It seemed to me that you need to have colossal ones. Complex sentences with several subordinate clauses. Repetition. Punctuation marks in a simple sentence

The snobbery of “professionals” always amuses me. The desire to preserve one’s “Ilitarity” of any social. groups through aggression (snobbery is one of the types of aggression) only says that there is no basis for “Ilitarism”. Systematic education is not many years old in the world. Moreover, it is rapidly becoming obsolete in its traditional form.

The popularity of lecture halls is due to the fact that people began to lose fear of the “Great Knowledge” and began to strive to expand the scope of their capabilities, focusing on needs and curiosity. This happens because knowledge becomes available to anyone due to the development of communications, mainly, of course, the Internet.

It is important to note one important thing here. People began (finally) to shift attention from the idea of ​​“extensive professional training”, as was the case in the Soviet Union, to the idea of ​​“ professional competencies". This led to the fact that representatives of education began to howl that the Soviet paradigm is so cool, and all sorts of bullshit from the West is being imposed on us. One of the elements of Western culture is continuous lifelong education. It is impossible if you spend years of consistent education on each stage of education time. Hence the “fragmentation.” In reality, there is no non-fragmentary education simply because people’s memory is not absolute.

At the same time, the idea of ​​professional competencies leads to the emergence of people who are able to function “from scratch and outside the group.” The scoop was preparing the cogs for the factory, unable to create anything from scratch alone (in fundamental science too). Western types of knowledge consumption (oh horror, the word consumption came up!) assume that “I picked up competencies and opened a business myself.” These are opposite goals and, accordingly, opposite approaches.

It is stupid to limit yourself to one or another approach in education, so the popularity of “fragmented education” should be fully welcomed, as well as the existence of an excellent school of “systematic education”. What to do if you are an engineer, and you need to understand accounting in order to open an individual entrepreneur? Go to lectures, courses, consultations and other “fragmented” types of education. What to do if you are curious about something? Many children, fooled by their parents, go to receive higher education in some area just because they were visited by fleeting curiosity, thereby ruining themselves and wasting time. Now, slowly and uncertainly, the function of career guidance (which has never been sufficiently developed in Russia) is also being taken over by popular lectures and other types of “fragmented” education. So contrasting these two approaches is sheer stupidity of those opposing.

Summary of a Russian language lesson in 11th grade

« Complex sentence with several subordinate clauses"

The purpose of the lesson: repetition of information about a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses.

Lesson objectives:

  • Educational:
  • deepen knowledge about complex sentences;
  • repeat the concepts of parallel, sequential, homogeneous subordination;
  • train students in placing punctuation marks in complex sentences with several subordinate clauses;
  • repeat the main groups of SPP according to their meaning;
  • learn to see structure and reproduce sentence patterns.
  • Educational:
  • improving punctuation skills, practical skills in analyzing complex sentences, and literate writing skills;
  • develop students’ analytical thinking and the ability to systematize knowledge and draw conclusions independently.
  • Educational : to cultivate interest in the native language.

During the classes

1.Organization of the start of classes.

2. Preparation for the main stage of classes.

Knowledge is only then knowledge,

when it

acquired through the efforts of one’s thoughts...

L.N. Tolstoy.

We will try to verify the accuracy of these words of the great Russian writer, our fellow countryman, in today's lesson.

We will continue to talk about complex sentences.


1. What sentences are called complex?

2. What types of complex sentences do you know?

3. How to distinguish an IPP from other complex sentences? What is their structure?


4. Assignment to the class.

Indicate the numbers of complex sentences.

  1. Ulya did not immediately understand what had happened and what the consequences of the events would be.
  2. Dubrovsky left the room, got into the carriage and galloped off.
  3. The air awakened, fresh breezes swirled over the taiga.
  4. When the sun rose, we saw a picture that amazed everyone.
  5. Suddenly I feel: someone takes me by the shoulder and pushes me.

The answer is 1.4.

What is the peculiarity of data structure with NGN sentences?

Goal setting:

* What types of subordination in IPPs with several subordinate clauses do you know?

*Who needs to repeat this material?

* What goal will we set for ourselves today?

(repeat the types of subordination in the IPP with several subordinate clauses)

* Which operating algorithm will we choose?

(repetition of theory and consolidation of it in practice)

Repetition of the theory.

Working with the circuit

How to determine the type of subordination in an IPP with several subordinate clauses?

What kind of subordination is called homogeneous? How do they depend? subordinate clauses from the main one?

What is the structure of an IPP with parallel subordination?

What is the structure of a sentence with sequential subordination?


Reinforcement (type of work?)

1.Define the type subordinating connection in these SPPs.

  1. When the train passed Brest, it was snowing so fluffy that nothing could be made out.
  2. He will understand because he is able to understand everything that is expressed logically and simply.
  3. Hunters unanimously say that it is especially dark before dawn, that midnight is the darkest time in the forest.
  4. While he was talking, I noticed that the Russian language gave him great pleasure.
  5. When the clock in the bedroom stops at night and the pendulum stops knocking, it wakes up the sleepy person.
  6. It is known that if a musician does not approach the instrument for a long time, his fingers lose flexibility.
  1. Parallel
  2. Sequential
  3. Homogeneous
  4. Parallel
  5. Homogeneous
  6. Sequential

2. Let's work with the textbook.

Open exercise 452.

Write down sentences whose structure corresponds to the diagrams.

1 person at the board: write down 1 sentence each

I option II option.

Exercise 452.

  1. It seemed to me that it was necessary to have colossal knowledge in order to determine, using the compass and the stars, in which part of the vast ocean our ship was located.
  2. The boys got dressed and went to the dining room, where there was a smell of hot bread, sweet cakes, where such steam rose from the lightly cleaned samovar to the ceiling that the windows fogged up.
  3. He wanted to assure himself that there was no danger, that the absence of the Cube would be explained over time by some empty accident, that the horsemen along the road simply appeared to the boy out of fear.
  4. On the snowy cliff, where spots and stripes were yellow from the ash that had been raked out of the stoves that morning, small figures were moving.
  5. He tells how life used to be healthy, fun and interesting, how smart the intelligentsia was in Russia and how highly they valued the concepts of honor and friendship.
  6. Upon returning home, it seemed to Pierre that he had come from some long journey, where he spent decades.
  7. In captivity, in a booth, Pierre learned not with his mind, but with his whole being, with his life, that man was created for happiness, that happiness is in himself, in the satisfaction of natural human needs, and that all unhappiness comes not from lack, but from excess.

Relaxation. Gymnastics for the eyes.

Close your eyes tightly for 3-5 seconds, then open them.

Blink your eyes quickly for 30-60 seconds.

Move your eyes up - down, left - right.

Imagine a big circle. Turn your eyes around it clockwise, then counterclockwise.

Imagine a square. Move your gaze from the upper right corner to the lower left, then to the upper left, to the lower right. Once again, simultaneously look at the corners of the imaginary square.

  1. Guys, you remember that on the Unified State Exam you will have to work with the text, completing tasks in parts B and C.

I suggest you do a little work now.


2. In order to understand everything that happens in the world around us, so that those with whom we communicate also understand us,we must have a good command of modern Russian.3. However, there is no point in turning a blind eye to the fact that very often we speak carelessly and write haphazardly. 4. If our speech is incomprehensible to the interlocutor, how easily our words can be interpreted in a different way! 5. Whether we accurately express our thoughts and speak fluently determines whether we will be understood correctly.

Z. Lyustrova

Determine the type of speech (reasoning)

Define your style. (journalistic)

Whether we accurately express our thoughts and speak fluently determines whether we will be understood correctly.

Let's write it down and build a diagram.

5. [ ,(li = -),(li =), = ],(=li –)

homogeneous and parallel subordination

Our lesson is coming to an end. Let's try to summarize the lesson


  1. What topic have we expanded and strengthened our knowledge on today?
  2. Did you solve the problem posed at the beginning of the lesson?
  3. Did today's lesson help you prepare for the Unified State Exam in Russian?

Summing up the lesson.

“I know”, “I can” - this is 1 point, “no”, “I am not sure” - 0 points. Add up the points you received - this will be your specific result today. Try to be objective. If you gave yourself a 0, don't despair: you've discovered gaps that need to be filled.


V. Knowledge control


Option 1

1. Indicate the type of sentence: Only now did Frol see that it was completely dawn, that at the blue foot of the cliff above Svetlikha white stripes of fog were swaying, that the stones on the shore had become bluish from the morning dew. (A. Ivanov)

4) Complex sentence with homogeneous and parallel subordination

2. Indicate the type of sentence: Although the front moved closer to the canal itself, the sixth battery remained a small island, which the heavy wave of war had not fully reached. (Yu. Yakovlev)

1) Complex sentence with sequential subordination

2) Complex sentence with parallel subordination
3) Complex sentence with homogeneous subordination

3. Indicate the type of sentence: The snow creaked so much that you could hear someone walking at the other end of the village. (A. Ivanov)

1) Complex sentence with sequential subordination

2) Complex sentence with parallel subordination
3) Complex sentence with homogeneous subordination

4) Complex sentence with sequential and parallel subordination

4. Indicate the type of sentence: His life fit into the questionnaire with the ease with which it is filled out by those who do not know dark spots in his past, who diligently walks along the once chosen path. (A. Bakhvalov)

1) Complex sentence with sequential and parallel subordination

2) Complex sentence with parallel subordination
3) Complex sentence with homogeneous subordination

5.Which complex sentence has three subordinate clauses with homogeneous subordination? (There are no punctuation marks in the sentences)

A) The caretaker inquired where he needed to go, where to return then, and then announced that the horses sent from the village had been waiting for us for the fourth day.

B) And it saddens me that the deserted courtyards lie in an unsteady semicircle in the darkness, that the hour is late, that the solemn star worlds are extinguishing one after another.

C) Apparently, a craft can be called artistic if the work is distinguished by individuality and originality, if it brings beauty to the world and fosters the best feelings in a person.

D) As long as I can walk, as long as I can look, as long as I can breathe, I will move forward.


Option 2

1. Indicate the type of proposal: Dmitry Alekseevich realized that blueprints of drawings are printed here and that there is nothing for outsiders to do here. (V. Dudintsev)

1) Complex sentence with sequential subordination

2) Complex sentence with parallel subordination
3) Complex sentence with homogeneous subordination

4) Complex sentence with sequential and parallel subordination

2. Indicate the type of sentence: Having told how Kashtanov was confused with the regiment commander and what came of it, Fedorov laughs and leans out of the bathroom to see how his niece laughs. (N. Davydova)

1) Complex sentence with sequential subordination

2) Complex sentence with parallel subordination
3) Complex sentence with homogeneous subordination

4) Complex sentence with consistent and homogeneous subordination

3. Indicate the type of sentence: I wanted to talk about this person in a way that would stick to the facts and would be interesting. (D. Granin)

1) Complex sentence with sequential subordination

2) Complex sentence with parallel subordination
3) Complex sentence with homogeneous subordination

4) Complex sentence with sequential and parallel subordination

4. Indicate the type of proposal: If you come across a clearing surrounded by gilded birches, you can lie down on the soft grass, where the sun warms you like in summer. (V. Soloukhin)

1) Complex sentence with sequential subordination

2) Complex sentence with parallel subordination
3) Complex sentence with homogeneous subordination

4) Complex sentence with sequential and parallel subordination

5 . Which complex sentence has three subordinate clauses with sequential subordination? (There are no punctuation marks in the sentences)

A) I want you to hear how my living voice yearns.

B) The young Cossacks rode vaguely and held back their tears because they were afraid of their father, who was also somewhat embarrassed, although he tried not to show it.

C) When Vronsky looked at the clock on the Karelins’ balcony, he was so worried and busy with his thoughts that he saw the hands on the dial but could not understand what time it was.

D) I was then firmly convinced that all three professors were extremely interested in the question of whether I would pass the exam and whether I would pass it well.

Self-assessment of knowledge


Knowledge of theoretical material

Ability to determine the boundaries of simple sentences as part of NGN

Ability to determine the type of subordinate clauses

The ability to find IPS with several subordinate clauses in the text

The ability to determine the type of subordination in NGN with several subordinate clauses

Self-assessment of knowledge

I know”, “I can” - 1 point, “no”, “not sure” - 0 points.

The ability to determine the type of subordination in NGN with several subordinate clauses

1. Now millions of people listen to the radio, turn on the TV, pick up newspapers to find out everything that our country, our planet lives on.

Z. Lyustrova

Read the entry. Tell me, is it text?

Determine the type of speech.

Define your style.

State the problem of the text.

1. Now millions of people listen to the radio, turn on the TV, pick up newspapers to find out everything that our country, our planet lives on.

2. In order to understand everything that is happening in the world around us, in order for those with whom we communicate to understand us, we must have a good command of the modern Russian language. 3. However, there is no point in turning a blind eye to the fact that very often we speak carelessly and write haphazardly. 4. If our speech is incomprehensible to the interlocutor, how easily our words can be interpreted in a different way! 5. Whether we accurately express our thoughts and speak fluently determines whether we will be understood correctly.

Z. Lyustrova

Read the entry. Tell me, is it text?

Determine the type of speech.

Define your style.

State the problem of the text.

1) Stop talking immediately when you notice that you or the person you are talking to are getting irritated. (L. Tolstoy.) 2) For a long time it was heard how he walked to where the light was shining to tell strangers about his happiness. (A. Chekhov.) 3) Man is gifted with intelligence and creative power in order to increase what is given to him. (A. Chekhov.) 4) Cultivate in yourself the ideals of the future, for this is a kind of Sun rays, without the revitalizing effect of which Earth would turn to stone. (M. Saltykov-Shchedrin.) 5) The old man returned and stated that he seemed to have figured out how to get to the other side unnoticed. (V. Arsenyev.) 6) It seemed to me that it was necessary to have a colossal supply of knowledge in order to determine by the compass and stars in which part of the vast ocean our ship was located. (A. Novikov - Surf.)

1. Get annoyed - verb. (What are you doing?) getting irritated.
Action of the item.
2. N.f. - get irritated.
3. Return, inconsistent appearance, uninterrupted, 1 reference.
4. Withdrawn label, units, present time, 2 sheets.
5. (What are you doing?)
1. Educate - verb. (What are you doing?) educate. Day-
effect of the subject.
2. N.f. -bring up.
3. Non-return, unsatisfactory type, transfer, 1 reference.
4. Commanding incl., plural, 2 l.
5. (What are you doing?)
1. Quickening - sacrament. I revive the actions (which one?)
no matter what. Attribute of an object by action.
2. Revive.
3. Valid, non-returnable, inconsistent type, present time.
4. Unit, average, kind.p.
5. Actions (which?)
1. Colossal is an adjective. Stock (what?) co-
Lossal. Attribute of an object.
2. N.f. - colossal.
3. Quality.
4. Unit, m.r., wine.p.
5. Stock (what?)
1. Knowledge is a noun. A stock of (what?) knowledge.
2. N.f. -knowledge.
3. Narits., inanimate, sr.r., 2 pages.
4. Unit, kind.p.
5. Stock (of what?)
1. The most extensive is an adjective. Ocean (which one?)
the most extensive. Attribute of an object.
2. N.f. - the most extensive.
3. Quality, simple. excellent
4. Unit, m.r., kind.p.

1. Narrative, non-exclamatory.
2. Main part No. 1; subordinate clauses - No. 2, 3.
3. Complex sentence with sequential subordination.
4. No. 2 - target clause, No. 3 - attributive clause (pronoun-correlative).

Task No. 7

Place punctuation marks

It had been raining since morning, stopping and turning into drizzle. Since Tuesday the weather has changed dramatically. Yellow leaves flew from the linden alley, spinning and overtaking each other, and lay drenched on the wet ground. Despite the warm and even hot days in August it is usually already the onset of autumn. Rare clouds slowly stretched across the high sky. Vronsky stopped the coachman before reaching the estate and, opening the door as he walked, jumped out of the carriage. My grandmother worked tirelessly all her life. They both sat quietly and without moving for about five minutes. Four months ago I left the schooner according to his instructions. A few days later, young Dubrovsky decided to get down to business. The falcons described beautiful circles, stopping for a long time in one place and, fluttering their wings, vigilantly looking out for prey on the ground.

The remaining isolated members.

Clarifying members of the sentence

1. Places (where? Where exactly?), for example: Below, in the shadows, the Danube rustled.

2. Time (when? when exactly?), for example: It was in late autumn, on a cold, gloomy day.

3. Images of action (how? in what way?), for example: She looked up at him mischievously, like a girl.

4.With words more precisely, more precisely, rather, for example: I immediately understood, or rather, felt the beauty of quail fishing.

Explanatory members

Join with words that is, namely, precisely,(or = that is), for example: We rode our horses in a cart, that is, in a cart covered with matting.

Affiliate members

Join with words even, especially, for example, mainly, in particular, including, and moreover, especially etc., for example: I studied well at school, especially in mathematics.

Standalone Add-ons

Include prepositions except, along with, besides, over, except for, instead of etc., for example: For a long time nothing was visible except the rain and beach houses on the shore.

Task No. 8

Place punctuation marks

The book will be published or reprinted this year. I got up early at dawn and immediately got to work. Many of our poets, such as Zhukovsky, were excellent translators. From the forest ravine came the cooing of wild pigeons or turtle doves. The summer sun was already shining high there. Early in the morning, fishermen gathered on the river bank. We talked very well in a friendly way. All the birds, even the sparrows, became quiet before the thunderstorm. I couldn’t make out anything except the muddy swirl of the snowstorm. The data given in the article should be supplemented and clarified. I like the art of dance, namely ballet. My brother brought a lot of books from the city, particularly on gardening. Somewhere close behind the neighboring hill you can hear the booming splashes of waves.

Task No. 9(see answer key)

All isolated members of the sentence
Place punctuation marks

In the morning at dawn, dew drenches the grass. Landscapes are often painted in watercolors or water-based paints. The traveler let the fire burn out and, as usual, trampling the smoldering coals in the ground, he walked through the forest to an already green field widely illuminated by the sun. Across the river, the evening star sparkled brightly in the pinkish sky. In winter, more precisely in January, we arrived in the village. Like a true artist, I peer into the colors, trying to capture this wide canvas with the best of the paintings. But through the dust that covered my eyes, nothing was visible except the flash of lightning. To the left, limp, wide, huge willows rustled, and among their branches sat swaying rooks, wet during the night. Despite the fatigue, I did not leave the upper deck. On one hill there was a very tall fir tree. Cranberry or craneberry grows in swamps. Coming out of the gate, we turned right and walked slowly along the road, soft and dusty from the sweltering heat. Since September it has been raining all the time. The rain poured incessantly. Dubrovsky, a retired guard lieutenant, was Troekurov’s closest neighbor.

Repetition. Punctuation in simple sentence.

Test task No. 10(see answer key)

Place punctuation marks

In the dark distance nothing is visible except sparkling lights. In animals, unlike birds, the sense of smell or sense of smell is very developed. The harvested rye, weeds, wild hemp, in a word, everything turned brown from the heat. On his long, crane-like legs, he swayed in the wind like a birdhouse. This New Year's ball, or rather, could have had a special meaning in her life. The pine forest stretching along the left bank of the river is a favorite vacation spot for the townspeople. However, he is mistaken. This summer I went to Tarusa, a quiet town on the Oka River. A flock of black ducks, frightened by our appearance, escaped from the swamp. The boat pushed off from the shore, slowly turned around and, caught by the current, rushed down quickly and easily, like a rested horse across an open field. Half an hour later, Andrei led them to the spring. All the rooms in the servant's room, in the hall, in the living room are cool and gloomy. As a subtle politician, he knew the value of every word he spoke. The sisters are like two peas in a pod. Our movement was greatly slowed down by headwinds and fogs and frequent thunderstorms. According to forecasters, no rain is expected during the week. Finally we reached the pass. Many deciduous trees grow in our forests, such as birch, aspen, oak, and linden. The lark comes to the warmth, the finch to the cold. The slanting rain, driven by a strong wind, poured down like buckets. The taiga is always full of life even in winter. As a rule, these places experience dry autumn. Firstly, you were late, secondly, you didn’t bring the work, and finally, you spilled ink on the drawing.

Difficult sentence

Complex sentence

1. Parts of a complex sentence are separated by commas, for example: There was a thaw at night, and by morning frost hit.

2. A comma is used if one or more parts are one-part sentences, for example: Meanwhile, it was completely dawn, and it was necessary to go out to sea again.

There is no comma:

1. If the parts have a common minor member, for example: Shortly after sunrise, a cloud came and summer rain splashed.

2.If the parts have a common subordinate clause, for example: When the sun rose, the dew dried and the grass turned green.

3. If the parts are united by a common introductory word, for example: In a word, the time has already expired and it was time to leave.

4.If the parts are interrogative or exclamatory sentences, for example: When will the delegation arrive and who will meet it?

Task No. 11

Place punctuation marks

We would like to walk around the city some more, turning off the central avenue, but it’s already getting dark and it’s time for us to go to the pier. All around us, bumblebees buzzed dully and grasshoppers chattered. Autumn was approaching and the old garden was quiet and sad. Is there really a swamp ahead and the path to retreat is cut off? It was already dark and through the glass I saw nothing but raindrops crawling down. Apparently, the animals in these forests hatched and the birds disappeared. There was a hover in the air and the day promised to be unbearably hot. When the hunters approached the forester’s house, it was already dark and the forest was filled with mysterious sounds. The shore was not visible from the bench, and therefore the feeling of the infinity and grandeur of the sea expanse intensified even more. IN blue sky clouds float and migratory birds fly by. It was getting hot and I hurried to the table. When autumn arrives, the wind rips the last clothes from the trees and the rain hits the window with its knuckles. Geraniums bloomed on the windowsill and lemons turned green.

Complex sentence

1. Subordinate clauses are separated from the main comma, for example: The night was so black that in the first minutes, until your eyes got used to the darkness after the light, you had to feel your way.

2. No comma is used:

a) if there is a coordinating conjunction before the subordinating conjunction or allied word, for example: I was not with my mother when she died.

b) if there is a particle NOT, for example: We got into the forest not when the rain stopped, but when it was in full swing.

c) if the subordinate clause consists of one word, for example: The students were scheduled for an exam, but they did not specify when.

d) if the subordinating conjunction is preceded by words especially, namely in in particular etc., for example: It’s good in the forest in the spring, especially when the buds on the trees begin to bloom.

3. As a rule, a comma is placed once in complex conjunctions since, thanks to the fact that, in view of the fact that, after, in order to, because, while, just like etc., for example: Many years have passed since he settled in these places. (but: sometimes the meaning depends on the meaning, for example: I have not parted with a kayak since I learned to row.)

4. In a complex sentence with homogeneous subordinate clauses connected by coordinating conjunctions, the comma is placed in the same way as with homogeneous members, for example: While in the hospital, he recalled how the Nazis suddenly attacked them, and how they found themselves surrounded, and how they managed to get through to our own.

5. Punctuation marks at the junction of two conjunctions:

what if..., what if...

what when..., what, when...

for example: He said that if he was free, he would come to me in the evening. We noted that when this artist appeared on the stage, there was silence in the hall.

6. A comma is not placed if the subordinate clauses are homogeneous and connected by coordinating conjunctions, for example: It was obvious that Savelich was right before me and that I needlessly insulted him with reproach and suspicion.


1. Sometimes the subordinating conjunction is omitted in the 2nd part, for example: It’s nice to listen to how the blizzard gets angry and the wind howls through the old hollows.

2. A dash is placed when there are words this, here, for example: That she is an honest person is clear to me.

3. A colon is placed (namely), for example: He warned about one thing: that everyone should arrive on time.

Task No. 12

Place punctuation marks

It seemed to me that we needed to have colossal knowledge in order to use the compass and stars to determine where our ship was located, stuck in the ice. As the day faded, the forest became quieter and quieter. It is not for nothing that Saltykov-Shchedrin said that if literature falls silent for even a minute, it will be tantamount to the death of the people. The child cried, but did not say why. There is so much light around that it is difficult to guess whether morning is near or evening is still going on. He noticed that when the moon rose, a new life began in the steppe. While St. Petersburg grew and became more beautiful, Moscow also changed in its own way. And one day in May, when the sky was green from the cold, great news came that we had won and the war was over. It is not what we say that matters, but what we do. I love the forests near Moscow both when they rustle merrily in the summer breeze and when they, snow-covered, sleep peacefully under the moonlight. We knew that if we didn’t overcome the mountain pass today, we would never reach the top. He wished that the wind would not howl so sadly and that the rain would not beat so angrily. I will arrive in Moscow soon, but no one knows when. Now that people were talking nearby and the window was shining, he was no longer afraid, although thunder still crackled and lightning streaked the sky. I have long noticed that when the breeze shakes the tops of the trees, there is a special charm in it.

Non-union complex sentence

Placed if the sentences are closely related in meaning and are not widespread (= and), for example: In the distance, forests darken, ponds sparkle, villages turn yellow.


Placed if simple sentences are common, less closely related in meaning and have commas inside them, for example: Emerald frogs jump underfoot; between the roots, raising its golden head, it lies and guards them.

The colon is placed:

a) if the 2nd part reveals the content of the 1st (namely), for example: The weather was terrible: the wind howled, wet snow fell in flakes.

b) if the 2nd part indicates the reason for what is said in the 1st (because, since), for example: The birds were not heard: they do not sing during the hot hours.

c) if the 2nd part complements the content of the 1st (what, how), for example: People knew: somewhere very far from them there was a war.

d) sometimes words are omitted in the 1st part and saw, and heard, and felt, for example: I looked out the window: the stars were shining in the cloudless sky.

The dash is placed:

b) if the 1st part indicates the time of what is said in the 2nd (when), for example: I was driving here - the rye began to turn yellow.

d) if in the 1st part there is an indication of the condition for performing the action (if), for example: If you call yourself a load, get into the back.

f) if the 2nd part contains a conclusion, a consequence (so, therefore), for example: The snow was deep, but hard - the skis did not fail.

g) a quick change of events (i), for example: A ray of sun falls on the grass - the grass flashes with emerald and pearls.

h) if the 2nd part enters into an affiliative relationship with the 1st (so, such, such), for example: Crooked streets, small wooden houses - this was how a significant part of Moscow was.

Task No. 13 (see answer key)

Place punctuation marks

It's impossible to go outside when it's raining. I know in your heart there is both pride and downright honor. The finches arrived and the forest came to life. The forest lawn is all saturated with cold dew, the insects are sleeping, many flowers have not yet opened their corollas. Grandfather turned out to be right; a thunderstorm came in the evening. The rank followed him; he suddenly left the service. In winter it became even more boring on the farm; snowdrifts covered the buildings on all sides. The headman asked him for a document; there was no document. The music still reached us; its sounds seemed sweeter and more gentle; the lights were lit in the city and over the river. I looked up high in the sky, birds were flying over the village. The roads are now covered with snow and can no longer be passed through. The nightingale sang in mid-May; spring will come more amicably. He thought and smelled the smell of honey.

Complex syntactic structures

Complex syntactic structures include complex sentences with various syntactic connections, for example: In order to fully enjoy this picture, I went out into the field, and a wonderful sight presented itself to my eyes: the entire boundless space around me presented the appearance of a snow flow, as if the heavens had opened up, crumbled with snow fluff and filled the air with amazing silence.

Task No. 14

Place punctuation marks

A woman went into the priest's house to ask for the key to the church and, holding a broom under her arm, she wanted to sweep the floor in the church and a can of oil, she wanted to fill the lamps, she went out into the church yard. As soon as the bright sun came out from behind the mountain and began to illuminate the valley through which we were walking, the wavy clouds of fog dissipated and this made it hot. An hour later, the opportunity arose to drive; the snowstorm subsided, the sky cleared, and we set off. Here the sound of the river could not be heard, and since the songbirds had flown away to warmer lands, there was an amazing silence, the kind of silence when it seems that you have suddenly gone deaf. As a result of frequent bombings, the city was depopulated; only nature seemed to look indifferently at all the horrors of the war; clouds still slowly floated somewhere and blue waves splashed carefree below.

Repetition. Punctuation marks in a complex sentence.

Test task No. 15(see answer key)

Place punctuation marks

Dark clouds were approaching from the east and moisture was sipping from there. Suddenly a thick fog fell, as if it separated me from the rest of the world like a wall, and in order not to get lost, I decided to return to the path, which, according to my considerations, should have been on the left. Seryozha looked around and the fire was increasingly engulfing the school. Strong thunder struck and all the windows shook. As darkness fell, my room seemed to become more spacious. When autumn comes, the wind tears the last clothes from the trees and the rain knocks on the window with its knuckles. From the window the mountains shine in the distance and the Dnieper is visible. He explained that if in calm weather the fog rises upward, you should definitely wait for a long rain. We drove past the pond on the muddy and sloping banks; icy edges were already visible. The water will subside immediately, begin excavation work. In summer, starlings are difficult to see; they live in dense forests. Dusk was approaching and we had to hurry. The wind opened the door to the entryway and one could hear the hollow roar of the hollow water behind the Don.

Direct speech.

Punctuation marks

“P,” - a. for example: “We are not as few as you think,” says

" P!" - A. Bazarov to Pavel Petrovich.

A: "P." for example: Chichikov said: “I would like to buy peasants.”

“P, - a. - P." for example: “Where are your three birches? – Katya asked. –

" P? - A. - P?" Where is the lawn?

" P! - A. -P!"

"P, - a, - a." for example: “I came to command,” said Chapaev, “and

Don’t bother with paperwork.”


1." P, - verb and verb: - ​​P.”

for example: “Twenty,” Verochka counted and added with a sigh: “How long.”

2. A comma and a dash are used when there are remarks belonging to different persons, for example: Passing by, he shouted: “Cheer up!” “I’ll try,” I replied.


... By section "Foreign Literature" (4th grade). Tereshchenko A.V. 5.3.3. Lesson Russian language"Journey to the country "AKITAMMARG". Parts ... incoming ... MSPU ... For applications in practical activities, For studying related disciplines, For ... . Practical allowance. ...

  • Information materials on career guidance work in the field of training in the field of “Pedagogy”


    Erudite practically By anyone... For This requires thorough knowledge in the field of economics, law, and management. Teacher Russian language ... benefits, necessary For... military parts By basics... university" MSPU 11 ... certificates By incoming inquiries...

  • Entrance test program for training direction 050400. 68 “Psychological and pedagogical education”


    GBOU VPO MSPU) APPROVED First..., owns Russians literary tongue, skills... foreign language For communication...composite Part regarding... development incoming material By social... book practical psychologist in education: Educational allowance. M.: ...

  • The purpose of the lesson:
    Generalization and systematization of students' knowledge about the syntax of a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses.

    Lesson objectives:

    Training tasks:

    1. - consolidate the acquired knowledge about IPS with several subordinate clauses;
    2. - train students in placing punctuation marks in complex sentences with several subordinate clauses;
    3. - teach schoolchildren linguistic analysis text.

    Developmental tasks: - develop the ability to identify common and essential features, draw general conclusions;

    1. - develop the ability to analyze and evaluate one’s own activities;
    2. - develop research skills.

    Educational tasks: contribute to the formation of worldview concepts during the lesson.



    9th grade _________________

    Lesson topic: “Complex sentences with several subordinate clauses” (workshop)

    The purpose of the lesson:
    Generalization and systematization of students' knowledge about the syntax of a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses.

    Lesson objectives:

    Training tasks:

    • - consolidate the acquired knowledge about IPS with several subordinate clauses;
    • - train students in placing punctuation marks in complex sentences with several subordinate clauses;
    • - teach schoolchildren linguistic analysis of text.

    Developmental tasks:- develop the ability to identify general and essential features and draw generalizing conclusions;

    • - develop the ability to analyze and evaluate one’s own activities;
    • - develop research skills.

    Educational tasks:contribute to the formation of worldview concepts during the lesson.

    Lesson type - combined (generalization and systematization, creative application of knowledge, control of knowledge).

    Lesson format– workshop lesson (with elements of laboratory work of a research nature)

    Lesson equipment:

    • - computer,
    • - projector,
    • - screen,
    • - Handout,
    • - a PowerPoint presentation developed by the teacher for this lesson on the topic: “Complex sentences with several subordinate clauses”

    Lesson plan:

    • 1.Organizing moment
    • 2. Setting the topic and purpose of the lesson
    • 3. Repetition of what has been learned:
    • Orthoepic warm-up
    • Digital dictation
    • Working with the circuit

    4. Experimental work

    • 6. Research work in groups:
    • 7. Complex text analysis.
    • 8. Homework(differentiated)
    • 9. Reflection.
    • 10. Summing up the lesson.


    1. Organizational moment.

    2. Setting the topic and purpose of the lesson:

    Teacher's word: Guys! You have already become acquainted with the concept of complex sentences with several subordinate clauses, and learned about methods of subordinating subordinate clauses. Today we must review everything we know about complex sentences. The task of today's lesson: “Compare, deepen, consolidate.” We will work with complex sentences and conduct research work that will allow you not only to get good grades, but also to check how well you have mastered the material of the last lessons.

    3. Warm up

    Teacher's word: We'll start with a little linguistic warm-up.

    Task 1. Orthoepic warm-up

    Place stress on words projected onto interactive whiteboard: pamper, document, long, calling, calling, catalogue, more beautiful, masterfully, facilitate, reward, aggravate.

    Task 2. Digital dictation
    The setting is given: “Your attention is offered to statements that may be correct or incorrect. If you agree with what has been said, put the number “1” in the booklet, if not, “0”. Then check your answers and figure out the mistakes.”

    Is it true that:

    1. Unions what, if, where - subordinate?
    2. The definition doesn't answer the question.
    3. A proposal is syntactic unit?
    4. Pronoun
    myself doesn't have nominative case?
    5. Union
    however – subordinate?
    6. Can a two-part sentence be indefinitely personal?
    7. Do subordinate explanatory clauses answer questions about indirect cases?
    8. In a sentence
    Everything has been done so that I can live in peaceIs the first part a subordinate clause?
    9. , (which...). – diagram of a complex sentence.

    After completing the task, students should have the following answer:

    "101 100 101."

    Task 3. Working with a table

    Match the sentence patterns with the type of subordination. Tell us about the main types of subordination of subordinate clauses.

    4. Experiment

    Exercise. Write down the sentences. Experimentally confirm the signs of each type of subordinating connection and complex sentences with several subordinate clauses.

    Option 1 . Homogeneous Subordination

    I. Prove that when homogeneous subordination clauses refer to the main part, that they are clauses of the same type. To do this, from the main part to the subordinate part, pose a question, indicate the type of each part.

    II.Write the sentences adding a conjunction And , connecting homogeneous clauses. How will the punctuation of sentences change?

    Sample. I realized that the task was difficult, that it would be necessary to select additional material. - I realized that the task was difficult and that it would be necessary to select additional material.

    Option 2 . Consistent submission

    I. Prove that with sequential subordination, the first subordinate clause (of the first degree) refers to the main part, the second subordinate clause (of the second degree) refers to the subordinate clause of the first degree, etc. To do this, from the main part to the subordinate clause of the first degree, pose a question, then from it pose a question to the subordinate clause of the second degree, etc.

    II. Write sentences by placing the second-degree clause inside the first-degree clause, placing it after the conjunction. Re-write the transformed sentences, introducing the word after the subordinate clause That . How will punctuation change when combining conjunctions?

    Sample. I thought it wouldn’t be so bad if Mishka read my thoughts now. “I thought that if Mishka read my thoughts now, it wouldn’t be so bad.” I thought that if Mishka read my thoughts now, it wouldn’t be so bad (V. Medvedev).

    Option 3. Parallel subordination

    I. Prove that with parallel subordination, subordinate clauses refer to the same main part, but are different in meaning or explain different words in the main part. To do this, from the main part to the subordinate clause, pose a question, determine the type of subordinate clauses, and note what they explain in the main part.

    5. Research work in groups.

    • The class is divided into 5 groups.
    • Each group analyzes the text on the card.
    • It is necessary to determine the type and style of speech, determine the type of sentences, find SPP, determine their type,
    • (Texts of journalistic, artistic, scientific, colloquial, official and business styles are given).

    Conversational style

    Who is this? – I asked.

    Sample children's answer:

    • Before us is an excerpt from G. Skrebitsky’s story “From the first thawed patches to the first thunderstorm.” The writer formatted the speech in the form of a dialogue. The type of speech is a description of an object, in this case a description of a bird. We can imagine what kind of crake it is because the text lists its external characteristics. He is red-haired, tailless, has long legs, and looks like a chicken. The writer uses adjectives with specific meanings, simile (looks like a chicken), words in figurative meaning(from fluff to feather it grows). Characteristics syntax: incomplete sentences, interrogatives, complex sentence with comparative clause, complex sentence with clause tense.
    • SPP: In the meadow, someone screamed angrily, as if they were tearing apart a tightly stretched fabric (with a subordinate comparison).
    • Scheme: [...verb...], (as if...).
    • SPP: It looks like a chicken when it turns from fluff to feather. (NGN with subordinate tense).
    • Scheme: [], (when...).

    Formal business style

    Director of the Department


    technologies Ivanov A.I.

    programmer Petrov V.V.


    Scientific style

    Art style

    (L.N. Tolstoy)

    Journalistic style

    "Do we need to modern man poetry?"

    (1) Once I began to argue with a man who was twenty years older than me. (2) The argument was like this: does a person need poetry or not? (3) He said that modern man does not need poetry, now is the age of technology, and everything else is sentimentalism. (4) I am very embarrassed to read poetry out loud, although I know a lot from memory. (5) And then I overcame myself. (6) However, The girlfriends were more nearby and laughed: so, they say, she undertook to prove it to an adult. (7) But I decided that I would not give up. (8) And I began to read the poems that I love. (9) I began to say that if there were no poems, people would be poorer in soul.

    6. Complex text analysis.

    1. Why is the TV partly (?) but you... remove the book?

    2. Yes, because (?) the TV makes you (leisurely) watch... some program, sit comfortably (?) so that (n...) nothing bothers you (?) so that you can take your mind off... your worries and all...daily hassle.

    3. But try...try to choose a book (according to) your taste, sit comfortably with it(?) and you will understand(?) that there are many books(?) without which you cannot live(?) that are more important and interesting(?) than many transmissions.

    4. Determine your choice(?) in accordance with(?) what role the book you have chosen has played in history human culture(?) to become a classic.

    5. This means(?) that there is something significant in it.

    6. Or maybe (?) this essential for the culture of mankind will turn out to be essential for you too?

    (according to D. Likhachev “Letters about the Good and the Beautiful”)

    Tasks for complex text analysis.

    1. Title this text. Formulate a topic and main idea. Identify the problem that the author poses to readers.

    2. Answer the question: “What role does a book play in your life?” Determine the author's position, and what is your position on this issue?

    3. Determine your speaking style.

    4. Write out from the text words with unstressed vowels in the root, verified by stress. Talk about unstressed vowels that are not verified by stress.

    5. Indicate in the text 2 names of adjectives in the comparative degree. Form from them possible degrees of comparison.

    6. From sentence No. 6, write down introductory word and explain punctuation marks for introductory words. Compose a sentence in such a way that this introductory word is a member of the sentence.

    7. Indicate the type of subordinate clauses in sentences No. 2, 3. Make diagrams of these sentences.

    7. Homework:

    Group 1: independent work No. 1

    Group 2: independent work No. 2

    Group 3: exercise 207

    8. Consolidation-training stage.

    1. Constructing proposals.

    Task: from these sentences, using conjunctions and allied words, form complex sentences with several subordinate clauses. Write them down and punctuate them.

    1. It’s already completely dark. We finally came to the shore of the lake. There were several kopecks nearbyfreshly mown hay. 2. October has arrived. Established warm days. Days like these

    only happen in summer.

    9. Summing up the lesson

    Additional tasks

    1. Test followed by mutual control.

    Indicate the numbers of sentences that are complex with several subordinate clauses.

    1) The squirrel sings songs and gnaws all the nuts.

    2) There are such remote lakes where there is such silence that it will take a long time for a wave of the pre-sunset wind to reach them.

    3) It seemed that the road led to heaven, because as far as the eye could see, it kept rising.

    4) In our youth we often ask: on what path should we seek happiness?

    5) There seemed to be no hope that the rain would stop today and we would continue

    own way.

    Answers: 2, 3, 5.

    2. Tasks:

    ■ read the sentences and find out Why members and parts of a sentence connected by a conjunction And , are not separated by commas. (Sentences can be pre-written on the board or placed on worksheet).

    ■ State these rules in a more general form.

    1) The sun rose and illuminated the entire surrounding area.

    2) By noon the wind increased and the sky became cloudy.

    3) You could hear the wind howling and the rain pounding on the roof.

    4) While I was exploring the surroundings, the tent was pitched and dinner was prepared.

    ■ Write out a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses, build its diagram.

    3. Explanatory dictationfollowed by additional task: rearrange the sentences so that they have different punctuation.

    1. The mountaineers told me that as soon as they began to pave the road, the tours disappeared.
    2. IN long ago Having fallen ill, Durov made a will, writing that if he died, then animals should accompany him to the cemetery.
    3. Suddenly I saw a wild boar so close that while I was taking off my gun, there was no trace of it.

    Additional question: can the above transformations be made in all sentences?

    4. Drawing up a proposal for this beginning.

    Assignment: add a second subordinate clause to complex sentences,

    place punctuation marks and construct sentence diagrams. Assignments can be posted on worksheets.

    1st option. It seemed to me that the air itself was singing and ______________________________.

    2nd option. We need to go further south where the sun is brighter and _____________________________.

    Independent work №1

    Exercise 1 : Copy by inserting missing letters and adding punctuation. Produce parsing complex sentence with several subordinate clauses.

    On the third day, the ascent along the snowy plain became more noticeable and more cracks appeared that slowed down the movement. I had to walk carefully, feeling the snow so as not to fall through the thin layer of it hiding the cracks.

    In the north, the clouds cleared, and between their gray patches, mountains sometimes shone...

    t...were scattered all over the horizon. The ice ridge that descended along the southern slope of the ridge was up to a kilometer wide and was surrounded on both sides by steep dark slopes that were covered with snow.

    Task 2 : place punctuation marks, build diagrams. Specify offer numbers

    With consistent subordination_________________________________,

    With parallel subordination _____________________________________,

    With homogeneous subordination ________________________________________________,

    With a combination of models ________________________________________________.

    1. You should listen to the real starling song only in the early morning when the first pink lightthe dawn will color the trees and with them the birdhouses, which are always located with the opening to the east. __________________________________________________________

    2. It seems to me that if I take even one more step among this menacing darkness, I, too, will fly into a deep quagmire.________________________________________________

    3. In the evening, as soon as darkness hid the picture of the world and the shocks of the waves began to be felt stronger and sharper, the passengers scattered to their cabins. _______________________________

    4. If you listen carefully, you can hear distant rumbles that indicate the approach of a thunderstorm. ______________________________________________

    5. On a July day, when the hills and valleys of Russia were already covered with fields of full and yellow rye and the blue cornflowers were blinking joyfully in it, when the flies were buzzing and the rumbles of distant thunderstorms were rushing in the skies, I was going to the mill to catch fish with a fishing rod. __________________

    Independent work No. 2

    Complicated cheating

    Copy the sentences, opening parentheses, inserting missing letters, and adding punctuation.

    Construct sentence schemes, determine the type(s) of subordination.

    1) When the fog cleared, when the gray clouds rose up and melted, when the sun came out (from) behind the mountain, when everything around fell in its rays, the tourists passed already ki(l,ll) meters from that village where we spent the night.. 2) Then I v(s, h)remembered how dazzling(blue) the patches of sky are when the days begin to slowly(n,nn)o...appear, how the snow rings with the calcined(n,nn) frost, like every day a twig and a prick sunlight They are insulated in the snow, and gradually (n, nn) ​​the whole snowy world turns blue. 3) The awareness that the slopes of these ravines will be .. rotated in those (r, rr) and (s, ss)s planted

    Forests of cherry and apple orchards and what would be part of his work filled

    Kolya is proud... 4) ..the bors..shut up so that when everything was ready..ready for..departure

    There was no point in going. 5) The the top was so steep that when we reached it...

    We (didn’t) have the strength to accept congratulations on the victory.


    To use preview presentations, create a Google account and log in to it:

    Slide captions:

    Complex sentences with several subordinate clauses Lesson-workshop

    1. Place the emphasis in the words Pamper, document, long, calling, calling, catalogue, more beautiful, masterfully, facilitate, reward, aggravate.

    2. Is it true that: 1. What, if, where - subordinating conjunctions? 2. The definition does not answer the question whose? 3. Is a sentence a syntactic unit? 4. Does the pronoun self have no nominative case? 5. However, is the conjunction subordinating? 6. Can a two-part sentence be indefinitely personal? 7. Do subordinate explanatory clauses answer questions about indirect cases? 8. In the sentence Everything has been done so that I can live in peace, the first part is a subordinate clause? 9. , (which...). – diagram of a complex sentence.

    Answer: 101 100 101

    Complex sentences with several subordinate clauses Homogeneous subordination Sequential subordination Parallel subordination Combined subordination

    3. Experiment 1. Homogeneous subordination I. Prove that with homogeneous subordination, the subordinate clauses relate to the main part, that they are subordinate clauses of the same type. To do this, from the main part to the subordinate part, pose a question, indicate the type of each part. II.Write sentences, adding a conjunction and, connecting homogeneous subordinate clauses. How will the punctuation of sentences change? Sample. I realized that the task was difficult and that I would need to select additional material. - I realized that the task was difficult and that it would be necessary to select additional material.

    3. Experiment 2. Consistent submission I. Prove that with sequential subordination, the first subordinate clause (of the first degree) refers to the main part, the second subordinate clause (of the second degree) refers to the subordinate clause of the first degree, etc. To do this, from the main part to the subordinate clause of the first degree, pose a question, then from it pose a question to the subordinate clause of the second degree, etc. II. Write sentences by placing the second-degree clause inside the first-degree clause, placing it after the conjunction. Re-write the transformed sentences, introducing the word then after the subordinate clause. How will punctuation change when combining conjunctions? Sample. I thought it wouldn’t be so bad if Mishka read my thoughts now. “I thought that if Mishka read my thoughts now, it wouldn’t be so bad.” I thought that if Mishka read my thoughts now, it wouldn’t be so bad (V. Medvedev).

    3. Experiment 3. Parallel subordination I. Prove that with parallel subordination, subordinate clauses refer to the same main part, but are different in meaning or explain different words in the main part. To do this, from the main part to the subordinate clause, pose a question, determine the type of subordinate clauses, and note what they explain in the main part.

    Instruction on how to carry out research work determine the type and style of speech; determine the type of proposals; find SPP, determine their type; draw a conclusion about how often SPPs with several subordinate clauses are used in the texts of your speech style, what types of sentences are more numerous and why.

    5. Comprehensive text analysis 1. Why is the TV partially (?) but removes the book? 2. Yes, because (?) the TV makes you (leisurely) watch ... watch some program, sit comfortably (?) so that (n...) nothing disturbs you (?) so that you take your mind off ... get away from worries and all the daily hassles. 3. But try...try to choose a book (according to) your taste, sit comfortably with it(?) and you will understand(?) that there are many books(?) that you cannot live without(?) that are more important and interesting(?) than many transmissions. 4.Define your choice(?) in accordance with(?) what role did the book you chose(n,nn) acquire in the history of human culture(?) in order to become a classic. 5 . This means(?) that there is something significant in it. 6. Or maybe (?) this essential for the culture of mankind will turn out to be essential for you too?

    Comprehensive text analysis 1 . Why does TV take off parts of the book? 2. Yes, because TV forces you to leisurely watch a third of a program, sit comfortably so that nothing disturbs you, so that you are distracted from worries and everyday hassles. 3. But try to choose a book to suit your taste, sit comfortably with it and you will understand that there are many books that you cannot live without, which are more important and more interesting than many programs. 4. Determine your choice yourself, taking into account the role that the book you have chosen has acquired in the history of human culture in order to become a classic. 5 . This means that there is something significant in it. 6. Or maybe this essential for the culture of mankind will be essential for you too?

    6. Tasks for complex text analysis 1. Title this text. Formulate the topic and main idea. Identify the problem that the author poses to readers. 2. Answer the question: “What role does a book play in your life?” Determine the author’s position, and what is your position on this issue? 3. Determine your speaking style. 4. Write out from the text words with unstressed vowels in the root, verified by stress. Talk about unstressed vowels that are not verified by stress. 5. Indicate in the text 2 names of adjectives in the comparative degree. Form from them possible degrees of comparison. 6. From sentence No. 6, write down the introductory word and explain the punctuation marks for introductory words. Compose a sentence in such a way that this introductory word is a member of the sentence. 7. Indicate the type of subordinate clauses in sentences No. 2, 3. Make diagrams of these sentences.

    7. Constructing sentences Task: from these sentences, using conjunctions and allied words, form complex sentences with several subordinate clauses. Write them down and punctuate them. It was already completely dark. We finally came to the shore of the lake. Nearby stood several piles of recently mown hay. October has arrived. Warm days have arrived. Days like this only happen in the summer.

    Homework assignment 1 group: test No. 1 2nd group: test No. 2 3rd group: complicated cheating


    Memo 1


    In a complex sentence with several subordinate clauses, the following types of subordination are distinguished:

    a) SPP with consistent submission:

    Upon returning home, Pierre it seemed that he had arrived from a long journey, where he spent decades.

    (L.T.) consistentIn a sentence with

    By subordination, subordinate clauses form a chain: the first refers to the main clause, the second to the first subordinate clause, the third to the second, etc.

    b) SPP with homogeneous subordination: I saw the stars began to fog and lose its radiance,

    coolness swept across the earth like a light sigh. (A.P. Chekhov.)

    In a sentence with homogeneous

    Subordinate clauses are of the same name and refer to the same member of the main clause or to the entire main clause. c) SPP with parallel subordination (with heterogeneous subordination):

    In a sentence with parallel with my mother to the prison church for the patronal feast.

    (A.P. Chekhov.)

    In a sentence, subordinate clauses have different names:

    The 1st subordinate clause is of time, the 2nd subordinate clause is explanatory.

    2. The caretaker inquired where he had to go, and announced, What the horses had been waiting for him for four days already.(P.)

    In a sentence, subordinate clauses are of the same type (expository), but they relate to different members of the main sentence.

    d) CPP with subordinationcombined(mixed) type:

    When in the provincial town of S. passers-by complained because of the boredom and monotony of life, then the locals residents said that , on the contrary, in S. it is very it’s good that in S. there is a library, a theater, a club, and finally there is smart, interesting, nice families with whom you can make acquaintances.

    (A.P. Chekhov.)


    Sample parsing: When the carriage entered the yard (2), the gentleman was met What a tavern servant, lively and fidgety to such an extent (1), it was impossible to see

    (3), what kind of face he had (4). (N.V. Gogol.)

    The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, complex,

    Consists of 4 parts: main clause (1) and subordinate clauses (2,3,4).


    Fill in the missing punctuation marks.

    Underline the grammatical basis of the sentence.

    1. Create proposal outlines. (see sample above)
    1. It seemed to me that it was necessary to have colossal knowledge in order to use the compass and stars to determine in which part of the vast ocean our ship was located. (Paust.)
    1. The boys got dressed and went to the dining room, where there was a smell of hot bread and sweet flatbreads, where such steam rose from the lightly cleaned samovar to the ceiling that the windows fogged up. (A.N.T.)! )
    1. On the snowy cliff, where spots and stripes were yellow from the ash that had been raked out of the stoves today, small figures were moving. (A.N.T.) (main sentence broken
    1. He tells how life used to be healthy, fun and interesting, how smart the intelligentsia was in Russia and how highly they valued the concepts of honor and friendship. (Ch.)
    1. Upon his return, it seemed to Pierre that he had come from some long journey where he had spent decades. (L.T.)
    1. The blind man knew that the sun was looking into the room and that if he stretched his hand out the window, dew would fall from the bushes.
    1. As soon as he saw the mass of water, the idea that he would have his own sea was already firmly established in his head. (S.-Sch.)
    1. Only a coward who has more fear of death than dignity can console himself with the fact that his body will eventually live in the grass, in a stone, in a toad. (Ch.) (the main sentence is torn! )



    Sample parsing

    1. Anna Mikhailovna hasty steps was walking along the dimly lit stairs, calling Pierre, who was lagging behind her (1), who, although he did not understand (2), why he had to go to the count (3) and why he had to go on the back stairs (4) , But , judging by the confidence and haste of Anna Pavlovna, I decided to myself (2) that it was necessary (5).

    The sentence is narrative, non-exclamatory, complex, consists of a main clause and 4 subordinate clauses.

    1st sentence: the main thing, two-part, widespread, complete, complicated by an isolated circumstance.

    2nd sentence : clause attributive, connected with the 1st sentence union word which , two-part, widespread, complete, complicated by homogeneous predicates and a separate circumstance of the manner of action.

    3rd sentence : explanatory clause, added by a conjunctive word with a preposition For what , one-part, impersonal, widespread, complete, uncomplicated.

    4th sentence : explanatory clause, added by a conjunctive word For what, homogeneous to the 3rd, one-component, impersonal, widespread, complete, uncomplicated.

    5th sentence : explanatory clause, joined by conjunction What, two-part, non-extended, complete, not complicated.


    Place punctuation marks. Parse the sentences. Make sentence diagrams (see sample analysis above)

    1. According to information received yesterday from the sounds of wheels and footsteps heard at night on

    outposts, from the disorderly movement of the Russian columns, by all assumptions, he clearly saw that the allies considered him far ahead of them, that the columns moving near Pratzen formed the center of the Russian army and that the center was already weakened enough to successfully attack it (5). (L.N. Tolstoy.)

    3. I was so accidentally united with a sweet girl about whom I was so painfully worried this morning. I didn’t believe myself and imagined that everything that happened to me was an empty dream.


    Types of text and styles of speech

    Text types:

    1. Description (Which one?)
    2. Reasoning (Why?)

    Speech styles:

    Style Characteristics Plan

    Conversational style

    Scientific style

    Formal business style

    Journalistic style

    Art style

    Purpose of the statement

    Communication, exchange of thoughts

    Scope of application

    In oral speech

    In writing

    Friendly letters, messages

    Lessons, lectures, reports

    Articles in newspapers, magazines


    Types of text and styles of speech

    Text types:

    1. Narration (What's going on? What happened?)
    2. Description (Which one?)
    3. Reasoning (Why?)

    Speech styles:

    Style Characteristics Plan

    Conversational style

    Scientific style

    Formal business style

    Journalistic style

    Art style

    Purpose of the statement

    Communication, exchange of thoughts

    Message, transmission of scientific information

    Message, transfer of business information

    Impact on listeners or readers

    Impact on listeners or readers of the work

    Scope of application

    In oral speech

    In writing

    Conversation with close people, in an informal setting

    Friendly letters, messages

    Lessons, lectures, reports

    Textbook, dictionary, encyclopedia, scientific and popular science books

    Announcements on radio, television

    Laws, documents, announcements

    Speeches at rallies, meetings, congresses

    Articles in newspapers, magazines

    Works of oral folk art

    Works of fiction

    In the meadow, someone was screaming angrily, as if they were tearing taut fabric apart.

    Who is this? – I asked.

    Crake, they call him a jerk,” answered Pyotr Ivanovich...

    What does he look like? – I asked.

    Yes, so, red-haired, tailless. The legs are long. It looks like a chicken when it goes from fluff to feather... (G. Skrebitsky “From the first thawed patches to the first thunderstorm”).

    • Exercise:
    • determine the type and style of speech,
    • determine the type of proposals,
    • draw a conclusion about the texts of which speech styles most often use SPPs with several subordinate clauses, which types of sentences are more numerous and why.

    Director of the Department


    technologies Ivanov A.I.

    programmer Petrov V.V.


    I would like to bring to your attention that the programming department needs to purchase modern equipment to expand the capabilities of using the latest computer programs that allow the preparation of documentation in accordance with the latest standards.

    I ask for permission to purchase a laser printer, scanner, and multimedia computer.

    • Exercise:
    • determine the type and style of speech,
    • determine the type of proposals,
    • find SPP, determine their type,
    • draw a conclusion about the texts of which speech styles most often use SPPs with several subordinate clauses, which types of sentences are more numerous and why.
    • Physics is the basis of natural sciences. The penetration of physics into chemistry, astronomy, biology, and geology is so great that in many cases it is impossible to establish the boundary between these sciences and physics. At the intersection of these sciences there arose last years new independent sections: physical chemistry and chemical physics, astrophysics, biophysics, geophysics. These names themselves indicate that physics is the main tool of many chemical, astronomical, biological and geological research.
    • (B.B. Bukhovtsev and others. Physics.).
    • Exercise:
    • determine the type and style of speech,
    • determine the type of proposals,
    • find SPP, determine their type,
    • draw a conclusion about the texts of which speech styles most often use SPPs with several subordinate clauses, which types of sentences are more numerous and why.
    • When you go into the forest on a sunny morning in summer, you can see diamonds in the fields and grass. All these diamonds sparkle and shimmer in the sun in different colors - yellow, red, and blue. When you come closer and see what it is, you will see that these are drops of dew collected in triangular leaves of grass and glistening in the sun. The inside of the leaf of this grass is shaggy and fluffy, like velvet. And the drops roll on the leaf and do not wet it...
    • (L.N. Tolstoy)
    • Exercise:
    • determine the type and style of speech,
    • determine the type of proposals,
    • find SPP, determine their type,
    • draw a conclusion about the texts of which speech styles most often use SPPs with several subordinate clauses, which types of sentences are more numerous and why.

    Do modern people need poetry?

    Once I began to argue with a man who was twenty years older than me. The debate was this: do people need poetry or not? He said that modern man does not need poetry, this is the age of technology, and everything else is sentimental. I am very embarrassed to read poetry out loud, although I know a lot from memory. And then I overcame myself. Moreover, my girlfriends were nearby and laughed: so, they say, I undertook to prove it to an adult. But I decided that I would not give up. And I began to read poems that I love. I began to say that if there were no poems, people would be poorer in soul.

    • Exercise:
    • determine the type and style of speech,
    • determine the type of proposals,
    • find SPP, determine their type,
    • draw a conclusion about the texts of which speech styles most often use SPPs with several subordinate clauses, which types of sentences are more numerous and why.

    Experiment 1

    1. She did not remember how she climbed up the mountain from the river, how she entered the orphaned house, how she sat down on the steps (V. Belov). 2. All the time it seemed to him that he was already late, that the concert would now end (K. Paustovsky).

    Experiment 2

    1. Everyone knows that in France the sun is already setting, when in America it is still noon (A. de Saint-Exupéry). 2. I said that no medicine would have helped me if it weren’t for my grandmother (A. Aleksin).

    Experiment 3

    1. If he were a little bigger, he would have heard that grandma’s hands smelled like smoke (V. Belov). 2. When he finally went outside, the last fog, which lasted until lunch, cleared (V. Rasputin).

    Suggestions for experimental work

    Experiment 1

    1. She did not remember how she climbed up the mountain from the river, how she entered the orphaned house, how she sat down on the steps (V. Belov). 2. All the time it seemed to him that he was already late, that the concert would now end (K. Paustovsky).

    Experiment 2

    1. Everyone knows that in France the sun is already setting, when in America it is still noon (A. de Saint-Exupéry). 2. I said that no medicine would have helped me if it weren’t for my grandmother (A. Aleksin).

    Experiment 3

    1. If he were a little bigger, he would have heard that grandma’s hands smelled like smoke (V. Belov). 2. When he finally went outside, the last fog, which lasted until lunch, cleared (V. Rasputin).

    Suggestions for experimental work

    Experiment 1

    1. She did not remember how she climbed up the mountain from the river, how she entered the orphaned house, how she sat down on the steps (V. Belov). 2. All the time it seemed to him that he was already late, that the concert would now end (K. Paustovsky).

    Experiment 2

    1. Everyone knows that in France the sun is already setting, when in America it is still noon (A. de Saint-Exupéry). 2. I said that no medicine would have helped me if it weren’t for my grandmother (A. Aleksin).

    Experiment 3

    1. If he were a little bigger, he would have heard that grandma’s hands smelled like smoke (V. Belov). 2. When he finally went outside, the last fog, which lasted until lunch, cleared (V. Rasputin).

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