English Vereshchagina sound tasks. “English language” by Vereshchagina - A textbook for in-depth study of the language. Composition of teaching materials for grades II-IV

Textbooks by Vereshchagina I.N., Afanasyeva O.V., Mikheeva L.V. publishing house "Prosveshchenie" are as popular in Russian schools as UMK and. However, there is one fundamental difference: the authors of the textbooks are entirely Russian-speaking authors. But this does not affect the quality of the textbook at all, because... it is recommended for in-depth study of the English language.

The course is designed for learning English from the second grade (although there is a textbook for the 1st grade) and covers the entire next 10 years of study.

Educational complexes for grades II-XI meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard general education and are aimed at achieving personal, subject and meta-subject learning outcomes.

  • English language(II-IV grades) – I.N. Vereshchagina, K.A. Bondarenko, T.A. Pritikina and others.
  • English language (grades V-IX) – I.N. Vereshchagina, O.V. Afanasyeva, I.V. Mikheeva and others.
  • English language (grades X-XI). In-depth – O.V. Afanasyeva, I.V. Mikheeva and others.

Basic ideas Educational and training complex "English language" I.N. Vereshchagina:

  • teach schoolchildren to communicate in English, taking into account their capabilities and needs,
  • introduce students to new social experiences, introduce them to the world of foreign peers,
  • develop creative and critical thinking,
  • ability to operate with received information and apply knowledge in practice.

Composition of teaching materials for grades II-IV:

  • Work programs;
  • Textbook in two parts;
  • Audio course for the textbook;
  • Workbook;
  • Book to read;
  • Book for summer reading (II grade);
  • Book for teachers;
  • Dispensing didactic material(II class);
  • Inspection and verification work.

You can buy textbooks in this series in the online store My-Shop.ru or Labirint.ru:

Starting from grade X, a reading book and an audio course for the workbook leave the educational complex. The main goals of textbooks for middle and high schools are:

  • development of communication skills in speaking, listening, reading, writing different situations communication;
  • inclusion of students in the dialogue of cultures;
  • development of independent work and self-control skills,
  • developing the ability to operate with received information and apply knowledge in practice.

One of the features of the line is a developed system for targeted preparation for passing the Unified State Exam in English.

I can’t say anything bad about the textbook “English Language”. I take a lot of tasks from it to achieve a truly advanced level. Here are examples of exercises:

You can download free textbooks from the educational complex “English Language” by Vereshchagina, Afanasyeva, Mikheeva using the following links:

  • English 1. English language. 1 class
  • English 2. English language. Grade 2 – Student’s Book Part 1, Part 2, Workbook
  • English 3. English language. 3rd grade
  • English 4. English language. Grade 4 – Student’s Book Part 1, Part 2, Workbook
  • English 5. English language. 5th grade -

I.N. VERESHCHAGINA K. A. BONDARENKO T. A. PRITYKINA Student "s Book s rSOSVTSHCHEfJIVE N" 14 * L I H I N 1 PART 1 t i. N. VERESHCHAGINA K. A. BONDARENKO T. A. PRYTYKIN FGOS W V ENGLISH; LANGUAGE 2nd grade Textbook for general education institutions and schools with in-depth study of the English language with an application on electronic media In two parts Part 1 Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation 2nd edition Moscow “ENLIGHTENMENT” 2012 UDC 373.167.1:811.111 BBK 81.2ENG- 922 B31 Positive conclusions were received for the textbook Russian Academy Sciences (No. 10106-5215/449 dated 01.11.10) and the Russian Academy of Education (No. 01-5/7d-556 dated 20.10.10) Legend - assignment using audio recordings - homework - when completing the assignment, you should listen to the text, read and learn it by heart - reading task - speaking task - learning new material - writing task %/ - games and puzzles Veretsagna I. N. B31 English language. 2nd grade. Educational, for general education. institutions and schools with depth studying English language with adj. on an electron, a carrier, V 2, Part 1 / I. N. Vereshchagina, K. A. Bondarenko, T. A, Pritzhina. - 2nd ed. - M.: Education, 2012. - 159 p. : ill. - ISBN 978-5-09-018614-8. The textbook is the main component of the educational and methodological set in English for the 2nd grade of general education schools and schools with in-depth study of the English language. The textbook's tasks and exercises are presented within eight topics, selected in accordance with the interests and age characteristics of primary school students. The tasks of the Test Yourself sections help to correct and systematize the acquired lectures and grammatical skills. The textbook includes an English-Russian dictionary. UDC 373.167.1:811.111 BBK 81.2ENGL-922 ISBN 978-5-09-018614-8(1) ISBN 978-5-09-028470-7 (general) © Prosveshcheniye Publishing House, 2011 © Artistic design. Prosveshcheniye Publishing House, 2011 All rights reserved Dear fingers and girls! You are starting to learn English. This is a very important and interesting subject. First you will learn to speak English and understand what others are saying. To be understood, you need to learn to pronounce well and correctly english sounds, words and sentences. Your teacher and audio course will help you with this - CDs that you will listen to in class and, most importantly, at home. Audio assignments are numbered and indicated in the textbook with an icon. Audio course assignments must be worked on every day for 5-10 minutes, and not just before English lessons. But this icon^ indicates homework that needs to be repeated or completed at home. From the fifth lesson you will begin to gradually become familiar with the letters English alphabet , later you will write Azli letters and begin to learn to read. The workbook will help you with this. From the fifth lesson, all tasks from the workbook are carefully completed at home. During the lessons you will play a lot, learn poems, counting words, and sing songs. The teacher will show you a lot of fun pictures, dolls, toys, and plasticine crafts. You can also bring your own crafts to class, and then the lessons will be even more interesting. We wish you success! Lv/Iory y;A VAY"11^nA'";A "AA"" Lesson 1 Look at the pictures. You want to meet these English and American guys! Then listen to their names. 1. "2 The English teacher wants get to know you. Listen to the audio task and say your name. 2. SZ Now let's listen to how to say hello and goodbye, and learn how to do it. 3, 4. g f in, it, is, his, pig, big, six, skip. Homework 1. Learn a song about a little black dog. 2. Remember the colors you know. 70. 3. Read the words from exercise 8. 4. Complete the exercises from the workbook. 40 71, f L, - L r il "li-J Lesson 19 Saying ly I Let's start the lesson with a warm-up. One hand up, Two hands up, Two hands down. Sit down and stand up. Hands on your head. Hands behind your back. Hands on your nose, Stand up and sit down. (21 Do you remember the song about the little black dog! Sing it. GЪ 71. (Z" L what color is your friend’s dog or cat! (4* There are dogs and cats big and small. Look at the pictures. What can you say about these dogs and cats (5 Listen to how you can replace the names and names of ■pears with other words. You guessed what they are again! Now do it yourself. 72. 41 d WORLD of my hobbies ^6 We continue to study colors. Listen to the sound lessons 7X 74. L then we will learn the song “Colors”. 7 What colors do you, your mother like! We continue to learn to read. learn how it is read. Repeat the sounds it conveys and words with these sounds 76. li @ .E U. ,) f ve A now try to read the words you know. [i] in, it, is, his, pig, big, six, pink, skip. Draw a flower like a daisy and color its petals in different colors. Lesson 20 Speaking 4(D You were visiting your boyfriend or girlfriend. You played and read the rhyme: One - one - one, Little dogs run. Two - two - two, Cats see you. Three - three - three. Birds in the tree. And then his younger brother/sister showed you his favorite toys. Act out this scene. 43.. >i2 You went to the toy store. Describe them (size, color). played the song “Colors”! 75. Your friend asks you what color are your toys? Listen to the dialogue, 77. I" *15 Show the guys a photo of your cat/dog. Tell us about it. 1.5 Show your drawing of a daisy and name the colors of the petals. 44 g (7 Let’s consider another poem about toys where TbtiM* 7B. (8 Listen to what “tti talks about his favorite toy, 79. Listen to the poem “I have a lot of toys” and tell us about your toys. 80. Read (9 Let’s get acquainted with another vowel. Learn how this letter is called and read. Tell me what sounds it conveys. What words do you know with these sounds? 81. Be (m) h@ her gr her p i [<: se="" he="" be="" me="" we="" green="" please="" read="" hide-and-seek.="" let="" red="" seven="" teddy="" ten="" tell="" yes.="" i="" q="" :="" li="" pig="" hit="" kitten="" his="" bike="" skip="" ride="" sister="" five="" little="" like="" big="" nine="" pink.="" a="" pigs="" six="" bikes="" kittens="" sisters="" pink="" to="" and="" you="" m="" yy="" bicf="" by="" my="" fly="" sky="" spy="" try.="" y="" nine.="" t____="" one="" two="" three="" monkeys="" four="" bears.="" eight="" hares.="" nice="" funny="" frogs.="" ii2="" the="" zoo="" ann="" has="" not="" very="" inot="" dig="" black="" clean="" thin="" fat.="" do="" want="" have="" that="" f8="" tim="" is="" little.="" big.="" likes="" bike.="" ill="" plane="" name="" kate="" jake="" game.="" am="" cat="" tag="" hasn="" haven="" camel="" scrabble="" sam="" africa.="" has.="" j="" ha="" g="" d="" go="" home="" at="" roller="" roller-skate="" don="" go.="" on="" stop="" dog="" doll="" frog="" hop="" got="" robot.="" doll.="" l="" ii="" to...="" ____________________________="" uu="" computer="" student.="" but="" jump="" number="" puppy="" run="" russia="" uncle.="" student="" uncle="" from="" britain="" games.="">and tell me what you like to play there. 3. Learn to write words: run, puppy, jump, but, funny. 4. Read the U words from exercise 8. 5. Do the exercises in the workbook. Lesson 25 And Let's all repeat the poem “I lk>-blue play” together. /Ъ 98. 2 Now show the drawings that you have prepared. Use one of the counting cards and choose a student who will show his picture, and you will try to guess what he likes to play. Sound task 97 will help you. 3 Do you prefer to play with girls or boys! Let's learn the words “boy” and “girl”. O ^4 Let's learn 3 more words: “we”, “they”, “children”. 101. (5 You love poems! Let's learn another one, “She loves to play.” 102. ^(6 Looking at the pictures, ask your classmate what boys and girls like and don’t like to do. S6 Ш1Ш Let him/her answer your questions are “yes” (Yes) or “no” (No). We learn to ask questions about whether he/she likes to do something. (7 Listen to the conversation. Make up a similar dialogue with your classmate and act it out. jTb\ 104 . 57 II J THE WORLD OF MY FACILITIES Obviously, your friends like to play not all games, how to say this 105. (9 What can you do at home! Listen and repeat. (10 Looking at the picture on page 58, say that Robin! doesn’t like to do. Read ^ Read quickly and correctly. a camel a sister a big camel a little sister a little camel his little sister nine little camels his little sisters nine little kittens His name is Sam. Homework _____ 1. Read quickly and correctly. words and expressions from exercise 11. 2. Tell me which of your friends doesn’t like to play games. 3. Learn to write new words: boy, girl, we, children, they. 4. Do the exercises from the workbook. 58 ,1 |H ",-1. Lesson 26 ■ "t"l I" 1-11. I ■ 1 UST yOHRSELF 1. Do you understand the teacher’s speech in class, and not only? If you studied conscientiously, you learned to understand long and complex texts recorded on disk. Test yourself and listen to sound tasks 64, 107, 108. ^ 2. Can you tell about yourself, your family, who are your relatives, what are their names, how do they feel, where are they from? Sound tasks 26, 36, 109 will help you. J. Can you talk about the toys and games you like (want) to play? Lessons 17, 20, 24, 25, 30 will help you. 4. Game-competition. Divide into two teams. Team players take turns talking at a fast pace about what their friend likes to do, where he/she likes to go, what to play. The team that makes no mistakes and says the last sentence wins. ^ Test Yourself - Test yourself. 59 THE WORLD mom ] 5. Now ask questions about your friend and answer them. A member of the first team asks a question. A member of the second team gives the answer. Then the teams change roles. The team that makes no mistakes wins. 6. Teams choose one participant each, who tells everything he can about each other. Whose story is longer and without errors wins. 7. Next, the teams compete in letter knowledge. The presenter says the letters that the two teams must write. The team that makes no mistakes wins. 8. We have learned all the letters. Let's sing the song "The ABC". 110. 9. You can not only sing, but also read the letters of the English alphabet. Try to do it. ABCDE VWXYZ V-----v~l p4) Try to read the words, phrases and sentences yourself. [b] the, with, father, mother, grandfather, grandmother ["dgaepb,tl5e], brother, they, thanks, three, thank you. duck, black, back, pick, deck, sock, peck, a bear, there , a hare, a black bear. The bear is big. Father, my father, brother, three brothers, my grandmother and his grandfather, three ducks, they like to play. with toys. A hare, a gray hare. Do you like my gray hare? have got frogs I have got three green frogs and. Exercise 4 will help you 3. Learn to write the words: I, like, ride, nine, little, sing * like. . Compose your own poem for warm-up. (Using the rhyme as an example: One computer, two computers ....) 5. Do the exercises from the workbook. Lesson 32 (Reserve) s Speaking (1" Let's start the lesson with a warm-up. Jack be careful, Do your best! Don't forget - You have a test. We play KVN. Divide into two teams: one from Russia, the other from England. - Get to know each other. - Tell us about yourself and your family. (3 We continue to play KVN. In all countries, children love to play with toys. And you! - Ask what toys your opponents have and which ones they like to play and which ones they don’t like. - Ask the players of the other team about what they love to do at home and outside - Listen to the story and tell me what you learned about this girl. She is friends with her brother 117. - Which team knows more poems and songs - Which team can write the most words! which makes fewer mistakes and whose story is more detailed. 78 f 1 Read (4" You want to know who Humpty-Dumpty is! Read the text about him. Humpty-Dumpty Humpty-Dumpty is not a dog. He is not a puppy. Humpty- Dumpty is a toy boy. He is not from Russia. He is a funny toy. Boys like to play with Humpty-Dumpty. Write a short story about a toy. Exercise 4 will help you. (§ Listen to the first part of the song “I am a student”. Read the words of the song and learn to sing it. 118. I At a Pupil Part I I am a pupil, He is a pupil, She is a pupil, too. I am not a doctor, 1 am a pupil And I like you. i Homework 1. Listen and learn the song “I am a student.” 118. 2. Come up with a short story about a toy. Write it down. 3. Do the exercises from the workbook. 79 Lesson 33 111 Let "s warm up. (Let's start the lesson with a warm-up.) I want to jump, I want to run, I want to clap my hands. It's fun! Let Us Learn 2 What are they^ Guessi Exercise 119 can help you. (Who are they by profession? Guess! Sound task 119 will help you.) 3 What do you think they are! What do they want to be! (Who do you think they are by profession? Who do they want to be?) 80 I The boy Dad and Mum Mr Green My brother Her sister His uncle wants to be wants to be is "4 Remember. Read and translate. (Remember. Read and translate.) [h:] to work a worker to sing a singer to dance a dancer to run a runner to jump a jumper to play a player to teach a teacher 5 What professions do you understand easily? (Which professions are easy to guess?) 6 What do you want to be! (What do you want to become?) 7 Tell you classmates about your family (names and professions). (Tell your classmates about your family (names and professions).) Let Us Read 8 Learn to read the words and sentences as quickly as you can. (Learning to read words and sentences as they say faster.) t Uu:] dog, not, doctor, a doctor - doctors. He's a doctor. His daughter is a doctor, too. -\ Do you want to be a doctor? ^- Yes, I doj Officer* an officer - officers. He is S| officer - Is your father an officer? ^ Yes, he is. Does your brother want to Ш1 officer? - No, he doesn"t. He doesnl want to be an on officer. Engineer [^end^i"niDj, an engineer -^ engf neers. Is your father an engineer? ^^ No he is not an engineer. He is a dentist, pupil, a pupil - pupils. We are pupils. - Is his brother a pupil? - Yes, he is. H]not, stop, from, officer. - Does he want to be an officer? - Yes, he does. His father is an officer, too. My friend wants to be an engineer. [w] what, why, when, white, where, we, a white cat, white horses. - Is his kitten white? - No, it’s not white. - Where is the boy? - He is at home. His name is Ted Brown. Is he an engineer? No, he isn’t. Is he a pilot? No, he isn’t. Then, what is he? He is a teacher. Is he from America? No, he isn’t. Where is he from? He is from Great Britain. And what about your mother? She is a housewife. (4 Right or wrong! (Exercise 3.) (True or not? (Exercise 3).) 1. His father is a doctor. 2. His mother is a dentist. 3. His father is a teacher. 4. His mother is a housewife. 96 f:jO 7DU "ШШ '■ffy Let Us Read 5 Look at these letters and remember how to read them. (Look at these letter combinations and remember how they are read.) or W og|k ag Ga: ]) and with ari 6 Learn to read the words and sentences as quickly as you can. (Learning to read words and sentences as quickly as possible.) 128. [h:] M [I] work, work - works, we work, he works. My mother works. My Grandpa doesn't work. - Yes, he does. hot, doll, hospital, in a hospital. Bob is a doctor. - Do the girls work in a hospital? - Yes, they do. They are doctors. Offices, in an office. - Does your aunt work in an office? . She works in an office. in, it, is, business, businessman, a businessman - Oleg is a businessman. He works in a business office. Where does this businessman work? Does he work in an office or in a hospital? 97 1 I j- m t 1 -‘f r« ! ■ ^ J:■■" . . J- " ?4 v:/^. L r 1 ^f, -" "J- mouse, house, housewife, a housewife housewives His mother is not G denti“ She IS a housewife. - is vou Ggop ^ housewife? - Yes, she is! Remember as many words as you can. (You learned a lot of new words: professions, family members, how to spend time at home, in the park, at the zoo. Remember as many words as possible.) 8. Remember songs and poems you’ve learned. Sing the song you like most. (Remember what songs and poems you have learned. Sing the song that you liked best.) yuz I Lesson 39 Let Us Learn Can Affirmation (+) ^ can sing Negation (“) sapCh sing Question (?) Can can. No, we we we you you you. they; they theyj i sapCh. cannot ^ salCh [l] h. L Compare: I like to sing. I can sing. He/She likes to sing. He/She can sing. ^0 vl Say that you can do the same. (Say that you can do the same.) Example: Teacher: I can skip. Pupil: I can skip, too, 1. I can sing. 2. 1 can dance. 3. I can read English books. 4. I can play the piano. 5. I can work on a computer. @ Say that he/she can do the same. (Say that he/she can do the same.) Example: Teacher: I can jump. Pupil: He/She can jump, too. 1. I can play the guitar. 2. I can draw. 3, I can ride a bike. 4. I can roller-skate. 5. I can ride a horse. @ Lef s play a "Snowball"" game. Example: Pupil 1: I can play the guitar. Pupil 2: You can play the guitar and I can draw planes. Pupil 3: He /She can play the guitar. You can draw planes and I can ride a bike ... 105 A 4 Say that you (he/she) can"t do the same. (Say that you (he/she) don't know how to do the same.) Example: Teacher: I can ride a camel. Pupil 2: I can*t ride a camel. Pupil 3: He/She can't ride a camel. 1. I can play marbles. 2. We can ride on merry-go-round. 3. They can sing English songs. 4. The boys can draw horses, 5. The children can play computer games. 5 Look at the pictures. Say what these animals can or i can't do. (Look at the pictures. Say what these animals can or cannot do.) 106 g.■.V. :av ^ Teach each other. (Teach each other.) Examples: a) Pupil 1: He can jump. Pupil 2: Can he jump? Pupil 1: Yes^ he can. Pupil 1: They can*t read English. Pupil 2: Can they read English? Pupil 1: No, they can't. b) Let Us Listen, Read and Learn 7 Listen to the dialogue. Read and learn it by heart. (Listen to the dialogue. Read and learn it by heart.) jQS 131. Bob: Hi, Bill! Bill: Hi. Bob: Can you play hopscotch? Bill: Yes, I can. Bob: Do you want to play with us? ^ Bill: With great pleasure *8 Think of your own dialogue and act it out. your dialogue and act it out.) Let Us Read 9 Learn to read the words and sentences; first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. (Learning to read words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then out loud as quickly as possible.) [ee] cat, thanks, can, can - cannot. My brother can run. The monkeys can jump. - ^ with us ["wi5 Vs] - with us ^ with great pleasure ["р1езе] - with great pleasure /О/ SPOUT______________________^ _________ Can your dog jump? - Yes, he can. My cat can jump, too, other, aunt, can’t. My little sister can't read. She can read but she can’t dance. I I can I can draw I can draw a bear I can draw a big bear I can draw a big brown bear I 1 can't I can't draw 1 can't draw a bear I can't draw a big bear 1 can 't draw a big brown bear Read the questions in "A"\ choose and read out the answers in "B". Say what you have learned. (Read the questions in “L”, choose and read the answers in “B”. Say what you found out.) A. 1. Do you like to go to the park? 2. Why do you like to go there? 3. What games can you play there? 4. Can you ride a horse there? 5. Can you play with the ball there? 6. What games do you like to play in the park? 7. What games does your friend like to play? 8. Is it fun to play with your friends in the park? 108 c. A. We gland play tag, hide-and-seek, leapfrog and hopscotch there. b. No, we can't. c. Yes, we can. d. Oh, yes, it is. e. My friend likes to play hide-and-seek. f. Yes, I do. g. I like to play with my friends there. h. I like to play leapfrog in the park. Let Us Talk_________________________________ ^MjSay what you can do or can't do. Let your classmates ask you questions for more information. (Tell what you can or can't do. Let your classmates ask you other questions.) Put in the words and write down the sentences. (Insert the words and write down the sentences.) 1. ... they are your friends? - Yes, they ... . 2. ... he your brother? - Yes, he .... 3. .. he ride a bike? - No, he ... 4. ... do you want to play with the ball? - No, 5. 6. Yes, she roller-skate well? . your friend want to play the piano? - he Is Do (2) Does Don't Doesn't (2)1 Can Can't 109 Х wmmf (13 Learn to write these words: (Learning to write these words:) one, two, eight, a hare, can, cannot, can't. j % Puzzle Time (14 Write the words that begin with these letters. Homework 1. Read the words in Exercise 9 as quickly as you can. (Read the words from Exercise 9 quickly and correctly.) 2. Exercise 11. Say what you can do and can’t do. (Do exercise 11. Tell me what you can or cannot do.) 3. Learn to write the words (Exercise 13): (Learn to write the words from Exercise 13:) one, two, eight, a hare, can, cannot, can’t. 4. Do exercises in the Workbook. (Do the exercises from the workbook.) by Let Us Talk 1 Let's warm up. (Let's start the lesson with a warm-up.) Sup you hop as a rabbit? Can you walk as a duck? Can you run as a dog? It's fun ! Yes, I can hop as a rabbit. Yes, I can walk as a duck. Yes, I can run as a dog. It's fun! (2 Discuss your pets. What can they do! (Let's talk about your pets. What can they do?) 3 Look at the pictures and say what these children can do. Exercise 132 can help you. (Look at the pictures and say what these children can do. Sound task 132 will help you.) 1 /// 4 And what about you and your friend! Can you play these games! (Do you and your friend know how to play these games?) Let Us Read and Learn (5 Read the poem ""My Dog"" and learn it by heart. (Read poem “My Dog” and learn it by heart.) My Dog I've got a dog. Look at^ my dogi Her name is Pat. She can do this, I love my dog. She loves me, too. Let Us Re^d_________________________________ 6 Learn to read the words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. (Learning to read words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then out loud as quickly as possible.) [a:] father, can’t, basketball, to play basketball, can play basketball. - Can your friend play basketball? - Yes, he can. He likes to play basketball. [e] ten, seven, tennis, to play tennis, can play tennis. - Does your father like to play tennis? - Yes, he does. I want to play tennis with my father. We can play tennis well, game, say, name, table, table tennis, play table tennis. My mother likes to play table ^ look at - look m [and] [w] tennis. - Can you play tennis table? - No, I can’t. I can play table tennis, book, foot, football, to play football, can play football, like to play football. - Can they play football? - No, they can’t. They don't like to play football. not, stop, frog, volleyball, to play volleyball, can play volleyball, like to play volleyball, don’t play volleyball, doesn’t like to play volleyball, can’t play volleyball. - Do your brothers like to play volleyball? - Pete does but Mike doesn’t. He can't play volleyball. when, why, what, where, well, very well. She can dance very well but he can’t dance very well. Puzzle Time (j) Let’s play a “Boaster” game. One says that he/she can do everything. And you agree or disagree using Thafs Tight/wrong. (Let's play the game "Bragger". One of you is a "braggart". He/she says that he can do everything well. And you agree if this is so, or disagree, using the expressions Right/Wrong.) Homework # 1. Read the words and sentences in Exercise 6 and 7 as quickly as you can. (Read quickly and correctly the words and sentences from exercises 6 and 7.) pz A SPORT 2. Read and learn the poem "My Dog". (Read and memorize the poem “My Dog.”) 3. Learn to write these words: (Learn to write these words:) football, volleyball, basketball, tennis. 4. Do exercises in the Workbook. (Do the exercises from the workbook.) Xesson 41 С© Let Us Talk (1 Lefs warm up. (Let's start the lesson with a warm-up.) I can't swim as a fish. I can't jump as a frog. I can' t walk as a bear. Isn't it? Can you jump as a frog? . (Say that you do the same.) Example: Pupil 1: I like to play tennis. I can play tennis well. Pupil 2: I like to play tennis, too. Look at the pictures and say what they can do. Exercises 132, 133 can help you. (Look at the pictures and say what they can do. Sound tasks 132, 133 will help you.) (4 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions. Use the pictures of Exercise 3. (Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions. Use the pictures from Exercise 3.) Let Us Read (51 Learn to read the words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. (Learning to read words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then out loud as quickly as possible.) stadium, and stadium, to go to the stadium, to play tennis at the stadium. “Luzhniki” is a Moscow stadium. family, Africa, can, badminton, to play badminton, can play badminton. I like to play badminton with my father, big, sister, with, swim, to swim. I like to swim, - Can Bob swim very well? - Yes, he can. He is a good swimmer, - Can frogs swim? - Yes, they can. Dolphins and penguins can swim very well. Let Us Listen, Read and Learn (6) Listen to the poem ""We Can Play". Read and learn it by heart. (Listen to the poem ("We can play". Read and learn it by heart.) 134. We Sap Play School is over ^ - we can play. We can play the whole day^: ^ over ["auva] - over ^ the whole day ["haul "dei] - all day 116 Basketball and volleyball And the boys can play football. Nick: Ted: Nick: Ted: (7 Read the dialogue and say everything you can about Ted and Nick. (Read the dialogue and tell everything you can about Ted and Nick.) Ted: Hello, Nick. Hello. Do you like sports ? Yes, and what about you? I like sports very much. Boys and girls in America like to play basketball and tennis. What about Russian boys and girls like to play football very much and ours? girls like to play volleyball. Do Russian girls like to play football? I don't think^ they do. In Russia girls like to play tennis, table tennis and badminton. Of course 2 they do. Our boys like to play baseball and American football. Nick: But I can play baseball and American football. : Ted: Nick: Ted: Nick: Ted: go * to think - think ^ of course - of course ® if - if 117 -^11 ■ ■ N- - ■ \ ,. ^^R The Present , Indefinite Tense to like Affirmation (+) Negation (-) I like I do not (don't like) you like you do not (don't like) he/she/it likes he/she/ it does not (doesn't) like we like we do not (don't) like they like they do not (don't) like The Present Indefinite Tense to like Question (?) Short answer Do I like ...? Do you like. Does he/slie/it like ...? Do we like...? Do they like...? Yes, I do./No, I don’t. Yes, you do./No, you don’t. Yes, he/she/it does./No, he/she/it doesn’t. Yes, we do./No, we don’t. Yes, they do./No, they don’t. 123 "li SPORT Let Us Talk 11 1 Lefs warm up. (Let's start the lesson with a warm-up.) You can swim, play basketball, Table tennis and football. We can jump and we can run. We can have a lot of fun. C2 You"ve got a new pupil. Ask her questions about what she and her relatives like to do, can do well or can't do well. (A new student has come to you. Ask her questions about what she and her relatives like to do, can or cannot do well .) These words can help you: Do you like ...? Do you like Can you ... (3 Now what you have learned about the new pupil and her relatives! (So what did you learn about the new student and her relatives ?) (4 Look at the picture and say what these children can or can't do. Exercise 137 can help you. (Look at the picture and say what these children can or cannot do. Sound task 137 will help you. ) 1. Do Liz and Bob like to skate? 2. Can they skate well? Does Jull like to skate? 4. Does Jack like to skate? 124 S ы-■"Let Us Read" (5) Learn to read the words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. (Learning to read words and sentences: first read them silently, and then out loud as quickly as possible.) [w] fine, ride, ice, on the ice. She can dance on the ice. play" game, skate, skater, like to skate, can skate. Jack can skate well. He is a good skater. Jill can't skate well. skating rink. To go to the skating rink. I like to go to the skating rink with my friends. (6) Do you want to know who is not happy and why! Then read the text. (Do you want to know who feels unhappy and why? Then read the text.) L /25 SPOHfT ______________________________ On the Skating Rink A Fox, two Hares, a Dog and a Pig want to go to the skating rink. Suddenly they see a big brown Bear. “Do you want to go to the skating rink with us? We can skate. It's fun to be on the ice. Let’s go with us.” “I'd love to but I can't skate. OK...let's..." The ice is blue and nice. Now the Fox is on the ice. She can dance on the ice very well. The Hares cannot dance but they like to skate. The Pig is not a good skater. On and on she falls down. But she wants to skate well. Then the Bear goes to the ice. He is big and clumsy^. He can’t even stand ^ on his skates. The Dog wants to help^ him and they fall down together. The Bear does not like it. He is not happy. “Don't worry. Be Happy,” says the Dog. (7) Agree or disagree. Exercise 6. (Agree or disagree. Exercise 6.) 1. A Fox, two Hares, and Dog and a pig want to go to the Zoo. 2. They want to go to the skating rink. 3. Suddenly they see a penguin. 4. The Pig can dance on the ice very well. 5. The Pig is a good skater. 6. The Fox is clumsy. ^ clumsy ["kUmzi] - clumsy ^ even stand ["ivn stsend] - even stand ® to help - help 126 g -jj.--. ‘■“SP08T 7. The Bear can skate very well. 8. The Bear is happy. (8"Listen to the song "On a Cold and Frosty Morning" ^ 138. Read and learn to sing it. (Listen to the song "On a Cold and Frosty Morning". Read and learn to sing it.) On a Cold and Frosty Morning This is the way we ski and skate, Ski and skate, ski and skate. This is the way we ski and skate. This is the way we dance on the ice. Dance on the ice, dance on the ice. This is the way we dance on the ice On a cold and frosty morning. Let Us Write ^9) Learn to write these words: (Learning to write these words:) ice, dance on the ice, skate, a skater, a skating rink . Homework 1. Listen to the song "On a Cold and Frosty Morning". (Listen to the song “On a Cold Frosty Morning.”) ^ 138. ^ On a cold and frosty [^frosti] morning ] on a frosty morning Cold- 127 i. _____________________________________________ 2. Read the words and sentences in Exercise 5 well as quickly as you can. (Read quickly and correctly the words and sentences from Exercise 5.) 3. Learn to write these words: (Learn to write these words:) do, does, ice, skate, ski - skier, ice, skating rink. 4. Do exercises in the Workbook. (Do the exercises from the workbook.) Lesson 44 Let Us Talk i) Lefs warm up. (Let's start the lesson with a warm-up.) On a Cold and Frosty Morning This is the way we ski and skate. Ski and skate, ski and skate. This is the way we ski and skate. On a cold and frosty morning. This is the way we dance on the ice. Dance on the ice. This is the way we dance on the ice. and frosty morning. 2; Say what winter sports games pigs, bears and foxes can/can't play. (Tell what winter sports games these little animals can/can’t play.) 128 f J. (3 And where do you/your friends like to play winter sports games! (And where do you/your friends like to play winter sports games ?) (4 Play the ""The Champion" game. Who can make up more sentences about sport! Let Us Listen, Read and Learn rfS Listen to the poem “In Winter and in Summer.” Read and learn it by heart. (Listen to the poem “In Winter and Summer.” Read and learn it by heart.) 129 In Winter ^ and in Summer ^ “In winter I ski and skate,” Says little Kate. “In summer I like to swim,” Says little Jim. And what do you like to do in spring ^ In spring we dance and sing. yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. (Learning to read words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then out loud as quickly as possible.) not, office, hockey, to play hockey, a hockey player, can play hockey, like to play hockey - Who likes to play hockey? - My brother does. - Is your brother a good hockey player? - Oh, yes, he is. o is the winner! (How many words can you form with these letters? Who is the winner?) international Homework Learn the poem "In Winter and in Summer". (8learn the poem “In Winter and Summer.” o™ Read the words in Exercise 6. (Read the words in Exercise 6.) Learn to write these words: (Learn to write these words) hockey, hockey-player, sportsman - sports - Rn. Do exercises in the Workbook. (Do the exercises in the workbook.) 151 Lesson 45 Let Us Learn (l Say what they can do. (Say what they can do.) Example: Pupil 1: a dancer Pupil 2: A dancer can dance. A skater, a skier , a hockey player, a singer, a swimmer, a runner, a jumper, a worker, a tennis player, a teacher, a reader, a writer. @ Which sports do you like to watch? ) Example: I like to watch ice hockey. I am an ice hockey fan. Look at the picture and say what the children like to do in winter. Exercise 140 can help you. in winter. Sound task 140 will help you.) Let Us Read Learn to read the words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. as quickly as possible.) [ee] snow, white snow, white with snow, snowball, a snowball - snowballs, play snowballs. Boys like to play snowballs in winter. Where do you like to play snowballs with your friends? A snowman - snowmen, make a snowman. Children like to make snowmen in winter. - Can you make a snowman in summer? - Oh, no. [e] sledge, a sledge, to sledge. My little sister likes to sledge in the park. Where can you sledge? Is it fun to sledge in winter? He is great. I like to dance on the ice. My mother teaches me to dance on the ice. She is a good dancer. Oh, it's great. Can you teach me? Of course, with great pleasure. Let's go. 6^ True or false! Exercise 5. (True or false? Exercise 5.) 1. It is summer. 2. The children are at the Zoo. 3. Andy can’t play hockey. 4. Kate likes to dance on the ice. 5. Jane wants to teach Kate, 6. Kate can ski well. ^7 Listen to the story and get ready to answer your teacher's questions. (Listen to the story and get ready to answer the teacher's questions.) 141. ^ On the Pond - On the pond Ш spom Puzzle Time __ f) Look at the pictures. Write the words in the alphabetical order. (Look at the pictures. Write the words in alphabetical order.) f I Write as many words as you can beginning with letter S Ij. Read the words and sentences in Exercise 4. 2. Do Exercise 2 in writing. 3. Learn to write these words: (Learn to write these words:) snow , and snowman, sledge, to sledge, fan, skateboard, snowman - snowmen. 135 A 1 4. Draw a picture of your place in winter. Describe it. If you have a photo of your family in winter, bring it to the class. and tell your classmates about your family. (Draw your city/town in winter. Describe it. If you have a family photo in winter, bring it and tell your classmates about your family.) Lesson 46 (Optional; 1 Let "s warm up. (Let's start the lesson with a warm-up.) This is the way we ski and skate. Ski and skate, ski and skate, This is the way we ski and skate, On a cold and frosty morning. This is the way we dance on the ice, Dance on the ice, dance on the ice. This is the way we dance on the ice On a cold and frosty morning. (2 Answer the questions.) 1. Can you skate? 2. Can your father ski? 3. Does your friend like to play tennis? 4. What do you like to do in winter? 6. Have you got a kitten? ? Is it big or little? 7. What color is it? 136 W W " " "" " w SPOfrr 8. Do you like to play with it? 9. Have you got many toys? 10. What toys do you like most? 11. Tell us about toys you like very much. (3 Work in pairs. Discuss winter sports. You may begin your questions like this: (Work in pairs. Discuss winter sports. You can start questions like this:) Are you .. . ? Do you like (to) ...? ..? Where do you/does your friend ...? With whom do you...? (4 A new pupil from Africa has come to your class. He/she doesn't know anything about winter. Tell him/her everything you can about it. (A new student from Africa has come to your class. He/she doesn't know anything knows about winter. Tell him/her everything you can.) (5 Learn to read the words and sentences: first read them to yourself, then aloud as quickly as you can. (Learning to read the words and sentences: first read them to yourself , then out loud as quickly as possible.) [t-i:] this - these, this worker - these workers, this plant - these plants. The children like to read this book. It is fun to read these books. 157 SPORT - see ^ such - such И2 Then Chita sees a little black and white kitten. It can run, jump and dance. it. So the monkey likes the kitten very much. She wants to have the kitten as a friend. “Do you want to be my friend,” says the monkey. Now Chita has got a friend to play with. She loves the kitten very much. B. Read out the answers to the following questions. (Read the answers to the following questions.) 1. Why does Chita want to have a friend? 2. Does she like to have a frog as a friend? Why? 3. What does the monkey say about the dolphin? 4. Why does Chita like the kitten? 2. Read Bob’s letter and say what sports games he likes. (Read Bob's letter and tell me what sports games he likes.) Hello, Mikel Thank you very much for your letter You want to know if I like sports. Yes, I do. I like to play tennis. I go to the stadium to play tennis. ^ letter - letter FROM We’ve got a nice sports ground at our school. My friends and I like to play football and basketball on our school sports ground. I can swim well, too. I like to swim very much. I go to the swimming pool with my father and my little sister Dot. She is five. She can’t swim well but she likes to go to the swimming pool with us. My father can swim very well. We swim with great pleasure. What sports do you like? What sports games can you play? Do you go to the stadium or to the swimming pool? Have you got a gym in your school? Bye Vova J. A, Do you know a proverb ["prDV3:b] about a barking dog? If not read the text. (Do you know the proverb about a barking dog? If not, read the text.) And Barking Dog Doesn't Bite One day Mike and his Father want to go to the park. 'Mike,' says Father. 'Let's go for a walk^. "'It's great!' Mike is happy. He likes to go to the park with his Father. “I’d like to go to the park with great pleasure,” says Mike. He can skate, play snowballs in the park. ^ to go for a walk - walk 144 Father likes to play hockey or ski. They have a lot of fun there. Mike and his Father are in the park. Suddenly they see a big black dog. The dog sees the boy and begins ^ to bark Mike is afraid^ of the dog. He wants to go home. His Father says, “Don’t be afraid, Mike.” You know the proverb: A barking dog does not bite” ^ “Oh, yes,” says Mike. “I know the proverb, you know the proverb. But does the dog know the prover?” B. Put the sentences in a logical order and use them as a plan to retell the text. (Place the sentences in order and use them as a plan for retelling the text.) 1. Mike likes to go to the park with his Father. 2. Mike is afraid of the dog. 3. The dog sees the boy and begins to bark. 4. The Father likes to play hockey or ski. 5. One day Mike and his Father want to go to the park. 6. “Let’s go for a walk to the park,” Father says. 7. Suddenly they see a big black dog. 8. “Don’t be afraid of the dog,” says Father. ^ to be^n - to begin ^ to bark - to bark ^ to be afraid - to be afraid ^ to bite - to bite I5 ATTEMPT / 10 3 yOMRSELf 5 TEST Test yourself. How well do you know :/. Words and phrases. I'm the children mom friend you're the boy dad sister we're the girl grandpa brother they're the student grandma aunt uncle 2. Verbs. jump jump run ski ski skate skateboard play badminton volleyball football tennis hockey baseball in in in in play play play play J. Sports. swim - swimmer sports ground gym pool stadium skating rink V. Entertainment. sculpt a snowman watch TV M6 dance on ice roller skating jump rope draw sing dance 5. Professions. worker teacher dentist doctor pilot 6. Colors. black white green brown 7. Toys. bear ball doll car airplane 8. Numerals from 1 officer economist businessman housewife yellow gray blue red frog dog puppy cat kitten up to 10. I7 English-Russian Dictionary advice*^ advice afraid* fearful be afraid of* afraid Africa ["aefrika] Africa after* ["oifto] after afternoon [,o:A;e"pi:p] noon in the afternoon at noon again* [e"dep] again, again all right* ["e:1 "rait] good always [ "o:lweiz] always am 1st l. ed. h. present time. verb. to be America [e" shepke] America and and angry* ["aeggri] angry animal* ["aenimal] animal another* [ e"plbe] other are mh. hours present vr. Ch. to be aunt aunt awful terrible it's awful terrible Bb bad:* a bad mark ["baed "mak] bad mark badminton badminton bag bag, bag ball ball bark* bark baseball ["beisbo:!] baseball basketball ["boiskitba:!] basketball bear bear because* because bed bed be in bed be in bed ^ Words marked with an asterisk * are not included in the active 2nd grade dictionary. 148 go to bed go to bed begin* begin belong* belong big big a big wheel Ferris wheel bike bicycle bite* bite black black blink* blink blue board: a board game ["bo:d "geim] board game boast boast boaster braggart " book book box box brave brave breakfast ["brekfsst] breakfast have breakfast breakfast Britain ["bntn] Britain Great Britain [,greit "bntnj Great Britain brother ["bglbe] brother brown brown bucket* ["bAkit] bucket businessman ["biznismgn] businessman bye bye, goodbye Cc call* ["ko:l] call camel ["kaeml] camel can be able, cannot be able = can't not be able car [ko:] car cat cat certainly ["s3:t9nli] of course chair chair chess chess chick [^ik] chicken chicken ["tfikin] chicken child child children ["^ildran] children city* ["siti] city clean 1) clean; 2) clean clean teeth brush your teeth clever ["klevg] smart clock watch close close club* club /4Р clumsy awkward cold* [keiY] cold come [klt] come computer computer cook* [kick] cook cousin ["kl2p] cousin cow [kai] cow sgu scream, cry Dd dance dance dark 1) dark; 2) darkness daughter ["do:to] daughter day day ay and night one day one day dentist ["dentist] dentist describe describe dinner ["dina] lunch have dinner for dinner for dinner do do do exercises [" eks9-saiziz] do exercises doctor ["dnktg] doctor dog dog doll doll dolphin ["dnlfin] dolphin dramatize* ["drseniQtaiz] dramatize dress dress duck duck Her ear yxo eat eat economist economist eight eight eleven eleven end* end engineer [. encfei"nis] engineer English ["igglij] English even* ["L*vn] even evening ["irvnig] evening in the evening in the evening every ["evn] every every day every evening every morning every morning everyone* ["evnwAn] all everything ["evn0ig] all 150 excuse Excuse me! Sorry! eye eye Ff face face face to face face to face fall down ["fo:l "daun] fall family ["faemsli] family fan fan farm* farm farmer ["foims] farmer father ["Go:5e] father fellow i" felsu] guy fine good finger* ["firjga] finger first* first fish fish five five flat* apartment fluffy* ["fUfi] fluffy fly fly football ["ftjtbo:! ] football forget* forget four four fox fox friend friend frog frog from from funny [Tlsh] funny game game gay funny get get get up ["get "lr] get up, wake up giraffe [^I"rcrf] giraffe girl [d: 1 ] girl give give glad* joyful go [day] go, walk go for a walk go for a walk good luck good luck good night good night grandfather ["graend,fa;d3] grandfather grandmother ["dgaep,shlde] grandmother green green gray gray guitar guitar play the guitar play the guitar gum* [dlt] resin gym [^im] gym Hh hand hand happy ["haepi] happy 151 hard hard; a lot of; hard hare [Hee] hare have (got) ["haev (got)] have he he head head headache ["hedeikj headache help help hen chicken her here here Here it is! Here! hi hello hide-and-seek ["haidsnd-" si:k] game of hide and seek his his hockey ["hnki] hockey home house (one's own, dear) at home home homework ["hsumwaik] Homework hopscotch ["hnpskDtn hopscotch game horse horse hospital ["hnspitl] hospital, hospital house house (building) housewife ["haoswaif| housewife 152 how hungry ["hApgri] hungry hungry as a hunter hungry like a wolf husband ["hAzbsnd] husband // I I ice ice ice cream [,ais "kri:m] ice cream if if ill sick in inside into in is S-e L. ed. hour present, time Ch. to be it, OHO (oh, she) /у join [fash] jump jump Kk kind kind kiss* kiss kitten ["kitn] kitten know know and lake lake lamp lamp lazy ["leizi] lazy leapfrog ["lipfing] leapfrog leaves* leaves Lego ["legso] Jlero let's let's let's letter* ["lets] letter like 1) love, like; 2) how to live live long long longer* ["bogs] longer look look look at ["luk "set] look at lovely ["Lvvli] delicious lunch make bread bake bread man 1) man; 2) man many ["mem] many how many how many marbles ["mablz] balls (for the game) meet meet men men merry-go-round ["merigsu ,round] carousel middle* ["midl] middle mirror ["mirs] mirror monkey ["nugki] monkey moon moon morning ["mo:nig] morning in the morning in the morning mother [ "tlbe] mom mouse mouse mouth mouth much much very much* very much must my my Nn name name near about nephew ["nevju:] nephew nice good, nice, cute niece niece nine nine no no, no /5J none [plp ] no one not, no now [pay] now number ["pltе] number Oo o'clock [e"k1ok] ... hours at 8 o'clock at 8 o'clock It's 6 o'clock. It's 6 o'clock now. of course of course office ["nfis] institution, office officer ["nfisa] officer often ["ofn] often old one old one one day once only ["aunli] only open ["aupanj open other other our ["aua] our Pp parents ["pearants] parents park park parrot* ["paerat] parrot peck* [rek] peck penguin ["peogwin] penguin perhaps perhaps pet favorite pet piano piano play the piano play the piano picture ["piktfa] picture pig pig pilot ["pailat] pilot pity ["piti] pity, regret What a pity! What a pity! plane plane plant plant play play playground ["pleigraund] playground please please pleasure ["р1езе] pleasure with great pleasure pond pond pony ["pauni] pony poor [rie] poor previous ["pri:vi9s] previous proverb * ["pn)V3:b] proverb 154 pupil ["pjurpl] student puppy ["pApi] puppy put put, put; put Rr rabbit ["raebit] rabbit read read ready ["redi] ready red red remember remember ride right that's right. Right. robot ["rsubot] robot roller-skate ["rsubskeit] roller skating roller skates roller skates room room rule* rule run [gl] run Russia ["gl/e] Russia Russian ["gl/ep] Russian 55 say* speak, say school school at school at school go to school go to school scooter ["skurta] scooter see see seed* grain seesaw ["si:so:] swing on a swing seven ["sevn] seven shake shake she she ship ship silly ["sill] stupid sing sing sister ["sista] sister sit sit six six skate skate board ["skeitbo:d] roller board skating rink ["skeitii) pg)k] skating rink ski ski skip jump through a rope sledge sledding snake snake snakes and ladders type of board game 155 L snow snow snowball ["snaubo:!] snowball play (fight) snowballs play snowballs snowman ["snaumaen] snow woman, snowman son SON soon soon sorry* [ "son] distressed I'm very sorry. I'm very sorry, sport sport sports 1) sports competitions; 2) sports sports ground ["spa:ts "graund] sports ground sportsman ["spoilsman] athlete spring* spring stadium ["steidiam] stadium stand stand stay stay stick* stick stomachache ["sUmakeik] pain in the stomach street street such* swim swimming pool pool swing swing switch on (light) Tt table ["teibl] table table tennis table tennis tag game of tag take take, take take a shower ["Jauo] take a shower tall high teach teach teacher teacher team* team teeth teeth telephone ["telifoun] telephone television ten ten tennis ["tenis] tennis test yourself thank thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. think* think this this, this, these those three those three three time time tired ["taiad] tired be tired tired too tooth too tooth tooth toothache* ("tirGeik] toothache toy toy train train tree tree trick trick, focus try try, try twelve twelve two two l/u And uncle ["lg)k1] uncle under ["lpbe] under use* use, use usually ["ju:3U9lij usually very ["ven] very very much very much volleyball ["volibo:! ] volleyball play volleyball play volleyball Ww walk walk, walk want want wash wash watch watch watch TV watch TV water ["worts] water we we well 1) well very well very well well 2) well what that where where which which white white who who wife wife winter* ["winto] winter with c with us with us 157 to wives wives woman ["wuman] woman women ["wimin] women work work worker ["\uz:ke] worker UU yellow ["jebu] yellow yes yes you you, you your your, your Zz ZOO zoo)58 CONTENTS LET'S GET TO KNOW Lessons 1-5. ........................... 4-13 FAMILY Lessons 6-10.................... . 14-24 THE WORLD OF MY PASSIONS Lessons 11-32 ................... 25-79 Lesson 26. Test Yourself 1........ 59 WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE* Lessons 33-37 ............... 80-99 Lesson 38. Test Yourself 2........100 SPORT Lessons 39-46 . ............. 104-139 Appendix 1. Test Yourself 3........140 Appendix 2. Test Yourself 4........142 Appendix 3. Test Yourself $......146 English-Russian dictionary................148 159 Educational edition Vereshchagina Irina Nikolaevna Bondarenko Kira Alekseevna Prntykina Tamara Aleksandrovna ENGLISH LANGUAGE 2nd grade Textbook for educational institutions and schools with in-depth study of the English language with an application on electronic media IN TWO PARTS Part 1 Center for the Germanic Languages ​​Group Head of the Center V.V. Kopylova Deputy. head N.I. Maksimenko Editor E.Yu. Tuitsyna Art editor N.V. Dozhdeva Artist Y.R. Borisov Technical editing and computer layout E.V. Savateeva Proofreader N.A. Yusupova Tax benefit - All-Russian classifier products OK 005-93-953000. Ed. persons Serial ID No. 05824 dated 09.12.01. Signed for publication on 01/25/12. Format 84 X 108 Vie - Offset paper. School headset. Offset printing. Academic ed. l. 6.8. Add. circulation 50,000 copies. Order No. 31785 ^rw. Open Joint Stock Company "Publishing House "Prosveshcheniye" 127521, Moscow, 3rd Maryina Roshcha passage, 41. Printed in full accordance with the quality of the materials provided by Smolensk Printing Plant OJSC. 214020, Smolensk, st. Smolyaninova, 1. (9 EDUCATION kzditELsteo Educational and methodological set “English language” by I.N. Vereshchagina^ K.A. Bondarenko, T.A. Pritykina for grade 2 includes: > work programs (grades 2-4) textbook (in 2 parts) workbook book for reading book for the teacher electronic application with an audio course on CD http://pro5v.ru/umk/ Vereshchagina 00 с "с! : с 1"^ ID: с Ш сл.


Audio course for the English language textbook for grade 2 (English II) (Vereshchagina, Prytkina)

Year of manufacture: 1996-2010
Vereshchagina, Prytkina
Genre: audio course
Format: mp3, 128 Kbps
Publisher: Prosveshcheniye
Duration: 02:17:42
Description: Audio course for the English textbook by Vereshchagina and Prytkina for grade 2 (yellow).
It seems to fit the new edition too


Lisa, Almaty


17-06-2015 13:29:51


Zhenya Yuliysk, Moscow


26-02-2018 14:35:58


Audio course for the English language textbook for grade 3 (English III) (Vereshchagina, Prytkina)

Year of manufacture: 1996-2010
Author: Vereshchagina, Prytkina
Genre: audio course
Format: mp3, 128 Kbps
Publisher: Prosveshcheniye
Duration: 03:07:23
Description: Audio course for the English textbook by Vereshchagina and Prytkina for grade 3 (red). It seems to fit the new edition too
Additional information: - audio course for the textbook for grade 2


Audio course of English for grades 1-5 in schools with in-depth study.

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96 Kbps
Year of manufacture: 2006-2007
Authors: Kuzovlev V.P., Peregudova E.Sh., Duvanova O.V.,
Publisher: Prosveshcheniye
Genre: Educational literature
Artist: unknown
Duration: 24:32:00 E002=03:22
E009=03:14 E010 011=02:44 E010 011k=00:19
Description: - Audio course for English language textbooks for grades 2-11, general education institutions - Audio course for test assignments preparing for the Unified State Exam for an English language textbook for grades 10-11.


Afanasyeva O.V. Audio English course for grades 6-11

Format: audiobook, MP3, 92 kbps
Year of manufacture: 2007
Author: Afanasyeva O.V., Mikheeva I.V.
Artist: unknown
Genre: Educational literature
Publisher: Prosveshcheniye
Duration: 14:34:29
Description: Audio courses for the English language textbook for grades VI-XI of schools with in-depth study of English, lyceums and gymnasiums


Audio course for the textbook "English for Engineers" (T.Yu. Polyakova, E.V. Sinyavskaya, O.I. Tynkova, E.S. Ulanovskaya)

Format: audiobook, FLAC, 591 kbps
Author: T.Yu. Polyakova, E.V. Sinyavskaya, O.I. Tynkova, E.S. Ulanovskaya
Year of manufacture: 2000
Genre: Audio course
Publisher: Higher School
Performer: prof. Tom Garza and Prof. Elizabeth Richmond-Garza
Duration: 1:47:53
Description: The cassettes contain active words from each of the 13 sections of the textbook with their Russian correspondences, listening texts, dialogues from the “Practice” section oral speech"and fragments of texts A for practicing reading techniques. The purpose of the manual is to develop oral speech skills, the ability to understand English speech by ear and maintain a dialogue on general everyday topics. ...


Dargunkin's audio course on 2 CDs based on the books "Small Leap into English" and "Anthology of the English Language"

Year of manufacture: 2009
Genre: Audio course
Author: Alexander Nikolaevich Dragunkin
Publisher: ANDRA-M
Performer: Alexander Nikolaevich Dragunkin
Duration: 7:28:14
Description: The top officials of the state learn English from his books. The entire Russian emigration learns English from his books. He unravels myths, removing the veil of mystery from the English language and making it accessible to everyone. Complete avoidance of memorizing any grammatical or other rules. The method is built on the principle of “why it should be said this way”, and not “how it should be said.” In this audio course, Dragunkin explains the structure of the English language,...


English Vocabulary in Use Elementary, with Answers

ISBN: 0521599571

Year of manufacture: 1999
Author: Michael McCarthy, Felicity O'Dell
Genre: Textbook
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Number of pages: 168
Description: A textbook of English vocabulary for entry-level. This manual is intended for studying English vocabulary, that is, mastering new words and expressions, systematizing vocabulary, memorizing and activating increasingly complex lexical units. The emphasis is on practical mastery of the dictionary, not only understanding, but also active use in speech, for which the most...

but I

Practical English course (Lyudmila Bedritskaya, Tamara Glazkova, Galina Sidorenko, Tatyana Solonovich)

ISBN: 978-985-536-306-5
Format: PDF, eBook (originally computer)
Authors: Lyudmila Bedritskaya, Tamara Glazkova, Galina Sidorenko, Tatyana Solonovich
Editor: Viktor Slepovich
Year of manufacture: 2012

Publisher: TetraSystems
Language: Russian, English
Number of pages: 368
Description: The manual consists of two parts, additional reading texts, and keys to assignments. The first and second parts are a complex of texts selected from original English and American sources, and tasks, the purpose of which is to develop lexical, grammatical...


A visual self-teacher of the English language (Tatyana Trofimenko)

ISBN: 978-5-17-078394-6
Format: PDF, DjVu, Scanned pages
Author: Tatyana Trofimenko
Year of manufacture: 2013
Genre: Study foreign languages
Publisher: AST
Series: Home Tutor
Russian language
Number of pages: 288
Description: A compact and reliable English language tutorial will help you master simple forms of spoken language and basic grammar in the shortest possible time. Grammar and reading rules are presented in the form of convenient diagrams, with the help of which you can learn to build your own English phrases, put the verb in any tense form. For all types of offers I give...


Living Language. Visa to Poland. Audio course of Polish language

Format: audiobook + book, tif, mp3, 80 kbps
Year of manufacture: 2007
Genre: Tutorial
Author: Living Language
Publisher: Delta Publishing
Duration: 01:00:00
Description: The best series for learning foreign languages ​​on audio. Parallel Russian translation. Short audio lessons, pocket phrasebook. a 60-minute program is the required practical minimum. Simple and effective format - listen and repeat after the announcers. This short and simple program is designed to give you the basics of everyday Polish. You will learn the words and expressions that are most often found in everyday...


Year of manufacture: 2000
Genre: Various
Developer: Multimedia Technologies and Distance Learning
Publisher: CD-ROM publishing house "Multimedia Technologies and Distance Learning" (MMT and DO)
Publication type: license
Interface language: Russian only
Medicine: Not required
Platform: Windows
System requirements: IBM PC compatible personal computer, 386 or higher, 4 MB of RAM (8 MB recommended), 2 MB of available hard disk space, 16-bit Windows-compatible sound card, mouse, microphone, speakers or headphones. Monitor and video adapter at least 640 x 480, 256 colors. Add. info...

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5000 most common words in English (Yuri Ostrovsky)

Format: PDF, excellent scan with OCR
Author: Yuri Ostrovsky
Year of manufacture: 2013
Genre: Foreign languages
Publisher: S+
Language: Russian, English
Number of pages: 5000
Description: Five thousand of the most common words in the English language, listed in a convenient pdf format. Convenient for leisurely and in-depth study on portable devices. Contains interpretations in both Russian and English, so it will be useful at absolutely any level.


500 most important words of the English language (Sergey Matveev)

ISBN: 978-5-17-069983-4
Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Author: Sergey Matveev
Year of manufacture: 2013
Genre: Foreign language learning
Publisher: AST
Series: Real tutorial
Russian language
Number of pages: 64
Description: "The 500 Most Important Words in the English Language" is a quick reference guide containing all the most necessary words in English. The words are given examples of use in lively colloquial speech; at the end of the book there is a table of irregular verbs that are often found in English speech. The book is intended for a wide range of readers learning English.


Basic English course / Essential English for Foreign Students (Eckersley K. / Eckersley C. E.)

Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Author: Eckersley K. / Eckersley C. E.
Year of manufacture: 1967
Genre: foreign language textbook
Publisher: Sofia: Foreign Language Press
English language
Number of pages: 256 + 252 + 319 + 319
Description: " Basic course"consists of four books and is intended for adults learning English as a foreign language. The purpose of the textbook is to give students knowledge of the basics of spoken and written speech, sufficient for further independent deepening of this knowledge and skills. Essential English is a course in four books for the teaching of English to adult forei ...

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