What is the topic of the knowledge lesson on September 1? “Peace is the highest good that people desire in this life.”

Very soon, all schools in our country will open their doors and welcome students again. Usually on the first day of autumn, September 1, there are no classes in schools. But each class gathers in its own office and, together with the class teachers, conducts an informal Classroom hour. Now this occupation is official status and it's called a lesson in peace. Many people already know that on September 1, 2016, a peace lesson will be held under the title – ready for work and defense. How to teach this lesson? What to tell the children? Why is such an activity even necessary? About this and more in our material.

A small digression.
After the collapse of the USSR, the GTO standards were abolished in our country, and in general they began to forget what it was. And last spring, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree and GTO standards were reintroduced to all schools in Russia. Many years have passed since their abolition, which was in 1991. And modern children do not even know what it is and what awaits them. Let's figure out why GTO is in schools and how to “present” it to modern youth.

What is the GTO lesson about?
In the first lesson, teachers will have to tell students about what GTO is. What are these activities, what are they and what role do they play in education? In general, GTO is, one might say, about healthy image life. Children do not really like classes on such topics and simply ignore them. But now you can’t ignore it, because this is an additional subject and grades will also be given for it.
Also during the lesson, teachers should tell children, using examples, what advantages the GTO system provides. How will it affect the future lives of children and many generations. Particular emphasis should be placed on the fact that sport prolongs life and gives you the opportunity to prove to yourself and everyone else that you can do a lot and know how to achieve your goal.

How to pass or not pass the GTO?
In the USSR, medals were given for passing GTO standards. In order not to reinvent the wheel, medals will also be awarded to students in Russia. It is expected that these will be bronze, silver and gold medals. It is important to understand here that the differences between a gold and a silver medal are colossal. If in physical education classes you simply run a hundred meters and are given a grade of 4 or even 5, then you still won’t be given a badge. To receive any badge, you will have to take a set of exercises, which includes running, jumping and much more. And in order to get a gold badge, or at least a bronze one, you need to prepare for the GTO standards. And not just run through the forest the day before the test, but constantly attend training in sports sections. Many will say - why do I need all this? I'd rather spend my time as usual - hang out with friends, play computer games and go to the disco. Maybe they are right, why do something you don’t like. But, as the government and the Russian Ministry of Education promise, TRP medals will be needed for admission to higher education institutions. A few years later, for admission to a university or other educational institution You will need to present not only successful grades on the Unified State Exam, but also on the TRP. They promise that even with bronze medals, you will be able to enter the prestigious university and you won’t be able to get a prestigious profession...

Bottom line.
So what should you prepare for? Firstly, to complete confusion and misunderstanding. At first, students will take all this with hostility and not everyone will understand and try to pass the GTO. But time will pass and the GTO standards will become the same norm as any other school subject. You just need to wait and follow the planned course. After all, over time, the GTO will help not only in life, but also help the country raise a healthy generation, raise athletes and champions of future Olympics.

Topic: A healthy lifestyle is great!

Goal: to form an idea of ​​health as one of the main values ​​in a person’s life.

Objectives: developing the need for a healthy lifestyle, instilling a love for physical education and sports, promoting a healthy lifestyle.

During the classes:

I . Organizing time.

Early in the morning I get up, I thank God,

I smile at the sun and the wind

And at the same time, without hesitation,

I say the word “hello”

Who am I meeting in the morning?

I wish you all good health,

I don't offend anyone.

Enough space on earth

All people, animals, me.

So that my land blooms,

I wish everyone well

II . Updating students' knowledge.

So we flew by summer holidays. The new school year has arrived. In the summer, you guys relaxed, read books, helped your parents, and visited your grandparents. Some of you have had good and interesting adventures and you can’t wait to tell your classmates about it. And most importantly, you have grown up, become 1 year older, stronger and healthier.

III . Setting a learning goal.

Presentation. Slide 1.

Today we will talk to you about health, or more precisely, about a healthy lifestyle. After all, the most important thing in every person’s life is health. And you should always treat him with love.

IV . Discovery of new knowledge.

1. Conversation with the student.

What do you think we mean by the words: healthy lifestyle (HLS)?

2.View an excerpt from the cartoon “The ABCs of Safety.”

What does a healthy lifestyle include according to Smesharikov?

3. Presentation. Slide 2.

Let's see if your answers were correct? What haven't we talked about yet?

Now we’ll tell you in order how to maintain your health.

4. Reading poems learn.

Strengthen your body

My whole family knows

There must be a routine for the day.

You guys should know

Everyone needs to sleep more.

Well, don’t be lazy in the morning -

Get ready to exercise!

Brush your teeth, wash your face,

And smile more often

Temper yourself, and then

You're not afraid of the blues.

Health has enemies

Don't make friends with them!

Among them is quiet laziness,

You fight it every day.

So that not a single microbe

I didn't accidentally get it in my mouth,

Wash your hands before eating

Need soap and water.

Eat vegetables and fruits

Fish, dairy products -

Here's some healthy food

Full of vitamins!

Go for a walk

Breathe fresh air.

Just remember when leaving:

Dress for the weather!

Well, what if it happened:

I got sick,

Know that it's time for you to see a doctor,

He will always help us!

These are the good tips

Secrets are hidden in them,

Learn to appreciate it!

5. Game “Slam and Stomp”.

Now we'll play a game. I’m asking you a question, and if you agree, clap your hands, and if you don’t agree, stomp your feet.

Wash your hands, feet, take a shower.

Brush your teeth.

Bite your nails.

Ventilate the room.

Sitting for a long time in front of the computer or TV on.

There are a lot of sweets.

There are berries and fruits.

Do exercises.

Chewing gum preserves teeth.

Carrots slow down aging.

Smoking is harmful to health.

Is it easy to give up bad habits?

6. Presentation. Slide 3

Reading the poem by S. Ya. Marshak “The Story of an Unknown Hero.”

Conversation with a student.

Why do you think they are looking for a guy? What for? What do you call a person who risks his life to save others? What does the hero from the poem look like? What's that badge on his chest? How to decipher the letters GTO? What should a person be like to be ready for work and defense?

7. Presentation Slide 4. Teacher's story.

Currently, the Russian government is concerned about the health of the country's population. Level physical training schoolchildren is very low. Russian President V.V. Putin, by Decree of March 24, 2014, ordered the implementation of the GTO physical education complex from January 2017. Passing the GTO standards will make the younger generation healthier. It is planned to pass sports standards from the age of 6 in 11 age groups. Let's talk about you, students primary school.

Level 1 “Play and move” (6-8 years old, 1-2 grades)

Level 2 “Everyone starts” (9-10 years old, 3-4 grades)

Everyone who fulfilled the TRP standards will be awarded gold, silver and bronze badges.

Presentation. Slide 5.

And to achieve this, you need to exercise and be healthy.

Sports assistant,


Sports game.

Physical training!

V. Reflection.

VI. Lesson summary.

That's the end of our lesson. Congratulations to you all on the start school year! Play sports, improve your health, develop strength and endurance!


“Peace is the highest good that people desire in this life.”

On September 1, 2016, students of group I-31-14 of the College of Chemistry held a student hour dedicated to the Day of Knowledge and a Peace Lesson.

The Peace Lesson opened with the sounds of the Kizhi ringing of the bell tower of the Church of the Transfiguration on the island of Kizhi.

I congratulated the third-year students on the beginning of the academic year and Knowledge Day classroom teacher Nelly Anatolyevna Kikhtenko. She is proud of the successes of her students in their studies and extracurricular activities - after all, according to the results of the 2015-2016 academic year, the group is the best in the college!

The student hour using multimedia technologies was prepared and conducted by the head of the group, Anton Popov:

Day of Knowledge!

The history of the holiday begins on September 1, 1980 - after the release of the corresponding decree of the Presidium Supreme Council THE USSR. Initially, the day was September 1, after it was given the status public holiday, was still a school day: the holiday in schools began with a ceremonial assembly, then a Peace Lesson was held, then other lessons. Nowadays, the holiday of September 1 marks the beginning of a new school year. This is the day when schoolchildren and students, teachers and teachers come to schools and institutes to gain knowledge after the summer holidays.

September 1 is not only the Day of Knowledge, but also the Day of Peace, since it was on September 1 that the Second World War began. World War. That is why on the first day of school, many schools conduct classes on relationships between people, as well as Peace lessons.

According to sociological data, over the past 70 years, our planet has been peaceful for only 1 month!

Therefore, especially after the devastating Second World War, many political movements and currents, among whose priorities is the goal of achieving world peace.

In 2001, the General Assembly unanimously adopted resolution 55/282, which decided that, from 2002, the International Day of Peace would be observed annually on 21 September as a day of general ceasefire and non-violence.

Events recent years– war, terrorism, military spending, deep contradictions dividing nations and individuals around the world have given rise to unprecedented relevance International Day world today.

Since then, this holiday has attracted millions of people, covering many countries and regions, where various actions and events are held by public and youth organizations. After all, the Day is intended to make people not only think about peace, but also do something for its sake.

Unfortunately, there are many people who actively oppose this.

Official figures: 331 people killed: 17 teachers; 13 special forces soldiers; 186 children

The Tree of Sorrow Monument is a separate monument located in memorial complex in Beslan. It was installed in August 2005 and is dedicated to the victims of the terrorist attack that occurred on September 1, 2004 at school No. 1. The composition of the monument is a cast tree trunk formed by four female figures. The crown of the tree is made up of outstretched female hands holding angels, symbolizing lost children. The monument, about 9 meters high, was designed by sculptors A. Kornaev and Z. Dzanagov.

The war in Ukraine also claimed the lives of many children. Children continue to die in Syria and other hot spots on the planet... Let us honor the memory of the victims with a minute of silence!

The students stood up for a minute of silence, the metronome counted down the seconds, and on the TV screen there was an Orthodox cross clutched in a dead child’s hand...

Every year UN events, dedicated to the Day peace, traditionally begin with a ceremony at the Peace Bell at the UN headquarters in New York - first, an address by the UN Secretary-General is heard, after which he strikes the bell, then, after a minute of silence, the Chairman of the UN Security Council makes an address.

Also, every year Peace Day is dedicated to specific topic. In 2016, the theme of the International Day of Peace was “Goals for sustainable development: the constituent elements of the world."

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals were unanimously adopted by the 193 Member States of the United Nations at a historic summit of heads of state held in New York in September 2015.

“The 17 Sustainable Development Goals are our shared understanding of the path to human development and the social contract between world leaders and people,” said Secretary General United Nations Ban Ki-moon. “It’s a to-do list for people and the planet and a path to success.”

According to the tradition of our group, on September 1, we congratulate the guys whose birthday was in the summer during the holidays. Alexander Glushko - the pride of the group - not only received a gift from his classmates, but also heard many warm wishes from them, among which the wishes of Peace, Health to Sasha and his parents, Success and victories in studies, Creativity, True friendship and mutual understanding, Love and Joy! Our student hour ended with tea, jokes and smiles - as it should be at a fun holiday!

// Head of group I-31-14 Anton Popov,
class teacher N.A. Kikhtenko //

You can download the video lesson itself by clicking on the yellow “download material” button; a text transcript of this lesson is also published here:

We need peace to build cities
Plant trees and work in the fields.
All people of good will want it.
We need peace forever! Forever!

The word PEACE has several meanings:

WORLD – Universe, planet, globe, as well as population, people globe.
PEACE – friendly ties, agreement between someone, absence of war;
silence, peace; agreement to end the war.

Peace is difficult to build, but even more difficult to preserve. The world is very fragile.

Peace for us- everyday reality. Our streets are calm, children go to school. Where the foundations of society are strong, priceless gift the world may not be particularly noticed by anyone. But do all children on Earth live well and joyfully? For many people in modern world a quiet life is nothing more than a fairytale dream, many guys suffer, they have no family and a lot of sadness. It is for them that the Day of Peace exists.

The first International Day of Peace was held in September 1982. And since 2002, the International Day of Peace has been celebrated on September 21 as a day of general ceasefire and renunciation of violence. This day encourages people not only to think about peace, but also to do something for it.

One of the most famous symbols of peace is the dove. E that symbol arose after World War II. For the First World Peace Congress, which took place in 1949, the Dove of Peace emblem was painted by Pablo Picasso. The emblem depicts a white dove carrying an olive branch in its beak.

In ancient times, the dove was a symbol of peace and fertility. Thus, according to the Biblical legend, the appearance of a dove with an olive branch in its beak over Noah’s Ark indicated that the water had disappeared from the surface of the earth - it was a sign of the onset of peace and renewal of life. In the traditions of some peoples, the olive is the tree of life. The olive branch is a symbol of peace and truce.

To maintain and strengthen international peace and security, development of cooperation between states in 1945, after the end of the Second World War, the international United Nations Organization was created. The main task of its activities is to protect and preserve world peace.

To implement United Nations programs, they are involved famous people from the field of art, literature, science, sports and other fields public life, who “direct their energy to encourage people to fight for a more peaceful life on the planet,” including actor Michael Douglas, writer Paulo Coelho, singer Stevie Wonder.

Peace must be preserved.

Nature- this is the only source from which a person draws all the means for his existence. The person actively interferes with wildlife.

One of the most important factors influencing the habitat of humans and the entire animal world is economic activity people - industry, transport, construction, Agriculture. The progressive public in developed countries is increasingly concerned about irrational spending. natural resources for a rampant arms race, which accounts for half of the world's biosphere pollution, with the lion's share of it falling on military production. Fight for conservation natural environment is reflected in the struggle for peace. The success of measures to preserve the Earth's biosphere depends on progress in the field of disarmament.

In 1972, the United Nations Program for environment(UNEP). Its purpose is to provide leadership and encourage partnerships in environmental stewardship by creating opportunities to improve the quality of life of nations and peoples without harming future generations. UNEP is developing a global environmental program, promoting the implementation of the environmental component of sustainable development within the UN system, and steadily advocating for the protection of the natural environment of the globe.

Peace needs to be strengthened.

Not all countries live together. It happens that one state starts a war against others and seizes other people's lands. Already in ancient times, the rich Slavic lands were repeatedly attacked by enemies. The Slavs bravely defended their native land, uniting to face numerous and dangerous enemies. During its history, Russia has participated many times in liberation wars, fought against enemies who encroached on her freedom and independence.

Russian people have always been distinguished by courage, bravery, and combat ability to repel invaders. One of the days of the year is dedicated to Russian weapons, the Russian warrior-defender of the Fatherland. The whole country celebrates with pride and respect for the soldiers February 23, honoring the military and courageous soldiers of past, present and future times. The duty of protecting one's fatherland is the sacred duty of every man. This provision is enshrined in the main document of the country - Constitution Russian Federation: Defending the Motherland is the duty of every citizen.

We live in a wonderful country at a wonderful time. The sky over our country is peaceful. And this is happiness, because worse than war there is nothing in the world!

Now it is our duty to remember that millions of people demonstrated incredible fortitude, courage and courage, courage and desperate bravery, they went to their death so that you and I could live in peace.

In 2015, our people celebrated their 70th anniversary great Victory. Today we will mentally return to the past of our country.

Morning of June 22, 1941. From the loudspeaker came the terrible news that German troops treacherously violated without declaring war State border THE USSR. The war has begun.

The entire people rose to defend the Motherland. The image of the Motherland is embodied in the image of a woman-mother who calls on her sons and daughters to stand up for her.

The Great Patriotic War went on for four long years, and the battle against German fascism continued for 1,418 days and nights. There was a mortal battle not for the sake of glory, but for the sake of life on earth. But even in the days of difficult trials - in the battles of Moscow, on the Volga, near Kursk and on the Dnieper - soviet soldiers They believed that the hour of reckoning with the hated enemy would come.

The war is called the Great Patriotic War because the entire nation took part in it: soldiers at the front, partisans behind enemy lines, workers in factories, collective farmers in the fields, and even children.

Spring 1945. The Victory Banner hoisted over the Reichstag. And at midnight fireworks went off in Moscow. 30 salvoes from 1000 guns announced to the world that the bloodiest and most brutal war in the world was over. More than 20 million Soviet people died during the Great Patriotic War. We will never forget those who defended our Motherland in these terrible days.

70 years have passed since then. There are few people left who fought, who lived and worked in the rear. These are our veterans. It is to them that we owe the fact that we live peacefully and happily in such a beautiful country. They won us a peaceful sky.

Peace in every home, in every country!
Peace is life on the planet!
Peace is the sun on our Earth!
Peace is needed by adults and children!

...The evil of war and the good of peace to such an extent
known to people that since we have known people,
the best wish was the greeting “peace be upon you.”
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

International Day of Peace is celebrated annually on September 21. The holiday itself was established by the UN General Assembly in 1981 on the basis of resolution No. A/RES/36/67, and the current date is fixed by special resolution No. A/RES/55/282 of September 28, 2001. Since then, this holiday has attracted millions of people, covering many countries and regions, where various actions and events are held by public and youth organizations. After all, the Day is intended to make people not only think about peace, but also do something for its sake.

Despite the fact that the event has existed for more than 30 years, the current political situation in some countries can hardly be called peaceful. We present to your attention teaching materials to conduct a thematic lesson “Lesson of Peace”.

Lesson option [PDF ] [DOCX ]
Presentation [PDF ] [PPTX ]
Student assignments (worksheet) [PDF ] [DOCX ]

Target: formation of civic and patriotic feelings among students by appealing to historical facts and events confirming the need to preserve and strengthen peace.


  • revealing the importance of preserving and strengthening peace as the highest value;
  • studying examples of people’s selfless activities in defense of peace;
  • developing an understanding that maintaining peace on Earth can only be achieved as a result of the active personal position of each person;
  • introducing students to basic national values Russian society– patriotism, social responsibility, citizenship, conservation historical heritage countries.

Task No. 1. Check out the sayings of ancient Roman philosophers:

“Not to shed anyone’s blood, to ensure peace to the whole world and peace to one’s own age - this is the highest valor”. Seneca (4 BC – 65 AD)

“Peace is freedom based on the recognition of the rights of every person”. Cicero Marcus Tullius (106–43 BC)


Compare the statements about the world of the philosophers Cicero and Seneca. What is the wisdom of glorifying the world?

Anticipate what will be discussed in class.

Task No. 2. Read an excerpt from the text of the Manifesto of the World Peace Congress.


What prompted the initiators to convene the World Congress?

What were the congress delegates against?

Task No. 3. Read the text of the appeal of the Bureau of the World Peace Council to the peoples of the whole world.


What did the World Peace Council consider to be the main threat in 1960?

What measures have been proposed to eliminate the threat to humanity?

To what extent, as of today, have the requirements of the Bureau of the World Peace Council been met?

Task No. 4. Look film fragment and answer the questions:

What were the consequences of the atomic bombing Japanese cities?

What circumstances allowed the heroine of the film to survive?

What is the history of the Peace Memorial?

What threat to the world did the US use pose? nuclear weapons against Japanese cities? Explain your answer.

After the end of World War II, more than 400 various clashes of so-called “local” significance, more than 50 local wars, were recorded on the planet. More than 30 military conflicts annually - these are the real statistics of the last years of the 20th century. Since 1945, local wars and armed conflicts claimed more than 30 million lives. In financial terms, the losses amounted to 10 trillion dollars - this is the price of human belligerence.

Task No. 5. In the worksheet, look at the presented diagrams of the ratio of military casualties (green sector) and civilian casualties (red sector).


How has the ratio of military casualties to civilian casualties changed in the wars of the 20th century?

What reasons can you name for the increase in civilian casualties?

On September 1, 2004, terrorists seized school No. 1 in the city of Beslan and mined gym and held more than 1,100 people hostage. Among them were children, their parents and school staff. For two and a half days, the hostages were kept in the most difficult conditions; they were denied water and food. As a result of the tragedy, 334 people died.

Task No. 6. Look news fragment and answer the questions:

What is terrorism?

Is terrorism a global problem for humanity?

What do you see as the main threats posed by international terrorist groups?

Task No. 7. Look concert fragment Valery Gergiev in Palmyra in 2016 and answer the question.

What role can art and culture play in countering military aggression and maintaining peace?

Justify your answer.

Task No. 8. In the worksheet, familiarize yourself with the list of main sources regulating the main ways and means of ensuring international peace.


Summarize what tasks the adopted international documents solve.

Why are issues of maintaining and ensuring peace discussed at the international level?

What are measures to prevent the accidental outbreak of war?

How do you feel about the idea of ​​achieving universal peace among nations?

What and how, in your opinion, needs to be done to achieve universal peace among nations?

Additional sources of information:

1. United Nations website: http://www.un.org/ru/index.html

2. Website of the International Committee of the Red Cross:

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