1c e-learning course designer. Organization and management of the educational process

Free educational versions and access to demo databases

Modern technologies provide the market ample opportunities to find new, more effective forms of solving various problems. And training is no exception. Increasing the availability of knowledge, accelerating the learning process and obtaining quick results while reducing costs are now urgent needs for many enterprises and organizations.

For educational organizations (universities, colleges, technical schools, training centers) it is important to build an electronic information and educational environment that will combine information educational resources, means of training and management of the educational process.

E-learning today is the most progressive and rapidly developing form of knowledge acquisition. Taking into account the needs of the modern market, 1C has released a line of software products 1C: Electronic learning, designed for organizing and conducting electronic and blended learning in commercial and educational organizations.

Today, the line includes three software products that allow you to automate learning processes:

  • 1C: Electronic learning. Corporate University - system distance learning for automating internal training and certification of personnel of medium and large enterprises, as well as conducting electronic and blended learning in universities, colleges and training centers.
  • 1C: Electronic learning. Course Builder is a tool for developing electronic courses and tests, trial e-learning.
  • 1C: Electronic learning. Examiner – a tool for developing electronic tests; conducting e-training and testing for enterprise employees; accumulation and analysis of e-learning results.

And the software product 1C: Electronic learning that expands their capabilities. Teacher and student web account, which allows you to organize multi-user web access for students and teachers to the above four products.

Benefits of using eLearning

Using e-learning tools provides a number of benefits to an organization.

For commercial organizations, the use of e-learning allows:

  1. Reduce training costs by 50–70% without loss of efficiency:
    • By purchasing electronic courses, which in most cases are cheaper than face-to-face ones, including due to the possibility of repeated use.
    • Due to savings on employee movements, provided by a reduction in the number of business trips for training purposes.
  2. Create unique courses that take into account the specifics of the company, its business processes, product range, and technologies used. Modern means The development of electronic courses makes the process of creating interactive multimedia courses accessible to users who do not have programmer qualifications.
  3. Reduce training time due to the possibility of conducting remote simultaneous or distributed training of hundreds and thousands of people. At the same time, access to training resources is possible daily and around the clock via the Internet.
  4. Increase the effectiveness of training through a system of testing and monitoring the application of acquired knowledge during practical exercises.

For educational organizations (universities, colleges and training centers) e-learning also provides new opportunities.

  1. Allows you to fulfill the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for third-generation open source software in terms of support methodological support extracurricular work students and justify the time spent on its implementation, as well as providing students with educational publications in each discipline.
  2. Necessary to meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education 3+ in terms of the functionality of the electronic information and educational environment of the university.
  3. Improves monitoring indicators educational organization in terms of accessibility of training to persons with disabilities disabilities health and disabled people.
  4. Allows you to independently develop electronic training courses, tests and workshops, and also used in the information and educational environment:
    • educational materials of educational products of the series "1C: School", "1C: Laboratory", "1C: Higher School", developed on the platform "1C: Education 4. Home";
    • electronic resources of the open website of the Federal Center for Information and Educational Resources;
    • third-party courses collected in SKORM 2004 format;
    • INTUIT courses.

Certification of developed courses

The 1C company cooperates with organizations, authors and individual entrepreneurs to certify mass-produced electronic training courses created using one of the following software products:

  • 1C: Electronic learning. Course designer,
  • 1C: Electronic learning. Corporate University,
  • 1C: Electronic learning. Educational organization.

Applicants for e-course certification are:

  • partners of the 1C company with experience in training users and creating educational teaching materials, as well as developing specialized and industry-specific software products;
  • organizations that have entered into a franchising agreement, a cooperation agreement or a special agreement with consulting companies with 1C;
  • universities and other educational organizations.

Certified electronic courses receive circulation distribution opportunities, which are described in information release No. 20086 dated June 23, 2015. Send suggestions and questions regarding certification of electronic courses to:

It is one of the few software products today designed for automation of the processes of organizing and conducting mixed (face-to-face and electronic) training. The product is focused on solving problems training management for medium and large enterprises, corporate training centers, as well as educational institutions offering distance and blended learning, and allows you to solve the following problems:

    Automate management processes mixed (electronic and face-to-face) training;

    Organize and conduct e-learning on a local network and via the Internet;

    Create and maintain training plans and event schedules;

    Monitor the assimilation of knowledge and carry out various testing;

    Analyze learning outcomes;

    Keep records of classrooms and educational equipment.

Main product functionality

Development of educational materials

1C: Electronic learning. Corporate University allows:

    Create training materials containing texts, graphics, links, audio and video files, ActiveX objects;

    Place and store files in a unified information database various forms at;

    Create electronic tests and exercises using more than 8 types of questions and faceted presentation of some of them;

    Create glossaries of terms and definitions;

    Maintain a library educational materials;

    Carry out full-text search in the information base;

    Customize the layout, behavior, and design of e-learning materials.

Student records

The product allows you to reflect the structure of the enterprise for training purposes legal entities and/or responsibility centers. It is possible to import information about students (from an Excel table, for example, or “1C: Salary and Personnel Management”) and maintain lists of students indicating their characteristics (full name, phone number, e-mail, etc.).

user management

To separate access rights, it is possible to maintain lists of users and flexibly configure their rights, divided into groups or individually. The following basic user roles are identified:



    Curator of training



In each specific case, standard roles can be flexibly configured to suit customer requirements.

Development of training scenarios

The ability to develop training scenarios for both group and individual has been implemented. This makes it possible to automate the processes of organizing and managing various forms of training adopted in a particular organization: electronic, face-to-face or mixed. Scenarios for events of various forms can be created, which can then be combined into a single training program. These can be not only lectures, seminars, selfeducation, but also certifications, exams, etc.

Organization and management of the educational process

Allows you to fully automate the learning process:

    Form study groups;

    Assign to groups of teachers and curators (one or more);

    Create training schedules;

    Keep records of teachers' workload;

    Keep records of the existing classroom fund (and its occupancy) and educational equipment.

It is possible for students to interact with training organizers through surveys and questionnaires (to clarify preliminary wishes or obtain feedback about events), as well as conducting information exchange between all participants in the educational process: publishing news, messaging system, forums, internal mail.


1C: Electronic learning. Corporate University gives opportunities:


    Submit training requests independently,

    Provide access to a catalog of open electronic educational materials,

    View the catalog and schedule of events,

    Take e-learning

    Form a personal electronic library,

    View your personal grade book.

conducting training:

    View training programs and events,

    Get acquainted with the results of students completing assignments and tests

    See learning results

    Enter grades received by students in face-to-face classes into the information system,

    Maintain training records for each event, regardless of the form of its implementation.

Control of knowledge acquisition

The software product allows you to create tests to monitor and consolidate students' knowledge acquisition. There are more than 8 types of questions for this purpose. Some questions may have a faceted presentation. Tests can be used:

    For entrance testing level of knowledge,

    As an intermediate control when performing exercises,

    For a final test of knowledge after completing the training.

To evaluate the results, there is a customizable scoring system for each test, both automatically and manually. Conversion of points into grades and back according to established rules is supported.

Accounting and analysis of learning results

1C: Electronic learning. Corporate University allows you to keep records, collect and accumulate statistics for each training event: the number of people who completed training, duration of training, grades given, reviews of the event and other indicators. Based on training results, it is possible to generate custom reports for both events and students.

Application solution 1C: Electronic learning. Course Builder, version 3.0 developed on the interface.

The software product is intended for those who:

  • plans to create electronic multimedia courses and practice-oriented tests for use in educational process(business trainers, teachers of educational organizations);
  • wants to train its employees on its own or with little investment;
  • is looking for a functional tool for organizing and conducting e-learning.

The functionality of the new application solution allows you to automate the following tasks:

Taking into account the needs of users, it was released in two versions: basic (single-user) and PROF (network), differing in functionality.




Multiplayer mode
Adaptation of educational materials
Create your own courses
Exchange of educational materials between authors
Online training using a standard browser
Changing the configuration
Recommended retail price, rub.

The main delivery for both versions includes the platform 1C:Enterprise 8.3, configuration 1C: Electronic learning. Course Builder, a set of documentation and a single-user license.

Usage 1C: Electronic learning. Course Builder provides course authors and staff responsible for training with a number of advantages:

  • Ease of creation of educational materials and tests due to the ability to download into electronic resources familiar to methodologists starting materials in MS Word, Excel or PowerPoint format.
  • Possibility of data exchange with other software products of the system 1C:Enterprise 8 and programs from other manufacturers allows you to use real, up-to-date data from accounting and management systems when creating courses.

Currently, 1C partners are actively using the configuration when developing electronic courses for training in the use of software products created on the platform 1C:Enterprise 8.

The licensing policy offered by 1C makes it possible to use the application solution 1C: Electronic learning. Course Builder licenses 1C:Enterprises 8 previously purchased. This allows organizations that already have system application solutions 1C:Enterprise 8, minimize the costs of organizing workplaces for training, use the opportunity for training directly on the job.

When using the product 1C: Electronic learning. Course Builder it is possible to organize access sessions spaced over time. This allows, with a single license, workplace train larger number students by assigning their access sessions to the information base at different times.

When integrating the Course Designer with the 1C: E-learning software product. Teacher and student web account:

  • students and teachers working simultaneously in the web office use an unlimited client client license for workstations 1C:Enterprises 8,
  • Electronic courses and tests published in the web office are available for study from various types of iOS and Android mobile devices.

At the same time, to work in the web office of teachers and students, there is no need to purchase hardware or software client licenses 1C:Enterprises 8.

Exclusive rights to configuration 1C: Electronic learning. Course Builder belong to the company "1C".

Questions Every day they become more and more relevant in the modern digital environment. The reasons for organizing e-learning can be very different, and one of the main issues is the choice of software product for implementing e-learning.

E-learning system

The software product "1C: Electronic learning. Corporate University" is intended for automation of the learning process in the personnel management service of medium and large educational enterprises, organization of e-learning for corporate training centers and educational institutions using distance and mixed form training. "1C: E-learning. Corporate University" is a comprehensive solution for building an e-learning system, as well as managing the work of an educational institution.

With the program "1C: Electronic learning. Corporate University" educational institution solves problems

  • Accounting for student client base (corporate and private clients)
  • Creation of training schedules and plans
  • Registration of teachers and their allocation for training
  • Creating a training schedule
  • Conducting electronic or conventional testing
  • Electronic journal training

Cost of the software product – RUB 97,200

Note! In the 1C: Electronic Learning product line there are two more simple solutions, each of which can be used separately or all together:

  • 1C: Electronic learning. Examiner. The program is intended only for creating a test database and conducting testing.
  • 1C: Electronic learning. Course designer. Creation of comprehensive training courses, tests and knowledge monitoring.

The introduction of e-learning solves the following problems:

  • Organization and conduct of training, management of the educational process;

E-learning system based on “1C: Electronic learning. Corporate University decides current issues automation of the learning process in educational institutions and specialized training centers.

Time frame for automating the learning process depend on the overall goals and objectives and how precisely the task of organizing e-learning is set.

Installation and configuration of the automation program is completed in one day. As a result, you receive a ready-to-use e-learning system.

In the system you can immediately begin entering the following information:

  • Database of testing questions
  • Catalog of teaching materials used for teaching
  • Lists of teachers
  • Information about study groups and duration of training.

One of the advantages of this e-learning automation software product is that you can master it gradually as you work.

This means that in the process of implementing an e-learning system, we can identify the main functional blocks with which we need to start working as soon as possible. For example, this could include entering information about teachers, a question database, and a methodological information database. We provide you with training specifically in these sections.

As soon as you understand that you are ready to move on to the next stage and master new functional parts, we provide training in new sections.

An alternative option is that you can master the e-learning system on your own and only occasionally seek advice and in case of difficulties.

Note! Using the software product “1C: Electronic learning. Corporate University" automation of the learning process has been completed training center "Aviator", which specializes in providing high-quality training services for engineering and technical personnel for foreign aircraft.

In the process of introducing e-learning, modifications were made taking into account the specifics of the aviation industry, as well as the company’s business processes and international requirements for the submission of documents. Individual certification sheets and questionnaires have been developed.

The existing mechanisms for organizing e-learning made it possible to introduce a calendar planning function taking into account the workload of teachers, which is also a standard function of organizing e-learning.

Thanks to the use of the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 technology platform, it was possible to implement the interface for working with the program in several languages, which is very important for an international company.

The next step of automation is the transition to a completely electronic form of learning using the capabilities of 1C: E-learning. Corporate University".

"1C: E-learning. Corporate University" is one of the few software products of e-learning systems that make it possible to comprehensively automate the management of the blended learning process in educational institutions. "1C: Electronic learning" was developed on a new technology platform"1C:Enterprise 8", which allows you to integrate it with other application learning automation solutions. This makes it possible to use information stored in other databases for training purposes (for example, a commercial organization can use its price lists and product descriptions to train salespeople), or upload training results to a personnel management system.

The licensing policy offered by 1C makes it possible to use it to work with 1C: E-learning. Corporate university licenses purchased previously. This allows organizations that already have application solutions of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system to minimize the costs of organizing workplaces for training and to use the opportunity for training directly on the job. When using the 1C: Electronic learning product. Corporate University can organize access sessions spaced over time. This allows you to train a larger number of students using one workplace license by scheduling access sessions to the information base at different times.

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