Kirovograd State Pedagogical University named after. Vladimir Vinnichenko. Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University named after. Vinnichenko (CDPU)

- higher educational institution of Ukraine, has IV qualification rank. The University is training a new generation of specialists with a level of training worthy of the best higher educational institutions in the world. Students are able to act in the conditions of Ukraine’s inclusion in the world community and be competitive in the global labor market.

Located at: Kirovograd, st. Shevchenko, 1.


Now KSPU named after. V.Vinnichenko- a well-known university with a strong scientific base. But in order to reach such heights, the university has gone through a long path of changes, reorganizations and restructuring.

The year of foundation of the university is considered to be 1881, when the VIII additional pedagogical class was opened at the public women's gymnasium of the city of Elisavetgrad, whose students became teachers in primary schools.

On June 1, 1921, higher pedagogical courses were created, which trained teachers for primary schools.

In 1925, pedagogical courses were renamed the Zinoviev Pedagogical College, which continued the formation of teachers for primary school. There were not enough funds, equipment, classes. In 1927, the Pedagogical College received the building of the former public women's gymnasium, which became the home for most generations of students at the institution.

The Pedagogical College began to transform into an institute of social education in 1929 after the reorganization of education and the creation of the first faculties.

On October 1, 1930, the Council of People's Commissars of the Ukrainian SSR adopted an official order on the creation of an institute of public education, which was formed from four divisions: technical and mathematical, agro-biological, historical, economic and literary. Five departments were formed: mathematics, biology, history, pedagogy, Ukrainian language and literature. There were 26 teachers in the institution. Approximately 300 students attended.

In 1933, the Institute of Social Education was changed into a pedagogical institute with a physico-mathematical and chemical-biological department with a four-year education period. The number of teachers increases to 32, there are 7 departments. In 1935, on the basis of the Kirovograd Pedagogical Institute, a teacher's institute was created with a two-year education period, where 9 departments were opened, in which 54 teachers worked.

In September 1937, the third faculty of language and literature was organized at the Teachers' Institute with two divisions: Russian and Ukrainian. At that time, 530 students were receiving education at the university. The educational process was provided by 10 departments: physics, mathematics, natural science, chemistry, pedagogy, foundations of Marxism-Leninism, geography, military physical education, Russian language and literature, Ukrainian language and literature. 9 educational classrooms and 5 laboratories were created.

On September 1, 1939, next to the teachers' institute, the pedagogical institute was restored in the warehouse of three divisions: physics and mathematics, geography, language and literature with Russian and Ukrainian departments.

In 1956, on the basis of the Pedagogical School of Physical Education, the Faculty of Physical Education of the Institute was opened. In 1959 he carried out activities Faculty of Education, who formed teachers primary classes with higher education. In 1962, the Faculty of English was created, and in 1967 - the Faculty of Music and Pedagogy. Since September 1978, the Faculty of History resumed its work.

In 1992 named after Vladimir Kirillovich Vinnichenko.

April 4, 1997 by order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Kirovograd State pedagogical institute was awarded the rank of state pedagogical university.

Teaching Staff

The educational process is provided by experienced scientific and pedagogical staff, including 48 doctors of science and professors, 270 candidates of science and associate professors, approximately 150 practicing teachers with extensive experience pedagogical work. On given time head there is a doctor philological sciences, Professor O.A. Semenyuk.

Faculties Kirovograd State Pedagogical University named after. Vladimir Vinnichenko

IN education is carried out on full-time and correspondence forms for specialized ranks: bachelor, specialist, master. The university educates approximately 6,500 students in 45 qualifications. The university's departments include a pre-university training center, a language center and 8 faculties, namely:

Philology and journalism;

Physics and mathematics;

Foreign languages;

Pedagogy and psychology;

Stories and rights;


Physical education;

Naturally geographical.


To the structure Kirovograd State Pedagogical University named after. V. Vinnichenko includes 6 educational premises, 18 modern computer classes, multimedia classrooms, 60 specialized laboratories (language labs, physical, chemical, technological), production workshops, three dormitories, the Yunost sanatorium, a canteen, a sports complex, a scientific library, archaeological and natural science museums , editorial and publishing department. The new premises of the scientific library contain approximately 1 million publications.

The university operates doctoral studies in 5 and postgraduate studies in 15 specialties, where more than 100 doctoral students and graduate students receive education. On the base There are specialized councils for the defense of dissertations in pedagogical and philological sciences. Scientific work

Scientific research conducted at the university covers a wide range of fundamental and applied problems. Most departments have established scientific units that collaborate with institutes of the National Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine.

TO scientific activity V students are attracted who have the prospect of acting in more than 150 scientific circles and problem groups, making Scientific research together with teachers and graduate students in modern classrooms, publish the results of their research, take part in scientific and practical seminars in Ukraine and abroad. Among the university students there are a huge number of prize-winners and diploma winners of student scientific Olympiads, named scholarship holders at the university, regional and state levels.

International relationships

In order to develop international relations in Kirovograd State Pedagogical University named after. V. Vinnichenko The International Relations Department was created. The responsibilities of the department’s employees include organizing and ensuring international academic mobility of teachers and students, increasing the level of specialization of university teachers by coordinating scientific and scientific-pedagogical contacts with educational institutions of foreign countries, within the framework of global educational and scientific programs, and on the basis of resolutions on cooperation with partner universities, foreign scientific and educational organizations.

Kirovograd State Pedagogical University named after. V. Vinnichenko cooperates with foreign educational institutions on a long-term contractual basis. A cooperation agreement was signed with universities in Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Russia, Turkey, the Czech Republic, Latvia, China, Israel, Belarus, Poland, Latvia, and Algeria. The main areas of cooperation include: educational exchange, development of translation studies, exchange of experience in teaching, methodological and educational activities with students, organization of joint projects, implementation of the double diploma program, internships.

Interesting facts about Kirovograd State Pedagogical University named after. Vladimir Vinnichenko

In the ranking for 2013 among all universities in Ukraine according to the Ranking Web of Universities (Webometrics) dated February 7, 2013, KSPU named after. V. Vinnichenko took 12th place, also according to the results of the “Top 200 Ukraine” rating in 2012-2013. The university took 5th place among 17 pedagogical universities.

IN Kirovograd State Pedagogical University named after. V. Vinnichenko a strong material and technical structure, developed infrastructure and global connections, thanks to which the university’s graduates are highly qualified specialists. The university cares about its students not only in scientific direction, but also in spending free time. Gifted youth have the opportunity to express themselves by taking part in various concerts and competitions. Thanks to international connections students and teachers have the opportunity to gain experience at universities in other countries.

So, graduates are successful people, many of them have become famous figures and scientists.

Sincerely, IC "KURSOVIKS"!

Types of educational and qualification levels:
- Bachelor,
- Specialist,
- Master.

List of faculties:
- Physics and mathematics;
- Physical education;
- Artistic;
- Psychological and pedagogical;
- History and rights;
- Natural-geographical;
- Philology and journalism;
- Foreign languages.
Information for applicants
Availability preparatory courses for admission to university:
Duration of training:
- 8 months (October-May);
- 4 months (February-May).

Forms of training:
Evening and part-time.

Class hours:
- Evening courses - during the week (15.40-17.30);
- Part-time - Saturday (9.00-15.00), Sunday (8.00-14.00).
List of documents required for entry into the university:
- 6 photos 3x4 cm.
- Passport, military ID (certificate of registration to the military station).
- A copy of the identification code.
- Medical certificate - form 0-86-u, vaccination application (original or certified photocopy).
- Documents giving the right to benefits (if any).
- Certificates of the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment.

Deadline for submitting documents for admission in 2009:
Deadlines for accepting documents:
Daytime state uniform- from June 23 to July 22.
Daytime commercial form - from June 23 to July 22.
Correspondence state form - from June 16 to July 15.
Correspondence commercial form - from June 16 to August 25.

Additional Information:
To enter the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, you need certificates from the Ukrainian Center for Assessment of the Quality of Education in the following subjects:

- Mathematics or physics.

To enter the Faculty of Physical Education, you need a certificate from the Ukrainian Center for Assessment of the Quality of Education in Ukrainian Language and Literature and entrance test on physical training.

To enter the art department, you need a certificate from the Ukrainian Center for Assessment of the Quality of Education in Ukrainian Language and Literature and a creative competition.

To enter the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy, you need certificates from the Ukrainian Center for Assessment of the Quality of Education in the following subjects:
- Ukrainian language and literature;
- Biology or history of Ukraine.

To enter the Faculty of History and Law, you need certificates from the Ukrainian Center for Assessment of the Quality of Education in the following subjects:
- Ukrainian language and literature;
- History of Ukraine or The World History, or fundamentals of jurisprudence.

To enter the Faculty of Natural Geography, you need certificates from the Ukrainian Center for Assessment of the Quality of Education in the following subjects:
- Ukrainian language and literature;
- Geography, biology or chemistry.

To enter the Faculty of Philology and Journalism, you need certificates from the Ukrainian Center for Assessment of the Quality of Education in the following subjects:
- Ukrainian language and literature;
- History of Ukraine.

For admission to the faculty foreign languages a certificate of the Ukrainian Center for Assessment of the Quality of Education in Ukrainian Language and Literature is required and entrance examination in a foreign language.

(KSPU) - higher educational institution in Ukraine.

Kirovograd State Pedagogical University named after Vladimir Vinnychenko
Year of foundation

O.A. Semenyuk


Ukraine Ukraine : Kirovograd

Coordinates: 48°30′55″ n. w. /  32°15′44″ E. d. / 48.5152; 32.2623 48.5152° N. w. 32.2623° E. d.(G) (I)

K:Educational institutions founded in 1921

Story The starting point for the history of the creation of the educational institution Kirovograd State Pedagogical University named after Vladimir Vinnichenko can be considered the appearance of the VIII grade (pedagogical in the direction) at the women's gymnasium in Elisavetgrad in the year. Over the years, the establishment experienced decline and prosperity, but was able to survive and preserve its best traditions. Currently, when training specialists, the Kirovograd State Pedagogical University named after Vladimir Vinnichenko uses a multi-stage education system. The structure of the KrSPU consists of 8, providing training in 24 specialties. Currently, the number of students at KrSPU has exceeded 6 thousand, and educational activities are carried out by a large team highly qualified . Kirovograd Pedagogical University named after. Vinnychenko often becomes a platform for holding many conferences and seminars of various types, and cooperation with many scientific and educational centers provides wide scope for the exchange of experience and research work

. On the pages of the UniverLife project you can find more information about this and other educational institutions.


  • Structure
  • Faculty of Foreign Languages:
  • language and literature (English);
  • language and literature (German);
  • language and literature (Russian);
  • translation.
  • Faculty of History and Law:
  • story;
  • political science;
  • jurisprudence.
  • Art Faculty:
  • music pedagogy and education;
  • fine and decorative arts;
  • choreography.
  • Faculty of Natural Geography:
  • geography;
  • chemistry;
  • biology.
  • Faculty of Physics and Mathematics:
  • Informatics;
  • mathematics;
  • labor training;
  • physics;
  • statistics.
  • Faculty of Physical Education:
  • Olympic and professional sports;
  • physical education;.
  • physical rehabilitation
  • Faculty of Philology and Journalism:
  • publishing and editing;
  • pedagogy and methodology of secondary education, Ukrainian language and literature.
  • Faculty of Education
  • Primary education and practical psychology
  • Primary education and choreography
  • Primary education and fine arts

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An excerpt characterizing the Kirovograd State Pedagogical University named after Vladimir Vinnichenko

The French officer and Pierre entered the house. Pierre considered it his duty to again assure the captain that he was not a Frenchman and wanted to leave, but the French officer did not want to hear about it. He was so polite, kind, good-natured and truly grateful for saving his life that Pierre did not have the spirit to refuse him and sat down with him in the hall, in the first room they entered. In response to Pierre’s assertion that he was not a Frenchman, the captain, obviously not understanding how one could refuse such a flattering title, shrugged his shoulders and said that if he certainly wanted to pass for a Russian, then let it be so, but that he, despite then, everyone is still forever connected with him with a feeling of gratitude for saving his life.
If this man had been gifted with at least some ability to understand the feelings of others and had guessed about Pierre’s feelings, Pierre would probably have left him; but this man’s animated impenetrability to everything that was not himself defeated Pierre.
“Francais ou prince russe incognito, [Frenchman or Russian prince incognito," said the Frenchman, looking at Pierre’s dirty but thin underwear and the ring on his hand. – Je vous dois la vie je vous offre mon amitie. Un Francais n "oublie jamais ni une insulte ni un service. Je vous offre mon amitie. Je ne vous dis que ca. [I owe you my life, and I offer you friendship. The Frenchman never forgets either insult or service. I offer my friendship to you. I say nothing more.]
There was so much good nature and nobility (in the French sense) in the sounds of the voice, in the facial expression, in the gestures of this officer that Pierre, responding with an unconscious smile to the Frenchman’s smile, shook the outstretched hand.
- Capitaine Ramball du treizieme leger, decore pour l "affaire du Sept, [Captain Ramball, thirteenth light regiment, Chevalier of the Legion of Honor for the cause of the seventh of September," he introduced himself with a smug, uncontrollable smile that wrinkled his lips under his mustache. - Voudrez vous bien me dire a present, a qui" j"ai l"honneur de parler aussi agreablement au lieu de rester a l"ambulance avec la balle de ce fou dans le corps [Will you be so kind as to tell me now who I am with. I have the honor of talking so pleasantly, instead of being at a dressing station with a bullet from this madman in my body?]
Pierre replied that he could not say his name, and, blushing, began, trying to invent a name, to talk about the reasons why he could not say this, but the Frenchman hastily interrupted him.
“De grace,” he said. – Je comprends vos raisons, vous etes officier... officier superieur, peut être. Vous avez porte les armes contre nous. Ce n"est pas mon affaire. Je vous dois la vie. Cela me suffit. Je suis tout a vous. Vous etes gentilhomme? [To be complete, please. I understand you, you are an officer... a staff officer, perhaps. You served against us . This is not my business. I owe you my life. This is enough for me, and I am all yours.] - he added with a hint of a question. Je ne demande pas davantage. Monsieur Pierre, dites vous... Parfait. C "est tout ce que je desire savoir. [Your name? I don’t ask anything else. Monsieur Pierre, did you say? Great. That’s all I need.]
When fried lamb, scrambled eggs, a samovar, vodka and wine from the Russian cellar, which the French had brought with them, were brought, Rambal asked Pierre to take part in this dinner and immediately, greedily and quickly, like a healthy and hungry person, began to eat, quickly chewing with his strong teeth, constantly smacking his lips and saying excellent, exquis! [wonderful, excellent!] His face was flushed and covered with sweat. Pierre was hungry and gladly took part in the dinner. Morel, the orderly, brought a saucepan with warm water and put a bottle of red wine in it. In addition, he brought a bottle of kvass, which he took from the kitchen for testing. This drink was already known to the French and received a name. They called kvass limonade de cochon (pork lemonade), and Morel praised this limonade de cochon, which he found in the kitchen. But since the captain had wine obtained during the passage through Moscow, he provided kvass to Morel and took up a bottle of Bordeaux. He wrapped the bottle up to the neck in a napkin and poured himself and Pierre some wine. Satisfied hunger and wine revived the captain even more, and he talked incessantly during dinner.

One of the oldest and most prestigious educational institutions in the Kirovograd region is Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University named after Vladimir Vinnychenko, which began with the opening in 1881 of the eighth additional pedagogical class at the public women's gymnasium in the city of Elisavetgrad.
The ceremonial foundation stone for the premises of the girls' gymnasium took place in April 1902, and the official opening took place on April 11, 1904. The new gymnasium was built for 900 students. The building had stucco work, which was done with great taste and grace. Construction cost the city 240 thousand and was built by architect Kishkin ( newspaper Channel 21, No. 24 (1322), 06/15/2017).
Its graduates became primary school teachers or engaged in “free practice.”
In the summer and autumn of 1918, leaders of the Elisavetgrad city zemstvo and the Enlightenment society began to demand from the government a decision to open in the city of Elisavetgrad pedagogical university. But the implementation of these plans was made only thanks to the great support of our fellow countryman - Vladimir Vinnichenko.
The first real step from the creation of a higher pedagogical institution in the city was the opening on June 1, 1921 higher pedagogical courses who trained teachers for primary schools.
In 1925, pedagogical courses were reorganized into Zinoviev Pedagogical College, who continued training teachers for primary schools. There was a lack of funds, equipment and offices. In 1927, the Pedagogical College received the premises of the former public women's gymnasium, which became the home for many generations of university graduates. ( Architect of the girls' gymnasium building - Alexander Lishnevsky )
The reorganization of the education system, which began in 1929, led to the formation of the first faculties within the Pedagogical College, which marked the beginning of its transformation into an institute of social education with a three-year term of study.
On October 1, 1930, the Council of People's Commissars of the Ukrainian SSR adopted an official resolution on the opening of the institute public education, which consisted of four faculties: technical and mathematical, agrobiological, historical and economic and literary. Five departments were created: mathematics, biology, history, pedagogy, Ukrainian language and literature. There were 26 teachers working at the institute and more than 300 students studying.
In 1933, the Institute of Social Education was reorganized into a pedagogical institute with physics, mathematics and chemistry and biology faculties.
In 1935, on the basis of the Kirovograd Pedagogical Institute, a teacher's institute with a two-year training period was formed. At this time, there were already 9 departments with 54 teachers.
In September 1937, a third faculty was organized at the Teachers' Institute - languages ​​and literatures with two departments: Russian and Ukrainian. By that time, 530 students were already studying at the university. In the pre-war years, the Kirovograd Institute turned into a large educational complex that consisted of full-time and correspondence pedagogical and teacher institutes and an evening teacher's institute. It operated 12 scientific departments and there were 62 faculty members. The institute had one academic building, 5 laboratories, 9 classrooms, a library with a fund of 80 thousand volumes, a botanical garden with a greenhouse.
In January 1944, Kirovograd was liberated from the Nazi invaders. The resumption of the pedagogical institute immediately begins, which suffered significant losses: classrooms were smashed and robbed, laboratories were stolen and books from the university library were burned, both buildings were destroyed student dormitories. The total amount of losses was over 6 million rubles. The premises of the institute (formerly a women's gymnasium) were equipped as a hospital.
Classes began on March 25, 1944, and 382 students sat down at their desks again.
In February 1949 on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the birth of A.S. Pushkin, his name was given to the Kirovograd State Pedagogical University.
In September 1949, in the Kirovograd pedagogical Institute named after A.S. Pushkin The Faculty of English was opened. 60 students began studying at the new faculty.

newspaper "Kirovogradska Pravda", 09/07/1949, No. 176, Inv. No. 149, arc. 10 stars.
(photo from the state archive of the Kirovograd region)

Implemented in 1955 latest issue teachers for a two-year period of study, and the university switched to training personnel with higher education for curriculum Pedagogical Institute. The university began to grow and build new academic buildings, hostels, open laboratories.
In 1982 when the institute team became the winner socialist competition among higher pedagogical institutions of the USSR.
In 1983, the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​was opened at the institute.
In 1992, the Kirovograd State Pedagogical Institute named after Vladimir Kirillovich Vinnichenko.
On April 4, 1997, by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Kirovograd State Pedagogical Institute was awarded the status of a state pedagogical university.
From May 2003 to April 2005, the position of rector was held by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Valery Viktorovich Radula.
In November 2005, Doctor of Philology, Professor Grigory Dmitrievich Klochek was elected to the position of rector of the university. In December 2010, the candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor Vitaly Ivanovich Zavinu, who died tragically, was elected rector of the university. In July 2011, Doctor of Philology, Professor Oleg Anatolyevich Semenyuk became the rector of KSPU.

Semenyuk O.A.

On modern stage purpose educational activities Kirovograd State Pedagogical University named after Vladimir Vinnychenko is training new generation specialists with a level of education worthy of the best higher educational institutions in the world.
Behind last years The university has gained wide recognition and authority among applicants, the teaching and scientific community.
Training is carried out according to a stepwise education system Bachelor-Specialist-Master.
The university has full-time, part-time and external forms of study.
October 5 – 7, 2012 took place International scientific and practical conference“The War of 1812 in the context of Russian and European history", dedicated to the 200th anniversary Patriotic War 1812. The organizers of the conference were Kirovograd State Pedagogical University. V. Vinnichenko, Embassy of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, Representative Office of Rossotrudnichestvo in Ukraine and Kirovograd Regional State Administration. The scientific part of this forum, held in the building of the Kirovograd Pedagogical University on October 6, 2012, was attended by about 30 scientists, teachers, educators, students and students from Moscow (State Historical Museum of Russia and State Military History Museum "Borodino") , Kyiv (Institute of History of Ukraine NAS of Ukraine, Slavic Gymnasium and Society of Russian Compatriots “Rodina”), Vinnitsa (city branch of the International Academy of Personnel Management and State University them. M. Kotsyubinsky), Kherson (State Maritime Academy of Ukraine), Lvov, Uman, Bila Tserkva, Zolotonosha and Kirovograd.( Based on materials from the ROYAL KIEV website.)
In April 2015, KSPU students received the title of winner of the Universiade of Ukraine with rhythmic gymnastics, which took place in Kirovograd ( newspaper Channel 21, No. 17, 04/23/2015)
According to the law of Ukraine “On the condemnation of the communist and national socialist (Nazi) totalitarian regimes in Ukraine and the prohibition of propaganda of their symbols”, “On higher education”, “On state registration legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and public formations", resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine dated July 14, 2016 No. 1468, according to the decision of the university staff and the order of the Minister No. 467 dated March 27, 2017. Kirovograd State Pedagogical University named after Vladimir Vinnychenko was renamed into Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University named after Vladimir Vinnichenko (TsGNU).

Central State Pedagogical University is a higher education institution in which Faculty of History and Law is considered one of the largest and most prestigious. Everyone at the faculty has been created the necessary conditions for training specialists.
Now one of the leading departments of the faculty, the Department of Philosophy and Political Science, is opening a prestigious master’s program for bachelors: « International relationships, public communications, religious studios". The prestigious magistracy was opened with the assistance of People's Deputy K. Yarynich, who personally negotiated with the Ministry of Education. ( newspaper Channel 21, No. 21 (1371), 05/24/2018)

The location of the educational institution can be seen on the map:

Kirovograd State Pedagogical University named after. V. Vinnichenko (KSPU) - Additional Information about higher education institution

general information

At the present stage, the goal of the educational activities of the Kirovograd State Pedagogical University named after Vladimir Vinnychenko is to train a new generation of specialists with a level of education worthy of the best higher educational institutions in the world, who are able to work in the context of Ukraine’s integration into the world community and compete in the global labor market. In recent years, Kirovograd State Pedagogical University has gained wide recognition and authority among applicants, the pedagogical and scientific community.

Education at the Kirovograd State Pedagogical University is carried out according to the system: “bachelor - specialist - master”. About 6.5 thousand students study in 45 specialties and specializations in eight faculties and three departments.

Today, Kirovograd State Pedagogical University named after. Vinnychenko is self-sufficient educational institution for the development of any combination of teaching specialties. In recent years, the following teaching specialties have been in greatest demand among applicants:

  • "Fine Arts and Design"
  • "English and German and foreign literature",
  • "English language and foreign literature and Ukrainian language and literature",
  • "Geography and Biology"
  • "History and Geography",
  • "History and Law",
  • "Ukrainian language and literature and editing of educational publications",
  • "Practical psychology",
  • "Social pedagogy"
  • "Mathematics and fundamentals of computer science",
  • "Physical Culture and sports."

In recent years, a number of new interesting specialties have been opened at the Kirovograd State Pedagogical University, which are in significant demand in the labor market. Among them:

  • Informatics,
  • physical rehabilitation,
  • Olympic and professional sports,
  • practical psychology,
  • social rehabilitation,
  • jurisprudence,
  • political science,
  • applied linguistics,
  • fine art and design.

TO scientific work Kirovograd State Pedagogical University attracts students who have the opportunity to work in more than 150 scientific circles and problem groups, conduct scientific research together with teachers and graduate students in modern laboratories, publish the results of their research, participate in scientific and practical conferences in Ukraine and abroad outside, etc. Among the university students there are many prize-winners and diploma winners of student professional Olympiads, named scholarship holders at the university, regional and state levels.

Ensuring the educational process of Kirovograd State Pedagogical University

The key to the success of stepwise training of specialists is that educational process are provided by highly qualified scientific and pedagogical workers, including: 48 doctors of sciences and professors, 270 candidates of sciences and associate professors, about 150 practicing teachers with extensive experience in teaching.

International relations of Kirovograd State Pedagogical University

In recent years, the international image of the Kirovograd State Pedagogical University named after. V. Vinnichenko thanks to fruitful cooperation with universities and organizations in Russia, Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, Bulgaria, Germany, Austria, Spain, France, Great Britain, USA, Canada, China and other countries of the world. Within the framework of concluded cooperation agreements, teachers, graduate students, and students are exchanged, various scientific and educational projects are developed, conferences are held, joint printed works are published, etc.

Educational and material base of Kirovograd State Pedagogical University

Kirovograd State Pedagogical University named after. Vinnichenko has the necessary educational and material resources. These are 18 modern computer classes with Internet connection, 3 language laboratories, more than 60 specialized educational laboratories, classrooms and workshops, gyms. A new building of the scientific library was built and put into operation, which already has about 1 million publications.

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