Verbal self-portrait: Nastya Zadorozhnaya. Live on the bright side Order of description of signs

Own elements

and signs

General physical

Anthropological type


Body type

Head as a whole

Overall face




Facial hair





Special signs

Birthmarks, traces of operations, tattoos, peculiarities in movement, etc.

Associated symptoms



An example of a description using the verbal portrait method.

Only those signs that are observed or known are described from the photograph.

Man, about 30 years old, European type, height approximately 185 cm, average build.

Head medium height, ovoid.

Hair dark, straight, medium thickness and length, M-shaped hairline, hair combed from left to right, without parting.

Face narrow, oval in shape, with medium features, medium fullness, convex profile.

Forehead medium height and width, straight, tilted back.

Brows arched, long, tapering towards the temples, obliquely internal, closely spaced, high, of medium density.

Eyes almond-shaped, middle length and opening, obliquely internal position, gray-blue color, with a moderately pronounced lower eyelid.

Nose average height (length), width, protrusion and depth of the nose, with a sinuous contour of the back of the nose, the base is horizontal.

Mouth of medium length, the corners of the mouth are located horizontally, the contour of the closure of the lips is straight, the height of the upper lip is average, protruding in profile.

Chin oval profile, low height, medium width, protruding.

Ears medium size, slanted back, generally protruding, rectangular in shape, with a separate attachment of the earlobe to the cheek.

Hairline absent on the face.

Neck average height and thickness, straight, Adam's apple of average expression.

Special signs: scar on the right side of the neck, 4 cm long.

Dressed in a gray shirt, the collar is unbuttoned.

Personal observation describes the functional elements of appearance.

Task No. 9.3.

From a complete description of the person’s external appearance, select the signs that should be used during the search and draw up an operational search guide.


















a) Sample of a self-portrait based on material from the Internet:

He is shy and modest - as much as his acting profession allows. He is sober about his achievements. A serious artist with a subtle lyrical and comedic talent, Andrei Kaykov comments on the most important things.

Who am I?

“I am a person who enjoys life. And I like my different roles - actor, father, friend, son... In each of them I manage to feel in my place and be in harmony with the situation. Accept what is. I like to communicate with other people and do not oppose myself to them. But at the same time, I am a rather secretive person and am not ready to discuss my personal problems with anyone. Even my family has a hard time getting anything out of me. I took this quality from my father: he does not like to interfere in the lives of others, to disturb someone, to impose himself. And this is also typical for me. I'm hardworking, quick-tempered and responsible, but I don't think that comes with age. I don't think I'm changing. Rather, I grow in breadth, like a tree: new branches appear, but the trunk and core remain united.”

b) Words used to describe a person's character:

You can describe a person’s character with the following words: optimistic, generous, open, practical, wise, sociable, hospitable, sociable, responsible, calm, caring, man of his word, inattentive, firm, reliable, logical, unemotional, attentive, insightful, influential, sensitive, polite , witty, talkative, cheerful, proud, impulsive, tactful, arrogant, impudent, friendly, etc.

V) Take your own self-portrait.

Samples of work:

  • There is one boy living in my city. Hm. No.
    There is one boy living in my house.
    There is only one boy living in my room - me.
    He (I) is a very interesting person.
    Graceful, cultured, slightly annoying, a little crazy.
    He was born in the distant past. Well, exactly 14 years ago.
    He graduated from an institution called “nothing.”
    He is now studying at the Mkhitar Sebastian educational complex.
    Previously, he received his education at the school named after Hakob Kojoyan.
    I heard rumors that a few months ago he started writing poetry.
    He writes poorly, but I like his style.
    They say his poems are very cruel, directed towards someone dear to him.
    They say he is in love, suffering from unrequited love.
    For some reason, I don't believe these rumors.
    He is too lazy, when he walks through the door, I saw it myself, he sits down in a chair and starts playing his stupid games!!!
    In the morning, it’s not easy for me to persuade him to wake up. He is often late for school. And not only to school, I tell you.
    I kept an eye on him, and it turns out that he always arrives late everywhere.
    This is the kind of person my contemporary is.
    But despite all his defects, despite all the bad things in him, I love him very much.
    He's just a sweetheart.
  • Voskanyan Eric

C) work in pairs/groups: in a few minutes, based on a few questions to each other, make a verbal portrait of your peer from Georgia/Armenia and present it. And the one whose portrait was drawn up says how accurately it was made and what the mistake was. When drawing up a portrait, pay attention to

  • Appearance
  • Actions.
  1. The next part of the lesson is conducted using the “Perspective” technology.

Four creative groups are being created. Each group works in a certain role position: innovators, optimists, pessimists, experts.

  • Innovators present their personal self-education program;
  • Optimists highlight everything positive in the presented program;
  • Pessimists pay attention to everything negative and ill-conceived in the self-education program;
  • Experts summarize and analyze the information received, evaluate the work of each creative group, and make additions.
  1. Individual work on laptops (in blogs or electronic notebooks):

The person I would like to be like"

(Creating a portrait of a modern young man.)

After some time, the works are read out and discussed, after which the teacher reads the text from the electronic manual “This is cool!”


Do parents always understand their grown-up children well? Let's try to figure out what interests modern teenagers, what is considered cool among them, and what their parents do not always agree with.

So, today among young people:

It's cool to drink beer, but a weak one so as not to lose your bearings.

It's cool to ride outside in any weather - through puddles, snow; It's cool to ride on railings, benches and stairs. It's cool to just drive fast and scream.

It's cool to ride around in dirty clothes, wearing one piece of clothing, wearing a cap on your head backwards.

It's cool to wear shorts as much as possible, especially in winter, and wear a hat in summer. You have to wear incredible hats that surprise everyone around you.

It's cool to wear things upside down and backwards. You definitely need different socks, you can also use different laces. It’s even cooler to wear, say, one sneaker and one fin. You need to experiment as much as possible with your appearance.

It’s cool to wear a bunch of different pendants on your head, neck, arms, clothes, and have piercings in all places on your body. It's cool to have a tattoo.

It's cool to run down the street in ridiculous clothes, yell, and jump. It’s cool to stand on end all the time, it’s cool to behave unconventionally.

Questions for conversation.

How do you feel about this behavior of young people? Do you like this style, this fashion? Could you dress like this?

Do you think your parents understand you well?

What disagreements do you have with your parents - about clothes, music?..

Is it always necessary to agree with the opinion of the parents, or is the teenager already capable of making choices in life?

Do you listen to your parents' advice? How do you feel about their opinion?

Do problems always exist between parents and children?

Do you think you will understand your children well?

In your opinion, until what age should children live with their parents?

Should parents help adult children financially?

  1. Reading a text about our contemporaries (musicians, writers, directors, simply interesting people)
  • I won’t say his name, because I don’t know how to spell it in Russian. In Armenian it is called Մհեր. He is my father’s brother, which means he is my uncle, but since I can’t call him uncle, I’ll just call him He.

So here it is. He is smaller than his father both in height and age. He was born and raised like his father in Vanadzor. The school was also there, but the university was already in Yerevan. But it is not important. And the fact that I don’t understand his profession (If it’s interesting, he graduated from the Faculty of International Economic Relations).

He has a musical education. At the age of seven he could play the piano.

But then it turned out that he taught himself to play the guitar. He says that in order to attract the attention of girls, he started playing in the group Lav Eli. This band does not classify themselves into any musical genre, but they are called an alternative rock band. They started their career in Vanadzor. But then they came to Yerevan, and people loved them here. It turned out that two members of the group then left the country and began to live in the USA, one of the members returned to Vanadzor, and my father’s brother remained in Yerevan, got married and a person dear to me was born - his daughter. On this moment he has four children, but she remains the most dear to me.

I don't know where he learned to do magic tricks, but sometimes we ask him to show something. As a child, his magic tricks were the most amazing thing. We tried sticking coins into our necks or eating them, but we couldn't.

He is just an interesting person with good humor, he is talented and he is like a second father, and our father is like a second father for his children. You can still talk about books with him; he loves science fiction. He also writes his own stories.

In general, I’m proud that there lives a man across the street who is my father’s brother, and whose last name I actually bear (It’s strange, but it’s true). Galamkaryan Nare

  1. Homework (if you have time, you can start in class):

Write about outstanding or just interesting personalities Armenia and Georgia

“I really wanted to succeed”

I dreamed of becoming a musician, but went to theater school. He loves the stage more than cinema. She is in love with one person and is faithful to him. Beautiful, smart, emotional, capable, friendly. She believed in her success from the very beginning, and she was not mistaken. The media writes a lot of nonsense about her, the artist assures. The MK correspondent tried to get a non-contrived self-portrait of the young star.

I am the way I am. I never play anything, I’m the same girl as in life. There was no Nastya Zadorozhnaya project. Everything was built on living emotions, because people feel living creativity above all. I have been in a creative search for a long time.

I am very captivated by the scene. This is where I get maximum amount emotions. On stage you give everything you have. No film process can replace it. And even though I don’t have the richest theatrical experience, on stage you feel the audience live.

I've never had ideals. Of course, there are creative individuals in my life whom I respect. They are my guiding light. For example, the standard artist for me is the American musician Sting. His main advantage is that despite the fact that he is many years old, despite the number of merits, he still continues to study. He recruits an amazing team of people, finds them somewhere. It was a pleasure for me to work with Tatyana Vasilyeva. She is an amazing artist. As a partner, I was pleased to work with Oleg Fomin in the play “A Cruel Lesson.” I would like to highlight the actress of the Dzhigarkhanyan Theater Elena Medvedeva. We played with her in “Dangerous Liaisons”. On stage she radiates crazy magnetism and I feel very good with her.

Photo from the personal archive of N. Zadorozhnaya.

Dad-military, Mother worked at the Zhukovsky Academy. We arrived in Moscow from the Russian North when I was three years old. I was born in the small military town of Fedotovo. The town was blooming, surrounded by forests, we went for mushrooms and fish. I remember how there was a wild queue for the rolls. The place radiated positive energy. My mother is very strong and always set some goals for herself. She supported me in my aspirations, but dad not so much. Mom spent everything on me as an only child. I remember how I went to music school. My dad thought I was doing garbage and wanted to send me to law school. I was preparing to enter the music academy to study music theory. I had excellent hearing and learned to play the piano. The boys copied dictations, chords, and intervals from me. But due to the fact that I injected myself, caught an infection and my finger swelled to the size of a “ball”, I had to forget about music for a while. I left for a year. But suddenly, as a schoolgirl, I was simultaneously taken on to star in the television series “Simple Truths.” And there, on the set, it became clear to me - I want to go to a theater school.

My mom is such a family boss. She loves to tell everyone what they need and who needs it. And how not to. Even today she still makes attempts to control my life. Mom loves to give advice - she has helped everyone all her life. And I must say that she believed that I would achieve something. But this is not easy - you are out of millions and will achieve something. It’s incredibly difficult, but my mother’s faith in me supported me very much.

Photo from the personal archive of N. Zadorozhnaya.

I really wanted to succeed . I think it was ingrained in me. People look at you and see some potential in you. 9 people immediately believed in me during the casting 13 years ago. Back then it was a little more difficult to “break into people” than it is today. It all started with the Eaglet camp. Later, at MTV, I met Petr Sheksheev, my future producer, with whom we work to this day.

When I woke up famous. When I first heard my song “I’ll be” as ringtones on mobile phones. This song was a completely unrealistic success. Although, besides her, I have something to be proud of. At first they didn’t even want to take her on the radio. But six months later she received the Golden Gramophone as the best ringtone of the year.

The influence of appearance on success. Often journalists suspect that my success is a consequence of the fact that someone pushed me behind my pretty face. And that, they say, there is nothing more. But be that as it may, I have always had a boyish character. I've always been a fan of jeans and sneakers, and tried to keep it as simple as possible. Many people really help me and are friends with me. Probably because I am real, unmade. Zadorozhnaya is a good boy for many of my male friends. I say this without any pathos.

First love. I was in the children's musical ensemble "Fidgets", and its name was Seryozha Lazarev. This was my first unrequited love. But I was very lucky that I met such a person as Seryoga. A talented and handsome careerist. He radiated very powerful energy then. It's better for a 13-year-old girl to fall in love with a guy like that than with a loser.

Photo from the personal archive of N. Zadorozhnaya.

What she likes and doesn't like. For me there is nothing ideal - an ideal man, etc. But the falseness in people irritates me. I feel it right away. When a person is not someone, but tries to imagine something of himself. I don't have such friends. I appreciate humor in people. And a person must also have kind eyes. I really appreciate kindness in people. My mother is like that too. I am more drawn to communicate with men. I have a women’s council of trusted friends from the days of GITIS, and we stick together. We all advise each other. When it’s hard for me, I go to “cry” to my boyfriend Sergei and to my old friend Petro Sheksheev (my producer).

When is the wedding, then I won’t wear a regular wedding dress - I can’t stand it. I would like to celebrate my wedding in a beautiful Italian castle. Or I’ll go to the beach in Bali in a regular T-shirt and pants - and that’ll be the end of it. I don't want the wedding to be stressful for me. I want it to be as relaxed and simple as possible. I want to wake up at two o’clock in the afternoon, twist something on my head and... I don’t want to think about what, where and who... It seems to me that in my case it will be something faintly reminiscent of a wedding.

What should a dream home be like?. I want a cozy nest. I really can’t imagine what it should be like yet. It will be made of stone or wood... Definitely, this is not a castle in the style of Maxim Galkin. I am a person who is happy in something quite simple. Therefore, my house will probably be quite simple.

I'm not spoiled by chic and glamor. But I think that shoes should always be good. It is better to buy rags abroad, because everything is very expensive here.

Of course, the biggest royalties come from cinema.. I also make money at corporate events. I can say that I earn “normal” money to support my mother, aunt, and also a large team of associates

I like driving a car. Now I drive a Range Rover Evoque, before I drove a Mazda and a jeep. I really loved this car, but after driving it for six years, I thought it was time to change to something new. I really want to relax and travel. I love Bali and Italy. As for alcohol, I like good whiskey and white wine. I love gray White color. I love tulips.

Modeling doesn't interest me. Yes, I’m not really the right height (1.71 m). In addition, I don’t know how to make a “stony” face - I make 385 grimaces per minute.

Photo from the personal archive of N. Zadorozhnaya.

I dream of having at least a couple of children. My boyfriend (skater Sergei Slavnov) and I have been together for five years. Anything happened in our relationship. There were grindings. But you shouldn’t take tough positions towards each other. I'm glad I'm in a relationship with a real, real man. I don’t like capricious male artists, I can’t stand their whining on film sets. I like to give my man surprises - I suddenly went to see him in other cities of the world. Even though it was difficult to get to it, I enjoyed it. He has proposed to me since the first year we met, but we are in no hurry yet. I want to want to, but I don’t want to yet. I don’t want to rush, looking at the examples of friends and acquaintances. Apparently something happens when people put on rings and stamp their passports. But Seryoga and I have confidence in each other. Our union was initially built on the fact that we trust each other.

Favorite joke. One Jew comes to another and says, listen, life is impossible, I don’t understand what to do, there is nothing to eat, there is no work, there is no money, there are many children - the ninth is already on the way. And he says to him, why are you having such an active childbearing period, you haven’t tried to take any safety measures: go to the pharmacy, buy a condom, read the instructions and everything will work out for you. He went, bought it, came into the bedroom, undresses, puts on a condom and begins to look in the mirror: he got up this way, this way, and awry. And then his wife quietly enters the room and tells him: “The children have nothing to eat, but he f.. dresses up.”

Basic rules for describing appearance using the verbal portrait method:

  • the description is carried out sequentially from top to bottom, from general to specific;
  • the description is carried out with maximum completeness and comprehensiveness;
  • when describing, unified terminology is used (for example, elements of appearance in form are described using names geometric shapes);
  • a person’s appearance (and its individual elements) are characterized by various criteria, such as shape, size, position, quantity, color, etc.;
  • the human head, as the most noticeable and memorable element, is described in full face and profile.

The order of description of features

I. Gender: male, female

II. Age

Determined by documents or approximately “by appearance”, indicating age “by appearance” in the presence of documentary data is necessary in cases where a person seems significantly younger or older than his age.

III. Nationality (face type)

Determined in the absence of documents confirming a person’s nationality, a comparative determination of the type of person is allowed (provided that it is clearly expressed). There are European, Caucasian, Central Asian, and Mongolian face types.

IV. Anatomical features

1. Overall figure:

Height is determined by a three-member gradation for men: low (up to 165 cm), medium (up to 175 cm), high (175-190 cm)

For women, these dimensions are correspondingly reduced by 5-10 cm. If anthropological means are available, absolute data are indicated in centimeters. Features: very low (up to 155 cm), very high (over 190 cm)

Body type is determined by the development of the musculoskeletal system and the degree of fat deposits. There are people with weak, average, stocky and athletic builds. In terms of fatness, a person is characterized as thin, of normal build, plump and obese.

2. Head as a whole:

a) size - small, medium, large;

b) position - vertical, inclined forward, to the right or left shoulder, thrown back.

3. Skull:

low, medium, high, round, pear-shaped, domed.

4. Back of the head:

beveled, protruding, vertical.

5. Hair:

a) according to density - thick, medium, rare;

b) by length - short, medium, long;

c) shape - straight, wavy, curly, curly;

d) color - light blond, blond blond, dark blond, red, gray, with gray hair, black;

e) hairline - arched, straight, angular, M-shaped, tortuous, with temporal bald patches;

f) the nature of the hairstyle - haircut low, high, combed back, left, right, on the forehead, parted, in the middle, left, right, braided, bun;

g) bald spots: frontal, parietal, vertex, longitudinal, general baldness, temporal bald spots, bald spots.

6. Overall face:

a) proportions - narrow, medium, wide;

b) in shape - oval, round, rectangular, square, triangular, trapezoidal;

c) contour in profile - straight, convex, concave;

d) in terms of plumpness - thin, thin, cf. completeness, complete;

e) facial skin - smooth, porous, flabby, wrinkled, clean, acneous, pimply, pockmarked, freckled, streaked, dry, oily, white, dark, red, pink, yellow, pale, bluish, bloody, vascular;

f) wrinkles - frontal, glabellar, cheek, nasolabial, oral, tragus, etc. (named according to their location).

7. Forehead:

a) width size - narrow, medium, wide;

b) in height - low, medium, high;

c) forehead contour - straight, convex, wavy.

8. Eyebrows:

a) by size - short, medium, long, narrow, medium, wide;

b) by density - thick, sparse;

c) in shape - straight, arched, tortuous;

d) by position - low, high, horizontal, sloping inwards, sloping outwards, close together, apart.

9. Eyes:

a) by size - small, medium, large;

b) in shape - slit-like, oval, round, triangular;

c) by color - dark brown, light brown, greenish, blue, light blue, dark blue, gray, yellow, black;

d) by position - horizontal, oblique internal, oblique

e) relative position - close, apart.

10. Nose:

a) by size - high, medium, low, narrow, wide;

b) degree of protrusion - small, medium, large;

d) size of the back of the nose - narrow, medium, wide;

e) back contour - straight, concave, convex, straight-wavy, concave-wavy, convex-wavy;

f) tip width - narrow, medium, wide;

g) the tip of the nose in shape - sharp, rounded, blunt;

h) the base of the nose in position - raised, horizontal, lowered.

11. Mouth:

a) by size - small, medium, large;

b) the contour of the lip closure line - straight, wavy, broken;

c) position of the corners of the mouth - lowered, horizontal, raised.

12. Lips:

a) by thickness - thin, medium, thick;

b) by protrusion - upper, lower, general and elongated;

c) color (tone) - bright, pale.

13. Teeth:

a) by size - small, medium, large;

b) by position - rare, frequent (distance between teeth);

c) according to the shape of the outer surface - flat, convex.

14. Chin:

a) in height - low, medium, high;

b) in width - narrow, medium, wide;

c) in shape - rectangular, triangular, rounded;

d) by position - beveled, protruding, vertical.

15. Ear:

a) by size - small, medium, large;

b) in shape - round, oval, rectangular, triangular;

c) in position - vertical, oblique;

d) protrusion - general, lower, upper, general fit;

e) curl size - short, medium, long, narrow, medium, wide;

f) the shape of the antihelix is ​​flat, convex;

g) tragus in size - small, medium, large, along the contour - straight, convex, concave.

16. Neck:

short, medium, long, thick, thin.

17. Shoulders:

narrow, medium, wide, horizontal, raised, lowered.

18. Back:

narrow, medium, wide, concave, straight, convex.

19. Chest:

narrow, medium, sunken, protruding.

20. Hands:

short, medium, thin, medium, thick.


a) by size - short, medium, long, thin, thick; b) in shape - straight, O-shaped, X-shaped.

V. Functional characteristics

1. Posture those. a person's habit of holding his body. And therefore, posture can be: straight, hunched, free, proud, dejected.

2. Gait: fast, slow, light, heavy, bouncing, shuffling, sea (waddling).

3. Gesticulation: Movement of the hands to enhance the expressiveness of speech. It can be energetic, lethargic, with one or two hands.

4. Facial expressions and gaze- These are characteristic movements of the facial muscles.

When talking, some faces may be motionless, while others, while talking, wrinkle their foreheads, frown, shift or raise their eyebrows, squint their eyes, wink, bite their lips, curl their mouths, etc. Look: can be direct, open, calm, mocking, sad, gloomy, tired, stern, cheerful, surprised, contemptuous, attentive, suspicious, running, sideways, from under the brows, to the side.

6. Speech: slow, smooth, viscous, calm, excited, abrupt, distinct, persistent, cultured, illiterate. Some people use professional words, jargons, customary expressions, and proverbs when speaking. The presence of local dialect, accent, and speech defects (lisp, nasality, burr, stuttering) is noted.

7. Manners and habits people are very diverse. They can be rubbing your hands, cracking your knuckles, stroking your mustache, beard, hair on your head, stepping from foot to foot, etc. A typical habit is to keep your hands at your sides, in your pockets or outside your jacket, to smoke a certain type of tobacco, etc.

The group of habits also includes various skills - the ability to play musical instruments, sing, and dance.

Examples of describing a person using the verbal portrait method


on the wanted list for V.A. Sazonov, born in 1938.

On suspicion of committing a serious crime Central region mountains Kaliningrad is looking for Mr. Vladimir Aleksandrovich Sazonov, born in 1938, who was previously repeatedly convicted. His features: he appears to be 50...55 years old, has a European-type face, tall, strong build, short dark hair, a rectangular head, low eyebrows, large protruding brow ridges, there are temporal bald patches, deep forehead, brow and nasolabial wrinkles, eyes slit-like, obliquely external, protruding chin. He was wearing a dark men's jacket with small stripes and a dark shirt with light stripes.

If you are detained, please notify the initiator by phone. 21-85-24, 21-99-79. Initiator: Petrov.


wanted for V.N. Roldugin, born in 1959

On suspicion of committing a serious crime, the Department of Internal Affairs of the Central District of the Mountains. In Kaliningrad, Mr. Roldugin Vladimir Nikolaevich, born in 1959, who has been previously convicted several times, is wanted. His characteristics: he appears to be 20...22 years old, has a European-type face, medium build, thin, short blond hair, oval head, low long eyebrows, wears a dark mustache of medium length, protruding ears, sloping chin, sharp Adam's apple on his neck. He was wearing a light plaid shirt, a dark-colored sweater with a turn-down collar, a narrow white stripe along the edge of the collar, and a white zipper sewn into the sweater.

Municipal budget educational institution

"Average comprehensive school No. 5" Sosnogorsk


Varvara Medvedovskaya, 6a grade,

Ryabchikova Anastasia, 6a grade

Head of work:

Malysheva Tatyana Nikolaevna,

teacher of mathematics and computer science,

class teacher of 6a grade.

Sosnogorsk 2012



When we arrived in 5th grade on September 1, we noticed that our classmates had changed and matured. We found this very interesting. We saw that each of us has our own character, some are constantly changing moods, we have different hobbies. Therefore, we became interested and wondered why we are so different. After visiting the library and talking with the psychologist who leads the “Let’s be Friends” group in our class, we learned a lot of new things.

We decided to observe each of the students in our class, conduct a survey, and use our observations, the results of questionnaires and surveys to create a self-portrait of the class. In fifth grade we made a presentation about our observations. All the kids and our parents found it very interesting. And we decided that we would observe in the sixth grade too.

Together with class teacher We identified several points to which we had to find an answer:

1. Find out what temperament is? Draw up a “portrait” of class behavior based on observations.

2. What is a self-portrait? Conduct and analyze the “What am I?” questionnaire.

3. Create a “Calendar of birthdays of our classmates.”

5. Draw a conclusion.

5. Draw a conclusion.

Review of literature on the research topic

    Wikipedia. Encyclopedia

    S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova Explanatory Dictionary of Russian


    Modern Dictionary ed. "Big Soviet"


What is temperament?

Observing our classmates, how they study, communicate, experience joys and sorrows, we noticed the differences in their behavior. There are fast and active children among us, and there are explosive and aggressive ones, and of course slow and calm ones. The reason for this is temperament a person who has belonged to him since birth.

Psychologists distinguish 4 temperament groups:

    These are active, balanced children.

    Very mobile, unbalanced.

    Still, quiet children.

    Slow, unbalanced.

After reading about temperaments in on-line dictionaries, we learned the following.

Temperament ( temperamentum- proper correlation of parts) - a stable combination of individual personality characteristics associated with dynamic, rather than substantive aspects of activity. Temperament is the basis of development ; in general, from a physiological point of view, temperament - person. (Wikipedia. Encyclopedia).

TEMPERAMENT M. lat. the nature of man, his natural constitution, in accordance with the basic qualities of the soul; four main temperaments: sanguine ( aloblood), choleric ( nervous), phlegmatic ( white-blooded ) and melancholic ( black-blooded). ( V. Dal Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language).


1. The set of individual mental properties of a person, characterizing the degree of his excitability and manifested in his attitude to the surrounding reality, in the strength of feelings, and behavior.Sanguine, melancholic, choleric and phlegmatic ~s.

2. Vital energy, the ability to internally rise.Man with ~om.

(S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language).

Drawing up a “portrait” of class behavior based on observations

We decided to observe the behavior of classmates in the class and find out which temperament group prevails. Based on the results obtained, we have a portrait of “behavior.”

12 people

In our class, children are predominantly active, balanced and very active, unbalanced.

Thus, we called the portrait of our behavior: “Not a moment of peace.”


Active, balanced children.

Very active, unbalanced children.

Still, quiet children.

Slow, unbalanced children.

What is a self-portrait?

The theme of our project is “Self-Portrait”. We need to answer the question, what does “Self-Portrait” mean? Using literature, we found a concept for this word.

SELF-PORTRAIT, -ah,m.A portrait painted from himself. ( S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language).

(from a car... and a portrait), a portrait of the artist, made by himself. In a self-portrait, the artist expresses his self-awareness, assessment of his own personality and creative principles. (in the modern explanatory dictionary, published by “Bolshaya” Soviet Encyclopedia»).

Self-portrait - yourself. Usually this refers to a pictorial image; however, self-portraits can also be sculptural, literary, photographic, cinematic, etc. (Wikipedia. Encyclopedia).

A self-portrait is an image of oneself.

Thus, we must paint a portrait of ourselves. To do this, we conducted a questionnaire, “What am I?”, where everyone had to circle their palm and write 5 qualities that are unique to them.

The words were written on the board:




Based on these answers, we saw that the majority of children in the class were smart, hardworking, caring and humble. Thus, our self-portrait in 5th grade turned out like this:

In 6th grade, our self-portrait became like this:

We observed the children in the 5th grade and in the 6th grade.

Creation of the “Birthday Calendar of Our Classmates”

Every year we spend Birthday Day in our class - last year and this year. that year:

5th grade 6th grade

We compiled a “Calendar” portrait based on the date of birth of each student. They designated the following: “snowflake” are children born in winter, “cherry blossom” students are classmates who were born in spring, “sun” are summer birthdays, “autumn leaves” are students whose birthdays are in the fall. Having considered the responses to the questionnaire"The world of my hobbies"We have identified 4 groups of hobbies and interests. Based on the results of this questionnaire, we can conclude that we love to move, which is why almost all children attend sports sections and clubs. Our class also loves to draw, dance, participate in competitions and sing. It also turned out that we like to be on duty around the school, go to community work days to clean the school grounds, clean the office, and put things in order. Thus, we concluded that our class "Creative, athletic and hardworking."


All tasks set in research work, are completed.

Thus, we have a self-portrait of our class.

As a result of this research, we saw that the portrait of our class is very bright. The main thing is that we, having different characters, learn to understand each other. Friendship helps us with this.

What did this work give us?

All this knowledge will help us better understand another person. We acquired the ability to conduct a survey, process the results of the questionnaire, and the ability to listen to the answers of classmates. We also acquired skills in working in a text editor, in a graphics editor, and skills in working with photographs and text at the same time.

We presented this work to parents in 5th grade at the “End of 5th Grade” celebration, and this year we spoke at a school scientific and practical conference.


1. “Wikipedia.” Encyclopedia", version on-line.

2. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language”, version on-line.

3. V. Dal Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language, version on-line.

4. Modern explanatory dictionary ed. "Great Soviet Encyclopedia", version on-line.

6. Photos of grades 5a and 6a. Archive of Malysheva T.N.

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