Information computing technology. We are in social networks. Specialty "applied computer science"


In order to become a qualified specialist in the chosen field, the student will have to learn:

  • determine the scope of research, collect, verify, process and analyze primary information for design;
  • develop software using modern tool applications and tools;
  • analyze technical data and scientific information, draw conclusions based on the experience of foreign and Russian colleagues on the topic of design;
  • train company employees to use modern methods and automated software tools for research and design;
  • carry out maintenance of computers, software and peripheral equipment;
  • install the necessary software systems and applications, configure and ensure normal operation of software and hardware;
  • analyze indicators of technical condition, depreciation of computing equipment;
  • take measures for routine repairs and preventive maintenance of high-quality operation of systems;
  • establish relationships between elements and nodes of computing devices;
  • install, test and commission computer and information networks;
  • work with software languages ​​and write applications in them.

Who to work with

The professional field of bachelors will be related to information technology. Graduates can be programmers, layout designers, and web administrators. They often become computer operators and system administrators. Specialists are also hired as traffic managers and electronics engineers. The areas of activity of enterprises can vary in their purpose, they include banks, service companies, medical institutions and others. The industrial sector also does not ignore qualified personnel. Here, recent students find their application in organizations involved in forestry and agriculture, mechanical engineering.

  • Programmer and software developer;
  • Specialist in the implementation of ERP systems;
  • Specialist in the field of design and operation of computer networks;
  • Technical support specialist and system administrator;
  • Web development specialist;
  • A developer or database administrator.

Where will I work?

  • in leading Russian and foreign companies developing and operating hardware and software;
  • in development centers and research centers of transnational companies;
  • in system integrator companies and IT departments of large Russian companies and government agencies.

Our graduates:

Over the past 5 years, more than 400 specialists have graduated from the EP. are traditionally in demand in the labor market, about 90% of graduates are employed in the Moscow region immediately after graduation. According to reviews from employers, PED graduates show themselves as competent, qualified specialists who, in addition, have great potential for further development, which contributes to their further professional advancement and work in leadership positions.

According to data from the Department of Labor and Employment of the City of Moscow, the distribution of jobs for specialists with higher education in the enlarged group of specialties 03/09/01 (previously 230,000) “Informatics and Computer Science” is estimated in 2013 as 170,544 people. The growth forecast is illustrated by the diagram:

The demand for IT specialists in the labor market can also be confirmed by rating data best universities Russia in terms of salaries of graduates working in IT. The rating was compiled by the Superjob research center based on a comparison of the average income of specialists who received diplomas from Russian universities in the period from 2009 to 2014. According to the MIEM rating, NRU HSE is in 8th place with a salary level of 75 thousand rubles.

I study at the Faculty of Informatics and Computer Science at the Department of Automated Information Processing and Management Systems at KPI, Kiev Polytechnic Institute, and Information Systems and Technologies is my path.
Actually, an excerpt from the description on the site, so as not to pull the cat by the tail:

Undergraduate curriculum

1. Programming cycle

Algorithmization and programming. Algorithms and data structures. Object-oriented programming. Object-oriented modeling. WEB - technologies and WEB-design. Organization of databases and knowledge. Computer graphics. Computer technologies for statistical information processing. Cross - platform programming. Technology for creating software products. OS. Basics of WEB design.

2. Mathematical cycle

Analytical geometry and linear algebra. Higher mathematics. Elements of the theory of functions of a complex variable and operational calculus. Discrete Math. Probability theory, probabilistic processes and mathematical statistics. Mathematical methods operations research. Theory of algorithms. Numerical methods. Decision theory. Statistical methods, event flow theory.

3. System-technical cycle

System analysis. Systems modeling. Distributed systems technologies and parallel computing. Information protection technologies. Information systems design. Computer design technologies. Data mining. Methods and systems of artificial intelligence. IT project management. Physics. Electronics and electrical engineering. Computer circuitry and computer architecture. Computer networks. Microprocessor systems.

Areas of activity

Our graduates are specialists of a wide profile. The objects of their specialization are in various areas of human activity - in the areas

  • industry
  • medicine
  • finance
  • transport
  • trade
  • business

Our graduates are able to solve a variety of problems: from accounting automation to the development of computer networks and intelligent decision-making systems. As systems analysts, they deeply understand the essence of complex interaction processes various fields production, humanitarian and business activities, which gives them advantages for successfully competing in the labor market.

Graduates work wherever software and various information (system) technologies are developed, implemented, adapted or operated, in particular, as:

  • systems analysts,
  • project managers,
  • data scientists,
  • implementation and reengineering consultants,
  • database administrators,
  • application programmers,
  • support engineers,
  • things like that.

Information technology (IT) occupy an important place in all spheres of human life and activity. A special place in the diversity of IT is occupied by automated information processing and control systems(ASOIU), the main purpose of which is the automation of activities related to the storage, transmission and processing of information. Since the information is in modern world the most important resource, then ASOIU play a decisive role in any field of activity (accounting, banking, warehouse, administrative and management automated systems). Modern automated information systems rely on the use of local and global networks, processing of graphic, video and audio information, multimedia technology, and artificial intelligence systems. Without this kind of systems it is difficult to imagine a modern enterprise, regardless of the size and direction of activity. This largely determines the existing stable demand in all sectors of the economy for specialists in the field of design, creation and use of automated control systems. This also explains the great interest in this area among young people.

“Automated information processing and control systems” is a specialty for those who love mathematics and programming and want to be fluent modern means computer hardware and software, network technologies of various scales: from local to corporate and global.

Objects of professional activity: computers, complexes, systems and networks; automated information processing and management systems; computer-aided design systems; software for computer equipment and automated systems (programs, software packages and systems); mathematical, informational, technical, ergonomic, organizational and legal support of the listed systems.

Graduates of this specialty can work:

  • programmers
  • system administrators
  • system programmers
  • web programmers

Assigned qualification

Qualification - bachelor. Training profile- “Automated information processing and management systems”

Positions held

  • Software engineer
  • Automated production control systems engineer
  • Research Engineer
  • Engineer for the implementation of new equipment and technology
  • Engineer for mechanization and automation of production processes

Universities that offer this specialty

  • Belarusian-Russian University(passing points in, , , )

ATTENTION! When calculating passing scores, the score of the certificate is not taken into account (Russian admission rules)

Graduates of this specialty receive a diploma Russian model, since training is carried out at the expense of the Russian budget and according to Russian educational programs. Citizens of the Republic of Belarus can apply for this specialty on equal terms with citizens of Russia. Free training.

The core subject when entering a university to major in computer science is mathematics, as well as physics and ICT. On average in Russia, for admission it is enough to score in these subjects and the Russian language on the EGE from 35 to 80 points. The passing score depends on the prestige educational institution and competition in it. Sometimes, at the discretion of the university, knowledge of foreign languages.

Specialty "applied computer science"

The most modern, progressive and promising direction when studying IT is Applied Informatics. This is an innovative direction that involves a creative approach during subsequent work in the specialty “applied computer science”.

The code of the specialty "Applied Informatics" is 03/09/03. It is also called computer science ICT. The specialty is studied at many faculties - economics, law, management and education, as an additional subject. The specialty involves the study of programming languages ​​and foreign languages, but the emphasis is on practical use these skills in various information systems.

Specialty "Business Informatics"

According to the classifier "Business Informatics" the code is 38.03.05. This specialty is quite new and appeared only in 2009. Accordingly, when choosing the specialty “business informatics”, who to work for a student is an important question. Business informatics allows you to obtain qualifications as a designer, optimizer and administrator of systems and processes of business programs.

In order for a student to be able to obtain a specialty in business informatics, universities teach how to conduct analytics, plan and organize IT projects of various levels of complexity. Except logical thinking and technical mindset, students in the direction of 03.38.05 are required analytic skills, communication skills and leadership skills.

Specialty "Informatics and Computer Science"

Under the code 09.03.01 in the classification is the specialty "Informatics and Computer Science". Everyone decides who to work with such qualifications for themselves, based on the acquired knowledge in the areas of software development, IT design and information security. During the training period, students master high-level programming languages, and OS and local network administration skills.

Training in the direction of 03/09/01 takes 4 years. Despite the relatively short training period, the field of “Informatics and Computer Science” is considered one of the most difficult, since it involves acquiring skills for developing programs and algorithms.

Specialty "applied computer science in economics"

Applied computer science with an emphasis on economics is a subsection of “Mathematical support and administration of information systems” 03/02/03 for bachelor’s degrees and 04/02/03 for master’s degrees. Computer Science with additional specialty"economist" allows you to create, implement and maintain software in the field of economics, analyzing its operation and algorithms.

A student who has received an education in the field of “applied computer science in economics” is able to solve functional problems and operate financial and material flows using special software.

"Mathematics and Computer Science" - specialty

Applied mathematics and computer science is a specialty in universities according to code 01.03.02 in bachelor’s programs and according to code 01.04.02 in master’s programs. In contrast to narrow specialists in the fields of economics, education and law, “Mathematics and Computer Science” allows you to apply the acquired skills in any work that involves the use of software, ICT, communication networks and systems, and conducting mathematical calculations. The student will be able to apply the acquired skills in analytical, scientific, design and technological fields.

Computer science and control systems - specialty

At the department of "Informatics and Control Systems" the directions of the section "Informatics and Computer Science" are studied 09.00.00. Students gain skills in the areas of 3D modeling, WEB development, information security technology, design of intelligent control systems and development of microprocessor systems.

Computer science and statistics - specialties

The Department of Computer Science and Statistics allows students to obtain qualifications in the specialties of the Information Security section 10.00.00. The department teaches special disciplines, which are aimed at ensuring information security in specialties 10.05.01-05 and interaction with relevant software.

"Fundamental computer science and information technology" - specialty

Bachelor's level specialty in the direction 02.03.02 "Fundamental Informatics and information Technology"has a focus on system mathematical programming, information processing and management of communication systems. In addition to programming, the student gains knowledge in the areas of design and sound processing, and can manage telecommunications objects.

Institutes specializing in computer science

There are more than 50 universities in Russia that offer training to students in computer science fields.

At Russian institutes you can gain skills to work as a programmer, developer, information systems engineer, designer, and administrator of local and WEB networks. The specialty of computer science teacher is also being studied at universities at the master's level, in the areas of 04/02/01 and 04/09/02.

College - specialty "applied computer science"

The specialty “applied computer science” at the college was not included in the list of specialty codes from 2015. Training in applied computer science on the basis of a diploma gives graduates the right to passing the Unified State Exam obtain the qualification "Technician-programmer". The training lasts 3-4 years and opens up opportunities to work in any enterprise as a programmer.

Where can you work in computer science?

One of the most sought after technical specialties currently is computer science. Therefore, many graduates who received high scores in mathematics, choose the IT direction. Specialties related to computer science can be divided into fundamental, applied and additional.

Depending on the choice, the student learns to interact with various systems at stages from development to administration and practical use in various computing fields.

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