How to write a fairy tale in English. Short fairy tales and stories in English for children. Fairy tale in English - The tortoise and the hare

By Jane Simmons

"You must stay close, Daisy," said Mamma Duck 1 . "I"ll try," said Daisy. But Daisy didn"t. "Come on, Daisy!" called Mamma Duck. But Daisy was watching the fish 2 .

"Come on, Daisy! Shouted Mamma Duck again. But Daisy was far away chasing 3 dragonflies 4 . "Come here, Daisy!" shouted Mamma Duck. But Daisy was bouncing 5 on the lily pads 6 . Bouncy, bouncy, bouncy. Bong , bong!

"Plop!" went a frog 7 .

"Coo..." said Daisy.

"Gribbit," said the frog.

Bong, plop! Bong, plop! Bong, plop! Splosh!

"Coo!" said Daisy, but the frog had gone.

"Mamma," called Daisy, but Mamma Duck had gone. Daisy was all alone.

Something big stirred 8 underneath her. Daisy shivered 9. She scrambled 10 up on to the riverbank. Then something screeched 11 in the sky above! So Daisy hid in the reeds 12.

If only Mamma Duck was here. Something was rustling 13 along the riverbank.

Daisy could hear it getting closer... and closer, and closer, and closer. It was Mamma!

"Daisy, come on!" she said. And Daisy did. And even though she played with the butterflies 14 ... she stayed very close to Mamma Duck.

1 duck duck
2 fish fish
3 chase to pursue, to pursue smb.
4 dragonfly (plural- dragonflies) dragonfly
5 bounce bounce
6 lily pad water lily leaf on the surface of the water
7 frog frog
8 stir move (xia); move)
9 shivers tremble
10 scramblers climb
11 screech scream
12 reed reed, reed, marsh plant
13 rustle crunch, rustle
14 butterfly (plural- butterflies) butterfly

Fairy tales can be good material. This is primarily due to the fact that fairy tales are interesting and educational. Moreover, we know the translation of many fairy tales from childhood and we don’t need to take a dictionary to translate them.

Fairy tale in English - The tortoise and the hare

The hare was once boasting of his speed before the other animals. “I have never yet been beaten,” he said, “when I put out my full speed. I challenge anyone here to race with me.”

The tortoise said quietly, “I accept your challenge.” “That is a good joke,” said the hare. "I could dance around you all the way."

“Keep your boasting until you’ve been beaten,” answered the tortoise. "Shall we race?" So a course was fixed and a start was made. The hare darted almost out of sight at once, but soon stopped and, to show his contempt for the tortoise, lay down to have a nap. The tortoise plodded on and plodded on, and when the hare awoke from his nap, he saw the tortoise nearing the finish line, and he could not catch up in time to save the race. Plodding wins the race.

Translation of a fairy tale into Russian - The Tortoise and the Hare

The hare once boasted that he was faster than all the animals. “No one has ever beaten me before,” he said, “when I was at full speed. I challenge anyone to compete with me."

The turtle said quietly, “I accept the challenge.” “It’s a good joke,” said the hare. "I'll dance around you the whole race."

“Bragging before you get beaten,” the turtle replied. “Are we going to compete?” So, the race was agreed upon and the start was given. The hare immediately disappeared over the horizon, but soon stopped and, to show contempt for the tortoise, lay down to take a nap. The tortoise went on and on, and when the hare woke up, he saw that the tortoise was near the finish line and he was no longer there in time to save the race. Slow and hard won the race.

Below is a short literary translation of this fairy tale-fable:

The tortoise and the hare were arguing which of them was faster. They appointed a time and place for the competition and went their separate ways. But the hare, relying on its natural agility, did not try to run, but lay down near the road and fell asleep. But the turtle understood that it was moving slowly, and therefore ran without a break.

So she overtook the sleeping hare and received the winning reward.

Thus, this fairy tale shows that patience and work will grind everything down.

Below are Russian fairy tales English language with translation into Russian:

  1. Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka (ALYONUSHKA)
  3. The turnip with translation
  4. Kolobok (The bun) with translation
  5. Three little pigs
  6. THE GOLDEN FISH (goldfish)
  7. Teremok (The wooden house) with translation
  8. Goldilocks and the three bears

You can download all the above fairy tales in English in one document.


Greetings my wonderful readers.

I remember I mentioned more than once that fairy tales for children in English are one of my favorite and very effective methods training. Once I already made a selection of the best, and also recently designed a selection, but today I want to give you a text version that you can start using with your kids today.

I have for you several short and well-known fairy tales, as well as tips on how best to structure your child’s education.

If you're ready, then let's start with some tips:

  • For beginners try adapted fairy tales. These are stories that use vocabulary of a certain level.
  • Work with stories playfully. Remember words from the text, show your child pictures with characters, play with intonations while reading and arouse your child’s interest. After reading, repeat the words with your child, try and use new vocabulary.
  • Search fairy tales with translation. First level simply will not allow your baby to grasp complex texts Without translation.
  • Take hold of Russian fairy tales in English language. After all, what could be easier than reading in English what you have already heard in Russian?
  • Try it audiobooks. With the development of the lexical base, it is useful to develop the skills of listening to English speech. Find stories that you can listen to online or download for free if needed. I have a small selection - listen and learn directly online.

Well, are you ready to get down to the main thing? Then catch it.

  • The round little bun. Kolobok.

An old man and an old woman lived poorly. The man asked the woman to make a bun. -“We have no flour.” What do I need to make it?” She found some flour, made a bun and placed it on the open window to cool. The little bun suddenly rolled off.

The bun was rolling along the forest and faced a hare. The hare said: “I will eat you!” The little bun asked not to eat him and sang a song for the hare. While the little bun was singing, the hare distracted and didn’t get when the bun ran away.

The little bun rolled on and faced a wolf. And everything happened as with the hare. He sang a song and rolled away. The same happened with the bear. The little bun ran from everyone until he met a fox. She wasn’t as stupid as other animals. She asked the bun to sing.

When he finished she said: “What a beautiful song.” But sweet bun, I am so old, so can you sit closer on my nose and sing to me one more time?” The bun did as he was asked and - bump - the fox ate him!

The old man and the old woman lived poorly. The old man asked his wife to make a bun. - “We don’t have flour. What do I need? make it? "She found flour and made a bun and put it on open window to cool down. The little bun suddenly rolled down.

The bun was rolling through the forest and collided with a hare. The hare said: “I will eat you!” Kolobok asked not to eat it and sang a song for the hare. While the bun was singing, the hare was distracted and did not understand when the bun ran away.

The bun rolled further and collided with a wolf. And that's it happened like this with a hare. He sang a song and rolled away. The same thing happened with a bear. Kolobok ran away from everyone until he met a fox. She was not as stupid as other animals. She asked him to sing.

When he finished, she said: "What a beautiful song. But my sweetie, I'm so old, so you can sit closer on my toe and should I sing one more time?

  • "The bun did as he was asked, and - boom - the fox ate him!

The Turnip. Turnip.

Grandmother grew a very big turnip. The grandfather came to pick it out, he tried so hard but couldn’t pull it out.

He called the grandmother. She pulled the grandfather, and he pulled the turnip but they didn’t manage anyway.

Then they called the granddaughter. They tried but still - no success.

The granddaughter called the dog. They tried to do it but the story happened again.

Then the dog called the cat but still they didn’t pull out the turnip.

Then they called the mouse. And finally they pulled the turnip out! Grandmother grew a very large turnip. Grandfather came to pick up

tried so hard, but couldn’t pull the turnip out.

He called his grandmother.

She took hold of her grandfather, and her grandfather took the turnip, but they were unable to pull her out. Then they called their granddaughter. They tried, but still - no success. The granddaughter called the dog. They tried pull out the turnip, but.


repeated again

Then the dog called the cat, but they never pulled out the turnip. Then they called the mouse. And then they pulled out the turnip! Many fairy tales and videos in English for children and adults can be found on the website LinguaLeo « . After» free registration

  • you need to go to the “For Children” section. I wrote more about how to use this service in teaching children English in. By the way, you can also purchase and take an interesting online educational course with your child.

English for little ones

He ran and ran and met a Hen-Len. He told her that the sky was falling and they ran together.

They ran and ran and met the Cock-Lock. They told him that the sky was falling and they ran together.

They ran and ran and met a Duck-Luck. They screamed: “The sky is falling!” Run!” The Duck-Luck said to them: “No, sky is not falling!” Take a look!” They looked up the sky. The sky wasn't falling. She showed them the nuts and explained that was the nut but not the sky.

“Oh, no!” said the Chicken-Licken.

One day Chicken Chick-chick walked under walnut tree. Boom - a nut fell on his head. “Oh. No! The sky is falling!” - shouted the chicken Chick-chick.

He ran and ran, and met the Ryabushka Hen. He told her that the sky was falling and they ran away together.

They ran and ran and met Golden Comb cockerel. They told him that the sky was falling and they fled together.

They ran and ran and met the Luck Duck. They shouted to her: “The sky is falling!” The duck told them: “No, the sky is not falling!” Take a look! "They looked at the sky. The sky was not falling. She showed them the nuts and explained that it was them, not the sky.

" Oh no!" Said the chicken Chick-chick.

On the eve of the New Year (I mean!) here is a New Year's tale for you.

  • 12 months . 12 months

The stepdaughter was sent to the forest for the brushwoods. As she came back home with the brushwoods her stepmother sent her to the wood again to get the snowdrops. IN DECEMBER! Where could she get the snowdrops in December?

She spends hours in the forest but still no snowdrops. Then she finds a fireplace with 12 men sitting around. They invite her to join and get warm. As she tells them the story why she is here, the Brother April asks the Brother January to allow him to take his place for some minutes.

When they do it the whole place becomes full of snowdrops. The girl takes some, thanks the brothers and goes home. That is how some wishes can be fulfilled for the New Year.

Stepdaughter was sent to forest for brushwood. When she returned home with brushwood, her stepmother sent her into the forest again to get snowdrops. DECEMBER! Where could she get snowdrops in December?

She spends hours in the forest but still can't find it snowdrops She then finds a fire with 12 men sitting around it. They invite her to join and keep warm. When she says im a story why she is here, brother April asks brother January to let him within a few minutes.

When they do this everyone is around becomes full snowdrops The girl collects them, thanks the brothers and goes home. This is how some wishes can be fulfilled for the New Year.

Well, my dears, I’m sure that now you can go read these little stories. If this is not enough, then subscribe to my newsletter– I constantly replenish my stocks with new materials.

In addition, you can buy a collection of fairy tales in English without leaving your home. For this there is ozon– my favorite online store for useful products for the whole family.

My favorite collection - Disney fairy tales ! This is a great way to start immersing yourself in English with your child.

Or that excellent guide with 5 famous Russian fairy tales in English. In addition to fairy tales, there is a dictionary and interesting tasks!

In contact with

On this page you will find the kindest, most informative and interesting fairy tales in English for children. Learning English by reading fairy tales in English is great fun. After all, a fairy tale is a journey, and a fairy tale in English is a journey into the world of the English language. Thanks to fairy tales in English, you will make learning English fun and interesting for your child.

Fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty" in English will tell you about a kind, cheerful princess who at one point, due to circumstances, falls asleep for the rest of her life. In the fairy tale there are a lot of useful phrases in English that can be used in real life. Also, the fairy tale “Sleeping Beauty” will help you hone your English pronunciation.

Fairy tale "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" in English is a popular English fairy tale for children. The fairy tale tells about a girl who went into the forest and got lost, and then events unfolded more and more interestingly. The tale is adapted into English and is easy to read. You get a large vocabulary and good English practice.

Fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood in English will tell you about an interesting and educational story that is easy to read in English and contains many useful words in English that can very often be found in the modern world.

Fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs" in English in English is one of the most popular fairy tales. From the fairy tale you will learn that you should always be prudent when solving issues and not be careless. And after reading the fairy tale The Three Little Pigs in English, you will learn a lot of new vocabulary and practice your English well.

Fairy tale Cinderella in English will tell you about one of the kindest and sweetest girl heroines in the world of fairy tales. The moral of the story is very simple and accessible even to children. In the fairy tale you will find many new English words.

Kids will be happy to know the world, absorbing everything that happens in it. Take advantage of this sincere curiosity and add your baby to the environment English speech, reading stories with him in English for children. Short English fairy tales will give the child the opportunity to become familiar with the sound of the language, learn new words and phrases, and learn to read and understand English. In today's material you will find light and interesting children's stories in English with translation of the text into Russian, as well as useful recommendations for conducting such activities.

Before inviting your child to read in English, you need to carefully consider your lesson plan and select suitable materials.

For kids just starting to get acquainted with foreign language, it is recommended to take adapted literature in English for children. These tales have been revised and simplified to a minimum: the text is written in short sentences, with frequently repeated words and bright supporting pictures.

Don’t forget that a fairy tale for children in English must have a translation. This way, both you and your baby will feel more confident, knowing that you can always check the correct meaning of words.

To attract fidgets to read or listen to fairy tales, use gaming methods and your unlimited imagination. The main thing is to constantly interact with your child and not let him get bored. Browse with your baby beautiful pictures and play questions and answers ( who/what is this?), read the characters’ lines in different voices, learn new vocabulary together and try to build small dialogues.

It is not necessary to study stories for children and stories in English only in text format. Combine all possible methods of learning a language: listen to audio versions of fairy tales recorded by native speakers, or get distracted by watching colorful and dynamic videos with the text of a fairy tale.

Having mastered all the above tips, let’s move on to putting them into practice. Below we present short stories in English with parallel Russian translation.

Fairy tales and stories in English for children

The Goose that laid the Golden Eggs

Luck smiled on them! But soon the husband and wife began to think that they would not become wealthy rich people for a long time.

So the husband and wife decided to kill the bird. However, when cutting up the goose, they were very surprised: from the inside it was exactly the same as all the birds like it!

The crocodile (Crocodile)

One day, a baby crocodile counted all his shiny scales, and there were a thousand of them. There were many more of them than he had previously thought.

Before going to bed, the crocodile wished that 40 scales would fall on his pillow. But this did not happen. They did not fall out even after three weeks.

The crocodile woke up, and lo and behold! There were 40 shiny scales on the pillow. He distributed them to 20 crocodiles: each with 2 scales. Since then, everyone has become friends with the kind baby crocodile.

The boy who cried “Wolf!” (The boy who cried "Wolf!")

He had a joke that he often played on people. The boy ran down and shouted very loudly: Wolf! Wolf!Helpsomeone for me!There's a wolf here!

One dayit was a great daywonderfulwarmdayboysleptundertree.All of a suddenHeheardstrangesound.The boy woke up and saw a large gray animal. It was a wolf.

But this time no one came to save the boy. Because no one will believe a liar, even if he suddenly decides to tell the truth. When the boy did not return home at night, people went looking for him. But they never managed to find the boy.

We hope that the following stories and fairy tales in English for children were useful to you. Good luck and see you again!

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