How to get a destination airline referral. Help for applicants: how to get a targeted referral to study at a university. What is targeted training: advantages and disadvantages

As part of the special educational program of the Federal Air Transport Agency, 33 candidates entered the leading aviation universities according to the target set of Rossiya Airlines.

All year "Russia" receives requests for such targeted directions from different regions of Russia. This year, the airline was allocated twenty-three places for flight training. To obtain the coveted right to sign a target agreement with an airline, future aviators must take part in a competition.

According to the rules of the competition, the target recruitment commission reviewed the documents of 110 candidates who sent documents to the company. To successfully pass the selection, children must confirm excellent health with a VLEK certificate, have a high GPA for the first half of the year, excellent grade English language, confirm a high level of English language proficiency from language training specialists for flight personnel, and also receive a recommendation for training to become a pilot from an aviation psychologist. Among other things, the children’s personal achievements in the field of science and sports are also taken into account.

Within the framework of targeted quotas, students are traditionally sent to study at three leading universities that train specialists in the field civil aviation: St. Petersburg State University civil aviation, Ulyanovsk Institute civil aviation named after Air Chief Marshal B.P. Bugaev and Moscow State University of Civil Aviation.

Thus, 23 candidates were selected who fully meet the airline's requirements. In addition to flight positions, this year the airline received ten ground seats in the specialty "Organization of air navigation support for aircraft flights" and "Organization of transportation and management of aircraft." air transport"The selection of candidates was based on grades for the first half of the year, in English, as well as achievements in the field of science and sports.

Targeted training agreements were concluded with all selected candidates, the validity of which extends until the conclusion of an employment contract with Rossiya Airlines JSC.

These guys are the future of “Russia” and they will proudly join the ranks of our friendly team.

Rossiya Airlines part of the Aeroflot Group. The airline's total route network includes more than 130 destinations. In 2017, Rossiya transported more than 11 million passengers, securing its place in the top three in terms of this indicator in civil aviation of the Russian Federation. The airline is the favorite carrier of St. Petersburg residents and the largest carrier at Pulkovo Airport. Since 2016, it has been implementing a program to renew its fleet and aircraft interiors. Boeing 747, Boeing 777, Boeing 737NG, Airbus A320 and Airbus A319 aircraft are used on domestic and international routes, and all aircraft are named after Russian cities. Special projects aimed at supporting unique nature Far East, are the liveries of the Tigrolet and Leolet aircraft. A special project aimed at supporting domestic sports was an airplane, popularly called “Sportolet”. Since 2014, the airline has been the official carrier of the Zenit football club.

The problem of a shortage of pilots has existed in Russia for several years. Flight schools produce 600-800 specialists per year on the labor market, but this is still not enough. According to experts, by 2031 Russia (together with the CIS countries) will need about 12,000 new pilots.

“The agreement with the Krasnokutsk Civil Aviation Flight School takes into account the interests of not only our airline, but also the industry as a whole. Russian civil aviation will inevitably experience the need for an influx of young and well-trained personnel, said Aeroflot CEO Vitaly Savelyev. - This aspect was initially taken into account when preparing the agreement. The initiator of this most important matter was Vyacheslav Viktorovich Volodin. I would like to express special gratitude to him for his active promotion of the project, the significance of which goes far beyond the industry framework. In particular, an additional incentive for the development of one’s human capital received by the Saratov region. And, of course, the cadets win: a diploma with honors is now a real passport to big aviation for them.

Several years ago, Vitaly Savelyev estimated the shortage of civilian pilots at a thousand people a year. “Aeroflot needs about 140 aircraft commanders,” he clarified then. To provide its aircraft with qualified pilots, this company first relied on foreign pilots. However, after the fall of the ruble exchange rate, foreigners flocked to work abroad. In 2015-2016, Aeroflot filled vacancies with employees of the bankrupt Transaero, hiring several thousand people at once. But all these decisions were temporary - after all, experts continue to note a shortage of qualified pilots.

“If two years ago our civil aviation was sorely short of pilots, now the industry as a whole even has a surplus of pilots. But the most interesting thing is that it did not eliminate the deficit completely! Pilots are trained Various types aircraft, and if you are trained on the Boeing-767, then you do not have the right to pilot the A-320. Therefore, airlines continue to look for pilots for certain types of aircraft,” explained Roman Gusarov, editor-in-chief of the AVIA RU Network portal.

Aeroflot, as the largest employer in the industry, is experiencing greater problems than other carriers. Today the number of its employees exceeds 21 thousand people, and for the group of companies this figure reaches 34 thousand people. According to expert forecasts, the carrier’s workforce will increase again in 2016. Therefore, the constant desire of the company's management to end the shortage of personnel seems quite understandable.

It looks like the airline has finally succeeded, thanks to an agreement to guarantee employment for graduates. Krasnokutsk Civil Aviation Flight School (KKLU GA) has a long and glorious history. Since its founding, it has trained over 27 thousand civil aviation pilots, among whom are Heroes Soviet Union and Russia, Heroes Socialist Labor, honored pilots and navigators of the USSR and Russia.

“It turns out there is some target set, and I believe that such a mechanism for training flight personnel should be welcomed. All our problems with either a shortage or a surplus of pilots, with the quality and level of training arise because the pilot training system is outdated. The state is simply training a pilot, which in no way fits in with the demands of business,” Gusarov stated.

It is especially important, the airline notes, that now cadets will be specifically taught to fly the types of aircraft that make up its fleet. “In this way, the company will receive practically ready-made qualified pilots who do not require long-term additional training,” the carrier’s press service emphasized. In order to educate future pilots in all the intricacies of working on new aircraft, educational program KKLU made a number of changes.

“We need brilliantly trained, motivated and talented guys who have all the makings to soon begin to command our aircraft. I believe that now we have a good chance to start receiving just such a replenishment,” the deputy noted. general director- Flight Director of Aeroflot PJSC Igor Chalik.

The revival of the traditions of training pilots and the transition to direct training of pilots at the school level is intended to increase the efficiency of corporate personnel policy.

“The agreement between Aeroflot and the flight school is the use of a mechanism that works quite effectively all over the world,” stated Roman Gusarov. - We need to train those specialists who are in demand. In aviation, these are not just pilots, but pilots with certain qualifications and training for a specific type of aircraft. Therefore, a targeted order from the airline minimizes its costs of obtaining a pilot, optimizes the training system and increases its level. Such agreements are also beneficial to the education system, because it is real money. The company orders pilot training and pays for it, and the school will try to work at the proper level in order to continue receiving such orders.”

The interaction between the airline and the flight school will help revive the system vocational education in the regions, experts are sure. Of course, it would be possible to open our own pilot courses near Aeroflot’s base airports in the capital region. But in the end, the decision was made in favor of the Saratov region, where KKLU is located. Now not only Muscovites, but also residents of the southern Russian regions can make a “heavenly” career for themselves.

Full-time education


Reception check digits





161000.62 – Air navigation










080200.62 – Management




Note: * - Changes in the admission target numbers allocated for targeted admission in specialization 162001.65.01 - Organization of flight work, were made in accordance with the order of the Founder of the Institute - (No. KM1.11-1641 dated 06/11/2013).

Note: ** - Changes in the admission target numbers allocated for targeted admission for bachelor's training profiles 161000.62.08 - Search and rescue support for aircraft flights and 280700.62.02 - Safety of technological processes and production, were made in accordance with the order of the Founder of the Institute - Federal Air Transport Agency (No. 11.4-479 dated June 26, 2013).

Distribution of places allocated for targeted admission by interregional territorial departments air transport

Place of organization of the selection committee

Organization of flight work

Organization of airspace use

Flight operation of civil aircraft

Search and rescue

aircraft flight support


East Siberian MTU VT


1 1 2 -

Far Eastern MTU VT


4 1 2 -



1 - - -

Krasnoyarsk MTU VT


6 - 2 -

Kamchatka MTU VT


2 - 2 -

MTU VT of the Central regions

(Moscow, airport Sheremetyevo, TSAP)

40 - 12 -

Tyumen MTU VT


11 10 5 -

Privolzhskoe MTU VT


1 - - -

North-Eastern MTU VT


6 3 - 5

Sakha (Yakutsk) MTU VT


3 2 - -

Southern MTU VT


- 5 - -

Central selection committee

- 18 - -
75 40 25 -
Extramural studies

Name of the area of ​​training (specialty)

Name of training profile (specialization)


Reception check digits

162001.65 – Operation of aircraft and air traffic management

162001.65.01 – Organization of flight work


162001.65.02 – Organization of airspace use


161000.62 – Air navigation

161000.62.01 – Flight operation of civil aircraft



161000.62.08 – Search and rescue support for aircraft flights


161000.62.09 – Ensuring aviation security


162700.62 – Operation of airports and provision of aircraft flights

162700.62.04 – Aviation fuel supply for air transportation and aviation work


280700.62 – Technosphere safety

280700.62.02 – Safety of technological processes and production


221400.62 – Quality management

221400.62.01 – Quality management in production and technological systems


080200.62 – Management

080200.62.06 – Production management




Studying at universities is not always within the capabilities of citizens - there is often a lack of funds. But having a clear mindset and a desire to learn leads to the fact that exits for admission are found - they resort to the target direction at the university.

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What it is?

First we need to define what it means target direction, and how to use it in practice.

Targeted direction can be obtained from the head of an enterprise or government agency for new employees or potential employees.

For studying at an educational institution, the management specifically allocates several budget places, to which only citizens with the appropriate documents will be enrolled.

As a result, it turns out that the presented capabilities solve two problems at once:

  • The manager receives the knowledge of a new employee, who is trained at the expense of the company. As a result of paid training, an employee is hired for a job - he must “work out” the material support received, but this does not affect wages.
  • The applicant is ensured admission to a university, the knowledge and diploma of which he can use in the future and after the completed period. These benefits will impact your future career.

The main provisions on the target direction to a university are stated in the following documents:

Advantages and disadvantages

The targeted direction to universities has its advantages and disadvantages, which should be considered to make an accurate decision.

The presented procedure has the following advantages:

  • Admission to the university is ensured taking into account 1.5-2 people per course place - this gives high chances.
  • All admission is based on surrender Unified State Exam results and their subsequent competitive selection.
  • If additional entrance tests, then in most cases these are targeted appointments with up to 2 applicants per place.
  • The target direction to universities is only free education. Depending on the head of the enterprise who provides the student with training opportunities, scholarships and housing may be provided if the applicant is from out of town.
  • Immediately after graduation, the graduate is provided with a job - he will not have to look for a job in his specialty for a long time, which is difficult without experience. During “working” at the enterprise, you can gain experience in practical activities and in the future find a job with a higher pay.

Despite the numerous advantages, there are also disadvantages:

  • The main one is the refusal of graduates from further employment at the enterprise, since these are often unpresentable places and with low wages.
  • Moreover, new specialists are often sent to rural areas through participation in the federal program for training new specialists.

Who pays and obliges for what?

The target direction is issued either by the state or the enterprise. The state provides only budget places, while businesses pay tolls. For admission you must obtain passing the Unified State Exam the required number of points, after which current student“taken under the wing” of higher authorities.

Upon the fact of targeted training and possible payment, an agreement is drawn up between the parties - students, if they are minors - their parents and the party that provided the place at the university.

The contract specifies all rights and obligations. The contract can be drawn up with mandatory work for a certain time at the enterprise that vouched for the applicant.

Where to get and how to get a targeted direction to a university in 2019?

Most of those who want to receive free education and possible subsequent employment, the question is how to get a targeted referral to a university. In this case, everything depends on the form of referral and the subsequent specialty.

Who gives and how to find an employer?

First, you should consider the question of who issues the target directions, depending on the profile of the university.

To medical

Targeted referrals to medical universities can be issued in two ways - from the employer or from the department of the Ministry of Health:

  • In the first case, the applicant must have an average medical education and a targeted direction will be issued for advanced training.
  • In the second case, school graduates should find out what programs are in place from the Ministry of Health in the coming year.

Often, budget places depend on the chosen form of referral - a specific field of medicine. It is also important to clarify which educational institutions offer possible free education.

At the University of Civil Aviation

In order to get into such a university, you need to contact any civil aviation organization that may be interested in training potential new personnel.

Upon detailed consideration of the applicant (his personal file and level of education), he may be sent along with others who wish to enroll in a university where places are allocated for students with a special purpose.

In the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Only graduates of the Suvorov Military School, as well as graduates of secondary educational institutions with a specialized base of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, can receive a targeted referral to universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Often, referrals are issued by department heads to their employees to improve their skills.

In pedagogical

The education department deals with the target areas of the pedagogical profile. Also, specialized universities allocate places for applicants under certain conditions - with subsequent work in educational institutions, possibly located in rural areas.

In economic

Here you can also contact the head of the enterprise to receive a targeted assignment in order to improve your qualifications and level of knowledge if you previously received education at a technical school or college.

Purposes economic structure This is handled by your local municipality and should be contacted for information.

To the Russian Railways University

Anyone can get into a Russian Railways university for their intended purpose if they enroll in educational institution, where the presented program operates.

As a rule, even when submitting documents, applicants are immediately warned about their obligations - working at Russian Railways for a certain period.

In legal

Graduates of a college or technical school of the relevant profile can receive a targeted referral to a law school. In this case, you need to contact your supervisor regarding your existing employment.

The search for new personnel is also carried out by the prosecutor's office or local administration.

In Moscow and St. Petersburg

In the capitals of Russia there are more opportunities to get a targeted destination, for which you only need to do a little. First, you should choose a training profile and try to find a “sponsor” - an enterprise in which the graduate promises to work in exchange for paying for his education.


To receive a targeted referral, for example, through the local administration, you need to prepare:

  • an application with a request to provide the applicant with a place at a university - it is important to indicate the profile and the university desired for study;
  • characteristics from the place of study - school;
  • petition - a request from teachers and higher authorities interested in a graduate receiving a target direction to allocate a place for studying at a university.

These are only the basic documents that are required. To prove the student’s serious intentions and mental capabilities, various certificates and certificates of merit received for excellence in certain areas can be attached.


The application is submitted by the future applicant and written to the head of the local administration in free form. The text indicates exact personal data and information about the event taking place. this moment training.


Characteristics are given by those citizens who are teachers or managers of the enterprise where the applicant is employed. Everything must be indicated in the text positive traits and merit.


The petition may be submitted as a second petition from the business manager or teachers.

Important nuances

Getting a target direction has its own characteristics and important nuances:

  • targeted enrollments are mostly carried out in industry-specific universities - energy, oil and gas or light industry;
  • applicants applying for the target area will learn about the results first, so that in case of failure they can apply for admission again on a general basis;
  • Every year the number of targeted areas for admission to a university of one profile increases, and for another decreases, which is associated with the need to replenish personnel in a certain industry;
  • Universities independently determine how many places they are willing to provide for applicants based on their target admission.

The fastest, most convenient and safest means of transport is undoubtedly an airplane. Moreover, sometimes it is by air transport that passengers can get to the most remote place on our planet, spending a long flight in a comfortable cabin.

However, if we take into account the statistics, there is a serious shortage of specialists in the field of civil aviation. After all, in Russian Federation only a few educational institutions train professional pilots.

The fact that there is a shortage of personnel in the civil aviation sector was mentioned by the Ministry of Transport more than 10 years ago.

It was to solve such a pressing problem that the Aeroflot flight school was opened 6 years ago. The main principle of the new project, according to V. Savelyev, who holds the position of General Director of a world-famous airline, is the training of professional aviation specialists, who are in dire need of domestic civil aviation. As for the practical implementation of the launched project, it should bring both national benefit and contribute to the development and prosperity of the airline. After all, upon entering the Aeroflot aviation training center, cadets must sign an employment agreement, which states that after passing preparatory course

specialists are required to find employment with the company that trains them. Such a contract is guaranteed to return the money spent on training professional personnel.

Training for a pilot in monetary terms is approximately 28 thousand dollars, and, according to the signed contract, potential specialists will gradually return the money spent over 5 years. Since the average monthly salary is approximately 5.5 thousand dollars, then for payment you will need to transfer about 470 dollars every month.

Today, the educational institution is incredibly popular, because many understand that the prestige of aviation specialties is increasing almost every day.

Girls can fly airplanes too!

Persons who have graduated from civilian flight institutions, military pilots, as well as those who have a diploma of both higher aviation education and technical education can take a training course at an Aeroflot flight institution. Immediately after the school opened preparatory program

  1. was divided into 2 stages:
  2. Initial training lasted for 1.5 years, at a higher aviation school located in Ulyanovsk, in the profession “Flight Operation of Aircraft”, completely free of charge.

The subsequent stage lasted for six months at a school owned by Aeroflot, exclusively under a contract.

However, the program in question was implemented for a short time, since the state and the enterprise could not find a solution regarding the issue of state budget financing of the first stage. And this despite the fact that the average monthly salary of a pilot working for a well-known airline exceeds 240 thousand rubles. That is, to repay the loan, a specialist needs to allocate approximately 6-7% of the total salary.

After 2 years, the training center had to change the previously established training scheme, that is, completely switch to a contract, which also consisted of two main stages:

  1. Initial training was carried out at an accredited flight center operating in the United States of America, or more precisely in the state of Florida. The preparation lasted for 5 months, the cost was about 56 thousand dollars, and this amount did not include the price of an air ticket, visa and food.

After completing the training, graduates of the first stage had to pass exams in both theory and practical skills.

If the examination tests are successfully passed, you will be given American style pilot's license.

  1. The second stage, lasting 7 months, took place at a flight school. The cost of training was approximately 32 thousand US dollars. The cadets received piloting skills on the A 320 model air transport.

Pilot training simulator

Contact Information

You can get an answer to any question you have regarding the training process quite simply by visiting the official website of the Aeroflot aviation school

Here you can familiarize yourself with the admission rules, the list of required documentation and find out the work address of the institution. You can independently bring the necessary documentation and undergo a simple interview at the address - Kronstadt Boulevard, building No. 20, 5th floor, room No. 505 (g), the office of the institution operates in a building belonging to the capital's technical state institution of civil aviation. You can contact the administration by phone: +7 495-981-55-20.

Home page of the Aeroflot flight school website

Basic requirements for applicants

By visiting the official website of the Aeroflot aviation school, potential cadets will be able to find out exactly what requirements are put forward for applicants. It is worth noting that there are not so many of them, but everyone without exception needs to familiarize themselves with them:

  1. The age of potential cadets should not exceed 35 years.
  2. The institution accepts both representatives of the stronger sex and girls.
  3. Those who have a diploma of completion will be able to study at school. higher institution, as well as a technical or flight school.
  4. Study in training center Students completing their last year at higher aviation institutions can also, who can immediately after graduation, upon entering school, get a job as a second pilot in an airline company.
  5. At the training center, everyone will be able to master the profession of a flight attendant, learning the profession for 2 months.

Regardless of what specific aviation profession a future cadet wishes to master, he must pass an interview and a special medical commission. If the initial stages are passed perfectly, then you should not forget that the student will have to pay for the first part of the training program on his own, and a targeted loan provided by the airline will help pay for the second.

While training to be a flight attendant, you need to pay approximately 46 thousand rubles; a partial increase is possible if the cadet signs an employment contract with Aeroflot. The basic requirements for those wishing to master the profession in question remain unchanged, however, one requirement is certainly added to those listed above - excellent knowledge of the English language.

Today, aviation professions are considered by young people not only as the most prestigious, but also as especially highly paid. And many are very attracted to the uniform of pilots, which adds masculinity and individuality to each image. But in order to fulfill your cherished dream and definitely become a student at a flight school, you definitely need to know about the conditions for admission and the requirements of the institution, which we will try to figure out:

  1. Flight educational establishments are divided into two categories - military and civilian significance. The first trains specialists to work in the civil sphere, that is, pilots serving both civil and commercial flights. The latter graduate specialists who can later serve in the air force. Russian troops. The period of training of specialists in the institutions under consideration can last either 3 years or 5 years, depending on the status of the institution. That is, the duration depends on whether, on average, technical or higher institution cadets will master their chosen profession.
  2. Almost every institution trains both professional pilots and technical personnel, as well as future specialists who will be able to work in ground air units. Given the choice of a specific specialty, the requirements for future students also change.
  3. Persons who have a diploma of completion of secondary education can become a cadet, if their age does not exceed 35 years, and a special medical degree. the commission will confirm their full suitability. To join the ranks of cadets, you will need to pass entrance exams in the following disciplines:
  • Russian language;
  • mathematics;
  • English language.

For some faculties, applicants will have to take additional tests.

  1. Before undergoing the mandatory interview, in order to obtain admission to the exams, you must collect a list of documentation to submit to the admissions committee:
  • confirming document on education - both complete secondary and vocational higher education;
  • a certificate from a medical institution, issued in accordance with form No. 086/u. The certificate must display all vaccinations that have previously been given, and there must be confirmation that the graduate has regularly attended physical education classes;
  • the applicant must independently describe his autobiography in free form;
  • 3x4 photographs must be submitted in the amount of 6 pieces.

To the documentation you need to add a certificate issued at a dispensary, both drug treatment and psychoneurological.

  1. For those wishing to master the profession of a pilot, in addition to the above medical certificates, you need to obtain a conclusion, of course positive, issued by members (VLEK), a special medical commission, working at the flight training center. Also, training to become a pilot requires a potential cadet to undergo additional selection, during which the specialist will evaluate both professional and psychological characteristics incoming

No matter what faculty the applicant enters, he must have excellent vision, so passing an ophthalmologist is mandatory for cadets.

It is equally important to understand for yourself that the profession of a pilot will actually be correlated with both opportunities and desires. That is, even those who successfully graduate high school or higher education institution, but will not have sufficient physical strength and certain psychological qualities, it is unlikely that he will be able to work in his chosen profession in the future. After all, being a pilot means the following:

  • daily expose your body to excessive physical and psychological stress:
  • have the opportunity at any time to make serious decisions on which the lives of both the crew and passengers depend;
  • Do not give in to panic under any circumstances and find a way out of very extreme situations.

Testing physical endurance is not so difficult; to do this, you can visit the flying club operating in your place of residence and take the first flight with an instructor - the so-called introductory flight. If the candidate fully believes in his physical and psychological strength, then the Aeroflot flight school will kindly open the doors for him and help him master a prestigious and highly paid specialty.

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