Game assassin's creed chronicles china walkthrough. Video walkthrough of Assassins Creed Chronicles: China. Full video walkthrough of Assassins Creed Chronicles: China

India / India

You will find yourself in Amritsar in 1841, when relations between the Sikh Empire and the East India Company were at their peak. A Templar Master arrives in the city, determined to take possession of the legendary Kohinoor Diamond, and the romantic relationship between Arbaaz Mir and the Maharaja's niece Pyara Kaur is threatened. Arbaaz will have to protect his beloved, save the Kohinoor, get the mysterious box that once belonged to the Brotherhood, and thwart the plans of the Templars.

Russia / Russia

The events of the final chapter take place in 1918, in Russia, which had just experienced a revolution. Main character, Nikolai Orlov is about to leave the country with his family, but he needs to complete one more task - to infiltrate the palace captured by the Bolsheviks and steal an artifact for which the Assassins and Templars fought for centuries. He witnesses the massacre of the Tsar's children, but he manages to save one of his daughters, Anastasia. Now Orlov faces a difficult task: to preserve the artifact, protect Anastasia and confront the threat posed by the Templars.

Assassin Nikolai Orlov is tasked with taking a mysterious box from royal family, who is being held captive by the Bolsheviks. During the mission, he rescues the young princess Anastasia, who unexpectedly discovers a mysterious power within herself. Nikolai understands that Anastasia's life will be in danger if the princess falls into the hands of the order, and he has a difficult decision to make. And the princess, in turn, will have to withstand all the blows and confront the previous owner of the box - Shao Jun, and also save Orlov himself from traitors.

In general, the entire trilogy was coldly received by the press. Almost none of the foreign journalists gave the games high marks. The exception was Chronicles: China, which in the CIS, according to Criticism, received 71/100 based on 14 reviews, and on Metacritic it was rated 67/100 based on 15 reviews. Many reviewers noted that Assassin's Creed Chronicles was a failed experiment for Ubisoft, hinting at secondary gameplay elements and a weak plot, although emphasizing good graphics.

If you follow the gaming industry, you've probably noticed that Ubisoft is increasingly creating and publishing small games with soul, simple gameplay and a pleasant atmosphere, but this time, in addition to all of the above, Ubisoft decided to add one more element - its franchise, namely, she created 3 such games at once with the same mechanics, but with different locations, stories and main characters based on her famous Assassins Creed series of games.

Full video walkthrough of Assassins Creed Chronicles: China

The game is being released in episodes and the first one, Assassins Creed Chronicles: China, is already available.

It is unknown whether there will be more games about the feud between Assassins and Templars in 2015 besides Assassins Creed Victory, but probably not. The popularity of the series is fading, and these 3 small games are designed to give the player the opportunity to take a break from the boring game mechanics, without forgetting to pump money out of the fans.

We don’t know if you caught the era of Java games on phones, but this is the genre in which games based on the AC universe were published in the pre-smartphone era. They were good, but they were overly monotonous and no different from the same 2D platformers like Prince of Persia, Pirates of the Caribbean and some others whose names I can no longer remember. Then it was enough to complete one such game and the desire to spend money on a game with exactly the same mechanics, but with other images there was no desire at all.

Perhaps this time Ubisoft will do something about it, Chronicles games are no longer limited by the low computing capabilities of the j2me platform and they have the opportunity to make an interesting story. So this is why, perhaps, gamers will buy all the episodes. If the plot is not given due attention, there is little point in spending money on Assassins Creed Chronicles: India and Russia.

By the way, this is the second game in the Assassin’s Creed series where the main character is a woman. The first game was . This time the Chinese girl Shao Yun, a student of Ezio Auditore himself.

Whether Assassins Creed Chronicles: China is worth buying or not is up to you to decide, but we say that high-quality platformers don’t come out very often, and you can determine the quality of the plot by this video walkthrough of the game.

ACC:C itself is quite beautiful, the visual effects are pleasing to the eye, and the declared 2.5d distinguishes the game from other games of a similar genre, but unfortunately, it does not present anything new.
The video walkthrough, as always, is of high quality, there are Russian subtitles, the author of the let's play is not stupid and plays professionally, but the game is quite specific, which is why you either need to play it yourself and look for some difficult moments while passing it, or give up on the game altogether, fortunately there is always something - interesting, for example, you can watch video walkthroughs of other games on

The Assassin's Creed series already includes more than a dozen games, several films and an animated series. Of the games, one of the most unusual, but no less interesting is the Assassin's Creed Chronicles trilogy in 2.5D execution. The trilogy came out quite a long time ago, but we only got around to it now. We will go through Assassin's Creed Chronicles in chronological order and now we begin.

Plot plot

Shao Jun was born in 1505 in the Forbidden City and from childhood she was raised as the emperor's concubine. Over time, she developed a talent for dancing, which pleased the Zhende Emperor. He even forbade her to bandage her feet, contrary to the traditions of shaping female beauty. Even as a child, Shao Jun witnessed a brutal execution. The emperor learned that an assassination attempt was being prepared on him and ordered the capture and death of Liu Jin, the leader of the Tigers, a small but influential group of eunuchs. Now the place of leader was taken by Zhang Yong, an agent of the Templars.

At the age of thirteen, Shao Jun became a concubine of the Zshangde Emperor and dreams of becoming his wife. Soon the emperor goes to war with the Mongols, who increasingly began to attack Chinese settlements, and takes the young girl with him. In 1521, when Shao Jun was only 16, the emperor died without leaving any heirs. The girl no longer has a chance to come to power. Meanwhile, the Tigers have regained strength and are preparing to overthrow the ruler.

In an attempt to remain at court as a concubine, Shao Jun increasingly resorted to her espionage skills. She accidentally learns that the Tigers, led by Zhang Yong, receive orders from the mysterious “Templars”, and that they have enough power to put their own man on the throne. But there is another organization opposing the Templars - the Brotherhood of Assassins. Shao Jun decides to go in search of Wang Yangming, the leader of the Assassins, and join their ranks. The Tigers also knew where to find the Brotherhood, their leader and many allies, and were already preparing to strike.

Wang Yangming sends his best assassins to the Forbidden City, but they are defeated. The senior interrogator of the Tigers, Wei Bin, ordered the execution of all those suspected of assisting the Brotherhood, as well as the innocent. All surviving assassins, including Shao Jun, had to leave the Forbidden City.

Wang Yangming began to teach Shao Jun the philosophy and art of the Brotherhood. He even started calling her “little sister,” but the only thing he couldn’t handle was her cold-bloodedness towards the Templars. He called the graceful technique Shao Jun - “Dance of Death.” Soon the girl became an Initiate and received a hidden blade at her disposal.

The throne was taken by Jiajing, a cousin of the former Emperor Zshangde - a puppet of the Tigers. While Jiajing was lost in brothels, China was actually ruled by the Tigers. Yu Dayun, nicknamed the Slave Trader, made a lot of money by selling all unwanted people to the Portuguese. Zhang Yun, meanwhile, was looking for a way to deal with stronger enemies.

Wang Yangming had to go into hiding while the Tigers hunted assassins throughout China. Shao Jiong, under the supervision of another mentor, Zhu Jiuyuan, became an assassin and took a leap of faith. As she grew older, she honed her fighting skills and lightened the hidden blade and placed it in her left boot.

Shao Jun decides to return to the Forbidden City to see his friend Zhang in the palace. Zhang had already become Empress Consort and did not want to hear anything about the Tigers or the secret government.

The Tigers stopped hunting assassins and began searching for ancient artifacts and strengthening their power in China. Yan Song, another puppet of the Tigers, becomes the official representative of the emperor.

Zhu Jiuyuan invites Shao Jun to go in search of the master assassin Ezio Auditore. Secretly, through the port of Macau, they travel to Europe. In 1524, Zhu Jiuyuan and Shao Jun reached Venice, but were ambushed by the Templars. Zhu Jiuyuan sacrifices himself so that the girl can escape. She finally ends up in Tuscany and finds Ezio Auditore's villa, but she receives a cold reception. Soon, Templar agents find Shao Jun again. Ezio and Shao Jun defeat their enemies and the master assassin finally agrees to train the girl.

Two years later, in 1526, Shao Jun decides to return to China. She accepts an ancient artifact as a gift from Ezio - a mysterious box that she must open only if she goes astray. The contents are unknown to her. In China, Shao Jun finds Wang Yangming and shows him the artifact. The girl says that she understands that she must revive the Brotherhood, but anger burns in her soul. Together they decide to open the box, but there is nothing inside. Being a philosopher, Wang Yangming explains hidden meaning empty box - Shao Jun must take full responsibility and choose her own path. The girl uses an ancient artifact to lure the Tigers out of hiding.

Walkthrough of Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China

Wang Yangming and Shao Jun plan to end the tyranny of the Tigers. Shao Jun allows himself to be captured in order to get close to Gao Feng, the manager of the Templar prison, where there used to be an Assassin fortress. As bait, she used a Forerunner artifact given to her by Ezio Auditore.

Shao Jun kills Gao Feng and now she must leave the caves.

Shao Jun and Wang Yangming travel to Macau, a busy port during the day and a slave trade at night. The mysterious box of Ezio Auditore falls into the hands of Yu Dayun, known as the Slave Trader.

Yu Dayun lives in a well-guarded tower. He must pay dearly for his deeds.

Yu Dayun is dead, and we continue the passage of Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China.

When Yu Dayong's body was found, the Templars led by Qiu Ju blockaded all the docked ships and set the port on fire. Shao Jun must escape as soon as possible.

The next target is Wei Bin, nicknamed the Snake, right hand Zhang Yuna. Shao Jun travels to Nan'an, a city overrun by the Templars.

Wei Bin's fortress is located on the banks of the river. It's time to end it.

Wei Bin is dead, we continue the passage of Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China.

Before his death, Wei Bin revealed that Zhang Yong had already tracked down Wang Yangming. Shao Jun must manage to get to the outskirts of Nan'an and warn the teacher about the danger.

Shao Jun does not have time to save Wang Yangming. She has arranged a meeting in the Forbidden City with her longtime friend Zhang, who has become empress, and is going to find out where Zhang Yong has disappeared to.


Unwillingly, Zhang frames Shao Jun, who is ambushed. While Shao Jun and Qiu Ju were fighting, a fire broke out in the city. The girl must leave the Forbidden City as soon as possible before it turns to ashes. The box is with Zhang Yong, who disappeared again.

According to Zhang Yong's plan, the Mongol army led by Altan Khan had already approached the Great Wall. Shao Jun must find three outposts and close the gates to the Mongol troops.

Zhang Yong said that the box is already in the hands of the Templars, but Shao Jun is not bothered. The enraged Altan Khan ordered an assault on the Great Wall. In the midst of the battle, Zhang Yong tries to escape again, and Shao Jun must catch up and kill him, ending the Templars' power in China.

All Tigers are dead. Now Shao Jun is going to revive the Brotherhood and return freedom to China.

On this happy note, the passage of Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China ends. If you like the Assassin's Creed series of games, but for some reason you bypassed Chronicles, then you should definitely come back and play this trilogy. She's worth it.

P.S. You can easily get Uplay points in this game, but what to do with them?

    Walkthrough of Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China


    The Assassin's Creed series already includes more than a dozen games, several films and an animated series. Of the games, one of the most unusual, but no less interesting is the Assassin's Creed Chronicles trilogy in 2.5D execution. The trilogy came out quite a long time ago, but we only got around to it now. We will go through Assassin's Creed Chronicles in chronological order

If you are having problems with Walkthrough of the game Assassins Creed, you can always use our advice and information to take action. We describe in detail the steps that need to be taken to completely complete the game. Assassins Creed Chronicles China. In the most difficult places we add pictures that can help you. Walkthrough Assassins Creed Chronicles China read on our website.

The escape

Synopsis: Shao Jun allowed herself to be captured in order to get closer to Gao Feng - one of Zhang Yong's tigers. Now she needs to get out of the cage and pick up her equipment. And then the moment will come to hunt Gao Feng.

Free yourself from the shackles, then you will need to leave the cave. In principle, you will not need advice at this level, because all the tips will be shown in the form of tutorials. Try to quickly complete all tasks, leave the cave, and most importantly, don’t die.


Synopsis: Now that Gao Feng is dead, Shao Jun must leave the place she once called home before the Templars learn that one of their leaders has been killed. Huge caves and steep cliffs await her along the way.

This is the second briefing mission, do everything you are told. Only this time you will have to move through the mountains, pay attention to the archers and try not to fall under their attacks.


Synopsis: Next up is Yu Dayun. To reach his goal, Shao Jun must sneak past Templars searching the docked ships.

Go straight and climb onto the ship using the grid. Next, you will learn that walking on splinters and broken boards is very risky. You can jump over the pit or go inside the ship, only then you will have to quickly run and slide under the boards. Go out to the center of the ship, beware of the beholder, quickly run past his eyes and climb onto the stairs. Go through the ship, run along the ledges, then you will meet the new kind enemies. Take training from Ezio to learn how to break shields. Continue through the additions to the port, passing small boats. The location is quite large, so you can find a huge number of workarounds. Avoid enemies using side ledges and curtains. Get to the end of the location. Raise the gate quietly and unnoticed and go through it.


Synopsis: Having made her way into the protected fortress of Yu Dayun, Shao Jun began searching for her next target.

Walk along the walls of the fortress, kill knights and inspect the premises for useful items. Move quietly and unnoticed through the rooms, kill lone guards unnoticed. Crawl along the walls. You won’t have any special problems, just focus on the map, get to the Templar’s ​​chambers and kill him.


Synopsis: When Yu Dayong's body was found, Qiu Ju threw all his efforts into capturing Shao Jun. The Templars occupied the port and blocked all the moored ships. Shao Jun needs to escape from the port, which is on fire, as soon as possible.

This mission is quite simple, first run through the remains of the port and beware of fire. Run away from the fire and the falling remains of the building, go out to the pier and continue on your way. Kill a few Templars on the way, you can even try to attack them on the move, because the enemies will be distracted by the burning pieces of buildings. Get to the end of the port, jump into the water.


Synopsis: Shao Jun has found her next target. She will go to Nan'an to kill Wei Bin. This Tiger is hiding in his fortress, and Shao Jun will have to make his way past the Templars who have flooded the streets of the city.

Run straight to the village. You will be taught a new trick - hiding in the crowd. Pass the enemies, climb the tower and kill the observers. Jump across the roofs, you will find yourself back in the market and run to the gate with serious security. Distract the guards and go through the gate. Next, visit houses and kill Templars. At this level you will learn how to move unnoticed and also how to make counterattacks. Reach the end of the location and pass the residential area.


Synopsis: Shao Jun must infiltrate Wei Bin's fortress overlooking the river. Every moment she gets closer to her goal.

Walk along the stick and climb up using the stairs. You will learn to quickly and quietly run between shelters. Using the ability, pass several enemies and enter the castle territory. In general, you will have to go through the entire level with the help of this ability, bushes and various ledges. Try not to fight with enemies, go left, go up to the top of the castle. Get to the main hall, but you won't find your goal there.


Synopsis: Zhang Yong intends to kill Wang Yangming, and Shao Jun must quickly get out of the palace, cross the bridge and reach the outskirts of the city to save the teacher.

First you need to pass three checkpoints, jump down from the ledge or hide behind a column so that the enemies run past. Move carefully and unnoticeably straight. Go down and walk along the port. Jump on the sticks, beware of enemies. Return to the shore, climb the building. Run away from the fire, ignore the enemies, climb onto the roof and jump down. Now you need to go across the bridge. Climb along the bridge, get to two levers and open the passage. Then you can run past the Templars or just crawl along the bridge. Go out to the market, hide from enemies in the crowd, and then go through the cave and enter the large building. Your teacher is trapped and you need to save him, eliminate all the bad guys in the location. Be careful and quiet, because this house is a zone with improved security.

old friend

Synopsis: Shao Jun returns to the Forbidden City - the place she once called home. The Empress, with whom she had been friends since the days when they were both concubines, asked her to meet. To meet her, Shao Jun needs to get into the Tiger Fortress.

You will start the mission in the bushes. Crawl along the side ledges of the bridge, go into the building and go down. At this location you will need to move through the houses of the concubines and free them. The locations will be full of various curtains and bushes, so this mission can be completed in full stealth mode. True, there are nuances. You can free three hostages, but they are heavily guarded in the largest rooms, so you can't make any noise there at all. If the guards notice you, the poor girls will be killed immediately. If you can free them, you will receive a small bonus, get to the gardens, quietly pass them and go through the waterfalls to the Tiger Fortress.

Demon Flame

Synopsis: While Shao Jun and Qiu Ju were fighting, a fire broke out in the city. Having defeated Qiu Ju, Shao Jun must leave the city as quickly as possible so as not to perish in the raging flames.

You are surrounded, so be prepared to fight back three enemies at once. Dodge the shot, and then throw a bomb at the shooter. Next, quickly throw the knives up so that the chandelier falls and kills the knight. Having killed the Templar, leave the building and jump forward along the red sticks, beware of the fire below. Climb the walls, make your way up and go into the new building. Kill the Templars, jump up the floors and hurry, because the fire is about to overtake you. Move through the houses, kill the bad guys and most importantly - don't stop. Get to the end of the path, jump into the water.


Synopsis: Shao Jun has defeated the Tigers, but Zhang Yun is still alive. Before going after the leader of the Tigers, it is necessary to prevent the execution of his crazy plan. The Mongols under the leadership of Altan Khan should not break into China through the Great Wall. You need to find three outposts and close the gates in front of the Mongol troops.

Go to the edge, jump down. Next, be careful, wait until the guard at the top turns away, quickly go upstairs and run for cover. Kill the guard and hide his body. Next, go a little straight, cross the path parallel to the wall. Go straight, then return to the wall. Carefully and quietly climb onto the house and kill two guards. Jump down onto the hay. Next you will have to close the first large gate. There is nothing complicated. You will find yourself in a house with security; you need to lower the levers at both ends. Try not to fight with the guards, just run through cover and along windows. Close the first gate and continue on your way. Move along the wall, jump over huge pits, get to the next gathering of Templars. At the second point, you will have to perform the same actions as the very first time, only this time you will have to climb the walls more often, because most of the enemies will be in the corridors. Lower the second wall and take the parallel path. Go through the houses, get to the end, follow the stick to the third gate. Walk along the corridors, kill the bad guys, try to eliminate them one by one, because otherwise there will be a noise and you will die quickly. After completing the task, leave the Chinese Wall.


Synopsis: Shao Jun managed to put an end to Zhang Yong's plans, but the angry Altan Khan ordered an assault on the Great Wall. Now Shao-Jun must go into the heart of the battle to kill Zhang Yong, thereby ending the power of the Templars in China.

Run straight and jump over the wooden ledges. Move along the Chinese Wall, go up and down, try to run quickly, because everything behind you is falling apart due to cannonballs. Further, the task will become more complicated, the nearest buildings will begin to burn with fire, so you better not stop. Cling to the cable on your way and fly straight. Continue running quickly and jumping on the ledges and return to the Chinese Wall. Climb up the red stick, go to your goal. Climb quietly along the roof of the house, jump onto the ledge and quietly kill the Chinese in the yellow suit. Watch the final video, credits and bonus after them. The game ends here.

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