Nod by nature is in the preparatory group "birds are our faithful friends." Literary and musical composition “Birds are true friends” Reading words and sentences

Goals and objectives:

  • Deepen and generalize students' knowledge about the diversity of birds.
  • Develop interest and cognitive activity students.
  • Foster a sense of love for nature and respect for it.

Decor : On the board are words by Z. Voskresenskaya “Who else in the animal world can compare with this miracle of nature?”, creative works of students on the topic “Birds of the Forest”. On the tables there is an exhibition of feeders and birdhouses.

You are invited : 5th - 7th grade students, teachers.

Teacher: Imagine a world without birds: a grove without a nightingale, a field without a lark, a city street without cute sparrows:

There are no more amazing creatures of nature in the world than birds. They have mastered an environment where they have no equal and will never have one - the airspace. These perfect animals are able to travel vast distances, often without food and without the ability to shelter from bad weather.

Of the vertebrates living in Chuvashia, birds are the most numerous. There are 270 species of them. Most birds are migratory. About 40 species remain to spend the winter. These are woodpeckers, tits, buntings, crossbills, grosbeaks, bullfinches. Among the predators - goshawk, buzzard, owls, eagle owl:

There are birds that are well known to all people. These are jackdaws, crows, sparrows, rooks: There are birds that we know about and occasionally hear their voices in the forest. But there are also those that we have never heard of, and never will hear of - they have become so rare.

People who love and understand nature and respect its laws should not allow them to leave our lives.

Let's listen to a speech by an ornithologist.


Birds: How beautiful they all are! In terms of beauty and brightness of plumage coloring, many birds surpass the most exquisite bouquets of flowers.

And their amazing property is singing. The soloist of our forests and groves is the nightingale, the sonorous little bird - the lark, the robin, the warbler:

Birds fly, run on the ground, jump on branches, climb tree trunks, swim and dive. And what champions are among them! The ostrich does not fly, but its running is the same flight; it can compete with the best trotters, running 50 km per hour or more.

And what kind of professions are there among birds? Birds are builders and architects. Take, for example, the oriole's nest - a perfect ball, as if made according to a drawing and suspended on a branch like a cradle.

Birds are orderlies, clearing gardens and fields from harmful beetles and larvae, doctors, saving trees from certain death.

Birds pollinate flowers and help set fruits and berries, carry seeds of valuable tree species and settle them in different areas of the earth.

Birds are travelers, covering tens of thousands of kilometers across seas, deserts, forests and rivers. They are astronomers, paving the way, guided by the sun and stars, and sea currents.

From an evolutionary point of view, the future belongs to songbirds (granivores, insectivores) and nectar feeders. These birds accompany man and his economic activities.

About 300 species and subspecies of birds are registered in the IUCN Red Book.

This is just the first important step in protecting wildlife.

Teacher: Let's go with you to the land of "Mysteries." Let's listen to the riddles, and you try to guess them.

There's a palace on a pole,
There's a singer in the yard (starling).

He looks gray
But he's famous for his singing (nightingale).

Crying in the swamp
But it doesn’t come out of the swamp (sandpiper).

Sleeps during the day, flies at night,
And it scares passersby (owl).

White mansions, red stops (goose).

They fly, they fly, all the birds are slaughtered (eagle)

Teacher: Birds are living barometers, i.e. predictors of natural phenomena. And you and I will guess - whether the weather is clear or bad - by some of the habits of the birds.

Sparrows bathe in dust - to the rain.

The raven flies into the wind, croaks - to the rain.

Jackdaws fly in flocks - to the rain.

Pigeons are hiding - the weather is getting worse.

Swifts fly low and scream - to the rain.

Lapwings scream in the evening - to clear weather.

Teacher: Now let's go to the country of the "Curious". Let's learn a lot of interesting things about birds. Listen to the speeches.

Student: "This is interesting"

Of all vertebrates, Allen's hummingbird has the most intense metabolism. When this bird hovers in the air, it consumes about 80 cm 3 of oxygen per hour per 1 g of its mass. Even at rest, her metabolic rate is 50 times higher than that of a human.

Cuckoos have the amazing ability to lay eggs of different colors. The broad-winged cuckoo, for example, can lay olive-colored or blue-colored eggs, depending on the type of eggs the host birds have.

Egg white is used for poisoning with salts of heavy metals, especially mercury and copper.

Lysozyme is obtained from chicken egg white, which inhibits the growth and development of pyogenic microbes.

Pupil : "The best of the best:"

The largest flightless bird is the common ostrich. Reaches a height of 3 m and weighs 157 kg.

The largest flying bird is the African bustard. Weighs up to 20 kg.

The smallest bird in the world is the bee hummingbird. Length - 6 cm, weighs 1.5 g.

The smallest bird in our country is the red-headed wren. The length of its wing is 5.6 cm, weighs 5.5 g.

The most sharp vision in birds of prey. The golden eagle sees a hare in good light at a distance of 4 km, and the peregrine falcon sees a pigeon at a distance of more than 8 km.

The largest nests are built by bald eagles. A nest 3 m wide and 6 m high was discovered. The weight of the nest exceeds 2 tons.

Student: "Did you know:"

These granivorous birds were destroyed in China, being considered harmful. And the residents of the American city of Boston erected a monument to this bird - for the fact that it saved them from hunger, when caterpillars of pest butterflies appeared in huge numbers in the area (sparrows).

In Russia, these birds were kept mainly for royal amusement, which is why their name in Russian translation means “royal bird.” (guinea fowl).

This is the only one of our birds that lays eggs and hatches its chicks in winter, in the most severe frosts (crossbill).

This small bird got its name for its ability to imitate the voices of more than 30 species of birds, as well as other animals and even cars. (mockingbird).

Watching the film fragment "Birds of the Forest"

Teacher: You and I live in a forest area. Everywhere you look there is forest and forest all around. And every minute, especially in spring and summer, we hear the singing of our birds. The forester will introduce us to some of them.

When we enter the forest, we are not only surrounded by trees, but hundreds of attentive eyes are watching us. Who are you, man? What did you come to our house with - good or evil? What do you know about us?

Forest birds, for example, woodpeckers, tits, hazel grouse, black grouse, have shortened wings and a fairly large tail. This structural feature gives them the ability to quickly take off, maneuver well between trees and land accurately on branches.

In connection with adaptation to the consumption of different foods, forest birds have developed various features in the structure of the beak, legs and other organs. For example: a woodpecker has two fingers forward, two back; hard tail; chisel-shaped beak; long tongue, up to 15 cm with bristles.

The forest is a favorite habitat for many species of songbirds. It’s worth looking into the forest thicket in the spring to see their great diversity. And you don’t have to see them, just hear them: the motley chorus of numerous bird voices makes the whole forest ring.

Teacher: Birds brighten up our lives with their singing, bright beautiful colors and all their behavior. How many poems, songs, fairy tales about birds have been written, how many pictures have been drawn! Birds have become a part of our lives. Let's listen to an art critic.

Art critic: (story based on A. Savrasov’s painting “The Rooks Have Arrived”)

Teacher: We have organized an exhibition of drawings for you. You must choose the 3 best works. Rewarding.

Teacher: Now let’s listen to poems by Russian poets about the magnificent creatures of nature - about our birds.

1 - reader :

"Everyone go outside quickly"
Everyone go outside quickly -
We must hurry!
From beyond the mountains, from beyond the seas
The birds have arrived!
After the winter silence,
After the winter cold,
Our guests in honor of spring
Singing hymns! (L. Dymova)

2 - reader: "Crow".

Kra! -
The crow screams -
Theft! Guard! Robbery!
The missing!
The thief sneaked in early in the morning!
He stole the penny from his pocket!
- Stop, crow, shut up!
Shut up, don't shout!
You can't live without deception!
You don't have a pocket!
- How! - the crow jumped
And she blinked in surprise, -
Why didn't you say it before?
Car-r-man was stolen!
(V. Orlov)

3 - reader: "Cockerel."

Sent by mom - kvochka
To my dear son's school.
She said:
- Don't fight! Don't be a tease
Don't freak out!..
Hurry up, it's your time!
Well, no fluff, no feather!
An hour later, barely alive,
The cockerel goes home.
Barely hobbles
He's from the schoolyard
And on it in fact
There is no fluff, no feather!
(V. Orlov)

Teacher: Looking at the flight of birds, man has always strived for the sky. Having studied the structure of birds, people began to invent aircrafts and explore more and more new air spaces. Let's listen to the engineer - cybernetics.

Cybernetic engineer:

Based on the structure of birds, people built an airplane. Uneven pressure, as well as different speeds and directions of air flow along the lower and upper surfaces of the wing provide it with greater lifting force. The winglet can move, independently increasing the critical angle. At a certain position, a gap forms between the wing and adjacent wing feathers. The structure of a bird's wing follows strict principles of aerodynamics. The shape and length of the wings reflect the nature of flight. Unlike an airplane, a bird can reduce or increase the area of ​​its wings by bending or straightening them, and can move them forward or backward relative to the body, changing the center of gravity of the body. In this way, the bird controls its flight speed and complex turns. Birds are more maneuverable than all human-made aircraft.

Teacher: And there are so many professions among birds. Birds are both builders and architects. They build nests that are perfect in shape from blades of grass, clay, and fluff. The architect will tell us about skilled builders.

Architect: "Skilled Builders"

Some of the most skilled builders in nature are birds. The hanging nests were originally built. It is not easy for a warbler to build a nest: it hangs on three reed stalks.

All woodpeckers are “real carpenters”: they hollow out their hollows in tree trunks that are rotting from the inside.

Our forest birds build skillful nests - wren, chaffinch, goldfinch, and oriole. The finch's nest looks like a dense, deep cup woven from dry blades of grass, thin twigs and moss. All building material is held together by spider web threads.

Teacher: We told you that there are many ways to help birds. One of them is feeding during the harsh winter. After all, we know that birds are afraid not of cold, but of hunger. But how will we feed without feeders? Our girls prepared bird feeders, and the boys prepared birdhouses. We have to find out whose feeder and whose birdhouse is the best.


Teacher : Finally, we will answer two important questions. What did birds give to humanity? What can we do to save these beautiful creatures of nature?

Students' answers to questions:

What did birds give to humanity?

Colors, songs, movement, inspiration

The joy of life

Dream of flight

Feeling of freedom

Broad outlook

Beauty, poetry

What a boring place the World would be without Birds!

There are many ways to help birds:

Feeding in harsh winter.

Construction of artificial nests.

Growing hedges.

For predators - poles with a crossbar on top.

Store pesticides carefully and do not throw them away.

Keep the stack with the eagle's nest until the chicks fly out of it.

Do not cut down hollow trees or deprive birds of necessary housing.

Do not make noise in the forest during nesting.

Teacher: Let's remember the main rule: even if we can't help the birds in any way, we won't interfere with their lives - it's in our power! And now let's all sing a hymn dedicated to the birds.

"Wounded Bird" Words by R. Rozhdestvensky, music by A. Pakhmutova.


  1. Teremov A., Rokhlov V. Entertaining zoology: M.: AST-PRESS, 2002. - 528 p.
  2. Molis S.A. Book for reading on zoology: - M.: Education, 1986. - 224 p.
  3. Anashkina E.N. 300 questions and answers about birds. - Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development", 1998. - 240 p.
  4. Riddles: For younger, middle and older children school age. - Cheboksary: ​​ publishing house, 1993. - 110 p.
  5. They must live. Birds: - M.: Forest Industry, 1984. - 64 p.
  6. Arseev I.A. Come birds! - M.: "Music", 1988. - 47 p.

Anna Gladkikh
Quiz “Birds are our faithful friends” for the middle group

Goals: To consolidate children's knowledge about birds; learn to identify relationships in nature; cultivate love for birds and develop a caring attitude towards birds; evoke joy and wonder in children from observing life birds through photographic materials.

Quiz progress:

Children. Nightingale, starling, cuckoo.

Educator. What did their singing sound like? What other sounds were heard in the forest? What can we conclude?

Children. Singing birds flooded, cheerful, joyful. There were many other sounds in the forest sounds: knocking, rustling. How many sounds there are in the forest in the spring when they arrive birds from warmer climes, begin to build nests and arrange places for hatching chicks.

Educator. Guys, why alone? birds Are they called migratory, while others are called winterers?

Children. Eat birds. Which can adapt to winter conditions - tits, magpies, crows, sparrows - these wintering birds, and those birds who can live only in the warm season, are forced to fly from one place to another, where it is warm, such birds are called migratory.

Photo hunter. (knocks on the door, enters with a gun). Hello children! I came correctly from the ad where the guys consider themselves bird friends?

Children. But who are you? Why do you have a gun?

Photo hunter. This gun is unusual, they do not shoot from it, but observe birds, animals and flora at close range and you can photograph any interesting moment from their life. To get an interesting photograph, you need to be observant, careful, like a hunter for a long time, walk a lot of forest paths, track, wait.

Children, what do you think is my profession? What do they call it?

Children. You work in the forest like a hunter, but with a photo gun, which means your profession is called a photo hunter.

Photo hunter. Guys, think and answer me why this profession is needed.

Children (reason). A photo hunter looks for interesting moments in the life of plants and animals, and people need to know this. To learn to love them. To protect, to preserve the beauty of the world around us, because people will not know the life of nature, then they can destroy it.

Photohunter (takes out an envelope). Guys, I prepared questions especially for you and put them in separate envelopes, these questions are about life birds, they will help you learn more about them and open up many more interesting things for you.

I will lay out these envelopes in a circle, by rotating the disk the arrow will point to one of the envelopes, you will answer that question. For your answer you will receive a badge, and at the end of the game we will count the number of badges earned and determine which of you knows more about birds.

A game:

1st question: Where and from what does a swallow make its nest? (Under the roof of a house made of clay moistened with saliva) .

2nd question: Why can’t swallows be kept in captivity? (She may die because she gets food on the fly) .

3rd question: Name which ones birds do you know what benefits they bring? (Starlings - destroy cockchafers, slugs; rooks - save trees from caterpillars; sparrows - destroy insects, park and forest pests).

4th question: Name the signs associated with birds. (A swallow flies low - before the rain. The swallow has arrived - thunder will soon strike. I saw a rook - welcome spring).

5th question: What poems do you know about birds? ("Feed birds in winter...» , "Rooks", "Martin".)

6th question: What care do we take about birds? (We protect nests, help in trouble, hang out feeders and birdhouses) .

7th question: Who will explain the meaning of the word "feathered"? (Body birds covered with feather, hence the word meaning birds - feathered) .

Game pause: "Find out what the bird

Photo hunter. Children, I’ll tell you how I once managed to look at one of the birds.

I went for a wander in the birch grove. The sun breaks through its rays through the tops of the birches. And suddenly I heard a familiar forest little voice: ku-ku, ku-ku... I heard her voice many times, but I never saw her up close. I began to come closer, and she flies away from me to another place. I thought he was playing hide and seek with me. Well, I think you'll be looking for me now. I climbed into a hazel bush and also clucked once and twice. The cuckoo fell silent. And I I'm silent: all of a sudden I see: flies like a hawk bird to a nearby tree, sat down on a twig and ku-ku, ku-ku. Then I took the gun and began to watch her, and then I croaked at her from the bushes. Out of fright, she almost fell out of the tree, sniffed and flew away. That's how we talked to her.

Encouraging children in the form of gratitude and praise.

Photo hunter. As a farewell, I want to give you photographs of the most interesting moments in life. birds which I had to observe.

Distributes photos to children, says goodbye until the next meeting.

Publications on the topic:

Conversations about health with preschoolers “Our true friends!” Dear Guys! Agree, it’s nice to feel healthy, cheerful and cheerful! After all, as the ancient Greeks said: “A healthy body is healthy.

PRACTICALLY SIGNIFICANT PROJECT “Lesson on the topic: OUR SMALLER FRIENDS. for pupils of the preparatory group (according to the educational and methodological set.

GCD for children of the first junior group “Our faithful friends. Pets" GCD for children 1st junior group. "Our true friends." Integration educational areas: cognition, socialization, artistic and aesthetic.

Characteristics of the project Name of the project: Project “Birds are our friends” of preparatory group No. 5 MBDOU "D/s No. 6 "Malyshka" Komarovsky ZATO.

Project “Cats are our faithful friends” Cats are our faithful friends Goal: - to get acquainted with some breeds of cats and their significance in human life; - learn to.

The teacher invites the children into a circle of joy!

Educator: Let's stand in a circle and say together:

Our friendship is so strong:

Here's my hand.

We will stand in a circle together again,

Let's extend the hand of friendship to everyone!

Educator: Guys, what time of year is it now?

Educator: And now I will read the poem:

If the snow melts everywhere,

The day is getting longer

If everything turns green

And a stream rings in the fields,

If the sun shines brighter,

If the birds can't sleep,

If the wind gets warmer,

So spring has come to us!

Educator: Guys, when does spring come?

Educator: And now we will play a game. The game is called “Say the word.” I will start the phrase, and you will finish it yourself.

-What is the weather like in spring?

-What do streams do in the spring?

-What is the sun like in spring?

-What do icicles do in the spring?

-What kind of grass grows in the spring?

-What is the snow doing?

-What do birds do in spring?


Educator: Guys, and the topic of our lesson "Birds are our faithful friends"

(there is a knock on the door and Karkusha flies in)

Educator: Guys, look, a bird has flown to visit us.

Karkusha: Hello guys! I am Karkusha! I was flying past your school and accidentally heard you talking about spring and birds. And I thought how observant these kids are. Everyone around sees, everyone around notices what is happening on the street in the spring.

Karkusha: Guys, I have a surprise for you. I have a box, but not a simple one, but a magical one. I will ask riddles, and if you guess correctly, a bird will appear from the box. Want to check it out? Then listen carefully.

Comes to us with warmth,

It's been a long journey.

Sculpts a house under the window

Made from grass and clay.

(Martin Karlygash)

Not a crow, not a tit

What is the name of this bird?

Perched on a branch.

There was a sound of "ku-ku, ku-ku"

(Cuckoo Kokek)

Palace on a pole

There is a singer in the palace,

What's his name?

(Starling Karatorgay)

Of all the migratory birds,

Cleans arable land from worms.

Jump back and forth across the arable land.

What's the bird's name?

(Grach Ұzak)

After each correct guess, bird figures are attached to the tree.

Karkusha: What a great fellow you are. All the riddles were guessed correctly. I see you're all a little tired. And I want to do physical exercises with you.


Oh, the birds were flying, small birds.

Everyone was flying, everyone was flying,

They flapped their wings.

(Flap your arms like wings)

They sat down on the path,

We ate the grains.

Kluk, kluk, kluk, kluk,

Klu, klu, klu, klu.

How I love grains!

(Squat down. Tap on the path with your index fingers)

Let's clean the feathers

To be cleaner.

Like this, like this

Like this, like this

To be cleaner.

(Use your hands to “clean” your forearms, as if hugging yourself)

We jump on the branches so that the children can become stronger.

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

We jump on the branches.

(Jumping in place)

Educator: Guys, let's repeat what birds flew to our tree. Educator: Karkusha, did you enjoy playing with the guys? Will you stay with us?

Karkusha: Kar! Kar! Yes! Of course I will stay and listen to you. After all, before the birds left, I had a little quarrel with them; I still don’t understand why they fly south every year, leaving their region. I'm not flying anywhere!

Educator: Karkusha, sit down, now we will tell you about it!

Winter is coming, it becomes cold, the ground is covered with snow, insects are hiding, and it is very difficult for birds to get food. That's why they fly away. And so that's it migratory birds before departure, they gather in flocks and fly away (Guys, please name those birds that remain for the winter). And when spring comes, the birds return back.

Karkusha: Kar!Kar! Thank you, I finally understand why birds fly away to warmer climes, but I stay, because it’s easier for me to get food in the winter, because I not only eat insects.

So I was wrong and offended migratory birds... Guys, I won’t be flying away for long, I need to correct my mistake.

Educator: Guys, while our guest has flown away, let's continue our lesson. Have you noticed how cheerful our tree is? Let's once again name the birds you see here.

Educator: Guys, now I want to play a game with you “Name who is missing” . When you close your eyes, I will hide one of the birds. Opening your eyes, you must name the bird that is gone.

Educator: Well done!

Educator: Guys, let's stand in a circle.

Would you like to become a bird yourself?

To do this, you must take magic caps on the table, put them on and say magic words. Now choose a hat for yourself and put it on, and stand in the circle again.

Educator: I see that everyone is wearing magic hats. Now we just have to say the magic words. Repeat after me.

-One, two, three (clap hands)

Turn around on one leg (turn around yourself)

And quickly turn into a bird.

Educator: Now name what kind of bird you have turned into (the name of the birds should match the one on the cap).

Guys, now you have all turned into birds. The rooks are the first to arrive to us. All the children who are rooks, stand in a group, the next ones to fly to us are the starlings, also stand in a group, the cuckoos also stand in a group, and the last ones to arrive are the swallows. Well done! Guys, in the spring, when the birds arrive, they make nests and lay eggs, and chicks hatch from them.

So now you put your palms together, this will be your nest. And I'll give you a feather.

And we will do the exercise with you "Warm the chick" (inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth). Now whose chick will fly farther? (take a deep breath through your nose, exhale through a folded tongue).

Educator: Well done boys! Our lesson is coming to an end.

Did you like it?

What did you like?

What birds did we talk about today?

Name them?

Educator: And now I’ll give you all medals as souvenirs so that you never forget the birds that come to us in the spring .(The teacher gives medals to the children).

Karkusha: Kar!Kar! Guys, I know how to apologize to migratory birds. I brought a birdhouse and some food. Let's all go out together now and attach the birdhouse

Enger Paranina

Dear colleagues!

The sharpness of modern environmental problems has presented teachers with a big task environmental and social significance. In order to preserve these significances and turn the requirements for their fulfillment into the norm of behavior of every citizen, it is necessary from childhood to purposefully cultivate a sense of responsibility for the state of the surrounding nature. In our kindergarten great attention is paid to the topic ecology. Reading fiction, we make various interesting works, we develop small scenarios.

With our children, we learned one of the poems "New dining room" author Z. Aleksandrova, and I decided to try to dramatize it, added a host and words birds, and this is what I have happened:

Child: Winter is coming unnoticed,

Every day it gets colder and darker,

The first snow covers all the grass,

You won't find any seeds on it.

But we're flying to the good guys,

To those who remember us.

There they have it hidden in feeding troughs

A tasty supply of bread crusts.


Leading (child): We made feeders,

We opened a canteen.

Sparrow, bullfinch neighbor,

This will be your winter lunch!

Visit on the first day of the week

The titmice flew to us.

Tit: I am an agile tit,

I can't sit still,

I'm not afraid of frost:

I'll wake up with the sun,

I'll look through your window.

Give me some seeds.

I need your help

I would like lard and grain.

Thank you for your kindness:

I give you a song.

Leading (child): And on Tuesday, look,

The bullfinches have arrived.

Bullfinch: We are called bullfinches!

Our breasts are the color of dawn!

We arrive in winter

We don't like the summer heat.

Frosts don't matter to us,

Seeds are food for us.

There is rowan, ash, maple,

Plantain, delicious flax.

We don't sit still

And we fly and eat!

Leading (child): And the crows were in Wednesday,

We weren't expecting them for lunch.

Crow: I am the smartest crow,

I would like a kingdom and a crown.

Even though I live in my nest,

But I go everywhere.

I watch people

Their homes, their children.

Let them consider you curious

But I’ll find a satisfying piece

Or I'll just steal it

I'll treat my kids!

I won't part with you

Even in bitter winter!

Leading (child): And on Thursday from all over the world -

A flock of greedy sparrows.

Sparrow: I am an ordinary sparrow,

Accustomed to the Russian winter.

Even though the cold is fierce,

I don't mind snowstorms

If you put it in the feeder

A delicious edge of bread.

Don’t be sorry for the birds’ crumbs,

The sparrow will become a friend.

Leading (child): On Friday in our dining room

The pigeon was enjoying porridge.

Pigeon: I am the most peaceful bird,

I am a simple dove

I'm used to sitting next to you

I like your city

I need some food

To hide from the blizzards in the attic

Save me from trouble!

Leading (child): And on Saturday for pie

Seven forty flew in.

Magpie: I'm a cheerful magpie.

I am a magpie - white-sided.

I flew through the forests.

Been here and there.

Leading: On Sunday, on Sunday

The spring messenger has arrived -

The traveler is a starling...

Starling: I'm a starling!

Merry bird,

In a black speckled shirt.

I'll come to you in the spring,

Immediately the house comes to life.

Birds: Birds, guys, there is no need to catch.

Necessary always love birds.

Don't destroy birds' nests,

in winter help the birds.

It’s a pity to protect them.

Child: Winter will fly by unnoticed,

The sun will shine again,

If you are friends, no trouble will happen,

If you are used to helping since childhood.

Let our good song fly

In every garden, every yard, every house.

This world will only become more wonderful

If birds sing outside the window.

Song: "MY BIRDS" music and lyrics by E. Shalamonova

children to the music (birds) leaving.

Ved.: Good words, Truth, Friends?

It is difficult to imagine the Earth without the bird tribe.

Children:Birds are our faithful helpers and friends, they delight us with their songs, birds forest orderlies.

Educator: - Guys, what do you feed? birds in winter?

(answers children: bread, grain, lard, etc.)

What do they eat? birds in summer? (grains, berries, insects, etc.)

That's right, well done.

We make feeders. We feed birds

Teamwork: Birds are our faithful friends!

Design and application from colored paper and cardboard

Origami "Swans"

Birds are our feathered friends
Goal: formation of elements of environmental culture in children.
Expanding students' knowledge about birds.
I didn’t count the versts
Didn't go on the road
And I've been overseas. (Bird)
People sometimes ask: who is born twice?
Of course, you will all answer that these are birds

Slide 2
Many different birds live in our forests: woodpeckers and tits, blackbirds
and warblers, nuthatches and owls...
Each bird lives in its own way. One loves deciduous forest, the other
you will only meet in a spruce forest. One is looking for insects on the bark of a tree,
another searches on the ground, and the third generally feeds on seeds,
the fourth is high in the sky catching insects. Some birds nest on a twig
they twist it, others hide it in the thick grass, and there are those that have a hollow in
the tree is being chiseled.
Let's listen to poems about birds.
Birds love to talk in the spring. Let's listen to their telephone
Hello, hello, magpie? Jay speaks!
Hello godfather! Hello, hello!
Are there any signs of spring? The thawed patches are already visible.
Have the rooks arrived? Yes, yesterday we were already on the birch tree.
Are they building nests? They are building, building.
Find out what the news is. I'll find out, I'll find out.
See you, forty! See you soon, jay!
Yes, I'm magpie!
In my native land. V. Stepanov.
The bird sang, but timidly,
It was as if she had touched a string.
She probably didn't want to
Disturb the silence in the morning.
Don't be afraid, sing boldly, bird.
After all, you sing in your native land,
Where will it be so nice to have a drink?
I ring to your song.
Sparrows. S. Yesenin
The little sparrows are playful, the little birds are cold,
Like lonely children, hungry, tired,
Huddled by the window. And they huddle tighter.
And there’s a snowstorm in the yard And a blizzard with a mad roar
Spreads a silk carpet, knocks on the hanging shutters
It's painfully cold. And he gets angrier.
Forest chief physician. Fable. A. Fetzer
Birds chose It is important for the birds to say:
The head physician of the hospital. - I am a surgeon, and there is no doubt,
Two magpies in the heat of the moment My nose is like tweezers.
They offered to take the rook. I'm flying aspen trees

But what kind of doctor is the rook? Fir trees and rowan trees,
He's not a doctor. Firs, elms and oaks,
Maybe a tit? Telegraph poles.
That's no good either. I hit a pillar and it sings with a string.
He asks me to give him the right words. I won’t disturb the pillar anymore.
Black Woodpecker's wife: And sometimes
I am yellow, under the bark
I must say, I will open the Bark Beetle.
I'm just amazed, For the birch bark beetle
It’s just incomprehensible, I’ve done a lot of trouble.
As they forgot the woodpecker: Knock - and the bark beetle is gone.
Everyone is looking at the woodpecker: So from morning until lunch
He is dressed neatly, I knock -
Satin jacket, I treat the sick.
And the beret is red. - Kra! - two cried
He sits, rook. –
The bark is being hammered. There is no better head physician.
It's good in the forest in summer! The sun breaks through the branches
plays like golden bunnies on the bark of birch and aspen trees, crumbles in spots
on the bushes. Quietly, gently, the trees rustle with their leaves, as if
talking. Bird voices are heard from all sides - birds love
such a cheerful sunny forest!
Scene. In a forest clearing.
Author. Somehow we got together
Birds in a forest clearing:
And the bullfinch and the sparrow,
Magpie, Jackdaw, two Tits.
Fescue. Teal - teal! Bully!
Oh, my wing hurts!
Have you seen it? Have you seen it?
How did I get hit by a snowball?
Author. Fescue laments.
Fescue. Oh, what a poor bird I am!
Boys, here's the problem!
And there’s no hiding anywhere!
Snow is just fun for them,
And for us it’s death, really!
Tit 1. Why are you shouting, Fescue?
Author. Tit suddenly tells her.
Tit 1. After all, a snowball is nonsense!
Hunger is a terrible problem!

Snow covered the fields all around,
The whole earth is white.
What to feed, how should we live?
What should we, poor birds, do?
Tit 2. Oh, and it’s difficult for us, sisters:
Author. The titmouse echoes her.
Tit 2. Sometimes we fly all day long,
To find the little ones.
They say they are dying
Nine of us out of ten.
Author. Jackdaw, who is barely alive,
I also inserted words...
Jackdaw. I agree, in this cold
Our main enemy is hunger!
Fescue What, Sparrow, are you silent?
Wings down, and you yourself are trembling?
Sparrow. How can I not tremble,
Looks like he's going to die soon
I didn't find a crumb of bread,
Where have you been today?
Tit 1. Wait, don’t be sad,
After all, in winter these birds
There will be a lot of food:
Bread crumbs and wheat...
Bullfinch. Where does this rumor come from?
Was it Magpie who started chattering?
Nobody believes her for a long time,
I told a joke!
Magpie. Did I crack? Did you compose?
Here's what I learned yesterday:
Children don't yawn in schools
They know exactly how to help us.
And they make feeders
Friendly, argumentative, together, in harmony.
Tit 2. They will be covered with a strong roof,
Such that the wind will not tear it down,
And there, in a very convenient niche,
In winter the bird will find food.
Author. Birds have a hard time surviving
In the cold and cold,
So we need to help
They take it seriously, friends!
Winter will pass, and the birds will chirp

They will awaken the earth from sleep,
They will merge with the sounds of drops,
And spring will soon come to us!
The birds have already arrived to us. Many birds are feeding
insects. In front of you are scales with insects.
Slide 3
There are more beneficial insects, but there are also a lot of pests. Our winged ones
friends help them fight, they destroy harmful insects.
And they get very worried when adults and children touch bird’s nests, eggs,
and sometimes chicks. Many not only touch, but also take home chicks
die. In the forest, not only is it forbidden to touch the nests, you can’t even make noise,
You can't shout.
Students will perform the song “By the Road Lapwing”
Let's get to know some birds better.
We have the best singers: in the grove there is a nightingale, in the field - a lark, in the forest -
song thrush
Slide 4
The most skillful builders are tits, orioles, and swallows.
Slide 5
The best flyers. The swallows are the quickest of all, but the falcon is the hobby and their
catches on the fly. Eagles and vultures fly farthest and highest. Hurry up
all the swifts
Slide 6
The friendliest are seagulls, shorebirds, and starlings. Touch one, all for it
him with a mountain.
Slide 7
The brightest are the oriole, roller, bee-eater, and Sultan
chicken, pheasant, duck - mandarin duck.
Slide 8
The funniest: the whole stilt walker is like a ball on knitting needles,
pelican - nose with a bag, cap - nose with a spoon - ladle, hatchet -
nose with a painted cap.
Slide 9
Our largest and strongest birds are the golden eagle, bearded vulture, and swan.
whooper and bustard.
Slide 10
The fluffiest ones are owls.
Slide 11
We'll rest a little. Physical education.

I will name animals and birds. If I name a bird, then you should
Raise your arms high and wave them. If I name animals, then you
should clap.
Let's start the game.
Crow, jackdaw, cow, tiger, swan, wagtail, seagull, wolf,
swallow, fox, bear, black grouse, hedgehog, hazel grouse, nuthatch, beaver, crossbill,
Guys, do animals need to be protected?
Yes, they also bring very great benefits.
Now the children of 1st grade will show the skit “Under the Fungus”
Encounters with animals, especially wild ones, are difficult or not at all
impossible to plan. After all, these are not plants that grow on
one place. Animals run, jump, fly, many of them are very
careful, cleverly hiding from people. Therefore, when you see an animal,
try not to scare him away. Look at it carefully
observe his behavior. Very useful for observation
whisper, quietly - quietly, pronounce what exactly you see.
Now you and I will just watch the birds, carefully
Let's look at the birds and try to remember the names of some birds.
And then there will be a quiz. We will check which of you is the best
observant and very attentive.
Slides 12 44
Now listen to the bird conversations and answer the questions. A
To answer the questions you need to listen very carefully.
Slides 49 – 50 (Questions and answers on slides)
Who's sleeping?
You hare, how do you sleep?
Lying down as expected.
How are you, black grouse?
And I am sitting.
What about you, heron?
I'm standing.
It turns out, friends, that I am a bat, I sleep more dexterously than all of you, more comfortably
I'm resting everyone.
How does a bat sleep?
Answer: upside down.
Slide 45
Magpie and Bullfinch
Hey, dumbass, what's your name?
Where did the red-breasted one come from?

Why are you silent, have you taken some water into your mouth?
No, not water, but...
What did the bullfinch put in its mouth?
Answer: rowan.
Slide 46
Mole and owl
Listen, owl, can you really swallow me?
I can, mole, I can, that’s who I am.
Can you really swallow a bunny?
And I will swallow the bunny.
Well, what about the hedgehog? Heh-heh...
Do you think an eagle owl can swallow a hedgehog?
Answer: yes, but it will spit out the needles.
Slide 47
Magpie and dipper
Oh - oh - oh! Dipper, do you ever want to go swimming?
And swim and dive.
Will you freeze?
My pen is warm.
Will you get wet?
My nib is water-repellent.
Will you drown?
I can swim!
Are you hungry after swimming?
What did the dipper answer?
Answer: “And that’s why I dive, to eat a water bug; That's why
and they also call me a water sparrow.”
Slide 48
Proverbs about birds and forests.
I’ll start, and you finish, answer in unison.
1. The forest is not a school, but it teaches everyone.
2. There is no wiser bird than an owl. Everyone's head in the forest!
3. The nightingale is invisible, but audible.
4. It is better to listen to one nightingale than a hundred sparrows.
5. A woodpecker without a nose is like a wolf without legs.
6. The cuckoo loves to count other people's nests.
7. They called the bird a nightjar, but it doesn’t even take milk in its mouth.
8. The jackdaw argued with the raven: who is blacker?
9. The jay screams the loudest, but it’s rarely right.
10. It’s a beautiful bird, but its name is lentil.
I'm upset! A. Maikov

I'm upset! Annoys me
And the autumn sunshine,
And the leaf that falls from the birch tree,
And the late grasshoppers crackle.
Out of habit, I’ll look under the roof -
Empty nest under the window;
I don’t hear swallows speaking in it;
The straw has become weathered in it...
And I remember how they fussed
Two swallows building it!
How twigs were held together with clay
And they carried the fluff into it!
How joyful their work was, how clever,
How they loved it when
Five little quick heads
They began to peek out from the nest!
And a whole day of talking,
We were talking like children...
Then they flew, flyers!
I haven't seen much of them since!

About everyone in the world. B. Zakhoder
Everything, everything, everything in the world,
Needed in the world!
And midges are no less needed,
Than elephants
Can't get by
Without ridiculous monsters
And even without predators,
Evil and ferocious.
We need everything in the world!
We need everything -
Who makes honey
And who makes the poison!
Bad things
A cat without a mouse,
The Mouse without the Cat
No better business!
And if we are with someone
Not very friendly -
We are still very
We need each other!
What if someone

It will seem superfluous
Then this, of course,
It will be a mistake!
Everything - everything in the world is needed,
And these are all children
Must remember!

We hope you learned a lot about birds today.
And one more thing: it was impossible not to say about the trouble in which nature found itself. On
for centuries people took from her everything they wanted, nothing and no one
regretting, did not think about the consequences. Many plants and animals
Because of this, it has already disappeared from the face of the Earth, and many are about to disappear.
Instead of forests, deserts appeared in many places due to the fault of people, and instead of
from clear rivers, muddy streams flowed from which one cannot drink, in which
you can't swim. There are fewer and fewer butterflies on the forest edges from year to year,
dragonflies, flowers. But there is more and more garbage, fire pits, and broken trees.
Everything in nature is connected by invisible threads. Interconnected
inanimate and Live nature, plants and animals. And thousands of people
threads is connected with the nature surrounding it. Plants are important to humans
because it is a healing and healing factor. It is in nature
we are surrounded by plants the best way relax,
We restore our strength and improve our health.
Guys, please listen, I’ll give examples now,
which you should know and tell your friends.
1 hectare of coniferous forest releases up to 30 kilograms of essential oil per day
oil, which destroys all microorganisms in the atmosphere and thus
purifies the air in a way. Over the course of a year, the same hectare of forest clears 18
million cubic meters of air. In addition, the forest is
a giant vacuum cleaner: it removes 36 tons of dust from the air every year.
I'll give you one more example. I think you're interested!
Only one deciduous tree, oak, “produces” in 1.7 hours
kilogram of oxygen. The daily production of such “oxygen”
plant" can satisfy the need for clean air at least 64
Human. At the same time, during the same hour, oak processes 2.35
cubic meters of poisonous carbon monoxide - carbon monoxide - from
car exhaust gases.
All vegetation globe per year removes from the atmosphere about
550 billion tons of carbon and returns 440 billion tons
We remind you of the rules.
Slides 51 63
Every person must understand that nature is in a bad place right now. AND
definitely help her. Necessarily! Like a friend in trouble.

Russkikh V.D. Entertaining activities with young people. – Izhevsk, 1981
Pleshakov A.A. Green pages. Moscow "Enlightenment" 1998
Pleshakov A. A. Atlas - guide “From Earth to Sky” M. 2000
Lyashenko E.A. . School of young local historian. Volgograd, 2007

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