Urania goddess. Nine Muses of Ancient Greece: what inspired the creators and what gifts did they possess? Muse of Euterpe - muse of lyric poetry

In ancient Greece, not only the gods who made up the host were revered, but also their children, the deities of the third generation of Olympians. Greece was an enlightened country: the sages, scientists, philosophers of antiquity left a deep mark on the history of the whole world. It is noteworthy that the muses in Greece did not always mean a symbol of inspiration for the beautiful: music, love, poetry.

9 Muses of Ancient Greece

The nine daughters of the father of the gods Zeus clearly demonstrate the triad: a symbol of absolute harmony. They combined three types: science, handicraft and real art. The triad is symbolic in Greece, where poetry was as highly valued as the ability to read the stars.

Sages and philosophers rightly believed that each of the muses is necessary for prosperity.

Calliope was the mother of Orpheus, from her son inherited the ability to feel music. The mother taught her son that every word in poetry should bring the soul of the fallen hero back to life, inspire faith and nurture nobility. The scroll and slate in her hands were not just symbols. Young warriors leaving for battle could swear that they could hear Calliope writing a new work.

The Greeks considered Calliope the queen of all the muses, no wonder she has a crowned crown on her head or Laurel wreath. Apollo himself did not dare to interrupt the Queen of the Muses when she spoke fiery speeches about the honor, nobility, courage and purity of the soul of a true warrior. The muse can be considered a symbol of love for one's Motherland, one's land. Therefore, at one time the Greeks ordered miniature images of Calliope before distant wanderings. They say that Pallas herself gave such a miniature to her beloved Odysseus so that his heart would always be filled with purity of thoughts and the desire to return to his native shores.

The ancient Greek historian and keeper of mythology Diodorus wrote about her: “The greatest of muses inspires love for the past”. History is priceless for any nation, and especially for the people of Greece. Clio, it was believed, wrote down on her scrolls every, even an insignificant event, so that none of the descendants would forget their past.

The mythology describes the conflict between the muse and the beautiful Aphrodite. The muse of history had strict morals, but she never knew love. Aphrodite, being the wife of the god Hephaestus, had tender feelings for the young Dionysus. The implacable muse condemned the goddess for her love for a mortal. Aphrodite ordered her little son Eros to shoot two arrows: one, kindling love, in Clio, and the second, killing feelings, in Pieron. Suffering from unrequited love enlightened the muse; Clio no longer dared to judge anyone for feelings.

Being engaged in the study of history, we compiled, in which we tried to take into account all the features of each of the gods.

According to the myths, Clio was friendly with Calliope, which is understandable: the muse of patriotism is inseparable from the muse of history. They were portrayed in almost the same way, often the Greeks ordered busts of these muses from only one master.

Melpomene is not only the muse of tragedies, as symbolized by the mournful mask in right hand. Muse is the mother of the fatal sirens who almost killed the Argonauts. Although according to another version, Terpsichore was the mother of the sirens.

It is interesting that the origin of the sirens is described extremely poorly, as if they appeared from the air. The two daughters of Melpomene had marvelous voices from birth, but pride destroyed them: in the absence of their mother, they challenged the muses and lost. They were punished for this: according to one version, the Thunderer himself turned them into sirens, according to another, turning into birds was the work of Poseidon.

Melpomene vowed to grieve forever for the fate of her daughters and those who dare to go against the will of heaven. He is always depicted in the robes of theatre-goers, with the same mask in his hands. But in the second hand there can be either a sword as a symbol of punishment for disobedience and insolence, or a scroll of parchment. The mantle on it exactly reflects the spirit of Greece of that era: people are toys in the hands of the gods and only take part in the theater of the gods.

Thalia was closest to Melpomene, the muse of tragedies, but she never understood her unconditional faith in the inevitability of punishment. According to Cicero, the Muses often quarreled because of this.

In contrast to her sister, Thalia was portrayed with a comedy mask in her hands and wearing a wreath of plain ivy. The muse never claimed to Special attention, but had a cheerful disposition, was distinguished by optimism. According to mythology, it was believed that the comedic mask in her hands was a symbol of laughter, but according to another version, the mask meant about the same as the mask in the hands of Melpomene: the life of people is just a play for the gods.

Thalia was the wife of Apollo, but, according to the myth, she was kidnapped by the Thunderer to make his wife. But the muse knew Hera, the wife of Zeus, and understood what awaited her. Horror made her seek refuge from the lord of the dead world of Hades. The gloomy god hid the muse deep underground.

Euterpe stood out among other muses with a special refinement in the perception of poetry. Her poems could be listened to for hours by the whole host of Olympians, to the quiet accompaniment of the harp of Orpheus. Her attribute is a double flute and a wreath of fresh flowers. She could be depicted surrounded by forest nymphs, according to the records, she became the comforter of the soul of the unfortunate Orpheus after he lost his Eurydice twice.
She was considered the most beautiful of the muses, possessing a special sensuality and femininity.

Erato is always depicted with some kind of cheerful and perky musical instrument: lyre, tambourine. She was glorified by songwriters, calling to inspire inspiration. The head of the muse is decorated with beautiful roses as a symbol of the eternity of love.

Erato has become a symbol of the struggle of true love for their rights. The muse sang that even the dark kingdom of Hades could not separate loving hearts, they were forever connected by a strong thread. Muse became the creator of a new direction in the music of Greece - wedding. Legend has it that charming Erato got bored at one of the weddings. She held out her lyre to the blind musician and whispered something to him.

Magical music sounded in the huge hall, all the lovers present felt an irresistible desire to be together before and after death. The wondrous music spread further and further, and now the muse of Terpsichore is listening to the music, and her chiseled legs are beating a new rhythm of the dance.

Terpsichore is not just the muse of dances, including wedding ones. Dance should express not just emotions, but special connection with nature, to show unity with the culture of their homeland. The dance of Terpsichore is the absolute perfection of the movements of the soul and body. Since ancient times, the Greeks, learning to dance, learned to listen to music and dance to the rhythm of heartbeats. Each dancer wanted to learn the perfect movements of the muse, but this was not given to everyone.

Terpsichore, according to legend, accompanied the god Dionysus everywhere. The god himself was distinguished by the simplicity of the image, so his environment also did not stand out for pomp and pretentiousness. Muse appears in a simple tunic with a lyre in her hands, on her head a wreath of ivy.

Polyhymnia, muse of hymns

Polyhymnia was the patroness of speakers, it was in her will to make the speech fiery and life-giving, or people not to hear the speaker's voice at all. It was believed that it was worth pronouncing the name of the muse before an important performance, Polyhymnia would go down to the supplicant and spend the whole night instructing and inspiring the gift of voice. Without the patronage of the muse of oratory, it is impossible to reach the hearts, none of the Greeks doubted this at all.

Muse of hymns to the gods. This should be understood as the muse of prayers that people send daily to higher powers and their ardor also depends on the will of the daughter of Zeus.

The ninth and wisest of all the daughters of the Thunderer, not counting Athena. It is believed that her name was given to her by her father in honor of Uranus, the god of heaven, long before the appearance of Zeus.

The muse always holds a globe and a compass in her hands. The latter helps her determine the distances between stars. It was she who stood near Piazzi, suggesting to him the discovery of the first asteroid. The Roman did not immediately hear the muse, but the daughter of Zeus always got her way from her ward scientists. The Greeks considered her the patroness of even those sciences that were far from heavenly.
This muse is revered to this day, and everywhere. Even in Russia there is a museum of Urania and in some cities there are full-fledged statues.

The religion of ancient Greece is amazing. It is strikingly different from other religions, causing a growing interest in itself. A journey into their world always leaves a mark in the memory of a person, no matter if he is Greek by origin.

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It has long been established that the appearance of the muses portends inspiration, inspiration, the onset of something long-awaited and desired. The importance of the muse in the work of poets cannot be overestimated. She has always been a source of creativity, inspiration and inspiration. Not without reason, her image acquired the features of a young beauty, airy, charming, full of some mystery and grace.

By the way, little is known about the origin of the Muses. There are many views on this matter. Ancient Greek theory deserves attention.

The life of the ancient Greeks is closely connected with the muses: poets and storytellers invariably appealed to them for patronage; guiding friends on a long journey, the Greeks often said: "May the Muses be with you!"; and information about the existence of the temple of the Muses in the Acropolis - Museyon, has survived to this day. For the first time, we learn about the existence of the Muses from the writings of Herodotus. The very concept of "muse" is translated from Greek as "thinking." The Muses, according to the ancient Greeks, are the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory.

Ancient Greece was an enlightened country that enriched the history of the whole world. Poetry among the Greeks was valued as highly as the natural sciences. And the daughters of Zeus are a symbol of perfect harmony. The Muses divided among themselves the arts and sciences, which were considered the main ones among the Greeks. The image of each was supplemented with a characteristic attribute. There are nine Muses in total: Calliope, Clio, Melpomene, Thalia, Euterpe, Erato, Terpsichore, Polyhymnia, Urania.

Calliope, muse of selflessness, patriotism, epic poetry.

She is depicted with a tablet and a "stick" for writing - a stylus. She has a laurel wreath on her head, a sign that she was considered the queen of all the muses. To interrupt her heated speeches about honor, dignity, fearlessness and the good name of a real warrior, even for Apollo, was considered impudence. She inspired for sacrifice and heroic deeds, helped to overcome the feeling of fear, inspired to exploits. The image of Calliope was depicted in miniatures and presented before long trips. So that the wanderer's heart is full of clear thoughts and a desire to return. Therefore, the Muse was personified with a manifestation of love for the native land.

Clio, muse of history

A scroll of parchment is her attribute. This muse inspires love for the past. The importance of the history of Greece for its inhabitants is invaluable. And such a muse as Clio entered information even about insignificant facts into her scrolls. From mythology, we know about the discord between Aphrodite and the muse. The muse adhered to strict ways and was never in love. And Aphrodite burned with passion for Dionysus, although she was the wife of the god Hephaestus. The inexorable muse condemned the goddess. Then, on the orders of Aphrodite, her son Eros fired two arrows: one at Clio, generating feelings, and the other at Pieron, killing love. Having experienced the torment of unrequited love, Clio no longer condemned anyone for feelings.

Clio does not let a person forget about his achievements, helps to find his vocation and determine his place in life.

Melpomene, muse of tragedy

Her symbol is a mournful mask in her right hand. And in the left hand they depict either a sword as a symbol of retribution for disobedience, or a scroll of parchment. This muse is the patroness of the deadly sirens. Her two daughters were destroyed by pride, and as a punishment they were turned into sirens. Melpomene always mourns the loss of her daughters.

Thalia, muse of comedy

A comedic mask in her hands and a wreath of simple ivy are the attributes of this muse. Muse never sought attention to herself, was known as a cheerful, cheerful, gratifying nature. The comedic mask in her hands can be interpreted as a symbol of laughter. But there is another version: the mask means that the life of people is just a performance for the gods.

Euterpe, muse of poetry and lyrics

Her hallmark was considered an exquisite perception of poetry, grace and elegant beauty. Her attribute is a flute and a wreath of fresh flowers, which emphasize her femininity and sensuality. It was considered the most charming, irresistible, charming of the muses.

Erato, muse of love and wedding poetry

Her symbol is a musical instrument, most often depicted as a lyre or tambourine. The head of the muse was decorated with roses - a symbol of the eternity of love. Erato glorified the struggle for true love. In her songs it sounds: "And even the dark kingdom of Hades is not able to separate loving hearts, they are forever connected by a strong thread." Muse founded a previously unknown musical direction in Greece - wedding.

Terpsichore, muse of dance

The muse is depicted with a lyre in her hands, on her head a wreath of ivy. The dance of Terpsichore is the absolute perfection of the movements of the soul and body.

Polyhymnia, muse of hymns

Polyhymnia personifies modesty and patience, an appeal to the holy and inviolable, its attribute is the lyre. Polyhymnia was the patroness of speakers, it was she who could transform speech, make it fiery and hot, forcing you to follow the speaker. They believed that by pronouncing her name before an important report, Polyhymnia would descend to the supplicant and bestow the skill of oratory.

Urania, muse of astronomy

The last and wisest of all the daughters of Zeus, not including Athena. It is believed that it was named after Uranus, the god of heaven, who reigned long before Zeus. The symbols of the muse are a globe and a compass. Using a compass, Urania calculates the distances between stars. According to the Greeks, Urania patronizes all sciences, even those that are far from heavenly. This muse is revered even today, even in Russia the museum of Urania was created at the Moscow planetarium.

The Muses embodied all the sciences and arts, symbolized the talents hidden in man. They gave hope to touch the Divine. Thus, the Muses played the role of the so-called mediator between the divine and man. Since ancient times, the ancient Greeks, and then the ancient Romans, the inhabitants of the Middle Ages and especially the Renaissance, appealed to the great muses. The muse visits not only the elite. It gives us hope that our desires are feasible.

Urania, Greek ("heavenly", "celestial") - the daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne, the muse of astronomy (see also the article "Muses").

According to our ideas, the Muses, the goddesses of poetry and art, can hardly have anything in common with such an exact science as astronomy. However, in those days when the images of the muses were born in Greek mythology, astronomy was not yet an exact science. In the course of time, she became one, and the Greeks achieved remarkable success in astronomy. Ironically, today the most famous is the erroneous geocentric theory of Claudius Ptolemy (2nd century AD), which in the 12th century. became the foundation of the teachings of the Christian church about the structure of the universe; but much less known is Aristarchus of Samos, who at the beginning of the 3rd century. BC e. first proposed the idea of ​​heliocentrism; or Eratosthenes of Cyrene, who at the end of the 3rd c. BC e. laid the foundations of our calendar by his astronomical calculations; or Hipparchus from Nicaea (2nd century BC), who shouldered the titanic task of “counting the stars in the sky” and compiled the first catalog of “fixed stars”, and many other favorites of the muse Urania.

Urania was also called Aphrodite as the goddess of pure, sublime, "heavenly" love.

Pictured: The Muse Urania by Pietro Liberi

IN modern world it is not customary to talk about the art of science the way we talk about choreography, poetry, theater or vocals. The fact is that the ancient Greeks, unlike us, perceived the Cosmos as the most perfect work of art and the muse Urania was perceived by them as the inspirer of its knowledge. For the first time her name in Western literature is found in the work of Hesiod. Before learning more about Urania herself, let's get acquainted with her divine relatives.

Who are the Muses?

According to the Hellenes, the Muses are the nine daughters of the supreme god Zeus and Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory. Each considered important, according to the ancient Greeks, had to have its patroness - the muse, and thanks to her to develop and flourish. In addition, all the muses, including the muse Urania, accompanied and inspired Musaget-Apollo, the god of arts and harmony, personified all the wisest, brightest and most beautiful, including morality, science and all kinds of art.

Spheres of patronage

The very first mention of the Muses is found in the works of Homer, other sources also contain information about the nine daughters of Zeus and the areas of science and art they oversee:

The most serious muse

As already mentioned, the muse Urania (you see the photo of her sculpture) is the youngest among the nine sisters, but she is also the most knowledgeable and smart of them. She is beautiful, like all the other muses, because the Greeks professed the principle of kalokagatiya, which consisted in the fact that outwardly beautiful is just as beautiful inside. Therefore, patrons simply could not have an unsightly appearance.

Despite the fact that Urania, along with her sisters, accompanies, inspiring, Musageta, dances with pleasure and has fun at the holidays in honor of Dionysus, she personifies the power of knowledge and contemplation. Muse Urania calls everyone to move away from the chaos of everyday existence in order to immerse themselves in the study and contemplation of the majestic life of the Cosmos and the movements of the stars, reflecting earthly destinies. As already mentioned, all the muses have certain attributes, Urania has this celestial sphere and a circle.

What is she responsible for?

Our modern ideas about such an exact science as astronomy do not allow any points of intersection with poetry or other art. However, at the time of the formation of Greek mythology and the emergence of the cult of the Muses, astronomy was more of an art than Urania, the muse of astronomy, which began its development together with mathematics and astrology in ancient Greece.

Over time, the Hellenes managed to reach significant heights in the study of the firmament, stars and the Cosmos. It was in ancient Greece in the III century BC. e. he was the first to formulate the hypothesis of heliocentrism, and the calculations of Eratosthenes of Cyrene, made at about the same time, formed the basis of the calendar that we use today. Hipparchus of Nicaea in the 2nd century BC. e. managed to compile the first catalog of "fixed stars" according to their brightness and completed tables of the motion of the Moon and the Sun. But the sister of Urania, Clio, is a rather ironic person: today the erroneous geocentric theory put forward in the 2nd century AD is widely known. e. Claudius Ptolemy, and served as the basis of the church Christian doctrine of the structure of the Universe, and not the earlier discoveries of Greek scientists.

As already mentioned, astronomy is the science of Urania's muse, one of the most ancient disciplines. It was studied by Babylonian soothsayers and magicians, Greek philosophers and storytellers, monks and nobles of the Renaissance, astrologers, mystics and great thinkers of more recent times. The content and concepts of astronomy have always served as the basis of the worldview of a particular time and were at the epicenter of the confrontation of ideas.

Aphrodite Urania

Indeed, in Greek mythology, the epithet "Urania" was used

in relation to the daughter of the sky god - Aphrodite, personifying physical strength nature. Aphrodite Urania - Heavenly was revered by the Hellenes not only as the patroness of pure love and family, but also as the plant forces, in charge of fields, gardens, groves and vineyards.

The image of Urania in art

More than one century has passed since the heyday of Ancient Greece, but the muse Urania has always inspired not only astronomers and scientists associated with her. The image of Urania can be found on the canvases of Simon Vue "The Muses of Urania and Calliope", Louis Tokke "The Muse of Astronomy", Angelika Kaufmann and Louis de Boulogne, Johann Heinrich and Eustathia Le-sour, engravings by Jan Hevelius and Hendrik Goltzius. Of course, the muse in these paintings is depicted in robes in the fashion of the time when the artist worked, but here is the celestial sphere and the compass in his hands, or the stylus is always present.

Writers and poets also did not ignore her: Urania is the muse of astronomy, which inspired Lomonosov and Tyutchev to "odic reasoning." Our famous contemporary Joseph Brodsky published in 1987 a book of poems "To Urania". In St. Petersburg, it is planned to install a monument to the poet in the form of three stelae with the verses “To Urania” engraved on them.

The Moscow Planetarium even created the Urania Museum, which displays a star globe created by Jan Hevelius, on which the constellations known in the 17th century are drawn. In addition, the museum presents many interesting items related to the study of outer space and stars.

In the hands of Urania, there is always a celestial sphere and a compass, dressed in a starry cloak, and on her head is a crown of constellations. Urania, along with her sisters, accompanies, inspiring, the Greek god Apollo, she is happy to have fun and dance at the holidays in honor of Dionysus, and at the same time she personifies the power of knowledge and contemplation.

Muse Urania calls everyone to move away from the chaos of everyday existence in order to immerse themselves in the contemplation and study of the majestic life of the Cosmos and the movements of the stars, reflecting earthly destinies.

Now it is difficult for us to imagine how such an exact science as astronomy can intersect with poetry or other art. However, astronomy at the time of the formation of Greek mythology and the emergence of the cult of the Muses was more of an art than an exact science.

Astronomy is the science of Urania's muse, one of the most ancient disciplines. It was studied by Babylonian magicians and soothsayers, Greek philosophers and storytellers, astrologers, mystics, monks, noble persons of the Renaissance, great thinkers of times closer to us. The content and concepts of astronomy have always been at the epicenter of the confrontation of ideas and served as the basis of the worldview of a particular time.

More than one century has passed since the heyday of Ancient Greece, but the muse Urania has always inspired not only astronomers and scientists associated with her. The image of Urania can be found on the canvases of artists. Writers and poets did not ignore her.

Lomonosov, showing his vast knowledge and exceptional abilities in the field of astronomy, believed that it was here, in Russia, "with the host of all other sciences, astronomy will also increase," and that "the most glorious of the muses, Urania, will primarily establish her dwelling in our fatherland" .

He mentions Urania in his ode for the birthday of Empress Catherine:

This is what Russia tells you

And together with her sciences cathedral.

Forerunner Urania

Raises a quick glance to the top,

Heavenly run is watching

And gladly composes

Your crown of new stars.

Art is land surveying for you

Space to show immensely

Unknown desires places.

Fyodor Tyutchev dedicated the poem "Urania" to the muse (the text is given at the end of the article).

Joseph Brodsky published in 1987 a book of poems "To Urania".

It is planned to install a monument to the poet in the form of three stelae with the verses “To Urania” engraved on them. The Moscow Planetarium even created the Urania Museum, which exhibits a star globe created by Jan Hevelius, on which the constellations known in the 17th century are drawn.

Eustache Lesueur is a French painter. Urania.

The asteroid (30) Urania, discovered in 1854, is named after Urania.

Verses dedicated to Urania

Fedor Tyutchev

Opened! - Isn't it a dream? The world is new!

Nova force

My spirit is enthusiastic, like a flame, clothed!

Who, lad, gave me the soaring of an eagle!

Ce muses priceless gift- behold the inspiration of the wing!

I rush, - and the valley world disappeared before me, -

This world, foggy and cramped

Unrest and bustle wrapped in a veil, -

Disappeared! - Like a golden ray of the sun,

The heavenly ether has touched every...

And shone the dust of the earth ...

I see the lofty villages are wonderful ...

Otsel - to the opened mysterious gates -

By the grace of fate

The daughters of Mnemosyne flow to us,

Honor, joy and beauty to peoples and ages!..

The boundless sea lies under the feet,

And in the light azure of calm waves

With burning stars the sky is ablaze,

As in a pure heart - the face of the gods;

Like a quiet thrill - expectation;

Sacred silence all around.

And lo! Like the moon rises from behind the clouds

Urania is an island of silver foam;

Flickering light spread around

Goddesses born with a smile...

The sounds of lyres rush from above;

The world is drowning in charms! ..

The ethereal shadows folded the covers

And the magical almighty belt harit,

Here Urania took her image,

And the star crown on the goddess burns!

What captivated us on earth with a dream,

As the Truth, we have to come here too!

Tokmo here under a clear sky

The gloomy current will clear up life;

Tokmo is here, forgotten by Aquilon,

It pours, and bright and deep!

Tokmo here is a wonderful life genius,

Here, where the roses of pure delights are eternal,

Forever young Poetry wreath!..

Like Pharos for the souls and minds of the sanctified,

The heavenly temple is erected high;.-

And Wisdom welcomes captives to the mountains

Taste from a nutritious meal there.

Surrounding the blessed in golden-colored dawns,

On high thrones, in the radiance of the gods,

The saviors of mortals sit majestically,

Creators of good, device, cities;

Be the world forever young, with golden chains

Bound families, peoples, kings;

Judgment is right, with eternally motionless scales;

Fear of God, guardian of the holy altars;

And you, Mercy, sorrow joy!

You, Loyalty, are bowed to the anchor with your forehead,

Love for the motherland is the fence of the fatherland,

And cold Valor with a burning sword;

You, with eternally bright eyes, Patience,

And Trud, your steady doctor and slanderer...

Thus do the powers above hold their counsel!

Among them, around them in holy reverence

Flies over the hills of cloudy rop

In circles of mysterious currents

Science and knowledge bright chor...

Urania is alone, like the sun between the stars,

Keeps Harmony and rules their ways:

At the behest of her mighty wand

Good enlightenment flows from end to end;

Where the night was dark before

There is a luminous manifestation of the day;

Like a river of stars, all around the sky

Prostrated, it embraces the universe

And pours out the blessings of life

West, East, North and South...

Open before me, the universe of the past years!

Urania, tell me where your temple was first,

Your throne and your people, teacher of all

East is mysterious! - Your order is complete! ..

Your early day is gone! From the gates near the Sun

The birth of his abode arrogantly

It emanates and flows, the languid and doubtful king...

Where is Babylon here, where is Thebes? - where is my city?

Where is glorious Persepolis? - where is Memnon, my


There is none of them! - Its rays are lost in the steppes,

Where the hunter or yeller will mournfully meet them,

Barrenly digging in fiery sands;

Or, bashful, they glide sadly

Along the mossy ribs of the pyramids...

Hide yourself, mortal greatness, gloomy look! ..

And the sun strives for a long way:

Aegea on the banks of the welcome head

Laurel leaned towards him; and on the hills of Hellas

His altar was wrapped around the green myrtle of Pallas;

The blind singer called him in hymns,

Horses and riders, leaders and chariots,

The meeting of the gods who left Olympus;

Blows are disastrous Arey's right hand,

And sweet are the songs of the shepherds;

Rome has risen - and Mars' thunder and songs are sweet-voiced

A hundred times on the Tiber hills resounded;

And the swan of Mantua, the explosion of Troy, the ashes of the ill-fated,

He ascended and shed eternal light on the seas! ..

But what is it that catches the eye? Where, where did you hide?

Heavenly! - Runs like a ghost, pale in the darkness,

The daylight has sunk,

Everywhere chaos and darkness!

"No! the light of sciences is eternal; it does not embrace

Rebellious haze; its incorruptible fruit

And he won't die!"

Rekla Urania and the scepter waves,

And pale, ulcerated head

Italy frees from iron crypts,

Breaks the bonds of fierce snakes, standing on the neck of a lion! ..

Just start here! .. The earth is blessed,

Valleys, bowels of mountains, springs, forests

And you, Vesuvius itself! you, hot abyss,

Terrible terrible beauty of nature!

You returned everything, that in a fury unsatisfied

Furious Saturn wanted to hide from us!

Hellas, Rome, the color from the ashes came!

And the sun flowed again on its gifted path! ..

Ferrara Eagle no formidable battles in a row,

Neither the charm nor the charm of Tomima,

Neither hordes of a thousand, nor evil hell

Exalted paths will not be forbidden anywhere:

On fiery wings he brought to the temple of Solim

Victory and crown; -

There are the nymphs Tara, there are the ramparts of the Guadalquivir

At the meeting, they flow to you, young Singer,

Bringing songs to us from the shores of another world;-

But who are these two geniuses)

How luminous are the seraphim,

Eden Gate Keepers

And secrets priests incomprehensible? -

One from British waters, another from the Alps,

Miraculous hands are handed to each other;

Earthly alien, raise their eyes to the sky

In the fire of divine dreams!..

Why does the face of the deep sea burn?

Where do the Tamizs of water run enthusiastically?

What are you in awe of the holy Alps, Apennines! ..

Bless the earth! Tilt your ears, people!

The immortal singers proclaim God to you:

One, like a son of thunder, the fall thunders among you;

Another, like grace, announces salvation

And the path that leads to heaven.

And lo! among the snows of midnight deep,

Under the glare of cold dawns, under the whistle of icy blizzards,

He rose from Kholmogor - like a strong cedar, high,

It rises, ascends and embraces everything around

With its strong branches;

Rising to the clouds, his head shines

Immortal fruits.

And there, where the brilliant metal is hidden,

There he digs the earth with deep roots, -

So Rossky Pindar got up! - raised his hand to the sky,

May he rebuke the flaming thunders;

Minerva with a spear beats the bowels of the earth -

And the golden treasures ran out;

He commandingly extended his gaze to the sea-

And his light burns like Pollux and Castor! ..

Singer, on the coffin of the father, the king-hero,

He bowed fresh laurels

And days of priceless bliss and peace

Elizabeth lit up!

Then, overflowing, the light from the northern lights

Gave a reflection on the steep banks of the Araks;

And the geniuses stretched out their eyes and hands there,

And new Thebes blushed in the rays ...

There, there, in the land of the daylight,

The Singer of Felitsa has arisen! ..

Mystery of fate prophesied

The king-hero in the cradle...

He is with us today! He came to us from the sky

The cathedrals of royal geniuses flew down with him;

His throne was surrounded around;

God's spirit rests on him!

And the muses sang joyfully

You, O king of hearts, on the throne of Man!

By your all-powerful hand

The Janus Gates have closed!

You have protected us with silence,

You are our glory, beauty!

Humbly bowing down to your throne,

Peruns sleep above and below.

And here, where everything is from your goodness,

Here is the genius of enlightenment,

Shining with the light of renewal,

Blesses his fun days!-

Here he makes sacred oaths,

What, constant, unchanging,

In its brilliant height,

Monarch following the precepts and example,

It will rise, leaning on Vera,

To your divine meta.

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