsky, Shuisky’s nephew. In 1676, Naryshkin bought the village. Two years later, a census was carried out, according to which the area was renamed Petrovskoye. In 1746, in the form of a dowry from Naryshkin’s granddaughter, the village passed to a new owner. He became Count Razumovsky. During his management, the area reached its peak. After the count's death, the estate passed to his fourth son Leo. At the beginning of the war of 1812, Razumovsky and his wife were forced to leave the village. During the hostilities, the estate was plundered, forests were cut down, and the church was desecrated. After the death of Lev Razumovsky, the area came into the possession of Dolgorukov, then for some time the counts Uvarovs and princes Gorchakovs.

Division of the estate

In 1828, the Moscow pharmacist von Schultz bought the estate. In 1847, Petrovskaya dacha, together with the part of the estate attached from the north. Vladykino and the village of Likhobor were divided into 10 sections. Of these, the two largest were left behind by Schultz, and the rest by other persons. But the boundary office did not approve the division. On November 14, 1860, all of Schultz's property was transferred to the treasury. In January of the following year, the entire estate was purchased for 250 thousand. In October all the peasants were evicted. Some of them settled in the neighboring lands of the village. Vladykino. A new settlement was formed there - Petrovsky settlements. The remaining vacant land was divided into 110 plots for subsequent lease for 96 years. In 1865, the Petrovsky Forestry and Agricultural Academy was opened. Today it is called the Russian Agrarian state university- Moscow Agricultural Academy named after. Timiryazev. In 1917, the area was included in the territory of the capital. Since 1954, it has been an area of ​​mass residential construction, and in 1991 the station began operating here. m. "Petrovsko-Razumovskaya".

origin of name

According to one version, Tsarevich Peter was Naryshkin’s grandson. In his honor the estate was renamed Petrovskoye. According to the second version, the name was given after the church built on the site. However, opponents of this information say that it is not mentioned in the census book of 1678, and its actual construction was completed only by 1692. At the same time, it is reliably known that ten years earlier the double name Semchino-Petrovskoe was used. Over time, the first part of the name disappeared. The second part of the modern name, accordingly, remained on behalf of one of the owners of the Razumovsky estate. The same name is given to a passage, an alley, or a market.

On September 16, the Petrovsko-Razumovskaya station was opened on the Lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya line. The Petrovsko-Razumovskaya station was built on Dmitrovskoye Shosse, next to Lokomotivny Proezd and the Petrovsko-Razumovskoye platform of the Oktyabrskaya Railway.

At the beginning and end of the station there are benches of an arc-shaped force. The same benches were installed at the two previous stations of the line - Fonvizinskaya, Butyrskaya

The station's pylons are directed inward, and the columns are directed toward the tracks. Thus, the station turns out to be asymmetrical

The floor is made of black-gray granite, and the walls are decorated with light Sayan marble

From one platform you can get to the stations: Vladykino, Otradnoye, Bibirevo and Altufyevo

And on the other platform there is no landing, here is the end of the Lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya line (for now, three more stations will open on this line very soon)

There are two crossings at the station

Here you can go to the station of the same name on the Serpukhovsko-Timiryazevskaya line. Transfer - cross-platform (based on the principle of "Kitay-Gorod" stations)

there are wheelchair ramps on the stairwell

Thus, when traveling in one direction (to the center or from the center), to transfer from one line to another, it is enough to go to the opposite side of the platform.

To transfer from one direction to another you will need to go through a short passage.

After crossing the passage we get to the Petrovsko-Razumovskaya station of the Serpukhovsko-Timiryazevskaya line

Accordingly, two crossings also appeared at the station

The Petrovsko-Razumovskaya station of the Lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya line is the second hall of a single combined interchange complex, the first stage of which in the form of the station of the same name on the Serpukhovsko-Timiryazevskaya line, one inclined passage and part of the ground vestibule was opened on March 7, 1991.

The station is equipped with four escalators

The escalator identification signs are illuminated for passengers.

The depth of the Petrovsko-Razumovskaya station was 65 meters

Turnstiles at the exit from the station to the street

There are three ticket offices for station passengers, as well as machines for purchasing trips and replenishing cards.

Panoramic glass was installed in front of the ticket office

Passengers can be seen ascending and descending

entrance doors to the metro

turnstiles for entering the station

exiting the metro doors we find ourselves in a transition tunnel

There is an elevator in the passage

Exit to the city to Dmitrovskoye Highway

Smoking is prohibited in the passages

Staircase to the street

The ground station lobby is located next to the public ground transport stop

They made a platform near the lobby, although there are not enough benches... but I think these minor shortcomings will be eliminated soon

The opening of a new station will give passengers the opportunity to choose the most convenient subway line, which means that the number of people on the platforms will decrease and the station’s capacity will increase.

The second hall of the Petrovsko-Razumovskaya metro station suddenly opened. So far, only the platform part and so far only trains of the Serpukhovsko-Timiryazevskaya line come here. Those who traveled from the center today could already visit the new station. Now "Petrovsko-Razumovskaya" will be the same as the metro station. " " - a station with a cross-platform transfer. If you are traveling to the center on the “gray” line, by going to the next platform you can transfer to the “lime” line and move to the center along it. Now at the old station one track has been closed, and at the new one they have also opened one. They promise that in the fall (well, by the end of the year for sure) they will open the section from the metro station. " " to Petrovsko-Razumovskaya, then we’ll see if there will be a redistribution of passenger flows. It is interesting that with the opening of a new LDL section for this very Lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya line, the old station will become the final station, although it was never the terminal station as part of the Serpukhovsko-Timiryazevskaya line.

It’s quite strange, of course, that the entire station was not opened, but only the platform part, but it is what it is. Let's look at it this way.
As always, let's start with renderings. The station is very similar to the renderings. This is of course cool, since everything was built in accordance with what the architect intended.

“Drunk” pylons and light due to the “wave” of the track wall cladding. But here the station name looks normal. Everything in life is not so good.

The color of the station is almost white - color accents are only in the transitions.

The floor drawing is very interesting.

It was planned to make a glass fence in the passages, I understand that maybe they will bring it into compliance. At least the lower section that faces the station will be glazed. One of the stairs is equipped with a ramp. There’s also a coolly designed transition sign. Surprisingly, they ended up making it too.

A small bonus is a cross-section of the station. Here, if you look closely, you can even see benches, which were also eventually brought to life.

1. And now to the station. The entrance to the new hall lies through 2 double passages.

2. They hung a sign at the old station, but haven’t put anything on it yet.

3. The crossings are equipped with handrails. Stairs and handrails extend quite far into the central hall.

4. At the old station, the crossings have not been fully lined.

5. But the transitions themselves turned out very cool.

6. The walls are decorated with pink veined stone, and the handrails are recessed into niches.

7. Transition finishing is the only bright accent. The station itself is designed in light, calm colors. Here, too, the stairs lead into the central hall. One of the staircases is equipped with a ramp. Purely in theory, it can be used by disabled people and, again, the old station can now be considered accessible to disabled people. It’s a pity that while the fences are not completed, the part that faces the station should be glazed, as in the rendering.

8. There is also a sign here, but it is quite working, a sign has been pasted on it. True, get to the metro station. Zyablikovo will not work from here.

9. The ends in the side halls are painted black. In my opinion, this has never happened before; they are usually painted light.

10. Part of the wall here is finished with perforated stainless steel.

11. The feature of the station is, of course, the finishing of the pylons, or rather their shape. To be honest, I didn’t believe in the renderings that it would turn out cool, but it turned out cool in the end.

12. I also really liked the benches here. They may not be very comfortable, but they are certainly very stylish.

13. Some of the most beautiful benches. Remember the miserable benches on the metro station. "Salaryevo", "Rumyantsevo", "Kotelniki"? They were clearly made on a residual basis. What separates a good architect from a bad one is attention to detail. Metrogiprotrans, to my great regret, is being squeezed out of the design of metro stations, so there will be less and less organic interiors, taking into account all the little things. The era of grand style in the metro is ending.

14. There are quite a few benches, but they are all at the ends of the side halls.

15. The track wall is not separately illuminated; it is in twilight - such an atypical solution.

16. There is a sign on the track wall and there is already a transfer to the Lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya line.

17. From the platform hall you can go upstairs from the ends of the central hall using escalators, but for now they are closed. They did it in a very original way - they drew escalators on the poster.

18. At first it is difficult for passengers to navigate. Suddenly they arrive not at the usual Petrovsko-Razumovskaya station, but at some unknown station. But I think everyone will quickly get used to it.

19. The inscription on the track wall, as I already said, when we were building the station, is not readable.

20. The lighting of the central hall was well done, with such stripes.

21. The pattern on the floor is the same as in the renderings, but for some reason the stone is not gray, but black at the intersection, but vice versa. A little strange.

22. Interesting fact. Architect Vladimir Zinovievich Filippov took part in the design of the old Petrovsko-Razumovskaya station. The station was opened in 1991. And now, 25 years later, a new station opened and V.Z. also took part in its design. Filippov. This is how continuity turns out. Nekrasov A.V. and Moon G.S. also worked on the station.

23. The station is not monochrome, the stone with which the pylons are trimmed is a pleasant creamy warm color.

24. Navigation and old-style metro map. Most likely, they were made solely for the opening of the hall, this is temporary navigation, and eventually navigation will appear here in accordance with the new requirements.

25. That’s it, now we’ll wait for the station to become cross-platform and from here trains will go to the light green line. We are also waiting for the lobbies to open, it will be interesting to see.

Petrovsko-Razumovskaya metro station was opened on March 1, 1991. It is located in the Timiryazevsky district of Northern Administrative District Moscow. Petrovsko-Razumovskaya metro station is part of the Moscow metro. Opening hours of the Petrovsko-Razumovskaya metro station are from 5:25 to 1:00.

Here you can see where the Petrovsko-Razumovskaya metro station is located:

If you want to look at the stained glass windows by Tsereteli, you can take the metro to the Petrovsko-Razumovskaya station and go up the escalator to the only lobby of this station. The stained glass windows on the windows and on the ceiling of the escalator tunnel were made according to Tsereteli’s sketches.

The Petrovsko-Razumovskaya station itself is located at a depth of 61 meters. This is one of the deepest stations located at a considerable distance from the center of the capital.

The three vaults of the station are supported by walls and two rows of columns. The columns are lined with gray and white marble panels. The walls behind the tracks are decorated with the same marble slabs. The floor is finished with dark granite slabs.

The station has only one entrance and exit, equipped with escalators. It is located at one end of the station. The opposite side is decorated with vases of plaster flowers.

Another platform is being built nearby, which will receive trains from the neighboring metro line and will be connected by a passage with the already active part stations. That is, the already operating platform will receive trains from the line to which the station currently belongs, and another platform under construction will receive trains from a different line. The construction site is separated from the existing station by just one meter of soil. The commissioning of this part of the station is scheduled for 2015.

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