Where can you get a secondary medical education by correspondence? Correspondence medical specialties

Many applicants are interested in the possibility of receiving education at colleges and technical schools in the evening department, that is, part-time. Especially many questions arise in relation to medical schools, since there is a misconception that it is impossible to get an education in them by correspondence.

The evening department at the medical college offers a limited choice of specialties. The reason is that it is impossible to master the practical aspects of medicine on your own by studying only literature and lecture materials. You can get an education at a medical school or medical college in the evening department only on the basis of 11 classes, studying according to a full-time and part-time plan, and not just a correspondence course.

In most cases, in the evening department of medical educational institution You can get two specialties:

  • Nursing. Qualification “nurse” (“nurse”). Duration of study after 11th grade secondary school is 3 years and 10 months.
  • Pharmacy. Qualification "pharmacist". Duration of training - 1 year and 10 months. With such qualifications, you can get a job as a salesperson in a pharmacy or as a worker in a medicine warehouse.

Interested in studying at a technical school in the evening (part-time) department or distance learning in non-medical colleges? In secondary specialized educational institutions of other profiles, distance learning is carried out in a classical format and remotely.

Studying by correspondence

The evening department at the technical school as an integral part includes distance learning, which is self-study software material by regularly visiting the college on time, usually twice a year. These periods are called orientation sessions, since they consist of “reading” lectures (analogous to in-patient classes) and passing tests and exams. The session lasts 20-25 days.

During a series of lectures included in the correspondence program at a college or evening at a technical school, teachers:

  • give students recommendations on studying disciplines;
  • advise sources of information that should be analyzed for a more in-depth understanding of the topics being studied;
  • present theoretical material;
  • announce tasks for independent work and a list of questions from the certification base.

Before the session, each part-time student receives a call-up certificate, which must be provided to the administration of the educational institution upon arrival at the college. During the session, correspondence students attend seminars, workshops, lectures and at the same time take exams and tests. At the end of the session period, students receive assignments in various disciplines that must be completed in order to gain admission to the next session. Evening studies at a technical school or college last from 1 year 10 months to 3 years 10 months. The period depends on the chosen professional profile and educational base upon admission (grades 9 or 11).

Remote form

This type of learning is also called remote learning and is often practiced in evening and correspondence courses at technical schools and colleges. Distance education rests on the functionality of ICT (information and communication technologies) and fully complies with the requirements of state educational standards.

Thanks to remote form School graduates and those who are already working and do not have the opportunity to regularly attend an educational institution can receive education in secondary schools. With remote learning, it does not matter where the student actually lives (even in another hemisphere), the main thing is that he has access to the Internet. This means that evening and distance learning at a technical school or college is available to almost everyone.

The duration of distance learning in colleges coincides with the duration of education in colleges at by correspondence training.

The main features of distance learning in the evening include:

  • Active use of Internet technologies. During the learning process, you simultaneously improve your PC skills and develop the ability to use Internet resources to find the necessary information.
  • Lack of strict reference to time and place. You can exercise whenever, wherever and as much as you want.
  • “Unlimited” communication with the teacher. There are no special daily hours for mandatory reception of video and telephone calls from students, but elementary standards of politeness call for consideration of the teacher’s personal time. You can call from 8:00 to 22:00; violation of this rule is regarded as deliberate hooliganism.

Many colleges and technical schools claim that with distance learning educational program is compiled individually for each student. Such promises from educational institutions should not be taken literally. What usually happens is this: the teacher provides the necessary materials and assignments via the Internet. Then they “forget” about you for quite a long time. When the stage of certification activities approaches, they begin to remind you that the deadline for submitting work has almost passed and it’s time to pay your tuition debt. In addition, you will usually unexpectedly learn that you should be ready now to take certain exams and tests.

If you decide to get an education at a college or technical school in the evening department and are wondering: “What to choose: a classic correspondence course or distance learning?”, you should take into account an important point. Colleges that issue competent specialists, after graduation, who adequately represent the image of the educational institution, place the same high demands on “distance learning” students as on correspondence students. But there is much less control over distance students.

And one more nuance: the absence constant interaction with representatives of the educational institution can lead to you completely forgetting about your studies. In order to finally become the owner of the coveted “crust”, you must have good self-organization skills. Participation in a group created in any region will help you stay in shape. social network. This way you can regularly maintain close contact with classmates, the prefect, teachers, and curator.

Director - Chairman of the Council of Deans of Medical Faculties of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Director of the Medical Institute Alexey Yurievich Abramov - Chairman of the Council of Deans of Medical Faculties and Directors of Medical Institutes state universities Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The goal of the Council of Deans is to combine efforts and coordinate joint actions to develop and improve the medical education system in Russia at all its stages. This is the first leader to join the Council of University Rectors of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Understanding the patient's soul through theater

One of the Institute’s traditions is to hold theater seasons. Since 1999, the Hippocrates Theater has been successful. Directors, prop masters and actors are teachers, doctors, students and graduates. The repertoire includes works by Shakespeare, Chekhov, Bulgakov, Dumas and other classics of world literature. Through productions, not only creative, but also professional talents are revealed - students rehearse side by side with teachers and learn to understand the soul and psychology of a person through roles.

Medical volunteers

The “Medical Volunteers” center is actively developing at the institute. The students' efforts are aimed at forming healthy image life for schoolchildren, help in hospitals, orphanages and nursing homes. Volunteers pass additional courses and assist ambulance teams at sporting and public events - medical students can provide not just first aid, but first aid medical care. The students developed the “Elementary Medicine for Children” program, which became popular in schools and orphanages in Moscow. One of the finds of RUDN University volunteers is assisting Russian doctors in treating foreign patients: foreign students ask patients specialized questions and translate complaints and symptoms to the doctor, and, if necessary, participate in therapy, surgery and rehabilitation.

RUDN University graduate No. 100,000 – doctor from Nepal

The anniversary title of “RUDN University’s 100,000th graduate” was given to Battarai Hari from Nepal, who graduated with “excellence” from the Medical Institute with a degree in General Medicine. According to Battarai Hari, all his life he dreamed of being a doctor. “The doctor must inspire victory over the disease. My Russian diploma will help me save lives in Nepal,” he emphasizes. At age 18, he competed for a Nepalese government scholarship to study at medical universities abroad. “I won and chose RUDN University - it is a famous university, and many friends and relatives recommended it,” he says. — I came to Russia in 2010 - I didn’t know a single Russian letter. My fellow countrymen met me right at the airport. I saw Moscow and immediately felt delighted.” In the near future, the 100,000th graduate of RUDN University has serious plans: “Ideally, I would like to be a cardiologist in a government hospital in Nepal, and then combine work with teaching at the university.”

We study anatomy using 1,500 exhibits and the Anatomage interactive table

The RUDN University houses a collection of 1,500 anatomical exhibits. Classes are also conducted on virtual anatomical tables, on which 3D models are available human body in real size with all organs and tissues - more than 1000 anatomical structures available. On the touch screen, the body model can be rotated in all planes. You can segment tissue to study individual organs and perform operations with a virtual scalpel.

Project "Incubator of International Medical Science"

In 2017, the International Medical Science Incubator (I2MN) project was created. Purpose of this project is the formation of a student group to create a reserve of research and
teaching staff of RUDN University by creating all conditions for the manifestation of free and creative scientific thinking, ability for self-education, development of leadership qualities and communication skills. The priority objective of the project is not only to provide talented students with in-depth basic knowledge and knowledge in innovative areas of medicine, but also to involve students in research projects on current
scientific and medical areas that correspond to modern world trends, to expand opportunities for developing practical and managerial skills, for implementing scientific ideas when using latest achievements in the field of medicine and pharmacy on the basis of scientific laboratories, centers, clinical sites and the RUDN Center.

Despite the deplorable situation of the budgetary part of healthcare in Russia, higher medical education (especially obtained at Moscow universities) enjoys stable popularity. , offering applicants training in various specialties of higher medical education, contains six state universities.


If you look at the average passing score of the Unified State Exam in 2011, you can understand that the most prestigious and practically inaccessible for most applicants (and Russia as a whole) is the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry. In order to become a student at the best dental university in Russia, applicants had to show an average of 84.3 points on the Unified State Exam. It is especially interesting that “Stomat” for the first time managed to overtake the oldest medical hospital - the First State Moscow medical University them. THEM. Sechenov.

Perhaps this situation has developed due to the relatively small number of budget places distributed on a competitive basis - 284 in Stomat versus 990 in First Honey. But it is worth noting that both the competition and the passing score for the main specialties at First Med were still higher (see tables).

At the Moscow State Medical and Dental University you can enroll in three “medical” faculties: dentistry, general medicine and the faculty of clinical psychology. The situation for these faculties was as follows:

Faculty Budget training Paid training
Number of seats Contest Unified State Exam Number of seats Contest Unified State Exam
Dental (day department) 250 15,0 240 125 10,2 214 145 000
Dental (evening department) 100 11,0 198 30 12,3 153 145 000
Medical (day department) 230 20,0 225 80 19,4 225 87 000
Medical (evening department) 180 8,3 172 30 15,5 179 79 000
Clinical Psychology 25 50,4 169 15 25,8 217 75 000

At first glance, the competition for contract training at this time may seem surprisingly high. But the fact is that almost all the places in this area were occupied by “targeted people.”


The name of this university speaks for itself: the first - and therefore the oldest, best and most famous. It is this Moscow university that is the cherished goal of most applicants from all over Russia who dream of receiving a high-quality medical education. Finding itself in second place among Moscow medical institutes in 2011, First Med imposed, as usual, strict requirements on its applicants: 83.3 points on the Unified State Examination. At this Moscow university you can obtain higher medical education in six specialties: general medicine, dentistry, pediatrics, preventive medicine, clinical psychology and pharmacy.

Competition and passing scores for the First State Moscow Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov in 2011.

Speciality Budget training Paid training
Number of seats Competition person/place Unified State Exam Number of seats Competition person/place Tuition fee RUR/year
"General Medicine" (day department) 349 15,60 255 535 4,43 91 000
“General Medicine” (evening department) 80 10,86 181 30 11,23 91 000
"Dentistry" (day department) 68 37,25 242 115 9,06 127 000
"Dentistry" (evening department) 30 12,33 145 20 7,75 127 000
"Pediatrics" 13 173,08 248 15 49,73 75 000
« Clinical psychology» 10 56,90 202 15 15,80 60 000
"Medical and preventive work" 88 17,51 186 15 27,27 65 000
"Pharmacy" (day department) 168 12,68 195 35 16,89 75 000
"Pharmacy" (evening department) 25 10,92 115 10 10,30 70 000
"Pharmacy" (correspondence department) 75 2,21 152 25 3,60 71 000

Risen from the ashes:

The competition for the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine was quite high - 10.16 people per place. The faculty was recreated in 1992, thereby replacing the “First Honey” that separated many years ago. At the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of Moscow State University, training is carried out in two directions: “general medicine” (35 budget places) and “pharmacy” (15 budget places). At the same time, becoming a doctor at Moscow State University is much more difficult than becoming a pharmacist. To enter “general medicine”, applicants needed to score at least 372 points out of 400 possible, while for pharmacy – “only” 336. Note that when entering the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine of Moscow State University, the Unified State Examination in Russian language, biology and chemistry is taken into account, but applicants must take one entrance examination in chemistry (written). Those who passed the exam with a positive mark, but did not pass the competition, are given the opportunity to obtain a higher medical education at Moscow State University for a record amount of 271,000 rubles per year.

Giving opportunities:

“Second honey”, as people call it RNIMU named after. N.I. Pirogov, in terms of popularity was far from second, but almost last. The average score for admission to the Unified State Exam is 74.8. It is interesting that the Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov gives an opportunity to applicants who are not confident in their abilities to enter the budget and at the same time cannot pay for their education. The fact is that in 1998, the Moscow Government began to finance training in the specialties “general practitioner” (100 places in the full-time department and 50 in the evening) and “pediatrician” (100 places in the full-time department and 50 in the evening). A special feature of this faculty is that after graduation, the graduate must work for 3 years in Moscow municipal clinics. Accordingly, the competition for the Moscow Faculty is much lower than average.

Faculties, number of budget places and cost of training at RNRMU named after. N.I. Pirogov.


The situation with admission to a medical faculty that is not very prestigious looks quite deceptive. Russian University Friendship between nations. Training here is carried out in three areas: “medicine”, “dentistry” and “pharmacy”. At the same time, the passing grade is budget places in RUDN was higher than in many “iconic” medical institutes in Moscow:

It is worth noting the incredibly low competition for a contract basis at the Faculty of Medicine of RUDN University. However, this can be associated with the incredibly inflated cost of training. On the other hand, only RUDN University gives a real chance to get a higher medical education in Moscow, if Unified State Exam results not happy at all.

If we talk about the popularity of specialties, the TOP-3 consistently includes: “general medicine”, “dentistry” and “pediatrics”. To obtain a medical education in Moscow in these areas, the applicant will have to show truly outstanding results. On back side list: “Pharmacy”, “Clinical Psychology” and “Medical and Preventive Care”. However, it is impossible to single out one “best” or “worst” specialty. It seems quite logical that in “First Med” there is the highest competition in the field of general medicine, and in “Dentist” - in the Faculty of Dentistry. So, it is not enough for an applicant to choose the right specialty; it is also necessary to evaluate their possibilities of entering a specific one.

Veronica Gebrial

Candidate of Sociological Sciences

Getting an education in Moscow is prestigious, and getting a medical education is doubly prestigious. Thousands of young people from other countries specially go to the capital of the Russian Federation for the coveted crust, not to mention the millions of applicants from Russian regions. But not everyone manages to catch the “crane” in the form of a reputable medical university - the requirements there are high and the competitions are sometimes crazy. But an institution of a lower rank - a school or college - is a much more affordable option. And besides, a good springboard for subsequent jumps - after a university diploma. So, where can you get a secondary medical education in Moscow? Here are some options.

FSBEI "Medical College"

Previously, the institution was called the Medical School of the 4th Main Directorate under the USSR Ministry of Health, and now it is the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution “Medical College”. It trains nurses, medical laboratory technicians, paramedics and advanced practice nurses.

The form of education is full-time. Students are accepted on the basis of ninth and eleventh grades (terms of study - 46 and 34 months, respectively). Training is implemented on a budget and contract basis. Employment of graduates is possible. The college does not provide dormitories.

Medical School No. 15 of the Moscow Health Department

The school was created in 1954 on the basis of a nursing school. Today they also teach here nursing and train obstetricians. Training of obstetricians is possible only on the basis of secondary general education, and to enroll as a nurse, 9th grade will be enough (but there is also a program for graduates of 11th grade).

The duration of the nursing course is 46 months for those who entered after the 9th grade, and 34 months for those with secondary general education. Midwives study for 34 months. Full-time form of education. Budgetary and contractual frameworks are provided.

Medical College No. 5 of the Moscow City Department of Health

Secondary medical education in Moscow can also be obtained at College No. 5, which was once called Medical School No. 37, opened in 55 of the last century. The founder of the educational institution is the Moscow City Department of Health.

The college graduates paramedics and nurses. The first ones receive in-depth training, including at the base entry level vocational education (but graduates of 11th grade are also accepted). Nursing education is implemented on the basis of basic general education. The duration of the course for both specialties is 46 months. The form of education is full-time. In addition to the daytime, a contract basis is provided: nursing - 100 thousand rubles per year, medical care - 110 thousand rubles per year.

Medical College No. 4 of the Moscow Health Department

Until 2008, College No. 4 was Medical School No. 18, founded in 1955. Today, paramedics, midwives and nurses are trained here. Training is conducted full-time and part-time. Duration – 4 courses. Graduates of 9th grade can study only full-time.

Provided paid services. The cost of a year of study ranges from 51 thousand rubles to 97 thousand (depending on the course and specialty). The educational institution does not provide dormitories for its students, but arranging employment after graduation is possible.

All of the above educational establishments provide state diplomas, have the necessary licenses, and manage highly professional personnel. In addition to knowledge, they try to give their students an interesting and rich student life.

Medical education as a second higher education is the destiny of the strong in spirit and selflessly devoted to the noble dream of healing all of humanity at any cost. It will not be possible to obtain a doctor's diploma in just two or three years through correspondence, evening or distance learning: you must enroll in the first year of full-time education at any level of basic education and spend six years mastering the basic program. Then there will be at least another year of internship. Only after this long and difficult quest will it be possible to trump the second highest medical.

Medical specialties for the second higher education

There are a lot of medical specialties: in the structure of only one PMGMU named after. I. M. Sechenov 46 departments. If, despite the fact that you have a long time to study, you still decide to get a second higher medical education, then it will be useful to know that hospitals and clinics in the Russian Federation are in dire need of:

  • psychiatrists-narcologists;
  • phthisiatricians;
  • doctors of clinical laboratory diagnostics;
  • resuscitators-anesthesiologists;
  • psychiatrists-narcologists;
  • emergency doctors.

Even for those who wish to master these scarce specializations as additional education The period of study at a medical institute (university, academy) will be at least 6 years.

Medical education in all fields is provided according to the same programs as for students entering the university for the first time, and is not budget-funded, that is, training takes place only on a paid basis.

For your information

Twenty popular medical professions: allergist, ENT, neurologist, obstetrician-gynecologist, urologist, andrologist, venereologist, parkinsonologist, cosmetologist, speech therapist, geneticist, neurosurgeon, pediatrician, massage therapist, surgeon, pediatric surgeon, pediatric ENT, pediatric cardiologist, pediatric dermatologist.

Top 5 medical universities in the Russian Federation and alternatives

  1. PMGMU named after. I. M. Sechenov (university, Moscow).
  2. RNIMU named after. N. I. Pirogova (university, Moscow).
  3. SPbGPMU (St. Petersburg, university).
  4. SPbSMU named after. Academician I. P. Pavlov (St. Petersburg, University).
  5. NSMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia (university, Novosibirsk).

The only alternative to the second is advanced training courses for specialists who already have a medical diploma.

Relatively recently, a new specialty “nursing” (bachelor’s degree) with a duration of study of 4 years has appeared in medical universities. It can be mastered from scratch. For those who enter study after medical college, the program is usually shortened to individual plan after re-testing already studied disciplines. Employment prospects: nursing positions in high-tech branches of medicine, medical assistants. The most common option is an older sister.

Nursing in Moscow at the undergraduate level can be studied at three universities:

  1. RUDN University (at the medical institute).
  2. PMGMU named after. I. M. Sechenov (at the faculty of higher nursing education and psychological and social work).
  3. RGSU (at the Faculty of Physical Culture).

Bachelor's degrees in nursing in Russia are offered by 27 more universities. The cheapest price for a year of study is in the Saratov branch of Samara medical institute"REAVIZ" - 39,500 rub. (2018), the most expensive is in the First Medical Name of Sechenov - 200,000 rubles.

Forms of training

All medical professions, both first and second higher education can only be mastered by daytime form training. In the correspondence department, only some universities teach the specialties “health care manager” and “pharmacy”, provided that the student already has a secondary medical education.

Quality of education in Russia

At all-Russian scientific and practical conferences, the opinion has been repeatedly expressed that the quality of medical education in the Russian Federation is reduced by two factors:

  1. Difficulties in the issue of advanced training.
  2. Lagging behind the pace of development of modern medical science. The knowledge taught in universities becomes outdated by approximately 15% annually. That is, the information base goes through a full update cycle within six years; accordingly, the content of training programs should change in approximately the same way.

In general, it is difficult to obtain triple the highest medical education, but advanced training is a matter of honor for every practicing physician.

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