What are the rules of politeness? Basic rules of politeness and etiquette. Dramatization of the fairy tale “Polite Words”

It is always a pleasure to communicate with a well-mannered, cultured, educated, polite person! A lot depends on our ability to behave in relation to other people in life, and often we do not understand this or underestimate it. The circle of friends and acquaintances, reputation in the team, success in business, harmony in personal life - well-being in any of these areas, you see, largely depends on how we communicate and behave with other people.

Being polite is actually not always easy. Many of those around us or even strangers do not really like us or frankly do not sympathize with us; troubles in our personal lives, fatigue, and stress often prevent us from behaving with restraint and adequately. But one of the most important qualities successful modern man is self-control and politeness. That is why it is so important that our children learn this from early childhood. A polite child will always be preferred to a rude and boorish one, even and especially when he grows up. And you need to strike while the iron is hot, that is, it is necessary to teach children the rules of politeness from an early age.

Rules of polite behavior and communication for children

The most universal rule, probably, may be the one known to everyone: do to others as you want others to do to you. But children do not always consciously want to be greeted or to have the slightest attention paid to them. However, this is indispensable in developing politeness.

Perhaps we should start by explaining to the child what politeness is, how polite children are and why it is better and even very important to be polite. Then gradually move on to practice and begin to apply the acquired knowledge in Everyday life. A very convenient help for parents are the rules of politeness for children in pictures, the rules of politeness for children in verse and many other publications, which today will not be difficult to find and buy.

It is hardly possible to clearly and point by point state all the rules of polite behavior, because in almost every life situation or a minor episode, you can behave in a certain way.

But the starting point can be the study, understanding and use of the so-called magic words, words of politeness: “hello”, “goodbye”, “thank you”, “thank you”, “sorry”, “permit”, “please”, “be kind” " and so on. But they can be used in completely different situations. For example, people ask for an apology not only when they act badly, incorrectly, cause inconvenience to someone, or feel guilty. The word “excuse me” can be both a request (for example, when trying to move forward in a large crowd of people or wanting to ask something) and a way to attract attention (for example, joining other people in conversation). You will get better at using verbal (that is, verbal) politeness tools as you increase life experience

child: the more he meets and interacts with other children and adults, the more he can practice. Words of gratitude deserve special attention.

You need to thank not only for the gifts or surprises provided, and this should be done even in cases where the gift was not to your liking. You need to respond with words of gratitude to a compliment addressed to you, to a service or assistance provided. By the way, helping others is also a sign of politeness.

It is possible to be un/polite without even using these special words. The child needs to be explained that it is unacceptable to call names, ridicule or invent nicknames for other people, focus on their shortcomings, or express out loud one’s dissatisfaction or anger. Instead, you need to pay others compliments and express praise, celebrate virtues and good qualities, be able to listen and be interested in the personal affairs of others. For example, after answering a question asked of a child about how he is doing, it would be polite to ask his interlocutor about the same.

Even without saying a word (and often children do not want to respond to greetings or farewells), you can behave politely or rudely. A sincere smile in response can replace words that are sometimes so difficult to say. The same smile in the appropriate situation can be completely inappropriate and indicate poor upbringing. A polite child must know and understand that others need to be respected (especially adults and even more so teachers), that one should not think only about oneself and one’s comfort, that interrupting unless absolutely necessary or shouting, talking loudly in- unsightly, just like picking your nose or biting your nails.

There are many other rules of politeness, among which are some more basic ones:

  • Always say hello first and return the greeting.
  • Smile, be in a good mood.
  • Don't interrupt when others are talking.
  • When entering a closed door, knock.
  • When leaving a closed door, hold it with your hand.
  • When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth with your palms.
  • If you yawn or hiccup during a conversation with your interlocutor, you need to apologize.
  • Ask permission if you are unsure about something.
  • Use the word “may”: may I ask you? let me ask? allow me to pass?
  • Don't show that you're not interested.
  • Don't argue, avoid conflicts.
  • Don't respond to rudeness with rudeness.
  • Remember: a polite person will never deliberately offend another or create trouble for him.

There are many rules of politeness for children and adults. But a child raised in a cultured, educated family will feel many of them intuitively, even without special emphasis on them from adults.

How to raise a polite child: rules for parents

Probably, many parents will agree that children learn bad things faster and easier than good things. It's worth sending your baby to kindergarten or take a walk in the yard near “bad” company, as in the child’s culture of behavior and communication there is already something to work on.

Meanwhile, the truth is also that no matter how we raise our children, they will still be like their parents. This means that raising a child, teaching him polite communication and behavior does not make any sense if we ourselves act differently. Whether we like it or not, whether we notice it or not, children always copy their mothers and fathers, although not always to the same extent.

So the rules of politeness exist not only and not so much for children, but primarily for parents. And the most important thing, the most important of them, is to be the best example for the child!

You can repeat to your child a thousand times that starting arguments and swearing is ugly and undignified, but once you have a row in a store with a man who pushed you, the child will take exactly this behavior as a model. Learn to control your thoughts, emotions and actions in any situation and maintain good behavior, regardless of the situation. And, by the way, you need to start with communication with the child: use words of politeness when addressing him, have the patience to listen to the end and not interrupt, be able to ask for forgiveness and be sincerely grateful.

Trying to instill in your child the rules of good manners, follow the recommendations that will help you achieve the desired goal and not get the opposite result:

  1. From the first days of your communication with your baby, build a warm, kindred, trusting relationship. Then you will be an authority for the child, he will listen to your instructions, and will turn to you for help and advice.
  2. Start teaching politeness from an early age: even non-speaking children understand everything perfectly well!
  3. Use game uniform learning: role-playing games, reading thematic literature, discussing images or life situations.
  4. Do not impose rules of politeness on children. Don't force them to act or say a certain way, don't scold them for "wrong" behavior or yell at them.
  5. Provide a choice to do one way or another, but at the same time explain the advantages of one tactic and the disadvantages and consequences of another.
  6. Explain why you should do this and not another.
  7. Don't proofread, scold, or lecture in front of other people.
  8. Don't be ashamed of your child's behavior or shame yourself. Focus on what should have been done, criticize the behavior, but in no case the child.
  9. Always take into account the characteristics of the baby’s character and temperament, his mood and well-being. The personality of your child and his experiences should be above the rules established in society.
  10. Praise for politeness and culture. Celebrate how pleased you are.

Teaching children politeness should be unobtrusive, harmonious, and bring mutual pleasure. In this process, not only the child, but also the adult improves. Polite people find it easier to find mutual language, and this is so important!

Especially for - Ekaterina Vlasenko

You can always determine the degree of culture of a person by his behavior. It’s nice to communicate with a well-mannered person, but rude, vulgar speech leaves the worst impression.

What is politeness

Every person is a social being. People communicate with each other, create families, become colleagues. All members of society deserve respect. To avoid conflicts, insults, and annoyance, polite treatment is accepted between interlocutors.

Politeness is the ability to communicate tactfully, listen carefully to another point of view, show tolerance, and the ability to decide conflict situations in peaceful way. Politeness and decency are the very tools that make people feel comfortable and free when communicating with their own kind.

Rules of politeness

From childhood everyone knows " magic words": thank you, hello, sorry, sorry, thank you. Tactfulness begins with politeness. This is the international norm. If such a quality as delicacy is considered innate, then good manners can be learned. Polite people know what is always necessary:

  • greet;
  • saying goodbye;
  • ask for forgiveness (when a mistake is made, or they cause inconvenience to the interlocutor);
  • be interested (that is, provide the necessary minimum of attention, for example, ask: “How are you?”);
  • do not push passers-by with your elbows in order to get somewhere;
  • do not interrupt your interlocutor, especially if he is older;
  • do not shout to a friend who is far away.

The best indicator of a person’s upbringing is his restraint. The violent manifestation of negative emotions in public.

How to become polite

The rules of politeness are instilled in children from childhood. Parents are always the first teachers. In the morning, children and parents say to each other: “ Good morning“, during the day - “good afternoon”, and in the evenings - “good night”. Controversial situations at home are resolved verbally. Well-educated parents sort out the causes of the conflict, behavioral error, explain to the child why he is wrong. The child should be given examples of how to act in a given situation. This is how little people are prepared for adult life in society.

Psychologists say: if you start moral education child from 2-3 years old, then they are already 2-3 years late. Children take their cues from those closest to them. They imitate mom and dad, and this starts from the cradle.

The courtesy and attentiveness of the interlocutor are of particular value. Warmth and goodwill help a person to open up and show his best qualities. Rudeness, ignorance, and rudeness offend human dignity and cause moral harm to the individual. An offended person withdraws into himself and stops contacting the offender. Japanese psychologists have long noticed that a polite person will always be safe, but a boor and rude person will definitely get into trouble.

Courteous behavior helps a person acquire new useful contacts, have many acquaintances, acquaintances and friends. To teach a child etiquette, parents need to be patient themselves, not put pressure on their child, and not shout. You can discuss the characters of the books you read and analyze their behavior.

Social manners prohibit any indecency. You should always be polite when talking.

School teaches politeness

The school is called a second home. Here the educational process is carried out multifacetedly, gradually and continuously. The school has its own tools for instilling cultural behavior in the student. There are a number of activities that promote polite behavior, which include:

  • themed classroom hours;
  • trainings;
  • seminars;
  • games.

Here it is customary to simulate situations. Schoolchildren play out the proposed plot: a line in a store, a visit to the theater, an imaginary trip to public transport and so on. Data interactive methods contribute to the development of sociability and mutual understanding in children, teach the norms of polite behavior in an interesting, creative way.

More about the rules of politeness

You should know that the rules of etiquette have been formed over centuries. The basic rules include a number of priorities that should be kept in mind, for example:

  • the man always greets first, opens the door, gives way to the lady;
  • younger people say hello first, give up their seats on public transport, and help those who are older;
  • healthy people allow sick people to see the doctor, give them the right of way and a seat on public transport;
  • subordinates greet their boss first;
  • when making requests, you must say the word “please”;
  • For assistance or service provided, it is customary to say “thank you”, “thank you”;
  • if inconvenience, grief, or trouble is brought to someone, it is necessary to ask for forgiveness and apologize;
  • at an official reception, they first greet the hosts, and then according to seniority;
  • When calling, you must introduce yourself;
  • punctuality is hallmark polite, cultured person.

Rules for a polite person. It is not difficult to give up a seat on a tram or on a bus to an elderly person. It is not difficult to greet people when meeting and say “goodbye” and “all the best” to them when parting. It’s not difficult to be neat, combed and washed so that the people around you enjoy communicating with you. It’s not difficult to help your mother or grandmother or sister around the house. It is not difficult to do much more to be loved and considered a polite person.

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You study English, diligently attend (or study via Skype), learn words, listen English speech...But don't forget one very important aspect: In order to communicate successfully in an English-speaking environment, it is extremely important to understand.

In order to be favorably accepted in any society, be it a student group, a work environment, or any random group of people gathered together, you simply need to learn and forever remember a few simple rules that will provide you with invaluable service in the future. After all, according to Cervantes, Nothing is valued so dearly and costs us so little as politeness!

Six "magic" words:


Each of us understands perfectly well that “please” is the magic word. However, we often forget about it in everyday speech, and in vain. If you ask someone for anything, don't forget to add please: « Coffee, please!», « Could you please turn off your cellphone- and the world will become kinder.

Thank you

Don't forget to thank people.« Thank you you - « You are welcome(“Thank you!” - “No need for gratitude!”) , probably the most frequently used phrases in English language. Do not skimp on gratitude and be sincere.


As Sir Elton John sings, « Sorry seems to be the hardest word», however do not forget to ask for forgiveness in time (if, of course, there is something for it): stepped on someone's foot, collided with someone on the street... Option « Im sorry» sounds even more polite.

Excuse me

Another way to ask for forgiveness if your guilt is not so great is for example, you sneezed in public.

This is a very useful expression that will help you, for example, find out the way to the nearest metro station Excuse me, would you know where the nearest subway is?»).

Good morning!

Don’t forget about congratulations, because there are so many reasons for this:good morning, good night, happy birthday, happy New Year, congratulations("With Good morning", "good night", "happy birthday", "happy New Year", "congratulations")...

In the morning at work we can greet our colleagues: « Hey, good morning. How are you(“Good morning, how are you?”) - and don’t forget to listen carefully to the answer: « Oh, pretty good. I" m fine. How are you(“Not bad, everything is fine. How about you?”)

We have listed six words that must be in the daily vocabulary of a polite person, and now let's move on to action!

So, six rules of polite behavior in English-speaking society:

Smile, gentlemen!

“A smile will make everyone brighter,” That's why try to smile more often. This, however, does not mean that you need to smile all the time, but when you meet someone, you should smile, otherwise they will think that you are nervous, angry or upset about something. A smile signals that everything is fine with you "things are going well and life is easy" and also how pleasant the meeting was for you.

Don't avoid handshakes

It's about, rather, about business etiquette: You are expected to give a handshake, and a strong, energetic one at that; your hand should be dry. This is a rule of business etiquette and should not be neglected.

Cover your mouth when you yawn, cough or sneeze

Sometimes we yawn - when we want to sleep or we are bored... If you are in public at this moment, be sure to cover your mouth with your palm.

If you are coughing, cover your mouth and turn away from those present. The latest trends in sanitation and hygiene recommend coughing into the crook of your elbow, because if you cover your mouth with your hand when you cough, you can transfer germs to another person when shaking hands.

Respect the queue

There are many rules for queuing in different parts of the world. In English-speaking countries, you are expected to respect the order of priority: don’t jostle, try to skip the line, you just need to ask who is last Who" s last?») and stand behind him.

Hold the doors

When you walk through the door, remember to hold it for the person behind you. And it doesn’t really matter whether they thank you for it or not, because our universal task is to make the world a kinder place!

Keep your distance

Foreigners are often unaware of this phenomenon, but it is common in English-speaking countries. When you are in a crowd, personal space, of course, narrows, but Typically, people should not come closer than arm's length to each other. Otherwise, the interlocutor may feel uncomfortable, pull away, retreat in order to prevent your intrusion into his comfort zone comfort zone») : For example, in the case of a man and a woman, the woman may feel that the man is being overly intrusive.

Respect the inviolability of personal space, no matter whether you are standing or sitting. For example, when seating in a meeting room, the outermost seats at different ends of the room will be the first to be occupied; While there are still empty seats in the hall, event participants will not be seated next to each other - this is an unwritten rule, which, however, is observed by everyone.

« ListenDo you want to know a secret?..” And now - as promised, we will give you one invaluable piece of advice. Don't be surprised, it's a little unusual... We're talking about the smells emanating from a person. In order for society not to turn its back on us (literally!) Each of us must be 100% sure that a pleasant smell emanates from him: fresh breath(you brushed your teeth in the morning, right?), light aroma of perfume, absence of strong foreign odors - “...and people will be drawn to you!”

Do not forget to carefully monitor body hygiene, use deodorants and antiperspirants (the smell of sweat is absolutely unacceptable).

Also keep an eye on your clothes: in addition to the fact that they should be clean (naturally), they should also not smell of something foreign (tobacco, food aromas, etc.) - after all, even clean clothes easily absorb strong odors. For example, when heading to the kitchen, try not to go into the kitchen if your mother/wife/husband/roommate is cooking something strong-smelling - it will be almost impossible to get rid of this smell before the next wash.

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