Russian lands during the period of feudal fragmentation test. Test “Ancient Rus' and feudal fragmentation”, (grade 6). protected itself from the raids of the nomadic Polovtsians

History test Political fragmentation in Rus' for 6th grade students with answers. The test includes 2 options, each with 10 tasks.

1 option

1. Select from the list three

1) subsistence farming
2) climate change
3) economic development of individual areas and territories
4) development of information technology
5) change in the status of the ruler
6) increasing the privileges of the peasantry

2. State a positive consequence of fragmentation.

1) princely strife
2) economic crises
3) flowering of culture
4) struggle for primacy between individual regions of the country

3. With the end of the reign of which prince, do historians believe, the period of fragmentation began?

1) Vladimir Monomakh
2) Mstislav the Great
3) Yaroslav the Wise
4) Vladimir Svyatoslavich

4. What income of the boyars became the main one during the period of fragmentation?

1) war booty
2) tribute collected from subject lands
3) exploitation of the population of subject estates
4) trade with European countries


The type of economy aimed at satisfying one's own needs and not focused on trade is called __________.

6. The official title of the head of the church in Ancient Rus' during the period of fragmentation

1) head of the Russian Orthodox Church
2) Metropolitan of the Russian Orthodox Church
3) Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Rus'
4) Patriarch of Kyiv and All Rus'


1) In what year did Prince Igor’s campaign described in the work take place?
2) In the fight against which people was Prince Igor’s army defeated?
3) The author, discussing the fate of Prince Igor, set as an example to other princes the prince - the baptist of the Old Russian state _______________.

8. three

1) Chernigovskoe
2) Mordvinskoe
3) Polish
4) Galician
5) Vladimir-Suzdal
6) Siberian

9. With which European countries did the principalities of Ancient Rus' have active trade relations? Select three countries. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Czech Republic
2) China
3) Mongolia
4) Poland
5) Hungary
6) Arab Caliphate

10. Chronicle centers in Old Russian state there were church institutions, or __________.

Option 2

1. Select from the list three reasons for political fragmentation. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) lack of strong economic ties between regions of the country
2) adoption of Christianity
3) growth of privileges of the nobility
4) strengthening the power of the monarch
5) dominance of subsistence farming
6) increasing the privileges of the urban population

2. Name a positive consequence of fragmentation.

1) princely feuds
2) economic growth of individual territories
3) weakening military power states
4) increasing dependence of peasants on landowners

3. What date is considered the conditional time of the beginning of fragmentation?

1) 1113
2) 1125
3) 1132
4) 1185

4. How did the position of the prince change in ancient Russian cities during the period of fragmentation?

1) the prince had to defend the interests of Kyiv, the center
2) the prince sought to separate from Kyiv
3) the prince was indifferent to the support of the local population
4) the prince easily entered into disputes and conflicts with the local population, without fear of consequences

5. Write down the term in question.

In Ancient Rus', the region that was part of the possession of the younger members of the princely family is __________.

6. Russian Orthodox Church was ruled by the Kyiv Metropolitan. The metropolitans of Ancient Rus' were predominantly

1) Russians
2) Greeks
3) Romans
4) Scandinavians

7. Remember the main provisions that relate to the work “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”.

1) Igor, main character works, was the prince of the principality of _______________.
2) Who did Prince Igor fight with?
3) The author, discussing the fate of Igor, set as an example to other princes Vladimir Monomakh and his grandfather, with whose reign the appearance of the first set of laws is associated - _______________.

8. Using a map reflecting the period of fragmentation of Ancient Rus', select Russian principalities and lands from the list ( three names). Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Turovo-Pinsk Principality
2) Wallachian Principality
3) Novgorod land
4) Polovtsian land
5) Principality of Polotsk
6) Cheremis land

9. During the period of fragmentation, construction began to actively develop. What buildings were built from stone first?

1) city administration buildings
2) temples
3) houses of urban artisans
4) city warehouses

10. During the period of fragmentation, chronicles began to be created in every major principality and city. But almost all chronicles began with the all-Russian chronicle, which is called _______________.

Answers to a history test: Political fragmentation in Rus'
1 option
5. natural
1) 1185
2) Cumans
3) Vladimir Svyatoslavich
10. monasteries
Option 2
5. destiny
1) Novgorod-Seversky
2) Cumans
3) Yaroslav the Wise
10. The Tale of Bygone Years

1. The period of feudal fragmentation lasted in Rus':

a) from the 11th to the 13th centuries;

b) from the XII to the XV centuries;

c) from X to XIV centuries;

d) from the 9th to the 12th centuries;

d) there is no correct answer.

2. The Moscow principality arose:

a) in 1147;

b) in the second half of the 13th century;

c) with decay Kievan Rus in 1132;

d) in 1240;

d) there is no correct answer.

3. The main military opponents of the Russian lands in the 13th century. were:

a) Swedish feudal lords and German knights;

b) Polovtsy;

c) Tatar-Mongols;

d) there is no correct answer.

4. The Battle of Lake Peipus (Battle of the Ice) took place in:

a) 1240;

b) in 1242;

c) in 1223;

d) in 1236;

d) there is no correct answer.

5. Mongols are:

a) nomadic tribes of Asia;

b) Baltic peoples;

c) Transcaucasian peoples;

d) the population of the Arabian Peninsula;

d) there is no correct answer.

6. The main occupation of the Mongols in the 13th century. was:

a) nomadic cattle breeding;

b) irrigation farming;

c) arable farming;

d) craft;

d) there is no correct answer.

7. Batu’s campaign against Rus' took place:

a) in 1327;

b) in 1237-1241;

c) in 1480;

d) in 1380;

d) there is no correct answer.

8. Determine the order of government of the Mongol khans:

a) Genghis Khan, Ogedei, Batu;

b) Tokhtomysh, Batu, Genghis Khan;

c) Ogedei, Genghis Khan, Batu;

d) Tokhtomysh, Ogedey, Batu;

d) there is no correct answer.

9. Mongolian state Golden Horde formed:

a) in the 10th century;

b) in the 9th century;

c) in the 13th century;

d) in the 11th century;

d) there is no correct answer.

10. Tatar-Mongol yoke in Rus' there were:

a) from 1237 to 1380;

b) from 1223 to 1380;

c) from 1243 to 1480;

d) from 1223 to 1480;

d) there is no correct answer.

11. The seniority of Russian princes in the XIII - XV centuries was determined:

a) age;

b) a label for reign issued by the Golden Horde Khan;

c) by the decision of the Congress of Russian Princes;

d) “laddered” order of succession to the throne;

d) there is no correct answer.

12. Cities not destroyed Mongol invasion 1237-1241:

a) Novgorod;

b) Vladimir;

c) Kozelsk;

d) Ryazan;

d) there is no correct answer.

13. The Battle of Kulikovo Field took place:

d) there is no correct answer.

14. The Golden Horde yoke ended for Rus':

a) The Battle of Kalka;

b) Battle of Kulikovo;

c) standing on the Ugra;

d) Battle of the Neva;

d) there is no correct answer.

15. The collection of tribute for the Golden Horde began to be carried out by Russian princes under:

a) Alexander Nevsky;

b) Dmitry Donskoy;
c) Ivan Kalita;

d) Vasily Temny;

d) there is no correct answer.

1. Feudal fragmentation is….

2. The main ones during the period of feudal fragmentation were: ....

3. What forms of government were established in the Russian principalities during the period of feudal fragmentation?

4. Baskaks are...

5. Moscow becomes the religious center of Russian lands in ... year in connection with ... .

6. The first Moscow prince Daniil was the son of….

1) natural stage of development medieval states, characterized by the disintegration of a single state territory into independent, politically and economically independent fiefs (land-states) from the center; 2) feudal estate and peasant community; 3) monarchy and boyar republic; 4) leaders of Mongolian military units; 5) 1326 in connection with the transfer of the residence of the Russian Metropolitan to it from Vladimir; 6) Alexander Nevsky.

Place of work, position: -

MBU Lyceum No. 51, history teacher

Region: — Samara region

Characteristics of the abstract:
Levels of education: - secondary (complete) general education

Grade(s): – 10th grade

Subject(s): - History

Target audience: — Pupil (student)
Target audience: — Teacher (teacher)

Resource for specialized school: — Resource for specialized schools

Resource type: - test

Brief description of the resource: -

A test on the topic Feudal Fragmentation can be used in classes studying history in profile level for independent work and in preparation for the Unified State Exam.

Feudal fragmentation

  • Rus' entered a period of political fragmentation in
  • 2) 30s. XII century;

    3) the end of the 13th century;

    4) the beginning of the 14th century.

    2. Which of the princes fought for ten years Kyiv throne, was recognized three times as the prince of Kyiv?

    1) Yuri Dolgoruky;

    2) Svyatoslav Olgovich;

    3) Yaroslav Osmomysl;

    4) Mstislav Vladimirovich.

    3. After the collapse of Ancient Rus' into principalities and lands, the first among other principalities was considered

    1) Chernigovskoe;

    2) Polotsk;

    3) Kyiv;

    4) Suzdal.

    4. The decline in the role of Kyiv and the rise of new centers was not due to

    1) Polovtsian raids;

    2) the formation of the path “from the Varangians to the Greeks”;

    3) movement of trade routes;

    4) migration of the population to more protected areas.

    5. The special role of Novgorod in Russian history was that it

    1) was subjected to constant raids by the Polovtsians;

    2) it housed the residence of the metropolitan;

    3) it was located in the center of important trade routes;

    4) was the most ancient Russian city.

    6. Indicate the form of government established in Novgorod inXIIV.

    1) absolute monarchy;

    2) parliamentary monarchy;

    3) aristocratic republic;

    4) democratic republic.

    7. The date of foundation of Moscow is considered

    8. Establish a correspondence between the names of the princes and their characteristics.


    1) Yuri Dolgoruky; A) fought with his brothers to retain the throne,

    2) Andrey Bogolyubsky; inherited from father;

    3) Vsevolod the Big Nest; B) founded cities in Suzdal land, fought for Kiev

    4) Yuri Vsevolodovich. throne;

    B) was considered the most powerful prince

    Rus', his army “could have scooped up the Don with helmets”;

    D) moved the capital of the principality to the city

    Vladimir-on-Klyazma and founded

    Church of the Intercession on the Nerl

    9. Indicate the reasons for the rise of the Vladimir-Suzdal land:

    A) proximity to the steppe;

    B) protection from external enemies by dense forests;

    C) abundance of arable fertile land;

    D) access to the Baltic Sea;

    D) colonization of the Volga and Oka rivers.

    10. Establish a correspondence between the position in Novgorod and job responsibilities.


    1) mayor; A) was engaged in collecting taxes and city

    2) thousand; militia;

    3) archbishop; B) headed the city administration;

    4) prince. B) was the leader of the squad;

    D) dealt with questions foreign policy, managed the treasury,

    was in charge of the church court

    11. Establish a correspondence between specific manifestations of the consequences of the fragmentation of Rus' and their characteristics.


    1) preservation of all wealth in separate

    principalities and lands; A) negative;

    2) weakening of defense capability; B) positive.

    3) the growth of inter-princely strife;

    4) development of local book schools,

    architecture, icon painting.

    12. The following factors prevented the complete collapse of Rus':

    A) differences in natural and economic conditions in the lands;

    C) the formation of a trade route “from the Varangians to the Greeks”;

    D) a single all-Russian church organization;

    D) agreements between the princes on a joint fight against the Polovtsians.

    13. Highlight three reasons for the separation of Russian lands from Kyiv:

    A) the formation of the path “from the Varangians to the Greeks”;

    B) the growth of patrimonial land ownership;

    B) movement of trade routes;

    D) urban development;

    D) the decomposition of the tribal community.

    14. Indicate the features of Old Russian culture:

    A) the influence of Byzantine culture;

    B) interweaving of Christian and pagan traditions;

    C) the decisive influence of steppe culture;

    D) unity of language, way of life, way of life of the people;

    D) ancient heritage.

    1) AGD 2) IOP 3) BVD 4) ABG

    15. Establish correspondence between terms and definitions.


    1) epic; A) the genre of Russian epic song - tales of heroes;

    2) chronicle; B) biographies of clergy and secular persons canonized by the Christian

    3) lives of saints; church;

    4) walking. C) instruction for children;

    D) weather record of historical events;

    D) a genre of ancient Russian literature, which is

    travel descriptions.

    16. Establish correspondence between terms and definitions


    1) relief; A) a pictorial image of God or a saint, which is the subject of a religious


    2) fresco; B) painting on wet plaster with paints diluted in water;

    3) mosaic; C) an image or pattern made of colored stones, smalt, etc.;

    4) icon. D) a type of sculpture in which the image is convex (or recessed)

    in relation to the background plane;

    D) the legend of the saints.

    File size: 20480 bytes.

    Option 1.

    1. In what year did Rus' break up into separate principalities:

      1147 2) 1132 3) 1136 4) 1113

    “...... you sit high on your golden throne!

    Supported by iron shelves, the Hungarian mountains

    Blocking the king's path,

    Closing the Danube Gate"

      Yuri Dolgoruky 2) Andrey Bogolyubsky

    3) Vsevolod Big Nest 4) Yaroslav Osmomysl.

    3. To what century does the first mention of Moscow date back?

    1) IX 2) X 3) XII 4) XIV

    4. Andrei Bogolyubsky, Vsevolod the Big Nest were princes

    1) Moscow 2) Kyiv 3) Vladimir

    4) Galician-Volyn

    5. Head of the republic in Novgorod:

    1) Tysyatsky, 2) prince, 3) mayor 4) archbishop

      constant raids by the Khazars

      the boyars' reluctance to serve the Kyiv prince

    7. Match the name of the prince and his nickname:








    Big Nest



    8. The Congress of Princes in Lyubeche decided that

    A. Each prince will now rule his own land together with the Grand Duke;

    B. princes will participate in the struggle for power together with the prince of Kyiv;

    V. each prince will now rule his land independently, the princes agreed to refrain from internecine wars;

    9.Which Kyiv prince restrained feudal fragmentation?

    A. Yaroslav the Wise;

    B. Vladimir Monomakh;

    V. Alexander Nevsky;

    10. What form of government developed in Novgorod in the 12th century?

    A. Gorodskaya

    B. Monarchy

    B. Republic

    Topic: “Fragmentation in Rus'.”

    Option 2.

    1. In what year was it first mentioned in the chronicle about Moscow:

      1. 2) 1127 3)1137 4)1147

    “You can splash the Volga with oars

    Or scoop up the Don with helmets (your warriors)"

    1) Yuri Dolgoruky 2) Andrey Bogolyubsky

    3) Vsevolod Big Nest 4) Yaroslav Osmomysl.

    3. To what century does the collapse of Rus' into separate principalities date back?

    1) IX 2) X 3) XII 4) XIV

    4. Roman Mstislavich, Daniil Romanovich were princes

    1) Moscow 2) Kyiv 3) Vladimir 4) Galicia-Volyn

    5. The actual owners in Novgorod were:

    1) artisans, 2) princes, 3) boyars 4) merchants

    6. Which of the following is one of the reasons for fragmentation in Rus':

      weak economic ties between Kyiv and other cities

      transition from a tribal community to a neighboring one

      strengthening the power of the Kyiv prince

      onslaught of the Cumans

    7. Match the name of the prince and the principality in which he ruled:



    Yury Dolgoruky

    Vsevolod Mstislavich

    Yaroslav the Wise

    Andrey Yurievich




    Novgorod land

    8. Who was the first of the princes to appropriate the title of Grand Duke of Vladimir?

    A. Vsevolod the Big Nest

    B. Yuri Dolgoruky

    V. Andrey Bogolyubsky

    9. The supreme, i.e. the main power in Novgorod was possessed by...

    A. People's Assembly

    B. Veche

    B. Council of Nobles

    10. A striking literary monument late XII it was centuries

    A. “The Word on Law and Grace”;

    B. “Teaching to Children”;

    V. “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”;

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