How many nuclear explosions have there been on earth? All nuclear explosions on one map. Explosion during testing of the “Daddy of All Bombs”

Part 1 - the beginning.

The listed material finds and historical evidence are not sufficient to conclude that the disaster was nuclear. It was necessary to find traces of radiation. And it turns out there are a lot of such traces on Earth.

Firstly, how show the consequences Chernobyl disaster , now in animals and people mutations occur, leading to cyclopsism(Cyclopes have one eye above the bridge of their nose). And we know according to the legends of many peoples about the existence of Cyclopes that people had to fight with.

The second direction of radioactive mutagenesis is polyploidy - doubling of the chromosome set, which leads to gigantism And doubling of some organs: two hearts or two rows of teeth.
The remains of giant skeletons with double rows of teeth are periodically found on Earth, as reported by Mikhail Persinger.

Giant People.

Historical chronicles of the 19th century often report the discovery of skeletons of abnormally tall people in different parts of the globe. .

The third direction of radioactive mutagenesis is Mongoloidity.
Currently Mongoloid race is the most widespread on the planet.
It includes the Chinese, Mongols, Eskimos, Ural, South Siberian peoples and the peoples of both Americas.
But earlier the Mongoloids were represented much more widely, since they were found in Europe, Sumeria, and Egypt.

Subsequently they were driven out of these places by Aryan and Semitic peoples.
Even in Central Africa they live Bushmen and Hottentots having black skin, but nevertheless having characteristic Mongoloid features.
It is noteworthy that spreading Mongoloid race correlates with the spread of deserts and semi-deserts on Earth where there is no time were the main centers of the lost civilization.

Fourth evidence of radioactive mutagenesis - the birth of deformities in people and the birth of children with atavisms(return to ancestors).
It is explained by the fact that deformities after radiation were widespread at that time and were considered normal, so this recessive trait sometimes appears in newborns.
For example, radiation leads to six-fingered And, found among Japanese survivors of the American nuclear bombing, y Chernobyl newborns, and this mutation has persisted to this day.
If in Europe, during the witch hunt, such people were completely exterminated, That in Russia before the revolution there were entire villages of six-fingered people.

More than 100 craters have been discovered throughout the planet , the average size of which has a diameter 2-3 km, really, there is two huge craters: one with a diameter of 40 km South America And the second 120 km in South Africa .
If they were formed in Paleozoic era, i.e. 350 million years ago, as some researchers believe, there would have been nothing left of them long ago, since wind, volcanic dust, animals and plants increase the thickness of the surface layer of the earth by an average of a meter per hundred years.
Therefore, in a million years, a depth of 10 km would be equal to the surface of the earth.
A the funnels are still intact, i.e. They over 25 thousand years they reduced their depth by only 250 meters.
This allows us estimate the force of a nuclear strike, produced 25,000 -35,000 years ago.
Taking an average diameter of 100 craters per 3 km, we obtain that As a result of the war with the asuras, about 5,000 Mt were exploded on Earth « boson» bombs.
We must not forget that The Earth's biosphere at that time was 20,000 times larger than today so she was able to withstand such a huge number of nuclear explosions.
Dust and soot obscured the Sun, it became nuclear winter.
Water, falling as snow in the zone of the poles, where eternal cold set in, was turned off from the biosphere circulation.

Manicouagan Crater in northern Canada is one of the oldest known impact craters.
At the site of the crater formed 200 million years ago, a hydroelectric reservoir with a diameter of 70 km was formed, having the expressive shape of a ring lake.
The crater itself has long been destroyed as a result of the passage of glaciers and other erosion processes.
Nevertheless the hard rocks at the impact site largely preserve the complex impact structure, the study of which can help in the study of large impact formations on Earth and other bodies solar system.
The photo shows the vertical stabilizer of the space shuttle Columbia, from which this photo was taken in 1983.

It was found among the Mayan peoples two so-called Venusian calendars- one consisted of 240 days, another of 290 days.
Both of these calendars associated with disasters on Earth, which did not change the radius of rotation along the orbit, but accelerated daily rotation planets.
We know that when a ballerina, while spinning, presses her arms to her body or raises them above her head, she begins to spin faster.
It's the same on our planet. The redistribution of water from the continents to the poles caused an acceleration of the Earth's rotation and a general cooling, because the the earth did not have time to warm up.
Therefore in first case, when the year was 240 days, the length of the day was 36 hours, and this calendar refers to the period of civilizationasuras, in second calendar ( 290 days) the length of the day was 32 hours and it was period of civilizationAtlanteans .
The fact that such calendars existed on Earth in ancient times is also evidenced by the experiments of our physiologists: if a person is placed in a dungeon without a clock, he begins to live according to an internal, more ancient rhythm as if in days 36 hours .

All these facts prove that there was a nuclear war.
According to ours and A.I. Krylov's calculations given in the collection " Global problems of our time», as a result of nuclear explosions and fires caused by them, 28 times more energy should be released than during nuclear explosions themselves (calculations were carried out for our biosphere; for the Asur biosphere this figure is much higher).
The spreading continuous wall of fire destroyed all living things.
Those who did not burn were suffocating from carbon monoxide.

People and animals ran to the water to find your death there.
The fire raged for "three days and three nights" and eventually caused widespread nuclear rain- where the bombs did not fall, radiation dropped.

This is how they are described in “ Codex Rio» Maya people consequences of radiation:
"Coming the dog had no fur, and she has claws fell off"(a characteristic symptom of radiation sickness).

But besides radiation, a nuclear explosion is characterized by another terrible phenomenon.
Residents Japanese cities Nagasaki and Hiroshima, although they did not see the nuclear mushroom (since they were in shelter) and were far from the epicenter of the explosion, nevertheless received light burns of the body.
This fact is explained by the fact that the shock wave propagates not only along the ground, but also upward.
Carrying dust and moisture with it, the shock wave reaches the stratosphere and destroys the ozone shield, protecting the planet from harsh ultraviolet radiation.
And the latter, as is known, causes burns to unprotected areas of the skin.
The release of air into outer space by nuclear explosions and a decrease in the pressure of the Asura atmosphere from eight to one atmosphere caused decompression sickness in people.
Started decay processes changed the gas composition of the atmosphere, the lethal concentrations of hydrogen sulfide and methane released poisoned all those who miraculously survived(the latter is still in huge quantities frozen into the polar ice caps).
Oceans, seas and rivers were poisoned by decaying corpses.
For all the survivors famine began.

People tried escape from poisonous air, radiation and low atmospheric pressure in your underground cities.
But the subsequent showers, and then earthquakes destroyed everything they created and drove them back to the surface of the earth.
Using the device described in the Mahabharata, reminiscent laser, People hastily built huge underground galleries, sometimes more than 100 meters high, thereby trying to create conditions for life there: the necessary pressure, temperature and air composition.
But the war continued, and even here the enemy overtook them.
Researchers suggest that surviving to the present day " pipes», connecting caves to the surface of the earth are of natural origin.
In reality, burned by laser weapons, They were made to smoke people out, trying to escape in the dungeons from poisonous gases and low pressure .
Already these pipes are too round to talk about their natural origin (many such “natural” pipes are located in the caves of the Perm region, including the famous Kungurskaya).
Certainly, construction of tunnels began long before the nuclear disaster.
Now they have an unsightly appearance And perceived us as " caves» of natural origin, but How much better would our metro look?, O let us go there in about five hundred years?
We could only admire the “play of natural forces.”

Laser weapons were apparently used not only to smoke people out. When the laser beam reached the underground molten layer, magma rushed to the surface of the earth, erupted and caused a powerful earthquake.
This is how we were born on Earth artificial volcanoes.

Now it becomes clear why Thousands of kilometers of tunnels have been dug throughout the planet. who were discovered in Altai, Ural, Tien Shan, Caucasus, Sahara, Gobi, V Northern And South America.
One of these tunnels connects Morocco with Spain.
According to Colossimo, through this tunnel, apparently, the only species of monkeys existing today in Europe, the “Magotes of Gibraltar”, which lives in the vicinity of the exit from the dungeon, penetrated.

What actually happened?
According to my calculations made in the work: “ State of the climate, biosphere and civilization after the use of nuclear weapons" for that, to provoke modern conditions Earth flood with subsequent sedimentary-tectonic cycles, it is necessary to detonate 12 Mt nuclear bombs in zones of concentration of life.
Due to fires release additional energy, which becomes a condition for intense evaporation of water and intensification of moisture circulation.
To immediately nuclear winter has arrived, bypassing the flood, you need blow up 40 Mt, and so that The biosphere completely died, necessary blow up 300 Mt, in this case air masses will be released into space and the pressure will drop as on Mars - to 0.1 atmosphere.
For complete radioactive contamination of the planet, When even spiders will die, i.e. 900 roentgen(70 roentgens are already fatal for a person) - necessary blow up 3020 Mt.

Carbon dioxide, formed as a result of fires, creates Greenhouse effect , i.e. absorbs additional solar energy, which is spent on moisture evaporation and increased winds.
It's becoming cause of intense rains and redistribution of water from the oceans to the continents.
Water, accumulating in natural depressions, causes stress in the earth's crust, What leads to earthquakes And volcanic eruptions.
Latest, throwing tons of dust into the stratosphere, lower the temperature of the planet (as dust retains Sun rays).
Sedimentary-tectonic cycles, i.e. floods, developing into long winters, have been going on for thousands of years, while quantity carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has not returned to normal.
Winter lasted 20 years(the time it takes for dust to settle in the upper atmosphere, at our atmospheric density, dust will settle for 3 years).

Those who remained in dungeon, gradually lost their sight.
Let's remember again epic about Svyatogor , whose father lived underground and did not come to the surface, because went blind.
New generations after the asuras rapidly decreased in size to dwarfs , about which there are plenty of legends among various nations.
By the way, they have survived to this day and have not only black skin, like the pygmies of Africa, but also white: Menechets of Guinea who mixed with the local population, nationalitiesDopa And Hama having height is just over a meter and living in Tibet, finally, trolls, gnomes, elves, h go white-eyed etc., who did not consider it possible to come into contact with Humanity.
In parallel with this there was a gradual wildness of people, cut off from society, and turning them into monkeys.

Close to Sterlitamak out of the blue there are two adjacent dunes, consisting from minerals, and under them oil lenses.
It is quite possible that this two graves of asuras(Although There are a lot of similar graves of asuras scattered across the Earth).
However, some of the asuras lived until our era.
IN seventies, to the commission on anomalous phenomena, then headed by F.Yu. Siegel, messages have arrived about observing giants, « propped up by clouds", whose step felled forests.
It’s good that excited local residents were able to correctly identify this phenomenon.
Usually, if the phenomenon does not resemble anything, people just don't see him.
The height of the observed creatures did not exceed a 40-story building and was in fact well below the clouds.
But otherwise matches the descriptions, captured Russian epics: the earth humming, groaning from heavy steps and the legs of a giant falling into the ground.
The asuras, over whom time has no power, have survived to our time, hiding in their huge dungeons, and they may well tell us about the past, how they did it Svyatogor , Gorynya , Dubynya , Adopted son and others titans, who are the heroes of Russian epics, unless, of course, we try to kill them again.

Regarding the possibility of life underground.
It's not that fantastic.
According to geologists, there is more water underground, than in the entire oceans, and not all of it is in a bound state, i.e. only part of the water part of minerals and rocks.
By now underground seas discovered, lakes and rivers.
It has been suggested that The waters of the World Ocean are connected to the underground water system, and accordingly, not only the cycle and exchange of water occurs between them, but also the exchange of biological species.
Unfortunately, this area remains completely unexplored to date.
For the underground biosphere to be self-sufficient, there must be plants that produce oxygen and decompose carbon dioxide.
But plants, turns out, can live, grow and bear fruit without lighting, as Tolkien reports in his book The Secret Life of Plants.
Enough on the ground skip weak electricity certain frequency, and photosynthesis occurs in complete darkness.
However, underground life forms do not necessarily have to be similar to those existing on Earth.
In places where heat came to the surface from the bowels of the earth, there were discovered special forms thermal life and, which do not need light.
It may well be that they can be not only unicellular, but also multicellular and even reach a very high level of development.
Therefore it is very likely that the underground biosphere is self-sufficient, it contains species similar to plants and species similar to animals, and it lives completely independently of the existing biosphere.
If thermal “plants” are not capable of living on the surface, just as our plants are not capable of living underground, then animals that feed on thermal “plants” are able to feed on ordinary ones.

Periodic appearance " Zmeev Gorynychey", or, saying modern language, dinosaurs, every now and then happening all over the planet: let’s remember the Loch Ness monster, the repeated observation by teams of Soviet nuclear-powered ships of floating “dinosaurs”, a 20-meter “plesiosaur” torpedoed by a German submarine, etc. - the cases that I. Akimushkin systematized and described tell us that those who live underground sometimes come to the surface to “graze.”
A person penetrated only 5 km. deep into the earth, he cannot now say what is happening at depths of 10, 100, 1,000 km.
Anyway there air pressure is more than 8 atmospheres.
And perhaps many floating creatures from the times of the Asur biosphere found salvation underground.
Periodic funds messages mass media about dinosaurs appearing in the oceans, then in the seas, then in lakes - this is evidence of creatures penetrating from the underground that have found refuge there.
IN fairy tales many peoples have survived descriptions of the three underground kingdoms: gold , silver And copper, where the hero of the folk story consistently ends up.

Monsters of the Underworld .

Where do prehistoric monsters appear from time to time in various bodies of water on the planet? They are observed by credible witnesses, and sometimes by dozens of people, but subsequent attempts by scientists to detect exotic animals are unsuccessful. Maybe this happens because these monsters live in a kind of underground Plutonia and only sometimes appear on the surface ?

The Gorynych Serpents could have two or three heads caused by nuclear mutagenesis, which was hereditarily fixed and passed on by inheritance.
For example, in the USA in San Francisco woman with two heads gives birth to two-headed baby , i.e. a new race of people appeared.
Russian epics report that Zmey Gorynych was kept in chains like a dog, and on it the heroes of epics sometimes plowed the land, like on a horse.
Therefore, most likely, three-headed dinosaurs were the main pets of the asuras.
It is known that reptiles, which in their development are not far from dinosaurs, are not trainable, however increasing the number of goals increased general intelligence and decreased aggressiveness.

What caused the nuclear conflict?
According to the Vedas, asuras, i.e. The inhabitants of the Earth were big and strong, but they were destroyed by gullibility and good nature.
In the Vedas described battle of asuras with gods, latest won through deception asuras, destroyed their flying cities, and themselves driven underground and to the bottom of the oceans.
Presence of pyramids scattered throughout the planet (in Egypt, Mexico, Tibet, India), suggests that the culture was united and the earthlings had no grounds for war among themselves.
Those whom the Vedas call gods are aliens and appeared from the sky (from space). There was a nuclear conflict , more likely, cosmic .
But who and where were those whom the Vedas call gods, and various religions call powers Satan?

Who was the second belligerent?

In 1972, the American Mariner station reached Mars and took more than 3,000 photographs.
Of these, 500 were published in the general press.
On one of them the world saw a dilapidated pyramid , as experts have calculated, 1.5 km high And sphinx with a human face .
But unlike the Egyptian, who looks ahead, Martian sphinx looks into the sky.
The pictures were accompanied by comments - that this was most likely a play of natural forces.
The rest of the pictures will be published by NASA (American Aeronautics and Aeronautics Administration) space research) disappeared, citing the fact that they supposedly needed to be “deciphered.”
More than ten years have passed and there have been photographs of another sphinx and pyramid published.
The new photos clearly show it was possible to distinguish the sphinx, pyramid and further third building - remains of the wall of a rectangular structure.
At the Sphinx looking at the sky, A frozen tear rolled out of my eye .
The first thought that came to mind was war occurred between Mars and Earth , and those whom the ancients called gods, were people, colonized Mars.
Judging by remaining dry « channels"(formerly rivers) reaching a width of 50-60 km, the biosphere on Mars was no less in size and power , than the Earth's biosphere.
This suggested that the Martian colony decided to separate from its mother country what the Earth was like, just like how America separated from England in the last century, despite the fact that the culture was common.

"Pyramid" on Mars.

The Sphinx and the pyramid tell us that indeed there was a common culture, and Mars was indeed colonized by earthlings.
But, like the Earth, he too was nuked and lost its biosphere and atmosphere(last today has a pressure of about 0.1 atmosphere of the Earth and consists of 99% nitrogen, which can be formed, as the Gorky scientist A. Volgin proved, as a result of the vital activity of organisms).
Oxygen on Mars is 0.1%, and carbon dioxide is 0.2% (although there are other data).
Oxygen was destroyed by nuclear fire, A carbon dioxide decomposed by remaining primitive Martian vegetation, having a reddish color and annually covering a significant surface during the onset of Martian summer, which is clearly visible through a telescope.
Red color due to the presence of xanthine.
Similar plants are found on Earth.
As a rule, they grow in places where there is a lack of light and could well have been brought by asuras from Mars.
Depending on the season ratios of oxygen and carbon dioxide vary and on the surface in the layer of Martian vegetation, the oxygen concentration can reach several percent.
This makes it possible for the “wild” Martian fauna to exist, which on Mars can have Lilliputian sizes.
People on Mars could not grow larger, than 6 cm, A dogs and cats because of low atmospheric pressure, by size would be comparable to flies.
It is quite possible that survivors of the war on Mars asuras, shrank to Martian size at least the plot fairy tales O " Little boy ", widespread among many peoples, certainly did not arise out of nowhere.
During times Atlanteans who could move on their vimanas not only in the Earth’s atmosphere, but also in space, they could have brought the remains of the Asur civilization from Mars , Thumb Boys, for your own amusement.
Surviving European fairy tales like kings put little people in toy palaces, are still popular among children.

The enormous height of the Martian pyramids (1500 meters) allows us to approximately determine the individual sizes of asuras.
Average size Egyptian pyramids 60 meters, i.e. V 30 times more than a person.
Then average Asuras are 50 meters tall.
Practically All nations have preserved legends about giants, giants and even titans, which, with their growth, should have had a corresponding life expectancy.
Among the Greeks, the titans who inhabited the Earth were forced to fight with the gods.
Also The Bible talks about giants who inhabited our planet in the past.

Cydonia - region of Mars. Approximately in the center - " Martian sphinx».

Weeping sphinx , looking into the sky, tells us that he built after a disaster by people And (asuras ), saved from death in the Martian dungeons.
His appearance calls for help to his brothers, remaining on other planets: “We are still alive! Come for us! Help us!"
The remnants of the Martian civilization of earthlings may still exist.
Occurring from time to time mysterious blue flashes on its surface, Very remind nuclear explosions .
Perhaps the war on Mars is still ongoing.

At the beginning of our century there was a lot of talk and debate about the moons of Mars Phobos and Deimos, it was suggested that they are artificial, and are hollow inside because they rotate much faster than other satellites.
This idea may well be confirmed.
As reported by F.Yu. Siegel in his lectures, 4 satellites also revolve around the Earth, which no country launched, and their orbits are perpendicular to the normally launched orbits of the satellites.
And if everything artificial satellites, due to their small orbit, will eventually fall to Earth, then these 4 satellites are too far from Earth.
Therefore, most likely they left over from past civilizations.

15,000 years ago history stopped for Mars.
The scarcity of remaining species will not allow the Martian biosphere to flourish for a long time.

The Sphinx was not addressed to those who were on their way to the stars at that time; they could not help in any way.
He was facing the metropolis- a civilization that was on Earth.
Thus, Earth and Mars were on the same side.
Who was with the other one?

At one time, V.I. Vernadsky proved that continents can only form due to the presence of the biosphere.
There is always a negative balance between the ocean and the continent, i.e. rivers always carry less material into the oceans than it comes from the oceans.
The main force involved in this transfer is not the wind, but living things primarily birds and fish.
If this force did not exist, according to Vernadsky’s calculations, in 18 million years there would be no continents on Earth.
Continentality phenomenon discovered on Mars, Moon And Venus, i.e. these planets once had a biosphere.
But the Moon, due to its proximity to the Earth, could not resist the Earth and Mars.
Firstly, because there was no significant atmosphere there; accordingly, the biosphere was weak.
This follows from the fact that The dried river beds found on the Moon cannot be compared with the size of the Earth's rivers(especially Mars).
Life could only be exported.
The Earth could be such an exporter.
Secondly, a thermonuclear strike was also carried out on the moon , because The American Apollo expedition discovered glassy, soil baked from high temperatures.
By the layer of dust you can determine when the disaster occurred there.
3 mm of dust falls on the Earth in 1000 years; on the Moon, where gravity is 6 times less, 0.5 mm should fall in the same time.
Over 30,000 years, 1.5 cm of dust should have accumulated there.
Judging by the footage of American astronauts filmed on the Moon, layer of dust, which they raised when walking, is somewhere around 1-2 cm.
In the 80s there were reports in the press about sightings on it twisted structures, Maybe, representing the remains of ancient units belonging to Asura civilization, who created from the ground, according to American ufologists, lunar atmosphere.
Near Stern Crater, on the visible side, even with an amateur telescope you can see a web of some structures maybe it's leftovers ancient city on the moon?
Thirdly, everything that happened there was very quickly learned on Earth.
The strike was carried out suddenly and from a distant object, so neither the Martians nor the earthlings expected him and did not have time to make a retaliatory strike.
Such an object could be Venus.

For 23 years, the secret “Program No. 7” operated in the USSR, within the framework of which underground atomic explosions were carried out. In total, from 1965 to 1988, 124 nuclear charges were detonated. With their help, with the blessing of the party authorities, scientists tried to explore diamond reserves and even turn back rivers. And everything would be fine if atomic mushrooms grew only in remote uninhabited areas of Siberia and Far East. However, the testing sites included densely populated areas in Central and Southern Russia. It is unlikely that it will ever be known how many people were affected by radiation emissions.

Soviet scientists began to think about the fact that atomic charges could be used not only for military purposes, but also in a completely peaceful field, in the early 60s. In the spring of 1962, a closed report by nuclear physicists Yuri Babaev and Yuri Trutnev was placed on the desk of the head of the “nuclear” Ministry of Medium Engineering, Efim Slavsky. In it they presented their thoughts on the use of nuclear charges in the interests of National economy. In particular, scientists proposed making good use of giant craters formed during atomic explosions, for example, as pits for artificial reservoirs. The great depth of the crater and its bottom, melted during the explosion, were ideal for using such man-made lakes in the interests of reclamation and preventing salinization of territories.

Slavsky warmly supported the idea. As a result, the Chagan project was born. According to it, it was planned to create 40 “nuclear” reservoirs in the arid regions of Kazakhstan.

Creating a nuclear charge with the required characteristics was not difficult for the craftsmen from Arzamas-16, who ate the dog during the development of the Soviet atomic shield. On the morning of January 15, 1965, a 3-meter container with a thermonuclear charge was lowered into a 178-meter well drilled in the floodplain of the Chagan River. Its yield was 170 kilotons - eight and a half times more than that used in Hiroshima. There was a deafening explosion - 10 million tons of soil, scattered into grains of sand, flew a kilometer into the sky. This created a crater on the ground with a diameter of 430 and a depth of 100 meters. “I have never seen such a beautiful sight from a nuclear explosion before, although I have seen a lot of them,” project manager Ivan Turchin later recalled. The Soviet industrial nuclear program had begun.

Haven't you had an explosion yet? Then we go to you!

Since the Chagan project was experimental in nature, Semipalatinsk became the place for its implementation. nuclear test site- a closed area located far from housing, which is why the possible effects of radiation were minimized. However, from now on, scientists no longer bothered with such conventions - out of 124 “peaceful” atomic explosions, 117 were carried out outside special test sites. After all, the main task was to solve economic and scientific problems. Little attention was paid to how many people live in the district.

The next explosion was carried out two and a half months after the first. This time, as part of the Butan project, two atomic charges detonated one after another in the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, 10 kilometers northwest of the city of Meleuz. With their help, oil production at the Grachevskoye oil field was doubled. When, 15 years later, the well began to dry up, the experiment was repeated again. Also, with the help of atomic charges, underground tanks were created near Ufa for the disposal of industrial waste from the Salavat petrochemical plant.

Increasing oil production and creating underground storage facilities through atomic explosions turned out to be profitable, so this method was used more than once. The use of nuclear charges for deep seismic sounding turned out to be even more effective. earth's crust and searching for promising mineral deposits. Such explosions were carried out in Yakutia, the Komi Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Kalmykia, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, Irkutsk and Kemerovo regions, as well as in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. And in the fall of 1971, a 2.3 kiloton charge was detonated almost in the very center of the European part of Russia - Ivanovo region. As a result, new oil fields were discovered in the Vologda and Kostroma regions. Even in the resort Stavropol Territory they thought of carrying out an explosion - 10 kilotons of gas were exploded 90 kilometers north of Stavropol in order to intensify gas production.

On this topic

Democrats in the US Congress believe the administration of President Donald Trump is involved in the plans of American companies to build nuclear power plants in Saudi Arabia. This is stated in the report of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

But success, as we know, is intoxicating. In the early 70s, Soviet scientists set their sights on an ambitious project - now it was decided to show “Kuzka’s mother” to nature itself.

Since the 19th century, there has been a project to create the Pechora-Kama canal. Once again Khrushchev remembered him, proposing to reverse the flow of Siberian rivers in order to fill fresh water thirsty Central Asian republics. However, the voluntarist secretary general failed to complete his plan. But his idea was not forgotten, especially since now thousands of prisoners’ hands were no longer required to create a canal - the socialist reformers had a more powerful weapon at their disposal. In October 1968, an experiment was conducted at the Semipalatinsk test site to create a directed trench using an atomic explosion, designed to become the basis of a canal. It was completed successfully, and three years later, in the Cherdynsky district of the Perm region, lost among the forests, a secret facility grew up, surrounded by rows of barbed wire. The level of secrecy was so great that even the project participants themselves were forbidden to communicate with each other. Under the cover of darkness, specialists from the Ministry of Medium Machine Building placed three nuclear charges with a yield of 15 kilotons each at ultra-shallow depths. But even this power was only enough to form a trench about 700 meters long. Realizing that to create a canal in the north of the country they would have to triple the nuclear holocaust, the authorities canceled the project.

Blood cancer in addition

Did the locals really not know anything? After all, an atomic explosion is not a barrel of kerosene that flew into the air... As the doctor said technical sciences Nikolai Prikhodko, the inhabitants of surrounding towns and villages were usually informed that military exercises would be held. And residents of the Stavropol village of Kevsala, near which the charge went off, “people in civilian clothes” were ordered to go outside from their houses while an explosion was carried out underground to increase gas production. Thus, they were practically not lied to. But the villagers soon began to guess that they were clearly not told the whole truth.

For industrial atomic explosions, special “civilian” charges were used, which differed from military ones in extremely low levels of residual contamination of the area. Nevertheless, a nuclear bomb is, as they say, a bomb in Africa. Therefore, it was simply impossible to avoid radiation emissions.

This became clear after the first experimental detonation. As a result of the Chagan project, the cloud from the explosion covered the territory of 11 settlements, in which about 2 thousand people lived. All of them received a dose of radiation to the thyroid gland - in the most affected, its levels were 28 times higher than the limit level.

The results of the attempt to create a canal were no less catastrophic for the environment. Soon, residents of the Cherdynsky, Krasnovishersky, Chernushinsky and Osinsky districts of the Perm region began to notice an increase in cancer diseases. Later, in the 90s, environmentalists discovered traces of plutonium-239, whose half-life is 240 thousand years, at the site of the explosions.

A similar situation has developed in the Ivanovo region. Back in 2001, the Institute of Industrial Technologies of Minatom, in its report on studying the consequences of the explosion, admitted that even after 30 years, the danger of radioactive contamination of soil and water has not decreased. The degree of contamination was aggravated by the fact that an emergency situation occurred during the explosion. Soon after the detonation, a gas-water fountain formed with the removal of radioactive sand and water. As a result, for 10 days a stream of gas spread along the bed of the Shachi River, which flows into the Volga, and the water and soil became contaminated with cesium-137 and strontium-90 isotopes. Oncological diseases are also not uncommon in this area. However, similar complaints are heard in almost all areas where “peaceful” nuclear explosions were carried out. The last of them thundered in the fall of 1988, 80 kilometers northeast of the city of Kotlas in the Arkhangelsk region. After this, the use of the nuclear arsenal for industrial purposes was finally put to rest.

Statistics on explosions in Russia are very important for the state. It allows you to track how many such tragedies occur in the country and for what reasons. And also, thanks to calculations, it is possible to find out how effective the ongoing prevention of explosions in Russia is, and to develop new ways to prevent incidents that occurred due to carelessness, negligence or malicious intent.

General indicators for the country

The statistics of explosions in Russia are off the charts. They happen for various reasons. But especially often over the last 10 years, explosions have occurred due to careless handling. Terrorist attacks also occur in the country from time to time. This happens in in public places, . Explosion statistics in Russia cover:

  • careless handling of gas at home;
  • accidents in mines.

Unfortunately, there are no statistics on explosions in Crimea. However, it reports that in the summer of 2016, a series of terrorist attacks aimed at disrupting the tourist season were prevented.

Terrorist attacks

Over the past 20 years, terrorist explosions in Russia, as well as throughout the world, have occurred very frequently. In our country, they usually occur in the subway, on buses or in public places.

In total, 43 terrorist attacks were carried out in Russian history. They started before the Chechen war. Most acts of terrorism were accompanied by explosions. Some are hostage-taking. In total, more than 1.5 thousand people died due to the terrorist attacks. The victims include civilians, women, children and the elderly.

The graph shows how many explosions (terrorist attacks) were committed in Russia and in what year, thanks to which you can track the downward trend in the number of tragedies.

The table shows the chronology of terrorist attacks in the Russian Federation, published on Wikipedia from 1990 to 2000 and from 2010 to 2017.

from 1990 to 2000

date Place Terrorist attack Death toll
28.02.1990 Chechen RepublicTrain explosion in Russia "Kislovodsk-Baku" near Gudermes station 11
13.07.1990 Near VladikavkazTrain explosion causing the train to derailn/a
16.07.1990 MoscowBomb near a house on the street. Volochaevskaya2
13.04.1994 Station "Dagestan Lights"Moscow-Baku train bombing3
22.04.1994 RailwayTrain Tambov – St. Petersburg
22.07.1994 Chita region Train Khabarovsk-Moscow
01.08.1994 NovgorodExplosion near a residential building
30.08.1994 EkaterinburgHouse
07.09.1994 MoscowThe passport office was damaged 7
19.10.1994 Komsomolsk-on-Amur Explosion at a Russian school
18.11.1994 MoscowExplosion of the railway bridge across the Yauza n/a
21.11.1994 EkaterinburgCourthouse
22.12.1994 Between Kanatchikovo and Kozhukhovo stations Homemade bomb under a freight train
27.12.1994 MoscowBus
15.01.1995 – 20.09.1995 MoscowPedagogical University, school, residential building on the street. Warm station train Kazan-Moscow
20.09.1995 GroznyColumn with the leadership of Chechnya
1996MoscowA series of explosions in Moscow 20
19.07.1996 VoronezhStation buildingn/a
25.07.1996 VolgogradTrain arriving from Astrakhan
19.12.1996 Saint PetersburgMetro
23.04.1997 ArmavirRailway station3
28.04.1997 PyatigorskStation waiting room 2
27.06.1997 MoscowTrain Moscow – St. Petersburg 5
8.07.1997 KhasavyurtPolice car 9
01.01.1998 – 13.05.1998 MoscowTretyakovskaya metro station, synagogue on Novosuschevskaya
27.04.1998 MakhachkalaExplosion of a passenger car
27.07.1998 Rostovrailway station1
04.09.1998 MakhachkalaHouse on the street Parkhomenko 18


VladikavkazCentral Market,

Military City



September 1999

MoscowNear the building

"Okhotny Ryad"

Residential buildings

4.09.1999 BuynakskHouse64
16.09.1999 VolgodonskNine-story building19


Saint PetersburgHouse on Nauki Ave.,


from 2012 to 2017

06.03.2012 KarabudakhkentThe widow of a terrorist blew up a police post 5



MakhachkalaCar and GAZelle

FSSP building

traffic police officers

06.08.2012 Grozny (Chechnya)"Gazelle" at the entrance to the Voentorg store 3
19.08.2012 IngushetiaA suicide bomber blew up a crowd of police 7
28.08.2012 Chirkey villageHouse of the Sufi Spiritual Leader 7
23.10.2012 North OssetiaTraffic police post2



VolgogradRegular bus

Railway station


27.12.2012 PyatigorskTraffic police building3
31.12.2012 BuynakskBombing of the prosecutor's car 1
09.01.2014 DagestanPolice KamAZ
05.10.2014 GroznyOn the square during city day 5
12.12.2015 MoscowBus stop
15.02.2016 DerbentTraffic police post2
03.04.2017 Saint PetersburgMetropolitan15

The statistics of explosions in Russia have recently decreased significantly. Since 2000, there have been gradually fewer of them. The decrease in the number of tragedies indicates the well-established work of special structures fighting criminals. The most big explosions in Russia (terrorist attacks) are committed by residents of Chechnya and the North Caucasus.

Explosions in the subway

Over the entire history of the Metropolitan, there have been 10 explosions in the metro in Russia. Eight of them occurred in the capital. Two were committed in St. Petersburg. Statistics of explosions in Russia (Moscow metro):

date Stations
08.11.1977 Izmailovskaya and Pervomaiskaya
11.06.1996 Tula and Nagatinskaya
01.01.1998 Tretyakovskaya
08.08.2000 Pushkinskaya and Tverskaya
05.02.2001 Belarusian
06.02.2004 Avtozavodskaya and Paveletskaya
31.08.2004 Rizhskaya
29.03.2010 Lubyanka and Park of Culture

The statistics of explosions in the St. Petersburg metro are less frightening. In its entire history, only two tragedies have occurred. The first one was in 1996. Then a train was blown up between the Vyborgskaya and Ploshchad Lenina stations.

In 2017, the last explosion occurred in Russia. This happened in the St. Petersburg metro. The explosion was carried out by a suicide bomber in a carriage between the Sennaya Ploshchad and Sennaya Ploshchad stations. Institute of Technology" 103 people were injured. Of these, 16 died. According to investigators, as reported in the Novosti program, the crime was committed by Uzbek Akbarzhon Jalilov.

Such a problem as a domestic gas explosion remains relevant in the 21st century. More than 300 people have died in the last five years alone. The chart shows how many domestic gas explosions occurred between 2008 and 2015.

Over the past 5 years, there have been about 500 chemical accidents. enterprises and transport. They were accompanied by the release harmful substances: chlorine, ammonia or mineral acids.

In 2015, 6 such cases were recorded, and in 2016 – 4. One of the largest accidents was the explosion of a plant in Russia. OOO MBI-Sintez is located in the Volgograd region. To prevent such incidents in the future, each accident is thoroughly investigated.

As for explosions in mines in Russia, they occur mainly due to high concentrations of methane. Our mines are among the most dangerous in the world. For the period from 1964 to 2007. There have been more than 20 major accidents in this industry. Hundreds of people died as a result. Unfortunately, the statistics of explosions in Russia show a positive trend in reducing the number of incidents only in relation to terrorist attacks.

On October 30, 1961, the USSR exploded the most powerful bomb in world history: a 58-megaton H-bomb The Tsar Bomba was exploded at a test site on the island of Novaya Zemlya. Nikita Khrushchev joked that the original plan was to detonate a 100-megaton bomb, but the charge was reduced so as not to break all the glass in Moscow.

The explosion of AN602 was classified as a low air explosion of extremely high power. The results were impressive:

  • The fireball of the explosion reached a radius of approximately 4.6 kilometers. Theoretically, it could have grown to the surface of the earth, but this was prevented by the reflected shock wave, which crushed and threw the ball off the ground.
  • The light radiation could potentially cause third-degree burns at a distance of up to 100 kilometers.
  • Ionization of the atmosphere caused radio interference even hundreds of kilometers from the test site for about 40 minutes
  • The tangible seismic wave resulting from the explosion circled the globe three times.
  • Witnesses felt the impact and were able to describe the explosion thousands of kilometers away from its center.
  • The nuclear mushroom of the explosion rose to a height of 67 kilometers; the diameter of its two-tier “hat” reached (at the top tier) 95 kilometers.
  • The sound wave generated by the explosion reached Dikson Island at a distance of about 800 kilometers. However, sources do not report any destruction or damage to structures even in the urban-type village of Amderma and the village of Belushya Guba located much closer (280 km) to the test site.
  • Radioactive contamination of the experimental field with a radius of 2-3 km in the area of ​​the epicenter was no more than 1 mR/hour; the testers appeared at the site of the epicenter 2 hours after the explosion. Radioactive contamination posed virtually no danger to test participants

All nuclear explosions carried out by countries of the world in one video:

The creator of the atomic bomb, Robert Oppenheimer, on the day of the first test of his brainchild said: “If hundreds of thousands of suns rose in the sky at once, their light could be compared with the radiance emanating from the Supreme Lord... I am Death, the great destroyer of the worlds, bringing death to all living things " These words were a quote from the Bhagavad Gita, which the American physicist read in the original.

Photographers from Lookout Mountain stand waist-deep in dust raised by the shock wave after a nuclear explosion (photo from 1953).

Challenge Name: Umbrella
Date: June 8, 1958

Power: 8 kilotons

An underwater nuclear explosion was carried out during Operation Hardtack. Decommissioned ships were used as targets.

Challenge Name: Chama (as part of Project Dominic)
Date: October 18, 1962
Location: Johnston Island
Power: 1.59 megatons

Challenge Name: Oak
Date: June 28, 1958
Location: Enewetak Lagoon in the Pacific Ocean
Yield: 8.9 megatons

Project Upshot Knothole, Annie Test. Date: March 17, 1953; project: Upshot Knothole; challenge: Annie; Location: Knothole, Nevada Test Site, Sector 4; power: 16 kt. (Photo: Wikicommons)

Challenge Name: Castle Bravo
Date: March 1, 1954
Location: Bikini Atoll
Explosion type: surface
Power: 15 megatons

The Castle Bravo hydrogen bomb was the most powerful explosion ever tested by the United States. The power of the explosion turned out to be much greater than the initial forecasts of 4-6 megatons.

Challenge Name: Castle Romeo
Date: March 26, 1954
Location: on a barge in Bravo Crater, Bikini Atoll
Explosion type: surface
Power: 11 megatons

The power of the explosion turned out to be 3 times greater than initial forecasts. Romeo was the first test carried out on a barge.

Project Dominic, Aztec Test

Challenge Name: Priscilla (as part of the "Plumbbob" challenge series)
Date: 1957

Yield: 37 kilotons

This is exactly what the process of releasing huge amounts of radiant and thermal energy looks like during an atomic explosion in the air over the desert. Here you can still see military equipment, which in a moment will be destroyed by the shock wave, captured in the form of a crown surrounding the epicenter of the explosion. You can see how the shock wave was reflected from earth's surface and is about to merge with the fireball.

Challenge Name: Grable (as part of Operation Upshot Knothole)
Date: May 25, 1953
Location: Nevada Nuclear Test Site
Power: 15 kilotons

At a test site in the Nevada desert, photographers from the Lookout Mountain Center in 1953 took a photograph of an unusual phenomenon (a ring of fire in a nuclear mushroom after the explosion of a shell from a nuclear cannon), the nature of which has long occupied the minds of scientists.

Project Upshot Knothole, Rake test. This test involved an explosion of a 15 kiloton atomic bomb launched by a 280mm atomic cannon. The test took place on May 25, 1953 at the Nevada Test Site. (Photo: National Nuclear Security Administration/Nevada Site Office)

A mushroom cloud formed as a result of the atomic explosion of the Truckee test conducted as part of Project Dominic.

Project Buster, Test Dog.

Project Dominic, Yeso test. Test: Yeso; date: June 10, 1962; project: Dominic; location: 32 km south of Christmas Island; test type: B-52, atmospheric, height – 2.5 m; power: 3.0 mt; charge type: atomic. (Wikicommons)

Challenge Name: YESO
Date: June 10, 1962
Location: Christmas Island
Power: 3 megatons

Testing "Licorn" in French Polynesia. Image #1. (Pierre J./French Army)

Name of the test: “Unicorn” (French: Licorne)
Date: July 3, 1970
Location: atoll in French Polynesia
Yield: 914 kilotons

Testing "Licorn" in French Polynesia. Image #2. (Photo: Pierre J./French Army)

Testing "Licorn" in French Polynesia. Image #3. (Photo: Pierre J./French Army)

To get good images, test sites often employ entire teams of photographers. Photo: nuclear test explosion in the Nevada desert. On the right are visible rocket plumes, with the help of which scientists determine the characteristics of the shock wave.

Testing "Licorn" in French Polynesia. Image #4. (Photo: Pierre J./French Army)

Project Castle, Romeo Test. (Photo:

Project Hardtack, Umbrella Test. Challenge: Umbrella; date: June 8, 1958; project: Hardtack I; location: Enewetak Atoll lagoon; test type: underwater, depth 45 m; power: 8kt; charge type: atomic.

Project Redwing, Test Seminole. (Photo: Nuclear Weapons Archive)

Riya test. Atmospheric test of an atomic bomb in French Polynesia in August 1971. As part of this test, which took place on August 14, 1971, a thermonuclear warhead codenamed "Riya" with a yield of 1000 kt was detonated. The explosion occurred on the territory of Mururoa Atoll. This photo was taken from a distance of 60 km from the zero mark. Photo: Pierre J.

A mushroom cloud from a nuclear explosion over Hiroshima (left) and Nagasaki (right). During the final stages of World War II, the United States launched two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The first explosion occurred on August 6, 1945, and the second on August 9, 1945. This was the only time nuclear weapons were used for military purposes. By order of President Truman, the US Army dropped the Little Boy nuclear bomb on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, followed by the Fat Man nuclear bomb on Nagasaki on August 9. Within 2-4 months after the nuclear explosions, between 90,000 and 166,000 people died in Hiroshima, and between 60,000 and 80,000 in Nagasaki. (Photo: Wikicommons)

Upshot Knothole Project. Nevada Test Site, March 17, 1953. The blast wave completely destroyed Building No. 1, located at a distance of 1.05 km from the zero mark. The time difference between the first and second shot is 21/3 seconds. The camera was placed in a protective case with a wall thickness of 5 cm. The only light source in this case was a nuclear flash. (Photo: National Nuclear Security Administration/Nevada Site Office)

Project Ranger, 1951. The name of the test is unknown. (Photo: National Nuclear Security Administration/Nevada Site Office)

Trinity Test.

"Trinity" was the code name for the first nuclear weapons test. This test was conducted by the United States Army on July 16, 1945, at a site located approximately 56 km southeast of Socorro, New Mexico, at the White Sands Missile Range. The test used an implosion-type plutonium bomb, nicknamed “The Thing.” After detonation, an explosion occurred with a power equivalent to 20 kilotons of TNT. The date of this test is considered the beginning of the atomic era. (Photo: Wikicommons)

Challenge Name: Mike
Date: October 31, 1952
Location: Elugelab Island ("Flora"), Enewate Atoll
Power: 10.4 megatons

The device detonated during Mike's test, called the "sausage", was the first true megaton-class "hydrogen" bomb. The mushroom cloud reached a height of 41 km with a diameter of 96 km.

The MET bombing carried out as part of Operation Thipot. It is noteworthy that the MET explosion was comparable in power to the Fat Man plutonium bomb dropped on Nagasaki. April 15, 1955, 22 kt. (Wikimedia)

One of the most powerful explosions thermonuclear hydrogen bomb on the US account - Operation Castle Bravo. The charge power was 10 megatons. The explosion took place on March 1, 1954 at Bikini Atoll, Marshall Islands. (Wikimedia)

Operation Castle Romeo was one of the most powerful thermonuclear bomb explosions carried out by the United States. Bikini Atoll, March 27, 1954, 11 megatons. (Wikimedia)

Baker explosion, showing the white surface of the water disturbed by the air shock wave, and the top of the hollow column of spray that formed the hemispherical Wilson cloud. In the background is the shore of Bikini Atoll, July 1946. (Wikimedia)

The explosion of the American thermonuclear (hydrogen) bomb “Mike” with a power of 10.4 megatons. November 1, 1952. (Wikimedia)

Operation Greenhouse - the fifth series of American nuclear tests and the second of them for 1951. The operation tested nuclear warhead designs using nuclear fusion to increase energy output. In addition, the impact of the explosion on structures, including residential buildings, factory buildings and bunkers, was studied. The operation was carried out at the Pacific nuclear test site. All devices were detonated on high metal towers, simulating an air explosion. George explosion, 225 kilotons, May 9, 1951. (Wikimedia)

A mushroom cloud with a column of water instead of a dust stalk. To the right, a hole is visible on the pillar: the battleship Arkansas covered the emission of splashes. Baker test, charge power - 23 kilotons of TNT, July 25, 1946. (Wikimedia)

200 meter cloud over Frenchman Flat after the MET explosion as part of Operation Teapot, April 15, 1955, 22 kt. This projectile had a rare uranium-233 core. (Wikimedia)

The crater was formed when a 100-kiloton blast wave was blasted beneath 635 feet of desert on July 6, 1962, displacing 12 million tons of earth.

Time: 0s. Distance: 0m. Initiation of a nuclear detonator explosion.
Time: 0.0000001s. Distance: 0m Temperature: up to 100 million °C. The beginning and course of nuclear and thermo nuclear reactions in charge. A nuclear detonator with its explosion creates the conditions for the beginning thermonuclear reactions: the thermonuclear combustion zone passes as a shock wave in the charge substance at a speed of about 5000 km/s (106 - 107 m/s). About 90% of the neutrons released during reactions are absorbed by the bomb substance, the remaining 10% fly out.

Time: 10−7c. Distance: 0m. Up to 80% or more of the energy of the reacting substance is transformed and released in the form of soft X-ray and hard UV radiation with enormous energy. The X-ray radiation generates a heat wave that heats the bomb, exits and begins to heat the surrounding air.

Time:< 10−7c. Расстояние: 2м Temperature: 30 million°C. The end of the reaction, the beginning of the dispersion of the bomb substance. The bomb immediately disappears from view and in its place a bright luminous sphere (fireball) appears, masking the dispersion of the charge. The growth rate of the sphere in the first meters is close to the speed of light. The density of the substance here drops to 1% of the density of the surrounding air in 0.01 seconds; the temperature drops to 7-8 thousand °C in 2.6 seconds, is held for ~5 seconds and further decreases with the rise of the fiery sphere; After 2-3 seconds the pressure drops to slightly below atmospheric pressure.

Time: 1.1x10−7s. Distance: 10m Temperature: 6 million°C. Extension visible sphere up to ~10 m is due to the glow of ionized air under x-ray radiation nuclear reactions, and then through radiative diffusion of the heated air itself. The energy of radiation quanta leaving the thermonuclear charge is such that their free path before being captured by air particles is about 10 m and is initially comparable to the size of a sphere; photons quickly run around the entire sphere, averaging its temperature and fly out of it at the speed of light, ionizing more and more layers of air, hence the same temperature and near-light growth rate. Further, from capture to capture, photons lose energy and their travel distance is reduced, the growth of the sphere slows down.

Time: 1.4x10−7s. Distance: 16m Temperature: 4 million°C. In general, from 10−7 to 0.08 seconds, the 1st phase of the sphere’s glow occurs with a rapid drop in temperature and the release of ~1% of radiation energy, mostly in the form of UV rays and bright light radiation, which can damage the vision of a distant observer without education skin burns. The illumination of the earth's surface at these moments at distances of up to tens of kilometers can be a hundred or more times greater than the sun.

Time: 1.7x10−7s. Distance: 21m Temperature: 3 million°C. Bomb vapors in the form of clubs, dense clots and jets of plasma, like a piston, compress the air in front of them and form a shock wave inside the sphere - an internal shock wave, which differs from an ordinary shock wave in non-adiabatic, almost isothermal properties and at the same pressures several times higher density: shock-compressing the air immediately radiates most of the energy through the ball, which is still transparent to radiation.
In the first tens of meters, the surrounding objects, before the fire sphere hits them, due to its too high speed, do not have time to react in any way - they even practically do not heat up, and once inside the sphere under the flow of radiation they evaporate instantly.

Temperature: 2 million°C. Speed ​​1000 km/s. As the sphere grows and the temperature drops, the energy and flux density of photons decrease and their range (on the order of a meter) is no longer enough for near-light speeds of expansion of the fire front. The heated volume of air began to expand and a flow of its particles was formed from the center of the explosion. When the air is still at the boundary of the sphere, the heat wave slows down. The expanding heated air inside the sphere collides with the stationary air at its border and somewhere starting from 36-37 m a wave of increasing density appears - the future external air shock wave; Before this, the wave did not have time to appear due to the enormous growth rate of the light sphere.

Time: 0.000001s. Distance: 34m Temperature: 2 million°C. The internal shock and vapors of the bomb are located in a layer 8-12 m from the explosion site, the pressure peak is up to 17,000 MPa at a distance of 10.5 m, the density is ~ 4 times the density of air, the speed is ~ 100 km/s. Hot air region: pressure at the boundary 2,500 MPa, inside the region up to 5000 MPa, particle speed up to 16 km/s. The substance of the bomb vapor begins to lag behind the internals. jump as more and more air in it is drawn into motion. Dense clots and jets maintain speed.

Time: 0.000034s. Distance: 42m Temperature: 1 million°C. Conditions at the epicenter of the explosion of the first Soviet hydrogen bomb (400 kt at a height of 30 m), which created a crater about 50 m in diameter and 8 m deep. 15 m from the epicenter or 5-6 m from the base of the tower with a charge there was a reinforced concrete bunker with walls 2 m thick. For placing scientific equipment on top, covered with a large mound of earth 8 m thick, destroyed.

Temperature: 600 thousand °C. From this moment, the nature of the shock wave ceases to depend on the initial conditions of a nuclear explosion and approaches the typical one for a strong explosion in the air, i.e. Such wave parameters could be observed during the explosion of a large mass of conventional explosives.

Time: 0.0036s. Distance: 60m Temperature: 600 thousand°C. The internal shock, having passed the entire isothermal sphere, catches up and merges with the external one, increasing its density and forming the so-called. a strong shock is a single shock wave front. The density of matter in the sphere drops to 1/3 atmospheric.

Time: 0.014s. Distance: 110m Temperature: 400 thousand°C. A similar shock wave at the epicenter of the explosion of the first Soviet atomic bomb with a power of 22 kt at a height of 30 m generated a seismic shift that destroyed the simulation of metro tunnels with various types fastenings at depths of 10 and 20 m 30 m, animals in tunnels at depths of 10, 20 and 30 m died. An inconspicuous saucer-shaped depression with a diameter of about 100 m appeared on the surface. Similar conditions were at the epicenter of the Trinity explosion of 21 kt at an altitude of 30 m; a crater with a diameter of 80 m and a depth of 2 m was formed.

Time: 0.004s. Distance: 135m
Temperature: 300 thousand°C. The maximum height of the air explosion is 1 Mt to form a noticeable crater in the ground. The front of the shock wave is distorted by the impacts of bomb vapor clumps:

Time: 0.007s. Distance: 190m Temperature: 200 thousand°C. On a smooth and seemingly shiny front, the beat. waves form large blisters and bright spots (the sphere seems to be boiling). The density of matter in an isothermal sphere with a diameter of ~150 m drops below 10% of the atmospheric one.
Non-massive objects evaporate a few meters before the arrival of fire. spheres (“Rope tricks”); the human body on the side of the explosion will have time to char, and will completely evaporate with the arrival of the shock wave.

Time: 0.01s. Distance: 214m Temperature: 200 thousand°C. A similar air shock wave of the first Soviet atomic bomb at a distance of 60 m (52 ​​m from the epicenter) destroyed the heads of the shafts leading into imitation subway tunnels under the epicenter (see above). Each head was a powerful reinforced concrete casemate, covered with a small earth embankment. The fragments of the heads fell into the trunks, the latter were then crushed by the seismic wave.

Time: 0.015s. Distance: 250m Temperature: 170 thousand°C. The shock wave greatly destroys rocks. The speed of the shock wave is higher than the speed of sound in metal: the theoretical limit of strength of the entrance door to the shelter; the tank flattens and burns.

Time: 0.028s. Distance: 320m Temperature: 110 thousand°C. The person is dispelled by a stream of plasma (shock wave speed = speed of sound in the bones, the body collapses into dust and immediately burns). Complete destruction of the most durable above-ground structures.

Time: 0.073s. Distance: 400m Temperature: 80 thousand°C. Irregularities on the sphere disappear. The density of the substance drops in the center to almost 1%, and at the edge of the isotherms. spheres with a diameter of ~320 m to 2% atmospheric. At this distance, within 1.5 s, heating to 30,000 °C and dropping to 7000 °C, ~5 s holding at a level of ~6,500 °C and decreasing the temperature in 10-20 s as the fireball moves upward.

Time: 0.079s. Distance: 435m Temperature: 110 thousand°C. Complete destruction of highways with asphalt and concrete surfaces. Temperature minimum of shock wave radiation, end of the 1st phase of glow. A metro-type shelter, lined with cast iron tubes and monolithic reinforced concrete and buried to 18 m, is calculated to be able to withstand an explosion (40 kt) without destruction at a height of 30 m at a minimum distance of 150 m (shock wave pressure of the order of 5 MPa), 38 kt of RDS have been tested. 2 at a distance of 235 m (pressure ~1.5 MPa), received minor deformations and damage. At temperatures in the compression front below 80 thousand °C, new NO2 molecules no longer appear, the layer of nitrogen dioxide gradually disappears and ceases to screen internal radiation. The impact sphere gradually becomes transparent and through it, as through darkened glass, clouds of bomb vapor and the isothermal sphere are visible for some time; In general, the fire sphere is similar to fireworks. Then, as transparency increases, the intensity of the radiation increases and the details of the sphere, as if flaring up again, become invisible. The process is reminiscent of the end of the era of recombination and the birth of light in the Universe several hundred thousand years after the Big Bang.

Time: 0.1s. Distance: 530m Temperature: 70 thousand°C. When the shock wave front separates and moves forward from the boundary of the fire sphere, its growth rate noticeably decreases. The 2nd phase of the glow begins, less intense, but two orders of magnitude longer, with the release of 99% of the explosion radiation energy mainly in the visible and IR spectrum. In the first hundred meters, a person does not have time to see the explosion and dies without suffering (human visual reaction time is 0.1 - 0.3 s, reaction time to a burn is 0.15 - 0.2 s).

Time: 0.15s. Distance: 580m Temperature: 65 thousand°C. Radiation ~100,000 Gy. A person is left with charred bone fragments (the speed of the shock wave is on the order of the speed of sound in soft tissues: a hydrodynamic shock that destroys cells and tissue passes through the body).

Time: 0.25s. Distance: 630m Temperature: 50 thousand°C. Penetrating radiation ~40,000 Gy. A person turns into charred wreckage: the shock wave causes traumatic amputation, which occurs in a fraction of a second. the fiery sphere chars the remains. Complete destruction of the tank. Complete destruction of underground cable lines, water pipelines, gas pipelines, sewers, inspection wells. Destruction of underground reinforced concrete pipes with a diameter of 1.5 m and a wall thickness of 0.2 m. Destruction of the arched concrete dam of a hydroelectric power station. Severe destruction of long-term reinforced concrete fortifications. Minor damage to underground metro structures.

Time: 0.4s. Distance: 800m Temperature: 40 thousand°C. Heating objects up to 3000 °C. Penetrating radiation ~20,000 Gy. Complete destruction of all civil defense protective structures (shelters) and destruction of protective devices at metro entrances. Destruction of the gravity concrete dam of a hydroelectric power station, bunkers become ineffective at a distance of 250 m.

Time: 0.73s. Distance: 1200m Temperature: 17 thousand°C. Radiation ~5000 Gy. With an explosion height of 1200 m, the heating of the ground air at the epicenter before the arrival of the shock. waves up to 900°C. Man - 100% death from the shock wave. Destruction of shelters designed for 200 kPa (type A-III or class 3). Complete destruction of prefabricated reinforced concrete bunkers at a distance of 500 m under the conditions of a ground explosion. Complete destruction of the railway tracks. The maximum brightness of the second phase of the sphere's glow by this time it had released ~20% of light energy

Time: 1.4s. Distance: 1600m Temperature: 12 thousand°C. Heating objects up to 200°C. Radiation 500 Gy. Numerous 3-4 degree burns up to 60-90% of the body surface, severe radiation damage combined with other injuries, mortality immediately or up to 100% in the first day. The tank is thrown back ~10 m and damaged. Complete destruction of metal and reinforced concrete bridges with a span of 30 - 50 m.

Time: 1.6s. Distance: 1750m Temperature: 10 thousand°C. Radiation approx. 70 Gr. The tank crew dies within 2-3 weeks from extremely severe radiation sickness. Complete destruction of concrete, reinforced concrete monolithic (low-rise) and earthquake-resistant buildings of 0.2 MPa, built-in and free-standing shelters designed for 100 kPa (type A-IV or class 4), shelters in the basements of multi-story buildings.

Time: 1.9c. Distance: 1900m Temperature: 9 thousand °C Dangerous damage to a person by the shock wave and throw up to 300 m with an initial speed of up to 400 km/h, of which 100-150 m (0.3-0.5 path) is free flight, and the remaining distance is numerous ricochets about the ground. Radiation of about 50 Gy is a fulminant form of radiation sickness[, 100% mortality within 6-9 days. Destruction of built-in shelters designed for 50 kPa. Severe destruction of earthquake-resistant buildings. Pressure 0.12 MPa and higher - all urban buildings are dense and discharged and turn into solid rubble (individual rubbles merge into one continuous one), the height of the rubble can be 3-4 m. The fire sphere at this time reaches its maximum size (D ~ 2 km), crushed from below by the shock wave reflected from the ground and begins to rise; the isothermal sphere in it collapses, forming a fast upward flow at the epicenter - the future leg of the mushroom.

Time: 2.6s. Distance: 2200m Temperature: 7.5 thousand°C. Severe injuries to a person by a shock wave. Radiation ~10 Gy is an extremely severe acute radiation sickness, with a combination of injuries, 100% mortality within 1-2 weeks. Safe stay in a tank, in a fortified basement with a reinforced reinforced concrete ceiling and in most G.O. shelters. Destruction of trucks. 0.1 MPa - design pressure of a shock wave for the design of structures and protective devices of underground structures of shallow subway lines.

Time: 3.8c. Distance: 2800m Temperature: 7.5 thousand°C. Radiation 1 Gy - in peaceful conditions and timely treatment, non-hazardous radiation injury, but with the unsanitary conditions and severe physical and psychological stress accompanying the disaster, the absence medical care, nutrition and normal rest, up to half of the victims die only from radiation and concomitant diseases, and in terms of the amount of damage (plus injuries and burns) much more. Pressure less than 0.1 MPa - urban areas with dense buildings turn into solid rubble. Complete destruction of basements without reinforcement of structures 0.075 MPa. The average destruction of earthquake-resistant buildings is 0.08-0.12 MPa. Severe damage to prefabricated reinforced concrete bunkers. Detonation of pyrotechnics.

Time: 6c. Distance: 3600m Temperature: 4.5 thousand°C. Moderate damage to a person by a shock wave. Radiation ~0.05 Gy - the dose is not dangerous. People and objects leave “shadows” on the asphalt. Complete destruction of administrative multi-storey frame (office) buildings (0.05-0.06 MPa), shelters of the simplest type; severe and complete destruction of massive industrial structures. Almost all urban buildings were destroyed with the formation of local rubble (one house - one rubble). Complete destruction of passenger cars, complete destruction of the forest. An electromagnetic pulse of ~3 kV/m affects insensitive electrical appliances. The destruction is similar to an earthquake 10 points. The sphere turned into a fiery dome, like a bubble floating up, carrying with it a column of smoke and dust from the surface of the earth: a characteristic explosive mushroom grows with an initial vertical speed of up to 500 km/h. Wind speed at the surface to the epicenter is ~100 km/h.

Time: 10c. Distance: 6400m Temperature: 2 thousand°C. The end of the effective time of the second glow phase, ~80% of the total energy of light radiation has been released. The remaining 20% ​​light up harmlessly for about a minute with a continuous decrease in intensity, gradually being lost in the clouds. Destruction of the simplest type of shelter (0.035-0.05 MPa). In the first kilometers, a person will not hear the roar of the explosion due to hearing damage from the shock wave. A person is thrown back by a shock wave of ~20 m with an initial speed of ~30 km/h. Complete destruction of multi-storey brick houses, panel houses, severe destruction of warehouses, moderate destruction of frame administrative buildings. The destruction is similar to a magnitude 8 earthquake. Safe in almost any basement.
The glow of the fiery dome ceases to be dangerous, it turns into a fiery cloud, growing in volume as it rises; hot gases in the cloud begin to rotate in a torus-shaped vortex; the hot products of the explosion are localized in the upper part of the cloud. The flow of dusty air in the column moves twice as fast as the rise of the “mushroom”, overtakes the cloud, passes through, diverges and, as it were, is wound around it, as if on a ring-shaped coil.

Time: 15c. Distance: 7500m. Light damage to a person by a shock wave. Third degree burns to exposed parts of the body. Complete destruction of wooden houses, severe destruction of brick multi-storey buildings 0.02-0.03 MPa, average destruction of brick warehouses, multi-storey reinforced concrete, panel houses; weak destruction of administrative buildings 0.02-0.03 MPa, massive industrial structures. Cars catching fire. The destruction is similar to a magnitude 6 earthquake or a magnitude 12 hurricane. up to 39 m/s. The “mushroom” has grown up to 3 km above the center of the explosion (the true height of the mushroom is greater than the height of the warhead explosion, about 1.5 km), it has a “skirt” of condensation of water vapor in a stream of warm air, fanned by the cloud into the cold upper layers atmosphere.

Time: 35c. Distance: 14km. Second degree burns. Paper and dark tarpaulin ignite. A zone of continuous fires; in areas of densely combustible buildings, a fire storm and tornado are possible (Hiroshima, “Operation Gomorrah”). Weak destruction of panel buildings. Disabling aircraft and missiles. The destruction is similar to an earthquake of 4-5 points, a storm of 9-11 points V = 21 - 28.5 m/s. The “mushroom” has grown to ~5 km; the fiery cloud is shining more and more faintly.

Time: 1 min. Distance: 22km. First degree burns - death is possible in beachwear. Destruction of reinforced glazing. Uprooting large trees. Zone of individual fires. The “mushroom” has risen to 7.5 km, the cloud stops emitting light and now has a reddish tint due to the nitrogen oxides it contains, which will make it stand out sharply among other clouds.

Time: 1.5 min. Distance: 35km. The maximum radius of damage to unprotected sensitive electrical equipment by an electromagnetic pulse. Almost all the ordinary glass and some of the reinforced glass in the windows were broken - especially in the frosty winter, plus the possibility of cuts from flying fragments. The “Mushroom” rose to 10 km, the ascent speed was ~220 km/h. Above the tropopause, the cloud develops predominantly in width.
Time: 4min. Distance: 85km. The flash looks like a large, unnaturally bright Sun on the horizon and can cause a burn to the retina and a rush of heat to the face. The shock wave arriving after 4 minutes can still knock a person off his feet and break individual glass in the windows. “Mushroom” rose over 16 km, ascent speed ~140 km/h

Time: 8 min. Distance: 145km. The flash is not visible beyond the horizon, but a strong glow and a fiery cloud are visible. The total height of the “mushroom” is up to 24 km, the cloud is 9 km in height and 20-30 km in diameter, with its widest part it “rests” on the tropopause. The mushroom cloud has grown to its maximum size and is observed for about an hour or more until it is dissipated by the winds and mixed with normal clouds. Precipitation with relatively large particles falls from the cloud within 10-20 hours, forming a nearby radioactive trace.

Time: 5.5-13 hours Distance: 300-500 km. The far border of the moderately infected zone (zone A). The radiation level at the outer boundary of the zone is 0.08 Gy/h; total radiation dose 0.4-4 Gy.

Time: ~10 months. The effective time of half-deposition of radioactive substances for the lower layers of the tropical stratosphere (up to 21 km); fallout also occurs mainly in the middle latitudes in the same hemisphere where the explosion occurred.

Monument to the first test of the Trinity atomic bomb. This monument was erected at the White Sands test site in 1965, 20 years after the Trinity test. The monument's plaque reads: "The world's first atomic bomb test took place at this site on July 16, 1945." Another plaque below commemorates the site's designation as a National Historic Landmark. (Photo: Wikicommons)

Nuclear weapons are the most destructive and absolute in the world. Beginning in 1945, the largest nuclear explosion tests in history were carried out, which showed the horrific consequences of a nuclear explosion.

Since the first nuclear test on July 15, 1945, more than 2,051 other nuclear weapons tests have been recorded around the world.

No other force embodies such absolute destructive effect like a nuclear weapon. And this type of weapon quickly becomes even more powerful over the decades after the first test.

Trial nuclear bomb in 1945 it had a yield of 20 kilotons, that is, the bomb had an explosive force of 20,000 tons of TNT. Over the course of 20 years, the United States and the USSR tested nuclear weapons with a total mass of more than 10 megatons, or 10 million tons of TNT. For scale, this is at least 500 times stronger than the first atomic bomb. To bring the size of the largest nuclear explosions in history to scale, the data was derived using Alex Wellerstein's Nukemap, a tool for visualizing the horrific effects of a nuclear explosion in the real world.

In the maps shown, the first explosion ring is a fireball, followed by a radiation radius. The pink radius displays almost all building destruction and 100% fatalities. In the gray radius, stronger buildings will withstand the explosion. In the orange radius, people will suffer third-degree burns and flammable materials will ignite, leading to possible firestorms.

The largest nuclear explosions

Soviet tests 158 and 168

On August 25 and September 19, 1962, less than a month apart, the USSR conducted nuclear tests over the Novaya Zemlya region of Russia, an archipelago in northern Russia near the Arctic Ocean.

No videos or photographs of the tests remain, but both tests involved the use of 10-megaton atomic bombs. These explosions would have burned everything within 1.77 square miles at ground zero, causing third-degree burns to victims in an area of ​​1,090 square miles.

Ivy Mike

On November 1, 1952, the United States conducted an Ivy Mike test over the Marshall Islands. Ivy Mike was the world's first hydrogen bomb and had a yield of 10.4 megatons, 700 times more powerful than the first atomic bomb.

Ivy Mike's explosion was so powerful that it vaporized the island of Elugelab where it was blown up, leaving a 164-foot deep crater in its place.

Castle Romeo

Romeo was the second nuclear explosion in a series of tests carried out by the United States in 1954. All explosions took place at Bikini Atoll. Romeo was the third most powerful test of the series and had a yield of approximately 11 megatons.

Romeo was the first to be tested on a barge in open waters rather than on a reef, as the US was quickly running out of islands on which to test nuclear weapons. The explosion will burn everything within 1.91 square miles.

Soviet Test 123

October 23, 1961 Soviet Union conducted nuclear test No. 123 over Novaya Zemlya. Test 123 was a 12.5 megaton nuclear bomb. A bomb this size would burn everything within 2.11 square miles, causing third-degree burns to people over an area of ​​1,309 square miles. This test also left no records.

Castle Yankee

Castle Yankee, the second most powerful of the series of tests, was conducted on May 4, 1954. The bomb had a yield of 13.5 megatons. Four days later, its radioactive fallout reached Mexico City, a distance of about 7,100 miles.

Castle Bravo

Castle Bravo was carried out on February 28, 1954, was the first of a series of Castle tests and the largest US nuclear explosion of all time.

Bravo was originally intended to be a 6-megaton explosion. Instead, the bomb produced a 15-megaton explosion. His mushroom reached 114,000 feet in the air.

The US military's miscalculation resulted in the radiation exposure of approximately 665 Marshallese residents and the death from radiation exposure of a Japanese fisherman who was 80 miles from the explosion site.

Soviet tests 173, 174 and 147

From August 5 to September 27, 1962, the USSR conducted a series of nuclear tests over Novaya Zemlya. Test 173, 174, 147 and all stand out as the fifth, fourth, and third strongest nuclear explosions in history.

All three explosions produced had a power of 20 Megatons, or about 1000 times stronger than the Trinity nuclear bomb. A bomb of this strength would destroy everything within three square miles in its path.

Test 219, Soviet Union

On December 24, 1962, the USSR conducted test No. 219, with a yield of 24.2 megatons, over Novaya Zemlya. A bomb of this strength can burn everything within 3.58 square miles, causing third-degree burns in an area of ​​up to 2,250 square miles.

Tsar bomb

On October 30, 1961, the USSR detonated the largest nuclear weapon ever tested and created the largest man-made explosion in history. The result was an explosion 3,000 times stronger than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

The flash of light from the explosion was visible 620 miles away.

The Tsar Bomba ultimately had a yield of between 50 and 58 megatons, twice the size of the second largest nuclear explosion.

A bomb of this size would create a fireball measuring 6.4 square miles and would be capable of causing third degree burns within 4,080 square miles of the bomb's epicenter.

First atomic bomb

The first atomic explosion was the size of the Tsar Bomb, and to this day the explosion is considered to be of an almost unimaginable size.

According to NukeMap, this 20-kiloton weapon produces a fireball with a radius of 260 m, approximately 5 football fields. Damage estimates indicate that the bomb would deliver lethal radiation 7 miles wide and produce third-degree burns over 12 miles. If such a bomb were used in lower Manhattan, more than 150,000 people would be killed and the fallout would extend into central Connecticut, according to NukeMap calculations.

The first atomic bomb was tiny by nuclear weapons standards. But its destructiveness is still very great for perception.

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