Social and pedagogical magazine “Public Education. Public education magazine Public education magazine archive of articles

Public education

Title page of the magazine. 1834
Specialization scientific and practical journal of encyclopedic type, almanac
Periodicity monthly
Language Russian
Editorial address Saint Petersburg
Chief Editor A. M. Kushnir
Founders Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, Russian Academy Education, Pedagogical Society of Russia, ANO Publishing House "Public Education".
A country Russian empire Russian empire
Russia Russia
Publisher Ministry of Public Education of the Russian Empire, Ministry of Spiritual Affairs and Public Education of the Russian Empire, People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR,
Publication history 1803 - present
Web site…
Public education at Wikimedia Commons

In addition to the official appointment, it was also the scientific journal of the department humaniora, giving preference to history and literary history.

Indexes to the magazine:

  • 1) to the official part - (St. Petersburg, );
  • 2) Galanina, to the unofficial part - (St. Petersburg, );
  • 3) to temporary publications of the ministry, from to June (St. Petersburg,);
  • 4) Alphabetical - years;
  • 5) Alphabetical - ;
  • 6) Lyashchenko, systematic - Messrs. (in appendix to).
  • Index of articles placed in the unofficial part - gg. (SPb.,) and with - (ib.,).

Particular mention should be made of the bibliographical supplement to the journal, which was, in fact, a systematic index of all books published in Russian Empire during a year.

After 1917

Magazine cover. 1890

After the revolution, the magazine was published under the names “People’s Education” (-) and “People’s Education” (c).

Currently, the magazine “Public Education” is published 10 times a year. The editor-in-chief is A. M. Kushnir, Candidate of Psychological Sciences.

The magazine is the founder since 2003 International competition educational institutions named after A. S. Makarenko (in 2003, the 115th anniversary of the birth of A. S. Makarenko was celebrated).

In 2003, on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the magazine, the book “The Oldest Magazine of Russia” was published, which traces the history of the publication from the time of the first Minister of Education

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