Eternal problems of students. How to get rid of swearing? What problems worry students? What worries students

High tuition fees are the main problem that worries students at Russian universities, according to a survey conducted by the Research Center of the recruiting portal According to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, at the beginning of 2011-2012 school year in Russia there were about a thousand institutions of higher education vocational education, with approximately 7 million students enrolled, of whom 3 million have chosen full-time education.

About a third of students (28%) are most concerned about high tuition fees at university. “It’s very expensive to study these days, either on a commercial basis or on a budget basis. What’s worrying is that tuition fees are getting higher every year,” the respondents noted. A fifth of Russian students (20%) don’t care about anything at all. “No problems arise now. I’m in my fifth year, so nothing worries me,” says a survey participant. The need to combine work and study worries 15% of respondents. According to respondents, learning suffers the most from this.

“The main problem is that employers do not allow study leave. You have to go on a regular one, or skip the session altogether. A lot of time is spent on work, which means there is no time to delve into educational material less than we would like,” students complain. A small part of students (10%) are concerned about difficulties with finding employment after graduation and the lack of a graduate distribution system. “The university is not worried further fate student. There is no distribution, no connections and agreements with enterprises,” the respondents note.

Poor quality of education and low professional level of teachers worry 7% of respondents. “I’m worried that after graduating from college, I’ll hardly be able to work in the profession I’m studying for, because I understand that I don’t understand anything about it. I’m simply silent about my lack of knowledge of languages,” shares a survey participant. Despite the fact that the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Dmitry Livanov intends to declare war on bribery and plagiarism in Russian universities, students themselves are practically not concerned about this topic. Only 4% of students are concerned about corruption and bribery in the education sector. “Nowadays, everything is bought and sold,” respondents note.

An even smaller number of students (2%) are concerned about the lack of practice during their studies at the university. "The university provides a minimum of practical knowledge. There is no basis for practical classes, you won’t get far with lectures alone. The university does not provide practical training,” students note.
The survey was conducted on November 13-16, its participants included university students from all regions of the Russian Federation who want to combine work and study or are already combining it. Sample size: 500 respondents.

Its director, Anna Lapenko, and the director of the “Mutual Help Service” of the Foundation, Roxana Gabrielyan, share their vision of the future activities of the StudFond Foundation for Social Assistance to Students.


At the beginning of 2016, on the initiative of the Young Guard, a Social Assistance Fund was established for students in difficult situations. life situation, "StudFond". The Foundation's activities are aimed at providing legal, psychological, and social assistance. As part of the “Mutual Assistance Service”, operating on the basis of the “StudFond”, targeted social assistance is provided to students in need, as well as assistance and support to universities and colleges in emergency situations.

In more than 80 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the Foundation is represented by regional human rights defenders who deal with each situation on the ground.

About 60 legal clinics have been opened at Russian universities, where students can turn for help and advice. In addition, students can talk about their problems via the StudFond hotline or on the website studfond.rf. Since the beginning of this year, the hotline has received more than three thousand calls.


In most cases, students are concerned about legal issues: delay of scholarship, restoration of studies after academic leave, social benefits, curfew, improper living conditions accommodation in dormitories, compliance sanitary standards and pricing in student canteens, work and maintenance of medical offices on the territory of universities, benefits for pregnant students, compliance with fire safety in student dormitories, increasing tuition prices due to inflation and much more.

The most high-profile cases this year were: complaints about the poor condition of dormitories, the temperature regime in the rooms, the cancellation of transport benefits for students in a number of regions, the delay of scholarships in a number of universities, the deprivation of accreditation of some universities and the transfer of students to other universities, and the closure of educational institutions.

Below we will talk in more detail about the most resonant situations that StudFond achieved resolution.


After numerous requests from students of the Astrakhan region, the Foundation began monitoring of dormitories universities and colleges in the region. Activists visited the dormitories of the Astrakhan State medical university. During the week, the bedrooms, food block, showers were checked, measured temperature regime and assessed the safety of electrical wiring in dormitories at educational institutions. According to the results of the inspection, the temperature in the living quarters was higher than normal, but other problems related to living were identified. Similar monitoring took place in the Khabarovsk Territory, and is currently taking place in St. Petersburg.


At the beginning of the year, reports began to appear in the regional media that students were being canceled on discounted travel to public transport. Journalists referred to statements by government officials who call this measure forced and explain it by insufficient funds in the regional budget. In some regions, human rights activists actually began to receive similar complaints from students. Checks have shown that in reality the problem has not acquired a global scale, and media reports are often exaggerated, and the authorities of a number of regions ( Rostov region, Khabarovsk Territory, Republic of Bashkortostan, Chuvashia, Saratov Region) either retain benefits in full, or the reductions are only partial.

At the beginning of January of this year it became known that the municipal government Veliky Novgorod canceled discounted student travel passes. Because of this, for students the cost of a travel ticket has become disproportionate to the scholarship they receive, the amount of which is about 1200 at a university and 500-800 rubles at a college. After a number of requests from students, a meeting was held with students from universities in Veliky Novgorod. As part of the round table, young people were invited to develop their proposals for solving this problem and discuss them with representatives of municipal and regional authorities. Already on January 25, a meeting was held with the governor of the region Sergei Mitin, representatives of the administration of Veliky Novgorod and students of Novgorod universities. As a result, benefits for certain categories of students were retained.

At the beginning of October, information appeared in the media that in Samara region Fees for both single travel and discounted tickets on public transport will rise significantly. After a dialogue initiated by the Student Fund between students and representatives of the regional authorities, the city mayor’s office signed a resolution according to which limited cards were introduced for 20 and 40 trips worth 300 and 600 rubles, respectively.


At the end of March 2016, letters were sent to the heads of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science with a request to consider the possibility of revising the regulations for depriving a university or specialty of accreditation.

The reason for such an appeal was the dissatisfaction of students across the country with the need to deal with transfers to other educational institutions during educational process, as well as contacting the Organization with a request to help solve difficulties associated with translation. Almost every day, the supervisory authority deprives universities of their licenses, regardless of the time of the academic year, the time of graduation of students or the holding of sessions.

The initiative is related to graduate students who are at the final stage of their studies, who, if Rosobrnadzor revokes their accreditation, have to defend thesis and take final exams at another university.

The appeal proposed to initiate the formation of a permanent working group to promptly solve the problems that have arisen, which should include: representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science, Rosobrnadzor, the State Duma Committee on Education and Science, the Public Chamber, MGER and public opinion leaders among young people.

Previously, students from Russian universities contacted StudFond with a complaint about an incomprehensible mechanism for transferring to another educational institution: Moscow State Linguistic University, Irkutsk branch of MSLU, Moscow Academy of Entrepreneurship and others.


In mid-January, the hotline received calls from several regions of Russia at once. Students reported being detained scholarships. Such complaints began to be actively discussed on social networks and verified by means mass media. After checking the information, the reasons for the delays became clear. Similar questions arose in the Amur region, Tyumen region, Saratov region, Irkutsk region, Sverdlovsk region and other regions. StudFond activists on the ground found out from representatives of universities and colleges the reasons for the delay and, if necessary, provided legal support to students.


On the eve of September 1, the Fund for Social Assistance to Students launched monitoring of the accessibility of universities. The action was due to complaints from students from different regions that many educational institutions do not have ramps, specially equipped toilets and elevators. Based on the monitoring results, a map of the accessibility of universities and colleges for people with disabilities was developed. disabilities: studentfond.rf/map. Currently, the map contains about 400 higher and secondary specialized educational institutions in Russia. Each educational institution It has detailed description how accessible the environment is developed there. The map continues to be filled with up-to-date data on the state of the barrier-free environment.


Head of the Social Assistance Fund for Students in Difficult Life Situations, StudFondAnna Lapenko:

In addition to daily monitoring of situations across the country and prompt intervention in new cases of offenses against students locally, in the regions the Fund will work in the following main areas:

1. Violation of students’ rights to accessible education when deprived of educational institution accreditation/license.

2. Inadequate living conditions in student dormitories.

3. Violation of the rights of people with limited mobility to accessible education.

4. The problem of internship in educational institutions.

5. High prices and low quality of food and service in student canteens.

All these problems have not only been acutely raised throughout the year, but the students themselves are talking about it, which means that we need to work in the same directions. In addition, much attention can be paid to law students this year. So, for example, it is possible to form a public council under relevant departments, which will include students themselves, and they will be able to solve problems that they themselves face.

Head of the “Mutual Assistance Service” of the Fund for Social Assistance to Students in Difficult Life Situations, “StudFond”Roxana Gabrielyan:

The direction of targeted social support for students is new, but in a short period it became obvious that the direction is necessary. We managed to establish relationships with representatives of large business companies and charitable foundations, who are already our partners. We have opened a social and humanitarian warehouse site where anyone can bring things for students who need some kind of help. In the future, several large charity events can be held. It is proposed to pay great attention to student volunteers - they are ready to organize and conduct events in our team. You can also create a board of trustees for long-term solutions to the problems of students who find themselves in difficult life situations, which could include public opinion leaders, show business stars, and representatives of large business companies.

Good day, dear reader! Today's post will be devoted to the eternal problems of students. Almost every one of us will either be a student, or is one now, or has already graduated from an educational institution. Since studying takes up a large part of young people's lives, we decided that you would be interested in finding out what the main problems students face, regardless of where they study.

After all, student life is generally similar: everyone has lectures, sessions, tests, exams... Therefore, students face the same problems.

We decided to highlight 10 main problems of students. After reading the entire article, look at yourself, perhaps some of the problems listed below have happened to you too. For every problem we will give brief recommendations about how to avoid it in the future. So, let's begin!

10 eternal problems of students

1. The scholarship is not enough for anything!

Oh, this scholarship! It seems that it exists, but in fact it doesn’t exist. We even envy those who study on a contractual (paid) basis, because... they don’t have to worry about where to spend the scholarship. The thing is that the “payers” simply don’t have it. But what should state employees do? Where to spend the pennies that the state pays every month?

To begin with, let's say a few words about the average scholarship size for students. On average, this is somewhere from 1100 to 2000 rubles, depending on the university and other factors. We do not take any additional scholarships, such as social or Potanin. This is a separate topic for discussion. Let's assume that now the average scholarship is about 1,600 rubles. This fall, the scholarship will be increased by 9%, i.e. somewhere around 150-160 rubles. It will be about 1800 rubles. What can you buy with that kind of money?

Nothing significant, of course. So, little things, perfume, go to the cinema. But if you spend the stipend every month in this way, then it will be of little use. It’s another matter if you don’t remove it from the card for several months, then you can buy something more useful. For example, a netbook. On average it costs about 10,000 rubles. There are cheaper ones, there are more expensive ones, we take the average price. Accordingly, you will need to save for about 5-6 months. Long, you say?

Who told you that you should buy a netbook only with the money saved from your scholarship? You can receive not only a scholarship, but also additional income. We worked in the summer and saved the money. We saved up a scholarship and now, the netbook is already yours! The most important thing over the summer is not to spend all your hard-earned money on all sorts of trinkets. Remember, that:

{Money comes very hard, but leaves you very easily!}

Therefore, our advice is this: Forget for a few months that you are being paid a scholarship, and after 5-6 months, sharply remember about its existence, and you will feel much more pleasure from spending the scholarship, compared to if you spent it every month for non-essential things.

2. I’ll get some sleep at the end of the week.

Every student knows that sleep is sacred. However, many people neglect this saint, especially when they sit at their computers on social networks, communicating with their friends. And the next day they come to the university and spend the entire school day like zombies. And almost always people in this state tell themselves the same thing: “I’ll go to bed early today.” But as usually happens, in the evening everything is repeated in the same vein. Here's another one for you student problem- lack of sleep.

At the end of the week, the student clearly swears to himself that by the weekend he will definitely get enough sleep for the entire sleepless week. But as usually happens, even on weekends the student is not allowed to sleep properly!

Every time there will be some “well-wisher” who will start drilling and hammering the wall at the crack of dawn. You will no longer have time to sleep, and this will make you very aggressive. And this is an extreme degree of sleep deprivation, gentlemen.

What to do, how to be?

As you know, when you want to sleep, it no longer matters to you what is happening at the lecture or what the weather is like today. But it should be interesting, you are a living person who lives and enjoys life, and does not exist as a plant. Therefore, a computer and virtual friends are good, however real world and real friends are a hundred times better!

If you have a certain addiction to social networks, then ask your friend or your dorm roommate to temporarily take away from you all the devices with which you can access the global network.

In addition, after studying, do not sit in the dormitory every day. At least every other day, walk with friends around the city, for example, in the park.

{The best cure for Internet addiction is distraction to something else.}

Go to bed on time and then you will feel much better. And the better you feel, the more joy you bring to people. And the more joy you bring to people, the more they need you!

3. This session again.

The session, as you know, comes unexpectedly. But for some reason everyone knows that it will happen, but few people start thinking about future exams in advance. We are all drowning in “routine”, routine tasks that we do day after day. To get things done, we need to concentrate as much as possible on today. That’s why what happens tomorrow worries us the least, but in vain!

After all, you are studying for the sake of the future, no matter how you look at it. And it will be very disappointing when you successfully cope with everyday affairs, but fail the most important things in your studies. We mean session. After all, the fact that you completed all the workshops and wrote a good essay in your grade book (diploma) is not reflected in any way. It will all be forgotten. But your exam score will stay with you for life. Yes, here's another one student problem.

In general, the idea is that if you do your day-to-day tasks well, you shouldn't have any problems on the exams. You study everything, do your homework... However, it often happens that a student is at the finish line, i.e. he “burns out” during the exam and ends up getting the wrong grade that he deserved.

The whole point is that he paid little attention to preparing for the session. Even though it seems to you that you know everything about the subject, still try to devote at least half an hour every week to reviewing the material you have covered in all subjects.

It’s better to do this: one week you repeat what you passed in one 3 subjects, the next - in the other three, etc.

As a result, you will not forget the material covered, because... You will repeat it periodically throughout the semester.

[The most important mistake a student makes when preparing for a session is repeating a huge amount of material in a short time.]

Your brain simply cannot withstand extreme loads and “explodes.” Therefore, remember that your exam grade is “forged,” so to speak, throughout the entire semester. No more, no less.

4. Where can I get something to eat?

As the famous hero of the TV series “Univer” sings: “... life is a community life.” Indeed, anyone who has not lived in a dormitory will not understand all the “charms” of student life! A broken toilet, a shared kitchen where someone is always cooking... What to do when you are hungry, but you are either too lazy to cook something to eat, or simply don’t have the opportunity. We wrote about this in more detail in the article: How to eat properly as a student in a dormitory. We can briefly tell you about the main ideas of that article.

The point is that you prepare your meal in advance, preferably in the evening. Why is that? The thing is that when you come home from school to your dorm, you simply don’t have the strength to cook something for yourself. You want to rest, but you also want to eat at the same time.

The way out of the situation is as follows: in the evening of the previous day you prepare food for yourself in reserve (for example, sandwiches or cook dumplings), and today you eat your “reserves”.

You may have a reasonable question: “How did I force myself to cook something yesterday, if I should be just as lazy to cook something yesterday as I am today?”

Let’s explain: The whole point is that you don’t cook for the next day as soon as you come home from school, but a little later, closer to bedtime. By the end of the day, you will have new strength (you will have rested after all) and therefore it will be easier for you to force yourself to prepare food for tomorrow. You say you won’t have the strength anyway? No matter how it happens, you have the strength to surf the Internet, which means you are capable of cooking!

If you are not a good cook or are very lazy, then you should find a canteen near your campus that serves decent food. How to find out about this? Ask the senior students, they certainly know all the local eateries. Yes, eating in the canteen every day can be costly, but you will save your time and nerves. Here you can choose for yourself.

And one more tip regarding food: don’t get carried away with fast food and instant noodles!

5. To the club or not to the club?

This problem relates more to the leisure of students. Where to go on the weekend? To a club, to the cinema, to billiards or somewhere else? IN major cities The abundance of places where you can spend your leisure time makes your eyes wide open. Student friends always start arguing: someone wants to go to one place and invites everyone there, but someone insists that this club is the best and it would be nice if everyone went there.

First of all, this problem needs to be solved not an hour before the start of the intended vacation, but on weekdays. The best place to address this issue is between couples. First of all, decide who has what money today. Almost all students are “tight” with money, so finding out who can spend how much money during the weekend would be useful.

Having decided on the average amount that each student has, then each of you offers your own option in turn. You all discuss it together, figure out what’s going on, and move on to discussing the next one. And so on until you have gone through all the possible options. Then each student votes for someone else's option, excluding his own, then you add up the results, and thus you will select an entertainment establishment that will satisfy the majority of your company.

[The main problem of students is that they create problems for themselves]

For example, let's say you have a six-person campaign. Everyone offers their own option. Then you evaluate all the proposed options on a five-point scale, excluding your option (5 points for the best option, 1 point for the worst).

This way you can avoid disputes and disagreements. Yes, of course, there will be dissatisfied final version. However, this person is unlikely to quarrel with all his other friends. Therefore, most likely, he will join his friends.

6. What will your parents say?

Another one is next student problems. Have you done something bad and are now afraid of your parents' reaction? What to do, what to do? Let's first think about what a student can do so that his parents don't like it?

Probably the most common answer to this question will be the answer - your failure. And not just poor academic performance, but chronic failure. This “blockage” threatens with expulsion from the university. Your group supervisor threatens to call your parents to get them to take action. Do you know that your mom and dad are quite tough people, so if they find out about your educational problems, you won’t think much of it!

In this situation, we offer you the following action plan. First of all, ask your supervisor to delay calling your parents. Tell him to give you 2 weeks to improve the situation.

We think that the curator is also a person who, like you, studied at a university, and therefore he should understand you and meet you. Then, in the allotted 2 weeks, try to mobilize all your strength, ask your friends for help if necessary, and concentrate on your studies. The most important thing for you is to remove the “tails”. Therefore, try to do nothing else for 10 days other than prepare to retake exams and tests.

Clubs, social media, calls, conversations - that's all later. Now the most important thing for you is not to fly out of the university. Your parents certainly won’t like this outcome. In 10 days you can easily prepare for the 2nd exams. If you complete at least 2 exams in 2 weeks, you can consider that you have delayed calling your parents. But remember that it was only postponed, not cancelled. Therefore, ask your curator for a little more time to deal with your other debts.

Your supervisor will understand that you have come to your senses, and most likely, you will not do this again, so, of course, he will not call your parents. Remember, no matter how much student debt you have, the most important thing is to pay off at least one debt, and then everything will go like clockwork.

Just don’t sit idly by, waiting for expulsion. All problems can be solved. Your further studies at the university depend on how much effort you put into solving the problem.

7. Where to find your loved one?

Someone comes to university to study, and someone there chooses their betrothed. But studying is not too much appropriate place for this. However, due to the fact that the student spends a lot of time in the university building, it is there that he tries to find his soulmate.

But where to look for it? How to search?

Of course, if a person has set such a goal, then he will first look for his soulmate on his course. This is understandable, because you know your classmates better than anyone else at the university. Oh, classmates are generally like family. But time passes, and you realize that among them there is no person suitable for you. In the future, you become more and more comfortable at the university, you get to know more and more people.

Your social circle becomes much wider than it was at the beginning of your studies. Thus, you involuntarily expand your boundaries to find your loved one. Every love-hungry young man or girl, communicating with the opposite sex, no matter what anyone says, willy-nilly “try on” the interlocutor and see if I like him and whether it is possible to have a relationship with him.

The best way to find your other half is the so-called interest groups. In any university there are always several different sections, each of which deals with its own business. If you want your future soul mate to share your views, then study in the section in which you want to study. And there, believe us, very soon you will find a person with whom you will be interested in communicating and with whom you will simply feel “good.” You won’t even notice how simple communication will develop into something more than just friendship.

The most important thing is not to focus on finding your soulmate, and then everything will be fine in this regard. This approach was used by one young man in the very first American Pie movie. If you don't remember this situation, then watch this movie again.

8. How to make it so that it is not noticeable?

Here we mean cheat sheets. What were you thinking? Cheat sheets, like notes, are an integral part of a student’s image. Every student, even an inveterate excellent student, wrote a cheat sheet at least once in his life. I wrote it, not used it. Therefore, we will not tell you here how you can cheat on the exam without being noticed. We'd rather talk about how a cheat sheet helps a student pass the exam better.

But wait, if we say that a student should not use a cheat sheet, then how, excuse me, can it help him? Isn't it a waste of time then to write a cheat sheet? We answer: no, not empty. The whole point is that when you write a cheat sheet, you learn the material better. After all, in order to place the answer to an exam question on a small piece of paper, you must select all the most important things in advance... in your head, and only then write it all down on a piece of paper.

This way you will remember the material better, because... your visual and motor memory will be involved (your hands will remember what you wrote in the cheat sheet). And the success of any memorization lies precisely in the fact that your brain receives the same information through different channels. Thus, there is a greater chance that during the exam you will remember the difficult moments of your question and pass the exam with an excellent grade.

9. I want the same clothes!

This student problem more typical for the fair sex. Although now we would even argue with this, but oh well. Whenever you see another girl wearing a chic outfit, you want to have the same thing, because... It would look much better on you. It would be great if your rival stopped wearing this thing, and you, on the contrary, bought the same one, or a slightly modified one, and showed it off in front of the whole university. Guys would just circle around you

However, as usually happens, your dreams will not come true. What!? Will they not come true? How so? Do you still want them to come true? Then read on more carefully. So, you approach your rival, tell her, as the terminator said: “I need your clothes.” If she doesn’t give it to you, then you then take it away by force.

What, you don’t like this plan of action? I wish I would have liked it, it was a joke! In fact, to be the best, you don’t need to “remove” your competitors by force. You need to enter into a virtual competition with them. If you win it, then all the laurels are yours. But how can you win it?

It's simple: you look at the clothes of other girls, evaluate them and figure out which of the things, in your opinion, will fit better on you and not on another girl. Then you go to the store and buy something similar. If you buy exactly the same clothes as your rival, you are unlikely to surprise or attract anyone. Your task is to find a style, a color that would be slightly different from the “sample” you took. It was different in such a way that at first glance it would be difficult to guess that you had spotted the item from another person at the university.

If you do everything that was written above, you will 100% attract the admiring glances of others, because... your competitive advantage will be that the outfit you buy will look several times better on you than on your “rival”. Here is a simple way to solve this problem. Enjoy it for your health!

10. Nobody understands me!

If you are a student who is passionate about some not very popular thing, then it is very likely that you will not be understood. “What is he doing there, what an eccentric” - these are the kind of remarks your classmates will exchange behind your back. Although they are unlikely to tell you this openly to your face, you will still probably know that they are laughing at you.

What to do in this situation?

Should you give up your favorite activity or continue to do it, despite any misunderstandings from your friends? It’s a difficult question, but still, if you are really sure that what you are doing is useful, and possibly grandiose, then continue to “push your line”, no matter what. Over time, your classmates will get used to you this way and will perceive you as you are.

By the way, if you achieve success in your business and fame comes to you, then you will immediately see how changeable people are. Everyone will immediately begin to be “friends” with you, even those who mocked you the most. Therefore, to put it simply, shut down all the spiteful critics and continue doing what you love.

It was hard for everyone at first. Even the now well-known Mark Zuckerberg experienced certain difficulties at the beginning of the formation of Facebook. However, now you probably know how things are going for him. With over seven billion dollars, do your job, and if you are truly devoted to it, then fame, honor, and success await you! Don't go astray!

Conclusion: In this article we tried to describe in detail the most common , and proposed, as it seems to us, effective methods for overcoming these problems. We hope you had fun with us. Come visit us again.

survey of Vladivostok university students about personal values

Value orientations of students in the context of youth policy development.

O.A. Korotina, head of the department of Faculty of Law, Ph.D. Philosopher sciences

V. E. Cherednichenko, student of the BPS-11 group

One of the most important indicators of the state of society is the situation of young people. The prospects for youth development largely depend on government regulation. With transition Russian society on a new path of development meaningful social phenomenon becomes youth policy. On November 29, 2014, Prime Minister D. Medvedev approved the “Fundamentals of the state youth policy until 2025”, aimed at fostering citizenship and patriotism, and developing values healthy image life and the institution of family. One of the priority tasks of state youth policy is the formation of a value system. To solve these problems, it is necessary to study the value orientations of modern youth. This knowledge will help in finding answers to the question of which technologies can be the most optimal and effective.

Modern domestic psychology develops a non-classical approach to the study of values ​​(D. Leontiev), the main feature of which is the position of the inextricable connection and mutual influence of three components:

Social ideals and value content of public consciousness

Substantive embodiment of ideals in people's activities

Value orientations of the individual

In other words, the transmission of value contents in society occurs through activity (a huge contribution to world psychology was the development by Soviet psychologists of the concept of the activity approach). Awareness and a positive attitude towards values ​​are not enough for their assimilation by the individual, for this social value to become a personal value. A necessary condition internalization (appropriation) by an individual of the values ​​of society is the inclusion of the subject in activity (preferably collective). An example is the assignment of values ​​to a small group that is reference for an individual.

At the FYP department, together with 4th year students, social and psychological research of students is carried out within the framework of PIP. The first study was aimed at examining quality assessment educational process and identifying students’ value orientations. The sample size was 242 people. 1st and 3rd courses in different areas of training.

To study value orientations, a modification of R. Inglehart's methodology was used. The most significant values ​​were family well-being - 30% - 1st year and 27% - 3rd year and material wealth - 20% - 1st and 3rd year. Values ​​such as “the opportunity to enjoy democratic freedoms” and “building a more humane and tolerant society” scored a minimum of 2 to 4%.

The results obtained can be analyzed using a three-level model of the personality’s value system, which allows us to identify orientation to values:

Adaptations (survival and safety);

Socialization (social approval);

Individuation (independence and self-development).

In first place among both first and third year students is the type of socialization values ​​- 45% - 1st year and 51% - 3rd year, i.e. emphasis on family, career, social recognition. On the second, the type of values ​​is “adaptive” - 36% i.e. emphasis on material wealth, health, order. On the third, the type of values ​​“individuation” - 19% and 16% i.e. emphasis on self-realization, freedom, tolerance.

The following technique: “express diagnosis of an individual’s social values,” which revealed the basic values. The priority values ​​are physical (health and active rest), average value - 18.5%, intellectual - 15.5%, professional 16%, then family - 14.5%, financial - 14%, least significant values: spiritual - 6% and social - 5.5% .

The third method “method of determining life values"Ivanova, Kolobova is a type of verbal projective tests (unfinished sentences).

When analyzing the results obtained, we can draw the following conclusion; the highest priority values ​​are considered:

Professional values ​​- 29% - 1st year and 42% - 3rd year;

Material assets - 18% - 1st course and 21% - 3rd course;

Social values ​​- 29% - 1st year and 21% - 3rd year.

It is also interesting to analyze the selection of negative (harmful to humans and society) phenomena. Students consider the most negative phenomena to be drug use by 23%, abortion by 12%, environmental pollution by 10.5%, suicide by 9.5%. Minimal amount The points scored were divorce - 3%, lies - 3%, concealment of income - 1.5%.

A slogan that fits the lifestyle: the most relevant slogans are “Always forward” - 20.5%, “Hurry to do good, leave something good behind” - 18%, “Enjoy life” - 19.5%.

The main problem of Russian society is solving the housing problem 41.55; 11.5% of respondents chose to intensify youth policy.

In conclusion, I would like to cancel that the vast majority of students, more than 90%, rated their academic performance as excellent and good, while 77% of respondents consider it “easy” and “very easy” to study.

The second study was aimed at studying the priorities for the development of youth policy, the questionnaire was developed by the department of the State Medical University, 76 people of 1st and 3rd courses participated in the survey. The priority areas are: social support for student youth; guarantees in the field of labor and employment of students; creating conditions for self-realization of student youth; maintenance and development of additional educational programs; formation of a healthy lifestyle for students.

Low priority: development of cultural exchange among youth of other cities, regions, states; supporting the activities of student associations; involving youth in university management.

The third study is aimed at studying the value orientations of students from different universities in Vladivostok (TSMU, FEFU, MSU named after Nevelskoy, DVUI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Customs Academy). On this moment TSMU data have been processed and they have a high correlation with the results obtained at VSUES. In the future it is planned comparative analysis results at various universities, in areas of training and depending on the Unified State Examination score.

Summarizing the results of the research, we can conclude that among modern students, material, professional and intellectual values, as well as the value of a healthy lifestyle, come to the fore; on the other hand, social and spiritual values ​​are not a priority. Consequently, such tasks of youth policy as “formation of a civic position”, “patriotism”, “national idea” will remain simulacra (empty forms) until we realize that they can be filled with content only with the help of specific deeds. That is, taking into account the system of life priorities that has developed among modern students, within the framework of an educational institution we can talk about material incentives, opportunities for additional education, the realization of sports aspirations, to create conditions for the implementation of various projects in an activity-based manner.

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