Methodological developments for meetings of class teachers. Minutes of the meeting of the MO of class teachers. Organization of the work of class teacher education departments

Methodological association class teachers

MBOU "Sorskaya Secondary School No. 3 with UIOP"

Work plan for the 2016-2017 academic year

Head: Vidyaykina L.Yu.

Explanatory note

The main principle of work: “Development through creativity.”

In 2016-2017 academic year It is planned to continue methodological work in 2 directions: work from the meeting of the Moscow Region and the schedule of open events by key leaders within the framework of the Moscow Region.

This stage is planned as practical.

This stage consists of 4 aspects:

1) increasing pedagogical competence through theoretical and practical classes and their application in an educational institution;

2) increasing the creative activity and level of education of teachers through self-realization in educational activities of the school;

3) organization of work with the class at the school and municipal level.


    Increasing pedagogical competence.

    Increasing the creative activity of teachers of an educational institution.

    Creating conditions for teachers to be active through speaking at MO meetings; open educational events.


    Increase the level of pedagogical competence by familiarizing yourself with concepts related to modern trends in new technologies in the field of education.

    Methodological assistance in organizing work.

    To increase the level of teaching activity of key leaders through the organization of the work of the Ministry of Education.

The training program for class teachers in the 2016-2017 academic year involves 3 main (thematic) meetings and 2 additional (September, May), each of which is an addition to the previous one. In 2016-2017, it is planned to hold all meetings in the form of interactive pedagogical workshops and round tables, which will help improve pedagogical competence in practice. In the work of this practical stage, the thematic focus of the meetings will again be reviewed, during which class teachers will prepare reports, but a distinctive feature of the 2016-2017 academic year is the personal participation of teachers through open educational events within the framework of their own practical experience.

In September 1 organizational meeting is planned, at which the general work plan of the Moscow Region will be presented;

In October Session 2 – theoretical; with an introduction to the topic “Educational event. Goals and objectives of forming a school class team" (Speakers: class teachers working in Federal State Educational Standards classes).

In November an extended meeting (2 hours) will be held on the topic “Continuity of primary, basic and secondary schools as part of the formation of a class team. The role of the class teacher." The meeting is planned in the form of a “Round Table”, at which teachers will present reports according to their subject professional focus.

Note: the topics of the reports will be presented after the organizational meeting in September.

Before each meeting, a preparatory stage is planned, which includes creative, research work class teachers with children.

The result of the work is a report from teachers on the formation of the class team for the period worked with the class.

Topics of meetings of the class teacher's organization

in the 2016-2017 academic year.


Opening session : familiarization with the work plan for the year; plan of open events within the Moscow Region in the 2016-2017 academic year.



II meeting: theoretical workshop “Educational event. Goals and objectives of forming a school class team"

December : holding open events as part of educational work according to the schedule


III meeting: extended pedagogical workshop on the topic: “Continuity of primary, secondary and secondary schools within the framework of the formation of a class team. The role of the class teacher".

February :

Additional meeting:


IV meeting on the topic " Organization of extracurricular activities for students. Cooperation between teachers and the class teacher."


Seminar municipal level “Working with children: development through creativity”


6th meeting : Presentation on the topic “Report on the work for the period worked with the class »


work of the first meeting of the Moscow Region

    Topic: “The work of the methodological association in the 2016-2017 academic year. Thematic open events. Directions of work of class teachers."

Date: 09/22/2016

Meeting agenda:

    Introduction to the work plan; participation of teachers in meetings of the Moscow Region: open events.

Speech by the head of the Moscow Region Vidyaykina L.Yu.


work of the second meeting of the IO "Master Class"

Subject: “Educational event. Goals and objectives of forming a school class team"

Purpose: to present the forms and methods of work on forming a school team; introduce some types of events;

Form: methodological workshop.

Date: 09.11. 2016

Meeting agenda:

    Theoretical part:

Speech by the head of the Ministry of Defense on the main topic

    Practical part:

Speech by teachers


work of the third meeting of the Moscow Region

Subject: " Continuity of primary, secondary and secondary schools within the framework of the formation of a class team. The role of the class teacher"

Form: extended pedagogical seminar.

Purpose: review of forms and methods of work in primary school, 5th grade, senior grades in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for the formation of a school team; continuity of primary, secondary and high schools.


Date: 26.01. 2017

Meeting agenda:

    Practical part:

Speech by primary school teachers in high schools in accordance with the topic of the meeting.

    Final discussion;

Note: 10.11-25.01 - preparing messages on parallels


work of the additional meeting of the Moscow Region

Subject: “Psychological and pedagogical monitoring of work with the classroom team”

Form of work: psychological and pedagogical seminar.

Date: 02/28/2017

Meeting agenda:

    Theoretical part:

Purpose: to characterize the work of socio-psychological support in working with the classroom team.

1. Speech by a school psychologist and social teacher :

A) forms and methods of working with school students;

B) familiarization with monitoring by class.


work of the fourth meeting of the Moscow Region

Subject: « Organization of extracurricular activities for students. Cooperation between VND teachers and the class teacher.”

Form of work: scientific and pedagogical seminar.

Date: 03/30/2017

Meeting agenda:

    Theoretical part:

Purpose: to consider the basic methods and techniques of class teachers working with children.

1.Speech by school teachers :

A) forms and methods of work;

B) extracurricular activities within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard; correlation between the forms of work of classes FSES and 9-11.

2. Final discussion, decision making.


work of the fifth meeting of the Moscow Region

Topic: “The main components of forming a student body. Methodological findings. Active forms in organizing student activities. Interactive. Theory and practice within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard."

Purpose: characterization various forms pedagogical activity, allowing to interest students in connection with modern trends in team formation.

Form of work: practical seminar at the municipal level

Date: 04/20/2017

Meeting agenda:

    Theoretical part:

Characteristics of some types of work on organizing student activities taking into account new educational technologies.

    Practical part:

Group work

Discussion; general conclusions; solutions


work of the sixth meeting of the Moscow Region

Topic: “Activities of class leaders: report on work with the class for the past period.

Form of work: extended reporting and practical seminar.

Goal: to prepare an analysis of the class teacher’s work in Multimedia format, to display methodological findings in the process of work.

Date: 05/16/2017

Meeting agenda:

    Theoretical part:

Purpose: to consider a generalization of the work of teachers

1) Speech by school teachers

2. Final discussion of the reports;

3. General conclusions (in writing): “Did the methodological association help me this year?

For the meeting: analysis of the work of the Ministry of Defense for the year.

Protocol No. 1

From 09/29/2011

Present: 9 people


1. Approval of the work plan of the Moscow Region for the academic year.

2. Unified requirements for the preparation of plans for educational work in classes, a new form of student portfolio in 1st grade.

3. Work to create a safe environment in an educational institution as a measure to prevent child injuries.

4. Discussion of topics on self-education.

Progress of the meeting:

1. On the first question, we listened to the head of the MO, who introduced the new work plan of the MO to class teachers for the new academic year, as well as the schedule for open extracurricular activities. (report attached)

2. On the second question, we listened to the Deputy Director for Educational Resource Management, who announced uniform requirements for drawing up plans for educational work, about common directions for the work of class teachers, new form student portfolio.

3. On the third question, we listened to her, who introduced the class teachers to the work of creating safe conditions in an educational institution as a measure to prevent child injuries.

4.On the fourth question, the class teachers suggested topics for self-education.

Decision of the meeting:

1. Organize mutual visits to classroom hours, extracurricular activities, and parent meetings in order to exchange experiences.

2. Take an active part in regional seminars.

3. Continue collecting material on educational work

4. Conduct active work with students to create safe conditions in the Butyrskaya School, as well as on the streets, roads and other public places.

5. Continue maintaining your student portfolio.

6. Class teachers of grades 9-11 should actively work with students and parents to familiarize themselves with the final certification.

Head of the Ministry of Defense:

Protocol No. 2

meetings of the Moscow class teachers

from 01/01/2001

Present: 8 people


2. About keeping electronic diaries.

3. Review of methodological literature on problems of organizing educational activities.

Progress of the meeting:

The head of the Ministry of Defense spoke on the first issue (report attached).

On the second question, the Deputy for Internal Affairs spoke with a question about maintaining electronic diaries.

On the third question, we listened to the Deputy for Internal Affairs. She gave an overview of methodological literature on problems of organizing educational activities.

Decision of the meeting:

5. Diversify the forms of extracurricular activities.


Minutes No. 4 of the meeting of the Moscow class teachers

from 01/01/2001

Present: 8 people


1. Seminar on the topic “Formation of moral and value competencies of students”

2. Forms of work with parents

Progress of the meeting:

The head of the Ministry of Defense spoke on the first issue (report attached).

On the second question, we listened to the head of the Moscow Region, who touched upon the issue of forms of work with parents. Class teachers, in turn, shared their experience of holding parent-teacher meetings.

Decision of the meeting:

1. Fostering students’ independence, initiative, and activity. The main function of a teacher is not so much to be a source of knowledge, but to organize the process of cognition, to create an atmosphere in the classroom in which it is impossible not to learn.

2. Approve the system of work of the teaching staff to study the personality of students.

3. Class teachers create a package of documents on the problem of spiritual and moral education (pedagogical class maps, observation diaries of the “at-risk group”, data bank of parental resources, teaching materials for conducting class hours, parent meetings)

4. Improve forms of interaction between family and school that contribute to the formation moral qualities students' personalities.


Minutes No. 5 of the meeting of class teachers

Present: 8 people


1.Report on the topic “Self-education of class teachers is one of the conditions for success in organizing educational work.”

Progress of the meeting:

On the first issue, we listened to the report of the head of the Defense Ministry (the report is attached).

On the second question, the class teachers analyzed their educational work done over the year and made a report on self-education.

Decision of the meeting:

1. 1. Note the positive experience of all teachers who provided a creative report.
2. Involve teachers in ongoing self-education activities through mutual attendance at extracurricular activities.
3. Make wider use of the system of advanced training as a form of self-education for teaching staff.
4. Teachers should intensify their work on self-education.

Protocol No. 1

Subject: organization of the system of activities of the class teacher in the 2015/2016 academic year.

Present: 10 class teachers, deputy director for VR

Absent: No


1. Study of instructional and methodological letters from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation: “ Guidelines on organizing the activities of the class teacher"

2. General requirements for maintaining class teacher documentation.

3. Functional responsibilities of the class teacher.

4. Approval of the work plan of the MO of class teachers for the 2015/2016 academic year.

5. Approval of topics for self-education of class teachers

Progress of the meeting:

1. On the first question, we listened to the Chairman of the Moscow Region Tsukanova L.V., who familiarized the class leaders with the instructional and methodological letters of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. According to the letters, the priority areas of work are: civic and patriotic education, improving the system of interaction between educational institutions and families, organizing the work of educational institutions to protect the rights and legitimate interests of students, formation of a healthy lifestyle, responsible and safe behavior, prevention of addictions. Educational and preventive work and career guidance work. Today, education should include both socialization and adaptation of the child to the conditions adult life, and a reasonable attitude towards one’s health, and the cultivation of citizenship, and communication skills, economic literacy and many other competencies necessary for a modern person. As priorities in ideological and educational work in the current academic year the following are defined: civic and patriotic, spiritual, moral and legal education; development of children's and youth initiatives, student self-government; formation of a healthy lifestyle for students; educational work using information communication technologies; improving the system of interaction between educational institutions and families, labor education. In the new academic year it is necessary to pay attention Special attention for the formation standards of behavior, necessary for students in everyday life, on the street, in public places, in nature, in an educational institution; introducing students to etiquette, forming a culture of interpersonal relationships and joint activities in the school community. Current direction in the new academic year, further work remains on the formation healthy lifestyle and safe responsible behavior of students. The most important task of implementing preventive programs is to develop in the younger generation a responsible attitude towards their health as a personal and social value, as well as assistance in acquiring knowledge, developing skills and habits for a healthy lifestyle, maintaining and promoting health, moral, safe and responsible behavior. The main goal of the teaching teams is to teach children the basics of a healthy life and a positive attitude towards their health. It is necessary to introduce new forms of organization as widely as possible career guidance work. In educational institutions, it is necessary to conduct psychological classes with teenagers and high school students in which to tell students how to choose a profession, what role a person’s interests, inclinations and abilities play in this, about the criteria for assessing their capabilities, about the role and methods of self-education.

2. On the second question, the deputy director for VR Maslova E.V. spoke, she drew attention to maintaining the class teacher’s folder. Starting this school year, class teachers refused to keep a class teacher’s journal, and all the necessary columns were transferred to their own folders (all documentation is maintained according to uniform requirements according to the contents of the folder)

On the third question, the deputy director for VR once again recalled the functional responsibilities of the class teacher in accordance with the Regulations adopted by Protocol No. 1 of January 12, 2015.

3. On the fourth and fifth questions, the chairman of the Moscow Region introduced the class teachers to the work plan for the current academic year and topics of self-education for each of the class teachers were discussed


2. Maintain the class teacher’s folder according to a single model and refuse to keep the class teacher’s journal.

3. Approve the work plan of the Ministry of Defense for 2015/2016.

4. Approve topics for self-education, and submit a report on them at the end of the year.

Chairman of the Moscow Region Tsukanova L.V.

Secretary Dontsul M.N.

Protocol No. 2

meetings of the Moscow class teachers

Subject: Non-traditional forms of cooperation between the class teacher and students and their parents.


Absent: No


1. Methodology for resolving interpersonal relationships among students.

2. Work of the class teacher with difficult families.

3. Techniques and methods for diagnosing students and their families.

4. Studying new approaches to holding parent meetings.

5. Innovative methods of educational work

Progress of the meeting

1. On the first question listened to the chairman of the Moscow Region Tsukanova L.V., who spoke about the methodology for resolving interpersonal relationships among students. She drew attention to the fact that conflicts of various kinds permeate not only the entire history of mankind and the history of individual nations, but also the life of each individual person. There is no doubt that the conflict as a whole, regardless of its type, is influenced by many conditions, including the social and socio-political situation in the country. Recently, the number of conflicts in the “person-person” system has sharply increased, at all levels: from children to adults. But children’s conflicts in the subsystems: “child - child” are of particular concern; “child - adult”, arising as a peculiar consequence of the discrepancy between the requirements in the family and in society. This kind of conflict is classified as interpersonal. Conflict resolution and prevention are no less difficult. Naturally, the primary link in resolving any conflict is finding out the cause and predicting its further course in order to correct and eliminate undesirable consequences. To predict a conflict, you must first figure out whether there is a problem that arises in cases where there is a contradiction, a mismatch with something. Next, the direction of development of the conflict situation is established. Then the composition of the participants in the conflict is determined, where special attention is paid to their motives, value orientations, distinctive features and behavior patterns. Finally, the content of the incident is analyzed. After the conflict is over, it is advisable to: analyze mistakes in your own behavior; summarize the knowledge gained and experience in solving the problem; try to normalize relations with a recent participant; relieve discomfort (if it arises) in relationships with others; minimize the negative consequences of conflict in one’s own states, activities and behavior. Preventing conflicts among schoolchildren, and especially teenage schoolchildren, includes a number of stages:

1. diagnostic (study of the microclimate in a group or among individual students, for example, students at risk using diagnostic techniques: tests, questionnaires, observation method)

2. prognostic (includes processing of the diagnostics performed, its analysis and drawing up a unique forecast regarding the occurrence or non-occurrence of a conflict situation);

3. planning stage (a set of necessary measures to prevent a conflict or conflict situation);

4. preventive (the actual implementation of measures and their analysis) We should not forget that, regardless of whether the process of conflict resolution itself is taking place or just its prevention, control is necessary even after a set of planned events, since, for example, an already formed interpersonal conflict , but subsequently resolved, can flare up with renewed vigor, and the complex of prevention measures does not give one hundred percent confidence that there will be no more conflicts in this group, or with this child. So, monitoring is necessary throughout the interaction with children in this situation.

When resolving interpersonal conflict between students, you can adhere to a certain algorithm proposed by T.A. Shishkovets. In his opinion, conflict resolution is a multi-stage process, including:

· analysis and assessment of the situation;

· choice of conflict resolution method;

· Formation of an action plan;

· its implementation;

· assessing the effectiveness of your actions

The effectiveness of a teacher's intervention in adolescent conflicts depends on his position. There can be at least four such positions:

· position of neutrality, that is, the desire not to notice clashes between teenagers and not to interfere in them;

· position of conflict avoidance: he is convinced that conflict is an indicator of his failures in educational work with children;

· position of expedient intervention in the conflict - ᴨȇdagog, relying on good knowledge of the group of teenagers, relevant knowledge and skills, analyzes the causes of the conflict, makes a decision - either suppress or allow it to develop to a certain limit

The actions of the ᴨȇdagog in the fourth position allow you to control and manage the conflict.

When interacting with parties to the conflict, the ᴨȇdagog can use the following mediation tactics:

· alternate listening at a joint meeting is used to understand the situation in times of acute conflict;

· transaction: the mediator seeks to negotiate with the participation of both parties, focusing on making a compromise solution;

· shuttle diplomacy: the mediator separates the conflicting parties and constantly shuttles between them, discussing aspects of the agreement. The result is usually a compromise;

· pressure on one of the parties to the conflict: the arbitrator devotes most of his time to working with one of the parties to the conflict, proving the fallacy of his position. Eventually the participant makes concessions;

· directive tactics: focusing on the weak points in the opponents’ positions, the erroneousness of their actions in relation to each other. The goal is to persuade the parties to reconcile

· controlling your emotions, be objective, give students the opportunity to substantiate their claims, “let off steam”;

· do not attribute to the student your understanding of his position, focus on “I” statements (not “you are deceiving me,” but “I feel deceived”);

· do not insult the student (there are words that, when uttered, cause such damage to the relationship that all subsequent “compensatory” actions cannot correct them);

· try not to kick the student out of class;

· if possible, do not contact the administration;

· do not respond to aggression with aggression (this will lower your dignity), do not affect his personality, the characteristics of his family, evaluate only his specific actions;

· give yourself and your child the right to make mistakes, not forgetting that “only those who do nothing make no mistakes”; Regardless of the results of resolving the contradiction, try not to destroy the relationship with the child (express regret about the conflict, express your affection for the student); do not be afraid of conflicts with students, but take the initiative to resolve them constructively.

Conflict prevention technology is built, first of all, on trust and interaction with students, built on cooperation and a mixed style of communication and the methodology of this same interaction. It is important to explain to a growing child how to react in a conflict situation and the mechanisms for preventing them

Everyone knows the truth that any problem is easier to prevent than to solve. However, greater emphasis should be placed on educating students in the field of mechanisms for effectively resolving interpersonal conflicts, taking into account the position of a humane approach and a tolerant attitude towards one’s neighbor. A knowledge-based prevention system, when constantly monitored, can change the situation dead center and starting a dialogue with the child on only one level that is understandable to him, to achieve a reduction in the level of conflict.

2.On the second question 8th grade class teacher Demo L.N. spoke. she spoke about the peculiarities of working as a teacher with a dysfunctional family. In his work with a dysfunctional family, the teacher must rely on the position of the exclusive influence of the family on the child. By a difficult dysfunctional family, we mean a family in which there is social instability of the parents and, as a consequence of this, constant psychological stress, reinforced by alcohol, antisocial behavior, alienation from others, hooliganism, theft, etc.
As a rule, in such families, children, parents, grandparents went through severe pain, suffering, have experienced physical or sexual violence, neglect, cruelty and perceive their family’s lifestyle as the only normal one.
Families in constant crisis are in a special state of suffering. Instead of becoming vulnerable and affected by change, at-risk families learn their own defenses when faced with difficulties. The paradox is that excitement and rage bring them a certain comfort, as proof that nothing can be done and therefore their state is natural. This state of the family is maintained through various means: alcohol, scandals, immoral, defiant behavior, hooliganism, etc.

These families are characterized by the following behavioral traits:

    – the agreement on a pre-planned meeting is not observed; they don’t show up for the meeting at the appointed time, but sometimes they call;

    – they lack the concept of time (day, month, week);

    – friends and acquaintances are invited to an interview with a specialist;

    – during a meeting they can watch TV or listen to the radio; may be engaged in cooking or other activities homework;

    – are unable to speak coherently either about themselves or others;

    – constantly change their place of residence;

    – constantly quarrel, fight with friends or relatives.

The characteristics of such families can be supplemented by the following manifestations: distrust, suspicion, denial of everything, impulsiveness, impatience, constant need for something, anxiety, rapid excitability, lack of knowledge and skills, impracticality, inconsistency, a state of embitterment with fits of cruelty, violence, causing harm family.

The behavior of parents in such families resembles the behavior of young children who cannot find contact with adults. Often the parents in such a family are people unsettled in life, deeply depressed.

This condition of adults makes it impossible to form caring relationships between family members and emotional support in the family. The lack of emotional support for children from parents has profound consequences, which are expressed, in particular, in a decrease in self-confidence in children and adolescents.
The lack of material resources often affects the family’s nutrition, which reduces children’s resistance to disease, leads to weakening of their body, exhaustion, etc. Social and psychological detachment results in an apathetic attitude to life, family passivity, and self-destruction of the family’s personality. A dysfunctional family loses all faith in self-change and continues forward movement to complete collapse.

Indicators negative influence dysfunctional family per child.

1. Behavioral disorders - in 50% of dysfunctional families.

– vagrancy;
– aggressiveness;
– hooliganism, theft;
– extortion;
– immoral forms of behavior;
– inadequate reaction to comments from adults.

2. Disturbed development of children - in 70% of dysfunctional families.

– avoidance of studies;
– low academic performance;
– neurasthenia;
– lack of personal hygiene skills;
– mental imbalance;
– teenage alcoholism;
– anxiety;
– illness, malnutrition.

3. Communication disorders - in 45% of dysfunctional families.

– conflict with teachers and peers;
– aggressiveness with peers;
– autism;
– frequent use of profanity;
– fussiness and/or hyperactivity;
– disruption of social ties with relatives;
– contacts with criminal groups.

When working with dysfunctional families, Lidia Nikolaevna uses the following rules:

    Identification of dysfunctional families as a means of preventing social orphanhood (knowledge of the child’s living conditions, availability of a material examination report).

    Improving the pedagogical culture of all categories of parents:

    Organization of pedagogical education. The conviction of parents that family education is not morality, lectures or physical punishment, but the entire lifestyle of parents (primarily healthy), the way of thinking and actions of the parents themselves, constant communication with children from a position of humanity.

    Involving parents as active educators (family holidays at school, extracurricular extracurricular activities, participation in school management).

    To avoid violence, cruelty, aggressive behavior To form the legal culture of parents in relation to their children.

    Conducting control and correctional work with parents (questionnaires, testing, analysis of the level of education, training of children, individual conversations, etc.).

    Take into account the peculiarities of upbringing in each individual family, based on positive experience, increase the priority of family and family traditions for all subjects educational activities: children, parents, teachers.

    Eliminate parents' feelings of guilt for their inadequacy (a separate plan for working with problem groups of parents).

The dominant factor in family characteristics.

Types of assistance to families and children.

Necessary documents to provide assistance.

Insufficient psychological and pedagogical literacy of parents and families.

Abusive attitude to the child

1. Observation and consultation of a teacher, psychologist, social worker. teacher
2. Psychotherapist assistance to families and children.
3. Conducting seminars and conversations on educational topics, watching videos,

films for parents.
4. Involving children in clubs, studios, sections.
5. Registration with the emergency department, department of internal affairs or with a children's narcologist, psychiatrist.

1. Observation of a teacher, educational institution psychologist, social educator, social worker.
2. Consultation for parents with a psychologist, social worker, social worker, doctor, lawyer.
3. Psychotherapeutic assistance to parents and children.
4. Involving a parent-child group in classes.
5. Registration of ODN, TsVS, KDN, with a teenage psychiatrist, narcologist.
6. Involving parents in seminars and conversations on the topic of family education.

Direction, drawings of children, characteristics of teachers, psychologists, social educators.

An inspection report of housing conditions, family characteristics, a statement, a petition from a teacher or educator. Petition, medical report, statement, characteristics of the student’s level of mastery of the program, the child’s personal file, application for deprivation of parental rights, certificate of residence of the parents and the child, decision of the CDN on deprivation of parental rights.

Family of alcoholics (both parents drink).

The family is in a state of divorce or after a divorce.

Single-parent family.

1. Observations and consultation with a psychologist at an educational institution (for children and adolescents).
2. Providing psychiatric and drug treatment assistance to the family or its individual members.
3. Additional classes with the child to help with learning.
4. Registration of the family.
5. Involving the child in the system of additional education (clubs, sections, etc.)
6. Registration of a teenager with the ODN.
7. Consultation of a teenager with a psychiatrist or narcologist.
8. Consulting the child at PMPK and determining the training program.
9. Transfer of the child to a compensatory education class, to a auxiliary school, Center for Social and Labor Adaptation, evening school
10. Work with parents of drug treatment and psychiatric care specialists on their treatment (if necessary).
11. Initiation of a case for deprivation of parental rights (if necessary).

1. Observation and consultation of a psychologist of an educational institution, social worker, teacher.
2. Consultative assistance from a psychologist and psychotherapist.
3. Involving a child in circles, sections, clubs
4. Additional help in completing the house. assignments, studies.
5. Registering the child (if necessary) with a narcologist, psychiatrist, neurologist.
6. Involving the child’s parents in class activities.
7. Help for the child from his environment.
8. Help for the child from peers.
9. Involving parents in seminars on the psychology of children who have suffered emotional trauma.
10. Using video materials to work with parents (consequential development)

1. Involving a full family to work with the child and his family.
2. Involving close relatives in raising the child.
3. Involving single-parent families in parent-child group activities.
4. Observation and consultation of a psychologist, social teacher.
5. Active work of the class teacher or teacher to involve the child in the system of additional education.
6. Training one of the parents in the skills of raising children in the absence of the other parent.
7. Registration with institutions and social protection authorities.
8. Involving public organizations in family education.

Pedagogical characteristics from the educational institution, referral, report on the state of the family’s living conditions, genogram of the environment, applications for registration with the IDN, with a psychiatrist, narcologist, indicating specific factors.

Characteristics from the educational environment, application for registration with social protection authorities, etc.
Psychological characteristics, pedagogical characteristics, extract from the local pediatrician, school notebooks, diary, children's drawings, referral from a child psychiatrist, petition.

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics, referral from an educational institution, extract from a pediatrician, referral from a psychiatrist, report of a survey of living conditions, notebooks, diary, drawings.

3. On the third question The school psychologist T.Sh. Mustafaeva spoke. she said The class teacher must follow certain rules when communicating with students' families, namely:

    the parents of each child must be shown sincere respect;

    communication with the student’s parents should not be to his detriment, but to his benefit;

    the study of students' families should be tactful and objective;

    The study of students' families should involve further education of parents and corrective work.

The class teacher should try to have the following information about the student's family:

    general information about parents or people replacing them;

    the family’s living conditions and financial security;

    educational level of the family, parents’ interests in school and in the child’s life in the classroom;

    level of pedagogical culture of parents;

    the degree of significance of the educational influence of parents on the child;

    family traditions, customs and rituals;

    the child’s position in the family (favorable, unfavorable);

    educational opportunities of the family.

Studying students' families allows the teacher to get to know the student better, understand the way of life of the family, its traditions and customs, spiritual values, and the style of relationships between parents and children.

To study the family, the class teacher can use various methods of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics: observation, conversation, testing, questioning, business games, trainings, children's creativity materials, interactive games.

They often complain that parents do not want to attend meetings and do not come to meetings with the class teacher. But, apparently, this should not be surprising. Often parent meetings and meetings turn into “debriefings” at which the human dignity of parents is humiliated. The class teacher should remember that the parent meeting is, first of all, teaching parents to be parents through theory and practice. One type of practice is diagnostic techniques, which allow the parent to be left alone with a series of questions and honestly admit to himself what he is doing well in raising a child, and what is not so good and requires correction.

You can cite many different studies with the help of which the class teacher can arouse in parents an interest in raising their children and a desire to communicate with the class teacher and attend school, but the main thing is that parents learn one very important rule dictated by life: “Raising children in the family is it’s teaching them how to cope without their parents.”

4. On the fourth, the class teacher of the 5th grade, Dontsul M.N., spoke about new approaches to organizing parent-teacher meetings. The interaction of the teacher with the parents of students is aimed at creating a unified educational space. The activities of parents and teachers in the interests of the child are successful only if they become allies. Thanks to this interaction, the teacher gets to know the child better, comes closer to understanding his individual characteristics, and develops the right approach to developing abilities, forming life guidelines, and correcting negative manifestations in student behavior.

It is important for teachers to establish partnerships with the family of each student, to create an atmosphere of mutual support and community of interests. The successful work of an educational institution is possible only when all participants in the educational process - teachers, children, parents - become one, large and cohesive team.

In order for the MS to be successful, you must adhere to the following recommendations for its implementation:

The meeting should be held at a time convenient for the parents;

Communicate the topic of the meeting to parents in advance; it should be chosen taking into account age characteristics children;

The parent meeting should be well prepared and pedagogically useful;

Start and end parent meetings on time;

The class teacher must communicate calmly and tactfully with parents;

It is necessary to educate parents at the meeting, discuss current problems with them, and not state the mistakes and failures of children in their studies;

– the meeting should have both a theoretical and practical nature: include analysis of situations, trainings, discussions, etc.

Actively use information Technology

Organize the exchange of opinions and ideas.

– strive to integrate different views rather than compromise.

- carry out reflection.

A parent meeting will be effective if you focus on parents’ resources, both intellectual and emotional.

Coming to a parent meeting with pleasure is not so little.

Satisfy the principles:

– activity (follow the wishes of the parents);

– optimality (choose for discussion problems that require combining efforts and joint decision-making);

– significance (the topic or problem chosen for discussion must be relevant and accepted from within);

– effectiveness;

– cooperation (helping each other in solving children’s problems, joining forces, understanding that the parents solve the child’s problems in the family, and the school solves educational problems).

Conduct only those meetings the need for which is obvious.

The forms of holding parent meetings are different. This comes mostly from the individual characteristics of the children and parents of a given class and, of course, the creative approach to organizing and conducting it directly by the teacher.

Basic forms of parent meetings:


*"round table";

*thematic discussion with the invitation of specialists;

*consultation with specialists;

*parental discussion;

*school-wide and whole-class conference, etc.

Conduct meeting-lecture hall It is advisable if a non-standard topic that attracts attention and arouses interest is chosen, for example: “What parents need to know if their child goes to school.” This can be called the very first meeting to which parents, as a rule, come, since the specifically designated topic certainly interests them. If certain expectations of parents about the meeting are met, then the problem of them attending subsequent meetings is immediately removed, but those who are interested in receiving further information will definitely come to the next meeting-lecture.

"Round table" is a meeting of parents of students in the same class. A topic that is significant for the whole class is proposed for discussion. To stimulate parental activity and guide discussion in the right direction a “framework” is proposed, i.e., pre-prepared tasks and questions. A round table meeting allows parents to receive useful information, realize your own position and compare it with the position of other parents. Someone needs to speak out (talk about their difficulties), someone needs to find out about the behavior of other students (this will give the opportunity to evaluate their child in comparison, to discover something not noticed before).

The “round table” is no less important for the school psychologist, who gets the opportunity to better know and understand parents and gain their trust. It is essential that the class teacher be present, who also participates in the discussion. At the same time, he leaves the usual teaching role and meets parents in a new, more open situation. This balanced interaction promotes mutual understanding and makes communication more effective. The result of the round table is jointly formulated general conclusions on the topic under discussion.

Parent discussion- one of the forms of uniting parents into a team. Many of them, already in elementary school, show categorical judgments on many issues of raising children, without taking into account the real capabilities and abilities of their child, without assessing the level of his educational potential. Some parents consider their methods of education to be beyond question and correction by the teacher. Discussions are held so that parents can confirm the appropriateness of the educational methods used or conduct an audit of their pedagogical arsenal and think about what they are doing not quite correctly.

Parent conferences (school-wide, classroom) are of great importance in the system of educational work of the school. They discuss the problems of society, of which today's children will become active members in the near future. The main topics of parent conferences are the causes of conflicts and ways to overcome them, the prevention of bad habits and the fight against them.

Such conferences must be prepared very carefully, with the obligatory participation of a school psychologist and social teacher. The task of the latter is to conduct sociological and psychological research on the problem of the conference, as well as familiarize the conference participants with their results. Parents themselves are also active participants in the conferences. They analyze the problem from the perspective of their own experience. A distinctive feature of the conference is that at it certain decisions are made or events are planned on the stated problem.

The main task of parent meetings (analysis, generalization of student behavior and organization of purposeful activities of the class team in the future) is implemented in full only with the direct participation of the children themselves, taking into account their own opinions.

5. On the fifth question Deputy Director for HR Maslova E.V. paid attention to innovative technologies of educational work. Directions, forms, methods of extracurricular work, as one of the types of educational work, as well as methods of using information and communication technologies in this type of activity of schoolchildren practically coincide with the directions, forms and methods of additional education for children, as well as with methods of its informatization. Extracurricular work is a good opportunity for organizing interpersonal relationships in the classroom, between students and the class teacher, with the aim of creating a student body and student self-government bodies.

In the process of multifaceted educational work, it is possible to ensure the development of general cultural interests of schoolchildren and contribute to solving the problems of moral education. Modern educational technologies will help solve these problems:

Technology project-based learning;

Personality-oriented technology;

Health-saving technology;

Technology of educational business game;

Technology for the development of critical thinking;

KTD technology I.P. Ivanova;

Technology for conducting educational discussions;

Tutoring is a technology of pedagogical support;

Technology for creating a situation of success;

Show technologies;

Situational technologies.

In my work as a class teacher I use the following educational technologies.

KTD technology (collective creative activities) I.P. Ivanova. This effective method education and development of the student, based on positive activity, activity, collective authorship and positive emotions. What is a reliable result of the competent implementation of creative endeavors, regardless of their orientation? This is a positive activity of schoolchildren, and not spectatorial, but active, accompanied to one degree or another by a sense of collective authorship.

KTD laws:

Collective creativity;

A single cause and voluntary participation in it;

Freedom to choose forms of activity;

Commonwealth of Adults and Children;

Team development under the influence of creatively gifted leaders.

In the work of a class teacher, difficulties often arise due to situations unforeseen during planning that require immediate solutions. In this case, I use situational technologies. This is group problem work with the verbal (verbal) behavior of schoolchildren in a problem situation. Its purpose is development, organizational decision-making, clarification, discussion. They are developed and used in connection with certain circumstances: for example, quarrels regularly arise between children in the classroom, and the instigator of these quarrels sophisticatedly manipulates his comrades and even adults.

For example, a situational class hour (N.P. Kapustin) can arise spontaneously after an emergency or event.

The technology for conducting a situational class hour includes the following components:

Awareness by each participant of the purpose of the upcoming discussion;

Availability of necessary information on the problem under discussion for its further analysis;

Internal fixation of “I – ​​position” on the issue under discussion;

Determining the reason for the “I-position” in the designated situation;

Internal comparison of “I-position” and a socially significant norm;

Reflection of the entire event;

Free choice of norms of behavior as a real result of working on oneself;

Providing pedagogical support to those students who have shown a willingness to bring their “I-position” into line social norms;

Monitoring changes in schoolchildren’s attitudes to the process under discussion

The teacher specially builds a technology for “situation analysis of the next quarrel”:

1. asks the participants in the quarrel questions that allow each of them to describe the essence of what is happening;

2. lets the “injured party” understand that he (the teacher) understands his situation;

3. leads those who quarreled to think about why the quarrel occurred;

4. discusses with children ways to resolve what happened.

Analysis of situations helps students predict their actions and the actions of the other party, helps to avoid possible conflicts, and when they arise, look for ways out of the conflict.

For example, when analyzing a situation that has arisen in any lesson, offer the children a role-playing game. One of the students plays the role of a teacher, the other - the culprit of the conflict, the rest - eyewitnesses. Moreover, the culprit of the conflict is a student who is not one in reality. We act out the situation that developed in the lesson, and each participant expresses his opinion about the behavior of one side or another. We are looking for a way out and alternative behavior. Next, we evaluate our behavior in this situation. Such work during class hours helps you see yourself from the outside, analyze your behavior objectively, and hear the opinions of your comrades.

During classroom hours, it is necessary to use communication trainings with the goal of creating communication experience in children through group practical psychology (experience of mutual understanding, experience of communication, experience of behavior in problematic school situations).

Is it possible to see any other pedagogical aspects in communication training? Of course yes. For different children, for different reasons, in addition to the positive experience of communication, there may be other consequences: a change in relationships with each other, a change in relationships with the teacher, consolidation or development of any personal formations. But these are effects that were not planned as a goal. At best, these are the teacher's probabilistic predictions.

For example, in grades 8-9 it is appropriate to conduct training to develop communication skills. Communication has always been significant in the life of a person and his personal development. The problem of communication has traditionally been the focus of attention of domestic social psychologists due to its significance in all spheres of human life and social groups. A person without communication cannot live among people, develop and create. In the structure of interpersonal communication, the main content of communication is distinguished, namely: the transfer of information, interaction, and people getting to know each other. The transmission of information is considered as a communicative aspect of communication; interaction as an interactive aspect of communication; people's understanding and knowledge of each other. Therefore, it is important to be able to communicate, to correctly convey your thoughts so that you can be understood.

Purpose of the training: Development of communication skills.

Practice persuasion skills

Practice the ability to find arguments in favor of your position

Develop the ability to approach people

Emphasize the importance of intonation in the communication process.

Development of non-verbal communication skills.

Train effective ways communication

Examples of exercises

Exercise “Seven Heroes” (20 minutes)

Goal: to develop persuasion skills, the ability to find arguments in favor of one’s position, and presentation skills.

Progress of the exercise. Let's, in order to practice our ability to persuade, remember and act out the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin about the dead princess and seven heroes. In particular, the episode where the seven heroes with whom the princess lived persuade her to marry one of them and stay with them forever. In our fairy tale it will be the same, but the heroes, who have undergone a series of trainings and have the gift of persuasion, will be able to convince the princess better than the fairy tale ones to abandon the prince Elisha and stay in their house. Each mini-group will have to prepare the most tempting offers in order to persuade the princess to stay with them, to show her all the advantages of such an ending to the fairy tale.

You are given 5 minutes to prepare, after which one envoy from each group speaks, addressing the princess with his arguments.

Reflection (10 minutes).

After the performances, the princess talks about whether she wanted to stay with the heroes, what pros and cons she saw in everyone’s performances.

What emotions did you experience while doing this exercise?

Exercise “And I’m happy” (10 minutes)

Goal: learn about ways to improve your mood.

We are sitting in a circle, we need to put one more chair. The one with the free chair on the right starts. He should move to an empty chair and say: “And I’m happy.” The next one, who has an empty chair on the right, changes seats and says: “Me too,” the third participant says: “And I learn from... (says the name of any participant).” The one whose name was called runs to an empty chair and names a way to raise the mood, then everything is repeated from the beginning by analogy. Names cannot be repeated.

Reflection: (5 minutes).

Which of the proposed ways to lift your mood did you find most interesting?

The development and improvement of educational work, the use and implementation of innovative technologies would be impossible without the serious methodological work of teachers. Our class teachers try to keep abreast of pedagogical innovations, but do not always strive to implement them in their practice, but have the potential for more effective creative work. Many class teachers have extensive experience in organizing educational activities, which they generously share with their colleagues; they have many innovative ideas and are ready to implement them. All these results indicate the high potential of teachers, painstaking, systematic, consistent work that gives high results and helps to improve the level of education of our graduates.


1. Conduct preventive work to prevent conflicts.

3. Thoroughly study the methods and techniques for diagnosing students and their families.

4. Apply innovative technologies in extracurricular activities.

Chairman Tsukanova L.V.

Secretary Dontsul M.N.

Protocol No. 3

meetings of the Moscow class teachers

Subject: Pedagogy of child support: interaction between school, family and society in the prevention of deviant behavior in students. Improving educational and preventive work.

Present: 10 class teachers, deputy director for VR, educational psychologist

Absent: No


1.Regulatory and legal basis for the activities of class teachers in working with students at various types accounting.

2.Methods for comprehensive diagnostics of the characteristics of the family atmosphere, family education and the attitude of parents towards children

3.The work of the class teacher in early detection of troubles in the family.

Progress of the meeting

1. On the first question listened to Deputy Director for VR Maslova E.V. who said that professional activity class teacher can only be implemented within the framework of the state social policy. The class teacher provides conditions for the practical implementation of the rights of the child in an educational institution. Its competence includes the development, formation of a mechanism and implementation of measures regarding the protection of the social, educational and educational rights of the child. The normative and socio-pedagogical support of educational work in our country has clearly defined normative and legal grounds at the international, federal and regional levels.

Legislative documents:

    Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”

    Federal Law “On the Basics of Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency” of June 24, 1999

According to the Convention child rights it is the right to survival, to development and protection.

Child - is a human being from birth until the age of 18.

The rights of children to receive a proper upbringing are one of the most important personal non-property rights of a minor.

The Convention outlines a list of areas requiring measures to protect the rights of minors at the international level:

    Granting citizenship

    Family reunion

    Illegal movement and non-return of children from abroad

    Adoption and guardianship

    Protection of refugee children

    Financial responsibility of parents for a child

    Elimination of illiteracy

    Preventing child trafficking

    Protection of children during armed conflicts

In addition, the rights and freedoms of minors are normatively established, aimed at ensuring their proper upbringing:

    guidance from parents

    non-separation from parents

    preservation of individuality

    adoption and guardianship

Main idea Conventions – the best interests of the child.

The provisions of the Convention are reduced to the basic requirements that must ensure the rights of children:



  • active participation in public life.

The Convention establishes the rights of the child:

    actively participate in your own development

    express your beliefs

    Ensure that beliefs are taken into account when making decisions regarding the child's life.

The Convention proclaims the equality of rights of the child regardless of race, gender, language, religion and other beliefs, national, social origin and other circumstances.

The Convention provides for the social rights of disabled children (Article 23).

The main international treaties related to the problem of protecting children's rights include:

    World Declaration and Plan of Action adopted at the World Summit for Children (1990)

    Convention on the Protection of Children and Cooperation in Matters of Intercountry Adoption (1993)

    Declaration on the Protection of Women and Children in Emergencies and Armed Conflict (1974)

The federal level can be represented by a package of regulatory documents that talk about the implementation of children’s rights to physical, intellectual, spiritual, moral and social development in the following areas:

    strengthening child protection rights

    support for the family as a natural environment for children’s livelihoods

    ensuring safety and protection of motherhood and childhood

    ensuring upbringing, education, development of children

    support for children in particularly difficult circumstances.

Federal Law “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation” of 1998– includes child care:

    preparing children for a full life in society

    development of socially significant and creative activity in children

    instilling in children high moral qualities, patriotism and citizenship.

This law defines the following concepts:

    children in difficult situations life situation

    • those. children left without parental care

      disabled children

      children, victims of armed conflicts

      children in extreme conditions

      children who have served sentences

    social adaptation of children– the process of active adaptation of children in difficult life situations to the rules and norms of behavior accepted in society, the process of overcoming the consequences of psychological and moral trauma.

    social rehabilitation of a child– measures to restore the social connections and functions lost by the child, and to replenish the life support environment.

    social infrastructure for children– a system of objects necessary for the life support of children, education, upbringing and development of children.

The legislation of the Russian Federation on the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as other laws and regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of the child.

Basic directions ensuring children's rights in the Russian Federation:

    Legislative guarantees of children's rights in the Russian Federation

    Assisting the child in the implementation and protection of his rights and legitimate interests

    Establishment of state minimum social standards for the main indicators of the quality of life of children.

    Measures to protect the rights of the child when carrying out activities in the field of his education and upbringing.

    Ensuring the child’s rights to health care

    Protection of the rights and legitimate interests of children in the field of vocational guidance, vocational training and employment

    Protecting children's rights to rest and health

    Protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the child during the formation social infrastructures for children

    Protecting the child from information, propaganda and agitation that is harmful to his health, moral and spiritual development.

    Protecting the rights of children in difficult life situations.

Federal Law “On the Basics of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency” 1999

The law clarifies the following concepts:

    prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency

    neglected – there is no control over the child’s behavior on the part of parents

    homeless - homeless, without a place of residence

    a minor and a family in a socially dangerous situation.

Basic tasks law:

    prevention of neglect, homelessness, juvenile delinquency

2. social and pedagogical rehabilitation of minors

3. identification and listing of cases of involvement of minors in criminal and antisocial activities.

The activities of the class teacher are based on the principles of legality, humane treatment of minors, ensuring the responsibility of officials and citizens for violating the rights of minors.

2. On the second question Psychologist T.Sh. Mustafaeva spoke. she talked about her family upbringing. Family education- a general name for the processes of influence on children by parents and other family members in order to achieve the desired results. Social, family and school education are carried out in inextricable unity. The problems of family education in the part where they come into contact with the school are studied by general pedagogy, and in other aspects by social pedagogy.

Modern science has numerous data indicating that without harming the development of the child’s personality, it is impossible to abandon family education, since it gives the child the whole gamut of feelings, the widest range of ideas about life. In addition, its strength and effectiveness are incomparable with any, even very qualified, education in kindergarten or school.

“The main feature of family education is that it is the most emotional in its content; its main prerequisite is parental love towards children and the corresponding reciprocal feeling of children towards parents"

The uniqueness of home education is explained primarily by its primacy, the special significance of close adults in the child’s life due to his biological and psychological dependence on them. Scientists have identified the characteristics of children inherent in them in the first years of life, which determine their maximum sensitivity (sensitivity) to upbringing and learning. Such features include plasticity of higher nervous and mental activity, imitation and suggestibility, and emotionality. The upbringing process is optimized due to the development of valuable needs in the baby, such as the needs for communication, for obtaining new impressions (later - in cognition), for active physical activity, for recognition and love, etc.

From the first days of a child’s life, he is surrounded by a world of people, nature, and things. However, not every adult and not every environment is favorable for the development of a child from the moment of birth. A child separated from his parents (or more often abandoned by them) and placed in a child's home experiences a decrease in overall mental tone, emotional-cognitive interactions deteriorate, and, as a result, intellectual development is inhibited. The sooner a child is separated from the parental family, the longer and in greater isolation he is in an institution, the more pronounced are the deformations in all directions of his mental development.

The influence of the family, especially in the initial period of a child’s life, far exceeds other educational influences. According to research, the family here reflects both the school and the means mass media, public organizations, work collectives, friends, the influence of literature and art. This allowed teachers to deduce a fairly definite relationship: the success of personality formation is determined primarily by family. The better the family and the better its influence on education, the higher the results of the physical, moral, and labor education of the individual. With rare exceptions, the role of the family in the formation of personality is determined by dependence: like the family, like the person who grew up in it.

This dependence has long been used in practice. An experienced teacher only needs to look and talk to the child to understand what kind of family he is being raised in. In the same way, it is not difficult, after talking with parents, to establish what in their children grow up in the family. Family and child - mirror reflection each other.

In our modern society is becoming more and more noticeable family crisis, The way out of which is not yet clear. The crisis is expressed in the fact that the family is increasingly realizing its homefunction- parenting. The reasons for this crisis are only partly related to the deterioration of the economic situation in the country; they are of a more general nature. Most experts come to a very pessimistic conclusion: we are beginning to pay for industrial civilization, which inevitably leads to the destruction of foundations, the deterioration of morals and human relations, and ultimately to the death of society. If this is true, then our chances for a better future are slim. Let's hope that human wisdom will still find a way out, and the situation in family education will change for the better.

We will not make horrific comparisons that characterize the deterioration of family education compared to the recent past. Let us only note that a frivolous attitude towards marriage and family, forgetfulness of traditions, moral principles, cynicism and drunkenness, lack of self-discipline and sexual promiscuity, a high percentage of divorces have the most detrimental effect on the upbringing of children.

What can a child take from a dilapidated family? After all, it is well known that it is in the family and through the family that his primary ideas, value orientations and social attitudes. The family stands at the cradle of personality formation in the most literal sense, lays the foundations for relationships between people, and forms orientations for the rest of a person’s working and social life. In adulthood, many problems that are naturally and simply resolved in the family become insurmountable.

To summarize these generally well-known educational functions families, come to conclusion:

The influence of the family on the child is stronger than all other educational influences. It weakens with age, but is never completely lost;

In the family, those qualities are formed that cannot be formed anywhere except in the family;

The family carries out the socialization of the individual and is a concentrated expression of his efforts in physical, moral and labor education. Members of society emerge from the family: what kind of family is such a society;

The family ensures the continuity of traditions;

The most important social function of the family is raising a citizen, a patriot, a future family man, and a law-abiding member of society;

Family has a significant influence on the choice of profession.

Modern science has evidence that the family is the first and most significant educational institution in a person’s life and influences the processes and results of personality development.
But for this you need to work long and hard in the field of education. For parents, family education is the process of consciously shaping the physical and spiritual qualities of children. Every father and every mother should understand well what they want to raise in their child. This determines the conscious nature of family education and the requirement for a reasonable and balanced approach to solving educational problems.

Tenzile Shevketovna proposed this technique

Complex express diagnostic methodcharacteristics of family

atmosphere, family education and the attitude of parents towards children


Part I. Self-diagnosis of a typical family condition.

Instructions: Read the statements in the questionnaire. If you generally agree with it, then circle the statement number on the form. If your choice is difficult, put a question mark on the number. Remember that you are describing how you feel in your family, and try to answer sincerely.

1. I know that my family members are often unhappy with me.

2. I feel that no matter what I do, it will still be wrong.

3. I don’t have time to do a lot.

4. It turns out that I am the one to blame for everything that happens in my family.

5. I often feel helpless (helpless).

6. At home I often get nervous.

7. When I get home, I feel awkward (clumsy) and awkward (awkward).

8. Some members of my family consider me clueless (clueless).

9. When I ________ her time because of something I ___get upset.

10. I often feel the critical gaze of my family members.

11. I go home and worryingly think about what else happened in my absence.

12. At home I have a constant feeling that there is still a lot to do.

13. I often feel superfluous (superfluous).

14. My situation at home is such that I just give up.

15. At home I constantly have to restrain myself.

16. It seems to me that if I suddenly disappeared, no one would notice it.

17. You go home, you think that you will do one thing, but you have to do something completely different.

18. When I think about family matters, I start to worry.

19. Some members of my family feel uncomfortable with me in front of friends and acquaintances.

20. It often happens: I want to do well, but it turns out that it turned out badly.

21. I don’t like a lot of things in our family, but I try not to show it.

Processing the results

Legend: 1 answer circled is equal to 1 point, “T” – anxiety, “V” – guilt, “N” – mental stress, “S” – general family anxiety, “D/z” – meaning, in which the condition is diagnosed.

Answer form


Sum of points

3. On the third question Chairman of the Moscow Region Tsukanova L.V. spoke. Any activity begins with a study of the initial state, an analysis of the situation and the problems that characterize it. Without this, it is impossible to successfully implement goal setting, forecasting, planning and organizing work. In order to timely begin work on the early prevention of troubles in a particular family, it is necessary, firstly, to identify these families and their problems, and secondly, to determine the priority of solving them in accordance with the degree of relevance for each specific family.

At the beginning of the school year, each class teacher fills out a Social Passport of the class, which reflects all the features of his class team. In order to accurately fill out the social passport, class teachers visit families (especially newly arrived children, children registered at school, as well as all students when changing class teachers and families of first-graders), conduct individual conversations, and class parent meetings. As a result, at the end of September, the school’s Social Passport is compiled, which contains both numerical data and lists of various categories of children. At the same time, the data bank about dysfunctional families, children in difficult life situations, and in need of help from the teaching staff is updated and changed. The information is brought to the attention of the entire team, and the updated data bank is received by the school director, deputy director for VR, and psychologist.

Visiting a family is a complex, delicate matter that cannot be rushed. The slightest flaw - and the family, which is in such dire need of help, will not be able to open up and tell about their troubles. Therefore, the purpose of school raids is not only to examine the conditions of education, but also to establish contact with the family and find out the possibility of providing assistance. Teachers give advice to parents on how to help their child complete homework, how to eliminate problems with studies, I inform you about what social assistance the school can provide, and where to go for help. We find out how the child’s leisure time is organized and convince them of the need to attend clubs, sections, and associations.

The principles of the school’s work on the early prevention of troubles in families:

Creating an atmosphere of trust between the class teacher, social teacher, psychologist and the child himself;

Involving all subjects of the prevention system in the process of social and pedagogical support for the child and his family (social protection authorities, education, health care, police department, commission for minors and the protection of their rights, Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children);

Close interaction with the child's family.

We can highlight the main problems that most dysfunctional families face:

Low material security;

Lack of trusting relationships between family members;

Alcoholism of one or both parents;

Emotionally tense atmosphere in the family;

Failure of schoolchildren in school; poor adaptation of the child to his peers;

Unorganized rest and leisure time for children;

Inability to find additional income;

Ignorance of your social benefits, inability to seek help in a timely manner, lack of knowledge of where to turn for help;

Low general and sanitary-hygienic culture.

Such a family does not fulfill its traditional functions (educational, communicative, regulatory, creating an atmosphere of happiness) and does not meet the expectations of society.

Most dysfunctional families require socio-pedagogical support and assistance so that they can more successfully perform the functions listed above.

After all, the family is the first stable group in the life of every person. It is from the family that the process of a child’s assimilation of social norms and cultural values, the acquisition of communication skills, the experience of human mutual understanding, and professional self-determination begins. The moral image and character of the child, his attitude towards people and the surrounding reality are formed in the family. Therefore, the school is not indifferent to what happens in the family.

Types of assistance to families that a school can provide for the purpose of early prevention of troubles:

Assistance in ensuring an increase in family income through the provision of free food, placing children in free camps during the holidays;

Collection of funds and things, provision of humanitarian assistance;

Providing assistance in obtaining various benefits and allowances, providing information about them;

Organization of children's leisure time, organization summer holiday;

Information about the work of various services;

Psychological and pedagogical assistance and education of parents (pedagogical comprehensive education);

psychological correction of family relationships in the process of family counseling;

Legal education of parents, promotion of a healthy lifestyle;

Organization of a favorable social environment in families;

Helping children overcome learning difficulties (additional classes, individual training.);

Help in choosing an educational path; training in ways to increase self-esteem;

Consultations on vocational guidance for teenagers;

Providing conditions for children to acquire certain professional skills (assignment to work teams, organization of teaching classes, work of teenagers in camps as counselors);

Accounting and prevention of asocial and immoral behavior of parents;

Prevention and resolution of conflict situations in the family;

Individual counseling;

Interaction and contact with institutions of the prevention system. The implementation of assistance occurs through the interaction of all interested parties in the educational institution with the child’s family, as well as with the involvement of bodies and institutions of the prevention system.

Chairman Tsukanova L.V.

Secretary Dontsul M.N.

Protocol No. 4

meetings of the Moscow class teachers

Subject: Patriotic education as a systematic and purposeful activity of the school to form civic consciousness in students.

Present: 10 class teachers, deputy director for VR,

Absent: No


1. Patriotic education is a great thing: it decides the fate of a person;

2. Reserves of modern patriotic consciousness;

3. Systems approach to solving the problem of forming an active civic position of students

4. Patriotic education within the educational institution;

5. A lesson in courage (a series of open classroom hours).

Progress of the meeting

1. On the first issue, Deputy Director for VR Maslova E.Voan spoke and drew attention to the fact that school has always been and remains one of the most important institutions carrying out educational work and patriotic education in particular. The goals, content, and methods of instilling patriotism are changing, but this process itself has always been present in the activities of educational institutions various types, and this is quite natural, since the school, along with the family, the media, and public associations, is called upon to solve the problems of education.

It is necessary to focus on the process of instilling patriotism in school, that is, in institutions of general secondary education. It is at school that the child spends the greatest amount of time, and holistic, consistent educational work there is designed to ensure high efficiency of implementation social functions students, which is the most important factor sustainable development society and the successful solution of problems facing the state. The absence or insufficient work with children hinders the socialization of young people and the formation of morally and politically literate citizens.

In institutions of general secondary education, patriotic education is one of the areas of spiritual and moral formation of the civic qualities of an individual, attitudes and ideas of serving the Fatherland, and its defense.

In the process of education, it is very important to take into account age characteristics. For primary school age students, teachers form ideas about a person as a main value society, give them basic information about the Constitution, human and child rights.

Important role The formation of the concept of one’s small homeland (city, street, school), family, one’s ancestry, as well as teaching children a culture of communication also plays a role. Secondary students younger age basic ideas about “big” and “small” societies and one’s place in them are formed.

In the future, a special role for schoolchildren is played by a practical orientation in the community, its focus on socially useful causes, children’s participation in the development and practical implementation of their own social projects, holding charity events, search work.

An important criterion for the effectiveness of civic-patriotic education, as the experience of many years of activity shows, is the personal growth of each child, teenager, young man, the positive system of his attitude towards the world.

Indicators of the success of a teacher’s educational activities are the activity of students, self-discipline, dignity and desire for self-improvement, a developed sense of self-esteem, the presence of a moral qualities, the child’s awareness and objective self-esteem of his Self as a citizen, patriot, Human.

The conceptual and program documents defining the development of the national education system envisage the creation effective system patriotic, civic, spiritual and moral education.

Patriotic education at school should be carried out both in the learning process and in extracurricular and extracurricular activities, since this process involves the wide use of opportunities academic disciplines and the inclusion of children in various types of socially significant activities, since during school years the content of patriotism is revealed as a feeling of love for the Motherland, concern for its interests, and readiness to defend it from enemies.

Patriotism as a universal human value for each individual schoolchild can manifest itself in a feeling of pride in the achievements of his native country, bitterness for its failures and troubles. It is important to instill in schoolchildren respect for the historical past of their people, a caring attitude towards people's memory, national and cultural traditions, and those people who have enriched the national and universal culture with their creativity.

Patriotic education in educational institutions should be systematic. In its process, various means and methods of updating historical memory and objects of patriotic pride are used. The complex of tasks of patriotic education includes the formation of a respectful attitude towards the symbols of the sovereignty of the people and the state - the state flag, coat of arms, anthem.

Today society is especially concerned about the problem of educating young people in the spirit of patriotism, and the presence of this problem has led to an intensive search for a way to solve it.

Evidence of this is that the state pays serious attention to the formation of patriotism among schoolchildren; which is reflected in a number of norms and legislative systems.

2. On the second question, Tsukanova L.V. said that the problems of forming the patriotic consciousness of students in modern school deserve the closest attention, since, in fact, we're talking about about the future of Russia, the value guidelines of our society, and by and large - about the national security of the country, the roots of which lie in the upbringing, civic formation of the younger generation, the formation of their readiness for a decent

Serving the Fatherland. Unfortunately, in the formation of scientific and theoretical

and the methodological foundations of patriotic education in modern pedagogical science, not all possibilities are used.

The concept of patriotism is quite capacious. It includes feelings that develop in a person spiritual and moral qualities in relation to the historical past and present of his country, native language and culture. Patriotism is manifested in a feeling of pride in the achievements of one’s native country, in bitterness for its failures and troubles, in respect for the historical past of one’s people, in a careful attitude towards people’s memory and national and cultural traditions. The feeling of patriotism is expressed, first of all, in attachment to one’s native places, the so-called “small homeland”, to the usual way of life. Philosophical and pedagogical research show that patriotism is associated, first of all, with the values ​​and value orientations of young people. The problem of value orientation in the education of patriotism among the younger generation has become acute in connection with socio-economic transformations in Russia and the loss of guidelines in this rapidly changing world. Given the high availability of information and materials distributed through the press, television, radio, and the Internet, young people are bombarded with a stream of low-quality products. The social and pedagogical meaning of the phenomenon of patriotism lies in the ability to influence the formation of personality through the feeling of a deep connection between the common destinies of a person and his people, which determines the way of worldview, way of life and behavior, giving meaning to human existence. The feeling of patriotism contains a kind of protective mechanism that provides psychological comfort and personal improvement, guaranteeing the reproduction of the form of human existence, conscious selection, processing and creation of new spiritual and material assets. Love for the Motherland and patriotism are brought up from the moment of birth, formed in the younger generation under the influence environment, society, state. The decisive factor in the formation of patriotic feelings at an early age is the family, in which the foundations of a worldview and attitude are laid, and civic responsibility is formed in children. But educational institutions remain the main institution that ensures the educational process and real integration of the most diverse subjects of education.

3. On the third question, teacher-organizer Treneva A.A. said that civic education is based on this moment is one of the state priorities of Russian educational policy, as evidenced by regulatory documents in the field of education, and the topics of modern scientific, pedagogical, sociological, philosophical research, and publications of leading specialists in the field of education.

Civic education is valuable because for the future of the country it is important not only which knowledgeable specialists will create the country’s wealth, but also what their worldview, civic and moral position will be.

Indeed, the value of a person is in his relationships with other people - family, friends, comrades, colleagues, peers. Human freedom lies in the independent choice of the purpose of life, life path. But in this freedom we cannot imagine ourselves without other people, their opinion is important to us, their support is necessary. We accept - we give: love, care, attention. People call this precisely and succinctly – “responsibility”. Citizenship and responsibility are interrelated words.

The main thing in the formation of a civic position is a systematic approach, creating conditions for their self-knowledge and self-education. At the same time, it is important to use the pedagogical potential of the social environment, to help students master socio-historical experience by entering into social environment, develop your own individual experience of life.

The main directions of the system for forming a civic position are as follows:

Formation of a civil attitude towards oneself.

Formation of a civil attitude towards your family.

Formation of a civil attitude towards school.

Formation of a civil attitude towards the Fatherland.

Formation of a civil attitude towards planet Earth.

The formation of citizenship begins with the birth of a child and great importance her family influences her development. It is here that the child learns the first lessons of citizenship, attitude towards his country and its people. Then the process continues at school, where there is a conscious assimilation of history, political, legal and moral norms operating in society, acceptance of them as the basis of one’s actions, and the formation of a civil worldview. All this is expressed in the emerging civil behavior of a person.

The core of civic education is the patriotic education of an individual who knows the history, morals, and customs of his people, who respects and loves his homeland (both “great” and “small”), and who feels responsible for it. Raising a patriot is inherently humanistic, since its basis is love and respect - feelings that are formed from childhood throughout a person’s life. First, it is love for the mother, for the father’s house, over the years, becoming more mature and complemented by love for one’s land, the city where a person lives, developing into love for the Motherland, respect for its history, pride in one’s people and the desire to protect it.

What are the main ways of civic education? Civic education is a system of education and training of an individual, which provides for the creation of conditions for the development of a moral civic position and gaining experience in socially useful civic activities.

The experience of working with a civic orientation has shown that such concepts as public good, human rights, social justice, conscious law-abidingness, morality are better absorbed by children and adolescents through participation in socially useful activities, through attracting children to active interaction with all the institutions of society, with gaining one’s own experience of being active in society.

The simultaneous participation of children in the socially recognized activities of permanent and temporary collective associations, which generally make up a single multifaceted team, gives the personal interests of schoolchildren a new additional value, focusing them on solving socially significant problems. An important condition for working with the younger generation is the focus on active joint activities of children and adults. Involving teenagers in joint activities with senior members of the organization in social projects of the school team contributes to the growth of activity, independence and desire for communication of participants, builds a vision of new ways to solve life problems, forms self-awareness and responsibility to others.

It has been established that the student’s value-oriented internal position arises not as a result of some “pedagogical influences” or even their system, but as a result of the organization of social practice in which he is included. Only in the context of the holistic experience of a high school student within his practical relationships, all, without exception, “influences” on him acquire one or another pedagogical significance.

Active joint activities aimed at solving public problems will help to create a sense of responsibility towards the country and the society in which we live.

4. On the fourth question, the deputy director for BP is that our school’s program of work on patriotic education is aimed at tirelessly working to create in schoolchildren a sense of pride in their Motherland and their people, respect for their great achievements and worthy pages of the past.

Today, patriotic education is the systematic activity of teachers to form in young citizens patriotic consciousness, values, a sense of loyalty to their Fatherland, readiness to fulfill civic duty, and its main goal is the formation of a spiritually and physically healthy person who inextricably links his destiny with the future of his native land and country capable of defending state interests.

Achieving this goal is carried out through solving the following tasks:

    development of an individual who has the quality of a citizen - a patriot of the Motherland, capable of successfully fulfilling civic duties in peace and war;

    expanding knowledge about the native land, city, instilling pride in its heroic past, historical and cultural heritage;

    study of living national culture, folk art;

    instilling in students a sense of deep respect and reverence for the symbols of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Patriotism is a kind of foundation of a social and state building, a pillar of its viability. It is not inherent in genes, it is not a natural, but a social quality and therefore is not inherited, but formed.

Patriotism is formed, first of all, in the learning process through various forms of work, creating situations in which students would experience feelings of love, pride in their Motherland, admire its glorious history, the courage and bravery of patriots.

The main directions of patriotic education are:

    tourism and local history

    literary and musical

    physical education and health





All these events are included in the plans of educational work of schools (class hours, memory lessons, memory lessons, holiday concerts, etc.) Of course, the work on this direction during the month of defense-mass work in February and continues in April during the preparation of events for the anniversary of the liberation of the Leninsky region from the Nazi invaders and, then, for Victory Day. These directions are adapted to the age categories of schoolchildren: primary classes work at the first stage of the formation of patriotic education, then the work continues at the second and third stages, respectively. All these areas are organically interconnected, united in the process of practical activity by goals, objectives, spiritual, moral and ideological foundations, principles, forms and methods of patriotic education. Work on patriotic education is carried out comprehensively. An integrated approach reflects the most important feature of education - the focus on the holistic formation of a comprehensively and harmoniously developed personality. We can talk about the formation of a person’s patriotic consciousness only when the knowledge given to us has helped him determine his position in life and when this position has grown into a conviction that determines his entire life path.

5 On the fifth issue, it was decided that an open lesson in elementary school is conducted by G.D. Khalilova (4th grade - first week of February), in the middle level - Abduramanova A.B (7th grade, 2nd week), in the senior level - A.A. Treneva (9th grade -3 week).

Decided :

1. Recognize the school’s work on patriotic work as good.

2. Continue work on civic-patriotic education of schoolchildren.

3.Conduct open lessons courage, according to the accepted plan.

Chairman Tsukanova L.V.

Secretary Dontsul M.N.

Chairman of the Moscow Region: Tatyana Vladimirovna Furasyeva.

2014-2015 academic year.

05/28/2015 Topic of the meeting: "Final meeting of class teachers. Analysis of the work of the educational organization"

04/08/2015 Topic of the meeting: "The role of the class teacher in the professional self-determination of students"

02/03/2015 Topic of the meeting: “Technology for creating a situation of success for students outside of class time”

12/16/2014 Topic of the meeting: " Interactive methods education"

Report: "Interactive methods of education" Bessonova Zh.P.

05.11.2014 Topic of the meeting: “Formation of positive motivation for healthy image life"


Topic: “Systematic approach in the activities of the class teacher”


Topic: “Formation of a schoolchild’s cultural personality as an important stage in the formation of self-awareness”

April “Interaction between the class teacher and the student’s family”

May. Final meeting

2011-2012 academic year.

01.11.2011 Meeting of the Ministry of Education: "Effective forms of educational work of class teachers on the spiritual and moral development of students and class groups."

Bessonova Zh.P. - "Effective forms of educational work of class teachers on the spiritual and moral development of students and class groups"

12/30/2011 The topic of the meeting: “The use of ethical conversations and dialogues as a means of enhancing the spiritual and moral education of students.”


10/9/2009 Meeting of the Moscow Region of senior leaders: "Organization of self-government and provision of pedagogical support to children's, youth and youth organizations"

02/26/2010 Meeting of MO class. managers: "Taking into account psychological and age characteristics in working with gifted children"

04/23/2010 Meeting of the Ministry of Education of Class Leaders: "Formation of moral qualities of students in the educational process"

Meeting of the Moscow class teachers

09.11.2010 Meeting of the Moscow Region of primary school teachers

Pedagogical conference

(Meeting of the school methodological association of class teachers)

Form:pedagogical darts.
Subject: "Workshop of pedagogical experience"
Participants: class teachers of grades 5-11, guests
Progress of the conference:

1. Speech by the head of the Moscow Region Smirnova V.V.
- We all come from childhood. Remembering childhood, every adult often reproduces events related to his life during his school years. A good memory remains of that teacher with whom there were joyful moments of communication, who helped in solving problems, in choosing a life path, was interesting personality. Most often, this is the class teacher. He really is the closest to the child in the teaching staff of the school.

The importance of the role of the class teacher does not decrease. Today, we, class teachers, perform three interrelated functions: we organize a variety of activities in the classroom, take care of the development of each child, and help children solve emerging problems.
Currently, most class teachers understand education as creating conditions for the development of the child’s internal potential. This leads to changes in the work system.
The main purpose of the class teacher is to provide, within the framework of the overall goal of education, individual development personalities of schoolchildren, discovery of the world of culture, introduction to the world of modern culture, introduction to cultural values, assistance in choosing the living environment and methods of implementation in culture.
Slide In this regard, the purpose Our conference is to study the components of the mastery of a class teacher.
Slide To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

- Identify the main problems that arise in the process of educational activities of the class teacher;

Study theoretical sources on the problem;
- Study the practical use of class teacher work methods;
- Draw conclusions about the components of a class teacher’s skill

Identify opportunities for developing the educational process and search for new ways and means for further improving the education of students;

Provide practical assistance to beginning class teachers in matters of improving theoretical knowledge and improving teaching skills.

SLIDE Form of conduct: Educational darts.

“Why darts?” - you ask and you will be absolutely right. – First of all, because they gathered here creative people that they know how and like to use in their work active forms. Pedagogical darts will help us not only solve the problems of our conference, but also lift our spirits and relieve stress and fatigue.

The terms of our meeting are simple.

1.Now you are sitting in groups that make up the teams of the first championship in “pedagogical darts”

2. The target is divided into several sectors.

3. Any member of the first group throws a dart at the target. (Each group has three attempts. The dart is thrown until the first hit). The color of the sector indicates the item on the agenda.

4. The second group has the right to make the next throw.

5. The algorithm is repeated until all questions are exhausted.

SLIDE I offer you the rules of the conference:

Be active

Suggest ideas

Know how to listen

Do not interrupt

Keep it short and on topic

Respect your interlocutor

Leading: Let's start the game. The first group has the right to throw first. (3 attempts)

So, (color) sector: “Need an idea”

1. Forms of work with the class team - From the experience of the class teacher 10 “A” - Ukhov K.A., class teacher 11 “A” - Lapshina T.Yu.

Leading: From the very first day of work, the main goal of the young class teacher is to form a student team. K.A. works to create a friendly atmosphere in the team, tries to provide each student with a situation of success. He will talk about his first experience as a class teacher, starting with theory.

(Presentation with commentary)

Leading :The success of the educational activities of the class teacher largely depends on his deep penetration into inner world children, from understanding their experiences and motives of behavior. To study how a schoolchild lives, what his interests and inclinations are, especially his will and character traits, means finding the right path to his heart and using the most appropriate methods of pedagogical influence.

Lapshina T.Yu . creates a relaxed atmosphere that facilitates the rapid search for new ideas and solutions. She will share her pedagogical findings. (Presentation about the theater)

Leading: It's time to turn our attention back to the target. The second group determines the sector for discussion (three attempts)

Leading: Sector "Important Information"

In order to perform their functions pedagogically competent, successfully and effectively, the class teacher must have a good knowledge of the psychological and pedagogical foundations of working with children of a particular age, be informed about the latest trends, methods and forms of educational activities, and master modern technologies education.

Tarasova I.V., class teacher of 9th grade,. believes that the study of a schoolchild’s personality in the process of moral education is an analysis of the manifestation of learned moral norms in their activities and behavior. And the main task of the class teacher is to teach positive communication skills. Technology contributes to the development of communicative competence
"Communication training"She will show a fragment of the training.
The main tasks of the Communication Training group:
- development of the ability to establish and maintain psychological contact in communication.
- knowledge of one’s capabilities and limitations in interaction with other people;
- awareness and removal of internal barriers and clamps that interfere with effective communication;
- developing the ability to predict the behavior of another person.
Games help children develop communication skills.
Games to develop communication skills.

(Training “How to light a star?)

Leading: I think you will agree with me that the effectiveness of our work directly depends on our communication with students. It is through communication that the teacher organizes the behavior and activities of students, evaluates their work and actions, informs them about current events, evokes appropriate feelings about their actions and helps them overcome difficulties.

She will tell you how to convince a child and help him not to lose faith in his abilities. Novikova M.V.:

A systematic approach to organizing work with the class team - From the experience of the class teacher of 9 "B" class - Novikova M.V. (Fragment of a class hour)

Leading: The third group determines the next sector (three attempts)

Leading: Sector "Thinking out loud"

The organizer of student activities in the classroom, the coordinator of actions remains the class teacher, the closest and direct teacher, and the student’s mentor. Shares his experience on forms of interaction with the class team Bushueva E.V.

Forms of interaction with the class team moral education" - From the experience of the class teacher of class 9 “A” - Bushueva E.V., class teacher of class 7 “B” - Lukanina L.I.

Leading: The purpose of the class teacher's activities is to create conditions for self-development and self-realization of the student's personality, his successful socialization in society. Students and parents of 7"B" see before them a class teacher who knows the answer to any question, loves children, and is ready to do everything to make the school a second home for them. Lukanina L.I. . will tell you how to do it.

(Speech by Lukanina L.I.)

Host: Now I invite our guests to also take part in the first darts championship. (three attempts)

Leading: Sector “Word to the guests”

Khlopkova N.V. (psychologist at the Center for Social Services). will offer technologies for preparing and conducting a personally oriented class hour

(Guest performance)

Leading: As a class teacher in my work I use technologies such as:

- Communication trainings.
- Group problem work.
- Dialogue “teacher-pupil”, interactive conversation
- Creating a situation of success.

Technology “Creating a situation of success.”

A child is invited to the board. He is asked to draw a cow. But before the task is completed, everyone present needs to say something that would help the success of the artistic activity. “Don’t be afraid, it’s okay if it doesn’t work out...”, “Remember what a cow looks like,” “All hope is only for you!” The range of opinions is very different. The invited artist boldly begins to draw, and the others support him with kind encouragement. The class teacher is extremely attentive, recording all remarks, advice, and phrases. The picture turns out because the situation of success was organized. The drawing is evaluated (“This detail was a success, the cow has a good character...”) The artist analyzes his condition and names those replicas that turned out to be a strong support for him.

Sphere of Goodwill:

- removal of fear (“It’s okay”)

Hidden instructions (“You remember that...”)

Advance (“You will succeed”)

Personal exclusivity (“Only you can do it”)

Strengthening the motive (“We need this so much for...”)

Pedagogical suggestion (“Get started”)

High appreciation of the detail (“This part you did great”)

Leading: We have successfully completed four sectors. There is one more left - the center of the circle. Let me try my hand as a presenter. The attempt was successful and you and I ended up in the Glade of Tolerance.

Instructions: Each participant must give a compliment to the person present nearby.

Leading: Thank you for your kind words to each other. And one more pleasant moment - gifts. BOOKLETS

Leading: Our first Teachers' Darts Championship is coming to an end. I suggest discussing the projectconference decisions and approve:

  1. Promote the formation of positive relationships between students and class teachers.
  2. Class teachers constantly expand their arsenal of forms and ways of working with students.
  3. The head of the Moscow Region, together with the deputy director of the school for educational work and class teachers, should compile a school file of new forms, methods and techniques for interaction between teachers and students.
  4. The deputy director of the school for educational work and the organizing teacher must determine the criteria and indicators of the effectiveness of educational activities, use them in analyzing and evaluating the work of the school’s teaching staff.
  5. To hold a school scientific and practical conference for teachers “New forms and methods of work of teachers with parents” next academic year.

SLAD Presenter: Now let's spend reflection. I suggest you answer questions in groups using the words:

new, important, difficulties, ways to overcome.

* what new things did you take for yourself?

* what is important to you?

* what difficulties did you experience?

* how will you overcome them?

(we write on stickers and attach to the target - back side 4 sectors)

Leading (sums up): The child is a burning torch! This is a living flame, the combustible material of which is close friendship, common will, excellent mutual understanding, business cooperation, partnership, community. And the class teacher regulates this flame. It depends on it whether the torch goes out or burns brighter and brighter. AND the main role class teacher - to keep the fire burning in every child, using the forms of educational work named today


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