1c educational organization. Improved usability

1C: Education Department

The software product "1C: Education Management" was developed on the "1C: Enterprise 8.2" platform in managed application mode and is intended for automated consolidation of data from subordinate educational institutions and the preparation of consolidated reporting at the level of the education management body.

The Education Committee of the Administration provided assistance and assistance in developing a new solution municipality Uzlovsky district of the Tula region.

The Education Management configuration is supplied unprotected and open source.

Who is the software product intended for?

The main users of the 1C: Education Management system are:

    the head of the education management body and his deputies;

    heads of departments of the education management body;

    employees of departments of the education authority;

    employees of subordinate institutions;

    other employees of the education authority.

Recommendations for program implementation

The program "1C: Education Management" is intended for implementation in a municipal education management body (for example, Department, Committee, Office, etc.). To work with the database, you can use file or client-server deployment options, including working through a web client, i.e. access the database through any popular browser.

In subordinate educational institutions, depending on the type of institution, it is advisable to implement the following programs:

    "1C: Preschool" - in preschool educational institutions;

    "1C: General educational institution" - in educational institutions, including private educational institutions and institutions additional education(for example, music school, etc.);

    "1C:College" - in institutions of secondary vocational education.

The use of specialized 1C software products at the level of subordinate educational institutions will allow employees of the education management body to at any time receive up-to-date information about the activities of institutions with any degree of detail, as well as receive in electronic format and generate consolidated reporting.

Data can be synchronized between the 1C: Education Administration system and solutions for subordinate institutions (1C: Preschool Institution, 1C: General Education Institution, 1C: College) using a web service mechanism. This mechanism allows you to work with data from subordinate institutions in web services mode, when a single information space of the education management body and all educational institutions is created, while the data of subordinate institutions is not stored in the database of the 1C: Education Management system.

Using a set of 1C solutions to automate the administrative activities of the education management body and subordinate institutions will allow:

    provide the municipal education authority with an online monitoring tool for the activities of all subordinate educational institutions;

    increase the efficiency of management of educational institutions, incl. by improving the qualifications of administrative and managerial personnel and teaching staff;

    provide support for the delivery educational services in electronic form in accordance with legal requirements;

    significantly reduce labor costs when preparing reports and providing other data, get rid of errors that inevitably arise when manually processing a large amount of data;

    increase control over the activities of both employees of the education department and employees of subordinate institutions.

1C: Preschool

Software "1C: Preschool" allows you to:

    Accounting for the number of students:

    • Registration of information about students and parents
    • Accounting for group occupancy
    • Recording children's attendance at preschool educational institutions
    • Accounting for orders for students
    • Formation and recording of agreements between preschool educational institutions and parents
    • Accounting for payment for visiting a preschool educational institution
    • Automatic completion of the form “Information on the activities of preschool educational institution"(85-K)
    • Taking into account the population's need for preschool educational institutions
    • Generation and printing of output reporting forms
  • Personnel accounting
  • Registration and maintenance of orders for personnel:

    • Maintaining orders for personnel (tabular form and individual)
    • Printing orders for personnel (using a unified form)
    • Sorting and printing a list of orders
    • Automatic transfer of information from orders to personal cards and timesheets
  • Formation of staffing:

    • Creation of the organization structure (creation of divisions and positions)
    • Printing the staffing table according to the unified form
    • Reflection of information on filling positions
    • Displaying the reserve list and the list of employees holding the position
  • Time sheet:

    • Auto-filling and adjusting time sheets
    • Printing a time sheet according to a unified form
  • Maintaining personal cards of employees:

    • Creation and maintenance of an electronic personal card of an employee
    • Accounting for personal cards of dismissed employees and employees removed from staff
    • Printing an employee’s personal card according to a unified form
    • Ability to search for personal cards, reserve cards, orders
    • Ability to generate various certificates, charts, journals, forms
  • Office work:

    • Registration of documents:

      • Ability to register all documents of the organization: incoming, outgoing, internal
    • Registration of draft documents:

      • Ability to create projects of all internal documents of the organization
      • Going through the process of coordination, approval, and registration of the project
      • Ability to create multiple versions of one document project
    • User's electronic desktop:

      • Possibility of receiving documents to relevant officials
      • Possibility of forwarding
    • Search documents:

      • Ability to search for documents, draft documents, instructions
      • Ability to create search queries
      • Ability to print search results
    • List of cases:

      • Working with written off cases
      • Reflection of the list of cases
      • Search for written off documents
    • Control over the execution of orders:

      • Possibility of accounting for planned and actual execution dates
      • Ability to enter several types of instructions (resolution, draft resolution, clause, subordinate resolution)
      • Possibility of automatically placing (removing) an order (registration card) for control (from control)
      • Ability to enter a performance report
      • Possibility of closing the actual execution date
    • Note on document write-off for file:

      • Formation of a list of cases
      • Possibility of writing off a document for use
      • Ability to work with written-off documents
    • Receiving analytical reports and forms:

      • Possibility of generating various certificates, execution reports, data both on general document flow and in the context of organizations and citizens
    • Storing an electronic image of a document:

      • Possibility of attaching an electronic file to the registration card
      • Ability to restrict access rights to read, edit, view a file
    • Registers for external sending of documents:

      • Possibility of registering the sending of documents to external recipients (organizations and individuals)
      • Possibility of printing output forms of registers (postal items, registered mail, receipts, packages, etc.)
      • Accounting for unsent documents accepted for dispatch and sent documents
  • Escort pedagogical activity

    • Maintaining curricula and educational literature
    • Registration and maintenance of study plans according to form
    • Registration and maintenance of the preschool class schedule
    • Maintaining various documents of safety and fire safety measures
    • Accounting and card management educational literature
    • Creation of electronic images of educational literature (creation electronic library)
  • Accounting for material resources

    • Accounting for fixed assets (inventory)
  • Formation and maintenance of an educational institution passport

1C: Preschool nutrition 8

Software "1C: Preschool nutrition 8" allows:

  • Maintaining a card file of dishes with food storage standards, a description of the cooking technology, and information on nutritional value. The description of the composition of the food products includes the following information: net, gross, cold processing waste, losses during culinary processing, product yield, structure of technological processes.
  • Maintaining product range. For each product, the following are maintained: waste standards for cold processing, nutritional value, technical specifications.
  • Maintaining standard menus for several diets, indicating information about nutritional value and consumption standards; it is possible to download recipes and standard menus from external sources.
  • Replenishable composition of nutritional characteristics.
  • Development of dish recipes and standard menus.
  • Calculation of product orders to the supplier, including electronic submission of an application through an uploaded file.
  • Accounting for products in warehouses: receipts, consumption, movements of goods and materials, balances, inventory.
  • Separation of accounting by type of movement of funds (sources of financing).
  • For batches of products, information is maintained on shelf life, sanitary certificates, specific units of measurement (cans, loaves, etc.).
  • Calculation: compilation and calculation of the “Menu-requirements”, the main one and for addition/return, taking into account the waste standards for cold processing, replacements of products and dishes, samples. Automated write-off of products and calculation of food costs. Re-ordering products.
  • Braquerage ready meals with registration of grades and printing of loose-leaf sheets of the rejection journal.
  • Control of actual diet by cost and nutritional value.

1C: Preschool psychodiagnostics

Software product “1C: Preschool psychodiagnostics. Basic version" is intended for psychologists:

  • systems of preschool, general and additional education,

    social assistance centers for families and children,

    centers of medical, psychological and pedagogical assistance.

The program was approved by the expert council of the Federal State Agrarian University " Federal Institute Development of Education" of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation as a software and methodological complex for use in educational institutions:

  • Review No. 110 dated April 01, 2011 on “1C: Preschool psychodiagnostics. Basic version".

Under the leadership of Doctor of Psychology A.N. Gusev, a group of leading psychologists from Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov scientifically based, reliable, tested psychodiagnostic techniques were selected and included in the software products.

The use of programs in the practical activities of a psychologist reduces labor costs for the inevitable and necessary diagnostic work. The psychologist has the opportunity to use the saved time to provide direct psychological assistance and support for children, parents and teachers to maximize personal and individual development pupils.

Main features of the program

    Carrying out diagnostics different ways:

    • Testing directly at the psychologist’s computer on which the program is installed.

      Remote testing on any computer using flash programs.

      Testing using paper forms.

    Automatic generation of conclusions after diagnostics (including after testing using paper forms).

    Maintaining in the program the history of the psychologist’s work with children, parents, and educators.

    Analysis and generalization of test results: comparison of results of groups of children. Uploading to programs for statistical data processing is supported.

    Accounting for the work of a psychologist with the ability to automatically generate reporting documentation on the work of a psychologist.

The program helps a psychologist

    Automate workplace.

    Standardize the procedure for conducting psychodiagnostic testing.

    Minimize possible mistakes when processing test results.

    Form reliable and meaningful psychodiagnostic conclusions.

    Monitor the dynamics in the development of children and, if necessary, make timely changes to educational program taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of the child.

    Quickly and efficiently search for information about the results of previously conducted tests.

    Analyze diagnostic results, including to identify “difficult” children, as well as children whose level of development does not correspond to the age norm.

    Upload anonymized test results for statistical processing in order to update psychodiagnostic standards. The program provides for the use of both general standards and specially loaded standards for a specific region.


Software"1C:College"designed to manage the activities of primary and secondary vocational education institutions.

Product "1C:College"covers all levels of management activities of the main divisions of the college and integrates with standard solutions 1C company for accounting and HR departments.

Product functionality

Director's desk

  • Control of the number of students, study groups depending on funding, form of education, specialties and departments.
  • Analysis of the implementation of the teaching load.
  • Possibility of obtaining information about certain students.
  • Monitoring progress and attendance depending on specialties and departments.
  • Possibility of monitoring the progress of the reception company.
  • Receive a schedule for a certain period of time.
  • Ability to plan and conduct events.
  • Ability to control the composition of methodological commissions.

Selection committee

  • Reception of documents (drawing up a personal file and recording applicants’ data, monitoring the delivery and return of documents).
  • Ensuring admission planning to the educational institution (recruitment plan, scheduling exams, conducting interviews).
  • The procedure for enrolling applicants to an educational institution (checking, analyzing and printing exam results).
  • Planning the event entrance exams(preparation of documents, recording test results).
  • Job Analysis admissions committee.

Dean's office

  • Accounting for student progress.
  • Student attendance records.
  • Registration of persons liable for military service at military registration and enlistment offices.
  • Graduation of students (formation of State Attestation Commission, diplomas, certificates, etc.).

Training part

  • Planning the educational process and load distribution.
  • Creating a schedule.
  • Study load management.
  • Formation of the composition of the department.

Educational work

  • Management of educational activities.
  • Providing employment for graduates.
  • Accounting and analysis of the work of curators.
  • Drawing up orders on rewards and punishments for students.
  • Questioning.

Industrial training

  • Accounting for the auditorium fund.
  • Organization of production practices.

Information services

  • Maintaining a list of subscribers to newsletters.
  • Possibility of newsletter via mail, e-mail and sms.
  • Integration with the educational institution website.

Methodical work

  • Ability to record and evaluate employee performance.
  • Accounting for the work of cyclic methodological commissions.
  • Maintaining a list of departments.
  • Accounting and storage of teaching materials.
  • Organization of shows (competitions).

Personnel accounting

  • Automated personnel records.
  • Accounting and planning of certifications in areas of work (administrative and pedagogical).
  • Accounting for advanced training.

Payments to students

  • Automated social accounting of students.
  • Scholarship calculations, social payments and payments for paid educational services.
  • Supporting the work of the scholarship committee.


A solution for automating university management activities. The product covers all levels of activity of the main divisions of an institution of higher professional education and integrates with standard 1C solutions for accounting and human resources departments.

"1C:University rev.2.0" was developed on the technology platform "1C:Enterprise 8.3". All product functionality is available in both the thin and web clients.

The solution allows you to automate the accounting, storage, processing and analysis of information about the main processes of a higher educational institution: admission to a university, training, tuition fees, graduation and employment of graduates, calculation and distribution of the teaching staff’s workload, activities of educational and methodological departments and dean’s offices, support for Federal State Educational Standard-3 and the level training system (bachelor, specialist, master) at the level of curricula and state documents on graduation from a university, reporting.

The solution can be used to automate the workplaces of employees of the following structural divisions of the university:

  • Selection committee
  • Dean's offices
  • Departments
  • Educational and methodological department
  • Accounting
  • Student HR Department
  • Trade Union Committee

1C: Electronic learning. Course Builder

Application solution 1C: Electronic learning. Course Builder, version 3.0 developed on the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 technology platform in the Taxi interface.

The software product is intended for those who:

  • plans to create electronic multimedia courses and practice-oriented tests for use in the educational process (business trainers, teachers of educational organizations);
  • wants to train its employees on its own or with little investment;
  • looking for a functional tool for organizing and conducting e-learning.

The functionality of the new application solution allows you to automate the following tasks:

Taking into account the needs of users, it was released in two versions: basic (single-user) and PROF (network), differing in functionality.




Multiplayer mode
Adaptation educational materials
Create your own courses
Exchange of educational materials between authors
Online training using a standard browser
Changing the configuration
Recommended retail price, rub.

The main delivery for both versions includes the platform 1C:Enterprise 8.3, configuration 1C: Electronic learning. Course Builder, a set of documentation and a single-user license.

Usage 1C: Electronic learning. Course Builder provides course authors and staff responsible for training with a number of advantages:

  • Ease of creation of educational materials and tests due to the ability to download into electronic resources familiar to methodologists starting materials in MS Word, Excel or PowerPoint format.
  • Possibility of data exchange with other software products of the system 1C:Enterprise 8 and programs from other manufacturers allows you to use real, up-to-date data from accounting and management systems when creating courses.

Currently, 1C partners are actively using the configuration when developing electronic courses for training in the use of software products created on the platform 1C:Enterprise 8.

Softwareis intended for personnel management services of medium and large enterprises, corporate training centers and educational institutions using remote and mixed form training.

1C: Electronic learning. Corporate University is a comprehensive solution for organizing and managing blended learning. It implements the following functionality:

  • Organization and conduct of training, management of the educational process;

Solution 1C: Electronic learning. Corporate University Today it is one of the few software products that allows you to comprehensively automate the management of the blended learning process. It was developed on the new technology platform "1C:Enterprise 8", which allows it to be integrated with other application solutions developed on this platform. This makes it possible to use information stored in other databases for training purposes (for example, a commercial organization can use its price lists and product descriptions to train sellers), or upload training results to a personnel management system.

Platform included 1C:Enterprise 8.2, configuration 1C: Electronic learning. Corporate University, documentation set and single-user license.

The licensing policy offered by 1C makes it possible to use 1C: Electronic learning. Corporate University previously purchased licenses. This allows organizations that already have system application solutions 1C:Enterprise 8, minimize the costs of organizing workplaces for training, use the opportunity for training directly on the job.

When using the product 1C: Electronic learning. Corporate University it is possible to organize access sessions separated in time. This allows you to train a larger number of students using one workplace license by scheduling access sessions to the information base at different times.

1C: Electronic learning. Corporate University belong to the company "1C". Please note that the configuration does not contain closed code sections that cannot be changed.

1C: Electronic learning. Educational organization

The software product "1C: Electronic learning. Educational organization" is intended for conducting electronic learning in professional educational organizations (technical schools, colleges) and universities. The software product will help educational organizations meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard:

  • higher education in terms of unlimited Internet access of students to the electronic information and educational environment of the university, which should ensure synchronous/asynchronous interaction of participants educational process and access to electronic educational resources;
  • SPO regarding support methodological support extracurricular work students and justification for the time spent on its implementation.

The software product "1C: Electronic learning. Educational organization" includes the "1C: Enterprise 8.3" platform and the "Educational organization" configuration. This application solution is the result of the development of the software product "1C: Electronic learning. Corporate University". By limiting the functionality to e-learning support for the regular educational process, an intuitive interface is provided for the main roles of users of the software product (student, teacher and organizer of the educational process).

In version 3.0 of the configuration released in 2016, the Taxi interface was implemented, distinctive features which are large font, maximizing workspace on monitors with different resolutions, ease of navigation, and the ability to independently design your own workspace. Reworking all forms of configuration in the Taxi interface has significantly increased the comfort of users from desktop computers and mobile devices.

When integrated with the new software product “1C: Electronic learning. Teacher and student web account" students and teachers get access to electronic courses and tests published in the web account under the terms of an unlimited client license for 1C:Enterprise 8 workstations. At the same time, to work in the web account (special website) teachers and students there is no need to purchase additional 1C:Enterprise 8 client licenses. Using the web account solves the problem of providing mobile learning: electronic courses and tests published in the web account are available for study from various types of iOS and Android mobile devices.

Information about the names of areas (specialties) of training and disciplines, numbers of study groups, lists of students by study groups, teachers and administrative workers can be loaded into the software product "1C: Electronic learning. Educational organization" from the corresponding registers of the software product "1C: College PROF" or "1C: University PROF". Grades based on the results of students completing electronic tests are sent back.

In interaction with "1C: College PROF" or "1C: University PROF" the software product provides comprehensive automation of educational and administrative activities of colleges/universities.

Purpose of the software product

The software product "1C: Electronic learning. Educational organization" is intended for:

  • development of electronic educational multimedia interactive courses and practice-oriented tests;
  • conducting e-learning on the organization’s local network or via the Internet, including supporting training forums, exchanging personal messages and publishing news;
  • monitoring and analyzing the results of e-learning;
  • comfortable use in the electronic information and educational environment of educational materials of educational products of the series "1C: School", "1C: Laboratory", "1C: Higher School", developed on the platform "1C: Education 4. Home"; electronic courses, tests and workshops on the open website of the Federal Center for Information and Educational Resources; third-party courses in the SKORM 2004 format; courses of the National Open University "INTUIT".

1C: Electronic learning. Examiner

The application solution is intended for personnel management services of medium and large enterprises, corporate training centers and educational institutions using distance and blended forms of learning.

The functionality of the application solution allows you to automate the following tasks:

The application solution, in particular, is used by partners of the 1C company when developing and conducting electronic tests when training users to work with software products created on the platform 1C:Enterprise 8.

Application solution 1C: Electronic learning. Examiner developed on the basis of technological platforms 1C:Enterprise 8.2. This allows organizations that already have system application solutions 1C:Enterprise 8, minimize the costs of organizing workplaces for working with tests, including directly at employee workplaces or on computers in classrooms.

When using the product 1C: Electronic learning. Examiner it is possible to organize access sessions spaced over time. This allows you to organize work using fewer user licenses more students and teachers by scheduling their access sessions to the information base at different times.

The main delivery of the application solution includes the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform, the 1C:Electronic Learning. Examiner configuration, a set of documentation and a single-user license.

Exclusive rights to configuration 1C: Electronic learning. Examiner belong to the company "1C".

1C: School certificate

The software product "1C: School Certificate. Basic version" is intended for the preparation of official documents on general and secondary education for graduates of the 9th and 11th grades: inscriptions on certificate forms, appendices to certificates (inserts), maintaining a book of records of issued certificates. The registration of certificate forms is carried out in accordance with the rules established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The "School Certificate" configuration has passed the "1C: Compatible" certification. The configuration was developed in the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 environment in managed application mode.

Basic functionality

    Printing inscriptions on certificate forms.

    Printing inscriptions on application forms for certificates.

    Printing of loose-leaf sheets "Books for accounting and recording of issued certificates."

    Taking into account the features of forms from different printing houses.

    Automatic declension of names for issuing certificates, certificates, certificates.

    Registration of duplicates.

    Operational updates of the program in accordance with changes in legislation

Additional features

    Ability to customize the filling method empty graph, writing ratings, names of objects with a variable part (foreign languages).

    Printing of assessment sheets for preliminary checking.

    Preview before printing and page-by-page printing.

    Notes on printed certificate forms.

    Registration of duplicates.

    Accounting for adjusting entries.

    Maintaining a database of graduates in the “Book for recording and recording issued certificates.”

    Possibility of loading print layouts, storing an arbitrary set of layouts, editing layouts.

System users

Deputy school directors for educational work and other employees of educational institutions responsible for the preparation of official documents on education.

Network work with electronic educational resources and teaching aids is one of the most popular forms of using the program in school. This opportunity is provided to teachers and schoolchildren by a digital library, the resources of which can be used on any computer or laptop connected to a local network or the Internet.

When working with the library, you can configure to display only those teaching aids and collections of resources that relate to a particular class or subject. Full-text search allows you to find the necessary resources taking into account the morphology of the query language, advanced - by attributed resource fields: title, description, identifier, class and subject, keywords, types of resources or objects.

For the convenience of working with educational materials in the lesson, the teacher can use the function of displaying them in a separate window - in this case, for example, an electronic journal will be displayed on the teacher’s computer, and an animated map or dynamic model will be displayed on the interactive board.

Working with the program, teachers and students can create electronic educational materials themselves. These can be illustrated texts, resources based on video clips, drawings, spreadsheets, and presentations. The test editor will help the teacher prepare interactive tasks for various types of control.

In the program you can create various test tasks with automatic testing - to test knowledge at the beginning of studying a topic, to assess the level of mastery theoretical material, ability to solve standard problems, ability to use acquired knowledge in non-standard situations. Such tasks allow the teacher to systematically analyze the process of mastering educational material by each student individually, identify individual learning difficulties and help in overcoming them. They help make tasks varied and interesting for schoolchildren. Various types There are ten questions in the current version of the system (5.0.7).

One of the main features of the program is the construction of individual learning trajectories for students. For each student in the digital library, the teacher can select educational materials that will be interesting and feasible for that particular child to study. Based on the selected educational materials, the teacher assigns an individual task to the student, and the student gets access to the task through electronic diary. When the task is completed, the teacher and student will receive detailed reports on the completion, and an automatic grade will be posted in the electronic journal.

The main tool for monitoring and analyzing results educational activities is an electronic magazine. Each grade given can be described by the type of lesson and type of learning activity for which it was given, for example, “excellent” independent work in the lesson of control and correction of knowledge. Weighting coefficients make it possible to more accurately take into account the contribution of the student’s current grades to the final grade for the school period; for example, the contribution of grades for tests, research or creative work may be higher than that of grades for homework.

Based on the grades given, reports are generated for the teacher - current performance and quality of knowledge, GPA student per different kinds educational activities. Such reports will help the teacher, to the class teacher or the head teacher to promptly manage educational process and make decisions based on objective data.

Getting started with the program is very simple. Starting with release 5.0.7, the program has created tools for a “quick start” - loading a list of users and calendar-thematic planning from templates Microsoft Excel. Along with tools for creating study periods, educational subjects and magazine pages, they allow you to prepare the program for work in five successive steps.

Most often, schools use the program to organize network work with electronic educational resources and remote support for full-time learning.

A number of schools use the program as part of a multifunctional information and educational environment built on 1C solutions. A feature of such an environment is the absence of double data entry and duplication of information. At the same time, the school gets the opportunity to solve both problems of organizing the educational process and tasks of automating administrative and economic activity, psychological and pedagogical support for schoolchildren, catering, human resources management, accounting.

  • Developer: 1C
  • Delivery type: Boxed delivery
  • License type: Software protection
  • Language version of the product interface: Russian language
  • : Configuration license and 1 user
  • Delivery time: 1 to 2 days

The solution "" is designed for users who organize and conduct training courses for employees of their organization, create educational electronic materials and conduct comprehensive analysis knowledge acquired by employees. The product allows you to conduct training courses on the Internet or over a local network, uniting participants into groups according to the roles assigned to them.

Software " 1C: Electronic learning. Course designer PROF" was developed on the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform and is the result of the development of the 1C: Business School product.

Application solution 1C: Electronic learning. The examiner is intended for personnel management services of medium and large enterprises, corporate training centers and educational institutions using distance and blended forms of learning.

The functionality of the application solution allows you to automate the following tasks:

  • Development of electronic tests;
  • Conducting electronic testing;
  • Analysis of test results.

The application solution, in particular, is used by partners of the 1C company when developing and conducting electronic tests when training users to work with software products created on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform.

1C: Electronic learning. Corporate University is a comprehensive solution for organizing and managing blended learning. It implements the following functionality:

  • Personnel accounting for training purposes;
  • User management;
  • Development of educational materials;
  • Organization and conduct of training, management of the educational process;
  • Control of knowledge and analysis of learning results.

Accounting for organization personnel for training purposes

This functional module is designed to provide the manager with training center the ability to maintain autonomous records of the organization’s personnel for training purposes, without the need to connect to the main accounting databases.

By default, the following basic groups are available:

  • Student,
  • Teacher,
  • Training Manager,
  • Methodist,
  • Administrator.

Development of electronic educational materials

For ease of development, specialized forms have been created in the software product - “wizards”, which allow you to quickly and easily create two types of electronic educational materials: “Electronic course” and “Test”. For the electronic course, it is possible to create the following sections:

  • Theory,
  • Test,
  • Glossary.

Each event has a purpose:

  • teacher (taking into account the analysis of teacher workload);
  • curator (responsible manager);
  • participants (in accordance with their training plans);
  • conducting surveys and surveys.

The 1C company and its partners have developed a package of applications aimed at educational institutions. The programs are developed on the basis of the complex application "1C: Enterprise" and are fully compatible with all 1C products. All software solutions discussed in the article have a number of advantages:

  • The products were developed with the direct participation of specialized experts;
  • All applications are partially open source for customization to the needs of organizations;
  • 1C products have a block structure, which allows you to use only the necessary items for work;
  • The documentation provided in the applications meets all regulations and methodological recommendations RF.

1C products for educational institutions are complex applications for automating absolutely all processes in an organization.

Application "1C: Library" designed to automate all types of libraries. The program allows you to automate the cataloging, storage and accounting of all publications stored in the institution. The application has a built-in system that supports barcoding.

Thanks to the virtual reader’s account implemented in the product, which supports the function of searching through repositories and creating an order based on the results, library attendance will increase significantly. Reader access to a virtual form will help quickly resolve debt issues.

Price 1C Library - 23,000 rubles.

Application for automation of preschool nutrition enterprise

Software "1C: Preschool nutrition" allows you to comprehensively solve the problems of supply, menu formation and output calculations finished product. The application includes systems for monitoring the nutritional value of products and auto-filled forms for transferring data to the enterprise’s accounting department.

The program includes all documentation forms drawn up in accordance with sanitary standards and rules (SanPiN) in force in Russia. A packaged solution allows you to take product quality to a new level. The application is fully integrated with the 1C: Accounting platform.

Price - 13,000 rubles.

College Automation Program

Multi-module software package "1C: College" designed to automate the management of colleges and other institutions of secondary vocational education. The program includes modules for the director, admissions committee, academic department, dean's office, industrial education and other special sections.

Using the application, all processes occurring in the institution are automated, including the form of payments to students, conducting educational work, graduating students and monitoring progress. The complex includes all documentation prepared in accordance with the directives of the Ministry of Education.

Cost of 1C College - 48,000 rubles.

Automation of management of higher educational institutions

Full automation of the work of universities using the 1C: University program will optimize the work of the institution and significantly reduce time due to the centralization of all processes. The application is a complex that automates the work of the admissions committee, the functioning of the educational and economic parts.

Using the software product, it is easy to monitor progress indicators and keep records of payment of tuition fees. Built-in systems automate document flow, as well as all financial processes of the institution. The kit includes collections of documentation, including templates for diplomas, various certificates and applications, developed in accordance with the directives of the Ministry of Education.

Program price - 96,000 rubles.

1C software products have already become standard solutions for most educational institutions in Russia. The Ministry of Education has approved the use of 1C software products in the field of education. This choice is justified by the availability of functional solutions for all aspects of the activities of educational institutions.

All 1C software solutions for education are developed on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform, therefore they are compatible with all standard 1C configurations. However, it is better to entrust the setup of 1C programs for educational institutions to the professionals of the 1C:Franchisee Victoria company.

The 1C company has developed the following programs for educational institutions:

  • “1C: Salaries and personnel of an educational institution” - allows you to automate in one information base all work from calculating wages to employees to forming a wage fund.
  • "1C:Enterprise 8. Set for accounting of an educational institution" – the program allows you to automate the activities of the accounting service of any state educational institution.
  • « 1C: School meals 8 » – the program helps to maintain accounting, nutritional and technological records of nutrition in educational institutions.
  • "1C: Psychodiagnostics of an educational institution" – the program helps automate the workplaces of psychologists in educational institutions, social assistance centers, higher educational institutions and so on.
  • « 1C: Library. Edition 2.0 » new edition a program that helps automate the activities of a library of any type and purpose.
  • "1C: Preschool" – using the product you can create electronic document management and maintain personnel records at the level of a specific institution. Suitable for senior teachers, deputy head, head of institution, etc.
  • "1C: Health office of an educational institution" – the program can accumulate and store information about the health status of students for the entire period of their stay in the educational institution.
  • « 1C:College » – with the help of the product it became possible to cover all levels of management activities of institutions of secondary and primary vocational education.
  • "1C: General educational institution" – comprehensive automation, as well as transmission and generation of reports in electronic form to higher authorities.
  • « 1C:University » is a comprehensive solution that helps automate university management.
  • "1C: School entrance" – using a software product, you can automate the process of recording the actual attendance of pupils and students.

You can buy 1C programs for the education sector in this catalog. If necessary, our specialists will configure 1C and update previous versions.

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