A good teacher will find a way to make money. An energetic teacher will find a way to make money. You hang in there. What tasks and how can a teacher earn money here?

You are a teacher? Do you want to find extra income, but don't know how to squeeze another job into your busy schedule? Indeed, the teacher gets up at 5 am in order to meet his students at the threshold of class at 8:00, neat and with a smile, and leaves the educational institution with the first star in order to spend a good half of the night checking notebooks and planning future lessons. Therefore, it seems unlikely to find a part-time job opportunity. But thanks modern technologies Any educator can start an online career. You will have to work outside the walls of a traditional classroom, which many will regard as a bonus. We present to your attention 9 great ideas on how a teacher can realize his potential and earn a good income at the same time.

Tutor via Skype

Online learning has many advantages not only for the student, but also for the teacher himself:

  • there is no need to waste time and money on travel getting to your place of work;
  • there is an opportunity to reach a huge audience anywhere in the country;
  • work takes place in the comfort of your own home;
  • Between lessons you can have time to cook lunch or do cleaning/washing/ironing;
  • the teacher independently plans his work schedule, so you can easily find time for personal matters, such as gym classes;
  • The teacher works with each student according to an individual program, which increases the efficiency of the process; moreover, multimedia aids are more varied and interesting than traditional educational materials.

Translations, writing texts

A foreign language teacher can find assignments on the Internet for translations of literary and scientific texts, and a literature teacher will become an excellent copywriter. What texts can a teacher write? Any: news, advertising abstracts, commercial offers, culinary recipes, information articles. Perhaps you enjoy your freelance work so much that you focus all your energy on it. After all, to organize your workplace, you only need a laptop that will fit in your travel bag if you want to continue creating while on vacation.

Performer of term papers and scientific papers, abstracts and tests

Believe me, you just need to advertise on the Internet or within the walls of an educational institution, and there will be no end to customers! There will always be careless and lazy students who find it easier to pay for finished work rather than strain your brains (if you have any).

Educational Materials Provider

Curriculum and Plan Developer

Chegg is an American company that develops online textbooks and Internet training programs. Based in Santa Clara, California. The name Chegg is an abbreviation of English words“chicken” and “egg”, reflects the eternal philosophical question: “Which came first: the chicken or the egg?”, which the company’s founders interpreted in the spirit of modernity: “How to get a job without experience, if it is impossible to get experience without work?"

Getting back on topic, here's how Chegg describes curriculum developers: "If the classroom were a theater, a developer curriculum would become a playwright who creates a story and writes dialogue." If you have spent significant time in a classroom and have had dozens of students pass through your hands, you know exactly which techniques work and which do not. Therefore, you will write a 100% effective curriculum.

Test consultant

Educational Testing Service (ETS) is always looking for online staff with sufficient qualifications to proctor TOEFL, GRE and other tests. This is, as a rule, part-time work and unsystematic, since the workload changes throughout the year. You can always find current offers either on the official ETS website or on the official websites of test developers. In most cases, payment is made after submitting and approving the order for a bank card through electronic payment services on the Internet (Yandex.Money, Webmoney, QIWI and others).

Blogger or writer

If you're ready for something completely new, put your skills to use by signing up as a blogger or writer. Teachers mainly focus Special attention educational topics. But, of course, the choice of topics is up to you: you can write about anything that is close to your heart.

When starting work in this direction, be prepared for the fact that you will soon want to leave the classroom forever in order to devote yourself entirely to writing. Having a full-time job and seniority has its benefits, so you'll have to choose between a career as an educator or a novelist.

Consulting editor

You won’t believe how many people in our world do not know how to write correctly and express their thoughts coherently! But this is beneficial for you, since you can offer your services as:

  • editor - correction of style and speech errors in various texts;
  • proofreader - correcting grammatical errors (spelling and punctuation);
  • consultant on the preparation of commercial proposals, seminar programs and coaching;
  • writing coach - improving the literacy of not only students, but also employees of reputable companies.

Seminar organizer

The profession of a teacher presupposes that you have a high level of knowledge in psychology, educational methods and know how to find an approach to to different people. Therefore, you can organize individual and group seminars on topics such as memory development, logical thinking, ability to self-organize, parental participation in preschool and school education children, stuttering problems, etc. As you can see, a teacher can find a huge number of places to apply his talent.

Health and prosperity to you, my dear readers! Relatively recently, our dear Prime Minister publicly sent all those dissatisfied with teachers’ salaries to go into business and earn big money there. Like, a teacher is a state of mind, and the soul, as you know, does not need to eat, dress, and generally try on all sorts of things. life's blessings. Well, thanks to him at least for giving me the topic of the next article. Greet with applause business ideas that tell the teacher how to make money without compromising his main job.

Business idea No. 1. Working as a tutor

As a good friend of mine (associate professor of the Department of Geography, by the way) once said: “To pass the Unified State Exam, you don’t need to study the subject - you just need to learn how to pass the Unified State Exam!” So, if at school teachers teach their disciplines strictly according to established work programs, then the task of tutors is to teach the student the principles of passing the unified state exam. And, I must say, tutoring pays very well, especially in Moscow.

Parents of students are ready to give their last money, but only so that their child successfully passes all exams and enters the “tower”. You can tutor for at least two to three hours every weekday and earn an income that often exceeds the teacher’s monthly salary.

Business idea No. 2. Solving tests and writing essays

The education of the average teacher allows him to easily complete most tasks from the curriculum of universities and colleges. It is often easier for careless and lazy students to pay a tidy sum to a stranger than to write essays and complex tests themselves.

After spending a couple of evenings writing a particularly tricky essay, the teacher can earn good money, and the student can get an “excellent” in his record book.

Those teachers who decide to take up this method of earning money should start by submitting advertisements in newspapers and “parties” in thematic groups of educational institutions created on social networks.

Business idea No. 3. Text exchanges

Every teacher is simply obliged to express his thoughts competently and consistently. This is the quality that is valued in professional copywriting. By periodically writing articles on various topics and by posting them on text exchanges, the teacher will be able to significantly improve his financial situation without interrupting his main activity.

Good authors are worth their weight in gold, and their prices are sometimes an order of magnitude higher than average. It is enough to devote a few evening hours to copywriting or rewriting for an extra 5-7 thousand rubles to end up in your pocket.

Business idea No. 4. Thematic video blog on YouTube

Why not? Creating an educational channel where you could share your teaching experience with colleagues from all over the country is a great modern business idea. The main thing is the presentation of the material!

The teacher can talk in an interesting and “tasty” way about his methods of teaching lessons, and also upload videos of the lessons themselves. Dividing the channel into sections will allow you to attract a larger target audience. Let's say the section " School jokes from life" will be of interest to almost all YouTube users.

Business idea No. 5. Gardening

Personally, I know several teachers and even one professor who are actively involved in running their own gardening and receive a very good income from it. This business idea is ideal for teachers working in rural areas and those teachers who have a country house. So, I would like to highlight at least three directions for the implementation of a business idea related to generating income from the gifts of Mother Earth:

  1. Growing and selling food.
  2. Seasonal business selling flowers.
  3. Trade in seedlings in the spring.

All of the above options are quite labor-intensive, but with the right approach they will bring an extra penny into the teacher’s wallet. By the way, it will be easiest for biology teachers to master the wisdom of proper farming!

Instead of a conclusion

It’s sad, but in our time the word “teacher” has begun to be written with a small letter and pronounced in a low voice, shyly looking away. And the teaching profession itself has become synonymous with working “for food and for an idea.”

In order to live more or less decently, teachers (especially men) try to find part-time work, sometimes in completely opposite activities. Some open their own small businesses, others make do with random “kalyms” (including). I hope that the business ideas from this article will help at least several representatives of this worthy profession to increase their level of well-being. Good luck, teachers, and God bless you!

Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, Prime Minister Russian Federation, during his participation at the forum for youth “Territory of Meanings on Klyazma”, he answered a question from young teachers about low wages.

Both for teachers and teachers, this is a calling. And if you want to earn money, there are a lot of great places where you can do it faster and better. Same business. But you didn’t go into business, as I understand it.

Also, Dmitry Anatolyevich noted that an energetic teacher will find an additional way to earn money. In this regard, I would like to recall the series “Breaking Bad” ( Breaking Bad, creator: Vince Gilligan, Sony Pictures Television International). We'd like to, but we won't. The only thing you can learn from this crime series is to never give up. It is better to find additional work for them.

In general, the topic of “earnings for teachers and professors” is very broad and has many stable forms. For example, tutoring, preparing children for school or exams, assistance in writing essays, coursework, diplomas. This is the tip of the teacher business iceberg. Even on the pages of the site you could come across several examples and business ideas for teachers. Let's remember them on the last Saturday before September 1:

  • ...and more than 1000 business ideas.

In addition, teachers have expert knowledge, which means they are simply created for the information business. Develop a popular and interesting course on your profile, bypass the local training centers, you will be surprised how much demand your course will generate. There are a huge number of people who want to improve and learn, and they all face a lack of specialized teachers.

In general, to be honest, on Saturday at the end of August we should have summed it up - the most popular business ideas in August 2016. But we couldn’t miss September 1 - the day of knowledge, a holiday for everyone living in the territory former USSR. This is our day. It was on this day, if you are reading this article, that you first went to the place where you were taught to read, write... and think. All of us, young and old, opened the door to an adult, complex, but also interesting life on September 1st.

Thank you, our dear Teachers, Teachers and Teachers - you taught us, oriented us, gave us knowledge, invested our minds, developed our abilities. I bow to you for your perseverance, desire to teach and complete dedication. We couldn't have done anything without you.

The salaries of teachers in schools have not yet reached the level where they can stop thinking about part-time jobs and just relax at home, working at one rate.

Today we will tell you how to make money as a teacher on the Internet free time using existing knowledge and experience. All methods are absolutely working, do not require investment and guarantee income. However, this is not money from heaven - you will have to really work, and in some cases you will need to learn new skills and master an additional profession.

Tutor from home - a new approach to traditional part-time work

At all times, teachers earned extra money by tutoring - they taught weak students for an additional fee. Today this part-time job is also relevant, but thanks to fast Internet and new communication technologies, you can make money by tutoring at home using Skype.

This part-time job is especially relevant for residents of small towns, where it is difficult to find real clients. By the way, the problem is small settlements It also worries parents looking for teachers - in villages and small towns there are not always good teachers. IN big cities Another difficulty is traveling far to see a tutor; a lot of time is spent on traffic jams and roads.

You can study via Skype at any time and in any weather, so more and more parents are choosing remote tutors. This works out cheaper than the traditional face-to-face option.

Education is one of the most talked about areas of life. Of course, each of us has gone through our own schools and universities, and no matter how far we run away from education, we will return when our children or grandchildren study. Education in Lvov has recently acquired a scandalous image.

A year ago, the ex-head of the department was caught with a fake diploma, and recently the director and accountant of Lviv schools were caught with fraud. What happened to the venerable industry? The correspondent asked about this. O. Head of the Education Department of the Lviv City Council Ekaterina Gorokhovskaya (pictured), who sometimes makes contradictory statements, wants, according to her, to stir up education.

— Why did so much negativity suddenly spill over into Lviv education?

“It so happened that individual educational institutions turned into the “brainchildren” of a certain group of people. No leadership rotation. Some directors work in the same position for up to 35 years.

- On the other hand, such a director knows better the problems of his native educational institution...

- This is good, but some people are starting to abuse it. Some directors lose their vigilance and think that they have become unpunished. In school No. 52, it’s as if the accountant is to blame, but I don’t believe that such things could have been done without the participation of the director (it is believed that the school kept double-entry bookkeeping for a long time; the amounts that were asked from the state for the needs of the school were much higher than actually there was a need for an educational institution. Law enforcement determine where these funds went). Another thing is that the head of the educational institution pays too much attention to paperwork. Only 8 percent of your working time should be allocated to this. The rest should be carried out in a team. The level of training and self-education of directors is also insufficient. I come to school, and the head doesn’t have a computer on his desk. He justifies himself: “I’m going to the secretary in the teachers’ room.” Meanwhile, children actively use iPads and other technology. They have a whole world in that iPad.

— Not all children have an iPad; is it relevant to talk about a revolution in education in our schools?

— All students do not have such equipment, but more than half do. And these students become partners with the teacher. During the lesson, he can ask them to find this or that information. The teacher becomes a kind of conductor. Computer classes in schools should be open from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. And from September we will demand such a schedule and later, of course, we will check.

— Parents complain about extortion in schools. How do you combat this phenomenon?

“It usually looks like this: parents gather at a meeting, and one mother says: “We seem to have everything in our classroom, but let’s buy even better curtains.” They collect, for example, 60 hryvnia. For this mother, 60 hryvnia is not a lot of money. But there is another family in the class, where the mother earns 1,200 hryvnia a month, raises three children, and it’s difficult to give her even 60 hryvnia for each. A conflict arises. If someone is indignant and complains to the management, we will intervene and the public will learn about the extortions. If they don’t complain, if they remain silent, the school will receive new renovations, and this will already be a positive story. The school management does not interfere in these situations and takes a wait-and-see approach. If it works out, it’s good, if it doesn’t work out, that’s okay. The Education Department, to tell the truth, does not interfere either, because we are trying to give more powers to directors.

- How to get out of this situation?

“In one school, the chairman of the parent committee suggested such a solution. He tells his parents: “Calculate how much you spent this week on going to cafes and restaurants.” Some 300, some 200, some nothing. He says: “Let’s not go this week, but give the money to the needs of the school.” In a different educational institution They created an official fund where parents put money. So, they pay taxes, but there is no unnecessary talk, gossip, or accusations.

— It would be interesting to compare the number of medals at school with the number of 200-point students.

- We have already taken up such an analysis. School No. 93, with which we now have so many problems, has the most medalists in Lviv this year - 15. And only one student scored an EIT of 200 points (a criminal case was opened against the director). EIT allows us to see the real results of the school’s work - where the teacher worked, and where the tutor worked.

— Or did the parents complain to the management about the teachers?

— In the year that I have been working, there have been no official requests, but we have contacted them by phone and communicated in private conversations. Parents must recognize themselves as participants educational process. Understand that the child must study the material. The teacher has the right to adjust the grade, agree with him about this. And you don’t have to pay for it with candy, coffee or, God forbid, money. Starting in September, we will begin checking one of the schools in Lviv: parents reported teachers who leave students for additional paid classes after school. I know the teacher’s name, the subject, the amount, and I take this issue under control.

— Many teachers are engaged in tutoring. No wonder - the classes are large, the programs are shortened. Not all children learn the same material...

— A teacher, first of all, must work off the money he receives from the state. It cannot be that in the 11th grade children do not go to the teacher for lessons. Then we need to ask: why don’t they go? It’s even worse if these same children go to the teacher after school for an additional fee. We do not have a single vacancy for a teacher of mathematics, chemistry, foreign languages- all basic subjects. There are only a few vacancies for labor teachers, fine arts, social workers, one teacher vacancy primary classes. If this is how we hold on to our work, this is how we want to work, then let’s do it efficiently.

— From new school year Lvov teachers are being asked to tighten their belts. They are cutting everything - extracurricular hours, office fees.

— There is more speculation on extracurricular hours. For example, they are added to those teachers who do not have enough hours. But are these electives actually carried out and do children attend them? Ideally, it should be like this: at the beginning of the year, children are asked to choose an elective that they want to attend, they must write official statements. If students express a desire to take one or another extra class, an elective is opened. And money for an office does not go into the teacher’s pocket; he must spend it on improving his office. We will finance full-fledged offices; there will be funds for them.

— Teachers' salaries are low. When these little tricks disappear, how will they still make money?

- Believe me, I know how a teacher can make money. Many ideas on how to make money for teachers while sitting at home can be found on the website http://profitgid.ru. Write a grant, for example. There is a teacher in Lvov who won two grants and wrote about five. This is a stimulus for reflection and creative work. Second way. How many fathers this year have asked for school camps to continue? For teachers, this would be both additional income and an opportunity to organize an interesting alternative summer school. Moreover, they have such a long vacation, why not use some of it? Thirdly, there are many requests for organizing Sunday schools. Parents want their children to have meaningful weekends. Why not give them this weekend? Again, we would have received additional payment...

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