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Presentation 7 grades the largest lakes in Eurasia. Inland waters of Eurasia. presentation for a geography lesson (grade 7) on the topic. berth

长江 – “Long River”

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Slide description: 2 slide Goals and objectives of the lesson: To form an idea of ​​the general features of the inland waters of Eurasia. Introduce students to the largest rivers and lakes of the continent. Form the concepts: internal drainage areas, permafrost. By comparing the characteristics of different rivers, develop the ability to compare nature and phenomena, and draw conclusions based on the analysis of geographical knowledge. Cultivating a caring attitude towards

natural resources

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land. 3 slide Equipment:

Physical card

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Eurasia; handout with reference and information material. 4 slide


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rivers of Eurasia. 1. The vastness of the continent created the conditions for the formation of large rivers. 2. The diversity of climate and topography caused differences in the food sources and regime of these rivers. 3. Huge area of ​​internal drainage basins.

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Rivers of Eurasia Belong to the basins of: the Arctic Ocean; Atlantic Ocean; Pacific Ocean; Indian Ocean; internal drain.

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The rivers of the Arctic Ocean basin are the Northern Dvina, the Ob with the Irtysh, the Yenisei with the Angara, the Lena with the Aldan. Snow feeding predominates. In winter they freeze for a long time, in spring they flood heavily

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River - Lena and the mighty Yenisei The largest rivers of Siberia, Lena and Yenisei, are rich in energy and fish. A huge amount of minerals are mined on the banks of the rivers, and large enterprises have been built. Timber rafting is carried out along the river towards the seas of the Arctic Ocean. 8 slide The rivers of the Atlantic Ocean basin are a dense river network and many lakes. Food in the west (Seine, Rhine) is rainy (marine climate), the rivers do not freeze and are navigable all year round. In the east there is a mixed diet (Elbe, Oder, Vistula), they do not freeze for long, and there is high water in the spring. Navigable in the warm season. Rivers of the basin

Mediterranean Sea

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Rivers of the Atlantic Ocean basin The Danube is the most important shipping route in Europe, a source of energy and simply one of the most beautiful rivers in the world.

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The Danube River (the ancient name Istr) on its way from its source in Germany to its mouth in the Black Sea flows through the territory of 10 countries: Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, Ukraine. The fate of many European states was decided on its shores. Where it flows: The Danube is formed by the confluence of the Breg and Brigach rivers, near the city of Dronauesching in Germany at an altitude of 678 m. It is the second largest river in Europe after the Volga. On its banks are located such European capitals as Bratislava, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade. In Romania it flows into the Black Sea forming a large delta. Even in ancient times, the Danube served as a transport artery. Length of the Danube: 2860 kilometers.

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Tributaries of the Danube: Iller, Lech, Isar, Inn, Enns, Morava, Raba, Vag, Gron, Ipel, Drava, Tisa, Sava, Morava, Iskar, Siret, Prut. other. Intensive use of the river has disrupted the ecological balance and the number of fish in the Danube has decreased significantly. You can also add others here ecological problems: drying out of floodplain forests, extinction of animals that traditionally lived on the banks of the river. Power supply: The Danube has different power sources. The main source of water is melted snow from the mountains. Also important role rain and groundwater play. Freezing: High water occurs in spring and summer, from late February to August. The Danube has the least water in September and October. The river does not freeze every year (in January-February).

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The Rhine River (translated from Celtic as “flow”) is also one of the most significant rivers in Europe. The length from source to mouth is 1320 km. The area of ​​the drainage basin is 251,800 km. sq. Where it flows: The Rhine originates in the Alps at an altitude of 2000 meters above sea level. The river flows through the territories of such Western European countries as: Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Germany, France, and the Netherlands. It is formed from the confluence of two mountain rivers and in the upper reaches it has a mountainous character. After the city of Basel, the river abruptly changes the direction of its flow and rushes north. The area between Basel and Lake Constance is called the Rhine Mountain. located below sea level. Before flowing into the North Sea, the Rhine forms a delta, splitting into many branches.

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Tributaries: Neckar, Main, Ruhr, Aare, Moselle. Cities on the Rhine: Arnhem, Dusseldorf, Cologne, Bonn, Mainz, Strasbourg, Basel and others. Canals connect the Rhine with the Rhone, Elbe, Marne and Weser.

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Rivers of the Pacific Ocean basin: Amur, Yellow River, Yangtze, Mekong. Almost all rivers are predominantly fed by rain. The summer monsoons bring rains that cause violent river floods. Amur - rain-fed (summer monsoon), floods of the river and its tributaries, freezes in winter, navigable in summer. Flows into the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. The Yellow River (“yellow river”) originates in village of Tibet highlands. In the upper reaches there is a mountain river, fed in summer by mountain snow. Further it flows along the Loess Plateau and enters the Great Chinese Plain. Powered by rain (monsoon). Flowing into the Yellow Sea, it forms a delta, which increases by 300m annually. water is used for irrigation.

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Rivers of the Pacific Ocean The waters of the Yellow and Yangtze rivers are navigable. They are used to irrigate fields. These rivers flood heavily during rains and lead to significant destruction of roads and residential buildings on the banks.

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Yangtze Yangtze (“blue river”) is the largest river in all of Eurasia (5500 km). It originates from the Tibetan Plateau. In the upper reaches there is a mountain river, fed by glaciers and snow. In the middle and lower reaches it is a flat river, fed by rain (monsoon). In summer it floods. Abundant throughout the year. It is navigable; sea vessels can sail along it 120 km from the sea. Flows into the East China Sea. The Mekong also originates from the Tibetan Plateau, flows through the Indochina Peninsula and flows into the South China Sea. Nutrition and regimen are the same as the Yangtze.

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Yangtze River This is the longest and deepest river on the entire Eurasian continent. It ranks third in the world according to these parameters. The Yangtze flows through the territory of the People's Republic of China. River length: 6,300 km. This is the third longest river in the world. Where it flows: The Yangtze River originates in the Tibetan Plateau. The height of the source above sea level is 5,600 meters. From its source, the river flows for quite a long time side by side with another large river in Asia - the Mekong. In its upper reaches, the river makes its way through the Sino-Tibetan mountains.

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In the Sino-Tibetan Mountains, the river quite often changes the direction of its flow and forms narrow, deep gorges. In its middle course, the river passes through the Sichuan Basin. After joining the major tributaries of the Jialing and Minjiang near Chongqing, the river flows through deep gorges known for their beauty and difficulty of navigation. Making its way even further, through the Wushan Mountains, the river forms the famous “Three Gorges”. The largest hydroelectric power station in the world was built here. In its lower reaches, the Yangtze passes through the Sichuan Basin and flows further along the southern part of the Great Chinese Plain. Here the Yangtze receives the waters of China's largest freshwater lake, Poyanghu.

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Rivers of the Indian Ocean basin. The rivers (Indus and Ganges) originate in the Tibetan Plateau and the Himalayas. In addition to rain, they receive food from mountain glaciers that melt in summer. The Indus originates on the Tibetan Plateau. In summer, during monsoon rains and melting glaciers, it overflows widely, and in winter it becomes shallow and flows into the Arabian Sea. There are severe floods. The Ganges originates in the Himalayas. It has mixed glacial-rain feeding and during floods the river level rises by an average of 10-12 m. The Ganges is one of the most abundant rivers on the globe.

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Indus River The Indus River is the cradle of India. This is one of the major rivers in South Asia. The source of the river is in the Himalayas in China, on the northern slope of Mount Garing-boche (Kailas Range). Kailash himself is also very interesting place. The Indus, like the Ganges, is one of the main rivers of the Vedic Semirechye. It is into it, according to the Vedas, that the heavenly sages descend from heaven. From its source the river flows under the name Sindhu and receives the name Indus after the confluence of the Ghar-Dzangbo tributary. In India, after a long mountainous section, the river enters a valley, where on its banks stands ancient city Leh is the capital of Ladakh.

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After China, the river flows through northwestern India and Pakistan. At its mouth, the Indus forms a large delta. This is one of the largest deltas in the world. Its area is about 41,000 sq. km. Every year after the flood, the delta changes its appearance. Even the main channel of the river often changes. River length: 3,180 km. The river is fed mainly by glaciers, and is also fed by monsoons.

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Rivers and lakes of internal flow The internal flow includes: 1) the Caspian Sea basin; 2) almost the entire middle part of Eurasia (Turanian Lowland and the mountains and plateaus lying to the east of it) 3) interior areas Iranian Plateau and Arabian Peninsula. The rivers of the interior parts of Eurasia, including the Amudarya and Syr Darya, are glacier-fed, have large hydropower reserves, and are used for irrigation. The lakes of the inland basin are the Caspian Sea-lake, which lies 28 m below sea level, Balkhash in Kazakhstan and Issyk-Kul (“warm lake”) in the Tien Shan mountains.

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TYPES OF INTERNAL WATER permafrost rivers swamps artificial reservoirs lakes glaciers groundwater

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Reservoirs Reservoirs are created near major cities to preserve stocks fresh water. Tourist bases are being created on their banks. River vessels ply the waters.

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Swamps of Eurasia Peat is fuel. Peat is a fertilizer. The swamp is a regulator of river flow. A source of healthy berries.

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Groundwater is a source of fresh water for the population; source of set chemical substances; source of thermal energy; mineral medicinal waters.

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Task 1. Determine the most large rivers and show them on the map. Task 2. Determine which rivers belong to which ocean basins?

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Filling out the table Basins Rivers Climate type Food Arctic Ocean Indian Ocean Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean Inland drainage

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Practical work“Characterizing a river” Using the plan at the end of the textbook, give a description of the river. Option No. 1: Arctic Ocean (Yenisei River) Option No. 2: Indian Ocean (Ganges River)

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Lakes of Eurasia There are many lakes on the territory of Eurasia. Using the table, determine the deepest and largest. Show them on the map.

Lesson Objectives

1. Expansion and deepening of knowledge about the inland waters of Eurasia.

2. Familiarity with the nomenclature geographical names on this topic





Ob, Yenisei, Pechora, Lena, etc.





Spring floods,

A hundred suns you tirelessly

You will shine for us for centuries,

Ob is a friend of the ocean,

Ob is a great river!

(Kazimir Lisovsky)

  • Ob is a river in Western Siberia. It is formed by the confluence of the Katun and Biya in Altai. It flows into the Ob Bay of the Kara Sea, forming a delta (an area of ​​more than 4 thousand sq. km). Length - 3650 km (from the source of the Irtysh 5410 km), basin area 2990 thousand square meters. km.

Valley of the Yenisei River.

  • Yenisei is a river in Siberia. It is formed by the confluence of the Big and Small Yeniseevs near the city of Kyzyl. Length - 3487 km (from the sources of the Malaya Yenisei 4102 km), basin area 2580 thousand square meters. km. It flows into the Yenisei Bay of the Kara Sea. The most abundant river Russian Federation.

Tearing the Saiyan's chest,

The free Yenisei rushes,

Son of the free ocean,

Pride of my Motherland!

Lena river

Lena is one of the greatest and most abundant rivers on the globe. The Lena River originates in the Baikal Range and flows into the Laptev Sea, forming a delta with an area of ​​30 thousand km2, almost 2 times larger than the Volga delta. The Lena Delta consists of more than 800 channels and many islands of various sizes and shapes. The main tributaries of the Lena are the Vitim, Olekma, Aldan, and Vilyui rivers.




Tigris, Euphrates, Indus, Ganges, Brahmaputra





Summer flood

Their fast waves roll

Ganga - mother and mighty Jamna -

Members of an ancient beautiful family -

Endlessly caressing our land,

Full-flowing jets rush.

(B.Sh. Navin)

  • Ganges (Ganges) is a river in India and Bangladesh. Length 2700 km. Pool area – 1120 thousand square meters. km It originates in the Himalayas, flows through the Gangetic plain, flows into the Bay of Bengal, forming a common delta with the Meghna and Brahmaputra rivers.

Mekong River

  • The Mekong is a river in China, Burma, Laos, Thailand, Kampuchea and Vietnam, the largest on the Indochina Peninsula. Length - 4500 km, basin area 810 thousand square meters. km. It begins on the Tibetan Plateau, flows through the Kampuchean Plain, flows into the South China Sea, forming a delta with an area of ​​approx. 70 thousand sq. km.




Amur, Yangtze, Yellow River




Spills during the monsoon

Cupid - main river Far East- is a border river of Russia, part of its drainage area is located on Chinese territory. In terms of water content, the Amur is one of the most significant rivers in Russia: the average annual water flow at the mouth is 12800 m3/s, average annual runoff volume - 403 km2. The river is navigable along its entire length, and great development has taken place here. water transport and timber rafting. Being the main water artery of the region.

Amur is exposed to powerful anthropogenic influence. A significant amount of insufficiently purified Wastewater. Quality surface waters The Amur basin varies widely - from “slightly polluted” to “dirty” and “extremely dirty”. The main sources of pollution are enterprises in the electrical, pulp and paper, engineering, and mining industries. .

Amur river

Yangtze River

  • Yangtze is a river in China. Length - 5800 km, the longest in Eurasia, basin area 1808.5 thousand square meters. km. Beginning on the Tibetan Plateau; crosses the Sino-Tibetan Mountains, the Sichuan Basin (below which it forms 3 gorges), irrigates the Jianghan and Great Chinese Plains; flows into the East China Sea, forming an estuary. One of the deepest rivers in the world.

Use of rivers


Electricity generation

Leisure and tourism





Danube, Rhine, Elbe, Vistula




Spring floods

The Danube is a river of friendship between the peoples of Europe; many songs have been written about this river, especially during the Great Patriotic War. The song “Wreath of the Danube” is very beautiful

  • The Danube is the second longest river (after the Volga) in Europe. Length 2850 km, basin area 817 thousand square meters. km. It flows through the territory of Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Romania, and Ukraine.

  • The Rhine is a river in Western Europe, mainly in Germany. Length - 1320 km, basin area 224.4 thousand square meters. km. It originates in the Alps, in Switzerland, flows through the Lake of Constance and the Upper Rhine Lowland, crosses the Rhine Slate Mountains in a narrow valley; the lower reaches within the Central European Plain, where the channel is fenced off in many places by dams. It flows into the North Sea, forming a delta.

  • The Dnieper is a river in Eastern Europe, within the Russian Federation, Belarus and Ukraine. 2201 km (3rd in length after the Volga and Danube in Europe), basin area 504 thousand square meters. km. It begins on the Valdai Hills and flows into the Dnieper estuary of the Black Sea.





Volga, Syrdarya, Amudarya.



Spring floods

Seven thousand rivers, in no way equal:

And a stormy rush rushing from the mountains,

And between the fields in smooth bends,

Flowing into the distance - seven thousand rivers

She collected from all over -

Big and small - up to one,

What from Valdai to the Urals

They furrowed the globe.

(A. Tvardovsky)

  • The Volga is a river in the European part of the Russian Federation, the largest in Europe, length 3530 km, basin area 1360 thousand square meters. km. It begins on the Valdai Hills and flows into the Caspian Sea, forming a delta.

Usta (Krasnoyar)

IN Nizhny Novgorod region More than 9,000 rivers and streams flow through it. The total length of the rivers is 33,000 km. Of these, 550 rivers have a length from 10 to 50 km, 26 - from 51 to 100 km, and 16 rivers - more than 100 km. These include our Vetluga and Usta.

Characteristics of the Volga River

  • In what part of the continent does it flow?
  • Source of the river
  • Current direction
  • What kind of terrain does it flow through?
  • Character of the current
  • Tributaries
  • Estuary (where it flows)
  • Human use of the river
  • Ecological problems

Characteristics of the Volga River

  • Central and southern Europe
  • Valdai Upland
  • First in east direction, and from Kazan to Yuzhny
  • Across the East European Plain
  • Plain
  • In spring due to melting snow, floods due to rain in summer and autumn
  • Oka, Kama, Vetluga
  • Caspian Sea
  • Shipping, fishing, hydroelectric power station
  • Industrial wastewater, household waste, poaching
  • In what part of the continent does it flow?
  • Source of the river
  • Current direction
  • What kind of terrain does it flow through?
  • Character of the current
  • River regime (when high water occurs)
  • Tributaries
  • Estuary (where it flows)
  • Human use of the river
  • Ecological problems

Caspian and Aral sea-lake, Lake Balkhash.

Lake Baikal.

  • Baikal - freshwater lake in the south Eastern Siberia. Located at an altitude of 456 m and surrounded by mountains. Area - 31.5 thousand square meters. km, length 636 km, average width 48 km. The deepest (up to 1620 m) in the world. Tectonic origin. 336 rivers flow in (including Selenga, Barguzin, V. Angara), and the Angara River flows out.

Ladoga lake.

  • Lake Ladoga is located in the north-west of the European part of the Russian Federation. Area – 17.7 thousand square meters. km, with islands of 18.1 thousand square meters. km. The average depth is 51 m, the greatest is 230 m. About 660 islands (large Mantsinsari, Valaam). The Volkhov, Svir and other rivers flow in, and the Neva River flows out. Lake Ladoga was the only “road of life” during the Great Patriotic War.

Lake Onega.

  • Lake Onega is located in the north-west of the European part of the Russian Federation, in Karelia, Leningrad and Vologda regions. 9.7 thousand sq. km (without islands). Depth up to 127 m.

World Heritage Lake, the pearl of the Voskresensky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region - Lake Svetloyar


Arctic Ocean

Pacific Ocean

Indian Ocean

Atlantic Ocean

Northern Dvina


Arctic Ocean

Pacific Ocean

Indian Ocean

Atlantic Ocean

Northern Dvina

Emphasize inland flow rivers


Amu Darya

Solve the puzzles

Lesson summary

And now the lesson has come to an end,

It's time for us to summarize.

Thanks for the work, kids,

Let's TAG you now!

1 out of 10

Presentation on the topic:

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About 40 thousand km of precipitation falls on the surface of Eurasia, 23.5 thousand km of this amount is spent on evaporation. The annual flow from the territory of Eurasia together with the islands is more than 16 thousand km, i.e. slightly less than half of the total flow of all rivers on Earth. In terms of runoff layer, this is equal to 300 mm, i.e. above the average for the entire Earth as a whole. In terms of average thickness of the runoff layer, Eurasia is surpassed only by South America. However, these average values ​​do not completely reflect the characteristics of the distribution of internal waters within the continent.

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Significant differences in structure and topography, climatic contrasts and the associated unevenness of precipitation and differences in evaporation create large differences in the distribution of both surface and groundwater within the mainland. Maximum runoff amounts (more than 1500 mm) are typical for the subequatorial and equatorial belts, especially for the islands of the Sunda archipelago, for the west of Indochina and Hindustan, and for the central part of the Himalayas. In other zones, such high amounts of runoff are typical only for a few areas of the Japanese Islands, the Alps and the Scandinavian Highlands.

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Large areas in these same regions have an annual flow of less than 1500, but more than 600 mm. In most of Europe, Northern and East Asia annual flow ranges from 200 to 600 mm per year. The relatively small spaces of the Iberian Peninsula, the Danube Plains, the middle part of the East European Plain and other areas are characterized by a flow of less than 200 mm, i.e. a little less average size for the entire landmass. Huge territories of the Middle and Central Asia, the Lower Indus Basin, the Iranian Plateau and the Arabian Peninsula have a runoff value of less than 50 mm per year, and in many areas the thickness of the layer does not exceed 15 mm. These figures to some extent reflect differences in the density and nature of the surface water network various parts mainland.

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Rivers of Eurasia belong to the basins of the Atlantic, Arctic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. The interior and southwestern regions are almost devoid of surface water and have no flow to the ocean. The territory of internal drainage (including the Caspian Sea basin) accounts for more than 30% of the total area of ​​Eurasia.

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The uneven distribution of water surfaces depends not only on modern natural conditions, but also on the development features of the continent. Obviously, to the powerful uplifts that led to the formation of the highest mountain ranges in the southern part of the continent, climatic conditions The interior parts of Eurasia, although they were more dry than the climates of its outskirts, were still not as arid as they are now. In this regard, in the Cenozoic, in the central part of the continent, there was a developed network of rivers and lakes, with flow to the north, east and south. Tectonic movements that had a greater scope in the marginal parts of the orogenic belt than in inland areas, led to the fact that these areas were protected from the influence of the oceans. The associated climate drying led to a decrease and disorganization of surface runoff and the formation of vast areas in the interior of the Eurasian continent (Iranian Plateau, Tibet, the plateau of China, Mongolia, etc.), practically devoid of surface runoff.

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Characteristics of lakes in Eurasia Lakes in Eurasia are diverse in origin, size and water regime.1. glacial-tectonic; The basins of these lakes were formed by tectonic cracks of Neogene-Anthropogenic times and processed by glaciers, have irregular outlines and significant depths. (For example: Wenern, Wettern, Mälaren, Payanne, Saima, Inari). In more southern regions, within the Baltic lake chain, there are clusters of dammed moraine lakes.2. glacial lakes are especially characteristic of the Alps. The basins of the world-famous alpine lakes were formed in tectonic depressions at the end of the Neogene, and then were processed and deepened by powerful glaciers descending from the mountains.3. Karst lakes were formed as a result of leaching of limestone rocks. This type of lake is common on the Balkan Peninsula.4. dammed lakes5. floodplain lakes 6. volcanic lakes

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Modern glaciation Eurasia Modern glaciation of Eurasia is associated, on the one hand, with the islands of the Arctic and Subarctic, on the other, with the highest and most abundantly irrigated mountain systems. The polar islands are characterized by cover-type glaciation and a low position of the snow line. On Spitsbergen it lies on average at an altitude of 300 m above sea level. Glaciation has the character of shields, from which powerful glacial tongues descend and break into the sea. A large center of glaciation is located on the island of Iceland, where the position of the lower border of the nival belt varies between 700 and 1000 m. All mountain ranges are covered with firn fields, from which glaciers extend, feeding numerous rivers.

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Modern glaciation of Eurasia In the mountains, the height of the snow line increases from north to south and from the outskirts of the continent to the interior regions. Therefore, the major centers of modern glaciation are not only the highest mountain systems, like the Kunlun, Karakorum, Himalayas, Tien Shan, but also much less high, but abundantly moist mountains of the Atlantic regions. In the Scandinavian mountains, where the height of the snow line varies between 700 and 1900 m, there is significant glaciation. In the Alps, the snow line rises to a height of 2500-3200 m; this is the largest center of mountain glaciation in Europe with a valley type of glaciers, from which almost all significant rivers of Europe or their tributaries (Rhine, Rhone, Po, tributaries of the Danube) originate.

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Modern glaciation of Eurasia Modern glaciation of the mountains of Asia, although significant, is still not as great as it could be, judging by their height. The most high mountains rise in the interior regions of the continent, characterized by a sharp continental climate and low precipitation amounts, so the snow line and the lower ends of the glaciers lie at high altitudes. The height of the snow boundary of the Karakorum and Kunlun is 5000-5500 m. The Himalayas are 4500-5000 m. The length of individual glaciers in the Karakorum reaches 60 km, the maximum length of the glaciers on the southern slope of the Himalayas is 26 km. In the Eastern Tien Shan, the height of the snow line is 3700 m and the length of the largest glacier is 40 km.

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Foreign Eurasia

The territory of Foreign Eurasia belongs to the basins of all 4 oceans. The central part of the continent is occupied by a vast area of ​​internal drainage. Due to the great contrast of natural conditions, the rivers of Eurasia are extremely diverse in terms of feeding characteristics, regime, and flow patterns.

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The Danube is the second longest river (after the Volga) in Europe. Length 2850 km, basin area 817 thousand square meters. km. It flows through the territory of Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Romania, and Ukraine.

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The Loire is the longest river in France. Length - 1012 km, basin area 115 thousand square meters. km. It originates in the Cevennes and flows into the Bay of Biscay, forming an estuary.

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The Rhine is a river in Western Europe, mainly in Germany. Length - 1320 km, basin area 224.4 thousand square meters. km. It originates in the Alps, in Switzerland, flows through the Lake of Constance and the Upper Rhine Lowland, crosses the Rhine Slate Mountains in a narrow valley; the lower reaches within the Central European Plain, where the channel is fenced off in many places by dams. It flows into the North Sea, forming a delta.

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The Volga is a river in the European part of the Russian Federation, the largest in Europe, length 3530 km, basin area 1360 thousand square meters. km. It begins on the Valdai Hills and flows into the Caspian Sea, forming a delta.

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The Dnieper is a river in Eastern Europe, within the Russian Federation, Belarus and Ukraine. 2201 km (3rd in length after the Volga and Danube in Europe), basin area 504 thousand square meters. km. It begins on the Valdai Hills and flows into the Dnieper estuary of the Black Sea.

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Ladoga lake

Lake Ladoga is located in the north-west of the European part of the Russian Federation. Area – 17.7 thousand square meters. km, with islands of 18.1 thousand square meters. km. The average depth is 51 m, the greatest is 230 m. About 660 islands (large Mantsinsari, Valaam). The Volkhov, Svir and other rivers flow in, and the Neva River flows out.

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Lake Onega

Lake Onega is located in the north-west of the European part of the Russian Federation, in Karelia, Leningrad and Vologda regions. 9.7 thousand sq. km (without islands). Depth up to 127 m.

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The territory of Foreign Eurasia belongs to the basins of all 4 oceans. The central part of the continent is occupied by a vast area of ​​internal drainage. Due to the great contrast of natural conditions, the rivers of Eurasia are extremely diverse in terms of feeding characteristics, regime, and flow patterns.

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Ganges (Ganges) is a river in India and Bangladesh. Length 2700 km. Pool area – 1120 thousand square meters. km It originates in the Himalayas, flows through the Gangetic plain, flows into the Bay of Bengal, forming a common delta with the Meghna and Brahmaputra rivers.

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Yenisei River Valley

Yenisei is a river in Siberia. It is formed by the confluence of the Big and Small Yeniseevs near the city of Kyzyl. Length - 3487 km (from the sources of the Malaya Yenisei 4102 km), basin area 2580 thousand square meters. km. It flows into the Yenisei Bay of the Kara Sea. The most abundant river in the Russian Federation.

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Mekong River

The Mekong is a river in China, Burma, Laos, Thailand, Kampuchea and Vietnam, the largest on the Indochina Peninsula. Length - 4500 km, basin area 810 thousand square meters. km. It begins on the Tibetan Plateau, flows through the Kampuchean Plain, flows into the South China Sea, forming a delta with an area of ​​approx. 70 thousand sq. km.

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The territory of Foreign Eurasia belongs to the basins of all four oceans. The central part of the continent is occupied by a vast area of ​​internal drainage. Due to the great contrast of natural conditions, the rivers of Eurasia are extremely diverse in terms of feeding characteristics, regime, and flow patterns. The territory of Foreign Eurasia belongs to the basins of all four oceans. The central part of the continent is occupied by a vast area of ​​internal drainage. Due to the great contrast of natural conditions, the rivers of Eurasia are extremely diverse in terms of feeding characteristics, regime, and flow patterns.

Danube. The Danube is the second longest river (after the Volga) in Europe. Length 2850 km, basin area 817 thousand square meters. km. It flows through the territory of Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Romania, and Ukraine. The Danube is the second longest river (after the Volga) in Europe. Length 2850 km, basin area 817 thousand square meters. km. It flows through the territory of Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Romania, and Ukraine.

The Loire is the longest river in France. Length km, basin area 115 thousand square meters. km. It originates in the Cevennes and flows into the Bay of Biscay, forming an estuary. The Loire is the longest river in France. Length km, basin area 115 thousand square meters. km. It originates in the Cevennes and flows into the Bay of Biscay, forming an estuary.

Rhine. The Rhine is a river in Western Europe, mainly in Germany. Length km, basin area 224.4 thousand square meters. km. It originates in the Alps, in Switzerland, flows through the Lake of Constance and the Upper Rhine Lowland, crosses the Rhine Slate Mountains in a narrow valley; the lower reaches within the Central European Plain, where the channel is fenced off in many places by dams. It flows into the North Sea, forming a delta. The Rhine is a river in Western Europe, mainly in Germany. Length km, basin area 224.4 thousand square meters. km. It originates in the Alps, in Switzerland, flows through the Lake of Constance and the Upper Rhine Lowland, crosses the Rhine Slate Mountains in a narrow valley; the lower reaches within the Central European Plain, where the channel is fenced off in many places by dams. It flows into the North Sea, forming a delta.

Volga. The Volga is a river in the European part of the Russian Federation, the largest in Europe, length 3530 km, basin area 1360 thousand square meters. km. It begins on the Valdai Hills and flows into the Caspian Sea, forming a delta. The Volga is a river in the European part of the Russian Federation, the largest in Europe, length 3530 km, basin area 1360 thousand square meters. km. It begins on the Valdai Hills and flows into the Caspian Sea, forming a delta.

Dnieper. The Dnieper is a river in Eastern Europe, within the Russian Federation, Belarus and Ukraine km (3rd in length after the Volga and Danube in Europe), basin area 504 thousand square meters. km. It begins on the Valdai Hills and flows into the Dnieper estuary of the Black Sea. The Dnieper is a river in Eastern Europe, within the Russian Federation, Belarus and Ukraine km (3rd in length after the Volga and Danube in Europe), basin area 504 thousand square meters. km. It begins on the Valdai Hills and flows into the Dnieper estuary of the Black Sea.

Ladoga lake. Lake Ladoga is located in the north-west of the European part of the Russian Federation. Area – 17.7 thousand square meters. km, with islands of 18.1 thousand square meters. km. The average depth is 51 m, the greatest is 230 m. About 660 islands (large Mantsinsari, Valaam). The Volkhov, Svir and other rivers flow in, and the Neva River flows out. Lake Ladoga is located in the north-west of the European part of the Russian Federation. Area – 17.7 thousand square meters. km, with islands of 18.1 thousand square meters. km. The average depth is 51 m, the greatest is 230 m. About 660 islands (large Mantsinsari, Valaam). The Volkhov, Svir and other rivers flow in, and the Neva River flows out.

Lake Onega. Lake Onega is located in the north-west of the European part of the Russian Federation, in Karelia, Leningrad and Vologda regions. 9.7 thousand sq. km (without islands). Depth up to 127 m. Lake Onega is located in the north-west of the European part of the Russian Federation, in Karelia, Leningrad and Vologda regions. 9.7 thousand sq. km (without islands). Depth up to 127 m.

The territory of Foreign Eurasia belongs to the basins of all four oceans. The central part of the continent is occupied by a vast area of ​​internal drainage. Due to the great contrast of natural conditions, the rivers of Eurasia are extremely diverse in terms of feeding characteristics, regime, and flow patterns. The territory of Foreign Eurasia belongs to the basins of all four oceans. The central part of the continent is occupied by a vast area of ​​internal drainage. Due to the great contrast of natural conditions, the rivers of Eurasia are extremely diverse in terms of feeding characteristics, regime, and flow patterns.

Ganges Ganga (Ganga) is a river in India and Bangladesh. Length 2700 km. Pool area – 1120 thousand square meters. km It originates in the Himalayas, flows through the Gangetic plain, flows into the Bay of Bengal, forming a common delta with the Meghna and Brahmaputra rivers. Ganges (Ganges) is a river in India and Bangladesh. Length 2700 km. Pool area – 1120 thousand square meters. km It originates in the Himalayas, flows through the Gangetic plain, flows into the Bay of Bengal, forming a common delta with the Meghna and Brahmaputra rivers.

Valley of the Yenisei River. Yenisei is a river in Siberia. It is formed by the confluence of the Big and Small Yeniseevs near the city of Kyzyl. Length km (from the sources of the Malaya Yenisei 4102 km), basin area 2580 thousand square meters. km. It flows into the Yenisei Bay of the Kara Sea. The most abundant river in the Russian Federation. Yenisei is a river in Siberia. It is formed by the confluence of the Big and Small Yeniseevs near the city of Kyzyl. Length km (from the sources of the Malaya Yenisei 4102 km), basin area 2580 thousand square meters. km. It flows into the Yenisei Bay of the Kara Sea. The most abundant river in the Russian Federation.

Mekong River The Mekong is a river in China, Burma, Laos, Thailand, Kampuchea and Vietnam, the largest in the Indochina Peninsula. Length km, basin area 810 thousand square meters. km. It begins on the Tibetan Plateau, flows through the Kampuchean Plain, flows into the South China Sea, forming a delta with an area of ​​approx. 70 thousand sq. km. The Mekong is a river in China, Burma, Laos, Thailand, Kampuchea and Vietnam, the largest on the Indochina Peninsula. Length km, basin area 810 thousand square meters. km. It begins on the Tibetan Plateau, flows through the Kampuchean Plain, flows into the South China Sea, forming a delta with an area of ​​approx. 70 thousand sq. km.

Ob. Ob is a river in Western Siberia. It is formed by the confluence of the Katun and Biya in Altai. It flows into the Ob Bay of the Kara Sea, forming a delta (an area of ​​more than 4 thousand sq. km). Length km (from the source of the Irtysh 5410 km), basin area 2990 thousand square meters. km. Ob is a river in Western Siberia. It is formed by the confluence of the Katun and Biya in Altai. It flows into the Ob Bay of the Kara Sea, forming a delta (an area of ​​more than 4 thousand sq. km). Length km (from the source of the Irtysh 5410 km), basin area 2990 thousand square meters. km.

Lake Baikal. Baikal is a freshwater lake in the south of Eastern Siberia. Located at an altitude of 456 m and surrounded by mountains. Area - 31.5 thousand square meters. km, length 636 km, average width 48 km. The deepest (up to 1620 m) in the world. Tectonic origin. 336 rivers flow in (including Selenga, Barguzin, V. Angara), and the Angara River flows out. Baikal is a freshwater lake in the south of Eastern Siberia. Located at an altitude of 456 m and surrounded by mountains. Area - 31.5 thousand square meters. km, length 636 km, average width 48 km. The deepest (up to 1620 m) in the world. Tectonic origin. 336 rivers flow in (including Selenga, Barguzin, V. Angara), and the Angara River flows out.

Yangtze River Yangtze is a river in China. The length is km, the longest in Eurasia, the basin area is 1808.5 thousand square meters. km. Beginning on the Tibetan Plateau; crosses the Sino-Tibetan Mountains, the Sichuan Basin (below which it forms 3 gorges), irrigates the Jianghan and Great Chinese Plains; flows into the East China Sea, forming an estuary. One of the deepest rivers in the world. Yangtze is a river in China. The length is km, the longest in Eurasia, the basin area is 1808.5 thousand square meters. km. Beginning on the Tibetan Plateau; crosses the Sino-Tibetan Mountains, the Sichuan Basin (below which it forms 3 gorges), irrigates the Jianghan and Great Chinese Plains; flows into the East China Sea, forming an estuary. One of the deepest rivers in the world.

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