Changing the angle of the earth's axis. The angle of inclination of the earth's axis and other unique features of the home planet. Special differences from neighboring terrestrial planets

earth axis

If you could look at the Earth from the outside, you would think that the Earth has very bad posture. The Earth flies around the Sun, tilting slightly to the side (like a sailboat in a strong wind).

Angle of inclination of the earth's axis

The angle of inclination of the earth's axis is 23.5 degrees from the vertical line. This happened during the death race that formed our solar system 4.6 billion years ago.

The Sun, Earth and the other eight planets in our planetary system were formed from a rotating cloud of interstellar gas and dust. Scientists believe that the Earth grew to the size of a planet by absorbing particles that collided with it. Millions of years passed, worlds were formed and destroyed, planets were formed from their parts modern form. Natural satellite The Earth was possibly formed when the red-hot Earth collided with a large cosmic body.

Why is the Earth's axis tilted?

According to Clark Chapman, an astronomer at the Planetary scientific institute in Tucson, Arizona, it took a giant explosion to give the Earth its current orbit. Thanks to the explosion, life on our home planet has become very interesting. The results of this blow still color the leaves in autumn. yellow, in the summer the coast is toasted Mediterranean Sea, allow children to frolic in rivers, in winter they cause heavy snowfalls to the delight of children and to the grief of city authorities. This final decisive explosion created seasons on Earth—four seasons.

The topic of shifting the Earth's rotation axis has been discussed on the Internet for several years now - since the time when some people who had been living in the same place for a long time began to note that the Sun rises and sets in a different place from where it always was during the corresponding period. When people try to discuss this phenomenon, crowds of trolls and ordinary brainless people howling at them always appear, starting to talk about refraction-diffraction and so on. However, let's look at the facts.

Alaska is home to a tribe of local aboriginals who call themselves Inuk or Inuit. The words “raw meat eater” sound like “Eskimo” in their language, which gave another name to the tribe. Living in the far north and not having new-fangled satellite devices, the Inuit have been carefully observing the Sun and stars for centuries, and have their own unshakable calendars of all seasonal phenomena. But since the beginning of the 2000s, these calendars have been greatly shaken, which the elders even tried to inform NASA about.

Effect of Earth's tilt and motion around the Sun

According to their observations, the Sun rises and sets in the WRONG WHERE and WRONG WHEN. The Inuit, who have some knowledge of conventional astronomy, suggested that since the Earth is round and rotates, then the axis of rotation must have changed if the Sun does not rise above the hill over which it has risen for centuries on that day. Enlightened adepts from NASA laughed at the ignorant Indian guys and hushed up the topic. However.

People who lived in one place for a long time, decades, began to notice that the Sun now sets and rises in a completely different place from where it rose and set 20 or 40 years ago. A natural question arises - why?

Let's turn to scientific information regarding the angle of inclination of the Earth's rotation axis:

The angle of inclination of the Earth's axis relative to the ecliptic plane is 23.5 degrees. This caused the change of seasons on Earth, as a result of rotation around the Sun.

Imagine that the Sun is in the center of a rotating gramophone record. All planets, including the Earth, revolve around the Sun, like the tracks of a gramophone record. Now imagine that each planet is a top, the top and bottom points of which coincide with the angle of rotation of the Earth around the Sun. By measuring the angle of inclination between the poles and the orbit in which the Earth moves around the Sun, you will get exactly that 23.5 degrees.

Graphic representation of the Earth's tilt

At one point in the Earth's orbit, the Earth's North Pole faces the Sun. At this time, summer begins in the northern hemisphere. 6 months later, when the Earth is on the opposite side of its orbit, the North Pole points away from the Sun and winter sets in, while summer sets in in the southern hemisphere.

With a periodicity of 41 thousand years, the angle of inclination of the earth's axis changes from 22.1 to 24.5 degrees. The direction of the earth's axis also changes with a period of 26 thousand years. During this cycle, the poles change places every 13 thousand years.

All planets of the solar system have a certain angle of inclination of their axis. Mars has an inclination angle very similar to Earth's and is 25.2 degrees, while Uranus has an inclination angle of 97.8 degrees.

Great, science describes everything to us in detail, but these data have not changed for decades, and the tilt of the Earth’s axis changes. The sun rises and sets in a completely different place, and in addition, global climate change may not be associated with the notorious human impact on nature, but with a change in the tilt of the Earth, as a result of which the climate has changed, moreover, everything natural anomalies indicate precisely this factor.

Why is this happening? The answer suggests itself - some huge cosmic body entered solar system and has a powerful gravitational effect on our planet, it is so strong that it has already changed the Earth’s axis of rotation.

Scientists cannot help but know, they cannot help but record such changes in the tilt of the earth’s axis, but for some reason they are in no hurry to change the information, correct the data on the angle of inclination, and are certainly not in a hurry to explain why all this is happening.

The changes are noticed by many people who write about it, but science is silent. Popular unofficial radio host in the US, Hal Turner, recently raised this topic on his show and described his observations in detail.

Here's what he said:

"The sun is setting much further north than before. I live in North Bergen, NJ 07047. My house is located on a western slope, 212 feet above sea level. I moved here in 1991, I live on the third floor, with a balcony facing west For many years I enjoyed beautiful sunsets from this balcony, and at the beginning of the summer of 2017, I unexpectedly noticed that the Sun was setting in a completely different place than before.

It used to set in the west, but now it sets in the northwest. Moreover, it has shifted so much that if earlier I watched the sunset looking straight ahead, now, in order to see the sunset, I am forced to turn my head to the right.

I am not a scientist or an academician, but I have lived here for 26 years and I see that the Sun sets in a completely different place from where it used to be. The only reasonable explanation for this fact is that the Earth has changed the angle of its axis. Why is NASA praying, why is everyone world scientists don’t notice or don’t want to notice it?”

Influence of Planet X (Nibiru)?

According to ancient Sumerian texts and recent research by modern scientists, the appearance of Planet X in the Solar System will change the tilt of the Earth's axis, which will cause global climate change, and as this planet approaches the Earth, this will lead to large-scale natural disasters - tsunamis and other natural phenomena that will most likely destroy life on our planet.

Judging by the fact that billionaires, governments and other rulers of the world are preparing reliable shelters for themselves, creating “arks” for storing seeds and cultural heritage human civilization, they know about the approaching global catastrophe

Perhaps this is why the space programs of NASA, Elon Musk (Space X) and Jeff Bezos ( Blue Origin), the purpose of which is to resettle the chosen ones to other planets and create colonies there.

Nibiru, also known as Planet X, is considered a planet whose orbit at perihelion crosses the Solar System between Mars and Jupiter once every 3600-4000 years. The Sumerians left a description of this planet which says that highly developed intelligent beings live on it - the Anunnaki.

Not so long ago, just a few years ago, scientists called information about Planet X a myth and pseudoscience, and then these same people who laughed at Nibiru themselves announced the discovery of Planet X. Maybe it’s time to openly tell people about the real causes of global climate change and tell us about planet X too. Maybe the time has already come?

The last days before the eviction of us, the last inhabitants of the planet, into eternity. At least in last days read it.

In 1882, the Rothschilds and the Jewish Sanhedrin “seized” the throne of the Roman leader of the heretics, the “Pope of Rome,” and all the mass of Catholic capital passed into the world coffers of the bankers of the Sanhedrin, that is, the Jews captured the heretical Vatican. But Holy Rus' stood in the way of the ancient serpent. It is clear that then the Rothschilds and the Jews, with the Vatican captured by them, rushed to war against our mother, the native Orthodox Russian church with Masonic masses, perhaps similar to Catholic heretical ones, with the goal of enthroning the Jewish Antichrist, the top ranks of which are the Rothschilds. It is clear that this was the fiercest attack of the Antichrist. The first of the four beasts in the book of the prophet Daniel is a lion with wings, whose wings were torn out. A lion with wings is the coat of arms of the false Romanov dynasty (the Orthodox Tsar Peter I was killed, in his place were taken by criminal enemy impostors, a Dutch double and a Dutch Jew Marta Samulovna Rabe Skavronskaya, a servant, a “guest worker”, under the guise of “Catherine I”. Our the people quite rightly demanded the abdication of the traitor (the secret enemy, Jew and Freemason Nicholas II) and burned heretical books. People died en masse by execution, but refused to serve the masses that you are now serving in the “Lubyanka project” established by decree of Stalin (a relative of Nicholas II) » ROC) Fascists (Satanists, remember Anaerbe) during the occupation of Hitler (a relative of the Rothschilds), in the occupied villages they held services in churches. It is clear that it made sense for them to do this only if it was that same heretical Antichrist Satanic mass, probably similar to the Catholic one. , for refusal to serve which faithful pastors and laity were brutally killed.
Next is our wounded, in the blood of the holy martyrs, resurrected from under the avalanches of lies and slander, our dear mother, the Russian Orthodox Church (as it was called), and our dear centuries-old Orthodox service.
I tried to heal the “wounds” inflicted by the Jews in our brutally murdered native Orthodox service with the help of the psalter, first published in 1681 to the “anointed with holy oil” of the Pious Tsar and Sovereign, Grand Duke Alexei Mikhailovich, Autocrat of all Russia and republished by the command of “The Most Pious, the Most Autocratic, the Great Our Sovereign EMPEROR of all Russia Alexander Nikolaevich" "about the true word, which is printed out of printed letters, for the salvation of the souls of the numerous Christian people, the Slovenian language, their great power, all the great Rus' of the Moscow kingdom, and other states"
Words of the Lord Jesus Christ about the Jews: “They are both my enemies, even if you did not desire me to have a king over them, bring these things and cut them off before me” (Luke 19:27)
(This is from the Book of Hours, published by order of Emperor Alexander Alexandrovich (father of Nicholas II) as they served in the Orthodox Church for many centuries, before the brutal command of Nicholas II (secret Jew and Freemason), and this text is also not entirely correct, part of the prayers there are Jews " taken out,” (see document with prayers, explanatory note), and then the entire service and country in general. But this is almost what our real Orthodox service actually looks like. I indicate words from more in brackets ancient book, psalter of 1681, (published under the “oil anointed saint” of the Pious Tsar and Sovereign, Grand Duke Alexei Mikhailovich, Autocrat of All Russia..., for the salvation of the souls of the numerous Christian people, the Slovenian language, its great power, all Great Rus' of the Muscovite kingdom, and other states “there is no text of the service, but there are links and prayers from the services, “removed” over time by the enemies of Christ and the Orthodox Church, and it says that nothing established by the holy fathers can be changed, this is ungodliness to God. The book of the prophet Daniel says that. the abomination of desolation on the wing of the temple will be for wickedness, and then the sanctuary will be cleansed. It is for these “confiscations,” retreats, brutalizations, for centuries-old wickedness that the Lord punished us; in general, the entire Orthodox service of the Jews, Masons, and other Antichrist trash was “confiscated” from us. , and in our churches there are heretical Masonic masses composed by the Jews 100 years ago - that is, it is empty, there is no Orthodox service there. Even St. Paul said about the newly founded Orthodox Church, that the mystery of lawlessness is already in action. And the devil attacked our Russian Orthodox Church from its very foundation, and to cleanse the sanctuary, to restore, of course, it would be good to completely unchanged (without wickedness) that service, those statutes that were under the holy monks Anthony and Theodosius of Kiev-Pechersk, under Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh. I don’t have such sources, but I’ll cite what I have, this is already a step in their direction, the beginning of the cleansing of the sanctuary from the abomination of desolation).
In the original text, only the first letters in sentences are capitalized.
First it is written like this:
“THE BOOK OF HOURS, WITH THE HOLY GOD, maintain the order of the holy monasteries of Jerusalem and the holy monasteries.”
Having woken up from sleep, gone to bed, and said:
Through the prayers of the saints, our fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us. Amen
Same (also) Trisagion. Holy Trinity: Our Father.
And the real troparia, voice a:
Rising from sleep, we fall down upon Thee, the Blessed One, and cry out the angelic song to Thee more powerfully: Holy, Holy, Holy art thou God, through the Theotokos have mercy on us. Glory.
From bed and sleep, You raised me up, Lord, enlighten my mind and heart, and open my lips to sing to You, Holy Trinity: Holy, Holy, Holy, Thou God, through the Theotokos have mercy on us. And now.
Suddenly the Judge will come, and every deed will be laid bare, but with fear we call at midnight: Holy, Holy, Holy art thou God, have mercy on us by the Mother of God.
Lord have mercy, i (12 times) And this prayer:
Having arisen from sleep, I thank You, Holy Trinity, for for the sake of Your goodness and long-suffering, You were not angry with me, lazy and sinful, and You destroyed me with my iniquities: But You usually loved mankind, and lying in hopelessness, You raised me up to become a matinee. (emphasis on y), and glorify Your power, and now enlighten my mental eyes, open my lips, learn from Your words, and understand Your commandments, and do Your will, and sing to You in confession of the heart, and glorify Your All-Holy Name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages (forever and ever, emphasis on o), amen.
Another prayer:
Glory to Thee King, God Almighty, whose divine and humane providence has made me worthy to rise from sleep, a sinner and unworthy, and to receive the entrance of Thy holy house. Lord, accept the voice of my prayer, like Thy holy and intelligent powers, and be pleased with a pure heart and spirit the humble will bring you praise from my vile lips: for I will also be a fellow member of the wise virgins, with the bright light of my soul, and I glorify Thee, in the Father and the Spirit of the glorified God the Word.
Beginning of the midnight service:
The beginning of the midnight service. The priest says: Blessed is our God.
And we: Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.
Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of Truth, who is everywhere and fulfills everything, treasure of good things and giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save our blessed souls.
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. Three times.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us: Lord, cleanse our sins: Master, forgive our iniquities: Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy name’s sake.
Lord have mercy, three. Glory to this day.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors: and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Priest: For Thine is the Kingdom: Also (also) Lord have mercy, i (i.e. 12 times). Glory, and now:
Come, let us worship our King God. Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King God. Come, let us bow and fall down to Christ Himself, the King and our God. Three bows.
And Abiye Psalm n (50).
And Abiye Psalm n (50).

Have mercy on me, God, according to Your great mercy and according to the multitude of Your mercies, cleanse my iniquity. Above all, wash me from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I know my iniquity, and I will take away my sin before me. I have sinned against You alone, and I have done evil before You. For if you were justified in all of Your words, and won, you will never judge You. Behold, I was conceived in iniquity, and my mother gave birth to me in sins. You have loved the truth, you have revealed to me the unknown and secret wisdom of Yours. Sprinkle me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Give joy and gladness to my hearing: humble bones will rejoice. Turn Your face away from my sins, and cleanse all my iniquities. God, create in me a pure heart, and renew a right spirit in my womb. Do not cast me away from Your presence, and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. Reward me with the joy of Your salvation, and strengthen me with the Lord’s spirit. I will teach the wicked Your way, and the wicked will turn to You. Deliver me from bloodshed, O God, God of my salvation, my tongue will rejoice in Your righteousness. Lord, open my mouth, and my mouth will declare Your praise. For if you had desired sacrifices, you would have given them: you do not favor burnt offerings. The sacrifice to God is a broken spirit: God will not despise a contrite and humble heart. O Lord, bless Zion with Your favor, and may the walls of Jerusalem be built. Then favor the sacrifice of righteousness, the wave offering, and the burnt offering: then they will lay the bullock on Your altar.
Same (also) kathisma zi (i.e. 17). And at the end of her abie:
I believe in One God, the Father, Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and of all that is visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only begotten, begotten of the Father before all ages: Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, uncreated, consubstantial with the Father, to Whom all things were. For our sake, man, and for our salvation, came down from heaven, and became incarnate from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became human. She was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered and was buried. And he rose again on the third day according to the scriptures. And ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father. And again, the one who comes with glory will be judged by the living and the dead, and His Kingdom will have no end.
Second Council:
And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the life-giving one, who proceeds from the Father, who is with the Father and with the Son, worshiped and glorified, who spoke the prophets. Into One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the remission of sins. I hope for the resurrection of the dead: And the life of the next century, amen.
Trisagion. Bows, g (3 times) to the Most Holy Trinity: Our Father: And the priest exclaims:
For Thy is the Kingdom: also this troparion, in voice and (voice 8):
Behold, the Bridegroom comes at midnight, and blessed is the servant; he will be found vigilant; but he who is unworthy again will be found despondent. Take care therefore that my soul is not burdened with sleep, lest it be given over to death, and be shut out of the Kingdom, but rise up and cry: Holy, Holy, Holy art thou God, through the Mother of God have mercy on us. Glory:
Thinking about this terrible day for my soul, watch (emphasis on and) burning your light, illuminating with oil: not knowing when the voice comes to you saying, Behold the bridegroom, take heed to my soul, so that you do not slumber, and remain outside pushing like five virgins: but wait vigilantly, so that Christ may be anointed with venerable oil, and He will give you the divine palace of His glory. And now, the Mother of God:
For you an insurmountable wall, an affirmation of salvation, Virgin Mary, we pray: destroy the resistant councils, turn your people’s sorrow into joy, protect your city, help the EMPEROR, pray for the peace of the world: for you are, Mother of God, our hope
(as I wrote in the “texts of ancient Orthodox prayers”, the very word “EMPEROR”, and even some in capital letters, when the entire text about the Lord, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, is written in continuous small text, it is also wickedness, and reminds us of the desire of the Jews to establish a satanic Jewish kingdom on earth - like the Roman pagan empire, the kingdom of evil and will exalt itself over everything and over God and the holy, to us This is not necessary, we need the Kingdom of God. In the prayer “Our Father” it says “Thy kingdom”, i.e. it is correct to say, as in more ancient times, “king”, and “servant of God”, like us. Based on the name of the blessed Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in the book published under him (written in small letters in addition to the name), the text of this prayer, apparently, should look like this:
For you an insurmountable wall, an affirmation of salvation, Virgin Mother of God, we pray: destroy the advice of those who resist, turn your people’s sorrow into joy, protect your city, God’s chosen servant and the anointed oil of the saints, help the Pious King and Sovereign, pray for the peace of the world: for you are , Mother of God, our hope
Also, Lord have mercy, m (40 times)
And this prayer: Who at all times, and at every hour, in heaven and on earth, is worshiped and glorified by Christ God, long-suffering, abundantly merciful, abundantly gracious, who loves the righteous and has mercy on sinners, who calls all (emphasis on s) to salvation promises for the sake of future blessings: Lord Himself, accept ours at the hour of this prayer, and correct our belly to Your commandments, cleanse our souls, correct our thoughts, cleanse our thoughts, and deliver us from all sorrow, evil and disease, protect us with Your holy angels, May we, by observing and instructing them, reach the unity of faith and the mind of Thy unapproachable glory: for blessed art Thou unto the ages of ages. (forever and ever). Amen.
Lord have mercy, three times. Glory to this day:
We magnify You, the most honorable cherub and the most glorious seraphim without comparison, who gave birth to God the Word without corruption.
(here one of the greatest wickedness has already been allowed, an attempt to “humiliate” the Mother of God, in a book of 1681 published under the pious Tsar, “the servant of God who was chosen by him anointed with holy oil” Alexei Mikhailovich, this prayer looks like this:
“The most honorable is the Cherub, and the most glorious indeed (TRULY) the Seraphim. Without the corruption of God the Word, we magnify the present Mother of God, Thee.” Our Lady, the Most Holy Theotokos, is TRULY more glorious than the archangels, angels, cherubim and seraphim)
cherub and seraphim)
In the name of the Lord, Bless the Father.
Priest: God be gracious to us, and bless us, make Thy face shine upon us, and have mercy on us.
And if there is alleluia, we make three great bows, saying this prayer secretly of St. Ephraim, dividing it into three parts:
Lord and master of my belly (my belly), do not give me the spirit of idleness, despondency, covetousness and idle talk. Bow. Grant me the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love to Your servant. Bow. To her, Lord the King, grant me to see my sins, and not to condemn my brother: for blessed art thou unto the ages of ages, (for ever and ever). Amen. Bow. Also small ones (12 bows), saying at each bow: God cleanse me, a sinner. And again, follow the entire prayer: Lord and Master of my belly (to my belly): and one great bow. This same prayer:
Master God, Father Almighty, Lord, Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ, and Holy Soul, one divinity, one power, have mercy on me, a sinner, and with your destinies, save me, your unworthy servant: for blessed art thou unto the ages of ages (for ever and ever), amen .
If there is no alleluia, it remains: Lord and Master of my life (my life); and bows. And we say only: Master God, Father Almighty: And these prayers.
It is appropriate to know that these prayers are spoken from kv_go (from “how to vedi_verb o”) the month of Septemvria, to the week of Vai.
Basil the Great: Lord Almighty, God of hosts and all flesh, living in the highest and looking upon the humble, testing the hearts and wombs, and the intimates of men, foreknowledge, beginningless and inherent in the light, he has no change, or transformation, overshadowing, he himself is immortal to the king , accept our prayers, even at the present time, boldly for the multitude of your generosity, from the bad lips we create towards you: and forgive us our sins, even in deed and word and thought, whether we have sinned by knowledge or ignorance, and cleanse us from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit. and grant us with a cheerful heart and a sober thought to pass through the night of this present life, awaiting the coming of the bright and revealed day of your only begotten son, our Lord and God and our Savior Jesus Christ, who will come with glory as the judge of all, to give to each according to his deeds: lest he fall and sluggish, but watchful, and exalted in the work that will be revealed, and prepare for joy and the divine palace of his glory, where those who celebrate the unceasing voice, and the ineffable sweetness of those who behold your face, ineffable kindness. For you are the true light, enlighten and illuminate everything, and all creation sings to you forever and ever, (forever and ever) Amen.
The priest also raises his hand, saying the same: We bless you, the highest God, and the Lord of mercy, who always does great and unexplored, glorious and terrible, there are no more of them: who gave us sleep for the repose of our weakness, and our weakness, and weakening laborious labors of the flesh. We thank you for you did not destroy us with our iniquities: but you usually loved mankind, and in despair you raised us up to glorify your power. In the same way, we pray for your immeasurable goodness, enlighten our thoughts, our eyes: and raise our minds from the heavy sleep of laziness: open our lips and fulfill your praise, so that we can unshakably sing and confess to you in all and from all the glorified God, the beginningless Father , with your only begotten son, and your all-holy, and good, and life-giving spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages (and unto ages of ages), amen.
Also, come, let’s bow: three.
And three bows, and psalms:
I lift up my eyes to the mountains, from where my help will come. My help comes from the Lord who created heaven and earth. Do not let your feet fall into confusion, keep you below to slumber. Behold, the guardian of Israel will not sleep; the guardian of Israel will fall asleep: the Lord will protect you, the Lord will protect your right hand. During the days the sun will not burn you, but the moon will not burn you at night. The Lord will preserve you from all evil, the Lord will preserve your soul. The Lord will preserve your coming in and your going out from now and forever.
Behold, now bless the Lord, all the servants of the Lord, who stand in the temple of the Lord, in the courtyards (emphasis on the o) of the house (emphasis on the o) of our God. At night, place your hands in the holy place, and bless the Lord. The Lord will bless you from Zion, who created heaven and earth. Glory to this day:
Trisagion. Bows g (i.e. 3). Holy Trinity: Our Father: For thine is the kingdom:
And this troparion, voice in:
Remember, Lord, that your servants are good, and if you have sinned in life, forgive them: no one is sinless, except you, who can give peace to those who have passed away.
Build with the depth of wisdom humanely, and give what is useful to everyone to one creator, O Lord, rest the souls of your servant: for I have placed my trust in you, the creator and builder and our God. Glory, kontakion:
With the saints, may Christ rest your souls, where there is no sickness, no sorrow, no sighing, but endless life. And now, the Mother of God:
And now,
Theotokos: Blessed are you, all of you, virgin Mother of God, for the inconceivable Christ our God was pleased to contain you. Blessed are we, who have intercession for you: for you pray for us night and night, and the tabernacle of the kingdom is established by your prayers. Thus, with a cry of praise, rejoice, full of grace, the Lord is with you.
Lord have mercy, i (12 times) And this prayer:
Lord, remember, in the hope of the resurrection of eternal life, our departed fathers and brethren, and all who passed away in piety and faith: and forgive them every sin, voluntary and involuntary, in word or deed, or by sin, committed by them, and put me in places of light, in a place of coolness, in a place of peace, from where all sickness, sorrow and sighing come (emphasis on the last e), where the light of your face is present, and all your saints from the ages are gladdened: grant them and us your kingdom and the participation of your ineffable and eternal blessings , and your endless and blissful life of pleasure. For you are the life, and the resurrection and the rest of your departed servants, Christ our God, and to you we send glory with your beginningless Father, and your most holy, and good, and life-giving spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages (for ever and ever), Amen.
Glorious ever-virgin, mother of Christ God, bring our prayer to your son and our God, may your souls be saved by you.
My hope is father, my refuge is son, my protection is the holy spirit (emphasis on s), holy trinity, glory to you. Glory to this day. Lord have mercy, (thrice) Bless
(In the psalter of 1681, according to the charter, when reading the psalter, kathismas and songs, it is written to read Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord bless (i.e. 2 times Lord have mercy and Lord bless), and it is said that the tradition of the charter of the holy fathers is ungodliness to God. And in the psalter of the Russian Orthodox Church in the same place “Lord have mercy. Bless three times”, i.e. in the service there is possible wickedness in this place, it is possible that it was like in the psalter Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord bless (i.e. 2). Once again, Lord have mercy and God bless))
And the priest: Christ is the true God: And there is a release. And (further the word is unintelligible, erased) the petition is ordinary. The priest says:
Let us pray for the Most Pious, Most Autocratic, Great Sovereign, our EMPEROR (name written in full letters ALEXANDER ALEXANDROVICH), of all Russia.
And we: Lord have mercy often
About His wife, the Most Pious Empress, the EMPRESS (the name was also in full letters, I can imagine how the Jews laughed when the Jew was called that and how our Orthodox people spat). About His Heir, the Blessed Sovereign and the Great Prince (hereinafter the name of the enemy Jew, one of the animals indicated in the book of the prophet Daniel, the Jew “Nicholas II”) and about the entire reigning house.
(It is quite clear that the enemy cannot be the heir. This Alexander Alexandrovich had fun with a Jew, and because of their offspring, the Jew Nicholas II, the whole country was drenched in blood and tears for more than a century. The marriage of an Orthodox sovereign to an enemy Jew and the piling up of the enemy’s Jew spawn, the fiercest enemies The Lord Jesus Christ and Russia to the Orthodox throne is TREASON, and the Jew and her offspring, and such an “EMPEROR” are subject to death penalty, it's just an enemy attack.
I specifically printed the previous text as is, with only the first letter in the paragraph in capital letters, as in the original text. There is the Lord, the Mother of God, and the Holy Trinity in small letters, and the EMPEROR and his name (traitor, Judas) are in capital letters. This is sheer wickedness and exaltation above all that is called God and that which is holy in the temple of God. This happened before Emperor Alexander Alexandrovich; they also wrote about other emperors. And this wickedness ended horribly. And one can see the absurdity and alienness and hostility to Orthodoxy of the very word “EMPEROR”. The Lord commanded us to pray “Our Father”; the kingdom of God is there; we must ask for it first of all. This means that there must be a king and a servant of God and the anointed of God, the Lord anoints for His Kingdom of God. In the book of 1681, under the real Orthodox Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, it is written like this - the Tsar, the servant of God, the anointed and chosen one of God, in simple small letters, even the first letters in the name, like the entire text, are not higher than God. The words “king” were removed. God's servant, the anointed one, wrote the Babylonian demonic word "EMPEROR" - and the slaves of Satan, the Jews climbed up with the demonic enemy empires and the bloody Jewish Babylon. And if this wickedness is eliminated, it will look like this, again I insert how the king was called from the book of 1681, maybe here the “abomination of desolation” will disappear, and the Lord will give us God’s servant, chosen one and anointed one like Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh or Alexander Nevsky, who died simple monk of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. I don’t think that they would write about themselves in capital letters EMPEROR in church books)
Let us pray for the servant of God of his own choosing and with holy oil, the anointed Pious King and Sovereign and Grand Duke (his name is Lord Jesus Christ You are all) of all Russia, autocrat
About his wife, Grand Duchess servant of God (name), etc.
About the Holy Governing Synod (also with capital letters, despite the fact that in the original text the entire text is in exactly small letters, both the Lord Jesus Christ and the Mother of God are written in small letters. It is unfitting in the temple of God to be exalted above all that is called God or the Holy Place, we correct the wickedness)
About the Holiest governing synod. About the prosperity and strengthening of the Christ-loving army. About our father, name, and all our brethren in Christ. About those who hate and love us. About those who have mercy and serve us. For those who commanded us to be unworthy, we should pray for them. About the deliverance of the captives. About our departed fathers and brothers. Oh, floating in the sea. O those who lie in weakness. Let us also pray for an abundance of earthly fruits. And about every soul of Orthodox Christians. Let us please the pious kings (everything is written correctly here, kings and with ordinary letters). Orthodox bishops and ktitors (emphasis on i) of this holy monastery. Our parents, and all our fathers and brethren who have departed before, who lie here and are Orthodox everywhere.
Primate: Rtsem and about ourselves.
Lord have mercy, three times. Through the prayers of the saints, our father, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us.

Remember, as if you were singing the Midnight Office throughout the week.
It befits vedati, as in holy mount afonstey, remember the Lord: these troparia say:
Lord have mercy on us, have mercy on us: bewildered by any answer, we offer this prayer as the Lord of sins, have mercy on us. Glory:
(incredible wickedness, in fact in the book of 1681 the text looks like this
Have mercy on us, Lord have mercy on us, I am perplexed by any answer. We offer this prayer to You as the Master of sins, YOUR Servants. Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us. And everything is clear that the Lord’s sinful servants will pray to him and ask for mercy. “Thy servants” have been removed, i.e. God, Satan sneaks into the temple of God, taking the form of an angel of light, what was further known)

Lord, have mercy on us, for I trust in you, do not be angry with us, below (emphasis on e) remember our iniquities: but look now, as if you are gracious, and deliver us from our enemies. For you are our God, and we are your people; all works are done by your hand, and your name we call. And now.
Open the doors of mercy for us, blessed Mother of God, who trust in you, so that we may not perish, but may we be delivered from troubles by you: you are the salvation of the Christian race.
(the greatest wickedness, for which the terrible wrath of God befell us. See also the “document “Ancient Orthodox Prayers.” This prayer was written differently in 1681. Is it possible to organize such wickedness in churches - to change and cancel prayers to the Mother of God? A myriad of Jewish machinations It has been against in the Orthodox Church since 1681, and especially against the prayers of our Most Holy Lady Theotokos, like that of Athos at the Dormition. Holy Mother of God They rush at her. So that their arms and muzzles of animals are also torn off, so that the animal is killed and its entire body is crushed and consigned to fire. I write as it should be)
Open the doors of mercy for us, blessed virgin Mother of God, who hope in you that we may not perish, but may we be delivered from troubles by you. For you are the salvation of the Christian race.
And the priest litany: God have mercy on us:
We also pray that this city and this holy monastery may be preserved: And so on. Lord have mercy, m (i.e. 40 times). Exclamation: Hear us, God: Therefore, Glory even now: and the release, and the rest, as the essence is prescribed.
(Midnight on Saturdays)
The beginning of the full service of the Sabbath with God, the priest says: Blessed is our God:
And we: Glory to you, our God, glory to you. To the King of Heaven: Trisagion. Holy Trinity: Our Father: For thine is the kingdom: Lord have mercy, 12 times.
Come, let us bow: three times. The same psalm (50th): God have mercy on me: Kathisma “zeta”, (i.e. 9th), and at the end of it: I believe in one God: Trisagion. Holy Trinity: Our Father:
And this troparion, voice in: Uncreated nature, open our lips to the creator of all, so that we may proclaim your praise, crying out: holy, holy, holy art thou God, through the Mother of God have mercy on us. Glory:
Imitating the highest power on earth, we bring a victorious song to thee blessed: holy, holy, holy art thou God, through the Mother of God have mercy on us. And now:
From bed and sleep you have raised me up, Lord, enlighten my mind and heart, and open my lips, for I cry to the Holy Trinity: holy, holy, holy art thou God, through the Mother of God have mercy on us.
Lord have mercy m (40 times). And at all times: Lord have mercy, three times
Glory even now: The most honorable cherub: Bless the Father in the name of the Lord:
Priest: God, be gracious to us, and bless us: Master God, Father Almighty.
And the real prayer of Saint Eustratius, in his cells:
I magnify you, Lord, for you have looked upon my humility and have shut me up in the hands of the enemy: but you have saved my soul from its needs. and now, lord, may your hand cover me, and may your mercy come to me, for my soul is troubled and painful in its journey, from my accursed and foul body: so that the once evil adversary’s advice will be crushed and I will remain in darkness, for the unknown and known sins that I have experienced in this life. Be merciful to me, Lord, and may my soul not see the dark gaze of wicked demons: but may your bright and most bright angels receive me. give glory to your holy name, and by your power lead me to your divine judgment. Never be judged by me, so that the hand of the prince of this world will not accept me, so that he can cast me out as a sinner into the depths of hell, but stand before me, and be saved and interceded by me: bodily pain and this torment of joy are your servant. Lord, have mercy on my soul, defiled by the passions of this life, and accept it pure through repentance and confession, for blessed are you forever and ever (for ever and ever), amen. Also: Come, let us bow: three times. I lifted up my eyes to the mountains: Behold now bless the Lord: Glory even now: Trisagion: Most Holy Trinity: and Our Father: For thine is the kingdom: And troparia:
Remember, Lord, how good: With the depth of wisdom: Glory: May Christ rest with the saints: And now: We bless you all, O virgin Mother of God: Lord have mercy (12 times). Remember, Lord, in the hope of resurrection:
All this was written in another full service (this is all written in another full service, in the ordinary one, at the end)
Dismissal from the priest, and petitions, and so on.
Priest: Blessed is our God: And we say: Amen. Glory to you, our God, glory to you. To the Heavenly King: Trisagion: Most Holy Trinity: Our Father: Priest: For thine is the kingdom: Lord have mercy, 12 times) Glory even now: Come, let us worship: three times. Psalm and (50th): God have mercy on me: And we speak the trinitarian canon of the present voice, and according to it these threefold abies:
It is worthy to eat, as truly, to glorify the God of the word, the cherubs tremble and shake, and glorify the heavenly powers, who rose from the grave for three days, let us glorify Christ, the giver of life, with fear.
Let us all sing with divine songs, the father, and the son, and the divine spirit, the trinitarian power, one kingdom and dominion.
Now all earthly beings sing and glorify the heavenly powers, faithfully worshiped by all, a unit in essence, trinitarian.
We magnify the God-originating (God-originating is written) cherub, and the God-originating seraphim without comparison, the indivisible trinity in one, the real God-principal.
I worship the Father without beginning and God, the Word without beginning, with spirit: the inseparable united being, the three-numbered unit we honor with songs.
Shine forth your radiant lightning, my God, the trinitarian omnipotent, and show me the house of your unapproachable glory, bright, luminous, and unchanging.
The cherubs tremble and tremble, and the angelic armies praise him; from the virgin, the indescribably embodied Christ, the giver of life, we glorify with fear. Same: Trisagion: Holy Trinity: Our Father: Close your voice. Lord have mercy, m (40 times) Glory even now: The most honorable cherub: And the exclamation of the priest: God is gracious to us: And the prayer to the Most Holy Trinity: Almighty and life-giving: And release, and the usual petition. The same priest says the litany: Let us pray for the most pious (about the Sovereign, see about the Tsar in the simple full service): We: Lord, have mercy, in a meek and quiet voice.
And after that, the primate says: Through the prayers of our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us. We are: Amen.
(For the prayer of the saints, our fathers. Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on us. Amen - this is how it was pronounced correctly in 1681, it is also wickedness to pronounce these words not according to the rules of the saints fathers)

The end of the midnight meal.
If there is a great Pentecost, after blessing the priest, we say:
Trisagion. Holy Trinity: Our Father: Lord, have mercy (12 times). Glory, even now. Come, let us worship: three times, and two psalms. Otherwise, with blessing: Come, let us worship: g (3 times), and psalms. These psalms are spoken in monasteries inertly, for which all the brethren incense to the priest.
The Lord will hear you in the day of sorrow, the name of the God of Jacob will protect you. Send help from the saint, and from Zion you will intercede. He will remember all your sacrifices, and your burnt offering (AND ALL YOUR BURNINGS - 1681) will be fat. The Lord will give you according to your heart, and He will fulfill all your advice. Let us rejoice in your salvation, and in the name of our Lord we will be magnified: the Lord will fulfill all your requests. Now I know that the Lord has saved (AS THE SAVE IS - 1681) the Lord of his Christ: he will hear him from his holy heaven, salvation is within his right hand. These on chariots, and these on horses (on HORSE-1681): we will call in the name of the Lord our God. We fell asleep and fell, but we woke up and corrected ourselves. Lord, save the king, and hear us, on the same day we will call you (ON THE SAME DAY WE CALL YOU -1681).
Lord, the king will rejoice in your power, and he will rejoice greatly at your salvation. You gave him the desire of his heart, and you took away the desire of his mouth. As if you had preceded him with a blessed blessing, you placed on his head a crown from an honorable stone. Belly asked you to eat, and you gave him the length of days forever and ever (IN THE AGE OF CENTURIES - 1681). Great is the glory of his salvation through your salvation, place glory and splendor on him (place NAN-1681). For give him a blessing for ever and ever (IN THE AGE OF CENTURIES - 1681), make him glad with your face. For the king trusts in the Lord, and is not moved by the mercy of the Most High. May your hand be found in all your enemies, may your right hand be found in all those who hate you (without “yes”, simply YOUR HAND SHALL BE FOUND IN ALL YOUR ENEMY, THY RIGHT HAND SHALL BE FOUND IN ALL WHO HATE YOU - 1681). For thou shalt lay them down like a furnace of fire before thy face: the Lord will crush me with his wrath, and destroy them with fire. Thou shalt destroy their fruit from the earth, and their seed from the sons of men. As if I had turned evil against you, I thought of advice that they would not be able to draw up (NOT POSSIBLE -1681G). For if I have laid (IH-1681G) a backbone for your abundance, you will prepare their face. Exalted, Lord, in your strength, let us sing and praise your strength.
Glory even now: Trisagion: Most Holy Trinity: Our Father: For thine is the kingdom: And this troparion:
God save your people, and bless your wealth, granting victories to the Blessed EMPEROR, our name, against the resistance, and preserving your residence through your cross.
God save your people and bless your inheritance of victory to your chosen servant and with the holy oil anointed by the pious king and sovereign, and to the great prince (his name, Lord you weigh) of all Rus', granting the autocrat resistance to resist, and preserving your residence through your cross) Glory:

Ascended on the cross by the will of your namesake new residence, grant your bounty to Christ our God: by your power you have made glad our Blessed EMPEROR, giving him victories as counterparts, your allowance, the weapon of peace, an invincible victory.
(with the same remark about ungodly exaltation and about the prayer “Our Father” and the kingdom of God and the king, I insert more ancient and Right words and the Orthodox Tsar
Ascended on the cross by the will of your namesake new residence, grant your bounty to Christ God: by your power, your chosen servant and with the holy oil of the anointed pious king and sovereign, and the great prince (his name is Lord Thou Weigh) of all Rus', our autocrat, rejoiced, giving him victories companions, I have your help, the weapon of the world, the invincible victory.) And now.
A terrible and shameless intercession, do not despise the good prayers of our prayers, all-sung Mother of God, establish the Orthodox residence: save our Blessed EMPEROR, the name you commanded him to reign, and grant him victory from heaven, for you gave birth to God, the only blessed one.
(with the same remark about ungodly exaltation and about the prayer “Our Father” and the kingdom of God and the king, I insert more ancient and correct words and the Orthodox king
Terrible and shameless intercession, do not despise the good prayers of ours, all-sung Mother of God, establish the Orthodox residence: save the servant of God who was chosen and anointed with the holy oil of the pious king and sovereign, and the great prince (his name is Lord Thou Weigh) of all Rus', the autocrat you commanded him reign, and grant him victory from heaven, you have given birth to God, you alone are blessed.)
Priest: God have mercy on us:
We also pray for our Most Pious, Most Autocratic, Great Sovereign, EMPEROR ALEXANDER ALEXANDROVICH of all Russia, and for His Spouse, the Most Pious Empress, EMPRESS MARY FEODOROVNA. About His Heir, the Blessed Sovereign, Tsarevich and Grand Duke NIKOLAI ALEXANDROVICH, and about the entire reigning house
(Nikolai’s mother was most likely a Jew, a Freemason, a foreigner (? Now there is no Internet to check), he himself was clearly a Jew, since no one except a secret Jew and a Freemason could commit such an atrocity against the Orthodox Church and our country. And they wrote “god” . “Mother of God” with a small letter, and EMPEROR - with arshins, without the words “servant of God”, so they received for exaltation and wickedness. LORD JESUS ​​CHRIST, SON OF GOD, have mercy on us sinners. God commanded the prayer “Our Father” and there is the kingdom of God. in heaven and on earth. Since the kingdom means the king. The kingdom of God means the king is the servant of God, and not above God, everything about the king must be written modestly in small, simple letters, as in 1681. And without any demonic “empires, Reichs, republics, presidencies, etc. We eliminate wickedness, insert more ancient and correct words about the Orthodox Tsar - the servant, the anointed one and the chosen one of God. It turns out:
We also pray for the servant of God of his own choosing and with holy oil, the pious tsar and sovereign, and the great prince (his name is Lord Jesus Christ Thou Weigh) of all Rus', autocrat, and for his wife, the pious empress, queen and grand duchess (name) About the heir him, the blessed sovereign, crown prince and grand duke (name), and about the entire reigning house)
And so on. Exclamation: For God is merciful and a lover of mankind: People: Bless the Father in the name of the Lord. Priest:
Glory is holy and consubstantial: and so on. And we begin the Six Psalms, listening with all silence and tenderness: the brother who has done this with reverence and fear of God says: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Three.
Lord, open my mouth, and my mouth will declare your praise. Two.
Lord, that I have multiplied the cold, many rise up against me, many say to my soul: there is no salvation for him in his God. You, Lord, are my protector, my glory, and lift up my head. I cried out to the Lord with my voice, and he heard me from his holy mountain. Oh, I fell asleep and woke up, as if the Lord would intercede for me. I will not be afraid (I WILL NOT FEAR-1681) from those people around who attack me. Resurrect, Lord, save me, my God, for you have struck (YOU STRIKE-1681) those at war with us in vain, you have crushed the teeth of sinners (THE SINNER-1681). Salvation is the Lord's, and your blessing is on your people.
I fell asleep and fell asleep, and arose, as if the Lord would intercede for me.
Lord, do not reprove me with your wrath (CONVICE-1681), nor punish me with your anger (NOR SHOW ME WITH YOUR ANGER-1681). For thy arrows fell upon me (UNIZOSHA MI-1681g), and thou established thy hand upon me. There is no healing in my flesh from the face of your wrath, there is no peace in my bones from the face of my sin. For my iniquities have exceeded my head, for a heavy burden is heavy upon me. My wounds have become stinking and rotten (BENDED-1681) in the face of my madness. I suffered and slushed (SUFFERED AND SMIRIKHSYA - 1681) to the end, I walked around complaining all day. As if Ladvia was filled with reproach, and there was no healing in my flesh. I was embittered and humbled to death: I roared with the sighing of my heart. Lord, all my desire is before you, and my sighing cannot be hidden from you. My heart is troubled (CONFORMED-1681), leave me my strength, and the light of my eyes, and be with me. My friends and my sincere ones, coming closer and closer to me. And my neighbors are far away (FROM FAR-1681) from me, and those who seek my soul are in need: and those who seek evil to me, the verb is vain, and to the flattering (AND FLATERY-1681) I will learn all day long. But I am deaf and do not hear, and as if I am dumb, I do not open my mouth (NOT OPENING - 1681). And as if a man did not hear (NOT HEARING -1681), and did not have reproof in his mouth. Because God has placed my trust in you, you will hear, my God. As if he said: may my enemies once again rejoice (REJOICE-1681). And my legs could never move, speaking to me. As if I am ready for wounds and I will take out my illness. For I will proclaim my iniquity, and I will take care of my sin. My enemies live, and have become stronger than me, and have multiplied, hating the name without truth. Those who reward me with evil (EVIL-1681), rewarding me with slander, persecute me without mercy. Don’t leave me, my God, don’t leave me. Vonmi (VONMI - 1681) to my help, Lord of my salvation.
Don’t leave me, my Lord God, don’t leave me. Vonmi (VONMI-1681) to my help, Lord of my salvation.
O my God, I pray to you in the morning: my soul thirsts for you, since my flesh is your abundance, in a land that is empty, impenetrable, and without water. Thus I appeared to you in holy things, to see your power and your glory. For your mercy is better than your belly, my lips will praise you. Thus I will bless you in my belly, I will lift up my hands in your name. For with fatness and ointment may my soul be filled, and my lips will praise you with joy. When I remembered you on my bed, I learned from you in the morning. For you were (AS TO BE -1681) my helper, and in the shelter of your wing (WING -1681) I will rejoice. Prelipe (PRILPE -1681) my soul is for you, but your right hand is less acceptable to me. They, having sought my soul in vain, will enter into the underworld of the earth: they will surrender into the hands of weapons (INTO THE HANDS OF WEAPONS - 1681), parts of the fox will be. The king will rejoice in God, everyone who swears by him will boast: for the lips of those who speak unrighteousness have been stopped (NOT THE TRUTH - 1681).
In the morning I learned from you, as you were (AS TO BE - 1681) my helper, and in the shelter of the krill (WING - 1681 (emphasis on y)), I will rejoice in yours. My soul is drawn to you, but your right hand is less acceptable to me.
Glory to this day. Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, thank you God. Three times without bowing. Lord have mercy, three. Glory, even now: The priest says the morning prayers, standing uncovered before the holy doors, secretly:
Lord God of my salvation, in the days (IN THE DAY -1681) I cried and in the night before you. Let my prayer come before you; incline your ear to my prayer. For my soul is filled with evil, and my belly is drawing near to hell. He was brought into the ditch with those who descended (THE DESCENTS -1681), like a man without help, there was freedom in the dead. Like the plague of those sleeping in the grave (IN THE GRAVE - 1681), you did not remember them (THE SAME - 1681) (TO THAT - 1681), and they were rejected by your hand. Placing me in the pit of hell, in the dark and shadow of death. Thy wrath was established upon me, and thou didst bring all thy waves upon me (NAVED ON ME-1681). You removed those who knew me from me, making me an abomination to yourself. was betrayed, and did not depart. My eyes are exhausted from poverty. I have cried to you, Lord, all day long; I have lifted up my hands to you. Eating the dead work miracles (MIRACLES-1681), or (LI-1681) the doctors will resurrect and confess to you. Food is the story of who your mercy is in the grave, and your truth in destruction; Your miracles (MIRACLES-1681) will be known in the dark, and your truth will be known in the forgotten lands. And I, Lord, called to you (CALL-1681), and my morning prayer will precede you. O Lord, take away my soul (SOUL-1681g) and turn away your face (YOUR-1681g) from me; I am a beggar, and in labor from my youth. He ascended (ASCEED (without “sya”) - 1681) and became humble and faint. Your wrath has come upon me, your intimidation has disturbed me. It washed over me like water, possessing me all day long. You removed from me a friend and a sincere one, and those who knew me from passions.
Lord God of my salvation, in the days (IN THE DAY - 1681) I cried (CALLED - 1681) and in the night before you.
Let my prayer come before you; incline your ear to my prayer.
Bless the Lord my soul, and my whole inner being, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, my soul, and do not forget all his rewards. Who cleanses all your iniquities. healing all your ailments. Who delivers your belly from decay. crowning you with mercy and bounties. Who fulfills your desires for good. your youth will be renewed like an eagle (ORLU-1681). Give alms (ALMS-1681), Lord, and the fate of all those who are offended. Moses told his own ways, the sons of Israel (ISRAEL-1681) had his own desires. The Lord is generous and merciful, long-suffering and abounding in mercy. He is not completely angry, he is at enmity lower in the century (NOT IN THE CENTURY-1681). It was not because of our iniquity that He created for us to eat, but because of our sin (NO SIN -1681 (emphasis on the last “o”)) He gave us food to eat. As the height of heaven from the earth, the Lord established his mercy on those who fear him. The east is far removed from the west, and our iniquities have been removed from us. As a father gives generously to his sons, God bless those who fear him. As he knew our creation, I will remember him as the finger of Esma. A man is like grass, his days are like a spring flower, so he will fade away. For the spirit has passed (WILL PASS -1681 (emphasis on the “o”)) in it, and will not be, and will not know its place. The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear him. And his righteousness is upon the sons of sons, who keep his covenant and remember his commandments, I will do. The Lord has prepared his throne in heaven, and his kingdom possesses everyone. The Lord bless all the angels (ANGELS-1681) of him, who are mighty in the strength of his word, to hear the voice of his words. Bless the Lord with all his might, his servants who do his will. Bless the Lord all his works in every place of his dominion (DOminion -1681), bless the Lord my soul.
In every place of his dominion (DOminion -1681), bless my soul, lords.
Lord, hear my prayer, inspire my prayer in your truth, hear me in your righteousness. And you will not enter into judgment with your servant, for no one living will be justified before you. I have driven the enemy to my soul, I have humbled my belly to eat in the ground. He planted me in the dark as if it were a dead age (VEKU-1681), and my spirit was sad within me. my heart is in turmoil (CONTROL-1681). I remember the days of old. I have learned in all your deeds, in your creation (IN DELECH -1681, emphasis on the first “e”)) I have learned your hand. My hands lift up to you, my soul, like a waterless land to you. Lord, hear me soon, my spirit will disappear. Do not turn your face away from me, and I will become like those who go down into the pit. I hear you show me your mercy in the morning, for I trust in you. Tell me, Lord, the way, I will go, as if I took my soul (SOUL -1681) to you. Deliver me from my enemies, Lord, I have come running to you. Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. Your good spirit will guide me to the right land. For the sake of your name, Lord, live me, by your righteousness you will remove my soul from sorrow. And consume your mercy by my enemies, and destroy all my cold souls, as I am your servant.
Hear me, Lord, in your righteousness, and do not enter into judgment with your servant. Hear me, Lord, in your righteousness and do not enter into judgment with your servant. Your good spirit will guide me to the right land. Glory to this day:
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, thank you God. Three times. The same litany (emphasis on the a at the end) is spoken by the priest. And Abiye is sung in the voice of the troparion, the present day of the saint:
God is the Lord, and having appeared to us, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Verse a (1): Confess to the Lord that He is good, for His mercy endures forever. Verse 2: Having done wrong to me, I resisted them in the name of the Lord. Verse d (3): I will not die, but I will live, telling the works of the Lord. Verse d (4th): The stone that was built carelessly, this was at the head of the corner, this was from the Lord, and is marvelous in our minds. (The stone of his careless construction, this was at the head of the corner (emphasis on the first y). This was from the Lord, and is wondrous in our eyes - as it is written in the psalm of 1681, it was published at the direction of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, none, and especially such it is categorically impossible to change the words, this is the greatest wickedness to God, so the Lord deprived us of the vineyard. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners)

(further in the text some letters are erased, I write _ instead)
We also say the troparion of the received feast, or saint, and the resurrection of the received voice, two and the Theotokos in the same voice. The Lord God sings to him: the canonarch departs, and stands in the middle of the temple with his revealed head, and quietly speaks the above verses: he stands there, until they begin to sing the Theotokos. He also worships in the same place, and finds himself worshiping face to face, and moves away: he does this, and always there is an alleluia. If there is an alleluia, or great month, instead of God the Lord, we sing alleluia three times, in the voice of the hymn. The verses say this:
Verse a: My spirit is attenuated toward you by night, O God: before (emphasis not e) the light of your command is upon the earth.
Verse in: Those who dwell on the earth will learn righteousness.
Verse d: envy will take people unpunished.
Verse e: Do evil to them, Lord, do evil to the glorious ones of the earth.
And the voices are threefold, each one united. Let us also verse the psalter and sedals according to their order: and the fiftieth psalm, the canons with verse. On “Oita”, i.e. the 9th song, we sing the song of the Most Holy Theotokos:
My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.
As if you have looked upon the humility of your servant, behold, from now on all your people will please (BLAZHAT-1681).
For the mighty one has done greatness for me, and holy is his name, and his mercy throughout all generations (IN THE CENTURY AND GENESIS - 1681) to those who fear (THOSE AFRAID - 1681) him.
Create power with your arm, squander their hearts with proud thoughts (THOUGHTS-1681).
Dethrone the mighty from the throne (FROM THE THRONE - 1681), and lift up the humble, fill the hungry with blessings, and let the rich let go of vanity (AND LET THE RICH GO OF VANE - 1681)
Israel will receive their child, remembering the mercies that were spoken to our Father, Abraham and his seed, even to eternity.
For each verse we sing: The most honest cherub:
(Here I resurrect the original text of the prayer “It is worthy to eat” and the brutally murdered obligatory prayer “Every creature rejoices in you; the obligatory prayer is often mentioned when reading the psalter as “it is worthy to eat”; they are often mentioned together in the 1681 book of Prayers to the Lord and The Mother of God cannot be changed and killed. Our Lady Theotokos is TRULY more glorious than the seraphim, the angel and the archangel. Without any other words, “Every creature rejoices in you, Glory to you.”
“It is worthy to eat, as truly, to bless Thee Theotokos. Ever Blessed and Most Immaculate, and Mother of our God. Most honorable Cherub, and most glorious indeed (TRULY) Seraphim. Without the corruption of God the Word, we magnify You, who gave birth to the real Mother of God. And bow to the ground.
Every creature, the Archangel Council, and the human race rejoices in You. From the consecrated church, and from the verbal paradise, virgin praise. From her God became incarnate and a child became, like our God of old, for Thy throne was made false, and Thy womb was made more spacious than the heavens for the Maiden. Every creature rejoices in You, glory to You. And bow to the ground. From the oktai voice, i, li, tzi. (in the Slovenian language, numbers were designated by letters. in the Sunday service")
Also “Fita” (i.e. 9th) song of the canon. If there is a week, according to irimos: It is worthy to eat: if there is a week, or semi-oil pet, according to the katavasia litany: Holy is the Lord our God. Three times. And morning exapostilary. If there is a feast day, we say luminary in a voice that has risen. Otherwise, exapostilary and abiye are praised. If there is a week, or a sovereign holiday, or a saint, having a great doxology, every (every -1681) breath is sung in a voice that has been raised.
Let every (every -1681) breath be praised by the Lord. Praise the Lord from heaven, praise him in the highest. A song to God befits you.
Another day, sitsa:
First face: Praise the Lord from heaven. A song to God befits you. The same face: Praise the Lord from heaven, praise him in the highest. A song to God befits you.
Second face: praise him, all the angels (all angels -1681) praise him, praise him with all his might. A song to God befits you.
Praise him the sun and the moon, praise him all the stars and light. Praise him, the heavens of heavens, and the waters above the heavens, that they may praise the name of the Lord. As was the case with that speech. He commanded it, and it was created. If I put it in the century, and in the century of the century, I put the command and it will not pass by. Praise the Lord from the earth, the serpent and all the abyss. Fire, hail, snow, bareness, a stormy spirit, creating his word. Mountains and all the hills. the tree is fruitful, and all are cedars. The beast, and all the beasts. reptiles and birds. The kings of the earth, and all people. princes and all the judges of the zemstia. Young men and maidens, old men and young men, let them praise the name of the Lord. for the name of that one has been exalted. He will confess it on earth and in heaven, and the horn of his people will exalt. A song to all his saints, sons of Israel (Israel - 1681), people approaching him (those approaching - 1681).
Sing a new song to the Lord, his praise in the church of the saints. Let Israel rejoice in him who created him. and the sons of Zion will rejoice in their king (oh kings (emphasis on and at the end) - 1681). Let them praise his name in person, in the tympanum and psaltery (psalms (emphasis on s) -1681) and sing to him. For the Lord delights in his people, and will lift up the meek to salvation. The saints will be praised in glory, and will rejoice on their couches (beds - 1681 (emphasis on the o)). The praises of God are in their throats, and two sharp swords are in their hands. Bring vengeance to the nations, reproof to the people. The kings (the king-1681) bound their fetters, and their glorious ones with iron shackles.
From here we begin the stichera on “zelo”: To create judgment in them is written, This glory will be (this glory is - 1681) to all his saints.
Praise God in his saints, praise him in strengthening his strength (strength-1681). On d: Praise him according to his strength, praise him according to the multitude of his greatness (according to his great greatness - 1681). Praise him with the trumpet, praise him with the psalter (in the psalter - 1681) and with the harp. Praise him in the tympanum and face, praise him in the strings and organ (in the strings and organ - 1681). Praise him with the cymbal of good will, praise him with the cymbal of exclamation. Let every (every - 1681) breath praise the Lord.
There is also a week, according to stichera, Glory: stichera e(izhitsa)lskaya. And now, the real Mother of God:
Blessed are you, virgin Mother of God, who embodied you, fearing from you that hell was captured by hell, you took an oath, you were freed, death was slain, and we came to life. Thus we cry hymnically: blessed is Christ, the gracious God, glory to you.
Glory to you who showed us the light.
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will to men. We praise you, we bless you, we bow to you, we glorify you, we thank you great for the sake of your glory. Lord the king of heaven, God the Father Almighty, Lord the only begotten son Jesus Christ, and holy soul. Lord God, lamb of God, son of the father (OH), take away the sin of the world, have mercy on us: take away the sins of the world, accept our prayer: sit at the right hand of the father, have mercy on us. For you are the only saint, you are the only Lord, Jesus Christ, to the glory of God the Father, amen.

Lord grant that we may be preserved without sin on this day. Blessed are you, Lord, God of our father, and praised and glorified is your name forever, amen.
God bless you, your mercy is on us, just as we trust in you.
Blessed art thou, Lord, teach me by thy justification. Three times.
Lord, you have been our refuge throughout all generations. Az said: Lord, have mercy on me, heal my soul, for those who have sinned against you.
Lord, I have come running to you, teach me to do your will, for you are my God: for as you are the source of life, in your light we will see light. Show your mercy to your leaders.
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. Three times. Glory: and now:
Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. Also in the highest voice: Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. And at the end of the doxology the priest does not say: for yours is the kingdom: as many say: but at the end of the Trisagion, with the verb absolution that happened, and the Theotokos. If there is a week, we say the troparion of Sunday. And in the first voice, g, e, z, we say these verbs:
Today salvation has come to the world, we sing to him who rose from the grave, and to the ruler of our life: having destroyed death by death, you have given us victory, and great mercy
In the voice v ("lead"), d ("good"), s ("great"), i ("like") we say this verb: You rose from the grave, and you tore apart the bonds of hell, you destroyed the condemnation of the death of the Lord, all delivering you from the snares of the enemy: having revealed yourself to be your apostle, you sent me to preach, and to those you gave your peace to the universe, the only one who is abundantly merciful.
If there is a day of forty days, or another day that does not have great praise: according to your praise, Glory, even now, the accomplished brother says:
Glory befits you, O Lord our God, and we send glory to you, father and son and holy spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever (for ever and ever -1681, emphasis on “o”). Amen.
Glory to you, who showed us the light. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will to men. We praise you, we bless you, we bow to you, we glorify you, we thank you, great for your glory. Lord the king of heaven, God the Father almighty, Lord the only begotten son, Jesus Christ, and holy soul. Lord God, lamb of God, son of the Father (Eye is written), take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us: take away the sins of the world, accept our prayer: sit at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For you are the only saint, the only Lord, Jesus Christ, to the glory of God the Father. Amen.
I will bless you every day and praise your name forever and ever.
Lord, you have been our refuge throughout all generations. I said: Lord, have mercy on me, heal my soul, for those who have sinned against you. Lord, I have come running to you, teach me to do your will, for you are my God: for as you are the source of life, in your light we will see light. Show your mercy to your leaders. Is the same:
Lord grant that on this day we may be preserved without sin. Blessed are you, Lord God of our fathers, and praised and glorified is your name forever, amen.
God bless you, your mercy is on us, just as we trust in you. Blessed art thou, Lord, teach me by thy justification. Blessed art thou, O Lord, enlighten me with thy justification. blessed art thou, holy one, enlighten me with thy justification.
Lord, your mercy endures forever, do not despise the work of your hands: praise is due to you, singing is due to you, glory is due to you, father and son and the holy spirit, father and son and the holy spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages, amen.
Priest: Let us fulfill our morning prayer to the Lord (it is written). The same octagonal stichera, if there is a lord's holiday. Verse a: In the morning we were filled with thy mercy, Lord, and we rejoiced and rejoiced: all our days we rejoiced, for the days in nyazh you humbled us, we saw the evil years in nyazh. And look upon your servants and your works, and instruct your sons (emphasis on the first “s”) them.
Verse c: And bring the Lord our God's grace upon us, and restore the work of our hands upon us, and restore the work of our hands.
Glory, even now: if you still have it. Also: It is good to confess to the Lord, and to sing to you, O Most High: to proclaim your mercy in the morning, and your truth every night.
Trisagion. According to Our Father: Priest: For yours is the kingdom: Troparion for the day. Glory, even now, to the Mother of God. Priest litany: God have mercy on us: And so on. If there is Pentecost: It is good to confess: twice. Trisagion. According to the Our Father: Priest: For yours is the kingdom: We say:
In the temple worth your glory, stand in heaven, Mother of God, the door of heaven, open the doors of your mercy. Also, Lord have mercy, m (40 times)
Glory, even now: The most honorable cherub: Bless the Father in the name of the Lord.
Priest: Blessed is Christ our God, always, now and ever and unto ages of ages (for ever and ever – 1681, emphasis on “O”, it’s written like that everywhere, nowhere is there “for ever and ever”), amen.
And we say: Heavenly King, our faithful EMPEROR, name,
(obvious wickedness, the heavenly king in small letters, and the demonic word “emperor” (the servant of God is not written, i.e. maybe a slave of Satan, we don’t need it) in yardsticks, a clear exaltation of the demonic pride over God and the holy. I cleanse the sanctuary, I write more ancient and true words about the king of the earth, the servant of God, in small letters, as in the prayer “Our Father” and as in 1681
Heavenly Tsar, God's faithful servant, chosen by him and anointed with the holy oil of the pious Tsar and Sovereign, and Grand Duke (his name is Lord Thou Weigh) of All Rus', Autocrat)
strengthen, establish the faith, tame tongues (emphasis on s), pacify the world, preserve this holy monastery well: teach our fathers and brethren who first departed in the villages of the righteous, and receive us in repentance and confession, as good and lover of mankind.
Therefore, we make three great bows, saying within ourselves at each bow the prayer of St. Ephraim:
Lord and Master of my life:
Written in the Midnight Office:
The book also contains “Dismissal Troparions of the Whole Week”, “Resurrection Troparions”, “Following the Prayer Service”.
No “packs and packs”, etc. never existed and did not exist until the terrible command of the Jew and Freemason Nicholas II. This is the Jewish heresy, in the fight against which many Orthodox Christians suffered martyrdom.
And yet, our truly Orthodox kings and true Orthodox ancient shepherds, in their zeal for preserving the Orthodox faith and caring for the simplest and poorest Orthodox Christians, also took care of us, sinners, today - deceived, robbed. Since Jewish heretics have settled in churches with heretical Antichrist masses in which one cannot participate, I quote from that book of 1681 “The Rule for Those Who Cannot Literate.” Serve everything as it should be done yourself - Matins, Midnight, and you can do the work, and you won’t anger God, and you don’t have to spend money on the Jewish “wickedness towards God.”
The Psalter in the Jewish heretical “Russian Orthodox Church” is mercilessly distorted, and the rule on how to read it is also. The prayers after the psalms are completely different. The fact that the heretical Jewish “Orthodox Church” cannot be read at all is “ungodliness towards God,” just like their Masonic heretical Antichrist masses—“services of the Jewish composition”

Barry Setterfield is well known among creation theorists for his research into the slowing of light (see Booklet No. 42). He recently summarized the unpublished findings of the late G.F. Dodwell, an internationally renowned and highly respected scientific world Australian astronomer. As a result, Setterfield came to conclusions that were as stunning as the idea of ​​​​decreasing the speed of light. This booklet offers you short review the main issues considered in his work.

It is generally accepted that the angle of inclination of the Earth's axis (ecliptic declination) fluctuates between 22 and 24.5 degrees due to the attraction of the Moon, Sun and planets acting on the Earth's equatorial bulge. This tilt angle changes very slowly, with a period of about 40,000 years. A mathematical analysis of the change in slope was done by Stockwell, whose formula was later refined by Newcomb.

George Dodwell was the chief astronomer South Australia from 1909 to 1952. He was a leading international specialist and, in addition, was an excellent mathematician. In the mid-1930s, he became interested in the question of ecliptic declination and eventually collected sixty-six records of ancient observations of the movement of the Sun, going back more than 4,000 years. These data were obtained predominantly using the same measurement method.

Ancient gnomons

If you measure the angles at which the shadow is cast from a vertical pole (gnomon) at noon on the longest and shortest days of the year, half the sum (arithmetic mean) of these values ​​will be equal to the geographic latitude of the observer, and half of the difference will be the angle of inclination of the earth's axis.

According to written sources, gnomons have been used throughout the history of world civilization, from ancient egypt and China to antiquity and the Middle Ages. These instruments were installed with great care, and the position of the shadow was recorded just as carefully - with an accuracy of five arc minutes. In each case, the calculated latitude value proves the high accuracy of the recorded readings, but the axis tilt angle differs markedly from the theoretically expected value.

Dodwell plotted the change in the recorded slope value over time and compared the result with what Newcomb's formula suggested. The discovered discrepancy suggested that around 2500 BC. something happened that cannot be explained within the framework of phenomena observed today.

By subtracting the theoretical value of the inclination angle, obtained using Newcomb's formula, from the observed value, Dodwell obtained the curve shown in Fig. 3. He discovered that it was a logarithmic sine wave tending to an asymptote (vertical position) around 2345 BC. A logarithmic sine wave is a mathematical expression that describes the behavior of a gyroscope (such as a spinning Earth) that has been suddenly deflected from its position and now returns to its normal rotation mode.

Dodwell wondered about the causes and consequences of such a sudden change in the tilt of the axis. Over time, after reading Professor McReady Price’s book The Global Catastrophe Hypothesis, he came to the conclusion that this change is directly related to the Flood, because 2345 BC. - the approximate date of the Flood according to biblical chronology!

A detailed examination of Dodwell's research and experiments to test the accuracy of gnomons showed that his work was carried out with amazing care and absolutely flawlessly. This was to be expected from an astronomer who could not afford negligence: if his statements turned out to be false, his reputation in the scientific world would collapse irrevocably!

Dodwell's conclusions find a very unexpected confirmation, while simultaneously solving three interesting problems.

1. Egyptian temples

The Egyptians, when worshiping the Sun, built long temples precisely oriented to the sunrise or sunset of the longest day of the year (that is, when the Sun is in its northernmost position). One of the largest and most famous temples is the Temple of Amun-Ra at Karnak: a structure more than half a kilometer long, the long corridor of which was illuminated by the sun only one day a year.

As the years passed, the sun's rays stopped passing along the axis of the building, and the entrance had to be moved to the south; these days the sun again does not reach the depths of the temple. According to Newcomb's formula, the maximum possible tilt of the earth's axis is 24.5 degrees, but the orientation of the temple corresponds to a tilt of 25.2 degrees - an angle that the axis tilt theoretically should not reach at all.

A study of other sun- or star-oriented temples in Egypt and other parts of the world yielded similar results.

Plotting the data obtained at Karnak on his graph, Dodwell arranged them according to the value of the angle of inclination. This leads to an earlier dating of the building than what archaeologists tend to believe. Nevertheless, the time of completion and repair corresponds to the abbreviated Egyptian chronology of Courville (1) and Velikovsky (2).

2. Stonehenge

Archaeologists and historians date this structure to approximately 350 BC. Astronomers, having studied the orientation of this structure, dated it, using Newcome's formula, to approximately 1900 BC. However, according to Dodwell's schedule, the location of Stonehenge corresponds to its archaeological age, i.e. OK. 350 BC

3. Eudox

Eudoxus was a Greek astronomer who lived around 350 BC. and wrote a poem about the location of the stars. Modern astronomers note that the position of the stars described by Eudoxus could not have taken place during the poet’s lifetime - it corresponds (according to Newcome’s formula) to approximately 1950 BC. But on Dodwell’s chart, this location exactly corresponds to 350 BC, which is confirmed by the observations of Eudoxus.

Dodwell noted the deviation of the data in one direction or another from a logarithmic sinusoid. Mathematical analysis showed that the reverse movement of the axis to the standard Newcomb line was accompanied by "collateral" deviations until the axis reached in 1850 AD. position corresponding to the predictions of the theory (see graph in Fig. 3).

If you spin a top, then as it slows down, its axis will begin to describe circles in the direction opposite to the movement of the top. This effect is called axis precession. The Earth must complete a complete precessional cycle in approximately 25,500 years. Since the tilt of the axis determines the angle between north and southern position celestial body, precession affects the time of its ascent or setting, i.e. to the observed latitude.

However, some ancient astronomers wrote that “the latitude of the star increased for 640 years, by one degree in 80 years; then suddenly it began to decrease, and decreased for another 640 years, and then increased again...”. They noted that this last change occurred in 158 BC.

Biblical events

All this information is gleaned directly from scientific works Dodwell. However, Barry Setterfield finds a very interesting connection between these astronomical phenomena and some events described in the Bible.

He points out that the superposition of two vibrations can periodically have a temporary, significant effect on the observed motion of the celestial sphere, and this is what happened whenever the unusual astronomical phenomena mentioned in the Bible occurred. Moreover, during such periods of stress in earth's crust must be especially large, causing earthquakes, which are also mentioned in the Bible.

For the tilt of the Earth's axis to reach a level of about 26 degrees and only then return to an angle of approximately 22.5 degrees, the Earth, according to Dodwell's calculations, would have to be hit by an object with a diameter of about eighty kilometers. As a result of such an impact, a crater with a size of 13 - 16 thousand kilometers in diameter should have formed, surrounded by a ring volcanic activity. This blow was supposed to cause the Flood. Dodwell suggests that the blow hit the center Pacific Ocean, and showed how the locations of the Earth's mountain ranges support this conclusion.

All information given here is taken from written materials and audio recordings of Barry Setterfield's lectures.

Our planet is constantly in motion:

  • rotation around its own axis, movement around the Sun;
  • rotation with the Sun around the center of our galaxy;
  • movement relative to the center of the Local Group of galaxies and others.

Movement of the Earth around its own axis

Rotation of the Earth around its axis(Fig. 1). The earth's axis is taken to be an imaginary line around which it rotates. This axis is deviated by 23°27" from the perpendicular to the ecliptic plane. The earth's axis intersects with the earth's surface at two points - the poles - North and South. When viewed from North Pole, then the Earth rotates counterclockwise or, as is commonly believed, from west to east. The planet completes a full revolution around its axis in one day.

Rice. 1. Rotation of the Earth around its axis

A day is a unit of time. There are sidereal and solar days.

Sidereal day- this is the period of time during which the Earth will turn around its axis in relation to the stars. They are equal to 23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds.

Sunny day- this is the period of time during which the Earth turns around its axis in relation to the Sun.

The angle of rotation of our planet around its axis is the same at all latitudes. In one hour, each point on the Earth's surface moves 15° from its original position. But at the same time, the speed of movement is inversely proportional to the geographic latitude: at the equator it is 464 m/s, and at a latitude of 65° it is only 195 m/s.

The rotation of the Earth around its axis in 1851 was proved in his experiment by J. Foucault. In Paris, in the Pantheon, a pendulum was hung under the dome, and under it a circle with divisions. With each subsequent movement, the pendulum ended up on new divisions. This can only happen if the surface of the Earth under the pendulum rotates. The position of the pendulum's swing plane at the equator does not change, because the plane coincides with the meridian. The Earth's axial rotation has important geographical consequences.

When the Earth rotates, it occurs centrifugal force who plays important role in shaping the shape of the planet and reduces the force of gravity.

Another of the most important consequences of axial rotation is the formation of a rotational force - Coriolis forces. In the 19th century it was first calculated by a French scientist in the field of mechanics G. Coriolis (1792-1843). This is one of the inertia forces introduced to take into account the influence of the rotation of the moving frame of reference on the relative motion material point. Its effect can be briefly expressed as follows: every moving body in the Northern Hemisphere is deflected to the right, and in the Southern Hemisphere - to the left. At the equator, the Coriolis force is zero (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Action of the Coriolis force

The action of the Coriolis force extends to many phenomena of the geographical envelope. Its deflecting effect is especially noticeable in the direction of movement of air masses. Under the influence of the deflecting force of the Earth's rotation, the winds of temperate latitudes of both hemispheres take a predominantly western direction, and in tropical latitudes - eastern. A similar manifestation of the Coriolis force is found in the direction of movement ocean waters. The asymmetry of river valleys is also associated with this force (the right bank is usually high in the Northern Hemisphere, and the left bank in the Southern Hemisphere).

The rotation of the Earth around its axis also leads to the movement of solar illumination along earth's surface from east to west, i.e. to the change of day and night.

The change of day and night creates a daily rhythm in living and inanimate nature. The circadian rhythm is closely related to light and temperature conditions. The daily variation of temperature, day and night breezes, etc. are well known. Circadian rhythms also occur in living nature - photosynthesis is possible only during the day, most plants open their flowers at different hours; Some animals are active during the day, others at night. Human life also flows in a circadian rhythm.

Another consequence of the Earth’s rotation around its axis is the time difference at different points on our planet.

Since 1884, zone time was adopted, that is, the entire surface of the Earth was divided into 24 time zones of 15° each. Behind standard time take the local time of the middle meridian of each zone. Time in neighboring time zones differs by one hour. The boundaries of the belts are drawn taking into account political, administrative and economic boundaries.

The zero belt is considered to be the Greenwich belt (named after the Greenwich Observatory near London), which runs on both sides of the prime meridian. The time of the prime, or prime, meridian is considered Universal time.

Meridian 180° is taken as international date line— conditional line on the surface globe, on both sides of which the hours and minutes coincide, and the calendar dates differ by one day.

For more rational use in the summer of daylight in 1930, our country introduced maternity time, one hour ahead of the time zone. To achieve this, the clock hands were moved forward one hour. In this regard, Moscow, being in the second time zone, lives according to the time of the third time zone.

Since 1981, from April to October, time has been moved forward one hour. This is the so called summer time. It is introduced to save energy. In summer, Moscow is two hours ahead of standard time.

The time of the time zone in which Moscow is located is Moscow.

Movement of the Earth around the Sun

Rotating around its axis, the Earth simultaneously moves around the Sun, going around the circle in 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 46 seconds. This period is called astronomical year. For convenience, it is believed that there are 365 days in a year, and every four years, when 24 hours out of six hours “accumulate”, there are not 365, but 366 days in a year. This year is called leap year and one day is added to February.

The path in space along which the Earth moves around the Sun is called orbit(Fig. 4). The Earth's orbit is elliptical, so the distance from the Earth to the Sun is not constant. When the Earth is in perihelion(from Greek peri- near, near and helios- Sun) - the point of orbit closest to the Sun - on January 3, the distance is 147 million km. It is winter in the Northern Hemisphere at this time. Greatest distance from the Sun in aphelion(from Greek aro- away from and helios- Sun) - greatest distance from the Sun - July 5th. It is equal to 152 million km. It's summer in the Northern Hemisphere at this time.

Rice. 4. The movement of the Earth around the Sun

The annual movement of the Earth around the Sun is observed by the continuous change in the position of the Sun in the sky - the midday altitude of the Sun and the position of its sunrise and sunset change, the duration of the light and dark parts of the day changes.

When moving in orbit, the direction of the earth's axis does not change; it is always directed towards the North Star.

As a result of changes in the distance from the Earth to the Sun, as well as due to the inclination of the Earth's axis to the plane of its movement around the Sun, an uneven distribution of solar radiation is observed on Earth throughout the year. This is how the change of seasons occurs, which is characteristic of all planets whose axis of rotation is tilted to the plane of its orbit. (ecliptic) different from 90°. The orbital speed of the planet in the Northern Hemisphere is higher in winter time and less in the summer. Therefore, the winter half-year lasts 179 days, and the summer half-year - 186 days.

As a result of the Earth's movement around the Sun and the tilt of the Earth's axis to the plane of its orbit by 66.5°, our planet experiences not only a change of seasons, but also a change in the length of day and night.

The rotation of the Earth around the Sun and the change of seasons on Earth are shown in Fig. 81 (equinoxes and solstices in accordance with the seasons in the Northern Hemisphere).

Only twice a year - on the days of the equinox, the length of day and night throughout the Earth is almost the same.

Equinox- the moment in time at which the center of the Sun, during its apparent annual movement along the ecliptic, crosses the celestial equator. There are spring and autumn equinoxes.

The tilt of the Earth's rotation axis around the Sun on the days of the equinoxes March 20-21 and September 22-23 turns out to be neutral with respect to the Sun, and the parts of the planet facing it are evenly illuminated from pole to pole (Fig. 5). The sun's rays fall vertically at the equator.

The longest day and shortest night occur on the summer solstice.

Rice. 5. Illumination of the Earth by the Sun on the days of the equinox

Solstice- the moment the center of the Sun passes the points of the ecliptic most distant from the equator (solstice points). There are summer and winter solstices.

On the day of the summer solstice, June 21-22, the Earth occupies a position in which the northern end of its axis is tilted towards the Sun. And the rays fall vertically not on the equator, but on the northern tropic, the latitude of which is 23°27". Not only the polar regions are illuminated around the clock, but also the space beyond them up to a latitude of 66°33" (the Arctic Circle). In the Southern Hemisphere at this time, only that part of it that lies between the equator and the southern Arctic Circle (66°33") is illuminated. Beyond it, the earth's surface is not illuminated on this day.

On the day of the winter solstice, December 21-22, everything happens the other way around (Fig. 6). The sun's rays are already falling vertically on the southern tropics. The areas that are illuminated in the Southern Hemisphere are not only between the equator and the tropics, but also around the South Pole. This situation continues until the spring equinox.

Rice. 6. Illumination of the Earth on the winter solstice

On two parallels of the Earth on solstice days, the Sun at noon is directly above the observer’s head, i.e. at the zenith. Such parallels are called the tropics. In the Northern Tropic (23° N) the Sun is at its zenith on June 22, in the Southern Tropic (23° S) - on December 22.

At the equator, day is always equal to night. Angle of incidence sun rays on the earth's surface and the length of the day there changes little, so the change of seasons is not pronounced.

Arctic Circles remarkable in that they are the boundaries of areas where there are polar days and nights.

Polar day- the period when the Sun does not fall below the horizon. The farther the pole is from the Arctic Circle, the longer the polar day. At the latitude of the Arctic Circle (66.5°) it lasts only one day, and at the pole - 189 days. In the Northern Hemisphere, at the latitude of the Arctic Circle, the polar day is observed on June 22, the day of the summer solstice, and in the Southern Hemisphere, at the latitude of the Southern Arctic Circle, on December 22.

polar night lasts from one day at the latitude of the Arctic Circle to 176 days at the poles. During the polar night, the Sun does not appear above the horizon. In the Northern Hemisphere at the latitude of the Arctic Circle, this phenomenon is observed on December 22.

It is impossible not to note such a wonderful natural phenomenon as white nights. White Nights- these are bright nights at the beginning of summer, when the evening dawn converges with the morning and twilight lasts all night. They are observed in both hemispheres at latitudes exceeding 60°, when the center of the Sun at midnight falls below the horizon by no more than 7°. In St. Petersburg (about 60° N) white nights last from June 11 to July 2, in Arkhangelsk (64° N) - from May 13 to July 30.

The seasonal rhythm in connection with the annual movement primarily affects the illumination of the earth's surface. Depending on the change in the height of the Sun above the horizon on Earth, there are five lighting zones. The hot zone lies between the Northern and Southern tropics (Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn), occupies 40% of the earth's surface and is distinguished by the largest amount of heat coming from the Sun. Between the tropics and the Arctic Circles in the Southern and Northern Hemispheres there are moderate light zones. The seasons of the year are already pronounced here: the further from the tropics, the shorter and cooler the summer, the longer and colder the winter. The polar zones in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres are limited by the Arctic Circles. Here the height of the Sun above the horizon is low throughout the year, so the amount of solar heat is minimal. The polar zones are characterized by polar days and nights.

Not only the change of seasons and the associated unevenness of illumination of the earth’s surface across latitudes depend on the annual movement of the Earth around the Sun, but also a significant part of the processes in geographical envelope: seasonal changes in weather, regime of rivers and lakes, rhythm in the life of plants and animals, types and timing of agricultural work.

Calendar.Calendar- a system for calculating long periods of time. This system is based on periodic natural phenomena associated with movement. heavenly bodies. The calendar uses astronomical phenomena - the change of seasons, day and night, change lunar phases. The first calendar was Egyptian, created in the 4th century. BC e. On January 1, 45, Julius Caesar introduced the Julian calendar, which is still used by Russian Orthodox Church. Due to the fact that the length of the Julian year is 11 minutes 14 seconds longer than the astronomical one, by the 16th century. an “error” of 10 days accumulated - the day of the vernal equinox did not occur on March 21, but on March 11. This error was corrected in 1582 by decree of Pope Gregory XIII. The counting of days was moved forward 10 days, and the day after October 4 was prescribed to be considered Friday, but not October 5, but October 15. The vernal equinox was again returned to March 21, and the calendar began to be called the Gregorian calendar. It was introduced in Russia in 1918. However, it also has a number of disadvantages: unequal length of months (28, 29, 30, 31 days), inequality of quarters (90, 91, 92 days), inconsistency of the numbers of months by day of the week.

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