Important events in February. Military calendar: significant dates of February. February: memorable days and dates in Russia

Admiral Fedor Ushakov.
Artist Veniamin Sibirsky, 1992

1950 – Test Pilot Hero Soviet Union Lieutenant Colonel Ivan Ivashchenko first flew the SI-1 aircraft - the future MiG-17 fighter.

Day military glory Russia. The day of the defeat of the Nazi troops by Soviet troops in Battle of Stalingrad(1943).

1885 – Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze was born. Until 1917, he actively participated in revolutionary activities. During Civil War emerged as a prominent military leader of the Red Army (commanded the Southern Group Eastern Front, Eastern, Turkestan and Southern fronts). Since March 1924 - Deputy People's Commissar of the USSR for Military and Naval Affairs, Deputy. Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR, Chief of Staff of the Red Army. In January–October 1925 - People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs, Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR. Died October 31, 1925.

1945 – Soviet troops during the Great Patriotic War crossed the Oder River and captured a vast bridgehead on its left bank in the area of ​​​​the city of Küstrin, from where the attack on Berlin subsequently began.

1945 – During the Second World War, the Crimean (Yalta) conference of the leaders of the three leading states began anti-Hitler coalition– USSR, USA and Great Britain – Joseph Stalin, Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill. During the conference (it ended on February 11), the plans of the allied powers were determined and agreed upon, and the basic principles of their post-war policy were outlined with the aim of creating a system of international security.

1930 – The first submarine “Pike” of the third series was laid down at the Baltic Shipyard in Leningrad.

1900 – Sergei Alexandrovich Bazilevsky was born. Hero Socialist Labor(1959), doctor technical sciences, professor, shipbuilder scientist. He participated in the creation of submarines such as “Decembrist”, “Pike”, “Stalinets”, “Malyutka”, “Leninets”, and the nuclear submarine “Leninsky Komsomol”. Died in 1991.

1885 – The first special aeronautical organization was formed in St. Petersburg military unit Russian Army - Personnel team of military aeronauts. Then it was transformed into the Aeronautical Training Park, and subsequently into the Officers' Aeronautical School.

1915 – During the First World War, Russian troops began the East Prussian defensive operation. As a result of stubborn resistance, they managed to thwart the plans of the German command to deeply bypass and encircle the Russian armies operating on the Eastern Front.

Military Topographer's Day.

1710 – Russian troops during Northern War(1700–1721) stormed the Elbing fortress in East Prussia(transferred to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1712).

1945 – Soviet pilot Mikhail Devyatayev made a daring escape from captivity together with a group of comrades on the German Henkel-111 bomber (in 1957 Devyatayev was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union; he died in 2002).

1925 – A Directorate for the Research and Use of War Experience was created at the Red Army Headquarters, which consisted of military-historical, military-scientific and statutory departments. Now – Military Scientific Committee General Staff RF Armed Forces.

1945 – Soviet troops during the Great Patriotic War began the East Pomeranian strategic offensive operation, ending on April 4. As a result of its implementation, the German Army Group Vistula was defeated, and formations of the USSR Armed Forces reached the coast of the Baltic Sea.

1995 – At the meeting of the leaders of the CIS countries in Almaty, the Concept of Collective Security of the states parties to the Collective Security Treaty was adopted, and an agreement “On the creation of a unified air defense system of the CIS member states” was signed.

1720 – The Admiralty Board decided to create a “hidden ship” by self-taught inventor Efim Nikonov - the first submarine in Russia (built in 1724).

1940 – During the Soviet-Finnish (“Winter”) War (November 1939 – March 1940), 27 divisions of the Red Army, supported by tanks, after three hours of artillery preparation, began to break through the “Mannerheim Line” - a Finnish defense system on the Karelian Isthmus of three long-term strips fortifications They were overcome after many days of stubborn fighting.

1900 – Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov was born. Twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1944, 1945), Marshal of the Soviet Union (1955). During the Great Patriotic War - from September 1942 until its end - he commanded the 62nd Army, which distinguished itself in the Battle of Stalingrad and was transformed into the 8th Army guards army(its formations participated in a number of strategic operations, including the capture of Berlin). Died March 18, 1982.

1955 – A resolution was adopted by the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the creation in the area of ​​the Tyura-Tam station (Kazakh SSR) of a training ground for testing and testing intercontinental ballistic missiles. Now it is the Baikonur Cosmodrome (Republic of Kazakhstan).

1895 – Alexander Alexandrovich Mikulin was born. Hero of Socialist Labor (1940), laureate of four Stalin Prizes (1941, 1942, 1943, 1946), Major General of the Engineering and Technical Service, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Under his leadership, piston and turbojet engines were created for aircraft of the Il, MiG, Tu and Yak brands. Died in 1985.

1945 - During the Great Patriotic War, Soviet troops completely captured the capital of Hungary - Budapest.

Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers.

1975 – In the USSR, the Space Control Center has been put on combat duty.

1880 - Nikolai Ilyich Podvoisky was born. Participant of the revolutionary movement, Bolshevik. From November 1917 to March 1918 he was People's Commissar for Military Affairs Soviet Russia. Also during the Civil War, he headed the education board of the Red Army, the Higher Military Inspectorate, and Vsevobuch (the system of universal military training). Died July 28, 1948.

1895 – Semyon Konstantinovich Timoshenko was born. Marshal of the Soviet Union (1940), twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1940, 1965). In 1940–1941 he served as People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR. Died March 31, 1970.

1905 – The Battle of Mukden began – the largest in the course of Russo-Japanese War. More than 500 thousand soldiers and officers took part in it on both sides, and up to 2.5 thousand guns were used. It ended on March 10 with the defeat and retreat of Russian troops.

1915 – During the First World War, Russian troops Northwestern Front began the Prasnysh offensive operation against the German army group of General Galwitz. As a result, they managed to thwart the plan of the German command to encircle the Russian armies in Poland.

1995 – By decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the Academy of Military Sciences was established.

1975 – The Sukhoi Su-25 attack aircraft took off for the first time.

Defenders of the Fatherland Day.

1960 – The Air Force Museum has opened in the village of Monino near Moscow.

1745 – Fedor Fedorovich Ushakov was born. Admiral (1799), outstanding Russian naval commander. He won a number of brilliant victories over the Turks and French on the Black and Mediterranean seas. Died October 14, 1817. In 2001 he was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church.

1910 – Sergei Georgievich Gorshkov was born. Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union (1967), twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1965, 1982). In 1956–1985 - Commander-in-Chief of the Navy - Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR. One of the organizers of the creation of the ocean-going nuclear, missile and nuclear fleet of our country. Died May 13, 1988.

1950 – The Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution on the construction of a defense enterprise in the Krasnoyarsk Territory - plant No. 815. Nowadays, the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Mining and Chemical Combine” (Zheleznogorsk, former Krasnoyarsk-26) is one of the leading nuclear fuel cycle enterprises in Russia .

1965 – The An-22 Antey heavy transport aircraft made its first flight.

On the last day of February 2000, the 6th company of the 104th parachute regiment of the 76th Guards Airborne Division at height 776 near Ulus-Kert in Chechnya stood in the way of a group of militants that was many times larger than it was leaving encirclement and did not let it pass enemy, despite his fierce attacks. 84 paratroopers were killed in the battle, and about 350 bandits were killed.





Peter I issues the first decree on the execution of the fortress, treaties and petitions on stamped paper. “Pay your taxes and sleep well” is a relevant slogan, but, alas, it does not provide any real guarantees of peace.


The first American steamship is patented.


The “Union of Salvation” is formed - the first secret political organization of the Decembrists.


US President Lincoln signed a congressional resolution introducing the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution to abolish slavery. National Freedom Day in the USA.


Third test atomic bomb at the Nevada test site became the first nuclear explosion shown on television.


Russian and US Presidents Boris Yeltsin and George H. W. Bush sign a joint declaration at Camp David to end the Cold War.


Invited by the exiled Roman Pope John XII, the German king Otto I helps him, and as a reward receives the imperial crown from the hands of the pope. Thus the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation was founded.


The troops of the Tatar Khan Batu capture and destroy Moscow.


The Spaniard Pedro Mendoza founded the city of Buenos Aires, the current capital of Argentina, on the western bank of La Plata, south of the Parana delta.


Peter I issued a decree on the construction of six 18-gun ships on Ladoga (the beginning of the creation of the Baltic Fleet).


Scottish sailor Alexander Selkirk is picked up by the sailors of the ship, commanded by Captain Thomas Dover. He spent five years on a desert island in Pacific Ocean and will be immortalized by Daniel Defoe, becoming the prototype of Robinson Crusoe.


The Reuters agency, having signed an agreement with two other agencies, is the first in the world to cover all countries of the world with its information network.


In the United States, Groundhog Day was officially celebrated for the first time.


The day of the defeat of Nazi troops by Soviet troops in the Battle of Stalingrad. Day of military glory of Russia. Established by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the Days of Military Glory (Victory Days) of Russia”, adopted by the State Duma on February 10, 1995.


The first nerve transplant to a person was performed in a Munich clinic.


Russian merchants present Empress Elizabeth with a 56-carat diamond in gratitude for the destruction of internal customs in Russia.


The first paper money was issued in Russia - banknotes.


The Soviet station Luna-9 made the world's first soft landing on the Moon.


Former members of the legendary Swedish group ABBA are refusing the $1 billion they were offered for a reunion tour with the original lineup.


The world's most expensive newspaper was published in China. Special issue The Economic Daily in Shenzhen is printed on gold paper. The cost of a copy of the newspaper is 8 thousand dollars. The newspaper issue is called "China's Time of Prosperity." Since this is the first such case in history, the newspaper is included in the Guinness Book of Records.


For the first time in Rus', a royal wedding ceremony borrowed from Byzantium is being performed. The 15-year-old grandson of the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan becomes the first crowned III Vasilievich, Dmitry Ivanovich.


A book about the rules of behavior for young people is being published in St. Petersburg - “An Honest Mirror of Youth, or an Indication for Everyday Conduct.”


Tsar Peter I signed a decree on conducting the first census of the population of Russia.


Peter I issued a decree on the construction of barriers in St. Petersburg. They will be installed at the ends of the streets and lowered at night to prevent robbers and thieves from entering the capital. The armed guard will allow only doctors, healers, priests, messengers and noble citizens into the city, and those approaching the outpost must hold a lit torch in their hands.


In Russia, the “Table of Ranks” is being introduced - a law on order civil service in the Russian Empire (ratio of ranks by seniority, sequence of ranks).


An expedition set out from St. Petersburg to the east under the command of Vitus Bering, whom Peter I ordered three weeks before his death to find out the existence of an isthmus or strait between Asia and America.


The first test train is running in the Moscow metro.


The Russian Empress Elizaveta Petrovna orders people to stay on the right side of the street when driving.


The first calculating machine, an adding machine, was patented in the United States.


Vera Zasulich makes an attempt on the life of St. Petersburg mayor F.F. Trepov, seriously wounding him. The history of Russian terrorism will begin with this shot.


Ayatollah Khomeini declared Iran an Islamic state.


In Quebec, abandoning one's children is a crime punishable by death.


Russian scientist Alexander Stepanovich Popov was the first in the world to transmit a distress signal by radio at sea (a radiogram to the commander of the icebreaker Ermak).


American astronauts Alan Shepard and Edgar Mitchell walk on the surface of the Moon.


The Mongol army of Khan Batu, after the siege of Vladimir, captures the city by storm. Princes Vsevolod and Mstislav and their retinue die in battle.


In the United States, the film Kid Auto Races in Venice is released, in which Charlie Chaplin first appears in the guise of a familiar tramp with a mustache, baggy trousers, a cane and a bowler hat.


Day of remembrance of all Russian new martyrs who suffered for their faith during the years of persecution of the church. Since this year, it has been celebrated annually according to the establishment of the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church.


By order of Emperor Peter I, by decree governing Senate established Russian Academy Sci. Since 1999, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, this day has been celebrated as Russian science.


A decree was signed to issue a patent to the Venetian Anton de Rossi for the manufacture of a model of the Russian capital, the city of St. Petersburg. Soon after this, the model itself will be presented to the public at a scale of 1:240.


Duel A.S. Pushkin with Dantes on the Black River.


The first flight of the first Soviet passenger aircraft AK-1.


The world's first transmission of a television signal across the ocean is made - from London to New York.


Soviet pilot M.P. Devyatayev made a heroic escape from a fascist concentration camp on a German plane.


Catherine I ascends to the Russian throne with the support of Peter's guard.


The first 8 volumes of “History of the Russian State” by N. M. Karamzin are published.


The first all-Russian one-day population census. According to the Central Statistical Committee, the population of Russia (excluding Finland) is 128.2 million people.


Birthday of Russian Civil Aviation. On this day, the Council of Labor and Defense adopted a resolution “On the organization of the Council for civil aviation" and "On the assignment of technical supervision of air lines to the Main Directorate of the Air Fleet."


The first documentary mention of the iron.


The city and military port of Akhtiar receive a new name - Sevastopol, which translated from Greek means “majestic city”, “city of glory”.


The Russian Naval Academy was founded in St. Petersburg.


The first ever visit of a Pope to an Islamic country begins - in the capital of Sudan, Khartoum, John Paul II meets with the head of the government of Sudan.


The IBM supercomputer Deep Blue defeated Garry Kasparov for the first time.


Diplomat's Day. Professional holiday established by Decree of the President of Russia No. 1279 to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Russian Foreign Ministry.


Having angered Peter I, his son, Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich, who fled Russia in 1716, was finally brought to Moscow as a result of a complex operation in which all means were used - diplomacy, deception, and blackmail. A terrible investigation begins. At the end of June the prince will be martyred in St. Petersburg Peter and Paul Fortress. His royal father will take the most active part in the torture.


On the instructions of Peter I, peasant Efim Nikonov begins the construction of a “hidden” vessel he himself invented - a prototype of a submarine. In a year, the submarine model will be tested. By 1724, a real submarine would be built, but after Peter’s death, Nikonov’s invention would be forgotten.


Robert Fulton patents the steamboat.


As a result of the signing of the Lateran Agreements, the Vatican State was formed.


Published "Complete Collection of Laws" Russian Empire". (according to the old style 31.01).



The first flight of the Ilya Muromets aircraft designed by Sikorsky with 16 passengers on board was an unprecedented achievement at that time.


For the first time, the word “accountant” is used in writing, which literally means “book holder” in German. The Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I signed a decree: “We command the clerk of our chamber, the trusted and diligent scribe who keeps the books, to henceforth be called an accountant, which Christoph Stecher should now be.”


Nicholas I signed a decree on construction railway Saint Petersburg - Moscow.


Funeral of Prince Kropotkin - scientist and anarchist. On this day, all anarchists held in them are released from Moscow prisons on parole. After the funeral at the Novodevichy cemetery, which took the form of a mass demonstration, they all returned to their places of detention as one, confirming the slogan “anarchy is the mother of order.”


The Chelyuskin steamship, crushed by ice in the Chukchi Sea, is sinking. The Chelyuskinites will have to spend 2 months on a drifting ice floe.


Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov finished the novel “The Master and Margarita”.


According to legend, during the time of Emperor Claudius there lived a Christian preacher, Valentin. The emperor forbade soldiers to marry. And Valentin secretly sealed the union of lovers. The emperor, having learned about this, ordered his head to be cut off. Since 1777, Valentine's Day in the United States has been celebrated as a holiday for all lovers.


A new style calendar (Gregorian) is being introduced in Russia. The period from February 1 to February 13, 1918 will fall out of the Russian calendar.


The philosopher Socrates is sentenced to death.

The Manifesto is published in London Communist Party", written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.


Emperor Nicholas II announced the start of a campaign against excessive alcohol consumption.


Soviet troops have completely withdrawn from Afghanistan. Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers.


An earthquake in Pompeii (described by Seneca), 16 years before the destruction of the city as a result of the eruption of Vesuvius.


Ivan the Terrible approved the first military charter in Russia - “The Verdict on Village and Guard Service,” developed by governor Mikhail Vorotynsky.


The USSR established a medal “For saving drowning people.”


When announcing the exchange of party documents in the USSR, it was decided to issue ticket number 1 to Lenin, and ticket number 2 to Brezhnev.


The first computer BBS (“electronic bulletin board”) appeared in Chicago.


After the death of Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich, the last of the Rurik dynasty, Zemsky Sobor elects Boris from the Godunov family to the kingdom, the founder of which is considered to be Murza Chet, who came to Moscow from the Golden Horde under Ivan Kalita.


Giordano Bruno was burned in Rome.


The Hermitage Museum was opened in St. Petersburg.


The International Red Cross organization was founded in Geneva, initially a voluntary society for helping prisoners of war, sick and wounded soldiers.


A resolution was adopted by the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the creation of the Buran MTKK.


Peter III approved the “Manifesto on the granting of liberty and freedom to the Russian nobility.” According to this decree, nobles are exempted from compulsory military and civil service and receive the right to home education and travel abroad. The decree has enormous significance for everything further development sciences and culture in Russia.


Alexander II ascends the throne.


A united Italian kingdom is proclaimed. Victor Emmanuel II is proclaimed King of a united Italy at the first meeting of the Italian Parliament.


American amateur astronomer Clyde Tombaugh discovered the 9th planet solar system- Pluto. This will be announced on March 13th.


The premiere of Andrei Rublev by Andrei Tarkovsky at the House of Cinema in Moscow after long ordeals and delays caused by the authorities.


For the first time in centuries, snow falls in the Sahara Desert.



Associate Professor Lobachevsky presents his essay “ Concise presentation began geometry..." Non-Euclidean geometry is born, which will revolutionize ideas about space.


Thomas Edison patented the phonograph, the first device for recording and reproducing sound.


The world's first drifting ship has completed its work scientific station“North Pole-1”, where I. D. Papanin, E. K. Fedorov, P. P. Shirshov, E. T. Krenkel spent the winter. By the end of the expedition, the ice floe had shrunk to a fragment measuring 50 by 30 meters.


Decree of the Presidium adopted Supreme Council USSR on the transfer of the Crimean region from the RSFSR to the Ukrainian SSR.


Since this year, after the ban on whale hunting, it has been celebrated as World Whale Day.


The first general recruitment has been announced in Russia


The decree on “free cultivators”, allowing landowners to set peasants free and assign land to them as their property, which for the first time creates a category of personally free peasants.


Foundation of St. Petersburg University.


The Church Gazette announces the excommunication of Leo Tolstoy from the Orthodox Church.


The famous couple, Tom and Jerry, appeared on screen for the first time in the film Puss Gets the Boot.


The trial of Joan of Arc begins.


Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels published the Communist Manifesto.


In the USA, Edwin Land demonstrates for the first time the Polaroid camera he created, which within a minute produces a black and white photograph.


The world's first video film is being presented.


The Novosti Press Agency (APN), now RIA Novosti RAMI, was created.


The UN Security Council decides to send troops to Yugoslavia.


At the initiative of the 30th session of the General Conference of UNESCO, this year the International Day of native language.


Catherine II orders that papers be signed in her name “loyal subject” instead of “slave.”



The first book was published by Johannes Gutenberg.


New birth of the Great Bell from the Ivan the Great Bell Tower. The bell, destroyed by the French in the War of 1812, is being cast anew.


In the USSR, mass mobilization of volunteers into the Red Army, in connection with German offensive and the general flight of the remnants of the old Russian army. For many years, February 23 will be celebrated in the USSR as the Day Soviet army and the Navy. Since 1993 in Russia this day will be Defender of the Fatherland Day.


Britain officially celebrates Red Army Day


The ceremonial laying of the Victory Monument on Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow is taking place, the “monument to the generals,” as some critics will dub this pompous multimillion-dollar project.


Defender of the Fatherland Day is established.


The first lottery in history was held in the Belgian city of Bruges, evidence of which is preserved in written sources.


Construction of the Panama Canal began.


The first broadcast of the Voice of America radio station.


The program “Obvious-Incredible” was broadcast on television for the first time.


The Russian pioneer printer Ivan Fedorov published a new edition of the Apostle in Lvov.


The Red Army was renamed the Soviet Army.


In St. Petersburg, in honor of the Archangel Michael, the foundation stone of the Mikhailovsky Castle is solemnly laid, which will become the residence of Emperor Paul I.


The Church of England allows women to become priests.


The Arsenal and the Winter Palace were captured. The autocracy is overthrown. The activities of the “Provisional Committee of the State Duma...” begin. The Executive Committee of the Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies of Petrograd is formed.


The USSR adopted a resolution on the introduction of a marshal's distinctive sign - the Marshal's Star.


The coat of arms of the Russian Black Sea Fleet has been approved.


The last Aztec emperor, Cuauhtemoc, was executed by the Spanish conquistador Cortes.


The expedition of Guard Captain Belovich-Cherkassky to the Caspian Sea began, as a result of which the first map of the Caspian Sea will be compiled.


Niels Bohr proposed a planetary model of the structure of the atom.


The Soviet ruble begins to be calculated at the rate of gold, and not the dollar, as it has been since 1937.


Russia becomes the 39th member of the Council of Europe. One of the main conditions for its acceptance into this organization was the imposition of a moratorium on the use of the death penalty.


In Scotland, a law came into force: a man who refused to marry a woman who proposed to him was required to pay a fine.


The first electric computer - the predecessor of the calculator - was invented by Herman Hollerith.


The White House said American children have become too fat.

We bring to your attention a calendar of significant events and memorable dates that will take place in February. Don't miss the most important days in your life and the life of our country!

  • 315 years since the founding of the Baltic Navy (1702);
  • 180 years ago M.Yu. Lermontov wrote the final 16 lines of the poem "The Death of a Poet" (1837);
  • 165 years ago the Hermitage Museum was opened in St. Petersburg (1852);
  • 140 years ago the premiere of P.I.’s ballet took place. Tchaikovsky "Swan Lake" (1877);
  • 100 years February Revolution in Russia (1917);

February 1, 2017— 160 years since the birth of Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev, psychiatrist (1857-1927);

February 3, 2017— World Safer Internet Day (celebrated since 2004 on the first Tuesday of February);

February 7, 2017— 205 years since birth English writer Charles Dickens (1812-1870);

February 8, 2017— Day of Russian Science; 120 years since the birth of Alexander Leonidovich Chizhevsky, biophysicist (1897-1964);

February 8, 2017- Day of Remembrance young anti-fascist hero. Celebrated around the world since 1964, it was approved by the next UN Assembly in honor of the fallen participants in anti-fascist demonstrations - French schoolboy Daniel Fery (1962) and Iraqi boy Fadil Jamal (1963);

February 8, 2017— Day of Russian Science. On this day in 1724, Peter the Great signed a decree establishing the Academy of Sciences in Russia;

February 9, 2017— 130 years since the birth of Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev, military leader (1887-1919);

February 13, 2017— 85 years since the birth of Igor Davidovich Shaferan, poet (1932-1994);

February 15, 2017— Day of Remembrance of Soldiers-Internationalists (02/15/1989 - the last column Soviet troops left the territory of Afghanistan).

February 17, 2017— Spontaneous Kindness Day is one of the recent initiatives of international charitable organizations. This holiday has global significance and is celebrated regardless of citizenship, nationality and religious beliefs. In Russia this holiday is still little known. On this day, as the organizers urge, you should try to be kind to everyone. And not just kind, but kind infinitely and selflessly.

February 20, 2017World Day of Social Justice(since 2009 by decision of the UN General Assembly).

February 20, 2017— 165 years since the birth of the Russian writer, publicist Nikolai Georgievich Garin-Mikhailovsky (1852-1906);

February 21, 2017International Mother Language Day(proclaimed by the General Conference of UNESCO on 17 November 1999, celebrated every year since February 2000 to promote linguistic and cultural diversity).

February 22, 2017— International Day of Support for Victims of Crime.

February 23, 2017Defender of the Fatherland Day. Day of military glory of Russia. Victory Day of the Red Army over the Kaiser's troops in 1918.

February 24, 2017— 125 years since the birth of the Russian writer Konstantin Aleksandrovich Fedin (1892-1977);

February 25, 2017— 310 years since the birth of Carlo Goldoni, Italian playwright (1707-1793);

February 26, 2017— 95 years since the birth of literary critic and cultural historian Yuri Mikhailovich Lotman (1922-1993);

February 26, 2017— 215 years since the birth of the French writer Victor Hugo (1802-1885);

February 27, 2017— 210 years since the birth of Henry Longfellow, American poet (1807-1882);

February 27, 2017— 115 years since the birth of the American writer John Steinbeck (1902-1969);

February 29, 2017— 225 years since the birth of Gioachino Antonio Rossini, Italian composer (1792-1868);

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