Presentation on the topic "geographical location of South America." South America This is the continent of South America

1. The outer parts of Antarctica intersect:

a) the equator;

b) the Arctic Circle;

c) the Antarctic Circle;

d) South Tropic.

2. Fight to be the first to achieve South Pole led:

a) Cook and Lazarev; c) Wilkes and Ross;

b) Shackleton and Mawson; d) Amundsen and Scott.

3. At the base of most of Antarctica lies:

a) ancient platform;

b) area of ​​ancient folding;

c) area of ​​young folding.

4. The greatest thickness of the ice dome is noted:

a) near the coasts;

b) in the center of the continent.

5. The main reason The small amount of solar heat received by Antarctica in January is:

a) small angle of incidence of sunlight;

b) high surface reflectivity;

c) the presence of polar night.

6. The climate of the central part of the continent differs from the climate of the coasts:

a) higher temperatures and big amount precipitation;

b) higher temperatures and less precipitation;

c) more low temperatures and a lot of precipitation;

d) lower temperatures and less precipitation.

7. Among the representatives of the animal world in Antarctica there are no:

a) predators;

b) herbivores.

8. Special climatic conditions Antarctic oases are formed due to the action of:

a) internal heat of the Earth;

b) solar heat;

c) human activity.

9. The pole of cold of Antarctica is located:

a) at Vostok station;

b) at the South Pole;

c) on the Ross Glacier;

d) at the Mirny station.

10.The largest penguins in Antarctica:

b) royal; (imperial)

c) Magellan.

  • The equator runs almost in the middle;
  • The driest continent;
  • The wettest continent;
  • The most sparsely populated continent;
  • The smallest continent by area.
  • The hottest continent;
  • It ranks second in area;
  • The longest mountain range on land;
  • There are many deep rivers flowing on the mainland;
  • The largest desert in the world is located

Physiographic location and history of the discovery of South America

The area of ​​South America is 18 million sq. km.

South America– the continent of many natural records.

  • The Andes are the longest mountain range on land

The Amazon is the deepest river in the world.

The Amazonian Plain is the largest land plain

Extreme points mainland

  • Northern – metro station Galinas
  • South - m. Froward
  • Western – metro station Pariñas
  • Eastern - Cabu Branca metro station

Determine the coordinates of the extreme points.

Determine the length of the continent from west to east along latitude 10 S. and from north to south along the 70th meridian west.

  • What oceans wash the continent;
  • What large islands are located near the mainland;
  • What straits and bays are located off the coast of South America;
  • Highest point mainland;
  • What volcanoes are located on the mainland

Compare physical-geographical position.

Factors determining the mainland's FGP

South America

1.Relation to the equator


2.Relation to the prime meridian

Conclusion about the similarities and differences of FGPs

3.Relation to other continents

4.Relation to the oceans

5. Natural areas


  • Paragraph 35
  • Fill out the table


This presentation contributes to the formation of an understanding of the FGP of South America. Introduces some of the records of this continent. The tasks allow you to consolidate your skills in determining geographic coordinates and the extent of the continent. Students independently get to know the coastline of the mainland



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Slide captions:

Physical-geographical position and history of the discovery of South America Lesson objectives: to form an idea of ​​the physical-geographical position of South America and the history of the discovery of the continent. The area of ​​South America is 18 million sq. km.

What continents are we talking about? The equator runs almost in the middle; The driest continent; The wettest continent; The most sparsely populated continent; The smallest continent in area. From the hottest continent; It ranks second in area; The longest mountain range on land; There are many deep rivers flowing on the mainland; The largest desert in the world is located

South America is the continent of many natural records. The Andes are the longest mountain range on land

The Amazon is the deepest river in the world. The Amazonian Plain is the largest land plain

The highest waterfall in the world is Angel, 1054 m.

Titicaca is the largest of the Earth's high mountain lakes. Its area is more than 8300 sq. km.

Anaconda is the largest snake. It reaches a length of 8.5 m and weighs up to 230 kg.

The smallest bird is the hummingbird (weight 1.6 g, length -5.5 cm)

The largest beetle in the world is Hercules, its body length is up to 20 cm

Victoria Regia is the largest aquatic plant, the diameter of the leaves reaches 2 m.

The slowest mammal is the sloth. Its speed of movement is 2.5 m/min.

The extreme points of the continent are Northern - Cape Gallinas South - Cape Froward Western - Cape Parinhas East - Cape Cabu Branca Determine the coordinates of the extreme points. Determine the length of the continent from west to east along latitude 10 S. and from north to south along the 70th meridian west.

Determine: Which oceans wash the continent; What large islands are located near the mainland; What straits and bays are located off the coast of South America; The highest point of the continent; What volcanoes are located on the mainland

Compare physical-geographical position. Factors determining the FGP of the continent South America Africa Conclusion about the similarities and differences of FGP 1.Relationship to the equator 2.Relationship to the prime meridian 3.Relationship to other continents 4.Relationship to the oceans 5. Natural areas

Homework Paragraph 40, Prepare a report about the travelers who discovered and studied South America. What does it mean: Maracaibo, Titicaca, Patagonia, Pampa, Iguazu.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The material will be useful for geography teachers. Represents the development of a lesson on the topic "Geographical location of South America"...

Geographical location of South America

The lesson on studying geographical location takes place in an unusual form. Work in groups of researchers led by journalists. A lot of additional interesting material on toponymy....

Sections: Geography

Class: 7

Lesson motto:“What is obtained by independent labor is the most valuable acquisition.”

The purpose of the lesson: create conditions for active cognitive activity students when studying the geographical location and history of the discovery of South America.

Place of the lesson in the study of the topic: Lesson No. 1 on the topic “South America”.

Lesson type: learning new material.

Lesson objectives:

  • Educational:
    • consider the features of the geographical location of the continent of South America;
    • draw conclusions about the influence of the geographical location of the continent on its nature;
    • compare the geographical location of South America and Africa;
    • get acquainted with the history of the discovery of the continent.
  • Educational:
    • continue to develop the ability to determine the geographical position of the continent;
    • develop skills in working with contour maps and atlases;
    • develop the ability to analyze and compare, find similarities and differences.
  • Educational:
    • fostering curiosity;
    • formation of independence, the ability to cooperate with others, evaluate oneself;
    • to form the experience of equal cooperation between teacher and students in the process of group and individual training schoolchildren.

Teaching methods: visual-illustrative, reproductive, partially search, research.

Methods of cognition: statistical, analysis, forecast, comparative, cartographic, assessments.

Forms of organizing educational activities: frontal, individual, group.

Equipment: physical map South America, physical map of the world, atlases, contour maps, textbook, portraits of researchers and travelers, multimedia system, computer presentation, reference and information material on the topic “South America”.

Implementation of lesson objectives: formation of the image of the mainland based on an integrated approach, working with different sources of information, with a focus on developing students’ subject, information and communication competencies.

Health and psycho-saving environment: creating comfortable conditions, active forms studying educational material, changing types of activities, complying with sanitary and hygienic requirements.

Conclusion: since in the west of the continent they are located high mountains, then air masses from the Pacific Ocean will not be able to penetrate deep enough into the continent, so the Atlantic Ocean will have a greater influence.

– Off the western coast of the mainland there is the cold Peruvian Current, on the eastern coast there are warm currents: the Guiana and Brazilian Currents and the cold Falkland Current.

Conclusion: cold currents off the coast of the mainland will prevent the formation of clouds and precipitation, while warm currents, on the contrary, will contribute to this.

(slide 28) Determine how the continent of South America is located relative to other continents. Can you say whether nearby continents and islands will have an impact on the nature of South America?

– The continents of North and South America form part of the world “America”.

Conclusion: The continent of North America has practically no influence on the nature of South America, since for millions of years the development of the nature of these two continents proceeded independently. (North America was part of Laurasia, and South America was part of Gondwana). But the “cold breath” of Antarctica is felt at the southern tip of the continent.

What are the outlines of the continent?(slide 29)

The coastline of the mainland is slightly indented. The banks are mostly flat and straight. In the north, the Gulf of Venezuela juts out into the land with the Maracaibo lagoon lake. In the eastern part there are bays at the mouths of rivers.
The largest of them is La Plata Bay, which is a flooded mouth (estuary) of the Parana and Uruguay rivers.

Information for scholars: La Plata Bay ( Appendix 2 )

(slide 30) Only the southwestern coast of the mainland is indented by fjords (narrow, long bays); there are many small bays, islands, and straits. Which islands is South America surrounded by? Find them on the map.

Information for scholars: The Lesser Antilles, Falkland Islands (Malvinas), the island of Trinidad, the Tierra del Fuego Archipelago, the Galapagos Islands, the Strait of Magellan separates South America from the island. Tierra del Fuego.
Why did the strait get this name? And who is the most named after? wide strait
world separating South America from Antarctica?

Information for scholars: South America is separated from Antarctica by the Drake Passage. Appendix 2 )

Drake Passage. (

« Practical work No. 11

Determining the similarities and differences in the geographical locations of Africa and South America" ​​(slide 31). Goal of the work:

identify similarities and differences between the physical and geographical positions of South America and Africa.

South America

Factors determining the mainland's FGP

Conclusion about the similarities and differences of FGPs Relation to the equator Most of the continent is located in the southern hemisphere The equator crosses the continent almost in the middle
Both continents are crossed by the equator, but it crosses Africa in the middle. Most of South America lies south of the equator Relation to the Prime Meridian Located in the Western Hemisphere
Most of the continent is in the eastern hemisphere. The Prime Meridian crosses the continent in the west Relation to other continents In the north it borders North America
In the north it borders with Eurasia Relationship to the oceans In the east it is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, in the west by the Pacific Ocean In the west it is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, in the east by the Indian Ocean

Both continents are washed by the Atlantic Ocean, but Africa is also washed by the Indian Ocean, and South America by the Pacific Ocean.

How can you explain the similarities in the position of these two continents and in the outline of their coastlines? (slide 32) (slide 33)

Conclusion. III. Reinforcing the material covered

(slides 34-35).
Compose a syncwine “South America” Sinkwine

clearly, concisely defines the subject of study, has the following sequence:
1st line – name of the syncwine: Mainland South America;
2nd line – two adjectives;
3rd line – three verbs;
4th line – a phrase on the theme of syncwine;

Line 5 is a noun.

  • South America
  • For example:
  • Wet, mysterious
  • Attracts, intrigues, fascinates
  • Mainland records

Columbus Or

“Hello dear seventh graders! I can't come to your class, but my letters will help you learn about South America. South America is the largest continent on earth, the equator does not cross South America, but the prime meridian divides it into the northern and southern hemispheres. The continent is washed by the waters of three oceans: the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian. The Mediterranean Sea separates it from North America, and the Panama Canal connects the Pacific Ocean with the Indian Ocean. The Drake Passage separates South America from the island of Tierra del Fuego. But that's all for now. Read my letters and you will know everything about South America!”

IV. Lesson summary(slide 36)

V. Homework(slide 37): paragraph 31, compose a syncwine “South America” or a crossword puzzle “Geographical location and history of the discovery of the continent.”

VI. Reflection(slide 38)

Guys, in front of you are multi-colored coffee beans. Choose the color of the grains that fully reflects your perception of our lesson today.

(slide 39) Every person is born a dreamer and traveler. Reading adventure books, we strive to set foot on an unknown, but alluring shore. The world of distant countries is calling for you. However, in real life, not everyone manages to become a participant in discoveries, and then their hearts respond with sadness to the touching lines of R. Rozhdestvensky:

I regret that I did not see the face of the whole earth,
All its oceans, icy peaks and sunsets.
Only the sail of dreams guided my ships around the world,
Only in the glass windows did I meet albatrosses and stingrays.
I didn't hear Big Ben strike the hour in London,
I did not see how the stars are sliding lower and lower towards the fiords,
How the bitter snow of the Atlantic foam boils behind the stern
And at the beginning of spring, violets in Paris turn blue.

(slide 40) Bibliography :

  1. (slide 42) Krylova O.V.
  2. "Geography lessons 7th grade." M.: Education, 1990. « Barinova I.I. Modern lesson geography. Methodological developments
  3. lessons for grade 7: Continents and oceans", M., "School Press", 2003. Benkovich T. M., Benkovich D. L.
  4. Basic notes in teaching geography: 7th grade: Book. For the teacher: From work experience. – M.: Education, 1995. Perepecheva N.N.
  5. “Non-standard geography lessons for grades 6-7”, Volgograd, “Teacher”, 2004. Galeeva N.L., Melnichuk N.L.

“One hundred techniques for student’s educational success in geography lessons”, M.: “5 for knowledge”, 2006. Panama Canal A shipping canal connecting the Gulf of Panama to the Pacific Ocean. and the Atlantic Ocean. Located on the Isthmus of Panama in Panama. Length 81.6 km, including 65.2 km on land and 16.4 km on the bottom. The average passage time of a vessel is 9 hours.

Christopher Columbus, October 12, 1492 Columbus was the first of the reliably known travelers to cross the Atlantic Ocean in the subtropical and tropical zones northern hemisphere and was the first European to sail in the Caribbean Sea. Laid the beginning of the discovery of South America and the isthmuses Central America. He discovered all the Greater Antilles, the central part of the Bahamas archipelago, the Lesser Antilles, as well as a number of small islands in the Caribbean Sea and the island of Trinidad off the coast of South America. In total he made 4 trips to America: 1st - August 3, 1492 - March 15, 1493, 2nd - September 25, 1493 - June 11, 1496, 3rd - May 30, 1498 - November 25 1500, 4th – 9 May 1502 – November 1504

Amerigo Vespucci, 1507 Amerigo took part in equipping Columbus's expeditions and was familiar with him. Columbus's successes inspired him with the idea of ​​leaving trading in order to get acquainted with new lands. In letters to noble friends, Vespucci described his travels and geographical discoveries. In addition to Vespucci's letters, many books and diaries of his travels were published. The advertising did its job - it was his name that began to be associated with again open continent, and in 1507 the cartographer Waldseemüller attributed the discovery of a new continent made by Columbus to Vespucci and called it America, and in 1538 Mercator named it by this name and northern part mainland.

Nunez de Balboa, 1510 Spanish conquistador who founded the first European city in America and was the first European (at the head of a detachment of 190 Spaniards and 600 Indian porters) to reach the shores of the Pacific Ocean. Balboa was the first of the Spaniards to visit the interior of the mainland in search of gold and slaves. To obtain the information he needed from the Indians, he did not disdain either promises or torture. The natives were especially terrified by dogs, which, at the command of the conquistador, could tear anyone to pieces.

Francisco de Orellano, Mr. One of the first conquistadors who participated in the conquest of Peru. He was the first to walk along the Amazon from eastern Peru to the mouth of this great river.

CONQUISTADORS (Spanish singular conquistador - conqueror, conqueror), participants in the Conquista, that is conquests Europeans (mostly Spaniards) in New World: sea - to the West Indies, the Philippines, along the coasts of North and South America; land - deep into both continents. Hernan Cortes - Spanish conquistador who conquered Mexico and destroyed the Aztec state Francisco Pizarro - Spanish conquistador who conquered the Inca Empire and founded the city of Lima in 1501 Vasco Nunez de Balboa reaches the Pacific coast

Alexander Humboldt, 1799–1804 years of travel Collected and summarized together with the French. Botanist Aimé Bonpland has a large geographical material about the natural features of the South American continent. He substantiated the idea of ​​altitudinal zonation using the example of the Andes, described the nature of the cold current off the western shores, geological structure separate territories.

Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov, Mr. Russian botanist, plant breeder, geneticist, geographer and organizer of science. He established ancient centers of origin and diversity of cultivated plants on the mainland. The expedition to South America lasted 3 years.

Geographical position of the continent Extreme points: Northern - cape Galinas Southern - cape Froward Western - cape Parinhas Eastern - cape Cabu Branco Length: from north to south - 7350 km from west to east - 4900 km Intersected by: the southern equator tropical

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