
Sviyash intelligent world to read. Alexander Sviyash - Alexander Sviyash Intelligent world.

Alexander SviyashReasonable world. How to live without unnecessary worries

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© Sviyash A.

© Astrel Publishing House LLC
The time for miracles has passed, and we

We have to look for reasons

Everything that happens in the world.

W. Shakespeare So, dear reader, you are holding this book in your hands. Why this one? Maybe your choice was unconscious? Or were you attracted by the title? Or maybe you are already familiar with my other works and they have left some kind of mark on your soul?.

In any case, we are glad to welcome you to the pages of this book and hope that you will have enough strength and patience not only to read it to the end, but also

apply in practice the ideas and recommendations contained in it

We are confident that this will bring you tangible benefits.

What is our book about?

Let's answer this question right away so that you understand whether it is worth reading such a voluminous work or whether it will be a waste of time.

It is human nature to strive for something. A successful career, prosperity, love, family, children, education, recreation, creativity, health - this is not a complete list of our everyday needs. I want everything to be fine.

Unfortunately, most of us live in a world of problems and experiences (mostly of a negative nature). Why is all this happening?

And is it possible to make sure that problems are solved easily and quickly, the necessary goals are achieved, and life gives you only pleasure? How to learn to live calmly and joyfully, without unnecessary worries?

If these and similar questions have crossed your mind, then our book is for you.

The first step into the Intelligent World

To begin with, let us explain what an unreasonable, or irrational, world is.

If something doesn't work out for you, you will know why. If you want something, you will know how to achieve it.


Is all this really possible? We claim that this is accessible to almost anyone. In any case, to those who do not consider it difficult to read our book to the end.

Key Ideas

All provisions of this book are based on several basic ideas.

We can say that the Reasonable World is a belief system according to which:

- every person is born for joy and spiritual development;

– any person potentially has unlimited possibilities for creating his life.

but in most cases uses them in the strangest way;

– the situation in which each of us finds ourselves is the best that we have been able to create for ourselves today. this is the result of our efforts alone, so we need to start enjoying it now. you need to rejoice right now, and not later, when something very important happens (a husband, a job, money, housing, etc., etc.);

– there is no one but us who creates problems for us. we ourselves are responsible for everything;

– every person can change their situation for the better at any time. to do this, he only needs to realize how he created problems for himself and change his attitude towards this situation;

– our consciousness and subconsciousness, in the form of obvious and hidden thoughts and attitudes, determine our actions, and our actions form the existence with which we are dissatisfied. This means that by changing our thoughts, we will change our actions and our reality.

That's all, actually. Although there are many practical recommendations, how to implement all this.

This book is the rules for moving through life.

Perhaps our book will become something like rules for you traffic- only movements through life. In it you will find those unspoken laws and rules that govern our entire lives. These are the very traffic lights, signs and indicators that people often do not notice or do not want to notice. We will try to make them visible and understandable to you.

How you use the information received is your own business - a person has great freedom of choice. You can, of course, rush through a red light. You can go to where the “brick” hangs. Take risks if you have health!

But if you want to remain safe and sound, then you cannot do without following the rules. Moreover, if you do not commit typical mistakes, then you can count on Life’s help in achieving your goals. Sounds tempting, doesn't it?

Who is it suitable for?

The technology of Intelligent Life is not suitable for everyone. For whom can it be effective?

– For those who are tired of fighting Life for their ideals or goals and would like to live a calmer and more successful life.

– For someone who is ready to take responsibility for the events that happen to him.

– For those who do not want to gain their own experience of mistakes and are ready to take into account the achievements of others.

– For those who are ready to work on themselves. Don’t just read a book and wait for a miracle, but work, that is, make certain efforts.

– For someone who has a certain intelligence, since the proposed belief system requires that a person first thinks and then acts. Most people act first and think later.

– For someone who is able to think rationally (logically) and act in accordance with consciously made decisions.

Who is not suitable for?

This technology will not be able to be used by:

– Those who look for culprits everywhere and blame everyone except themselves for their misfortunes: “I am good, but my husband (wife, parents, children, government, karma, evil eye, enemies, etc.) are to blame for my problems.” The victim position has certain hidden benefits, which is why many people unknowingly choose it and do not want to change anything;

– People are overly emotional, who first cry or swear for three hours, and then start thinking;

– People are hyper-instinctive (highly primative), who are guided in their actions by instincts, and not by reason;

– People who consider themselves insignificant, worthless, mediocre, seeking idolatry and instructions from some “enlightened” individuals. This is also a convenient position with hidden benefits, and many people unknowingly choose it;

– People who are not burdened with intelligence.

As you can see, there are very few people left who can use the proposed Intelligent Life technology.

But if you are already holding this book in your hands, then maybe it is right for you?

What is this technique not?

The method of the Reasonable Path is not divine revelations, not Contact Information and not a message from above. This is a synthesis of what has been developed during the development of mankind different knowledge and the results of an analysis of typical mistakes that many people make in their lives.

This is not a religious-mystical teaching. There are no gods, rituals or other attributes of religious teachings here.

This is not the theory of karma, which was created many thousands of years ago in order to force rather wild and poorly educated people to live according to the laws of society, under the threat of retribution.

Today, many people live without violating these laws quite voluntarily and do not feel the desire to do dirty tricks to other people. They need a reasonable path.

This is not a set of “do this and everything will be fine” recommendations. This is not management or self-management pure form, because it tells not only how to do, but also explains why do you need to do this.

This is not psychotherapy, although elements of it are clearly present here.

This is not an NLP technique, which is a set of techniques for fairly rigidly programming people in the way you want, which is actively used by politicians and advertisers.

We invite you to find peace in your soul and increase your effectiveness.

This is not a miraculous book that you just need to apply to a sore spot or put under your pillow, and everything will miraculously come true.

It won't come true need to work.

This is not a philosophical doctrine, since it has a completely applied orientation.

What then, what is the Reasonable Way?

This technology of conscious and successful life, life in harmony with oneself and the outside world. A technology that requires a person to make, albeit small, constant efforts to improve and understand himself.

Who might need this technique?

Theoretically, it may be needed by everyone who strives to achieve something in this life. For example:

– for adults who are tired of worries – to calm down and begin to enjoy life and themselves;

– teenagers – to stop judging parents, teachers, friends;

– young people – so as not to make the mistakes that billions of people have already made before them;

– for older people – to remove complaints about young people and life in general;

– employees – to achieve the desired promotion or increase in pay for their work;

– businessmen – to understand the patterns that govern our world and become more successful in the business they are involved in;

– housewives – to remove obvious or hidden claims against their husbands;

– lonely – to understand how they created loneliness for themselves, and change the situation if they recognize that it is necessary;

– married or married – to stop changing your loved ones and understand why exactly they appeared near you;

– for parents – to calm down and stop fighting with their children;

– politicians and public figures – to understand that people are different and they will never become what they want,

What does it consist of?

The book has five parts.

The first examines in detail the mistakes that people make on the way to their goals, creating insurmountable barriers between themselves and the desired result. Detailed recommendations are given on how to remove these barriers from your consciousness.

The second part of the book is devoted to how to correctly build your thoughts and actions on the way to your stated goals.

An incorrectly formulated goal can lead to the most unexpected results. In addition, you may not have any internal barriers, but if you just lie on the couch and do nothing, then your desires will remain unfulfilled dreams.

You need to act, but there are certain rules here that it is advisable not to break.

The third part of the book is devoted to the practical application of ideas from the first two parts of the book to the sphere of money, work, and business.

The fourth part is about applying the ideas from the first two parts to the sphere of personal and family life.

The fifth part is devoted to the application of ideas to such an important area of ​​our lives as health.

More detailed applications available

In this book you will find all the basic ideas of the Intelligent Life method. However, the technology of Intelligent Life has been developing for many years and has acquired special applications in various areas of our lives. These are individual books devoted to specific topics.

In particular, the book “What’s stopping you from being rich” discusses the application of this methodology to the sphere of work, money, and business. There this topic is covered more widely than in the fourth part of the book.

The book “Advice to Those Getting Married, Rejected, and Eagerly Desiring to Get Married” takes a broader look at the ideas of Smart Living as they apply to the topic of love and family life.

In the book “Do you want to be healthy? Be it!” talks in detail about how we create diseases for ourselves and how we can get rid of them.

In preparing this book, materials from the above books were partially used.

Third edition

You are holding in your hands a book in the third edition. If you have read previous versions of the book, you will notice that the element of mysticism has been reduced here, it has become more psychological than esoteric. The list of internal obstacles that stand between a person and his goals has been expanded. The aspect of a person’s dependence on external factors (karma, educational processes) is reduced, and the role of a person as the Master of his Life is shown to a greater extent. An owner who doesn't know what he's doing.

The issues of achieving one’s goals in the field of work and business are considered more fully, and elements of planning one’s activities to achieve one’s goals are introduced. These are very important points for people looking to improve their performance.

We'll have to work hard

Don't expect metaphysical miracles from this book. There is no need to apply it to sore spots or place it under the pillow - this is unlikely to help. Unless the hard cover of a book under your pillow will make you wake up more often at night and give you the opportunity to think about the causes of your problems without fuss.

Miracles happen, but, unfortunately, they don’t just fall from the sky. You can create in your life everything that is now perceived only as a miracle. But to create it, and not to receive it by chance, by someone’s incomprehensible will.

Everything in your life happens only according to your will, although you may not be aware of it. So don't wait for a miracle, but work to make it your reality.

Even in fairy tales, miracles do not appear in the lives of heroes immediately, but as a result of certain efforts.

Cinderella worked hard and had a positive mindset until a miracle happened in her life. The old man threw a net into the sea many times before catching the goldfish.

So you don’t need to wait for a miracle while lying on the couch. A miracle appears when you take certain actions towards your desired goal. And how to perform these actions correctly and remove barriers to your desired goals, you will learn from this book.

It contains many trainings, exercises, rules, and examples. Therefore, it can be used both as entertaining reading and as Toolkit to increase personal success and create a Smart life, without unnecessary worries and worries.

If you apply the ideas presented in the book, your life will become a little less emotional, but much more calm and predictable. You will learn to understand the reasons for the events that happen to you. And you will consciously order for yourself those events that you really need.

And they will definitely happen - this is exactly how the proposed method of shaping the events of your life works.

And if something doesn’t work out, then you can easily understand why this is happening. Therefore, you will have no reason to worry too much. But worrying a little is not at all harmful - otherwise life may lose its taste and aroma.


Our sponsors are Alexey Kuptsov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of TEKOservice LLC, Boris Medvedev (Riga) and Pavel Loskutov (Krasnoyarsk).

Thank you very much for your support of the Smart Way ideas!

Alexander Sviyash

© Sviyash A.

© Astrel Publishing House LLC


The time for miracles has passed, and we

Intelligent world. How to live without unnecessary worries

Everything that happens in the world.

W. Shakespeare So, dear reader, you are holding this book in your hands. Why this one? Maybe your choice was unconscious? Or were you attracted by the title? Or maybe you are already familiar with my other works and they have left some kind of mark on your soul?.

In any case, we are glad to welcome you to the pages of this book and hope that you will have enough strength and patience not only to read it to the end, but also

apply in practice the ideas and recommendations contained in it

We are confident that this will bring you tangible benefits.

W. Shakespeare

Let's answer this question right away so that you understand whether it is worth reading such a voluminous work or whether it will be a waste of time.

It is human nature to strive for something. A successful career, prosperity, love, family, children, education, recreation, creativity, health - this is not a complete list of our everyday needs. I want everything to be fine.

It is human nature to strive for something. A successful career, prosperity, love, family, children, education, recreation, creativity, health - this is not a complete list of our everyday needs. I want everything to be fine.

And is it possible to make sure that problems are solved easily and quickly, the necessary goals are achieved, and life gives you only pleasure? How to learn to live calmly and joyfully, without unnecessary worries?

If these and similar questions have crossed your mind, then our book is for you.

The first step into the Intelligent World

To begin with, let us explain what an unreasonable, or irrational, world is.

If something doesn't work out for you, you will know why. If you want something, you will know how to achieve it.


Is all this really possible? We claim that this is accessible to almost anyone. In any case, to those who do not consider it difficult to read our book to the end.

Key Ideas

All provisions of this book are based on several basic ideas.

If these and similar questions have crossed your mind, then our book is for you.

We can say that the Reasonable World is a belief system according to which:

- every person is born for joy and spiritual development;

- any person potentially has unlimited possibilities for creating his life. but in most cases uses them in the strangest way;

- the situation in which each of us finds ourselves is the best that we have been able to create for ourselves today. this is the result of our efforts alone, so we need to start enjoying it now. you need to rejoice right now, and not later, when something very important happens (a husband, a job, money, housing, etc., etc.);

- There is no one but us who creates problems for us. we ourselves are responsible for everything;

- every person can change their situation for the better at any time. to do this, he only needs to realize how he created problems for himself and change his attitude towards this situation;

- our consciousness and subconsciousness, in the form of obvious and hidden thoughts and attitudes, determine our actions, and our actions form the existence with which we are dissatisfied. This means that by changing our thoughts, we will change our actions and our reality.

That's all, actually. Although there are many practical recommendations on how to implement all this.

This book is the rules for moving through life.

Perhaps our book will become for you something like the rules of the road - only movement through life. In it you will find those unspoken laws and rules that govern our entire lives. These are the very traffic lights, signs and indicators that people often do not notice or do not want to notice. We will try to make them visible and understandable to you.

But if you want to remain safe and sound, then you cannot do without following the rules. Moreover, if you do not make typical mistakes, you can count on Life’s help in achieving your goals. Sounds tempting, doesn't it?

Who is it suitable for?

The technology of Intelligent Life is not suitable for everyone. For whom can it be effective?

- For those who are tired of fighting Life for their ideals or goals and would like to live a calmer and more successful life.

- For someone who is ready to take responsibility for the events that happen to him.

- For those who do not want to gain their own experience of mistakes and are ready to take into account the achievements of others.

- For those who are ready to work on themselves. Don’t just read a book and wait for a miracle, but work, that is, make certain efforts.

- For someone who has a certain intelligence, since the proposed belief system requires that a person first thinks and then acts. Most people act first and think later.

- For someone who is able to think rationally (logically) and act in accordance with consciously made decisions.

Who is not suitable for?

This technology will not be able to be used by:

- Those who look for culprits everywhere and blame everyone except themselves for their misfortunes: “I am good, but my husband (wife, parents, children, government, karma, evil eye, enemies, etc.) are to blame for my problems.” The victim position has certain hidden benefits, which is why many people unknowingly choose it and do not want to change anything;

- People are overly emotional, who first cry or swear for three hours, and then start thinking;

Faith/ 06.16.2011 I read it. I have this book at home. In printed form. I tortured her for a long time, only because they advised smart people, believed that all this was “it”. So I abandoned it. No result. Of course, there is some truth... but only a drop, and everything presented by the author is not as we would like..

Svetlana/ 04/09/2011 There were a lot of problems in life, when I started reading the book, I got into it, began to have a different attitude towards life, and everything went like clockwork. Life is Beautiful. And those people who write that the book is crap simply do not know how to perceive information, and they take everything with hostility. Personally, I am sure that bad reviews are simply inappropriate here, due to the fact that people have not matured enough to understand this book. Catch the positive from life and no negativity

NATALIA/ 04/03/2011 Everything is mixed together... There are good psychological techniques, but the attitude towards life and other people is so cynical. All circus performers, only some spectators. A harmful book. It is not for people, but against people. A book that teaches you how to manipulate others and says “Everything is fine...” Who is it good for? It’s simple, people need to remain humane, worthy and responsible. That’s why it became so difficult to live, everyone around was carried away by the ideas of success. But success must be considered in terms of focusing on people, then a person finds happiness.
But clarity in the head comes from understanding how THESE SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE treat you personally, and how you need to perceive them in order to be able to put up barriers against the cynicism of a spoiled consciousness... Well, somewhere like that...

Tatiana/ 01/14/2011 The book is a real textbook, in the best sense of the word. It is written sensibly, clearly, clearly, without “water” and personal rubbish. And everything in it is true. There are moments that do not (in my opinion) provide the necessary information, but they are few. I always want to “communicate” with this book. It lies on my night table and I look at it from time to time when I consider it necessary. The benefits are tangible, incomparable to reading any other similar publications by other authors, of which there are now hundreds. Thank you! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Ivan/ 12/14/2010 When I started reading the book, I didn’t like it at first, but then I really didn’t like it. Of course, there is nonsense material, for example about eye color, but personally I got the most useful out of what was there. In my opinion, the most useful thing in this book is the description of the thing that gives all people problems. This is an idealization according to Sviyash. Or excess potential according to Zealand. So don't worry, everything is going as it should! =)

Sonya/ 4.11.2010 I haven’t read anything yet, but when I saw Sviyash in the program, seeing his smart eyes and outlook, I decided that his books would benefit me.

Evgenia/ 10/17/2010 Excellent book!!!

Irina/ 10/14/2010 I printed out your book and deeply regretted it, I feel sorry for the wasted paper. It’s so heavily written and not at all interesting to the average reader of your age. The title does not correspond to the content.

Inna/ 10/5/2010 Book ochenj horoshaja. Ochenj nuzhnaja pomosh, esli vi zaputalisj v svoej zhizni. Thank you!

Natalia/ 06.22.2010 This wonderful book! All my friends who read it are delighted! Thank you so much for it!!!

Malvina/ 05/27/2010 The book is very interesting, understandable, I learned a lot, and revised my attitude towards a lot of things! And I benefited the first time.

Svetlana/ 05/20/2010 Thank you for realizing this yourself and being able to convey it to us

Valery/ 05/10/2010 From time to time I re-read this book. And every time I discover something new in myself. The book helps you think and look for the right solutions.

Zhenya/ 04/25/2010 You need to read carefully, I read a lot of books on psychology. I didn’t benefit the first time.)))))

Anton/ 04/18/2010 Who even writes these positive reviews. Have you even read the book? I bought this book for 500 rubles, but I could only get 1 percent of what was valuable out of it, about the idealization of life and that’s it. All 99% of the book is rubbish, nonsense for anyone who is interested in esotericism. And there’s nothing to say about the writing style; apparently the author himself has chaos in his head. In short, don’t waste your time or money on this book, it’s completely empty.

Oles*ka/ 03/17/2010 Everything basic is simple! I highly recommend it for depressed people to read! Lots of explanations of vital points! Thank you very much to the author!!!

Alina/ 01/19/2010 The book led me to a new way of life. This is really something worth working on until the end of your days, and receiving well-deserved gifts from Life for it :)

It is human nature to strive for something. Love, family, children, education, a successful career, prosperity, recreation, creativity, health - this is not a complete list of our everyday needs. However, most of us live in a world of problems and worries. Why is this happening? And is it possible to make sure that problems are solved easily and quickly, the necessary goals are achieved and life brings only pleasure? How to learn to live calmly and joyfully, without unnecessary worries? If these and similar questions have crossed your mind, then our book is for you.

Perhaps it will become for you something like the rules of the road - only movement through life. In it you will find those unspoken laws and rules that govern our entire lives. These are the very traffic lights, signs and indicators that people often do not notice or do not want to notice. Our task is to make them visible and understandable to you.

The book will give you a chance to get out of the world of problems and worries and take a step into the Reasonable World. A world in which you can make informed decisions because you know the causes and consequences of certain events. If something doesn't work out for you, you will know why. If you want something, you will know how to achieve it.

You will become the real master of your life.

3rd edition.

    Introduction 1

    Part 1 - Removing obstacles on the way to the desired goal 3

    Part 2 - Forming the desired event 45

    Part 3 - Love, family, children - what could be more important?


    Part 4 - Work, money and other benefits 106

    Part 5 - Health is a reality that we create ourselves 118

    Conclusion 130 Appendix - List of positive statements for replacement negative thoughts

    , characteristic in the presence of idealizations 131

    Comments 132

Thank you very much for your support of the Smart Way ideas!
Notes 132

© Sviyash A.

© Astrel Publishing House LLC


The time for miracles has passed, and we

Intelligent world. How to live without unnecessary worries

Everything that happens in the world.

W. Shakespeare W. Shakespeare .

apply in practice the ideas and recommendations contained in it

apply in practice the ideas and recommendations contained in it

We are confident that this will bring you tangible benefits.

We are confident that this will bring you tangible benefits.

Let's answer this question right away so that you understand whether it is worth reading such a voluminous work or whether it will be a waste of time.

It is human nature to strive for something. A successful career, prosperity, love, family, children, education, recreation, creativity, health - this is not a complete list of our everyday needs. I want everything to be fine.

It is human nature to strive for something. A successful career, prosperity, love, family, children, education, recreation, creativity, health - this is not a complete list of our everyday needs. I want everything to be fine.

And is it possible to make sure that problems are solved easily and quickly, the necessary goals are achieved, and life gives you only pleasure? How to learn to live calmly and joyfully, without unnecessary worries?

If these and similar questions have crossed your mind, then our book is for you.

The first step into the Intelligent World

It is human nature to strive for something. A successful career, prosperity, love, family, children, education, recreation, creativity, health - this is not a complete list of our everyday needs. I want everything to be fine.

If something doesn't work out for you, you will know why. If you want something, you will know how to achieve it.

Our book will give you a chance to get out of this irrational world and take a step into the Reasonable World. A world in which you can make informed decisions because you know the causes and consequences of certain events.

Is all this really possible? We claim that this is accessible to almost anyone. In any case, to those who do not consider it difficult to read our book to the end.

Key Ideas

All provisions of this book are based on several basic ideas.

If these and similar questions have crossed your mind, then our book is for you.


- every person is born for joy and spiritual development;

- any person potentially has unlimited possibilities for creating his life. but in most cases uses them in the strangest way;

- the situation in which each of us finds ourselves is the best that we have been able to create for ourselves today. this is the result of our efforts alone, so we need to start enjoying it now. you need to rejoice right now, and not later, when something very important happens (a husband, a job, money, housing, etc., etc.);

- There is no one but us who creates problems for us. we ourselves are responsible for everything;

- every person can change their situation for the better at any time. to do this, he only needs to realize how he created problems for himself and change his attitude towards this situation;

- our consciousness and subconsciousness, in the form of obvious and hidden thoughts and attitudes, determine our actions, and our actions form the existence with which we are dissatisfied. This means that by changing our thoughts, we will change our actions and our reality.

That's all, actually. Although there are many practical recommendations on how to implement all this.

This book is the rules for moving through life.

That's all, actually. Although there are many practical recommendations on how to implement all this.

But if you want to remain safe and sound, then you cannot do without following the rules. Moreover, if you do not make typical mistakes, you can count on Life’s help in achieving your goals. Sounds tempting, doesn't it?

Who is it suitable for?

The technology of Intelligent Life is not suitable for everyone. For whom can it be effective?

How you use the information received is your own business - a person has great freedom of choice. You can, of course, rush through a red light. You can go to where the “brick” hangs. Take risks if you have health!

- For someone who is ready to take responsibility for the events that happen to him.

- For those who do not want to gain their own experience of mistakes and are ready to take into account the achievements of others.

- For those who are ready to work on themselves. Don’t just read a book and wait for a miracle, but work, that is, make certain efforts.

- For someone who has a certain intelligence, since the proposed belief system requires that a person first thinks and then acts. Most people act first and think later.

- For someone who is able to think rationally (logically) and act in accordance with consciously made decisions.

Who is not suitable for?

This technology will not be able to be used by:

- Those who look for culprits everywhere and blame everyone except themselves for their misfortunes: “I am good, but my husband (wife, parents, children, government, karma, evil eye, enemies, etc.) are to blame for my problems.” The position of the victim has certain hidden benefits, so many people unknowingly choose it and do not want to change anything;

- People are overly emotional, who first cry or swear for three hours, and then start thinking;

- People are hyper-instinctive (highly primative), who are guided in their actions by instincts, and not by reason;

- People who consider themselves insignificant, worthless, mediocre, seeking idolatry and instructions from some “enlightened” individuals. This is also a convenient position with hidden benefits, and many people unknowingly choose it;

- People who are not burdened with intelligence.

As you can see, there are very few people left who can use the proposed Intelligent Life technology.

But if you are already holding this book in your hands, then maybe it is right for you?

You are on one of the 6 sites included in the Self-Development Space system. All these sites, as well as 17 books by Alexander Sviyash, will help you understand and use the ideas of the Reasonable World (another name is the Reasonable Way) to improve your life.

What is the Smart Way? This is not a separate technique, like the Helinger arrangement. This is not some kind of therapy where you bring your body or soul and they do something to you. But then you yourself cannot repeat it. You become dependent on the specialist.

A reasonable path is a holistic system of views on life (one might say a philosophy of life), which allows you to independently solve your problems and start living the way you dream.

They didn't tell you about this, but every person is born to live their life happily. To do this, you are given a huge potential from birth, which you do not know how to use. You were not given instructions for using your enormous capabilities. Just remember about the neural networks that you carry in your head; their capabilities cannot be duplicated by all modern technology. And you are not using them properly.

Meanwhile, the life you have now is the result of your unconscious creativity. You create your life through the implementation of your system of views, beliefs, beliefs. Which was instilled in you from birth by your parents, people around you, the media and other craftsmen. Well, plus your personal bad experience.

No one told you that you can change your “filling” at any time, and as a result, your life will change radically. You think that everything is predetermined, that you are “guided through life” and given different “lessons”. Only you will never understand who is “leading” you and where and why you need these painful “lessons”.

These are all inventions of people who find it very convenient to manage crowds of people who are not aware of their capabilities.

As you understand, without your desire and your efforts this is impossible.

We don't need to believe, we are not a religious organization. Just take it and try it. If it works, you will use it. If it doesn't work, forget it.

RP tools are given once, you can use them throughout your life to solve any problems. Your problems. And not someone else's.

But it should be noted that Changing yourself often generates changes in the people around you. For example, you have been in conflict with your husband (wife, parents, child, boss) for a long time. When you remove an emotional block from your body that is charged with fighting him, the block in his body that is charged with fighting you disappears. And your relationship can be restored, even to the point of returning love.

But this is optional. That is, RP tools are not tools for changing other people.

Methodologically, the Smart Path has the most complete and most developed set of tools to date for changing yourself in the way you need.

The RP technique includes 4 steps and is called TOSL - Technology of Conscious Self-Transformation of Personality. She details outlined in the book “Start your life again. 4 steps to a new reality"- You can download it for free just below.

TOSL includes the following Steps.

Step 1. First, you need to erase from your body those emotional blocks that have arisen in your body during negative experiences over all the years you have lived. Usually these are emotional blocks, “charged” to fight with oneself, with men/women, with parents, with money, with one’s body, etc.

If you have not undergone cleansing, then there are dozens of such blocks inside you. No pills will remove them. We suggest doing this using the “Effective Forgiveness” technique. This is NOT a religious practice, there is no need to turn to any higher powers. You yourself were irritated, offended, blamed yourself - and forgive yourself.

Step 2. Then you need to identify which of your current beliefs are creating problems for you in life, there are many of these beliefs. This is the result of unsuccessful programming of your behavior by your parents, society and your personal negative experience. These are your “negative beliefs.”

Then you need to compose so-called “positive beliefs” according to certain rules and load them into your subconscious. We suggest using the “Effective Self-Programming” technique for this.

Eventually, these positive statements will become your new beliefs.. And you will unconsciously begin to be guided by them.

And new positive beliefs generate positive consequences. That is, you can easily increase your self-esteem yourself. You yourself can get out of the conflicts that are destroying your life. You can easily restore the relationship you need. You will be able to find your loved one correctly, so as not to separate again. You will be able to organize your desired career advancement. You can “correct” yourself and easily open your own successful business. Or restore a “fallen” business (if this is fundamentally possible, of course). You can free yourself from many diseases. And stay healthy for as many years as you want.

It's all possible. Nature has given us a resource for “correcting” ourselves that few people use.

Step 3. You identify and correctly formulate your goals and download them into your subconscious. As a result, you enter a super-effective state of excitement, which ensures that you quickly achieve your goals.

Attention! Don't be confused. It's about not about miracles. And about a sharp increase in the effectiveness of your efforts and the path to your goals.

Step 4. You consolidate the changes obtained in the course of working on yourself - in order to avoid a “rollback” to previous beliefs and the failures that result from them.

This is all. As you can see, this is similar to psychology. But this is not therapy, but Technology for successfully achieving your true goals.

The RP technique contains only tools to influence oneself, that is, with sufficiently developed intelligence, a person can use it independently.

If you do not have the ability or perseverance to use the RP tools yourself, then you can use the help of our specialists - come to consultations or trainings, where they will explain to you in detail how you need to use them correctly. Contact the Center for Positive Psychology The Smart Way

The RP technique is presented in 17 books. Books were written as new materials were developed and new elements of the methodology were discovered. And today it is in development.

You can download some of the books on the page below.

Sorry for not being able to put all my thoughts on one page.

We will be happy to help you if you want to become a little smarter and happier person. And put some effort into this.

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