Inland waters of South America. Lakes of the Southern Continents

Lesson topic: Inland waters of South America.

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

Educational– introduce students to the largest river and lake systems of South America and their features.

Developmental – developing the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships; draw up a description of the river according to plan; development of skills in working with a map.

Educational– to cultivate curiosity, respect for nature, and independence in schoolchildren; develop an interest in geography.

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment.

The music is “On the Distant Amazon”.


Goal: to form an idea of ​​the characteristics of the continent’s inland waters

ü Get to know the mainland’s major rivers, waterfalls and lakes

ü To develop knowledge about the peculiarities of regime, nutrition and the nature of river flows

ü Identify the dependence of inland waters on relief and climate

2. Checking homework

o Remember what internal waters are

o River basin

o Types of food

o High water

o Flood

But before you go on a trip, you need to prepare for it so that any troubles do not take us by surprise. Unite into 3 groups (in rows)

n First group characterizes equatorial, A second group - subequatorial climate zone of South America according to plan:

In what part of the continent is the belt located? What air masses dominate there during the year? Average January and July temperatures Average annual precipitation What time of year does precipitation occur?

n Third group characterizes the situation large rivers South America:

Name and show on a map the major river systems of South America. Which oceans do they belong to? Why do all the major rivers of South America flow into the Atlantic Ocean? Are most of the rivers in South America lowland or mountainous?

3. Learning new material

So, we have to travel across flat terrain, which means we don’t need special equipment. Average temperatures in January tell us that there is no need to take warm clothes. In the equatorial belt, rain clouds gather in the afternoon, which means we are also not in danger of getting caught in a tropical downpour.

So, let's go! As a means of transportation, we offer you a high-speed vessel - the comfortable motor ship "Don".

Help us determine the route of our trip! What seas and straits will it pass through?

n The first destination of our trip is the Amazon. This is the largest river in South America, the deepest river in the world and the longest.

One of the local residents will tell us about it

The area from which the Amazon collects water is almost equal to the area of ​​Australia - 7 million km²! The river pours 120 thousand m³ of water into the Atlantic Ocean every second. The depth of the Amazon is equal to the Congo, Mississippi, Yangtze and Ob combined!

The river is born in the Andes. If we consider the Ucayali River to be the source of the Amazon, then the length of the river is 6280 km (this is the second result in the world after the Nile). However, according to the latest data, its length together with Apacheta is 7025 km (that is, longer than the Nile!).

Along its entire length, the Amazon receives about 500 tributaries.

During low water, the width of the river near the city of Manaus is 5 km, and the depth is 50 m. In the lower reaches, the Amazon is more than 50 km wide and up to 100 m deep. Not every sea has such depths! The Amazon really seems like a sea: standing on one shore, you can’t see the other at all!

Where did the name of the river come from? The story is like this.

In 1542 a detachment of Spanish conquerors moved from the western shores of South America to the east, deep into the mainland and, having passed through high mountains, went to the banks of a large river. There the Spaniards saw an Indian village, the inhabitants of which had long hair and were dressed in short skirts. It was not possible to rob the village, as the invaders received a proper rebuff. Because of unusual looking and belligerence, the Spaniards mistook the locals for the Amazons from ancient Greek myth. This is where the name of the large and deep river came from - the Amazon.

Since the Amazon is located in the equatorial zone, eternal summer reigns there. Of course, the waters of the Amazon are rich in life. Fish are especially diverse - there are about 2000 species.

o In the Amazon there is, for example, the pirarucu fish, or, as it is also called, the giant red fish. Some of its specimens are about 5 m long and weigh up to 200 kg! The heavy and massive body of these fish is colored greenish near the head, and bright red closer to the tail. They hunt her with arrows and spears.

o Interestingly, the smallest fish in the whole world are also found here - colorfully colored guppies, and other “aquarium” fish.

o And yet the most famous fish of South America are piranhas. These are the most dangerous fish, reaching only 30 cm in length. Powerful jaws and sharp teeth allow them to cut off a piece of meat like a razor. Piranhas always attack in a pack and, attracted by any splash of water or smelling blood, they immediately rush at any creature that dares to enter the water. Hordes of these “wolf fish” can devour a bull in a few minutes

o Other predators also live here: stingrays, armed with sharp spines filled with poison lethal to humans; electric eels, which can “treat” the enemy with a discharge of 600 volts, crocodiles, as well as small caneru fish, the size of a finger, capable of crawling into the bodies of animals and people.

o An interesting plant grows in the quiet backwaters of the river - the Victoria Regia water lily. Its rounded leaves have a diameter of up to 2 m, powerful membranes make the leaf very durable, capable of supporting weight up to 50 kg!

n Now let's try to answer the question: how can we explain the exceptional fullness of the river?

n Find the Amazon River in the contour maps and write its name.

n And in your notebooks, write down what the Amazon is a “world record holder” in?

Check your notes in your notebook


n Our ship, driven by the Brazilian Current, passed along the eastern coast of South America. Now it enters the Bay of La Plata and rises upstream of the Parana River.

It is characterized by a pronounced seasonality of the regime. Lots of rapids and waterfalls


n On one of the tributaries of the Paraná is the Iguazu Falls. This is Iguazu itself, which falls in two main cascades, but there are 275 waterfalls in the system! Iguazu throws down a monstrous mass of water - 12,766 tons per second! It is no coincidence that its name is translated from the Iguarani Indian language as “big water”.

the widest waterfall on Earth - its width is 2.7 km with a height of 72

n On contour maps, identify the Parana River and Iguazu Falls.

To reach the next point of our journey, we suggest you take your seats on the plane. Our course is to the north of the mainland.

o In the Orinoco River basin, on the Churun ​​River there is the highest waterfall on Earth - Angel (height 1054 m), discovered in 1935. Angel is located in one of the most remote and inaccessible places in South America. The mountain range, 3000 m high, ends in a sheer rock wall. The approaches to the wall are blocked by impenetrable jungle. The Indians considered these places forbidden.

n In contour maps, show the Orinoco River and Angel Falls, indicating its height in parentheses.

The next point of our journey is high in the Andes.

o Lake Titicaca is the largest freshwater lake in South America. This is the largest of the high-mountain lakes on Earth. It is located at an altitude of 3812 m. In the Inca language it is called “Lead Rock”

o Inca legends about sunken treasures have long excited the imagination of historians, archaeologists and treasure hunters. According to one legend, the Incas, having collected all the oloto, cast a gold chain from it and, so that the enemy, the Spaniards, would not get the treasure, they threw it into a lake that, as they believed, had no bottom.

o The technically well-equipped French expedition of Jacques Yves Cousteau, which had submarines, after an 8-week search, established that there were no treasures at the bottom of the lake. The expedition measured the depth of the “bottomless” lake – 320 m.

The next point of our journey is Lake Maracaibo

o Salty, located in Venezuela

o Height above sea level 0 m

o Mirror area 13210 km²

o Maximum depth 60 m

o Volume 280 km³

The Lake Maracaibo basin contains large oil reserves, as a result of which the lake serves as a source of wealth for Venezuela. A specially dug deep channel in the lake allows ocean-going ships to enter there. The 8-kilometer General Rafael Urdaneta Bridge (completed in 1962), spanning the strait to the sea, is one of the most long bridges in the world

n Label Lake Titicaca and Maracaibo on contour maps

It's time for us to return. We visited the water bodies of South America, got acquainted with their natural characteristics, got an idea about these objects. All the rivers we saw. You showed lakes and waterfalls in your route sheets - contour maps.

And finally, to check whether you really have the right idea about the inland waters of South America, we offer you a small game called “Sinquain”.

So, syncwine is 5 lines:

Name, keyword; Two adjectives related to the word being defined; Three verbs; A phrase that carries a specific meaning; Summary, one word.


n § 47 c/k p.

n * p. 149 c. 3 or create a crossword puzzle on the topic


Rose of Wind

I have learned a lot of new things

I felt comfortable

I was bored

I didn't learn anything new

Topic: Climate and inland waters of South America"

The purpose of the lesson: to form ideas about the nature of the continent: the diversity of climate, its causes and its influence on the distribution of inland waters;

Lesson objectives: consolidate students' knowledge about the features of the relief of South America; continue to develop the ability to work with atlas maps and climate diagrams.

Means of education: physical map South America, climate map of South America, continent templates with marked boundaries of climate zones, atlases, multimedia projector, computer.

Lesson type - combined

During the classes:

I. Organizational moment (during recess, give students templates of the continent so that they can circle them on a blank sheet of paper in their notebooks) Slide 1.

II. Checking homework:Relief and minerals of South America

1 task – Geographical dictation(with short, precise answers) - to a group of prepared students. Slide 2.

  1. The main feature of the relief of South America.(Mountain West and Plain East).
  2. The greatest plain in the world is located here.(Amazonian lowland).
  3. In what part of the Andes are they widest?(In the central one).
  4. What is Aconcagua?(Highest point in the Andes).
  5. Why is the Amazon lowland called the "devil's swamp"?(There is a lot of precipitation here; these places are low and marshy).
  6. What does the word "andes" mean?(Copper)
  7. Why are the Andes located in the west of the continent?(The Pacific and South American plates collided, forming mountains at the boundary).
  8. Why are the Andes called young mountains?(Mountain building has not been completed; earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are frequent here).
  9. What is a shield? (Exit of the platform’s solid foundation to the day surface)
  10. What minerals are rich in the plains of South America?(Oil, gas, coal, iron ores).

Task 2 – Nomenclature on the card Slide 3. (a strong student interviews a weak one)

3 task (advanced) - one strong student write on the board support words, with the help of which you can determine the climate of the continent.

Evaluate student work.

III. Learning new material:

1. Working with LOK “Climate of South America”(Conversation with students, writing on the outline of the continent in a notebook - filling out the LOC).

1) What is climate?(long-term weather regime characteristic of a particular area).

2) To characterize the climate of South America, first remember the climate-forming factors. (GP, relief, currents, air masses, proximity of seas and oceans).

3) What supporting words do we need to characterize the climate? (advanced task) –equator, southern tropic, mountains, plains, currents, oceans, temperature, precipitation, wind, climate zones. Slide 4.

4) Mark the equator, southern tropic, currents, oceans on the template.

5) Using the atlas maps, let’s characterize the climate of each zone(filling out LOC). Slide 5.

Equatorial and subequatorial belt.

– What is the position of South America relative to the equator? (position in equatorial latitudes indicates a large amount of heat and moisture in this area).

– What are the climatic indicators in these zones?

*** (January t =+24 o C, July t =+24 o C, O equivalent zone = 3000mm, O subequivalent zone =2000mm, South-West and North-East trade winds)

Tropical zone

Will the climate within this zone be the same?? (No)

: In the tropical zone of South America there are 2 climatic regions - desert and humid. The eastern part is influenced by air masses from the Atlantic Ocean, so most of the year the weather is humid and hot: t January =+24 o C, July t =+17…+19 o C, O=up to 2000mm. The Pacific coast and the western slopes of the Andes in the tropical zone are under the influence of the cold Peruvian Current, the waters of which, cooling the air, prevent precipitation: t January =+13 o C, July t =+20 o C, O=100mm.

*** Name the cold desert of South America located in this belt

. (Atacama)Where have we met such a desert before?

? (Namib Desert in Africa).

Subtropical zone– What climatic regions are distinguished in this zone?

(Mediterranean, continental, with even moisture)Teacher's explanation of the climate map: In the east of this belt the climate is humid (t January =+20 0 С, July t =+15 о С, О =2000mm). *** As you move deeper into the continent it becomes dry (O = up to 500 mm). On the Pacific coast the climate is subtropical Mediterranean type with dry hot summers (t = +20 O As you move deeper into the continent it becomes dry (O = up to 500 mm). On the Pacific coast the climate is subtropical Mediterranean type with dry hot summers (t = +20 ) and warm wet winter (t = +10

). Western winds in winter bring heavy precipitation of more than 1000 mm from the ocean.

Temperate zoneWhy do Africa and Australia not, but South America have a temperate climate zone? ().

due to the large extent from north to south, due to the proximity of AntarcticaTeacher's explanation of the climate map As you move deeper into the continent it becomes dry (O = up to 500 mm). On the Pacific coast the climate is subtropical Mediterranean type with dry hot summers (t = +20 : In the temperate zone in the south, the climate is especially contrasting. In the west it is temperate maritime with mild warm winters (t = +8 C), cool humid summer (t = 0 +10 o C, O = up to 3000mm).*** In the eastern part the climate is temperate continental with little precipitation up to 300 mm, t

January =+15 o C, July t =+15 o C, westerly winds blow. Sometimes in the summer there are snowstorms - the breath of nearby Antarctica.

Slide 6.Conclusion: South America is the wettest continent. 2. Working with climatograms

1. in the textbook on pp. 171-173: Using LOC, determine the types of climates from climatograms:

2.subtropical continental;

3. temperate marine;

4. equatorial;

5. subequatorial;

6.tropical desert

3. Consolidating LOK: conversation on issues.

– How is the climate of South America and Africa different?(South America is the wettest continent, and Africa is the hottest continent; Africa does not have a temperate zone).

– How did the Andes influence the climate of the continent?(They prevent the passage of air masses from the oceans).

– How do currents affect climate?(The west coast, where the cold currents pass, is drier than the east coast, where the warm currents pass).

4. Student messagesabout interesting water bodies of South America:

Slide 8. Amazon- the largest river in South America and the deepest river in the world. It is formed in Peru as a result of the confluence of the Ucayali and Marañon rivers, flows through the Amazon Lowland, which lies in Brazil, and flows into the Atlantic Ocean. The river received its name in honor of the militant tribe of Amazons who allegedly lived on its banks. The annual flow of the Amazon is 6937 km 3 , basin area – 6915 thousand km 2 . It carries its waters slowly and calmly. During the rainy season, the water rises by 10-15 m. The river has500 tributaries that form a dense river network. Dense, impenetrable forests grow along the banks of the Amazon. In the waters you can see a unique plant - Victoria regia; 2000 species of fish live here, among which the more famous predatory fish piranha and river dolphin.

Slide 9. Angel- the tallest waterfall in the world. It is located on the territory of Venezuela, on the Guiana Plateau on the small river Churun. The waterfall was discovered only in the twentieth century, as it was hidden by dense dense vegetation. Angel - incredibly tall - a kilometer! - elastic foamy white column of water; a tight stream of stream falls from the plateau into the abyss, at the bottom of which the Churumi River is reborn. The height of the water fall here is so great that the stream, without reaching the bottom of the abyss, turns into water dust, which settles on the stones as rain.

Slide 10. Lake Titicaca is the highest mountain in the world. It is located in the crater of an extinct volcano.

5. Independent reading text of the textbook “Inland Waters”, pp. 172-174.

Consolidate what you read:Game "Mystery squares" (Guess the words and statements encrypted in the pictures). Slides 11-12.

The Amazon drainage basin is the same size as Australia.

Lake Maracaibo connects narrow strait With Caribbean Sea.

IV. Consolidation of the studied material.

Slide 13. Questions for students:

Folk wisdom says: “Keep your feet warm and your head cold.” Which South American country does the opposite? Why?(Argentina. The “legs” are located in the deserts of Patagonia and on the island of Tierra del Fuego, partially covered by glaciers. The “body” of the country is occupied by the South American steppe, and the “head” is in the wilds of the tropical forest).

– Name the rivers of South America and Africa that are similar in water regime. Why do you think so?(The Amazon and Congo, being on the equator, carry a lot of water; Niger, Zambezi and Orinoco, Parana - less, because they are removed from the humid equatorial latitudes).

V. Homework: Slide 14.

1) § 42-43

2) On the contour map of South America, mark the Amazon rivers (Marañon and Ucayali), Orinoco, Parana; lakes Titicaca, Maracaibo; Angel Falls and Iguazu Falls.

3) Advance tasks for several students: prepare short reports about the animals of South America.


1. Physical geography: A reference guide for preparatory departments of universities / Ed. K.V. Pashkanga. – M.: graduate School, 1991.

2. Selishchev E.N. Geography for the curious, or What you won’t learn about in class. – Yaroslavl: Academy Holding, 2002.

3. Lyakhova K.A., Gorbacheva E.G.. Records in the natural world. – M. Veche, 2003

4. Illustrative material from Internet resources.

Lesson topic: Inland waters of South America

Lesson objectives:

– formation of students’ ideas and knowledge about the peculiarities of the nature of South America;

– find out the most important features of rivers; establish cause-and-effect relationships between rivers and lakes with relief and climate,

– to form an idea of ​​the main features of the rivers and lakes of the continent - properties, flow patterns, food sources and regime, distribution across the continent.

Lesson objectives:

– consolidate skills and abilities to work with atlas maps, contour maps;
– continue to develop the skills to establish cause-and-effect relationships;
– cultivate an environmental culture;
– instill skills of self-control of knowledge;
– develop independent thinking;
– development of persistent interest in the subject;

Educational and visual complex:

Largest right tributaries
Countries located in the river basin
Largest cities
Human use of the river.
Option!. Congo and Parana.

Option 2. Nile and Amazon.

Option 3. Zambezi and Orinoco.

Appendix 2. Statistical materials.

The largest rivers in South America.


Length, km.

Pool area.

thousand km²





Madeira, Jurua, Purus, Rio Negro, Tocantins-Aragual




Paraguay, Iguazu




Aripuanan, Mamore








Pawnee, Acree









San Francisco



Rio Grande

The largest waterfalls in South America.

The largest lakes in South America.


Area, km²

Depth, m.










Lagoa Mirim






Appendix 3.

Self-control sheet.
Inland waters of South America.

“It is known that the only path to knowledge is activity” Bernard Shaw.

Last name, first name._______________________________________ .
Task 1. “Digital dictation.”

Answer: 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-, 5-, 6-.

Grade for completed task _________________ ( maximum score-6)
Task 2. “Checking the mastery of geographical nomenclature”

The grade for the completed task is ______________________ (maximum score – 7).

Task 3. Determine the coordinates.

Option 1 – Angel Falls, Option 2 – Iguazu Falls.

Score for the completed task ______________________________ (correct answer -4 points).

Task 4.

Using statistical materials, atlases, textbooks, fill out the table.

Name of the river.

Major tributaries

Pool area

River length.

Basic type of food.

Flood period.







Score for the completed task ____________________________ (maximum score -15 points)

Task 5. Test your knowledge using tests.

Answers. 1- , 2- , 3 - , 4- .

Score for the completed task _________________________ (maximum score -4)

Lesson grade ________________ “5” - more than 35 points, “4” - from 35 to 25 points, “3” - from 24-10 points, “2” - below 10 points.

The features of the relief and climate of South America predetermined its exceptional wealth of surface and groundwater, a huge amount of flow, the presence of the deepest river globe- Amazons. Occupying 12% of the Earth's land area, South America receives approximately 2 times more (1643 mm) average precipitation per unit of total area. The total river flow is 27% of the total flow of the Earth, the average layer of flow (58 cm) is also almost 2 times larger average size for all sushi. But the amount of runoff varies sharply across the continent - from a few mm to hundreds of cm. The rivers are also extremely unevenly distributed between the ocean basins: the Pacific Ocean basin is 12 times smaller than the Atlantic basin (the watershed between them runs mainly along the Andes ridges); in addition, about 10% of the territory of South Africa belongs to the area of ​​internal drainage, crossing the mainland from the Gulf of Guayaquil through the Central Andean Highlands to southern Pampa. The predominant rivers are rain-fed, and in the extreme south - also snow-glacial.

The layer of average annual runoff reaches its greatest value of 150-400 cm (up to 90% of precipitation) in southern Chile, which is explained not only by the abundance of precipitation, but also by the steepness of the slopes, low evaporation and ice reserves in the upper reaches of rivers, causing summer floods, including and at the “transit” rivers of Patagonia; the share of underground recharge of the rivers of the Southern Andes is no more than 20-25%. The runoff is equally large (in some rivers even up to 800 cm) in the western Columbia, but rainfall and summer-autumn storm floods predominate there; underground flow increases to 40%. The characteristics of the flow of the Amazon are similar, decreasing in its central and southern parts to 40-60 cm. The regime of large rivers, like the Amazon itself, depends on the rainy season in the upper and middle reaches of its tributaries. On the well and more or less evenly moistened outskirts of the Brazilian and Guiana plateaus, the average annual flow is also 40-60 cm (in some places up to 150 cm) with the share of underground flow up to 50%. In inland areas On the Brazilian plateau, the flow decreases (in the north-east by up to 5 cm) and becomes extremely uneven: stormy summer floods are replaced by a sharp reduction in water flow in winter, up to the drying up of small watercourses. The flow regime is similar in the flat areas of the subequatorial and tropical zones with rain-fed rivers (Llanos-Orinoco, Beni Mamore plains, Gran Chaco). A pronounced seasonality in precipitation leads to variability in runoff (average runoff decreases from 50-80 to 15-20 cm) and river regimes: in the winter of the corresponding hemisphere, in places the flow stops and even large watercourses (Rio Bermejo, Rio Salado, etc.) are divided into separate reaches with saline waters, and in summer floods flood vast areas; The flow regulators of the rivers of Paraguay and Parana are the swamp-lake lowlands of the Pantanal and the Laplata Lowland. The smallest flow (3-5 mm) is confined to the desert tropical west of South Africa, where even melted snow waters from the highlands accumulate in foothill plumes and tectonic depressions, increasing the share of underground feeding of episodic rivers to 50% (only the Loa River has a constant flow in ocean).

A large amount of precipitation brought from the Atlantic, extensive plateaus, gently sloping down to huge lowlands and plains that collect runoff from the adjacent slopes of the Andes, contributed to the formation of large river systems in the extra-Andean East of South Africa: the Amazon, Orinoco, Parana and Paraguay. Uruguay; in the Andes the largest is the river system. Magdalena flowing in a longitudinal depression of the humid Northern Andes. Only lowland rivers are suitable for navigation. Mountain rivers of the Andes and plateaus, replete with rapids and waterfalls (Angel, 1054 m, Caietur, 226 m, Iguazu, 72 m, etc.), as well as deep watercourses of constantly wet plains, have enormous hydroelectric potential (over 300 million kW).

Large lakes, mainly of glacial origin (terminal basins), are concentrated mainly in the Patagonian Andes (Lago Argentino, Buenos Aires, etc.) and in southern Central Chile (Llanquihue, etc.). In the Central Andes lies the highest of the Earth's large lakes - Titpkaka, there are also many residual lakes (Poopo and others) and large salt marshes; the latter are also typical for the depressions between the Pampinsky sierras (Salinas Grandes and others). Large lagoon lakes are located in the north (Maracaibo) and in the southeast of South Africa (Patus, Lagoa-Mirin). Amazon River

The largest river in South America is the Amazon. Most of its basin lies south of the equator. The area of ​​this largest river basin in the world is over 7 million km2, the length of the river from the main source (Marañon River) is 6400 km. If we take Ucayali and Apurimac as the source of the Amazon, then its length reaches 7194 km, which exceeds the length of the Nile. The water consumption of the Amazon is several times higher than that of all largest rivers peace. It is equal to an average of 220 thousand m3/s (the maximum flow rate can exceed 300 thousand m3/s). The average annual flow of the Amazon in its lower reaches (7000 km3) accounts for most of the flow of all South America and 15% of the flow of all rivers on Earth!

The main source of the Amazon - the Marañon River - begins in the Andes at an altitude of 4840 m. Only after merging with the first major tributary - the Ucayali - within the plain the river receives the name Amazon.

The Amazon collects its numerous tributaries (more than 500) from the slopes of the Andes, Brazilian and Guiana highlands. Many of them exceed 1500 km in length. The most numerous and largest tributaries of the Amazon are rivers of the southern hemisphere. The largest left tributary is the Rio Negro (2300 km), the largest right tributary, and the largest tributary of the Amazon, is the Madeira (3200 km).

Some of the tributaries, eroding clay rocks, carry very muddy water (“white” rivers), others, with clear water, are dark with dissolved water. organic matter(“black” rivers). After the Rio Negro (Black River) flows into the Amazon, light and dark waters flow in parallel, without mixing, for about 20-30 km, which is clearly visible on satellite images.

The width of the Amazon channel after the confluence of Marañon and Ucayali is 1-2 km, but downstream it quickly increases. Near Manaus (1690 km from the mouth) it already reaches 5 km, in the lower reaches it expands to 20 km, and at the mouth the width of the main channel of the Amazon, together with numerous islands, reaches 80 km during the flood. In the western part of the lowland, the Amazon flows almost at the level of the banks, without actually having a formed valley. In the east, the river forms a deeply incised valley, which presents a sharp contrast with the watershed areas.

The Amazon Delta begins approximately 350 km from the Atlantic Ocean. Despite its ancient age, it did not move into the ocean beyond its original shores. Although the river carries out huge masses of solid material (on average 1 billion tons per year), the process of delta growth is hampered by the activity of tides, the influence of currents, and the subsidence of the coast.

In the lower reaches of the Amazon big influence Its regime and the formation of the shores are influenced by ebbs and flows. The tidal wave penetrates upstream for more than 1000 km, in the lower reaches its wall reaches a height of 1.5-5 m. The wave rushes against the current with great speed, causing strong waves on sandbanks and banks, destroying the banks. Among the local population, this phenomenon is known as “pororoka” and “amazunu”.

The Amazon is full of water throughout the year. Twice a year the water level in the river rises to a significant height. These maximums are associated with rainy periods in the northern and southern hemispheres. The highest flow in the Amazon occurs after the rainy period in the southern hemisphere (in May), when the bulk of the water is carried by its right tributaries. The river overflows its banks and in the middle reaches floods a huge territory, creating a kind of gigantic inland lake. The water level rises by 12-15m, and in the Manaus area the width of the river can reach 35 km. Then comes a period of gradual decrease in water flow, the river enters the banks. The lowest water level in the river is in August and September, then there is a second maximum associated with the period summer rains northern hemisphere. In the Amazon it appears with some delay, around November. The November maximum is significantly lower than the May one. In the lower reaches of the river, two maxima gradually merge into one.

From its mouth to the city of Manaus, the Amazon is accessible to large ships. Vessels with a fairly deep draft can penetrate even as far as Iquitos (Peru). But in the lower reaches, due to the tides, the abundance of sediments and islands, navigation is difficult. The southern branch, Para, which has a common mouth with the Tocantins River, is deeper and more accessible to ocean-going ships. It is home to the major ocean port of Brazil - Belém. But this branch of the Amazon is now connected to the main channel only by small channels. The Amazon with its tributaries is a system waterways communications with a total length of up to 25 thousand km. The transport significance of the river is great. For a long time it was the only route connecting the interior of the Amazonian lowland with the Atlantic coast.

The rivers of the Amazon basin have large reserves of water energy. Many tributaries of the Amazon, when entering the lowlands, cross the steep edges of the Brazilian and Guiana highlands, forming large waterfalls. But these hydro resources are still very little used.

Greeting from the teacher: “Good afternoon, guys! Sit down. Check if you are ready for the lesson? Geography textbooks, workbooks, an atlas and an outline map, and writing materials should be on the table. So, let's begin!

Homework Check Strategy (Talking Heads) (AB)

1. Reasons for the prevalence of high temperatures in the northern part of South America. Geographical position.

2. The nature of the distribution of precipitation on the mainland. Uneven.

3. A zone where the climate in summer is formed under the influence of tropical air masses, creating hot, dry weather with rare showers, and in winter westerly winds bring moderate air and heavy precipitation from the ocean with a predominance of cloudy, warm, rainy weather. Subtropical.

4. A climate where the winter is relatively warm, with temperatures +4°, +6° C, with cloudy, windy weather, and the summer is humid, cool, with frequent rains at an air temperature of +8°, ​​+10° C, precipitation falls more than 2000 mm per year. Temperate marine.

5. The desert in South America, where not a drop of rain falls for years, is considered one of the driest places in the world. Atacama.

6. The continent, with the climate of which South America has much in common. Africa.



3. Uneven.

4.Geographical location.

6.Temperate maritime.

Answer key. 1-4.2-3.3-1.4-6.5-2.6-5. For one correct answer - 1 point,

During the classes

If across the ocean
Swim to the other shore
You'll get to the mainland
"South America"
And on that continent
There is a deep river
Of the world's famous rivers
The widest.
“What is your name, river?...” –
You will shout loudly
And in response, from afar -
You can hear “Amazon!...”

I have today great mood. How are you guys in the mood? Show the symbol that matches your mood. (Select emoticon)

And I see that we will work together!

The US national agency NASA, in the course of aerospace research into life on other planets, came to the unconditional conclusion: water is the main condition for life. Therefore, where it rains, there is life, and where it does not, there is a desert. There is so much water around us that we take it for granted and think that it is “just water.” .

(Demonstration of views of lake, river, waterfall).

Guys, how can you call all these waters in one word? (INinternal waters). Have you guessed which continent's waters we will be talking about today?

So we have decided on the topic of our lesson today.

Every person is born a dreamer and traveler. However, in real life Not everyone manages to become a participant in discoveries, and then our hearts respond with sadness to the lines of Robert Rozhdestvensky:

“I regret that I did not see the face of the whole earth,

All its oceans, peaks and sunsets.

Only the sail of dreams guided my ships around the world,

Only in the glass windows did I meet albatrosses and stingrays.

I didn't hear Big Ben strike the hour in London,

I did not see how the stars are sliding lower and lower towards the fjords,

How the bitter snow of the Atlantic foam boils behind the stern

And at the beginning of spring, violets in Paris turn blue." (Slide 1 and 2)

Indeed, not every one of us can travel in real life, especially to such distant ones. And geography lessons allow us to by correspondence, but to make such trips, expand knowledge about the world around us, and make discoveries together with great travelers.

Today we will take a trip along the rivers and lakes of South America. This will be the topic of the lesson (slides 3 and 4).

During our journey, we will be helped by a route sheet, which consists of 6 educational elements. After overcoming each of them, you will evaluate your knowledge through self- and mutual testing. You will put your grades on the score sheet (slide 5).

When we go on a trip, we will take backpacks with us and throughout the lesson we will replenish them with knowledge, skills and abilities. The size of the backpack will depend on the number of points you earn in the lesson.

So the journey begins.

Let's turn to the first educational element (UE-1).

Purpose: to determine the initial level of knowledge about rivers and lakes; be able to explain the meaning of learned concepts.

Task: complete a geographical dictation on the topic “River System” (slide 6).

Students work independently. After completing the dictation, the students’ answers are compared with the correct answers (slide 7).

Correction of knowledge (Which question caused the most difficulty?)

Students submit their self-assessment on the assessment sheet under UE-1. (Annex 1)

Let's move on to training element 2 (UE-2).

What is its purpose?

Students find UE-2 on the route sheet and read its purpose.

What is needed to achieve it?

Students answer: “Prepare oral answers to questions using the atlas.” (Slide 8)

Sample student answers:

The Amazon, Parana, and Orinoco rivers flow through the mainland.

They belong to the Atlantic Ocean basin.

All major rivers flow into the Atlantic Ocean, since in the west there are the Andes mountains (they are a watershed).

Since the rivers flow through lowlands, their flow is flat.

The Amazon River is full-flowing all year round, as it flows in the equatorial belt. The Orinoco and Paraná rivers are full of water in the summer, as they flow in the subequatorial zone.

The rivers are fed by rain. (Slide 9)

Student message about the Amazon River. (Slides 10- 13)

(The Amazon is the largest in the world in terms of basin size, depth and length. It is formed by the confluence of the Marañon and Ucayali rivers. The length from the main source of the Marañon is 6437 km, from the source of the Ucayali over 7000 km. The basin area is 7180 thousand square kilometers. In 2011, according to the results of the world competition, the Amazon is recognized as one of the seven natural wonders of the world. Flowing mostly through the Amazonian lowland, it flows into the Atlantic Ocean, forming the world's largest delta (an area of ​​over 100 thousand square kilometers and including the world's largest river island, Marajo. The Amazon is 80 kilometers wide. , and its depth at Obidus is 135 meters (approximately the average depth of the Baltic Sea).

The Amazon surprises with its richness of flora and fauna.

Pink dolphins and bull fish live here, the length of which reaches 4 meters, weight - 500 kilograms. The famous predator, the piranha fish, is also an inhabitant of these places.

The Amazon is home to the largest water lily on our planet - Victoria regia. It was discovered by Europeans in 1864 and named Victoria regia. The name was given in honor of the British Queen Victoria, which translated means “Regal Victoria” or “Victoria the Magnificent”. Each leaf can reach a diameter of 2 meters and can support a weight of up to 50 kilograms. It is grown in the largest botanical gardens. In Russia there are only 3 cities - St. Petersburg, Sochi and Lipetsk. It blooms only at night, and one flower lasts only 2 nights, so seeing this spectacle is a great success.

Let's move on to the third training element (UE-3).

Goal: to develop knowledge about the lakes of South America, their characteristics, location; develop memory; remember what you read.

Students work individually. After completing the work, mutual check

(exchange notebooks in pairs), rate each other on the assessment sheet under UE-3 (slide 14) and (Appendix 1).

Let's move on to training element 4 (UE-4).

Goal: development of skills to work with a contour map.

Students draw rivers and lakes, Iguazu and Angel Falls on contour maps.

One student completes this activity on a class outline map. Students check the correctness of completing the task using the sample made on the class outline map (slide 15). Students evaluate their work and enter the rating on the assessment sheet under UE-4 (Appendix 1).

Let's proceed to training element 5 (UE-5).

Students are asked to find the goal of the educational element, complete the task and enter the results in the table (Appendix 1). Check the correctness of the answers (slide 16). Put your self-assessment on the assessment sheet under UE-5 (Appendix 1).

Let's move on to the last training element (UE-6).

Purpose: summing up.

Students must answer two questions.

Name and show the largest river systems in South America; list their features.

Name and show the lakes of South America.

Sample answers:

The Amazon, Parana, and Orinoco rivers belong to the Atlantic Ocean basin, are lowland, and are fed by rain. The Amazon is full of water all year round. Parana and Orinoco - in summer. On the Orinoco River there is the highest waterfall in the world - Angel. On the Parana River is the Iguazu Falls.

Lake Titicaca and Maracaibo. Maracaibo is a lagoon lake located in the north and connected by a narrow channel to the Caribbean Sea. In the Andes there is the highest mountain lake in the world - Titicaca (tectonic origin, depth 304 meters). (Slide 17)

Do you agree that if you received:

Large backpack - you have mastered the material completely,

Medium backpack - partially mastered,

Little – he hasn’t learned much, he still needs to work.

Select homework(slide 19).

Thanks for the work. The lesson is over.

Route sheet (Appendix)

Pinning (Chinaward) (AB) if there is time left

1 option

1. The largest lagoon lake, which is located in the north of the mainland.

2. The great, green and terrible inhabitant of the waters of the Amazon.

3. Waterfall on the Guiana Plateau, 1054 meters high.

5. Alpine lake.

6. Very, very long and lives in water.

8. Waterfall in the south of the Brazilian plateau.

9. One of the largest rivers in South America.

Chinaward "Inland waters of South America"

Option 2

1. Waterfall in the south of the Brazilian plateau.

2. The largest lagoon lake, which is located in the north of the mainland.

3. One of the largest rivers in South America.

4. The great, green and terrible inhabitant of the waters of the Amazon.

5 . Waterfall on the Orinoco River, 1054 meters high.

7. Small, but very voracious fish, whose teeth you can envy.

8. Alpine lake.

9. Very, very long and lives in water.

Reflection (sun and cloud)

New material It wasn’t difficult for you, is it clear?

You know the map of South America quite well

Put it into words: this lesson for me was….

Lesson grades

Homework: paragraph 39

Additional messages: records organic world South America (the largest spider, the Hercules beetle, the largest aquatic plant, etc.) Outline maps

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