Club work program in the preparatory group "soon to go to school." Long-term planning of additional educational activities for the school preparatory group - the "gramotey" club. The club in the preparatory group for speech development.

The program of the speech therapy circle "Speech" for children of the speech therapy preparatory group of the kindergarten.

The program is intended for speech therapists and speech therapy groups. This material will help to form correct sound pronunciation in speech-language pathologist children.

“You need to be able to pronounce sounds, words, phrases correctly.
Having learned this so that it all becomes a habit, you can create.”
K.S. Stanislavsky

Explanatory note

Preschool age is an important and unique period in the development of a child, especially in terms of the development of his speech. Without the formation of pure and correct speech, it is impossible to acquire communication skills and learn to build relationships with the outside world. With normal development, mastery of correct sound pronunciation in preschoolers ends by the age of 4-5 years. But sometimes, for a number of reasons, this process is delayed.
In our age " high technology"and the global computerization of society, the level of development of speech and communication skills of preschoolers leaves much to be desired.
We often observe children whose speech is little intelligible to others: certain sounds are not pronounced, are skipped or replaced by others, the child does not know how to correctly construct a phrase and, even more so, compose a story from a picture.
Very often, a speech disorder, being a primary defect, entails a noticeable lag in mental development. Violation of the pronunciation aspect of speech requires special speech therapy assistance.
Currently, there is an inexorable increase in the number of children with various speech disorders. Therefore, the problem of early prevention and early correction speech disorders seems relevant today.
Kruzhkovaya speech therapy work is propaedeutic before classes on correcting sound pronunciation in older preschool age, it makes it possible to cover the entire group of children with speech therapy and launch a self-correction mechanism.
This program was compiled taking into account and using modern innovative technologies and techniques in the field of prevention and correction of speech disorders in children.
The planning of the circle’s lessons is based on a comprehensive thematic principle; the lexical material covered for each topic is consolidated through a variety of speech games and exercises.
The work of the circle is to form the correct pronunciation of sounds:
-development of movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus (articulatory gymnastics);
- mastering the phonetic system native language;
-prevention and elimination of speech disorders in children.
Purpose of the circle: creating favorable conditions for improving sound pronunciation in a preschool setting.
o Develop articulatory, general and fine motor skills, auditory attention and perception, breathing, phonemic awareness in the process of systematic training;
o Increase the effectiveness of sound pronunciation correction in children using health-saving technologies.
o Develop the ability to regulate voice strength and correct sound pronunciation;
o Develop intonation expressiveness of speech (use of logical pauses, stress, melody, tempo, rhythm, timbre).

Expected results:
o Children’s psychophysiological health will be preserved and strengthened;
o General, fine and articulatory motor skills, speech breathing, intonation expressiveness of speech, and the prosodic side of speech will develop;
o Correction of sound pronunciation will increase;
o Children will learn to read poetry expressively, observing intonation and expressiveness of speech;
o The syllabic structure of the word is formed.
Periodicity: Once a week, in the afternoon (Tuesday).
Duration: 30 minutes.
Form of organization of children: frontal.
The lesson is structured in the form of a single storyline. Main character classes and a children's favorite doll, Rechevichok.
Involving children in the plot becomes emotionally significant for them, allows them to reveal their personal qualities, overcome verbal negativism, and fosters a sense of mutual assistance.
Frequent changes and, accordingly, novelty of tasks increase the concentration of attention and reduce the fatigue of children; The dosage of tasks contributes to the strength of mastery of the material.
The content of the classes includes the following types of work:
Articulation gymnastics, self-massage of articulation organs.
Exercises to develop auditory perception, phonemic processes, attention, memory using health-saving technologies.
Breathing exercises.
Games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hands, self-massage of the hands.
Relaxation exercises.
To improve the health of children, relieve muscle and nervous tension non-traditional methods are used, such as elements of Su-Jok therapy, self-massage of palms, massage balls, games with clothespins, and a dry pool.
This program can be recommended for use both in correctional and developmental classes of a speech therapist teacher, and for the work of teachers of general development groups in order to prevent speech deficiencies in children.

The main character of the classes is Speechman.

Thematic planning

1 Week:
Week 2: Diagnostics. Filling speech cards and routes.
Week 3: Topic: “How the tongue drank tea with friends.” Goal: development of the articulatory apparatus. (N.V. Ryzhova pp. 6-7).
Week 4: Topic: “Articulation massage according to V.V. Emelyanov.” Goal: development of the articulatory apparatus.

1 Week: Topic: “How the tongue visited its beloved pets.” Goal: development of the articulatory apparatus. (N.V. Ryzhova pp. 11-12).
Week 2: Topic: “Morning with the cat Muzik” ( speech gymnastics). Goal: development of the articulatory apparatus.
Week 3: Topic: “How the tongue found a friend.” Goal: development of the articulatory apparatus. (N.V. Ryzhova pp. 19-20).
Week 4: Topic: How Mishka looked for honey. Goal: development of the articulatory apparatus. (N.V. Ryzhova
pp. 22-24).

1 Week: Topic: “How the tongue walked in the forest” Goal: development of the articulatory apparatus. (N.V. Ryzhova pp. 24-25).
Week 2: Topic: "Guessing game." Goal: development of fine motor skills of the fingers, imagination (dry pool).
Week 3: Topic: “How the tongue rode a bicycle.” Goal: development of the articulatory apparatus. (N.V. Ryzhova pp. 30-31).
Week 4: Topic: “How the tongue built a house.” Goal: development of the articulatory apparatus. (N.V. Ryzhova pp. 37-39).

1 Week: Topic: “How the tongue celebrated its birthday.” Goal: development of the articulatory apparatus. (N.V. Ryzhova pp. 6-7).
Week 2: Topic: “How the tongue went to visit the squirrel.” Goal: development of the articulatory apparatus. (N.V. Ryzhova pp. 8-9).
Week 3: Topic: “How the tongue cooked mushroom soup.” Goal: development of the articulatory apparatus. (N.V. Ryzhova pp. 10-11).
Week 4: Topic: “How the tongue played with friends in winter.” Goal: development of the articulatory apparatus. (N.V. Ryzhova pp. 12-13).

1 Week: Holidays.
Week 2: Holidays.
Week 3: Topic: “How a tongue saved a crow from a cat.” Goal: development of the articulatory apparatus.
(N.V. Ryzhova pp. 40-41).
Week 4: Topic: “Sounds [m]-[m`]. Goal: development of correct pronunciation of sounds. (N.V. Ryzhova pp. 42-43.)

1 Week: Topic: My bear." Goal: development of memory, rhythm, voice strength, expressiveness when learning a poem using a mnemonic table (Z. Aleksandrova).
Week 2: Topic: Sounds [p], [p`]. Goal: development of correct pronunciation of sounds. (N.V. Ryzhova pp. 44-45).
Week 3: Topic: “Naughty bears.” Goal: development of memory, facial muscles through self-massage. (abstract).
Week 4: Topic: Sounds [b], [b`]. Goal: development of correct pronunciation of sounds. (N.V. Ryzhova pp. 46-47).

1 Week: Topic: “Acupressure according to A.A. Umanskaya.” Goal: development of memory, ability to do acupressure on your own.
Week 2: Topic: Sounds [d], [d`]. Goal: development of correct pronunciation of sounds. (N.V. Ryzhova p. 49).
Week 3: Topic: “Antoshka’s mood.” Goal: development of motor skills, memory, attention, facial muscles. (mitten puppet theater).
Week 4: Topic: Sounds [n], [n`]. Goal: development of correct pronunciation of sounds. (N.V. Ryzhova pp. 50-51).

1 Week: Topic: “Hedgehog and the sea.” Goal: development of attention, general motor skills, fine motor skills, memory, imagination (fairytale therapy based on the fairy tale by S. Kozlov).
Week 2: Topic: Sounds [k], [k`]. Goal: development of correct pronunciation of sounds (N.V. Ryzhova pp. 52-53).
Week 3: Theme: “Rechevichka’s Travels.” Goal: development of general motor skills, imagination, fantasy when composing stories about the hero.
Week 4: Topic: “Resonator massage according to V.V. Emelyanov.” Goal: development of attention and voice when performing massage independently.

1 Week: Topic: "Letters". Goal: development of fine motor skills, memory when typing letters. (croup therapy).
Week 2: Topic: “Tempering breathing according to A. Umanskaya and K. Dineika. Alphabet of body movements." Goal: development of respiratory organs, plasticity, general motor skills (compendium).
Week 3: Diagnostics. Filling out speech cards and routes.
Week 4: Diagnostics. Filling out speech cards and routes.

1. Galkina V. B., Khomutova N. Yu. Self-massage of hands and fingers.
2. Emelyanov V.V. Articulation massage.
3. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva T. D. Collection of programs for fairy tale therapy. Fairy tale therapy training. S-P, 2004.
4. Ryzhova N.V. Articulation gymnastics, -M, 2013.
5. Umanskaya A., Dineiki K. Tempering breathing.
6. Umanskaya A. A. Acupressure.

I affirm:

Head of MBDOU kindergarten"Gull"


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Thematic work plan “Rechetsvetik”




Educational area:speech development of children.

Age group: preparatory to school, children aged 6 to 7 years, number of children - 20 people.

Target: provision educational services to implement the main general education program preschool educational institution in the priority area of ​​activity on cognitive and speech development of children aged 6 to 7 years in the form of “Rechtsvetik” on a free basis.

Tasks :

  1. Creating conditions conducive to the comprehensive development of children, improving constructive ways and means of interaction with people around them.
  2. Equipping a subject-development environment, replenishing teaching materials, teaching aids and equipment in accordance with the implemented program “Rechetsvetik”, taking into account age characteristics children and used partial programs preschool education.
  3. Practical mastery of speech norms by children, improvement of all components of oral speech in various forms and types of children's activities.
  4. Creating conditions for the realization of individual development opportunities for children of this age. To consolidate children's experience of social behavior skills and create conditions for the development of children's creative activity.

Explanatory note

Mastery of the native language and development of linguistic abilities are considered as the core of the full formation of the personality of a preschool child, which provides great opportunities for solving many problems of mental, aesthetic and moral education.

Organizational and methodological support.

  1. “Rechetsvetik” is held once a week in accordance with the approved schedule for academic year, is part directly educational activities V educational field"Communication".
  1. The duration of work in the circle in accordance with the current sanitary standards no more

25 minutes.

  1. Methodological support:

Technology: “Technology for the development of coherent speech”, O.S. Ushakova, E.M. Strunina.

Partial program: O.S. Ushakova “Program for the development of speech for preschool children”

4 . Methods used when conducting the circle:

  • Visual:

Direct(observation method and its varieties: excursions, inspections of premises, examination of natural objects)

Indirect (looking at toys, paintings, photographs, describing paintings and toys, talking about toys and paintings.)

  • Verbal ( reading and telling works of fiction, memorizing, retelling, generalizing conversation, telling without relying on visual material.)
  • Practical ( various didactic games, dramatization games, performances, didactic exercises, plastic sketches, round dance games.)

5 . The form of implementation is thematic joint activity of the teacher with children.

6. Expected results:

Integrative qualities:

  • "Curious, active"
  • "Emotionally responsive"
  • “Mastered the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers”
  • “Having primary ideas about oneself, family, society, state, world and nature”
  • “Having mastered the universal prerequisites for educational activities”

As a result of “RECHETSVETIKA”, by the end of the year, children will be able to:

Dictionary :

  • are interested in the meaning of words;
  • use different parts of speech in strict accordance with their meaning and purpose of the statement.


  • distinguish by ear and pronunciation all the sounds of the native language;
  • pronounce words and phrases clearly and clearly with natural intonations;
  • name words with a certain sound, find words with this sound in a sentence, determine the place of the sound in a word.

Grammatical structure of speech:

  • coordinate words in a sentence;
  • form similar-root words with suffixes, verbs with prefixes, adjectives in the comparative and superlative degree according to the model;
  • build correctly complex sentences, using means to connect their parts (so that, when, because, etc.)

Connected speech:

  • conduct a dialogue between the teacher and the child, between children;
  • retell literary texts meaningfully and expressively, dramatize them;
  • compose stories about objects, about the content of a picture, based on a set of pictures with a sequentially developing action; stories from personal experience;
  • compose short tales on a given topic.

Preparing for literacy:

  • make sentences, divide simple sentences(without conjunctions and prepositions) into words indicating their sequence;
  • divide two- and three-syllable words with open syllables into parts.

Introduction to fiction:

  • pay attention to expressive means (figurative words and expressions, epithets, comparisons);
  • show sensitivity to the poetic word;
  • see the main differences between literary genres: fairy tale, story, poem.

7 . The work “____________” is carried out in accordance with the thematic plan. The program is designed taking into account the integration of educational areas:

  • "Social and communicative development"
  • "Speech development"
  • "Cognitive Development"

8. Work plan for the circle (preparatory)

PERIOD: 01.09 – 30.09

TOPIC: Day of Knowledge. Safety Week.

EDUCATIONAL AREAS:“Socio-communicative development”, “Speech development”, “Cognitive development"

Cooperative activity: Conversation “Who teaches us at school?” “How will we go to school?” “How is school different from kindergarten.” Word game “What do I need at school” Examination of school supplies. Making riddles. Watching the cartoon “The Little Goat Who Could Count to 10.” D/i: “Who Called”Examination of the illustrations “The Road to School”, “Games in the Yard”, “School Facilities”, etc. Acquaintance with the illustration “Cleaning the Classroom”. "School", "Kindergarten", "Shop""School", "Library""Street Rules".d/i “What do you need for studying?”Reviewing textbooks, notebooks. Application “Openwork bookmark for the ABC book! »

Week, topic


Program content

Methodological support

Interaction with parents


“I am a future first-grader”

Continue to develop standard-setting project activities. Help children draw up rules of conduct for a first grader.Practice counting to 5.Improve speech as a means of communication. Develop the ability to defend your point of view. To teach children to make independent judgments.Develop ideas about the time perspective of the individual, about the change in a person’s position with age. Introduce subjects studied at school. Expand children's understanding of their responsibilities, primarily in connection with preparation for school.

Appendix No. 1

1. Joint production of attributes for role-playing games.

2.. A selection of poems about kindergarten professions

Week 2: SCHOOL

Storytelling based on the picture “To school”

To develop in children the ability to compose a plot story based on a picture using the acquired knowledge about the composition of the story (plot, climax, denouement); learn to invent events preceding the plot depicted in the picture, without the help of a teacher. Intensify the use of words in children’s speech on the topic “School”, “Autumn”; learn to compare and generalize, highlight essential features, pick up exact words to denote a phenomenon

Ushakova, E.M. Strunin “Speech development of children 6-7 years old”, p. 44, lesson No. 2


Compiling a coherent story “If I were...”

Learn to write a story using verbs in the subjunctive mood. Intensify the use of verbs in children’s speech; learn to restore the original form from which the name is derived actor; give basic general information about the methods of forming the names of the characters; communicate knowledge about the norms of word formation determined by tradition. Practice using singular and plural verb to want

Ushakova, E.M. Strunin “Speech development of children 6-7 years old”, p. 66, lesson No. 14


"Journey to the Land of Knowledge"

Expand children's understanding of educational institutions. Introduce the main premises of the school.Encourage attempts to share various impressions with the teacher and other children, and clarify the source of the information received. Develop the ability to write stories from personal experience. Expand your understanding of the rules of conduct in in public places. Create a need to behave V in accordance with generally accepted standards. Cultivate politeness. Tell and show the social significance of a teacher’s work. Instill a sense of gratitude towards teachers for their work.

Appendix No. 1.

8. Club work plan

PERIOD: from 01.10. until 31.10

THEME: "Autumn"


Cooperative activity:Examination of illustrations about autumn (comparative analysis); Observation of autumn trees “Recognize the tree”; Didactic games: “Which tree is the leaf from”, “What grows in the forest”, “Imagine it yourself”, “Who lives where”, “Find the tree by seeds”, “Travel”, “Forester”;Exercise “If I were a tree” (empathy) Games with leaves “What is the name of a forest of birches, aspens, maples, and pines?” Didactic game “When does this happen?”

Independent activity:drawing, applique, modeling using leaves, cones, tree fruits; drawing, appliqué, sculpting autumn trees using non-traditional techniques;examination of photographic illustrations, reproductions of paintings by artists; Lotto "Trees"; printed board game “Find Your Place”; construction game "Forester's House"; games with leaves: “Path of leaves”, “Images from leaves”.

Week, topic


Program content

Methodological support

Interaction with parents

1 Week:

"Natural phenomena"

Retelling of the story by K.D. Ushinsky "Four Wishes"

Learn to present a literary text consistently and accurately, without omissions or repetitions; develop the ability to compose a complete story based on personal experience. Develop and consolidate the ability to form degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs different ways, select synonyms and antonyms for adjectives and verbs

O.S.Ushakova, E.M. Strunin “Speech development of children 6-7 years old”, p. 45, lesson No. 3

making crafts from vegetables and fruits;

Reinforce the rules of behavior in nature (do not tear plants unnecessarily, do not break tree branches, do not touch animals

Making simple riddles about vegetables;

Involve children in feasible work in the country;

Examination of garden tools;

Examination of vegetables and fruits;

Compiling a family cookbook “Book of Vitamin Recipes”;

Participation in the exhibition Gifts of Autumn;

Drawing your favorite vegetable

Week 2:

"Vegetables fruits"

“Where is the cabbage soup, look for us here”

Encourage children to engage in speech activity, reasoning and discussion of the current problem situation. Encourage children to express themselves independently

Cultivate an interest in writing

To promote the development of sustained attention in children in the process of performing sequential tasks on a visual and sound basis. Enrich children's vocabulary with the names of vegetables and fruits

Stimulate children's knowledge in the ability to differentiate sounds s, ts;

Appendix No. 2

Week 3:

"People's Labor in Autumn"

“In Grandma’s Yard...” (story based on pictures)

Develop the ability to compose a story from pictures, invent events preceding and following the plot depicted on it; learn to competently evaluate the content of stories and the correctness of sentence construction. Practice using nouns in the genitive plural; teach education relative names adjectives, match definitions to nouns; develop the ability to compare. Practice selecting words that are similar in sound and rhythm, pronouncing them at different tempos and with different voice strengths

O.S.Ushakova, E.M. Strunin “Speech development of children 6-7 years old”, p. 52, lesson No. 6

Week 4: “Nature in works of art”

Reading a poem

K. Choliev “Trees are sleeping”. Conversation about autumn.

Reading a poem Learn to compose a story using expressive and figurative means of language; develop the ability to select epithets and comparisons for a given word; convey a mood or impression in words.

O.S.Ushakova, E.M. Strunin “Speech development of children 6-7 years old”, p. 219, lesson No. 12

PERIOD: 01.11-30.11

TOPIC: “I am a man in the world. My family, my city."

EDUCATIONAL AREAS:Social and communicative development", "Speech development", "Cognitive development"

Cooperative activity:D/i “I am a tour guide” “Complete the house”, “Where I live” Folk games D/i “Name the city by its letter...” “What is the object for?” Examination of illustrations and photographs “Cities of Russia”, “Cities of the World” " Examination of the globe, world map. View slides about the history of Russia. Photo album "Russian Expanses". Narration from personal experience (who visited Moscow). Examination of photographs and clothing items of people of different nationalities in Russia. Family national traditions.

Independent activity: C-r games “We are building a city”, “We are going on vacation”. Game "Travel to Moscow" Construction game "Towers of the Moscow Kremlin." Examination of illustrations and photographs of “Cities of Russia”, “Cities of the World”.

Week, topic


Program content

Interaction with parents

Week 1: Who lives in my country? (nationalities, outstanding people).

Conversation about the work of A.S. Pushkin. Reading the fairy tale “About the Fisherman and the Fish”

Deepen and expand children's knowledge about creativity of A, C. Pushkin; to cultivate the ability to emotionally perceive the figurative content of a fairy tale, to notice and highlight figurative and expressive means, and to understand their meaning.

O.S.Ushakova, E.M. Strunin “Speech development in children 6-7 years old”, p. 212, lesson No. 11

Homework done together with the child, “I’m going home” - drawing up a route from the garden to the house,

Learning together with parents we learned poems about the city, about history hometown, countries, their attractions, exploring the nature of their native land

Parents’ participation in organizing visits to the library, museum, excursions to the post office, store, pharmacy, construction site.

Photo exhibition “My Family”

Looking at family photos with parents

Week 2: My country (history, flag, anthem). "My motherland"

"My motherland"

Instilling in children of this age a sense of patriotism and respect for their homeland. Introducing children to such concepts as “Russia”, “Motherland”, “Fatherland”; overview of the symbols and the Anthem of Russia

Appendix No. 3

Week 3: My planet.

"Children of the North"

Learn to compose a story from a picture using their existing knowledge about the life of children of the North; develop the ability to independently invent events preceding and following those depicted. Expand children's knowledge about the peoples of our country (names of nationalities, nationalities); practice selecting definitions and words that are close in meaning. Practice choosing short and long words.

O.S.Ushakova, E.M. Strunin “Speech development of children 6-7 years old”, p. 68, lesson No. 16

Week 4: My family.

Retelling of E. Permyak’s story “The First Fish”

Retelling the story of E. Permyak “The First Fish” Learn to retell a literary text using expressive means author.. pay attention to the various grammatical norms found in literary work, on how the meaning changes when used different suffixes. Practice selecting synonyms; learn to evaluate phrases according to their meaning

O.S.Ushakova, E.M. Strunin “Speech development of children 6-7 years old”, p. 60, lesson No. 12

Week 5: My mother.

Composing a text - congratulations dedicated to Mother's Day"

coherent speech: learn to compose text - congratulations; the sound side of speech: to consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sounds [s] and [w], to teach how to differentiate these sounds by ear and in pronunciation; clearly and distinctly, with different volumes and speeds, pronounce words and phrases with these sounds, correctly use interrogative and affirmative intonations.

Appendix No. 4

PERIOD: 01.12-31.12

TOPIC: New Year's holiday

Cooperative activity:Examination of illustrations depicting the estate of Father Frost. Letter to Santa Claus in Veliky Ustyug. Problem situation: “Who built the house for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden?” Game "Family". Our everyday life and holidays. Learning to greet guests. Let's go visit. Examination of illustrations and postcards depicting Father Frost and Santa Claus.” Game “Father Frost and Santa Claus. Find ten differences"

Independent activity:Games: Approbation New Year's traditions different countries. S-r game “TV report about the arrival of winter in our city”

Collective creative work “House of Santa Claus”. Making a Christmas tree toy for the game “Santa Claus’s Workshop”

Week, topic


Program content

Methodological support equipment

Interaction with parents

Week 1: Winter Beauty.

Memorizing S. Yesenin’s poem “Birch”. Creative storytelling.

O.S.Ushakova, E.M. Strunin “Speech development in children 6-7 years old”, p. 241, lesson No. 19.

Joint crafts of New Year's toys

Preparation for the New Year's Carnival (costumes)

Making Christmas tree toys

Involve parents in making feeders

Creation of mini-books “My New Year!” (with children) “When mom and dad were little” (with parents) characters.

Week 2: New Year celebration traditions.

Week 3: New Year's toys,


“Friends are going for toys” (practicing sounds based on pictures; composing a coherent story).

Teach children to use given speech structures in the story. To develop the ability to distinguish between voiced and voiceless consonants by ear and when pronouncing; independently select words with given sounds and with different sound durations.

O.S.Ushakova, E.M. Strunin “Speech development in children 6-7 years old”, p. 70, lesson No. 17

Week 4:

New Year's celebration

PERIOD: 08.01. – 01.02.

TOPIC: Winter

EDUCATIONAL AREAS: Social and communicative development”, “Speech development”, “Cognitive development”

Cooperative activity:Morning conversations with children “Winter signs” Examination of illustrations about winter and winter sports. Learning proverbs and sayings about winter. D/i “Where is whose tail?” "Who lives where?" Creation of a model of the “Dwellings of the Peoples of the North” (chum, igloo)

Independent activity:D/i: “Collect the picture”, “Dress the doll on the street”, “Find the mistake”. “When does this happen?” S/r game “Journey through the winter forest”, “Kindergarten”, “Snow town”. P/n “Name one, two, three quickly”, “Cold - hot”. Examination of paintings and illustrations from the “Winter” series. Compiling stories from personal experience: “Why I love winter,” “What I like to do in winter.”

Week, topic


Program content

Methodological support

Interaction with parents

Week 1: National holidays

Telling the fairy tale by V. Odoevsky “Moroz Ivanovich”

To teach to emotionally perceive the figurative content of a fairy tale; lead to an understanding of the idea of ​​the work, show its connection with the meaning of the proverb. O.S.Ushakova, E.M. Strunin “Speech development in children 4-5 years old”, p. 228, lesson No. 16.

O.S.Ushakova, E.M. Strunin “Speech development in children 4-5 years old”, p. 228, lesson No. 16.

Making albums about winter. Consultation: “Winter walks”;

Recommendations for parents on the topic: “Winter”. Reading works about winter.(a selection of poems about winter under the heading “Learn with your children”)Looking at illustrations and paintings about winter. Involve parents in clearing the area of ​​snow.

Week 2: Animal world in winter.

Compiling a story based on a picture.

Learn to compose a story based on a picture; develop the ability to independently invent events preceding and following those depicted. Practice correctly naming baby animals in the genitive singular and plural. Exercise children in selecting comparisons and definitions for a given word, as well as synonyms and antonyms.

O.S.Ushakova, E.M. Strunin “Speech development of children 6-7 years old”, p. 77, lesson No. 21

Week 3: Winter sports.

Compiling the story “How we play in the winter on the site”

Develop the ability to select the most interesting and significant things for a story and find an appropriate form of conveying this content; teach to include in the story a description of nature and the environment. Intensify the use of cognate words in speech (snow, snowball, winter, winter, etc.); learn to compose short story(2-3 sentences) with given words, combine them correctly according to meaning.

O.S.Ushakova, E.M. Strunin “Speech development in children 6-7 years old”, p. 74, lesson No. 19.

Week 4 Safety in winter.

PERIOD: 02.02-28.02

TOPIC: Defenders of the Fatherland Day.

EDUCATIONAL AREAS: Social and communicative development”, “Speech development”, “Cognitive development”

Cooperative activity:Examination and conversation based on the painting “Bogatyrs” by V. Vasnetsov. Teacher’s story “Heroes - Defenders of the Fatherland” Collective work on the application “Heroes of the Russian Land”. Writing creative stories on the theme “We are for peace!” Looking at illustrations and watching videos on the topic: “Clothing of ancient warriors” and “Military equipment.”

Independent activity:Sports game "Zarnitsa". Conducting relay races. Role-playing games “We are sailors”, “Border guards”, “We are military”. Construction of a heroic fortress with building materials and snow. Looking at illustrations in the book corner about life, work, study, physical education in the army, sentries at the Banner.

Week, topic


Program content

Methodological support.

Interaction with parents

Week 1: We love our Motherland

Reading by V. Kataev “The Flower of Seven Flowers”

Bring children to understanding moral meaning fairy tales, assessments of actions and character main character, recall other genres of oral folk art.
develop attention, memory, thinking, and the ability to give a complete answer to the question posed.through the genres of oral folk art, to cultivate in children empathy, a desire to help other people, and to be attentive towards others.

Appendix No. 5

Involving parents to help make attributes for the game “Russian Army”.

Exhibition “What our dads played.”

Creation of the traveling folder “Military Equipment”, the magazine “Nobody is forgotten and nothing is forgotten”.

Consultation for parents “What a child should know about the army.”

Album “Recipes for baking pancakes:family secrets"

To orient parents of pupils to introduce their children to Russian culture in the family.

Week 2: Military professions, technology.

“Compiling a descriptive story using board and printed games (puzzles and cubes) about military equipment.”

Summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about military equipment; select words with the same root, synonyms; practice writing sentences and stories using cubes and puzzles; activate children's vocabulary on this topic. develop logical thinking, fantasy, memory, attention; enhance your ability to solve riddles. To cultivate responsibility, observation, respect, love for the Motherland.

Appendix No. 6

Week 3: My dad is a soldier

Week 4 Maslenitsa

Reading the story by S. Ivanov “What kind of snow happens”

Deepen children's knowledge about the characteristics of nature during different periods of winter; to form an aesthetic perception of pictures of nature, artistic texts; learn to convey images of winter nature in drawings and verbal descriptions.

O.S.Ushakova, E.M. Strunin “Speech development of children 4-5 years old”, p. 247 lesson No. 22.

PERIOD: 01.03-31.03

TOPIC: International Women's Day. Folk culture and traditions

EDUCATIONAL AREAS:Social and communicative development", "Speech development", "Cognitive development"

Cooperative activity:Creative storytelling for children on the topics “I will be a mother”, “How I help at home” (to choose from). Looking at illustrations about a caring mother, reproductions of paintings “Mother and Child”, photographs of mothers. Learning poems about mom. Acquaintance with household items, utensils, and antique toys. Fairytale pages. Acquaintance with the wealth of Russian literature (songs, fairy tales, fables, small folklore genres). Exhibition of folk items decorative and applied creativity “Skillful hands do not know boredom.Learning Russian proverbs about work. D/i “Help Fedora”

Independent activity:Role-playing games “Home”, “Family”, “Furniture salon”, “Home clothing salon”, etc. Printed board game “My Apartment”D/i “Lay the Russian table” “Who needs what for work” “Collect a picture” “Russian household items.” Round dance games “I walked around the market”, “Who is with us, who is with us to plow the arable land.” Consideration

illustrations and photographs of Russian folk costume Workshop: Decoration of a Russian sundress (drawing) Weaving a belt for a doll from threads.

Week, topic


Program content

Methodological support equipment

Interaction with parents

1 Week: International Women's Day.

Organize a photo exhibition “The Most Charming and Attractive”. Thematic exhibition of drawings “My Mommy”.

Ask to bring folk toys and crafts to the group for viewing with children.

Week 2: Week of folk games and toys.

Conversation about Russian oral folk art. Telling the fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower.”

Systematize and deepen knowledge about Russian folk art: fairy tales, nursery rhymes, songs, proverbs; about genre, compositional and national linguistic features of the Russian language.

O.S.Ushakova, E.M. Strunin “Speech development in children 6-7 years old”, p. 275, lesson No. 31.

Week 3: Folk crafts.

"Book of Fairy Tales"

To consolidate children's knowledge about fairy tales as a genre, their classification, and the ability to identify parts of fairy tales (beginning, middle, end of a fairy tale)

Strengthen the ability to write fairy tales using modeling; Continue to teach children to answer in complete sentences. Help activate vocabulary.

2. Develop creative thinking and associations using multi-colored geometric shapes (triangles, circles, ovals). Develop in children Creative skills in inventing the plot of a fairy tale. Develop children's coherent speech, reasoning skills, and imagination.

4 week . Folk life and clothing.

“Small folklore forms” (rhymes, songs, riddles, proverbs).

To clarify and consolidate children’s ideas about the genre and linguistic features of nursery rhymes, songs, riddles and proverbs; develop the ability to understand figurative meaning words and phrases.

O.S.Ushakova, E.M. Strunin “Speech development of children 4-5 years old”, p. 221 lesson No. 13.

PERIOD: 01.04-30.04

TOPIC: Spring

EDUCATIONAL AREAS:»Social and communicative development", "Speech development", "Cognitive development"

Cooperative activity:Conversations on the topic “The life of plants (how did garden plants survive the winter?) and animals in the spring (who wakes up from hibernation, the spring worries of birds), “Three victories of spring” (the nature of the Urals). Drawing up rules of behavior in the forest. A teacher's story about Russian customs of welcoming spring. Introduction to the rules of nature conservation (fire is the enemy of the forest). A series of conversations “Spring in the mirror of art” (artists about spring; writers about nature in spring). Morning conversations “Earth is our home in the universe”, “Trip to the Moon”, “What are the stars like?” "What's happened solar system? D\i “Find the odd one out”, “Scouts”, “What has changed?”

Independent activity:Examination of the illustrations “Spring in Nature.” Bird watching. Listening to an audio recording - the voices of birds Creating a group work about spring awakening in nature. Compiling a book of drawings “Plants in Spring”. Construction game "Cosmodrome". S/r game "Space".

Week, topic


Program content

Methodological support equipment

Interaction with parents

1 Week: Natural phenomena

"Spring is coming to us..."

(inventing a fairy tale based on the picture and on the proposed topic).

To develop the ability to invent a fairy tale on a given topic, conveying the specifics of the genre. Practice selecting synonyms and antonyms, definitions and comparisons, masculine and neuter nouns; practice word formation. Learn to convey different feelings with intonation (joy, indifference, sadness)

O.S.Ushakova, E.M. Strunin “Speech development in children 6-7 years old”, p. 86, lesson No. 26.

Offer to parentsdiscuss with children:

Spring changes in nature: the sun is shining brightly, it has become warmer, the snow has melted, puddles have appeared, streams are running, the first grass appears, insects are waking up, the first flowers are waking up, birds are flying in from warmer climes, animals are waking up after hibernation, the day is getting longer;

The relationship between weather conditions and clothing;

- Sequence of plant growth.

Week 2: Space.

Week 3: “Earth Day”

"Spring. Big water". (composing descriptive stories based on a landscape painting).

To develop the ability to correctly determine and feel the mood reflected by an artist in a landscape and a writer in a literary work and convey it in his statements. Exercise in the selection of definitions and comparisons, synonyms and antonyms. Learn to compose sentences and pronounce them with different intonation colors, convey joy and grief with your voice.

O.S.Ushakova, E.M. Strunina “speech development of children 6-7 years old”, p. 89, lesson No. 28.

Week 4. Animal vegetable world in the spring

Memorization by G. Novitskaya “The buds are opening”, creative storytelling “How the maple tree was awakened”

Learn to expressively read a poem by heart, intonationally convey the joy of awakening nature; develop a poetic ear, the ability to perceive the musicality of poetic speech, feel and understand poetic images; develop the ability to compose lyrical stories and fairy tales (verbal creativity).

O.S.Ushakova, E.M. Strunin “Speech development in children 6-7 years old”, p. 175, lesson No. 30.

PERIOD: 01.05-10.05

TOPIC: Victory Day

Cooperative activity:Introducing children to the events of the Great Patriotic War: troubles - About the Great Patriotic War; - "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!" - The feat of a warrior-defender in works of Russian painting; - Military glory of the Urals." Proverbs and sayings about courage, bravery, heroism, friendship, etc.

Independent activity:Role-playing games “Our Army”, “Your Defenders”, etc. Examination of illustrations about the Great Patriotic War. Construction from LEGO and large builder of military equipment.

Week, topic


Program content

Methodological support equipment

Interaction with parents

1 Week: Holiday Victory Day

Help from parents in organizing art exhibitions

literature about the Second World War,Excursions to the monument to the victors of the Second World War.

Creation of a model “On the battlefields during the Second World War.”

Quiz "The military glory of our people."

Production of the book “Bow to the ground, soldier of Russia, for feat of arms at war!" with drawings and stories from children.

Week 2: Holiday Victory Day

PERIOD: 11.05-31.05

TOPIC: Hello summer!

EDUCATIONAL AREAS:Social and communicative development", "Speech development", "Cognitive development"

Cooperative activity:Target walks: “Primroses on our site”, “Trees on our site”. Conversation with viewing illustrations “Animals have babies.” Folk signs“What do plants and animals predict?” Introduction to the rules of nature conservation (fire is the enemy of the forest). Compiling a book of drawings “Plants in Spring”. Drawing “How do I imagine myself at school?”

Independent activity:Plot-didactic game “Young Forest Defenders”Examination of illustrations related to dangers in the forest (fire, thunderstorm, strong wind, etc.).

Week, topic


Program content

Methodological support equipment

Interaction with parents

1 Week: Summer, natural phenomenon

Retelling of M. Prishvin’s story “Golden Meadow”

Give children an idea of ​​the story literary genre; consolidate an understanding of its specifics; learn to retell a story in the third person. Develop the ability to select the most precise definitions and comparisons; practice agreeing nouns and adjectives. To improve children's ability to regulate the tempo and strength of their voice. ABOUT.

O.S.Ushakova, E.M. Strunin “Speech development in children 6-7 years old”, p. 94, lesson No. 30.

Making riddles about flora, fauna, insects.

Strengthen children's ability to correctly name the season and signs of summer, tell what the weather is like in summer, name the summer months in order, go to a park, square, pond on weekends, look at trees, flowers, plants.

Week 2 “Rules of behavior in nature”

Week 3 “Goodbye, kindergarten! Hello, school!

Compiling stories “What does a first-grader dream about?”

Zakharova Tatyana Vladimirovna,

teacher of MAUDO "Kindergarten No. 10"


Explanatory note

Student performance primary school, the quality of his knowledge acquisition during the school period largely depends on preschool preparation. Why does one child do well in school? primary school, and the other is facing serious problems? The point is not only in the presence or absence of abilities, but also in what development the abilities received in the first six to seven years of the child’s life. Unfortunately, most modern children prefer a computer or TV to copywriting or some serious games. To help children prepare for school life, I have developed a group work program “Soon to school.” The program includes:

1. Games and tasks for speech development.

2.Development of mathematical abilities.

3. Exercises to develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

4. Games for the development of logical thinking, memory, attention.

5. Material on familiarization with the surrounding world.

This program is designed for children 6-7 years old; circle activities are designed to be carried out once a week for 30 minutes. To determine the level of mastery of the program, diagnostics will be carried out.


Comprehensively prepare children for school, provide all the necessary knowledge, help cope with the circle work program.


1. Develop children’s ability to listen carefully and complete tasks, answer questions with complete answers.

2. To develop logical and imaginative thinking, speech, attention, and memory in children.

3. Promote children's high intellectual ability. 4. To instill accuracy in children when performing tasks,

Long-term plan for group work “Soon to school”


To develop the ability to distinguish between vegetables and fruits.

Exercise “Draw arrows”, “Arrange vegetables and fruits”

Introduce children to sounds, develop the ability to distinguish between vowels and consonants.

Exercise “Name the sound.” D/game “Pick up a picture.”

Continue to teach counting within 10, help remember numbers.

Exercises: “Complete the task according to the example”, “Write in the missing number”.

To develop the ability to shade images,

develop small

motor skills

Exercises: “Draw a line”

“Shading according to the sample.”

Teach children to decide logic problems, develop thinking, speech,



“We develop living and inanimate nature,” “Name the object.”

Continue to develop knowledge about the world around us.

Verbal game “Name the object of the past and present”, exercise “Connect the objects”.

Continue to teach children to distinguish vowels and consonants, find objects with a given sound, write the letters a, o.

D/ game “Come up with a word”, task “Color objects with a given sound”,

“Write the letter.”

Develop the ability to compare objects and solve simple problems.

Exercises: “Arrange the signs”, “Solve examples”.

Introduce children to graphic dictation and develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper.

Tasks: “Draw a picture”, “Graphic dictation”.

Continue teaching children to solve logical problems and perform attention tasks.

Tasks: “Solve the problem”, “Draw an object”.

Develop the ability to remember short sentences and perform simple tasks.

Tasks: “Solve the problem”, “Complete the object”.

Continue teaching children to classify objects and perform attention tasks.

Word game “Distinguish animal world", exercise "Connect the animals and their babies with arrows."

Introduce children to deaf and voiced consonants and find them in words.

D/game “Pick up a picture”, task “Write letters”.

Repeat with children geometric figures, continue to teach children to solve problems.

D/game “Name the figure”, exercises “Find a pair”, “Solve the problem”.

Teach children to find an extra object in a chain of words and perform attention tasks.

Exercises “What’s extra?”, “Connect with arrows.”

Continue to teach children to carefully shade objects. Finish drawing, perform graphic dictation.

Drawing a picture “Let’s complete the fairy tale”, graphic dictation.

To develop in children knowledge about surrounding objects - dishes, to classify objects according to their purpose.

Exercises “Find and circle”, “Place the dishes in their places”.

Teach children to form syllables from letters, divide words into syllables.

D/game “Name it correctly”, “Make a syllable”, “Read the syllables”.

Continue teaching children to solve examples, find neighbors of numbers, repeat the composition of a number.

Task “Complete the number chain”, “Find the number”, “Write down the neighbors”.

Teach children to draw figures of different sizes and stroke in one direction, write in cells.

Exercises “Drawing different shapes”, “Completing tasks”.

Teach children to complete tasks to develop logical thinking.

Exercise “Find the animal”, “Find the differences”.

Exercise children in reading small words and develop coherent speech.

Task “Read the word”, “Come up with a sentence”.

Strengthen the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper and perform creative tasks.

Exercises “Draw a line”, “Color the clown by numbers”.

Develop children's logical thinking and fine motor skills.

Task “Correct mistakes”, “Write letters”.

To develop children’s ability to compose a short story based on a picture and develop memory.

Compiling a coherent story based on a picture, exercise “Remember and name it.”

Develop children's ability to navigate on a sheet of paper.

Graphic dictation, exercise “Let's decorate the clearing.”

Exercise children in reading short words, highlighting a given sound in a word.

Exercise children in counting forward and backward.

D/game “Count correctly”, “Connect the numbers”.

Repeat the sequence of seasons with the children.

D/game “When does this happen?”, exercise “Similarities and differences”.

Reinforce the classification of objects and practice writing a descriptive story.

D/game “Make a flower”, exercise “Choose a word”.

Repeat geometric shapes with children, find objects in the environment that are similar to one or another shape.

Board game “Geometric Lotto”, exercise “Find the object”.

Exercise children in the ability to answer questions with different intonations.

Exercises “Answer questions”, “Question-answer”.

Exercise children in the ability to distinguish between days of the week and navigate on a sheet of paper.

Exercise “Arrange the numbers.” D/ball game “Name the day of the week.”

Exercise the ability to solve logical problems and develop children's memory.

Exercise “Solving problems”, “Remember and name”.

Develop fine motor skills and the ability to solve puzzles.

Task “Make a pattern”, exercise “Solving puzzles”.

Review the material covered with the children.

Entertainment “We want to know everything.”


O. Uzorova E. Nefedova. “1000 exercises to prepare for school.

O. Uzorova, E. Nefedova “300 patterns. Getting ready for school."

“The entire preschool program. Reading". S. E. Gavrina, N. Kutyavina, S. Shcherbinina “School for preschool children.” O.V. Dybin "I recognize the world."

Notebooks with tasks “Dividing words into syllables”, “Studying literacy”, “Studying mathematics”, “Testing the knowledge of preschoolers”.

Diagnostics of program mastery:

Low level: The child cannot independently complete tasks, even according to the model, and finds it difficult to answer the question posed even with the help of an adult.

Average level:The child copes with all tasks with a little help from an adult, answers questions correctly, and needs a little help from an adult.

High level:The child copes with all tasks independently, his speech is clear and intelligible. Can answer any question posed independently.

Attention! This program is subject to proprietary rights and is protected by the Civil Code Russian Federation The Law “On Copyright and Related Rights” and other regulations on intellectual property.

The program can be used for familiarization and your own practical work in a preschool institution. Use of information is permitted provided that all copyright marks are preserved!

Ways and methods of protecting rights:
If the work was used without the consent of the copyright holder (with the exception of special exceptions specifically provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), then the copyright holder can use to protect his exclusive rights all methods and methods provided by civil, administrative and criminal legislation).

We invite preschool teachers Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra publish your methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, original programs, methodological manuals, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

Natalia Moor
Speech development club “Govorushki”


"I affirm" Agreed

Head of MKDOU – Art. teacher

kindergarten « gold fish» Kilin A. S. /___

Karpushkina N. M. /___

Program club activities

By speech development

in the middle group No. 2

« Talkers»


Moor Natalia Sergeevna

R. p. Krasnoobsk 2016

Circle« Talkers»

People talkative

speak clearly,

Clean, clear, intelligible -

Everyone understands.

S. Svetlova

1. Explanatory note.

By the age of four, physically and mentally development significant changes occur in the child. However, children of this age are still characterized by instability of attention, inability to exert long-term volitional effort, and a rapid decline in performance.

A child’s long stay in a preschool educational institution creates favorable conditions for systematic work on the sound side speeches. Work on pronunciation consists of the following interconnected stages: 1) examination speeches and the child’s pronunciation; 2) development correct articulation; 3) consolidation of correct pronunciation in free speeches; 4) Development phonetic perception; 5) skills of sound analysis of sentences and words.

The formation of many speech skills requires repeated repetitions (for example, when learning to clearly pronounce a sound, use speeches certain grammatical form words, composing a story based on a picture, memorizing a poem). This is difficult to achieve in one lesson, so in a preschool educational institution it is necessary speech development club. Classes are held once a week in the afternoon. All these classes are aimed at developing the correct child's speech, which is an indispensable condition for a child’s successful education at school.

1.1. Program information card.

Type: educational

Level: developing

Form of conducting classes: subgroup

Integration of educational regions:

1. Speech development

2. Social – communicative development

3. Cognitive development

4. Artistic and aesthetic development

5. Physical development

2. Relevance mug.

The age from 3 to 5 years is of particular importance for speech child development. The main task of a teacher in the field speech development children preschool age- help them learn colloquial speech, master your native language. The most important sources development children's expressiveness speeches are works of oral folk art, including small folklore forms (rhymes, lullabies, counting rhymes, fairy tales, riddles) and finger games. The educational, cognitive and aesthetic significance of folklore is enormous, as it expands the child’s knowledge about surrounding reality, develops the ability to subtly sense the artistic form, melody and rhythm of the native language. Development fine motor skills of the hands and fingers in children is important for general child development, since he will need precise coordinated movements to write, dress, and also perform various household and other movements. Consequently, hand movements are always closely related to speech and contribute to it. development. Finger training affects the maturation of speech function. Otherwise speaking, if the baby has dexterous, mobile fingers, then speak he will learn without much difficulty, speech will be develop correctly. Finger games are not only an incentive for development of speech and fine motor skills, but also one of the options for joyful communication. It’s not without reason that funny folk nursery rhymes, fairy tales, finger games, and games are passed down from generation to generation. "Tell poems with your hands", finger theater. Based on this, I chose the theme of my mug: “The use of folk art in speech development children of primary preschool age" entitled « Talkers» .

3. Purpose:

4. Objectives mug:


1. Introduce children to oral folk art, Russian folklore.

2. Enrich and activate children’s speech.

3. Learn to discuss the content of a nursery rhyme or the text of a finger game.

4. Encourage activity in choosing a role, to enter into a role.

5. Strengthen the ability to coordinate hand movements with the text of the nursery rhyme.

6. Learn to imitate the movements of adults.


1. Develop fine motor skills, imagination, thinking, memory.

2. Develop interest in folk art.

3. Develop a sense of rhythm, creative thinking of children.

4. Develop attention, visual perception.

5. Develop coordination of movements of both hands.


1. Foster love and emotional attitude towards the heroes of nursery rhymes.

2. Cultivate love for all living things.

5. Methods of implementation mug:

1. Verbal (conversation, learning nursery rhymes, poems, riddles, Russian folk songs, texts of finger games);

2. Visual - showing actions.

3. Actions with the child’s hands.

4. Independent actions of the child.

Circle Classes are held for 10-15 minutes, in the afternoon, once a week on Wednesdays.

Pedagogical analysis is carried out 2 times a year (at the beginning of the year - introductory, at the end of the year - final).

6. Calendar-thematic planning mug

Weeks 1 and 2 of the month - learning works of folklore, week 3 of the month - getting to know folk tales, week 4 of the month - learning finger playing.

Advance lesson planning speech development club« TALKERS» for the 2016-2017 academic year.

No. Lesson topic Date Objectives


1 Didactic. Exercise

“Who eats what?” Activate in speech verbs: lap, gnaw, etc.

2 ZKR "Tell A" Pronounce the sound clearly "A" (aurally).

3 Learning nursery rhymes

"Finger boy" Accustom children to listen to the teacher’s speech and repeat after him. Encourage children to pronounce words in their entirety. Learn to memorize words of nursery rhymes.

4 Toy Theater "Goby tar barrel" Remind them of the content of the fairy tale, encourage them to pronounce and repeat individual words and phrases after the teacher.

5 Didactic. Control “Tell me what you hear?” Learn to pronounce individual sound combinations clearly. Strengthen the vocal apparatus, enrich children's vocabulary.

6 Looking at pictures "Pets" Teach children to name animals independently and reproduce onomatopoeia.

7 Learning nursery rhymes

"Pussy, pussy, scat pussy" Encourage children to pronounce words in their entirety. Learn to memorize words of nursery rhymes. Convert Special attention on sound pronunciation "WITH".

8 Toy Theater "Turnip" speak in the voices of heroes.

9 ZKR "Pronunciation of the sound M" To teach children to pronounce the sound “m” correctly and clearly (m)" Learn to pronounce a sound with sufficient vocal strength. Learn to pronounce the sound m in words and verbs.

10 "Magic Cube" Strengthen the ability to name pictures on cubes.

Answer questions about the content of the picture by repeating individual words and phrases.

11 Learning nursery rhymes « Shadow-shadow sweating" Instill a love of the artistic word, the ability to listen and understand. Promote active pronunciation of nursery rhyme words. Explain words that children do not understand.

12 Toy Theater

"from the market" Introduce a new poem. re-enactment of this work. Consolidate knowledge on the section "vegetables".

13 ZKR "Sound U" Pronounce the sound clearly "y". Find it in syllables, words (aurally).

14 Learning a nursery rhyme "The fox walked through the forest" Introduce a new nursery rhyme. Learn it. Explain unclear words. Play a nursery rhyme.

15 Didact ex. "Guests" Develop coherent speech. Remind polite words. Teach children to look at objects and highlight details. Strengthen your ability to communicate with each other.

16 Toy Theater "Mitten" Remember the content of the fairy tale. Learn to retell a fairy tale speak in the voices of heroes.

17 Didact. A game "Name it correctly" Pin words by section "cloth", "furniture". Develop coherent speech.

18 Learning nursery rhymes. “Like our cat” Introduce a new nursery rhyme. Learn it. Clarify unclear words. Play a nursery rhyme

20 Didactic. A game "Be careful" Learn to recognize given sounds in words and syllables.

21 Learning a nursery rhyme “The cat went to Torzhok”. Introduce a new nursery rhyme. Learn it. Clarify unclear words.

22 Toy Theater “The cat went to Torzhok” Accustom children to listen to the teacher’s speech and repeat after him. Encourage children to pronounce words in their entirety. Learn to memorize words of nursery rhymes. Encourage children to repeat the words of nursery rhymes. To achieve an understanding of the content of a poetic work.

23 Didact. A game "Bee" Develop fine motor skills of hands. Fix the pronunciation of a sound "AND"

24 Learning counting rhymes “One, two, three... There’s nowhere for the bunny to jump” Introduce a new counting rhyme, develop coherent speech, achieve clear pronunciation of sounds.

25 Looking at a picture "Tanya and the Pigeons" Learn to write a story based on a picture Develop attention, memory

26 Toy Theater “Grandfather wanted to cook fish soup” Introduce new poems. Play out the poem.

27 Speech game

"Automobile" Introduce new game. Achieve clear pronunciation of words.

28 Unlearning "Lullaby" Develop the ability to raise and lower your voice.

29 Dramatization of a fairy tale "The wolf and the seven Young goats" Remember the content of the fairy tale. Learn to retell a fairy tale speak in the voices of heroes

30 Didact. A game "Echo" Develop hearing, attention, speech. Repeat words after the teacher and peers.

31 Game "Who's doing what?" Answer questions about the content of the picture by repeating individual words and phrases. Learn to look carefully at a picture and name the objects and actions of people depicted in it.

32 Fairytale kaleidoscope Consolidate knowledge about fairy tales that have been read throughout the year.

Municipal budget preschool educational institution № 165

“Kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in the artistic and aesthetic direction of the development of pupils”


speech development circle “Talkers”




at the pedagogical council

MBDOU No. 165

Compiled by: Soboleva A.V., teacher of MBDOU No. 165

Work program of the speech development circle “Govorushki”, 2016,

This program can be used by preschool teachers when working with children on speech development.

  1. Target section

Explanatory note

This work program was developed in accordance with the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ, the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.

The program ensures the development of personality, motivation and abilities of preschoolers 4-5 years old in various types activities: gaming, communication, perception fiction and folklore.

The program covers the speech direction of children's development and education.

Purpose of the program– development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech.


  • the child’s mastery of coherent monologue speech: the ability to compose descriptive stories about objects and objects, descriptive stories based on pictures;
  • develop dialogical speech: the ability to formulate questions, use elements of explanatory speech when answering questions;
  • develop children's vocabulary by introducing children to the properties and qualities of objects, objects and materials and performing research activities;
  • develop the ability to clearly pronounce complex sounds of the native language and correct word pronunciation;
  • cultivate a desire to use means of intonation expressiveness in the process of communicating with peers and adults.
  • principle of developmental education;
  • the principle of combining scientificity and practical applicability;
  • the principle of integration of educational areas;
  • complex thematic principle.

The program is addressed to preschoolers 4-5 years old. The content of the program takes into account such age psychological characteristics children of this age, as a need for active speech development, which at this age is characterized by an increase vocabulary not only due to nouns, but also verbs, pronouns, adjectives, numerals.

The duration of the program is 1 year. Children's age – 4-5 years, middle group. The main form of organizing educational activities to master work program- classes. The frequency of classes is 2 times a week, lasting 30 minutes.

Planned results of mastering the work program

Targets: the child speaks well enough orally, can express his thoughts and desires, can use speech to express his thoughts, feelings and desires, build speech utterance in a communication situation, can identify sounds in words, the child develops the prerequisites for literacy.

Methods for mastering the content of this program:

Visual: observations; use of illustrative and visual material, use of ICT.

Verbal: teacher’s story, conversation with children, reading children’s literature.

Practical: figurative games - imitations, dramatization, game situations; didactic games; plot-role-playing games.

Thematic work plan for the “Talkers” circle





"Hello, autumn!"


"Bunny visiting children"



"I am human"


Retelling of the fairy tale “The Bubble, the Straw and the Bast Shot”



"Gifts of Autumn"


"We have been tamed by man"


"My little homeland"


Storytelling from a picture


"Polite words"


Learning a poem




Retelling a fairy tale


"My favorite toy"


“How the little bunny found his mother”



"In the world of professions"


Description of subject pictures


"Defenders of the Fatherland Day"



Retelling a fairy tale



"Lessons from Moidodyr"


Description of objects and toys


Writing a story



"In the world of transport"


"Victory Day!"




"Visiting Mukha - Tsokotuhi"


"Literary Kaleidoscope"




Means of implementation

"Hello, autumn!"

Encourage children to answer questions with simple, complete answers, ask questions and listen to the answers of their comrades, and maintain a general conversation; speak in turns without interrupting each other.

Illustrations “Autumn”, didactic game “Make a picture”

"Bunny visiting children"

Encourage children to compose a descriptive story, when describing animals, name them characteristics and signs, actions, connect sentences with each other.

Algorithm for writing a descriptive story. Toys: bunny, hare, fox, wolf, squirrel, bear, hedgehog, ball. Audio recordings with children's songs; basket.

Storytelling based on the painting “Cat with Kittens”

Lead the children to compose a short coherent story, as well as short story based on personal experience.

Painting “Cat with kittens”, flannelgraph, pictures of a dog, duck, magpie, puppies, calves, ducklings. A ball of thread.

"I am human"

Continue to encourage children to compose a descriptive story about a person, his body parts, and differences from each other.

The poem “Parts of the Body”, the didactic game “What a person has in twos”, riddles about the parts of the human body, educational cards “How a person works”.

Retelling a fairy tale.

Encourage children to retell the fairy tale, expressively conveying the dialogue of the characters.

Russian folk tale "Bubble, Straw and Lapot". Toys: squirrel, dog, crocodile, giraffe; counting ladder.

Formation of dialogical speech skills.

Develop dialogical speech, encourage them to ask and answer questions on their own.

Toys: baby goat, bunny, goat, cow, doll.

"Gifts of Autumn"

Continue to develop dialogic speech, encourage children to continue the story started by the teacher.

Pictures: “Harvesting in the garden”, “Vegetables”, “Fruits, berries”, 2 baskets.

"We have been tamed by man"

Continue to develop dialogic speech, encourage children to answer questions; to develop in children the ability to form the plural form of nouns denoting baby animals in the nominative and accusative cases(foals, kittens, puppies, etc.)

Pet illustrations; audio recording of pets' voices; riddles about pets; didactic games: “Who has who?”, “Who eats what?”. Outdoor game "Mousetrap"

"My little homeland"

Encourage children to compose a short, coherent story about their city, based on the teacher’s questions and personal knowledge.

ICT: virtual journey through the city of Kemerovo. Didactic game “Like - not like”, Outdoor game:


Storytelling from a picture

Lead the children to compose a short coherent story based on the picture. To develop the ability to correctly form forms of nouns in the genitive case.

Painting "Dog with puppies". Toys: a dog with puppies, a duck with ducklings, a rabbit with her babies, a picture of a “magpie.”

"Polite words"

Continue to develop dialogic speech.

Dramatization of the fairy tale “The Good Mouse”, attributes and decorations for the fairy tale, a toy - a bear cub.

Learning a poem

Poem by E. Blaginina “Let’s Sit in Silence”, didactic game “Say Kindly”

Description of objects according to their characteristics

Develop the ability to describe an object without naming it. Intensify the use in speech of words denoting actions (verbs) and qualities of objects (adjectives).

Screen, Parsley. Toys: ball, matryoshka, drum, car, doll, cow, duckling, plumes.

Description and comparison of toys (dolls)

To develop the ability to describe and compare dolls, correctly naming the most characteristic features; speak in complete sentences.

Two dolls - large and small, with different hair colors and lengths. Outdoor game "Dolls".

Retelling a fairy tale

Continue to develop the ability to conduct dialogue, expressively conveying the conversation of the characters.

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”, attributes and scenery.

"My favorite toy"

Develop coherent monologue speech by composing a descriptive story using a toy while clearly naming its signs and actions.

Toys of children's choice, algorithm for composing a descriptive story.

“How the little bunny found his mother”

To develop the ability to compose a collective narrative story; encourage children to continue the story started by the teacher.

Toy – bunny (big and small), word game “Tender words”, finger game"Pickling cabbage."

Description of items from pictures

Continue to develop the ability to describe the object drawn in the picture, highlighting the most significant features; pronounce the sound “sch” clearly and correctly, hear this sound in words, and highlight it.

Pictures depicting different hares; three brushes: toothbrush, shoe brush, clothes brush.

"In the world of professions"

Continue to develop the ability to conduct a dialogue and answer the teacher’s questions in complete sentences.

Projector, laptop. Slides: professions, stations. Pinocchio toy, cards depicting professions, “Professions” diagram, subject pictures of tools

Description of subject pictures

Continue to develop the ability to answer questions coherently in two or three sentences, naming the object, its characteristics and actions.

Toys: puppy, duck, cube, hare. Items: box, brushes, pliers, screen, dishes. Flannelograph.

"Defenders of the Fatherland Day"

The development of speech through the unity of the development of vocabulary with the development of perception, ideas, and thinking.

Slides depicting military personnel (sailor, tanker, border guard, pilot). Pictures depicting various branches of the military. Sound recording "War sounds".

Compiling a descriptive story “My Mother”

Continue to develop coherent monologue speech by composing a descriptive story.

Didactic and verbal games: “Say kindly”, “What kind of mother?”, “Name the baby”. Algorithm for writing a descriptive story.

Retelling a fairy tale

Continue to encourage children to retell the story; develop monologue speech, focusing on the picture plan.

Andersen G. H. " Ugly duck", picture plan, toy duckling.

“Sound culture of speech: sounds shch - ch”

Preparing children for sound analysis words Form the correct pronunciation of the sounds “sch-ch” in syllables, words, sentences.

Poems: Marshak S.Ya. “About everything in the world”, Selvinsky I. “What is right?” Proverb: “Soup soup and porridge are our food.”

"Lessons from Moidodyr"

Improve dialogic speech.

Chukovsky K.I. “Moidodyr”, didactic game “Wash yourself correctly”, outdoor game “In an Even Circle”. Cat toy.

Description of objects and toys

Continue to develop the ability to describe objects and toys; form a clear and correct pronunciation of the sound “l” (l)

Toys with the sound “l” in their names, pictures depicting domestic and wild animals.

Writing a story

Develop the ability to create a picture and talk about its content.

Flannelograph, set of pictures, pictures-matrices.

Consolidation of general concepts

Continue to develop the ability to describe objects, selecting words that have the right meaning; form a clear and correct pronunciation of the sound “r” (рь)

A painting of a tiger, characters from the fairy tale “Teremok”, toy chips.

"In the world of transport"

Improve your descriptive storytelling skills.

Transport pictures or toys, traffic light cards

"Victory Day!"

Illustrations “Victory Day”, poem by T. Belozerov “Victory Holiday”.


Continue to develop the ability to conduct dialogue; form ideas about the family and its members.

ICT: presentation “Family - kindergarten”, didactic games:

"Hello guys! ",“Assemble a whole from parts”; a ball of thread.

"Visiting Mukha - Tsokotuhi"

Improve dialogue skills and the ability to write a descriptive story.

Screen, toy Fly - Cluttering, samovar, picture “Insects in the forest”. Chukovsky K.I. "Fly Tsokotukha".

"Literary Kaleidoscope"

Find out if children have favorite poems, fairy tales, stories; Do they know riddles and counting rhymes?

Conversation about what works children know.

3. Organizational section

The work program is provided with teaching and educational tools, including methodological and children's fiction, audio-video aids, and didactic games. In addition, the implementation of the content of the program is ensured due to material and technical means and the peculiarities of the organization of the developing subject-spatial environment.

Methodological literature


City, publisher, year of publication.

Type of publication

Loginova V.I., Babaeva T.I. and etc.

“Childhood: Program for the development and education of children in kindergarten”

St. Petersburg, “Accident”, 1997


Ushakova O.S., Strunina E.M.

“Speech development of children 4-5 years old”; program, guidelines, lesson notes, games and exercises.

Moscow, publishing center "Ventana-Graf", 2010


Ushakova O.S., Strunina E.M.

“Methods of speech development for preschool children”

Moscow, LLC “Humanitarian Publishing Center VLADOS”, 2004.


Audio – video aids

Audio recordings: Shainsky V. - Plyatskovsky M. “Smile”; Shainsky V. - Nepomnyashchaya D. “Song of the Baby Mammoth” about mother; Tukhmanov D. - Entin Y. “Brave Bunny”; VIA “Masterok” “Everything comes true in the world”; voices of animals and birds; Mikhalkov S. “Song of Friends”; sound recording "War sounds".

Multimedia presentations:"Family - kindergarten" « Virtual trip around the city of Kemerovo."

Visual material

Paintings, pictures, silhouette figures, dummies.

Models, signal cards.

Literature for children

1.Demo pictures:




"Harvesting in the garden"


"Fruits, berries"

"How a person works"

Pictures depicting various branches of the military.

"Rules safe behavior on road"

Illustrations “Victory Day”


2.Paintings: “Cat with kittens”, “Dog with puppies”, “Insects in the forest”.

3. Models of vegetables and fruits.

1.Algorithm for composing a descriptive story.

2. Pictures - matrices for composing stories.

3. Traffic lights.

Russians folk tales: “Teremok”, “Geese and swans”, “Zhikharka”, “Winter quarters of animals”, “Fox with a rolling pin”, etc.

Poems: Barto A.L., Blaginina E., Alexandrova Z. and others.

Stories: Zoshchenko M., Charushin E., Tolstoy L. et al.

Fairy tales: Chukovsky K.I., Zhukovsky V., Odoevsky V., Pushkin A.S. and etc.

List of works of children's fiction



Russian folktale

Blaginina E.

Danko V.Ya.

Marshak S.Ya.

Selvinsky I.

Chukovsky K.I.

Belozerov T.

Chukovsky K.I.

Akim Ya.L.

"Bubble, Straw and Bastfoot"

"Let's sit in silence"

"Good little mouse"

"About everything in the world"

"What is right?"


"Victory Holiday"

"Fly Tsokotukha"

“The First of May” - excerpt

Speech development games

Didactic games

Role-playing games

Outdoor games, game exercises

"Make a picture"

“That a person has two”


“What is the salad made of?”


“Which of which?”

“Who has who?”

“Who eats what?”

“It’s similar - it’s not similar”

"Say kindly"

“Where is the sound “s” hidden?

"Help the Sun"

"Sweet words"

"The Fourth Wheel"

"Who to be"

“Who needs these things?”

“Tell me about the military profession”

“Which mom?”

"Name the Cub"

“Name the items that will be needed for washing”

"Wash your face correctly"

"The Thread That Ties"

« Assemble the parts into a whole»

"Daughters - Mothers"

"Vegetable shop"

“Like a little bunny was looking for its mother”


Physical exercises:

“We chop cabbage”

"Hares are jumping"


"Pickling cabbage"

"We're going, we're going by car"

Outdoor games: “Mousetrap”



"Sunny bunnies"

“We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did.”

"What changed? »



"In an even circle"

"Traffic light"

"Sky, sea, earth, rails"


Logistics support. Basic training equipment

Name of thematic corners in the group

List of main equipment

Theater corner

Corner of children's fiction.

Traffic safety corner.


Various types of theaters: tabletop, finger, etc.

Attributes and decorations for fairy tales.

Masks, mask-hats for fairy tales.

Literature for reading, telling, memorizing, looking at.

Traffic lights, didactic material: “Roadway”, “Rules of conduct on the road”, etc.

. Children's Encyclopedia - Knowledge Portal.

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