A.S. Pushkin “The young lady is a peasant woman. A detailed analysis of Pushkin’s story “The Peasant Young Lady” The role of chance in the composition of the story “The Peasant Young Lady”

We invite you to familiarize yourself with this famous work Pushkin as "The Young Lady-Peasant". A summary of this story is presented in this article.

Muromsky and Berestov

The work begins by describing how two neighbors ran their farm - Grigory Ivanovich Muromsky and Ivan Petrovich Berestov. The latter owns the Tugilovo estate, and the former owns Priluchino. Berestov conducts his farming prudently and wisely. He makes good money from it. Ivan Petrovich is hostile to innovation, so he often makes fun of Muromsky, who squandered most of his estate, but continues to be extravagant. Grigory Ivanovich tries to imitate the British in everything. On his estate there is an English garden, which absorbs the bulk of his income. Moreover, his grooms are dressed like English jockeys. He also arranged for an English governess for his daughter. Muromsky tries to adhere to farming methods that were developed in his beloved country. However, this does not bring any tangible profit. Muromsky is even forced to mortgage his estate. The relationship between the two neighbors is hostile, so they don’t visit each other.

Alexey Berestov

The following events continue the work "The Young Lady-Peasant" ( summary, of course, describes only the main ones). Pushkin tells us that Muromsky has a daughter, Liza, and Berestov has a son, Alexey. The latter has already graduated from university and wants to become a military man. However, the father prevents these plans, because he wants to see his son as an official.

Alexey wants to present himself as sad and disappointed, which greatly impresses the district young ladies. The black ring, as well as mysterious correspondence that seems to exist, are attributes of his game. But the author destroys this romantic gloomy image. He talks about this with a touch of irony, and then completely tears off Alexei’s mask.

Trick invented by Lisa

Muromsky's daughter, Lisa, like other local young ladies, is eager to meet her neighbor's son. But their fathers don’t want to communicate. What should she do? Nastya, her maid, comes to the rescue. Lisa trusts her with her secrets. Having visited the village of Berestova, Nastya tells her mistress that the young master is not at all thoughtful and sad, but a cheerful and cheerful young man. Nastya and Lisa immediately figure out how to introduce the young lady to him. Lisa will go to Berestov's estate, disguised as a peasant woman.

Meeting Alexey and Akulina

It’s as if the heroes meet by chance. Lost in thought, a peasant young lady walks along a path in the forest. This girl foresaw a summary of further events. Suddenly a dog runs up to her, scaring Lisa with its barking. Here Alexey Berestov, the dog’s owner, appears. Lisa's masquerade was a great success: the young man thinks that in front of him is Akulina, a peasant woman from a neighboring village, the daughter of the blacksmith Vasily. Alexey is used to behaving freely with pretty girls, but his new acquaintance inspires involuntary respect with her behavior, so he gives up his attempts to hug Akulina. Alexey longs to see her again. He promises to come to Vasily. Fearing that her trick will be revealed, the girl promises to be in the same place the next day.

Development of the relationship between Alexey and Akulina (Lisa)

A peasant young lady returns safely to her parents' house. We will continue the summary with a description of how her relationship with Alexei developed. The governess and father do not suspect anything. However, the girl thinks that her prank is risky. She decides not to go on a date, but her fear of exposure forces her to keep her promise. Lisa, having met Alexei again, says that they should not meet again, since it is frivolous and will not lead to good. The depth of the peasant woman’s feelings and thoughts amazes Alexei, and the hero is already enchanted. Berestov asks her to meet with him at least occasionally and agrees not to look for other dates other than those that Akulina herself assigns to him. They communicate for some time. Gradually these heroes, created by Pushkin (“The Young Lady-Peasant”), fall in love with each other. The summary of the work becomes more and more interesting.

Reconciliation of fathers

Chance changes the fate of the heroes. One morning, Lisa and Alexei's fathers accidentally bump into each other. Muromsky, chasing a hare, fell from his horse. Alexei's father invites a neighbor to his estate. In response, he invites him to come with his son to his estate the next day.

Lisa, having learned about this, was afraid that Alexei would recognize her. She says that she won’t come out to the guests. The father chuckles that his daughter harbors a hereditary hatred of her neighbors, like the heroine of a novel. However, Lisa stands her ground. The father stops the pointless argument, realizing that she cannot be convinced.

Lisa's new plan

Lisa's new plan is described by Pushkin ("The Young Lady-Peasant"). We will not describe the summary of the trick invented by this heroine now. You will learn about it a little later. Lisa consults with Nastya on what to do. Together they develop a plan and put it into action. What exactly did the girls come up with? You will learn about this by reading the summary of the story “The Young Lady-Peasant Woman”. In the morning, Lisa declares that she will receive guests, but her father should not be indignant or surprised by her actions. Suspecting his daughter's new trick, the father agrees.

The Berestovs visiting the Muromskys

The Berestovs are coming. Muromsky shows them his menagerie and park. All these whims do not make a favorable impression on the prudent landowner. However, he is silent out of politeness, and the son does not care - he wants to see the owner’s daughter. Although Berestov is captivated by the mysterious peasant woman, he is still interested in looking at the young lady. Then the guests and the owner enter the house. Muromsky and Berestov talk about their lost youth. Alexey thinks about how he should behave in the presence of Lisa. He puts on his mask again: he pretends to be absent-minded and cold. Here comes Lisa. Seeing his daughter in an unusual appearance, the father is amazed. Lisa is playing a cutesy socialite. She made a hairstyle out of fake curls, bleached her hair, put on a formal dress and diamonds. Of course, Alexey does not recognize his beloved in this doll. The Englishwoman, realizing that her pupil took the whitewash without asking, gets angry with her. Lisa and Alexey continue to play their roles during lunch. He behaves thoughtfully and absent-mindedly, and Lisa pretends to be a cutesy young lady.

Akulina is learning to read and write

The girl, disguised as a peasant woman, meets Alexei again the next day. She asks him about the impression the young lady made on him. Alexey assures that Akulina is much better than the young ladies. However, the girl laments that she does not know how to read and write. Then Alexey offers to teach her to write and read. The girl already reads Karamzin after 3 lessons, inserting her comments.

The upcoming marriage of Lisa and Alexey

After some time, correspondence begins between the young people. The oak hollow acts as a mailbox. Meanwhile, the fathers decide to marry their children. A summary of Pushkin's story "The Young Lady-Peasant" is approaching its climax. The landowners quickly agreed among themselves about the marriage, but now they also needed to persuade the children. Muromsky believed that the neighbor's son and his daughter did not like each other. However, he hoped that this would change over time in better side. His neighbor had a much simpler view of this matter. He called his son and asked why he no longer wanted to join the hussars. The son replied that his father was against it, so he did not insist. Berestov praises his obedience and says that he will not force Alexei into civil service for now, but intends to first marry him to his neighbor’s daughter.

Alexey's solution

There is an argument between father and son. Alexey is trying to refuse this marriage. The father says that he will deprive him of his inheritance in this case, and gives him 3 days to think about it. Alexey decides to marry Akulina, a peasant woman whom he has not seen for several days because of the rain. He writes a letter to the girl, describing the current situation. Berestov offers Akulina his hand. He places the letter in a hollow oak tree.

Happy ending

The summary of the story “The Peasant Young Lady” ends, like the work itself, with a happy ending. The next day the young man goes to a neighbor to talk frankly about his proposed marriage to Lisa. But Muromsky’s servant reports that the master has left. Alexey asks if he can see his daughter. Finding out that the girl is at home, he decides to talk to her. However, when Alexey enters, he recognizes the peasant woman Akulina, who captured his heart, in Lizaveta Grigorievna.

Lisa was reading his letter at that time. The girl, seeing Alexei, tries to run away. However, Berestov holds her back. Lisa is still trying to behave like a well-bred young lady should. She breaks away from Alexei’s hands and speaks French. An Englishwoman, completely at a loss, is also present at this scene. Suddenly, at this time, Lisa’s father appears, who is glad that the feelings of Alexei and his daughter coincide with his plans. It is clear that Alexey and Lisa will get married.

Cycle "Belkin's Tales"

This concludes the summary. “The Peasant Young Lady” is a story by Ivan Petrovich Belkin. You will probably be surprised - after all, the work was written by Pushkin! This is true. However, it is included in the cycle "Belkin's Tale". “The Peasant Young Lady,” a brief summary of which we have reviewed, is the fifth and last story from this cycle. Other works from it: "Shot", "Undertaker", " Stationmaster", "Blizzard".

In 1830, Pushkin wrote "Belkin's Tales". “The Peasant Young Lady,” a summary of which you have just read, as well as other works from this series were first published in 1831.

A. S. Pushkin was very interested in the role of chance and predetermination in human life. He believed in fate, knew that there were fatal circumstances that were beyond the control of man’s will and his plans. Own life more than once gave him reason to think about what strange little things fate depends on.

Many of Pushkin’s works are full of thoughts about the incomprehensible game that the Creator plays with man.

The heroes of “The Blizzard” are a dreamy and sentimental young lady from the district and a poor ensign who is on leave. They are in love with each other, their parents are against it, and so Masha and Vladimir, according to the classic canons of the novel genre, decide to run away and get married secretly. Everything is planned and calculated, faithful servants are ready to help, the groom’s friends agree to become witnesses and even “give their lives for him,” the priest agreed to perform the wedding... And nothing happened! Chance intervened, fate decided in its own way. A snowstorm arose, swirled the groom into the field, and he was late for “his own wedding.” And the same snowstorm brought the passing officer Burmin to the village church, who ended up marrying an unfamiliar young lady. It seemed to him like a joke, a prank, and only then did he realize that it was dangerous to joke with fate! Two strangers are united by marriage, but cannot hope for married life. They can't even find one friend.

Fate intervened once again, giving the heroes the opportunity to truly meet and fall in love with each other. This incredible union, which began with a wedding, and continued a few years later with an acquaintance, may be happy, according to Pushkin. And a blizzard is a symbol of fate, that incomprehensible, whimsical and capricious player who holds the cards of our lives in his hands.

Belkin's stories, despite the fact that they were written by Boldinskaya in the fall of 1830, in days that were not the most joyful and bright for the poet, are permeated through and through with love for man. In addition, in these works the author very clearly showed the discrepancy between human nature and the role imposed on him by society and social status.

Take, for example, the Young Peasant Lady. The work is based on the relationship between two young people: Liza Muromtseva and Alexei Berestov. In order to somehow get acquainted with the young Berestov, whose fame about his intelligence and beauty spread throughout the entire area, Liza, the daughter of Grigory Ivanovich Muromtsev, the elder Berestov’s first enemy, dressed up as a peasant girl and went early in the morning to the forest as if to pick mushrooms. In fact, the habit of the seducer of girls’ hearts who recently appeared in those parts was well known, to go hunting in the morning. Entering the forest, Lisa, who started this joke, was incredibly worried, her heart was beating strongly, without knowing why... As the girl expected, Alexey Berestov soon appeared. Here, in the forest, a conversation began between the young people, which served as the beginning of their great love.

Alexei liked everything about the peasant girl, he was in admiration, all day he thought about his new acquaintance; At night and in his dreams, the image of a dark-skinned beauty haunted his imagination. Lisa was also captivated by the beauty, charm and nobility of the young man. They started dating, and over time the thought of an unbreakable bond crossed their minds quite often, but they never talked about it with each other. Lisa knew what hatred existed between their fathers, and did not dare to hope for mutual reconciliation, and Alexey, no matter how attached he was to sweet Akulina, still remembered the distance that existed between him and the poor peasant woman. Despite the fact that happiness was so close, it was, at the same time, very far away. And it’s all the fault of the conventions and prejudices of the heroes.

Alexei's despair reached its limit after his father began to insist on marriage. Moreover, he did not like the girl whom the father was wooing at all, even though she was of the same class as him. The young man was faced with the problem of choosing either to agree with his father’s demands and live in wealth, or to marry a peasant woman without his father’s blessing and earn a living by his own labor. Alexey did not have to think for long: the nobility and power of love for the peasant girl were so strong that the decision immediately came to marry Akulina, and the more he thought about this decisive action, the more prudence he found in it. Without hesitating for a minute, Alexey wrote Akulina a letter in which he offered her his hand and heart. Having placed the letter in the hollow, as they had agreed, young Berestov went to bed very pleased with himself. The denouement soon followed: Alexey learns that Akulina is not actually Akulina, but Lisa. His beloved is not a peasant, but a noblewoman just like him.

The main character of the story, Alexey Berestov, became above prejudices, or, to be more precise, he was ready to become, he was ready to step over the conventions that his noble status imposed on him and which could not be reconciled with his inner world, his morals and consciousness. The denial of these prejudices, their exposure, a kind look at life and man, this, it seems to me, is the main idea of ​​the story The Young Lady-Peasant.

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Lesson topic: A.S. Pushkin “The young lady is a peasant woman.” (2 hours)

1.Introduce students to the work of A.S. Pushkin's "The Young Lady - a Peasant Woman", its plot and characters. Identify the role of antithesis in the story.

2.Develop the ability to analyze literary text.

3. To cultivate an emotional perception of a literary text, attention to the literary word; cultivate respect for human feelings.

Equipment: texts of the story “The Young Lady - Peasant Woman”, pencils, paper.

Methodological techniques: student message; teacher's story with elements of conversation; vocabulary work; commented reading; drawing up character masks; comparative analysis characters.

During the classes

    Teacher's word

Guys, today we are starting to get acquainted with a series of stories called “Belkin’s Tales”. They were written in Boldino in the fall of 1830. ( Student's message about the role of Boldino autumn in the life of A.S. Pushkin.)

In today's lesson we are working on Pushkin's story “The Young Lady-Peasant Woman”.


"The young lady - peasant woman" is parody on romantic and sentimental works of the time. ( Vocabulary work - what is parody?) This means that we will be reading a not entirely serious work by Pushkin. Nevertheless, in it Pushkin talks about very serious problems, but with humor.

At home you read the story. When you started reading, you probably noticed its title and epigraph. How can you explain the title? What is the lexical meaning of words young lady And peasant? (A young lady is a girl from the upper class; a peasant woman is from the lower class.)

What does combining these words give? ( Combining opposing concepts, Pushkin intrigues the reader with the title of the work. Receptionantitheses Pushkin uses throughout the entire work.)

- Explain the meaning of the epigraph. ( The epigraph is taken from I. Bogdanovich’s poem “Darling” and is, as it were, a moral characteristic of the heroine, who is “good” in both noble and peasant guise.)

CONCLUSION: Judging by the title and epigraph, the main character there will be a girl shown in a contradictory situation and retaining high moral qualities in it.

    Discussion of the characters in the story (comparative analysis)

Let's start analyzing the characters in the story with older generation(differences):

Ivan Petrovich Berestov

Grigory Ivanovich Muromsky

1. Conducts farming in the Russian manner:

“On weekdays he went to plush (dictionary slave.) jacket, worn on holidays frock coat (dictionary slave.) made of cloth homework; I wrote down the expenses myself and read nothing except the Senate Gazette.

2. Of the people who condemned G.I. Muromsky, “Berestov responded most severely. There was a hatred of innovation distinguishing feature his character."


“...he planted an English garden...His grooms were dressed as English jockeys. His daughter had an English madam. He cultivated the fields English method…» ( Unlike the geometrically correct French garden, the English one is like a natural forest.)

2. Grigory Ivanovich “was considered a not stupid person, for he was the first of the landowners of his province to think of mortgaging his estate into the Trustee Council: a move that seemed extremely complex and bold at that time.”

The Angloman "made criticism as impatiently as our journalists."

Let us note the irony of Pushkin in describing the relationship between Berestov, the elder, and Muromsky. In their depiction, Pushkin uses the technique of antithesis.

However, despite their differences, they have a lot in common:

Thanks to the commonality of life, Berestov Sr. and Muromsky were able to eventually find mutual language and make peace.

Younger generation

Alexey Berestov

Lisa (Betsy) – Akulina ( The name of the heroine was not chosen by chance: everyone knows it " Poor Lisa" Karamzin, it is no coincidence that the heroine reads "Natalia, the Boyar's Daughter" by Karamzin).

1Characteristics, portrait:

“He was brought up at the *** university and intended to join military service, but his father did not agree to this... They were not inferior to each other, and young Alexey began to live for the time being as a master, letting his mustache grow just in case (a military attribute).

He was, “really, a great fellow... The young ladies looked at him, and others looked at him; but Alexey did little with them, and they believed that the reason for his insensitivity was a love affair.”

“It’s easy to imagine what impression Alexey must have made in the circle of...young ladies. He was the first to appear before them, gloomy and disappointed, the first to tell them about lost joys and about his faded youth; Moreover, he wore a black ring with the image of a death's head. All this was extremely new in that province. The young ladies went crazy for him.

1.Characteristics, portrait:

“She was seventeen years old. Black eyes enlivened a dark and very pleasant face. She was the only one and, therefore, a spoiled child. Her playfulness and minute-by-minute pranks delighted her father and drove her Madame Miss Jackson into despair..."

“Nastya followed Liza, she was older, but just as flighty as her young lady.”

Why did Lisa decide to dress up as a peasant; couldn’t she have charmed Alexei in her true guise?

Alexei wears the mask of a suffering lover, cold towards all young ladies, because it is fashionable in society, but with simple peasant women he is cheerful, sweet, and plays burners. With them you don’t need to wear a mask, you can be yourself. This is how Alexey is more interesting to Lisa.

Why did Alexey and Lisa fall in love with each other?

“...Alexey, despite the fatal ring, the mysterious correspondence and the gloomy disappointment, was a kind and ardent fellow and had a pure heart, capable of feeling the pleasures of innocence.” He was going to marry a simple peasant woman, disobeying the will of his parent.

Lisa was too unusual for a simple peasant woman: self-esteem (even self-love), extraordinary intelligence, ease of communication and at the same time inaccessibility and adherence to principles.

“His relations with Akulina had for him the charm of novelty, ... although the instructions strange peasant women seemed burdensome to him.”

All this speaks of Alexey’s high spiritual qualities

The originality of Lisa-Akulina aroused strong feelings.

    Group work

Students draw masks of the characters in the story and describe them verbally.

Berestov is the eldest bear (Muromsky called him “... a bear and a provincial”).

Muromsky is a dandy - an Englishman (English manner of speech, monocle on his eye).

Alexey is the mask of a suffering lover (reminiscent of Pierrot’s mask) and a “good master.”

Lisa - two masks: a funny painted French woman and a peasant woman Akulina.

The heroes of the story hide their true faces, their real spiritual qualities under masks. However, some masks, on the contrary, emphasize the beauty of the characters’ souls.

    Working on the composition and plot of the story

— How did the last explanation of Alexey and Lisa happen? ( By chance, Alexey wanted to explain himself to Lisa, talk about his love for Akulina, and found Lisa in her true guise.)

—What is the general role of chance in the story? Let's list the accidents that move the story. Are they really that random? Let's look at the composition. Let us recall how the composition is built:

On the desk:

Exposition – plot – climax – denouement – ​​and – epilogue (optional).

E.: A story about the heroes of the older generation, characteristics of the younger generation.

Z.: Nastya, Lisa’s maid meets A. Berestov and tells Lisa about it. Nastya's chance acquaintance with A. Berestov entails Lisa's well-planned "accidental" acquaintance with Alexey.

TO.: A chance meeting with Lisa – Akulina in her house. The climax is preceded by another accident: Muromsky’s fall from his horse and his rescue by Berestov, the elder.

R.: Absent: “The reader will spare me the unnecessary obligation to describe the denouement...”

Are the accidents in the story so random? Ponder this question Houses.


    Essay – miniature “The role of chance in the story by A.S. Pushkin's "The Young Lady - Peasant".

Methodological topic: Using visual aids in Russian lessons
Lesson topic: A.S. Pushkin “The Young Lady - Peasant Woman”
1.Introduce students to the work of A.S. Pushkin's "The Young Lady - a Peasant Woman", its plot and characters. Identify the role of antithesis in the story.
2.Develop the ability to analyze literary text.
3. To cultivate an emotional perception of a literary text, attention to the literary word; cultivate respect for human feelings.
Equipment: texts of the story “The Young Lady - Peasant Woman”, pencil, paper.
Methodological techniques: student message; teacher's story with elements of conversation; vocabulary work; commented reading; drawing up character masks; comparative analysis of characters.
Lesson type: lesson on learning new material
During the classes
Teacher's word
Guys, today we are starting to get acquainted with a series of stories called “Belkin’s Tales”. They were written in Boldino in the fall of 1830. (Student’s message about the role of Boldino autumn in the life of A.S. Pushkin.)
In today's lesson we are working on Pushkin's story “The Young Lady-Peasant Woman”.
“The Young Lady - Peasant Woman” is a parody of romantic and sentimental works of that time. (Vocabulary work - what is a parody?) This means that we will read a not entirely serious work by Pushkin. Nevertheless, in it Pushkin talks about very serious problems, but with humor.
At home you read the story. When you started reading, you probably noticed its title and epigraph. How can you explain the title? What is the lexical meaning of the words young lady and peasant woman? (A young lady is a girl from the upper class; a peasant woman is from the lower class.) - What does the combination of these words give? (By combining opposite concepts, Pushkin intrigues the reader with the title of the work. Pushkin uses the technique of antithesis throughout the entire work.) - Explain the meaning of the epigraph. (The epigraph is taken from I. Bogdanovich’s poem “Darling” and is, as it were, a moral characteristic of the heroine, who is “good” in both the noble and peasant guise.)
CONCLUSION: Judging by the title and epigraph, the main character will be a girl shown in a controversial situation and retaining high moral qualities in it.
Discussion of the characters in the story (comparative analysis)
Let's start analyzing the characters in the story with the older generation (differences):
Ivan Petrovich Berestov Grigory Ivanovich Muromsky
1. Conducts farming in the Russian manner:
“On weekdays he wore a velvet (dictionary worker) jacket, on holidays he put on a frock coat (dictionary worker) made of homemade cloth; I wrote down the expenses myself and read nothing except the Senate Gazette.
2. Of the people who condemned G.I. Muromsky, “Berestov responded most severely. Hatred of innovation was a distinctive feature of his character." Anglomaniac:
“...he planted an English garden...His grooms were dressed as English jockeys. His daughter had an English madam. He cultivated the fields according to the English method...” (Unlike the geometrically correct French garden, the English one is like a natural forest.)
2. Grigory Ivanovich “was considered a not stupid person, for he was the first of the landowners of his province to think of mortgaging his estate into the Trustee Council: a move that seemed extremely complex and bold at that time.”
The Angloman "made criticism as impatiently as our journalists."

Let us note the irony of Pushkin in describing the relationship between Berestov, the elder, and Muromsky. In their depiction, Pushkin uses the technique of antithesis.
However, despite their differences, they have a lot in common:
1. Ivan Petrovich Berestov is a Russian nobleman who runs a household according to the Russian model. 1. Grigory Ivanovich Muromsky. “He was a real Russian gentleman.”
He loved to play pranks.
2. Both were married for love and became widowed, left with one child. Thanks to their common life, Berestov Sr. and Muromsky were eventually able to find a common language and make peace.
Younger generation
Alexey Berestov Lisa (Betsy) - Akulina (the heroine’s name was not chosen by chance: everyone knows “Poor Liza” by Karamzin, it’s no coincidence that the heroine reads “Natalia, the Boyar’s Daughter” by Karamzin). 1. Characteristics, portrait:
“He was raised at the *** university and intended to join the military service, but his father did not agree to this... They were not inferior to each other, and young Alexey began to live for the time being as a master, growing a mustache just in case (an attribute of a military man).
He was, “really, a great fellow... The young ladies looked at him, and others looked at him; but Alexey did little with them, and they believed that the reason for his insensitivity was a love affair.”
“It’s easy to imagine what impression Alexey must have made in the circle of...young ladies. He was the first to appear before them, gloomy and disappointed, the first to tell them about lost joys and about his faded youth; Moreover, he wore a black ring with the image of a death's head. All this was extremely new in that province. The young ladies went crazy for him. 1. Characteristics, portrait:
“She was seventeen years old. Black eyes enlivened a dark and very pleasant face. She was the only one and, therefore, a spoiled child. Her playfulness and minute-by-minute pranks delighted her father and drove her Madame Miss Jackson into despair..."
“Nastya followed Liza, she was older, but just as flighty as her young lady.”
-Why did Lisa decide to dress up as a peasant; couldn’t she have charmed Alexei in her true guise?

Alexei wears the mask of a suffering lover, cold towards all young ladies, because it is fashionable in society, but with simple peasant women he is cheerful, sweet, and plays burners. With them you don’t need to wear a mask, you can be yourself. This is how Alexey is more interesting to Lisa.
- Why did Alexey and Lisa fall in love with each other?
“...Alexey, despite the fatal ring, the mysterious correspondence and the gloomy disappointment, was a kind and ardent fellow and had a pure heart, capable of feeling the pleasures of innocence.” He was going to marry a simple peasant woman, disobeying the will of his parent.
Lisa was too unusual for a simple peasant woman: self-esteem (even self-love), extraordinary intelligence, ease of communication and at the same time inaccessibility and adherence to principles.
“His relations with Akulina had for him the charm of novelty, ... although the instructions of the strange peasant woman seemed burdensome to him.”

All this speaks of Alexey’s high spiritual qualities. The originality of Liza-Akulina aroused strong feelings.
Group work
Students draw masks of the characters in the story and describe them verbally.
Berestov - the eldest - is a bear (Muromsky called him “... a bear and a provincial”).
Muromsky is a dandy - an Englishman (English manner of speech, monocle on his eye).
Alexey is the mask of a suffering lover (reminiscent of Pierrot’s mask) and a “good master.”
Lisa - two masks: a funny painted French woman and a peasant woman Akulina.
The heroes of the story hide their true faces, their real spiritual qualities under masks. However, some masks, on the contrary, emphasize the beauty of the characters’ souls.
Working on the composition and plot of the story
- How did the last explanation of Alexey and Lisa happen? (By chance, Alexey wanted to explain himself to Lisa, talk about his love for Akulina, and found Lisa in her true guise.)
- What is the general role of chance in the story? Let's list the accidents that move the story. Are they really that random? Let's look at the composition. Let us recall how the composition is built:

On the desk:
Exposition – plot – climax – denouement – ​​and – epilogue (optional).
E.: A story about the heroes of the older generation, characteristics of the younger generation.
Z.: Nastya, Lisa’s maid meets A. Berestov and tells Lisa about it. Nastya’s chance acquaintance with A. Berestov entails Lisa’s well-planned “accidental” acquaintance with Alexey.K.: A chance meeting with Lisa - Akulina in her house. The climax is preceded by another accident: Muromsky’s fall from his horse and his rescue by Berestov, the elder.
R.: Absent: “The reader will relieve me of the unnecessary obligation to describe the denouement...”
Are the accidents in the story so random? Ponder this question at home.
Essay – miniature “The role of chance in the story by A.S. Pushkin's "The Young Lady - Peasant".
Read the Comedy “The Inspector General” by N.V. Gogol.

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