England higher education. Educational system in England: structure and features. Preschool education in England

The UK education system is perhaps one of the most conservative in the world. This is partly due to its age - the appearance of the first secondary schools in the country and Oxford University dates back to the 12th century. From those times to this day, discipline and a high level of teaching quality remain the main ones. distinctive features British educational system. However, this does not mean that it does not undergo any changes. Against, English system education not only keeps up with the times, but is often ahead of it: the desire for excellence and reverence for traditions here coexists perfectly with the latest educational programs and practices.

Preschool education in England

Preparation for school in the UK it starts in kindergarten. From 2 to 5 years old, children learn to read, write and count. The academic load is light, the emphasis is on discipline and general education. At the same time, the state funds only 15 hours of kindergarten classes per week, so if you plan to send your child for a longer period, you will have to pay extra from your own budget. Parents send their children to preschool institutions at will, but only the school level is compulsory - from 5 to 18 years.

England's secondary education system

Secondary education in England includes four main stages(Key Stages): primary from 5 to 7 years old and from 7 to 11, secondary for children from 11 to 14 years old and from 14 to 16. Set compulsory subjects(Core Subjects) varies depending on age. In primary school, children study English, mathematics, history, geography, music, industrial technology and art. From the age of 11, Core Subjects include English, mathematics and science (basics of chemistry, biology and physics). The student, together with his parents, chooses the remaining subjects based on his own preferences. From 14 to 16 years of age, schoolchildren prepare to take the GCSE exam (General Certificate of Secondary Education).

In 2015, English legislation on compulsory education underwent changes: it was previously limited to the age of 16 years. Today's students will have to spend another 2 years at their desks. Those who plan to start working as quickly as possible enroll in vocational colleges. After 2 years of study they receive GNVQ's (certificate of secondary special education) or BTEC "s (high school diploma technical education). Those who are interested in further admission to university remain in school for Sixth form. During this period - 16 to 18 years old - schoolchildren prepare to take A-levels in selected subjects.

By type of funding, UK schools are divided into public and private. Unlike many countries, the gap between municipal and private educational institutions in England is not so wide: the level of secondary education in the country is monitored at the state level. Although, of course, private schools are distinguished by stronger training: the presence of a material and technical base and a high level of teaching staff, and the intimacy of classes, and even historical heritage, which a considerable part of boarding schools can boast of. Many of them have been working for more than a century, and the oldest ones appeared at all - they appeared in the 12th century under the Catholic churches.

It is worth noting that historically, separate education has developed in England. Some private schools have retained this approach to this day: many Britons believe that this makes it easier for boys and girls to concentrate on their studies. State schools are mostly mixed.

The grading system in British schools is letter grade: from A* (excellent) to U (extremely unsatisfactory). Some private educational institutions also give a second grade - for diligence, from 1 (active work and interest in the subject) to 5 (the student does not try at all). Two-time assessment is very convenient for both the student and his parents. It seems to restore justice, because it often happens that some subject is not given, despite great efforts, and bad grades completely demotivate.

The academic year in an English school is divided into trimesters, each lasting 12 weeks. The number of lessons depends on the age of the students, but always includes creative and sports activities. Much attention is paid to general education: schools try to develop in children leadership qualities, curiosity, to raise free individuals who know how to make choices, defend their point of view, strive for professional development, and at the same time be worthy members of society, who have the right to be called true ladies and gentlemen. It is noteworthy that educational traditions in private boarding schools for boys are especially strong.

In general, the secondary education system in England is assessed positively, although the level of student preparation shows last years some reversibility. Thus, according to the monitoring of the quality of education in schools PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) for 2015, the UK took 15th place. In 2009 - only 24, and in 2000 - 7. According to experts, the fluctuations are mainly due to the less stable level of teaching in the public school sector. As for private institutions, their performance remains fairly consistently high from year to year.

UK higher education system

The UK higher education system is considered one of the most perfect in the world - this is demonstrated by the world rankings of higher education institutions and the demand for specialists who have graduated from the universities of Foggy Albion. It is believed that it was the British educational model that formed the basis of the Bologna educational system.

The higher education sector in the country includes:

  • classical universities And university colleges(University Colleges), in which great attention is paid to research activities.
  • polytechnic institutes(Polytechnics) and colleges of higher education(Colleges of Higher Education), where specialists in applied specialties are trained.

Training includes 3 levels: bachelor's degree (3 years of study, with the exception of Scotland), master's degree (1-2 years) and doctoral study (2-3 years). The academic year consists of 3 trimesters. Classes are held both in classical formats of lectures and seminars, and in the form independent work and tutorials (work in small groups with a mentor-tutor). Students' performance is assessed based on intermediate work (essays, coursework, projects) and the results of final exams. The system for calculating the average score depends on the university and can be either a point score or a percentage.

Despite the inherent conservatism of the British, they are constantly working on improving the education system, introducing innovative teaching methods and actively using modern technologies. Thus, under the influence of market needs, so-called “sandwich courses” have appeared in many universities - periods of industrial practice that can last up to a year and are considered part of the training.

But, of course, British higher education institutions are mainly famous for their strong academic preparation, which has absorbed the best from the centuries-old history of education in this country. Students from all over the world come here for quality, ready to pay a lot of money for the coveted diploma: a year of study at an English university costs from 10,000 to 25,000 pounds sterling.

Understanding the importance of higher education not only in terms of reputation, but also economic benefits, the government regulates the quality of education at the state level. To achieve this, the country has an Educational Quality Assurance Authority (QAA), which checks the “academic standards” and “academic quality” of universities. Thus, a student from any UK educational institution can be sure that he will receive an up-to-date education, and his diploma will be valued in any country in the world.

The UK education system very successfully combines adherence to tradition and cutting-edge educational technologies. Its goal is not so much the encyclopedic knowledge of students in any field, but rather the comprehensive development of personality, a focus on obtaining knowledge and Professional Development. It is not surprising that graduates of British educational institutions are so in demand on the global labor market and show excellent career growth.

Today, 400 thousand students, for various reasons, receive a British education on programs from British educational institutions located outside the country - this is cheaper and is often closer to home. But still, a significant number of students value the experience of living in this country no less than the diploma received, and that is why they dream of studying in the UK.

Everyone who chooses to study in the UK is well aware that at this moment they are taking a confident step towards a successful career.

UK education system

The education system in Great Britain as it exists today emerged in the mid-20th century. Then the country faced serious global challenges, which required a significant number of qualified personnel to respond to. First of all, education reform in Britain affected technical specialties and institutions.

At the same time, school education became universal and free, as it is to this day - although, of course, the choice remained, and if they wish, instead of a free public school, parents can send their child to a paid private one.

In addition, the most important task was to make education in Great Britain first in the world in terms of attractiveness for foreigners. We can confidently say that Britain has coped with this task: today 157 higher education institutions have the right to award bachelor's and master's degrees within the country and more than 550 outside the country.

The education system in Britain includes the following levels (names are given in Russian and English):

  • Preparation for school - pre-school;
  • Primary and secondary school education - elementary/secondary school;
  • Preparing for university - A-level, International Foundation, International Baccalaureate
  • Vocational training - further education;
  • First higher education - bachelor's degree, baccalaureate;
  • Second higher education – magistracy, masters;
  • Postgraduate studies, research programs - doctorate.

In general, education in the UK begins at the age of 4-5, and can continue throughout life, so diverse are the levels of study and programs offered to students of different ages. This is how British education implements the concept of life-long education – education that lasts a lifetime.

UK Higher Education

Higher education Great Britain is one of the best and most successful British brands, bringing long-term benefits to both individuals and society as a whole, which is why it is always under close government control. The development and strengthening of the higher education system in the UK is an important part of the country's policy.

The British education system is unique in that the country's universities not only provide the highest quality student training and extensive research, but also demonstrate commercial success. It is not surprising that UK education attracts significant amounts of private funding every year. This allows not only to improve material and technical equipment and infrastructure, but also to create scholarship funds for the best foreign students who are interested in studying in Britain.

A student completing higher education programs in the UK receives one of the following: degrees:

  • Bachelor of Science or Arts - BSc/BA. The name of the degree in English is bachelor;
  • Master of Science or Arts - MSc/MA. The name of the degree in English is master;
  • Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Science indicating the field - PhD/EdD, DBA, etc. The name of the degree in English is doctor.

Although in Russia the first two types of degrees have been awarded for more than 10 years, for many these names are still unusual and even sound somewhat old-fashioned. Which, however, is not surprising, since in Europe these degrees began to be awarded during late Middle Ages, and today they are a tribute to the classical academic tradition and a symbol of the continuity of eras.

Read more about the UK educational system, UK levels and degrees (in English, degrees).

Concerning educational programs- their choice is huge. Programs - educational, applied, sandwich panels - a huge variety of programs and options for completing them. Practical and theoretical bias. – Thus, higher education in Britain is indeed multifaceted and diverse.

The rating system in Great Britain differs from that adopted in Russia and in many other countries of the world. The grading system for undergraduate and honors programs is described in detail here.

Studying in Britain always means brilliant knowledge and the contribution of graduates to science and culture. Studying in Britain always means brilliant knowledge and the contribution of graduates to science and culture.

Education system in England

The English education system is one of the oldest and most successful in Europe and the world. It is in England that the country's historically first universities are located, which began operating in the 13th and 14th centuries. Getting an education in England means not only acquiring a range of general and professional knowledge and skills, but also unleashing your creative potential in any subject area.

Study in England

Conservatism and unshakable adherence to tradition are integral features of English culture. However, in the case of the English educational system, these cultural characteristics served well. It is in tradition that many of the competitive advantages of English education that are important in the modern world originate.

The English education system today combines classical traditions and an innovative approach to research, organization of educational institutions, and student selection. Thus, in educational institutions in England to this day they study the basic principles of the ancient classical sciences - rhetoric, logic, philosophy - but not in pure form, but as part of a mandatory program to develop basic employment skills (transferable skills). As a result, graduates acquire the knowledge and practical skills necessary for successful employment and career.

Education in England is a very intensive process and requires maximum effort from the student. Unlike many European countries, the education system in England involves a significant number of programs shortened in time. Thus, a bachelor’s degree in Britain is obtained in 3 years, and a master’s degree in a number of disciplines can be obtained in just a year instead of two, but you will also have to study twice as fast during this time. This practice is very common in MBA programs.

Higher education in England

Students going to study abroad in England will need to get used to the new realities of academic life. The educational system of England is very different from the Russian one in everything - from the choice of a future specialty and program and the admission process to the methods and everyday practices of teaching and the grading system.

In order to study in England at the first higher, bachelor's, Russian school certificate is not enough. A future student needs either one year at a Russian university or a university preparation program A-level or Foundation.

You can enroll in a master's program with a bachelor's or specialist's diploma, which is recognized in the UK. In some cases, additional training is required before admission.

Admission to graduate school is possible with a master's degree.

Academic year in England it lasts 9 months. Start school year in England– as a rule, in the fall, in September-October or in winter - in February. Grades in England are most often awarded according to the country's generally accepted system of honors (Honours).

Education in England for adults - both British and especially foreigners - is always paid. However best students can count on partial or full funding. Read more about this here.

The higher education system in England is broadly consistent with the UK higher education system. Students have a wide choice of subject areas, levels of education, degree of practical or theoretical focus of study.

Higher education in England for foreigners

Opportunities for foreigners to get an education in England are very wide - from short-term courses to full-fledged master's and postgraduate programs.

The most popular courses in England are language courses, but in the summer universities offer numerous programs for both students and adults who want to undergo advanced training or professional retraining.

Work and study in England

In England, international students can work while studying for up to 20 hours a week.

Study in England for students from Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus

When applying to universities, it is important for students from the CIS countries to find out whether their educational documents are recognized in Britain and what level of study they correspond to. For example, a Russian specialist is more than a bachelor's degree, but less than a master's degree. It follows from this that in programs close to previous education, the training time can be reduced by a year, which will reduce tuition fees and quickly convert English education in stable and high wages.

UK higher education institutions occupy the top positions in all rankings best universities peace. Nobility, wisdom, brevity, intelligence, good manners - all this is inherent in the British, which is why they earned the honor and respect of all countries without exception several centuries ago. British universities are famous for the highest quality education, which is considered one of the most prestigious in the world, so this is where the most worthy of the worthy study.

Education system

Studying in the UK starts early. Three-year-old children are sent to Nursery school, this is an analogue of our kindergarten, but a significant part of the time is allocated to education and development. From the age of 5, children go to a two-year school preparing for primary school - Pre-preparatory school), from 7 to 11 years - primary school (Primary, Elementary or Preparatory school). At the age of 11, secondary school begins, where children study until the age of 16 and take final exams for a certificate of secondary education - GCSE. This certificate is sufficient to begin independent work, but does not give the right to enter higher educational institutions.

And finally - the last two classes of preparation for entering a university: A-Level. By this point, schoolchildren have already decided where they will enroll and choose 3-5 disciplines, which they study intensively for two years. A-Level final exams are also considered entrance exams to a university. Requirements for grades depend on the prestige of the university and the competition. For example, to enter Cambridge, all subjects must be passed. maximum score. Higher education in the UK, as in most countries of the world, is divided into bachelor's (3-4 years) and master's (1-2 years) programs.

Secondary education for British citizens is compulsory and free. A-Level and university education are paid, both for citizens of the country and for foreigners.

Study in the UK

Schools in the UK

The choice of school in the UK is taken very seriously, often with an eye to future profession, since there are many specializations even at the secondary education level, and the earlier you start, the greater the chances of entering a prestigious university.

First of all, schools are divided into public and private; among private ones, boarding schools are also distinguished separately. Educational standards in the country are very high, so that public schools are inferior to private schools only in technical equipment. And also in private schools there are fewer students in the class, and teachers have more opportunities to pay individual attention to each person. In boarding houses, children live on the school grounds under the supervision of teachers (the minimum period of study is 1 year); there are separate boarding houses for boys and girls. Many private schools and boarding schools have connections with the country's leading universities and purposefully prepare students for admission.

The British education system developed many centuries ago and is still considered one of the best; it has been successfully adopted by other countries.

There is a lot of choice in the UK special schools. For example, grammatical ones with an emphasis on academic knowledge. Future teachers and researchers are trained there. There are applied schools - for those who intend to master a working specialty.

All training takes place on English language, there are no Russian-language schools for foreigners in the UK. For admission you need a certificate with grades from a Russian school and a certificate confirming knowledge of the English language (TOEFL or IELTS).

For foreign students who plan to enroll in British universities, there is international colleges- International Colleges, which accept only foreign students aged 14-18 years, where they catch up with the British secondary school program and prepare for admission. As a rule, after college there are no problems with admission.

The cost of education in a British public primary school for foreign students is from 5,000 GBP per year; in private schools, and even more so in boarding schools, it is more expensive: from 7,000 GBP per year. The A-Level program costs from 10,000 GBP per course. Prices on the page are as of November 2018.

Last school stage is a special preparation for university, which lasts 2 years after graduating from high school (for those who did not go to professional education). Young people again have the right to choose about five subjects corresponding to their further specialization at the university. After this preparation, the doors of the best universities in the country open to students.

Higher education

The UK Department of Education gives applicants the right to choose: university, technical institute or college.

Colleges of higher education offer bachelor's degrees. By and large, these are professional courses, upon completion of which young people become specialists in a particular field. The disadvantage of such an education is that students who have completed their studies at college do not have the opportunity to enroll in master's, graduate, and MBA programs.

Technical institutes are valuable for those who have chosen a narrow specialization for themselves, since it is better to immediately study at a specialized university. At regular universities, students study for two years general subjects, and in subsequent years specialized ones. Moreover, British students have the opportunity to attend lectures and seminars from other faculties, and then pass the exam and receive a double diploma. The best British universities are the famous Cambridge and Oxford.

People traditionally study in British universities for 4-5 years, in some faculties, for example, medicine and architecture - up to 7 years.

Higher education is paid for both domestic citizens and foreigners. Students who are citizens of the country can study in debt, which they begin to repay only after receiving a diploma and getting a job with a minimum wage of 21,000 GBP per year. If this does not happen, there is no need to repay the debt. Recently, more and more deputies in parliament are inclined to increase the cost of education. Such initiatives are unpopular among students.

All higher education in the UK is paid for - both for local residents and for international students.

The cost of higher education in the UK is higher for international students than for UK citizens. In particular, a year of study at Oxford will cost from 15,000 to 23,000 GBP per year, depending on the chosen specialty, plus a fee of about 7,000 GBP. Benefits are provided only for those who have previously studied at a British school; there is also the opportunity to win a grant.

    the very best

    Cambridge university

    Cambridge, CB2 1TN, The Old Schools, Trinity Ln

    One of the oldest and largest English universities Cambridge University was founded in 1209. Already in the 13th century. The faculties of humanities, law, theology and medicine were formed in Cambridge. Since those times and to this day, Cambridge has consistently occupied the highest places in world university rankings, competing with Oxford for the title of best university.

    the very best

    Oxford University

    Oxford, OX1 2JD, Wellington Square

    The university city of Oxford, located north-west of London, is famous for having one of the oldest institutions of higher education in the world. Every fifth of the city's 150,000 population is a student. However, the atmosphere of relaxed fun, thirst for knowledge and sincere belief in science attracts not only those who want to study to this place.

    • school certificate translated into English and notarized
    • certificate confirming English language proficiency (TOEFL or IELTS), prestigious faculties require the highest possible
    • a short essay about why the applicant chose this specialty
    • list of desired universities
    • characteristics from school

    For foreign students there is a special preparation program for admission - University Foundation Certificate. Its main goal is to fill the gaps between the Russian and British education systems, help applicants decide on a specialty and university, and “pump up” their English.

    Language schools

    Today in the UK there are about 1,500 language schools and training centers teaching English to foreigners. They offer many programs and form groups according to a number of criteria: age, level of language proficiency, length of study. There are basic courses, which are divided into standard and intensive. There are preparatory courses that help in the future when passing the main tests that determine knowledge of English - IELTS, TOEFL, etc. There are also business English seminars and in-depth language courses, which include preparation for exams at colleges and universities in the UK.

    Deserves special attention summer schools, where you can not only learn English, but also have a good rest, play sports and have fun. On average, the price of courses for 1-2 weeks ranges from 500 to 3000 GBP, which includes accommodation, meals, transfers, excursions and educational materials. Visa, tickets, registration fee and insurance payment are paid separately. In England, you have the opportunity to choose a school both in London and in the suburbs. You can live in a boarding house, hostel or apartment (with additional payment).

Recently, education in the UK has become more and more popular throughout the world. Why is this happening? How is it that the knowledge provided by a modest, by modern standards, northern country is held in such high esteem? In this article we will try to answer all these questions. In addition, readers will learn in more detail about school education in the UK, about its levels and principles of organization. In fact, our country has something to strive for.

general description

It just so happens that the education system in Great Britain is a kind of standard for many countries. Although not everyone knows that it appeared many centuries ago and, in fact, in its original form arose back in the 11th century, far from us.

It should be noted that in a British school, like no other, to this day there is “iron” discipline, the educational process occurs at every educational level, and the established teaching methodology deserves special respect. Yeah... Here we can say with confidence that the centuries-old history of education in Great Britain has left its mark on almost every area of ​​the modern process of acquiring knowledge.

Among other things, it is in British schools that students are given the opportunity to receive not only first-class knowledge, but also an elite education, which at the same time means the acquisition of secular manners and useful connections with the powerful and famous of this world.

It's no secret that almost all wealthy and eminent families interested in successful future career First of all, they try to enroll their children in prestigious English schools.

At the same time, despite the effectiveness of training, the characteristics of education in the UK imply a certain flexibility. What does this mean? The thing is that in the country today there is a huge variety of training courses, and pupils and students are given the opportunity to choose exactly what they are really interested in. In addition, if desired, the selected items can be changed; this will not take much time and you will not need to fill out a bunch of documents. After weighing all the pros and cons, the student must simply write an application and begin classes according to the newly approved schedule.

There is some misconception that education in the UK in English is of better quality than what can be obtained in, for example, German or French. Not at all. Local teachers approach their work with full responsibility, which means that regardless of language, students will be provided with the entire necessary set of knowledge in their chosen field.

Preschool education

Primary education in Great Britain for little Englishmen and Englishwomen begins at the age when Russian children are just starting school. kindergarten. The classes of three-year-old students are not much different from kindergarten ones - the same educational creative games and the same group work are present here. However, they study there only 3 hours a day. Longer lessons are prohibited by law. Why? The thing is that local experts unanimously decided that a child of this age should have time for games, fun and walks in the fresh air.

In order for a child to enter a preschool class at a reputable primary school, it is necessary to pass a number of entrance examinations, which, by the way, are different in each individual region of Albion, which means that you will have to prepare for them separately and in advance.

The education system in the UK is such that almost everywhere the authorities require parents to apply for enrollment one year before the age of three. If, for any reason, documents are submitted in the wrong time, the child will most likely not receive a place in the class and will be placed on the so-called waiting list.

It is unthinkable that in some regions of England a child can begin education at the age of two. However, this applies mainly to private preschool classes. However, the requirement to apply to such a private institution can be quite a shock! In some classes, parents must submit documents even before the baby is born! For us, this is difficult to even imagine, not to mention the fact that some modern parents from Russia may consider such “care” a bad omen. We even try not to purchase necessary hygiene items before giving birth.

Education system in Great Britain. Primary state educational institutions

Despite the variety of principles of primary education, the most common in public schools is the education of children aged 4 to 11 years.

The first year of school is called preparatory class. If parents submit an application in a timely manner (six months before the start of the semester), then the child from the preschool class enters the primary school.

Despite the great number of good primary schools, getting a place in one of the institutions is not so easy. Even studying in a preschool class at an elite school does not guarantee that a child will be admitted to it. Education in the US and UK is very different regarding this point. In America, a child who graduates from an elite kindergarten is automatically enrolled in the same school.

Another important criterion for admitting a child to school is the family’s place of residence: the closer the house is to the institution, the greater the likelihood of admission to this educational institution. But this is not the key point on the way to good education. Existing admission criteria for each school may vary significantly. Therefore, parents should first find out the admission rules.

Education in the UK at primary school requires certain stages, which are worth talking about in more detail:

  1. Stage I - between the ages of 4 and 6 years. The preparatory class is replaced by the first class, and at the age of six children move to the second.
  2. Stage II - begins at age 7 and continues until the child graduates from sixth grade.

Elementary education. Private schools

In the independent education system, the concepts of preschool and preschool are almost the same, but the names are somewhat different. Thus, preschool classes are called pre-preparatory classes, and primary schools are called preparatory classes.

Admission rules for different schools can differ radically. Thus, to enroll in a number of pre-preparatory classes, you can get by with simply registering your child at school (although this must be done in advance); in other institutions, the procedure for passing entrance exams is strictly mandatory.

An undeniable advantage of independent primary schools is the step-by-step possibility of admission. At the same time, certain proposals are possible for each age, and the existing system of such schools assumes the successful continuation educational process for almost every child.

What is it like in the countries of Foggy Albion?

The eleventh birthday for a child means a new period in his life - the stage of high school.

Although there are both public and private schools in the UK, they all adhere to the same educational standards. In addition, the state provides the right to study in high school children under 16 years old, i.e. it should be noted that free education in the UK it is not only in demand, but also extremely popular among different social strata.

At the end of their studies, schoolchildren take a final exam and receive a certificate, which, however, does not guarantee admission to universities, but does provide the right to work.

State schools are free, and foreigners aged 8 to 18 years can also study there (parents living in England are a prerequisite).

Education at independent schools is prestigious. Mostly English schoolchildren (85%) study there. Good private schools have hundreds of hectares of land, where all kinds of educational, recreational, sports and entertainment buildings are located.

Professional education

Apart from schools, there are also institutions providing education in the UK. The difference between these two systems is similar Russian schools, the full completion of which requires admission to a technical school, and then to an institute, and vocational schools - institutions in which children receive a specific profession. Such institutions in England are called Tertiary Colleges. They are characterized by frequent changes in educational programs and qualifications.

The future predestination of the graduate largely depends on the latter. Thus, the NVQ qualification involves exclusively practical work in the fields of business and production. However, it is a multi-level system, and, in principle, provides the necessary knowledge for further continuation of education. Has five skill levels. You can earn each of them by demonstrating yourself in practice, performing work of one level or another.

ND are a kind of colleges of further education, the training in which ends with the issuance of an international diploma. So, before receiving professional education, the child and his parents must carefully consider and choose the right decision.

Higher education in the UK

A bachelor's degree in England and Wales requires three years of study. If the training involves practical training, then, accordingly, the period increases. Specific specialties, such as design and art history, require passing basic course training, after which three years in the specialty. To obtain medical education in the UK or to become, for example, an architect, you will have to study for at least seven years.

All courses of study are divided into degrees, respectively, the higher it is, the more valuable the graduate.

  1. One becomes a bachelor after 3-4 years of study. It is noteworthy that the English bachelor's degree is highly valued not only at home, but throughout the world.
  2. Intermediate degree. This level is a kind of stepping stone on the path to further education.
  3. The master's degree is divided into two categories (depending on the orientation of the study program): research and professional.
  4. Doctor's degree. To obtain such a higher education in the UK, the student must be actively engaged in research activities, the duration of which is 2-3 years. The results obtained during the work are published in scientific reports and magazines. The doctor's degree is awarded immediately after defense scientific work- dissertations.

UK boarding schools

The dream of any parent is a successful and educated child. Thousands of loving hearts are ready to give a lot to educate their child in an English private school.

It would seem that there is nothing complicated, because there are a great many private schools in the UK. But here is the main catch! After all, it is not so easy to choose a good institution that will suit not only the parents themselves, but also, first of all, the child.

Today English schools We happily accept children from Russia and the CIS countries. To dispel all doubts regarding the quality of teaching and academic preparation, there are ratings of boarding schools. Most parents adhere to this guideline.

Rankings are compiled based on learning performance. So, if school graduates demonstrate excellent results, then, accordingly, the level of the school increases significantly. However, getting into it is not so easy. The child's abilities must be above average, and to determine them he must pass entrance examination or testing.

An important factor for Russian parents should be percentage Russian-speaking children at school. The fewer there are, the sooner more effective child will speak English perfectly (this applies even to those students who studied in schools with in-depth study language).

In Great Britain

The opinion about what is almost the most expensive is very common. However, is this so? Are there any simple student tricks to save money? Is there any way to overcome these educational problems in the UK? Surely!

Before starting the first academic year in England, a student must take care of choosing housing. There are two optimal options: renting a separate room, living in a hostel. Experience shows that renting a room can save a student at least £25! To buy food inexpensively, as in Russia, you need to run around and ask the price, and then the savings are certainly guaranteed.

In fact, if desired, every student can save. Transport, entertainment, shopping - if you are not lazy and try to find the best solution, then success and an extra hundred pounds are guaranteed.

Requirements for foreign applicants

The current education system in the UK does not allow students from Russia and the CIS countries to enroll in colleges and universities immediately after graduating from school in their homeland.

To enter English university, you must at least complete 2 years of college at home or undergo special training in England.

They are divided into two categories:

  • A-Level lasting 2 years gives the opportunity to enter all universities in the country. Gifted students can complete the same program in just one year.
  • Basic (or Foundation) - term 1 year. The shortened program provides the opportunity to enter a limited number of universities.

Such preparatory systems are key for those wishing to obtain higher education in the UK.

The higher education systems in Russia and England (Great Britain) have their similarities and differences. It is in our educational institutions that everyone is equal and can study regardless of anything. And there is a huge selection of schools, classified by gender (schools for boys, girls, mixed), age of students, level of preparedness, etc. And yet both of them are recognized throughout the world as among the best.

The modern education system of England: scheme, history, structure, features

If you want to learn more about the types of education in the UK, as well as compare the education systems of Russia and England, read on.

So, let's start from the very beginning - with history!

A little history of higher education in the UK

Higher education in Great Britain began to actively develop in the 12th century. It was then that the universities of Cambridge and Oxford were founded, which continued to remain the only ones in England until early XIX century. True, in the Scottish St. Andrews, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Edinburgh, universities also began to be founded in the 15th century.

In the 19th century, the kingdom was swept by the industrial revolution. It was at this time that the people experienced an urgent need for the training of experienced managers and administrators. Demand creates supply, and now new universities have begun to appear everywhere: in London, Liverpool, Birmingham, Manchester, Bristol, Reading.

All these universities were built of red brick so that people would immediately notice their difference from the gray stone walls of Oxford and Cambridge. That is why they began to be called red brick.

After World War II, modern universities began to appear in Great Britain, which were supposed to satisfy scientific and technical progress. This is how the “glass” (due to their modernity) universities of Sussex, Nottingham, Exeter, Keele, Warwick, Essex and Kent arose.

The third great wave of “universitization” came at the end of the 20th century. Then the authorities began to actively convert polytechnics into universities.

The differences between the old and new universities are subtle, but they are still there. For example, new institutions of higher education are focused on communication with trade and industrial enterprises and are trying to adjust programs in connection with the requests of employers.

However, old universities are also trying to retrain and take this right path. They are interested in establishing links with the national and local economies. But this does not mean that such traditional theoretical disciplines as literary criticism, literature, philosophy, history, and natural sciences have disappeared here.

Foreign students are most often attracted by old universities that are widely known abroad

UK education system in general

As in many European countries, the education system in England consists of five levels:

  • preschool,
  • initial,
  • average,
  • preparation for higher education,
  • higher education.

The first three stages are compulsory for UK students under 16 years of age.

By type of functioning schools are divided into:

  • privateschools-boarding houses(Independent Schools). They are considered more prestigious and are 85% intended exclusively for English children. These independent institutions are not only well equipped technically. They own several hundred hectares of land on which all school property is located: academic buildings, sports sections, swimming pools, residences for residents.
  • state(State Schools). Free for everyone. Designed mainly for citizens of the kingdom and for foreign children aged 8-18, whose parents have the right of permanent residence.

They all adhere to the same state minimum, but each school has the right to have its own “zest” that will attract different audiences.

We won’t talk about the features of preschool and junior school education. We are interested in a more conscious age, at which we can think about or begin to build a career.

Secondary School or High School

IN high school Children aged 14 to 16 years are taught. The main task of this authority is to prepare students for passing state exam, after which they receive certificates of general secondary education called GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education).

In the curriculum, schoolchildren take 7-9 subjects that are required to pass the state exam.

From the age of 16, students are intensively preparing for entering a university. After completing training, they can choose one of two options for the development of events:

  • get a job (usually in the service sector);
  • enter a university.

If they choose the second path, they will have to go training courses A-levels is a two-year program during which you have to take exams at the end of each year. During the first, 4-5 are offered for study specialized subjects, in the next one - 3-4 more items. Moreover, the student chooses each subject based on how useful they will be for his future specialty.

If the program is successfully completed, the student can easily enter the chosen university.

And there is also such an interesting thing as University Foundation Year (UFY) – the same thing, only for a shorter period of study (9 months). This program is suitable for preparing international students, provided they have a high level of English. Here students are busy studying not only specialized disciplines, but also studying academic English in more detail.

Students who successfully complete this program can safely enter any higher education institution. BUT! They cannot apply to study at those universities that are among the TOP 5 universities in the country (among them Oxford and Cambridge).

Studying at these universities is possible only after passing the A-Level student program

Higher education

Higher education is a training program, after completion of which the student is awarded an academic degree:

  • Bachelor Degree - bachelor's degree,
  • Master Degree - master's degree,
  • Doctoral or PhD Degree - doctor's degree.

Let's take a closer look at what each of them is.

Bachelor's Degree

This is the first level of higher education, which is awarded to a student of a higher educational institution upon successful completion of three courses. But there are universities whose duration of study increases this bar to 4 years due to passing Sandwich courses – compulsory industrial practice.

There are also particularly “difficult” industries, in which you will have to study for 7 years to obtain a bachelor’s degree (dentistry, medicine, architecture, etc.).

There are 7 types of bachelor's degrees depending on specialization:

  • VA- Bachelor of Arts;
  • BEd- Bachelor of Pedagogical Sciences;
  • EEng- bachelor technical sciences(engineering and engineering);
  • BSc- Bachelor of Science;
  • LLB- Bachelor of Law;
  • BMus- Bachelor of Music;
  • VM- Bachelor of Medicine.

Master Degree

The second stage is distinguished by a wealth of specializations and areas and is considered postgraduate education.

Depending on the chosen program, you can take a course to improve your knowledge, take a master's program in scientific and technical fields, etc.

Here you will have to study for another 1-2 years after your bachelor’s degree, attending lectures and practical lessons. At the end, each student is required to submit a diploma project completed in accordance with all the rules, as well as pass state assessment tests. Only if these tests are successfully passed is the student awarded a diploma and a master's degree.

In the case of a research-oriented program, students work towards a diploma throughout their studies. And at the end they are awarded a Master of Philosophy degree (M.Phil - Master of Philosophy).

PhD Degree

The doctoral program will be entirely devoted to research work.

The duration of its completion is 2-3 years. At the end, the student must publish the results of his work in specialized publications. In addition, he will have to write a dissertation.

If you managed to successfully cope with all these tasks, congratulations! You have become the proud owner of a Doctor of Philosophy degree (Ph.D. Degree).

Cost of studying in the UK (higher education)

Higher education in the UK is free for everyone: both domestic and foreigners. But it will be more expensive for visiting students!

UK citizens have a unique right to obtain higher education on credit. You can not give it away immediately, but after receiving a diploma and successfully getting a job. Even a minimum wage of £21,000 a year would help cover the debt.

You will laugh, but the whole comical thing about the situation is this: if you didn’t get a diploma or didn’t get a job with minimum wage, you don’t have to repay the debt!

Here are approximate prices so that you can realistically assess your financial capabilities and the capabilities of your parents. So, one academic course after receiving regular secondary education will cost for foreigners:

  • classroom lesson - 5000-7000 pounds;
  • laboratory classes (in natural sciences) - 6000-9000 pounds;
  • practical training - 15,000-17,000 pounds.

Before enrolling, try to find out whether the university of your choice requires additional payment for the use of offices and laboratories. Some universities charge extra for the use of work materials (for example, photographic materials in a design course).

When planning, do not forget about additional costs:

  • use of books and textbooks (300-500 pounds annually),
  • new clothes (£500);
  • accommodation (depending on location from 6,000 to 9,000 pounds per year).

Choosing a UK College/University

Now, in fact, let’s talk about the university itself, which is worth stopping at.

As you explore the entire list of higher education institutions in the Kingdom, you may find that many of them offer the same course of study. The catch is that the depth of subject study may vary from university to university. For example, in some the course is taught in a shortened version, in others it is taught in more depth.

The most important thing when entering an English university is to decide on the specialty that you like. The main “problem” of the UK education system is that a huge layer of responsibility for learning falls on the shoulders of the student himself, and not on teachers and the university as a whole, as in our country.

While studying here, you will have to get used to the idea that the lion's share of studying and research will be carried out independently. No one here will force or intimidate you. If you want success, work hard! Therefore, one cannot live here without great enthusiasm.

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If you choose a specialty for reasons of prestige or for another reason, you will fail 90% of the time.

When choosing a university, it is important to pay attention not only to the program itself, but also to the living conditions that the university offers. Here are the main questions that are important to know the answer to before entering an English college/university:

  1. Does the university have its own housing?? Does the university provide accommodation for international students? Do foreigners get a guaranteed place or on the same rights as citizens?
  2. Does the institution have its own library?? The absence or poor availability of a library will force you to spend a lot of time and money additionally, because you will have to contact the interuniversity library service. Old universities, as a rule, have collected an impressive database of books during their existence. The new ones will have more modern applied funds.
  3. Do you have your own athletic facilities ? Can students use those that are nearby?
  4. Is there a special career guidance course for beginners?? Do I need to pay for it and how much?
  5. Are there all conditions for disabled students?

Quality of UK education

Every year, numerous services and publications conduct their research, as a result of which you can find out the rating of both the specific educational institution of interest and the education system of a particular country.

The UK traditionally occupies the highest places in these university rankings (1, 2 or 3 positions), so you can confidently choose this place to receive your higher education.

All that remains is to find the time and money to enroll. Well, a lot of knowledge! You will have to do very well in your school and do well on all tests. If you don’t want to waste your potential on local education, you always have a student assistance service at your fingertips, which can easily cope with any task.

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