Gunka screams Dunno is a liar. Dunno: The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends - An Unexpected Meeting. New generation concentration camp

Lesson objectives:

Leshkevich Tatyana Pavlovna, 20.02.2017

752 136

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1. Elephant, baby elephant and elephant
Tired of standing in the zoo,
And they sailed out to sea on a blue kayak
Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.
Yes Yes!

They rushed away, yes, yes, they rushed away there!

2. Elephant, baby elephant, elephant
Fluffy waves rocked
And the dolphins greeted me with a childish smile
Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.
Yes Yes! Both elephants and elephants smiled then!

3. Elephant, baby elephant, elephant
A sip of sincerity is needed, -
Dolphins had a friendly dinner
Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.
Yes Yes! Both me and I were invited there!

4. Elephant, baby elephant, elephant
Dolphins loved like brothers -
Saying goodbye, they embraced
Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.
Yes Yes! And me, yes, yes, me too!

5. Elephant, baby elephant, elephant
The dolphins swore goodbye:
For all those drowning, stand in the ocean
Elephant, baby elephant, elephant!
Yes Yes! Does anyone want to go to the bottom?

6. Elephant, baby elephant and elephant
In an embrace they melted in the haze -
The dolphins were left in the photo as a souvenir
Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.
Yes Yes! And my smile is from ear to ear!

7. Elephant, baby elephant and elephant
They put gifts in a string bag,
And we returned to Khimki on a blue kayak
Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.
Yes Yes! Elephants don't abandon babies!

8. Elephant, baby elephant, elephant
I met the famous elephant breeder,
And the ball awaited on the open veranda
Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.
Yes Yes! I danced with a camel then!

9. Elephant, baby elephant and elephant
In dreams they yearn for dolphins,
And with their trunk they look for sea cabbage
Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.

Yes Yes! They sleep and see her,
Your favorite dish!

10. Elephant, baby elephant, elephant
Seaweed is nice -
Dolphins send it in a dream, probably
Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.
Yes Yes! By your kindness!

11. Elephant, baby elephant and elephant
Their mouths open with tenderness,
They close their eyes and they sing to us
Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.
Yes Yes! About the dream! About the dream!

Development content

A) on a boat;
B) on a yacht;
B) on a kayak.

A) white;
B) blue;
B) green.

A) with whales;
B) with dolphins;
B) with sharks.

A) from the presentation of gifts;
B) with a smile;
B) from handshakes.

A) sharks;
B) elephants;
B) dolphins.

B) get some fresh air;
B) drink lemonade.

A) friendly dinner;
B) fun games;
B) carnival.

A) whales;
B) girl;
B) elephants.

A) your things;
B) seaweed;
B) gifts.
11. Where did the elephants return?
A) in Medvedkovo;
B) in Khimki;
B) in Stupino.

A) didn’t like it at sea;

B) the kayak broke.

A) striped tigers;
B) director of the zoo;
C) a famous elephant breeder.

A) sea cabbage;
B) sugar beet;
C) overseas fruits.

1. Why did the elephant, mother elephant and baby elephant decide to sail to the sea?
A) it was boring to stand in the zoo, they were tired of the monotony;
B) they set sail along with all the animals in the zoo;
C) they were sent to sea by the director of the zoo.

2. What did the elephant, the mother elephant and the baby elephant use to set sail for the sea?
A) on a boat;
B) on a yacht;
B) on a kayak.

3. What color was the kayak?
A) white;
B) blue;
B) green.

4. Who did the elephants make friends with in the sea?
A) with whales;
B) with dolphins;
B) with sharks.

5. How did the friendship between elephants and dolphins begin?
A) from the presentation of gifts;
B) with a smile;
B) from handshakes.

6. Who needed a “sip of soulfulness”?
A) sharks;
B) elephants;
B) dolphins.

7. What does the expression “you need a sip of sincerity” mean?
A) communicate cordially, sincerely;
B) get some fresh air;
B) drink lemonade.

8. What did the dolphins do to the elephants?
A) friendly dinner;
B) fun games;
B) carnival.

9. Who did the dolphins hug?
A) whales;
B) girl;
B) elephants.

10. What did the elephants put in the string bag?
A) your things;
B) seaweed;
B) gifts.

11. Where did the elephants return?
A) in Medvedkovo;
B) in Khimki;
B) in Stupino.
12. Why did the elephants return to the zoo?
A) didn’t like it at sea;
B) “elephants don’t abandon babies”;
B) the kayak broke.
13. Who met the elephant, mother elephant, baby elephant?
A) striped tigers;
B) director of the zoo;
C) a famous elephant breeder.
14. Elephants’ favorite dish, which dolphins send to them in their dreams.
A) sea cabbage;
B) sugar beet;
C) overseas fruits.

Development content


Lesson topic:"The dream of friendship and warmth of soul in the poem by Yu. Moritz “Elephant, Baby Elephant and Elephant.”

Lesson objectives:

1. Generalization of the goals and methods of creating a fantastic image in art.

2. Understanding the serious problems of funny poems.

3. Deepening students’ understanding of the role of rhythm in a poem.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Guys, we have guests today, let's greet them and give them our smiles, smile at each other, smile at me. We start work in a good mood.

II. Checking homework.

We have finished reading the works of part 1 of our textbook. You independently became acquainted with the works of Yunna Moritz.

Some of you read the poems expressively, some learned the poems by heart, some drew pictures for the poems by Yu. Moritz. Now we will listen to what poems our students found.

Read the poems by heart: Guryeva Anya, Stremyanova Alena, Mkhitaryan Gayane, Kornev Denis.

- How did the guys read it? Whose reading did you like more?

Now look at the pictures you drew.

Tell us what work you drew them for and what you depicted on them.

(drawings by Petukhov Yu., Zenina D., Nechaeva E., Abramova K., Yalovka N., Latypov M., Kiseleva L.).

What poems are these?

What is special about these works? (You can feel the author’s love for children and animals in them; they are cheerful and very kind).

Well done, homework done well.

III . Communicate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Do you like to dream? What are you dreaming about?

- Today in class we will talk to you about friendship, warmth, and dreams. And the poem by Yu. Moritz will help us with this.

IV . Work on the poem by Yu. Moritz "Elephant, Baby Elephant and Elephant..."

Father Yu. Moritz had a double higher education: engineering and legal, he worked as an engineer on transport lines.

My mother graduated from high school before the revolution. She gave French and mathematics lessons, worked in the arts and crafts, as a nurse in a hospital, and even as a woodcutter.

Yunna Moritz composed her first poem at the age of 4:

The donkey stood on a stool,

The donkey ate his pill.

Finally a throat

He got a chill.

In 1954 she graduated from school with a gold medal. After graduating, I tried to enter Kiev University to study journalism. She was rejected for her lack of literary ability.

b) reading a poem.

- Guess the riddle:

The trumpet is loud, but not the trumpeter,

He's a real strongman.

It has a long trunk.

Did you guess it? This…

Before you listen to the poem, look and tell me who is called that?

What does the word “elephant farmer” mean?

Now you will listen to the poem by Yu. Moritz “Elephant, Baby Elephant and Elephant.”

What does the title of this poem tell us?

The poem in the textbook is not complete, so listen carefully and think, is it funny or sad?

What kind of poem is this - funny or sad? Why?

V)Reading the poem stanza by stanza with comments.

- We read the first stanza.

Elephant, baby elephant and elephant

Tired of standing in the zoo,

And they sailed out to sea on a blue kayak

Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.

Yes Yes! They rushed away, yes, yes, they rushed away there!

Why did the elephant, mother elephant, and baby elephant swim in a kayak into the sea?

How do you imagine a kayak? (boat)

What is the main element that can be identified from this stanza?

What are we going to draw? (boat)

- Read the second stanza.

Elephant, baby elephant, elephant

Fluffy waves rocked

And the dolphins greeted me with a childish smile

Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.

Yes Yes! Both elephants and elephants smiled then!

How do you imagine waves?

Who did the elephants make friends with? How did it start?

Tell me, what is a “childish smile”? ( kind, open)

What should we draw in the second square? (smile)

- We continue to create a filmstrip. Read stanza 3.

Elephant, baby elephant, elephant

A sip of sincerity is needed, -

Dolphins had a friendly dinner

Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.

Yes Yes! Both me and I were invited there!

How do you understand the expression “you need a sip of sincerity”?

- This means communicating cordially, sincerely.

And when your house hosts a friendly dinner over a cup of tea, what is the main treat on the table?

Pie, cake.

What will we draw in the next frame? (cake, pie)

- Read stanza 4.

Elephant, baby elephant, elephant

Dolphins loved like brothers -

Saying goodbye, they embraced

Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.

Yes Yes! And me, yes, yes, me too!

How was the relationship between the dolphins and the elephant family? (they became friends)

What words show this? (loved like brothers)

What means, embraced? (hug goodbye)

When people say goodbye, what gestures do they make?

- They hug each other, shake hands.

What can you draw on this frame? (Children's guesses) (hugs, handshakes)

- Reading the next stanza.

Elephant, baby elephant and elephant

They put gifts in a string bag,

And we returned to Khimki on a blue kayak

Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.

Yes Yes! Elephants don’t abandon or abandon babies!

Why did the elephants return?

- Probably because this is their home, they have kids here.

What did the elephants bring with them?

Do you like receiving gifts? Draw the gift in the next frame.

- Are we reading the next stanza?

Elephant, baby elephant, elephant

I met the famous elephant breeder,

And the ball awaited on the open veranda

Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.

Yes Yes! I was with a camel, I was dancing with a camel then!

Who is an elephant breeder?

Why did the “famous elephant breeder” greet the elephants and give them a party?

- Probably because they were loved and missed.

The ball is a big celebration. And at the end of any holiday, what spectacle do you often watch?

- Very often after the holiday we see fireworks.

What will we draw in the next frame? (firework)

- Let's combine the next two stanzas into one.

Elephant, baby elephant and elephant

In dreams they yearn for dolphins,

And with their trunk they look for sea cabbage

Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.

Yes Yes! They sleep and see her,

Your favorite dish!

Elephant, baby elephant, elephant

The seaweed is nice.

Dolphins send her in a dream, probably

Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.

Yes Yes! By your kindness!

Who and what do elephants miss?

- They probably miss dolphins and cabbage.

Where can they try seaweed?

- Probably only in a dream.

Tell me, children, when does sleep come to us?

What would you draw on the eighth frame of our filmstrip? (stars, moon)

- Now we come to the last stanza of the poem.

Elephant, baby elephant and elephant

Their mouths open with tenderness,

They close their eyes and sing to us

Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.

Yes Yes! About a dream, yes, yes, about a dream, about a dream!

- What is this poem about? Find confirmation of your answer in the last stanza.

- "...and they sing to us (the elephant, the female elephant, the baby elephant and the elephant) Yes, yes! About a dream! About a dream!"

Yes, about a dream. This is a cheerful, kind fantasy-dream about friendship, about real friends, about kindness and warmth. This is how a child and an adult who has not forgotten that he was a child can fantasize. When you read the poem, whose presence did you still feel?

- He also dreams of going on a trip with elephants and meeting interesting friends.

Look at a piece of paper. You now have a plan for the filmstrip. And not just a plan, but a plan made from drawings. Drawings will help to complete the content of each stanza. Your homework will be to finish the last frame of the filmstrip, fantasize and dream, and also complete the frames in more detail with other words and pictures and complete them in color.

V. Consolidation.

Expressive reading of a poem.

VI. Listening to a recording of the song “Elephant, Baby Elephant and Elephant” performed by the Nikitins duet.

Tatyana and Sergey Nikitin composed music to the words of Yunna Moritz, and they came up with a very interesting and funny song. Now we will listen to it.

- Now let’s check how you remember the content of the poem. There is a test in front of you, the questions of which you must answer.

VII. Lesson summary.

What do you think is the main idea of ​​this piece?

On the website "Cartoons" you can find and watch cartoons based on the works of Yu. Moritz, and there is also a website by Yu. Moritz

where you will find the writer’s biography and can read all the poems written for children.

VIII. Homework.

Development content

Elephant, baby elephant and elephant
Tired of standing in the zoo,
And they sailed out to sea on a blue kayak
Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.
Yes Yes! We rushed off to-o-he there!

Elephant, baby elephant, elephant
Fluffy waves rocked
And the dolphins greeted me with a childish smile
Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.
Yes Yes! And the elephants smiled then!

Elephant, baby elephant, elephant
A sip of sincerity is needed, -
Dolphins had a friendly dinner
Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.
Yes Yes! And I was invited there!

Elephant, baby elephant, elephant
Dolphins loved like brothers -
Saying goodbye, they embraced
Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.
Yes Yes! And me too!

Elephant, baby elephant, elephant
The dolphins swore goodbye:
For all those drowning, stand in the ocean
Elephant, baby elephant, elephant!
Yes Yes! Does anyone want to go to the bottom?

Elephant, baby elephant and elephant
In an embrace they melted in the haze -
The dolphins were left in the photo as a souvenir
Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.
Yes Yes! And my smile is from ear to ear!

Elephant, baby elephant and elephant
They put gifts in a string bag,
And we returned to Khimki on a blue kayak
Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.
Yes Yes! Elephants don't abandon babies!

Elephant, baby elephant, elephant
I met the famous elephant breeder,
And the ball awaited on the open veranda
Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.
Yes Yes! I danced with a camel then!

Elephant, baby elephant and elephant
In dreams they yearn for dolphins,
And with their trunk they look for sea cabbage
Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.
Yes Yes! They sleep and see her,
Your favorite dish!

Elephant, baby elephant, elephant
Seaweed is nice -
Dolphins send it in a dream, probably
Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.
Yes Yes! By your kindness!


In the land of short people, where Dunno and his friends lived, they loved strawberries very much. After all, all babies and toddlers love different berries. And ripe strawberries are very sweet, juicy and smell wonderful of the forest.

So, the strawberries ripened in the middle of summer. And then everyone went to collect it in the forest clearings.

Syropchik especially liked to go for strawberries. Then he boiled strawberry syrup and poured it into jars. He prepared several hundred such jars for the winter.

Usually the berries were collected in a large basket. Then Vintik and Shpuntik drove the basket to Flower City in a carbonated car. But the forest and the Flower City were on different banks of the Cucumber River. Therefore, once upon a time the basket was moved by a crane onto a raft and transported across the stream. But one day Vintik and Shpuntik figured out how to make an amphibian, that is, a floating car, out of a simple car.

They did it very simply. They took and installed huge inflatable wheels on the car, which keep the car afloat even with a heavy load. Well, like four big life preservers. Such an all-terrain vehicle drove straight from the forest into the water and sailed to the Flower City, where Donut made jam and Syrup made syrup.

Together with everyone else, Dunno also picked strawberries. Only he never brought many berries to the common basket.

The thing is, he ate everything. Whatever he finds, he will eat. But he could not admit his weakness. It was a shame: all the shorties went into the basket, and he went into his belly.

And to justify himself, he always came up with some fables.

For example, they will ask him:

- Dunno, why did you bring so few strawberries? And he, without blinking an eye, will lie:

– You won’t believe it, brothers. Today I found a clearing where these strawberries are visible and invisible!

- So why didn’t you bring anything? - Grumpy is indignant.

- I couldn’t.

- How could I not?!

“I couldn’t,” I say. Couldn't carry it. The strawberries, you see, in that clearing are huge, well, every berry is the size of a plum! No, with an apple! A berry the size of an apple, you know? Under each bush lies a sort of hefty strawberry. I barely tore one off and rolled it away. I rolled her through the whole forest!

- Well, where is she? – asked the dumbfounded Neboska.

Another time Dunno brought only two or three berries the whole day. Vintik noticed this and said sternly:

– You didn’t pick enough strawberries today.

– Something was unlucky, Vintik. I walked around three clearings: everything was empty.

- Come on, lie! – Vintik didn’t believe him.

- I'm not lying. Empty. Someone ate all the strawberries.

Why exactly did he eat it and not collect it? - Vintik asked.

Dunno looked around cautiously and whispered:

“I know for sure that I didn’t collect it, but ate it.” I saw it myself later. Just don’t tell anyone yet: Gunka ate everything.

The next day Dunno told Avoska the same tale about Tube. Then Knopochka about Rasteryayka and Gusle about Pilyulkin. Soon he lied so much that he began to forget to whom and about whom he lied.

One day Gunka came up to Dunno and said:

- Listen, everyone says that I eat the strawberries that I find. I ask everyone where they got it from. And they answer that everyone is talking about it. Maybe you know who invented this nonsense?

Dunno felt terribly ashamed, but he was afraid to admit, and he had to lie further:

- Yes, Gunka, don’t be upset. Surely some liar came up with this idea. He eats everything himself, and slanders others. He didn't just make this up about you! And about Avoska, and about Button, and even about Doctor Pilyulkin!

A week later everyone was outraged. After all, a rumor spread about everyone that it was he who eats all the strawberries that he finds. The short ones were angry and threatened to pull the ears of the unknown deceiver.

And although no one understood anything that time and Dunno got away with lying, one day he was finally caught...

As always, Dunno ate almost all the strawberries. Then he lay down to rest.

Usually he also covered himself with a hat so as not to interfere bright light. But the hat was full of strawberries, which he finished half asleep. Soon he was fast asleep.

Meanwhile, everyone gathered at the edge of the forest. Suddenly Fuchsia noticed:

- There is no such thing as Dunno. Worked hard: picking berries.

They waited for him, waited and became worried. Button was more worried than others:

– We need to look for him, what if there’s some trouble with him?

In the Flower City, it is not customary to abandon friends in trouble. And the little ones went back to the forest to search.

Soon the exclamation of Rasteryaika was heard:

Everyone ran to the cry and saw a strange picture. Dunno, all smeared with strawberries, his arms folded over his plump tummy, was fast asleep.

Doctor Pilyulkin, Knopochka, Avoska, Fuchsia and other shorties surrounded the deceiver. And he continued to sleep soundly as if nothing had happened. He dreamed that he was gorging himself on ripe strawberries, of which there were so many around that even ten kids couldn’t eat them.

Confused began to tug at his shoulder. But Dunno just waved him off and muttered in his sleep:

- Don't persuade me. I won't eat another berry again. I'm fed up with your strawberries.

That’s when everyone realized: here he is, a shameless liar. And Pilyulkin, without hiding his gloating, said:

- Poor thing, I ate too much strawberries. Fed up, that is. You even feel bad. That is OK! Now we’ll use castor oil to cure gluttony and lies. Wake up!

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