How ordinary people live in South Africa. The white population of South Africa is being subjected to real genocide. List of the most sought-after specialists

South Africa is a Southern African country with a population of 49 million people, ranking 25th in size in the world. The country's capital, Pretoria, is the fifth largest city with a population of over 2.3 million people. The largest industrial centers are Cape Town, Johannesburg, and Durban. The territory contains the large seaports of Elizabeth, Durban, Cape Town and a well-developed railway network with a total length of over 22.2 thousand km. The country's currency is the rand, which is equal to 100 cents. Other currencies are not accepted.

South Africa is the only African state that has avoided total impoverishment and retained a touch of colonialism. It is difficult to immigrate to South Africa. Local laws are trying in every possible way to push the white-skinned population out of the state. But the amazing opportunities provided for business development and quick enrichment attract hundreds of thousands of immigrants here every year. Suffice it to say that here a highly qualified specialist is worth his weight in gold. The salary of engineers, doctors, scientists, programmers, teachers is more than 2000 US dollars, while buying a house in a good area costs 100-150 thousand dollars. South Africa today is a “Weimar Republic”, where limitless opportunities open up for a good specialist, and he can live like a king. In addition, immigration to this country will cost much less than to any other.

The white-skinned population settled in certain areas and lives quite violently. Paradise nature and high prosperity serve as a tasty morsel for many of our compatriots.

High unemployment and demographic situation are forcing the country's authorities to impose strict restrictions on the entry of foreigners, however, there are several promising categories of immigration that allow one to legally overcome the barrier.

Russians in South Africa are not uncommon. The province of KwaZulu-Natal is home to the famous violinist Elena Kerimova, a cellist from Novosibirsk and pianist Christopher Duigan, who organized the most popular philharmonic trio. Immigrants from St. Petersburg organized a center of folk healing and successfully heal the local population with magic and herbs.

There are several thousand Russian-speaking immigrants here. Foreigners in South Africa have temporary Temporary Resident (up to several years) or permanent status. There are 7 legal ways in which you can immigrate to the country:

  • hiring on call from the employer (Work Permit Holder). In this case, the employer must prove to the authorities that there is no such specialist among the indigenous population for the vacant position.
  • The easiest way to immigrate to the country is through investment (Own business). The most favorable conditions have been created for enterprising businessmen at all stages: from paperwork to arrangement. There are two ways for business immigration: through opening your own company or through a company that owns an enterprise. To open a business, you can use the intermediary services of an organization that has business plans in South Africa. The company draws up a business plan, registers the company and opens an account with an authorized capital of at least R250,000. After this, the owner of the registered enterprise and family have the right to live and work in South Africa.
  • As an independent financier (Financially independent). The immigrant must have significant funds in the amount of at least $300,000, and half must be invested in real estate or shares of the country.
  • For family reunification (Sponsored persons). This option is acceptable for people who have close relatives in South Africa.
  • Immigration of pensioners (Retired persons). The option is available if you have a good pension, which will be transferred to your country of residence.
  • Marriage with a permanent resident.
  • Family reunion. It makes sense to prepare documents if the spouse is a citizen of South Africa.

Since time immemorial, Russian sailors, as well as those close to the royal court, went abroad to study science, discover new lands, or spread our rule in distant lands. They didn’t know anything about life in South Africa and what kind of country it was, but it became known about the country in the future 20th century. However, historically, Africa received Russian settlers well; they did not seem to the local population to be conquerors, as was the case with some Europeans.

Nature of South Africa

Many of our compatriots who graduated from MGIMO, Institute named after. Gubkin, medical and educational universities, V Soviet times went to African countries for years to build communism and raise the Soviet spirit. They taught local sciences, armed armies and covered the events of the then situation with medicine, education, military conflicts of the continent and international relationships with Europe and America.

Today, in times of crisis, as Russia entered 2019, Russians still travel, study abroad, and, not uncommonly, decide. International interventions, the holding of the Olympic Games and scientific exchange of students have become an integral part of the life of the world's population. People are less often surprised by interracial marriages and international families in which spouses have different religious beliefs.

People who, for various reasons, wished not to stay in Russia or Ukraine, but who left, say, for South Africa, were not spared a feeling of doubt about the correctness of their choice. According to some data from the Consulate of the Republic of South Africa (hereinafter referred to as South Africa), up to eighty Russians want to leave permanently for their country every month.

Before you decide to take such an important step, you need to prepare. Tasks - a whole list:

  • obtain a permanent residence permit (hereinafter referred to as permanent residence);
  • resolve issues with business or work;
  • take care of social side your future life, especially if the whole family, including children, is moving.

Emigration to South Africa involves the collection of documents for a temporary residence permit. This is the first item on the list of must-dos. First, let's turn to the website of the South African Embassy in Moscow. It is to the consular service of the Embassy that you will have to contact to submit a package of documents.

South African Embassy building in Moscow

The page provides information regarding a temporary residence permit (hereinafter referred to as TRP), that is, over 90 days.

A trip for a shorter period of time is organized regardless of the purpose of the trip.

This permit is regulated by the relevant act of migration policy of 2002; in 2014, all documentation was updated in order to make the process easier, clearer and consistent with global practice of attracting tourism to the country, as well as highly qualified specialists to work.

General requirements

The general requirements for temporary residence permits are:

Other documents for the temporary residence permit

The package of documents includes:

Extension of temporary residence permit

You must apply for an extension at least 30 days before its expiration date; The issue is dealt with by any of the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in South Africa. Along with submitting the application, you must pay a fee equal to that paid for the initial permit; also make a photocopy of the previous permit.

permanent residence

All information about immigration to South Africa is on the website of the country's Ministry of Home Affairs.

This is what a South African ID looks like

Right away, what you need to understand for yourself: immigration in the Republic of South Africa is considered from the point of view of issuing a residence permit, and this is almost citizenship (the same rights and responsibilities). The main requirement from the applicant is to make a significant contribution to the country's economy. In addition, the applicant writes a letter of motivation to the Minister of Internal Affairs about why he deserves to reside permanently in South Africa. Only after receiving a positive answer do you apply for permanent residence.

Standard refusals are associated with an unreliable lifestyle (criminal records, misinformation about serious offenses), lack of means of subsistence, previous deportation from South Africa, the presence infectious diseases, life-threatening; Also, you should not be a member of organizations that call for violence, racial intolerance and terrorism.

Payment of the fee is made at the time of filing the application; If your family is applying for permanent residence together with you, then you do not have to pay for family members.

If you want to know 10 facts about South Africa, watch the video

Types of permanent residence

South Africa uses two types of documents for permanent residence:

  1. Direct residence permit, i.e., directly related to the country (it is received by spouses and children of South African citizens; foreigners who have lived in the state for a long time).
  2. Residence permit in other cases, i.e. not related to the categories in paragraph 1.

If you, including your entire family, have lived in South Africa for more than five years on a work visa, then you have good reason to apply for Type 1 permanent residence.

The Minister will allow you to obtain permanent residence if you have certain personal qualities and professional specialties who are needed by the state, for example, those who want to open or buy a business (worth over 250,000 US dollars); refugees, wealthy pensioners, and other relatives of South African citizens apply for the 2nd type of residence permit.

Documents for permanent residence

Specialists required by the state in 2018-2019

If you are an employee of a suitable specialty or are thinking of opening an enterprise, then the ministry will most likely make a positive decision regarding the provision of temporary residence permit and permanent residence.

The ministry’s website ( contains a list of areas of the economy in which foreign influence is required:

South African citizenship

If you have lived for five years under permanent residence, you can obtain South African citizenship. If your spouse is a South African citizen, the waiting period is reduced to two years. The state recognizes dual citizenship, that is, you do not have to renounce Russian citizenship. Also, children born from a mixed marriage can receive both citizenships. However, these rules do not apply to South African citizens. They need to ask to retain their citizenship if they receive a second one.

Sample South African passport

Republic of South Africa. Demo version for tourists from Russia Zgersky Ivan

Russians in South Africa

Russians in South Africa

How many are there? No one knows. According to the Russian Consulate, about 300 Russian citizens are registered in Cape Town. There's a lot more in Johannesburg. Of course, not everyone registers. They have lost their grip on democracy, and it is impossible to count the people. Around Orthodox Church perhaps up to a thousand parishioners gather. One way or another, Russians shy away from each other, do not create clubs and communities, and do not gather more than three. Why? Ask them yourself. Usually it turns out like this: as soon as Russians gather in a group, showdowns and squabbles begin.

Russians were once valued here. Helped the Boers fight the British in 1899–1902. Cruiser Aurora visited Cape Town. Then it started cold war. Then - the war in Angola. Officially Soviet troops did not engage in battles with South African troops. In fact, they crossed the Namibian border and carried out strikes. In response, the South Africans entered Angola and took revenge as best they could. There were both prisoners and killed. Equipment was also captured. But that's a different story. Then they calmed down with the arrival of Gorbachev. He decided to cut off assistance in the struggle for independence of Namibia, and the war seemed to stop on its own.

The most famous native of Russia is the artist Vladimir Trechikov, who has sold more than 2 million copies of his paintings since 1948.

There were few Russians. For some reason they were always loved. It seems that I was the first student from Russia at the University of Cape Town. I was in great demand. They wrote about me in the press. I was asked to come to the evenings by literally everyone - from Jehovah's Witnesses to the ANC. I was even met by an agent from the South African Secret Service. Not very secret, but still. Now they are gone. The agent is probably retired. I became a guide around the country. It is believed that I know South Africa better than many locals. Quite possible. I found my home here. When I was young I told myself - Ubi Bene Ibi Patria. Means - Where it is good, there is the Motherland. Some kind of prostitute idea, but I never felt as good anywhere as in South Africa.

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Russians in South Africa How many are there? No one knows. According to the Russian Consulate, about 300 Russian citizens are registered in Cape Town. There's a lot more in Johannesburg. Of course, not everyone registers. They have lost their grip on democracy, and it is impossible to count the people. Around

Russian emigrant to South Africa
My story
I have been living in South Africa for almost 6 years, I myself did not expect such a turn of events, I came as a tourist for a few weeks, but stayed forever. I fell in love with this country, and in this country they loved me, I married a wonderful man, not black, normal a white man, there are quite a lot of them here, why am I explaining this? Many of my friends in Russia immediately ask the question, how do they find out that I live in Africa: is your husband black? (a smile always appears on my face, I answer NO, MY HUSBAND IS WHITE)
In the first year of my life in South Africa, I was adapting to a new lifestyle, new friends, new acquaintances, a new culture for me, all this fascinated me, I was surrounded with love, care and respect, and communication was only on English language. I didn’t know about Russian-speaking people living in Cape Town; I only found out a year later that there is a Russian diaspora in South Africa, emigrants from many former republics of the USSR, and even have their own forum on the Internet. For almost a year I sat at home, grew cucumbers, tomatoes, flowers, studied the cooking of the country in which I stayed to live, but a Russian woman can’t sit at home for long, she needs to engage in self-realization, and I decided to finish the tourist guide course and work with Russian-speaking tourists, my I love activities madly, because I love the places where I live. And now for more than three years I have been doing what I love. This is very important when you enjoy your work!
My new life
My husband's family and friends received me with love and respect, for which I am very grateful. On Saturdays or Sundays, it is customary for a group of friends and relatives to gather at someone’s house, many of us have private houses, this is the lifestyle here, our friends are all family, they all have children, the atmosphere is fun, women sit on the veranda with glasses of local wine and lead their women's conversations, children are naughty and play in the garden, or flop in the pool on hot days, and men at the grill are preparing BRI. What is BRAY? This is cooking meat, fish, vegetables and fruits over coals, simpler than barbecue, but in South Africa it is called BRAY. After a late lunch, dessert is a must, everyone has a sweet tooth, especially men. Then we play different Board games. It is not customary to talk about problems at such meetings; Saturday and Sunday are for rest and this is an iron rule! Of course, problems, if any, are discussed, but on the sidelines, and not for general discussion. At first I was surprised when my husband, upon returning home, reported about this or that acquaintance, and what problems there were this moment that one, but this wasn’t discussed during the day in front of everyone? It’s not customary to discuss and tell about your troubles on vacation; it’s all quietly on the sidelines, so as not to darken everyone’s day. Such friendly family gatherings are especially popular during RUGBY games, one of the most popular sports in South Africa.
You will be invited to such family meetings 2-3 weeks in advance.
On Fridays, it is customary for the whole family to go to a restaurant in the evening; in the hot summer period we go to the ocean shore, we have a choice: Atlantic or Indian Ocean, we are the lucky ones, or to wine-growing areas, to vineyard farms, where almost every one has an excellent restaurant and playgrounds for children.
The stratification of the population by standard of living and wealth is immediately noticeable, by areas of residence, by grocery stores, cars. Very many people live in poverty, most of them are black, sad as it is, on the streets of cities, at crossroads you will always meet begging men, women, children. They also go from house to house and beg, there are many homeless people. But you can find a job in South Africa, whoever wants it works, excuse me, this is my subjective opinion, the average salary for a cleaner is up to $300 a month, or a dishwasher in a restaurant is about $200, I know for sure, our friends have a restaurant, and many people pay that way , I’m talking about city establishments, or housekeepers, also the average salary is 300-400 dollars a month, you ask: why do so many live in poverty? They live according to the principle of a commune, everything is common, everyone takes care of their neighbor, this principle is centuries-old, so it turns out that the family is large, but only, say, two people work, and the rest do not work,
Naturally, there is not enough money for normal living.
In general, black people are very sociable and interesting people.
The mentality of the new generation of blacks is changing a little, they are trying to get a good education, do not have many children, they understand what is better to give good life one or two children. But not everyone thinks so, which is a pity.
South Africa is a criminal country, and this is true, but like everywhere else, you need to know the rules of safety and behavior. Do not drive into dangerous areas, do not walk in deserted places late in the evening, do not leave any things in sight in the car, in general, do not provoke thieves, do not attract attention. We all have alarms and protection on the windows in our houses, for example, in Johannesburg, one of the most criminal cities in South Africa, the wealthier the area, the higher the fences around the houses and the more electrical wires, in Cape Town it is much calmer, but you go to the outback of the country , sometimes there are not even fences around houses, an indicator of low crime in a populated area.
Incidents during the championship are of course not good, but my tourists say that this happened in other countries. On the streets of our cities we have police all around: mounted, patrols, patrols on motorcycles.
Well, in general, living in South Africa is good for me, maybe because I’m happy? And if you are happy, then it doesn’t matter what country!

“I want to go to South Africa!”- you must agree - just ten to fifteen years ago it was rare to hear this phrase. But nowadays South Africa is becoming an increasingly attractive country for paying a visit and even for long-term residence :))

Do I want to immigrate to South Africa?

Immigration to South Africa, according to Internet statistics, is not as widespread a phenomenon as, for example, immigration to the USA, Canada or Australia. I’m not even talking about Europe, since immigration there is very common among Russians and residents of the CIS.

But over the past couple of years, immigration to less explored corners inhabited by Russians world is gaining momentum. What is the reason for this?

In countries that are not so developed and popular for immigration, it's easier to settle down And in terms of living expenses and in terms of organizing your own business. There are more opportunities to find yourself and a chance to start something new and unique, which has not yet been done in this country. In developed first world countries this is much more difficult. After all, the more developed a country is, the more difficult it is to find an unoccupied niche and a free, untested idea. to create your own business.

There is nothing more permanent than temporary

Immigration to South Africa in terms of paperwork and the entire process is a very difficult matter. Getting here through the immigration program is extremely difficult, if not almost impossible.

The peculiarity of “immigrants” to South Africa is that many come here for a while, but stay forever. For example, many acquaintances who came here as part of a volunteer program or to do practical work live here for many years, eventually becoming immigrants. Another category of “temporary” immigration includes women and girls who came to join South African fiancés or husbands. Or another option is when the whole family comes for the husband’s work (for example, from Europe, Australia or Russia).

How I “immigrated” to South Africa

I don’t consider myself an immigrant yet. I am still living in South Africa on a temporary residence basis. This doesn't bother me or bother me at all. After all, in South Africa you learn not to worry about events over which you have no control and enjoy the present moment to the maximum.

I came here to study at University of Cape Town in Entrepreneurship Management (Postgraduate Diploma), and also to connect my paths with my husband after almost 5 years of dating.

After graduating from the University of Cape Town, I went looking for work, starting my career in a call center in German, English and Russian. Then she started working in translations, internet marketing, traditional marketing and advertising.

What are my plans for the future? How many more years do I plan to live in South Africa? To be honest, I don’t know myself. South Africa has become a second home for me, my first home was in Russia and Germany.

I love life in Cape Town. It is more measured, relaxed in its rhythm. Here you don’t spend two hours in a stuffy metro, but on weekends you spend at least 3-4 hours in a car (if you’re lucky without traffic jams) just to get out of the suffocating metropolis somewhere into nature - to the country. Nature here is an organic part of the urban landscape. You can admire and observe it while commuting to work and on a walk after work, not to mention weekend trips to the outskirts of Cape Town and its surrounding towns, farms, etc.

What are the advantages of living in Cape Town, South Africa?

The first advantage is the breadth of space. There is no feeling of pressure on the psyche of crowds and overcrowding, crush and some kind of race for survival (I had such feelings while working in Moscow).

Despite the fact that Cape Town is a city of considerable size (it is one of the three largest cities in South Africa), here you are charged with energy from a kind of solitude and tranquility due to the fact that the population density and development of the city is not as high as in major cities Russia, Germany; developed countries in general.

Cape Town will welcome nature lovers with open arms. Cape Town is a nature of amazing beauty, inimitable uniqueness and extremely rich flavor.

In Cape Town you can eat fresh fruits, vegetables, fish and drink high-quality wine at prices that are still not exorbitant. They, of course, like everywhere else, are also growing, but not yet in comparison with prices in Russia and Europe for similar products.

Cape Town is one of the most developed cities in South Africa and the African continent as a whole. Here is all the best from developed Europe and “wild” Africa.

Cape Town has a fairly developed economic structure. Comparisons with Johannesburg in economic terms are not in Cape Town's favor, but there are still many small and medium-sized businesses in a variety of fields and industries.

The water in Cape Town is very tasty and clean. Among the top five drinking water in the world. You can drink the water here straight from the tap, which makes me very happy.

Cape Town's climate is heavenly, given that the city is surrounded by the ocean. It's not particularly wet or dry, thanks to the fact that two oceans (one warm and one cold) meet close to Cape Town, balancing the humidity and dryness.

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