How to do task 27 in geography. Methodology and algorithm for solving tasks such as the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam in geography in the section “Population”

The twentieth task of the OGE in geography tests the ability of ninth grade graduates to read geographic Maps. The condition is the same - someone chooses a site for a specific purpose (for example, setting up a sports ground or a vegetable garden); the characteristics that it should have are given. It is necessary to determine which of the three areas indicated on the map suits him best, and give two arguments for the chosen answer. All symbols needed to make a decision are indicated on the map.

Rating system

The maximum score for this task is 2. It is given if the site is chosen correctly and two correct, competent justifications for the choice are given. 1 point is given if the site is selected correctly, but only one correct justification is given. If there are no justifications or they are incorrect, the student receives 0 points - even if he chose the section correctly.

Analysis of typical options for task No. 20 OGE in geography

First version of the task

The boys choose a place to play football. Evaluate which site is best suited for this purpose and provide two reasons for your choice.

Site 1 is in a wetland and is therefore not suitable. The territory of site 3 is located on uneven terrain, and there are also holes there. Therefore, the appropriate option is section 2. Let’s write the answer:

Section 2 is better suited.

  1. It is located on flat ground.
  2. There are no trees, bushes, cliffs or holes.

Second version of the task

Schoolchildren choose a place suitable for skiing. Determine which of the areas shown on the map is best suited for this purpose. Give two reasons to support your answer.

Site 1 has a lot of vegetation and is therefore not suitable. Site 3 has few slopes. Therefore, the correct answer is 2. We write the answer:

Site 2 is suitable because:

  1. It is on a good slope.
  2. There are no bushes on site 2.

Third version of the task

The forester selects the site that is best suited for creating an orchard. He needs a site where the snow melts early in the spring, and in the summer the soil is well warmed up by the sun. It should also be convenient to transport the harvest from there to the cannery. Determine which area is best suited for the forester, and provide 2 points to support your answer.

Site 3 is located far from the highway. The slope on which site 2 is located warms up less. Therefore, section 1 is suitable. The answer looks like this:

The suitable site is number 1, because:

  1. It is located on a slope, which is well lit by the sun during the day.
  2. It is located very close to the highway.

Ninth-graders take geography as an additional final exam. This subject, like other natural science disciplines, is not chosen as often as social studies, English language or computer science. This is due to the fact that in order to successfully complete the exam tasks, it is necessary to use special skills. Today we will talk about how difficult it is to pass the OGE in geography and how to prepare for it correctly.

What will happen on the exam?

A typical exam version consists of 30 tasks of varying difficulty. They are aimed at testing geographical knowledge acquired from grades 5 to 9. Most of the questions relate to the section “Geography of Russia”. In order to successfully solve all tasks, you must be able to:

  • collect and analyze geographic information;
  • good orientation on the map;
  • read climatogram, graphs, diagrams;
  • use statistical information;
  • solve basic geographical problems;
  • make predictions based on initial information;
  • compare facts from different geography courses;
  • apply geographical knowledge in practice, in different circumstances.

The first 17 tasks have a basic level of difficulty, the next 10 - increased and the last 3 - high level of difficulty. For 27 tasks you need to give a short answer, for three tasks you need to give a detailed answer.

Students are given only 2 hours (120 minutes) to complete all tasks. During the exam you can use geographical atlases for grades 7, 8, 9, a ruler and a non-programmable calculator.

Common mistakes

Alas, even with a solid A in geography, you may not write the exam with the scores you originally expected. What annoying mistakes do ninth graders make especially often?

  • Incomplete answer
    This happens due to inattention. By quickly reading the assignment without thinking about it, you miss more than 30% of the information. As a result, you give a completely wrong answer, although you know everything. Every word, every wording should be taken literally. The answer must also not contain words in figurative meaning. Another point is that it is a waste of time to give too detailed answers: if you need to give two examples, then there should only be two.
  • Poor map knowledge
    Searching for the desired region or city in the atlas, if you do not know where it is, takes up too much of your precious time. By doing test tasks pay more attention to working with the map. It’s a shame to waste 10 minutes searching for Bratsk or Karelia, isn’t it?
  • Inability to use the atlas
    The answers to most tasks are contained in atlases for grades 7-9, which can be used in the exam. The main thing is to be able to extract this valuable information. When purchasing an atlas, we recommend paying attention to its completeness - the more information, the better. Read them carefully in advance so that you don’t get confused by the symbols and spend an hour searching for the right card.
  • Ignorance of geographical terms
    The number of points you will be given for a specific task depends on how freely and competently you use special terms when answering or use everyday logic.

What other mistakes could be letting you down? This is, first of all, the inability to establish a logical relationship between geographical features region and economic activity person. In second place is the incorrect definition of standard time. The third most common mistake is ignorance of geographic coordinates, problems with finding a geographic point on the map using them. It is impossible to master these skills in a couple of days. Start preparing not a week in advance, but in the fall or even in the summer.

How to prepare properly?

  • Only OGE, only hardcore.
    Create conditions that are as close as possible to the real exam: turn off the phone and TV, radio, computer, on the table there should only be atlases (grades 7-9), a pen, a piece of paper, a book of assignments. Notice the time. You only have 120 minutes to solve one option. After completing the tasks, rest a little and check yourself. Correct the mistakes and be sure to learn the topic where they were made. Your goal is to work through as many tasks as possible before the exam so that the skills become automatic.
  • Make friends with the atlas.
    Spend some money on good atlases, which contain a lot of valuable additional information. Don't be lazy and find on the map all the objects that are mentioned in the tasks. Try to extract from the atlas all the information about them that you can.
  • Gain geographic knowledge from everywhere
    Read additional literature, including works of art— Jack London, Jules Verne, diaries of great travelers. Firstly, you can relax a little with fascinating reading, secondly, geography will “come to life” and become more interesting, thirdly, you will learn a lot interesting facts. Be sure to watch the news. For example, today you saw a report about China. Complete the following tasks.
  1. Find China on the map.
  2. Name its capital and major cities.
  3. Determine their geographic coordinates.
  4. What is the name of the mainland and part of the world where China is located?
  5. What countries does it border with?
  6. The waters of which sea wash the shores?
  7. What climate zone is the country in?
  8. Population? Official language? Religion? Area of ​​the country? Main sectors of the economy?

This rough plan characteristics of the country, you can supplement it and apply it not only to states, but also to regions of Russia. This exercise will only take about 20 minutes. By doing it every day, you will have an excellent knowledge of geography and a good understanding of the current economic and political situation. If you decide to prepare on your own, then you will have to study at least three times a week, for 2-3 hours. In case you cannot devote so much time to one subject, it is better to sign up for training courses. Under the direction of experienced teacher you will be able to repeat the material and work through exam options much faster and more efficiently than at home.

The twenty-eighth task of the Unified State Exam in geography involves working with maps and plans of the area. It is necessary to build a terrain profile along straight line AB; you also need to indicate on your profile conventional sign any object shown on the map.

Instructions for building a profile

In order to construct a profile, you need to draw a profile line connecting points A and B, and attach to it the edge of a sheet of paper, on which you need to mark the horizontal lines through which line AB passes. The contour marks need to be signed (the map indicates at what interval they are drawn, the value of one contour is also given, so it is not at all difficult to sign them). This edge of the sheet must be attached to the horizontal line on the form where the profile is being constructed. You need to transfer the marks you made to it like this, drawing perpendiculars to the vertical line in similar values:

After this, the resulting points need to be connected with a smooth curved line. This will be the relief profile. In this task, it is important to take into account the scale: if, for example, according to the map scale, 1 cm is 100 m, and in our drawing, 1 cm should be 50 m, then we will mark the distance between two adjacent verticals twice as large. People are often asked to mark a spring on their profile; as a rule, it is located between two adjacent heights - in this case they need to be connected not by a straight line, but by a concave one.

Analysis of typical options for task No. 28 of the Unified State Exam in geography

First version of the task

Construct a terrain profile along line AB. Transfer the basis for its construction to answer sheet 2, using a horizontal scale of 1 cm = 50 m and a vertical scale of 1 cm = 5 m. Mark the position of the spring with an “X”.

Ready profile for this condition looks something like this:

The length of the horizontal line is approximately 80 mm, the distance from the vertical to the spring is approximately 29 mm. The slope in section 1 should be steeper than in section 2. If all these conditions are met and the shape of the profile is similar to the standard, the student receives 2 points for this task. If the profile is similar to the standard, but the distance and steepness of the slopes do not coincide with the specified parameters, 1 point is given. In other cases, no points are awarded for task 28.

Analysis of tasks of increased complexity

in preparation for the Unified State Exam in Geography

Prepared by: geography teacher

MBOU "Gymnasium No. 12"

Chapter: Earth is like a planet. Shape, size, movement of the Earth.

For example, let's solve this task : Determine the geographic coordinates of a point located in North America if it is known that on September 23 at 19 o'clock solar time Greenwich meridian at this point it is noon and the Sun is at an altitude of 42 ° above the horizon.

We reason like this: North America located in the northern hemisphere in relation to the equator and in the western hemisphere in relation to the prime meridian

We determine the latitude of a point using the formula :

90° - 42° (the altitude of the Sun is indicated in the problem) = 48°N (because it is in the northern hemisphere).

Determining the longitude of a point .

The time in the problem is 19 hours, i.e. The time differs from Greenwich by 7 hours. We substitute this time into the formula and get:

19-12=7 hours

In 1 hour the Earth rotates 15° (360°:24h=15°

15° · 7h = 105° W (because in the western hemisphere).

Answer : point coordinates 48°N, 105°W.

Arrange the listed parallels in order of increasing day length on June 1, starting with the parallel with the shortest day length.

Write down the resulting sequence of numbers as your answer.


The first of June is summer in the northern hemisphere, winter in the southern hemisphere. The length of the day increases as you move towards the North Pole. Therefore, the shortest day length will be at the parallel.

3) 30º S. w. 2) 10º S. w. 1) 40º C. w.

Answer: 3, 2, 1.

Source: Demo version of the Unified State Exam 2016 in geography.

Establish a correspondence between the phenomenon and the parallel in which it is observed on August 6: for each element of the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.



A) polar day

B) polar night

B) zenithal position of the Sun

Explanation. There is better light in August North hemisphere. Beyond the Arctic Circle there is polar day in the northern hemisphere and polar night in the southern hemisphere. The sun is at its zenith in the region from the equator to the northern tropic.

A) polar day - 75º N. w.

B) polar night - 75º south. w.

B) the zenithal position of the Sun is 17º N. w.

Answer: 1, 2, 3.

Determine at which point on March 25 the Sun will be highest above the horizon at 6 p.m. solar time on the Greenwich meridian.




We apply the formula:

(12 h - ... h) · 15° = ... east. (if in the eastern hemisphere)

(…h – 12 h) · 15° =…w. (if in the Western Hemisphere)


The table shows western longitude, which means we apply the formula:

(18 h – 12 h) 15° = 90° west longitude

This means that the meridian is 90° west. noon and the Sun is highest. Now we look at the table and choose which point is closest to the equator, most south.

Determine which of the points

The sun will be highest above the horizon

at 7 o'clock according to solar meridian time.

Write down your reasoning.


determination of the noon meridian.

The Sun will be highest where it is noon


Answer: C

Determine what air temperature will be at the top of the mountain, indicated in the figure by the letter A, if at the foot of the mountain its value is +12 ° C, and it is known that the air temperature decreases by 0.6 ° C for every 100 m. Write the answer in the form numbers.


Which of the following conclusions about trends

volumes of livestock products made

Based on the analysis of the data given in the table, are they correct?

Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

Dynamics of livestock production volumes

(in % of the previous year)






1) In the Novgorod region, in the period from 2009 to 2011, there was an annual increase in the volume of livestock production.

2) In the Saratov region, in the period from 2009 to 2011, there was an annual decrease in the volume of livestock production.

3) In the Lipetsk region, in the period from 2009 to 2011, there was an annual increase in the volume of livestock production.

4) In the Kostroma region, in the period from 2009 to 2011, there was an annual increase in the volume of livestock production.

Natural increase = Fertility – Mortality

Mortality = Fertility – Natural increase

Migration increase = Immigration – Emigration

Migration increase = Those who arrived – Those who left

Total population growth = Migration increase + Natural increase

Migration increase = Total population growth - Natural increase

Natural increase = Total population growth - Migration growth

Population density = Population

Network density railways = Rail length

The area of ​​the land

Immigration – entry into the country

Emigration – leaving the country

The population of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is significantly influenced by both natural population movement and migration. The table shows data taken from the official website of the Federal Statistics Service.

Numerical and natural growth of the population of the Vladimir region. After analyzing the data, determine the rate of natural population growth in ppm in 2006 for the Vladimir region and the amount of migration increase (decrease) in the population of the Vladimir region in 2006. Write down the solution to the problem.

Average annual population, people.

Natural population growth, people, the value of the indicator for the year.

Solution algorithm

  • 1. Determine the relative EP (in ppm) using the formula:
  • EP (in ppm) =
  • 2. Determine changes in population as the difference between a given year and the following year.
  • 3. Mechanical growth = the amount of population change - the amount of natural increase (decrease) of the population

Р – С (absolute natural increase)× 1000

N (resident population)

  • 1.- 14430: 1472621 × 1000 = - 10% 0
  • 2.1472621-1459574= -13047
  • 3.- 13047- (-14430)= 1383 (persons)
  • Answer: mechanical population growth in the Vladimir region in 2006 amounted to 1,383 people.

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