Test work protein biosynthesis. Transcription is the process

Biology test Metabolism Protein biosynthesis for 9th grade students with answers. The test includes 24 test tasks.

1. Assimilation is

1) energy release
2) decomposition of organic substances
3) plastic exchange
4) energy metabolism

2. Dissimilation is

1) anabolism
2) biosynthesis
3) plastic exchange
4) energy metabolism

3. The oxidation of organic substances, accompanied by the synthesis of ATP, is called

1) anabolism
2) assimilation
3) dissimilation
4) photosynthesis

4. The biosynthesis of complex organic substances in the cell is called

1) breathing
2) assimilation
3) dissimilation
4) catabolism

5. Molecules are the universal energy storage devices in the cell.

1) adenosine triphosphoric acid
2) ribonucleic acid
3) deoxyribonucleic acid
4) various proteins

6. ATP is

1) nucleic acid
2) nucleotide
3) protein
4) carbohydrate

7. The ATP molecule contains energy in chemical bonds between

1) nitrogenous base and sugar
2) sugar and phosphoric acid residue
3) atoms that make up phosphoric acid residues
4) phosphoric acid residues

8. The main mechanism for the breakdown of the ATP molecule, which releases energy, is

1) elimination of one phosphorus residue (conversion of ATP to ADP)
2) cleavage of two phosphorus residues (conversion of ATP to AMP)
3) elimination of three phosphorus residues
4) complete decomposition of the ATP molecule

9. Each amino acid is coded

1) one nucleotide
2) two nucleotides
3) three nucleotides
4) four nucleotides

10. Four types of nucleotides can form a certain number of different triplets (combinations of three nucleotides), equal to

1) 16
2) 32
3) 64
4) 128

11. Codon is

2) DNA triplet
3) tRNA triplet
4) triplet mRNA

12. Anticodon is

1) any combination of three nucleotides
2) DNA triplet
3) tRNA triplet
4) triplet mRNA

13. During transcription there is

3) DNA self-duplication

14. During the broadcast there is

1) transfer of information from RNA to DNA
2) transfer of genetic information from DNA to RNA
3) DNA self-duplication
4) creation of a protein molecule based on information “recorded” in mRNA

15. Broadcast in progress

1) in the core
2) outside the core
3) in chromosomes
4) on the cell membrane

16. Transcription occurs

1) in the core
2) outside the core
3) in ribosomes
4) on the cell membrane

17. Select all correct answers. During anabolism

1) proteins are synthesized
2) ATP is synthesized
3) carbohydrates are synthesized
4) energy is released
5) energy is absorbed
6) enzymes are involved

18. Select all correct answers. During catabolism

1) large organic molecules are synthesized
2) energy is released
3) energy is absorbed
4) ATP breaks down
5) ATP is synthesized
6) disintegrate organic matter

19. Select all correct answers. Transcription

1) occurs in the cytoplasm
2) occurs in the nucleus
3) this is the process that results in the formation of protein
4) comes with the participation of enzymes
5) comes with the participation of DNA
6) this is the process that results in the formation of mRNA

20. Select all correct answers. Broadcast

1) occurs outside the nucleus
2) occurs in the core
3) occurs with the participation of enzymes
4) occurs with the participation of tRNA
5) this is the process that results in the formation of mRNA
6) this is the process that results in the formation of protein


1) transcription
2) broadcast

a) information is read from DNA
b) occurs outside the nucleus
c) involves nucleotides
d) occurs with the participation of tRNA
e) as a result, protein is formed

22. Establish a correspondence between the stages of protein synthesis and biological processes.

1) transcription
2) broadcast

a) information is read from mRNA
b) amino acids are involved
c) occurs with the participation of ribosomes
d) occurs in the nucleus
e) as a result, mRNA is formed

23. State the correct sequence of events.

1) addition of an amino acid to a protein molecule
2) unwinding of the DNA double helix
3) acquisition of tertiary structure by the protein
4) release of a gene copy into the cytoplasm
5) delivery of amino acids to the ribosome

24. State the correct sequence of events.

1) gene copying
2) interaction of codon with anticodon
3) delivery of the molecule to the Golgi apparatus
4) acquisition of secondary structure by the protein
5) combining mRNA with ribosomes

Answers to the biology test Metabolism Protein biosynthesis
1) aw
2) bgd
1) where
2) abc

Protein biosynthesis

l. AAT 3. UUA

2. TTA 4. AAU

2. mRNA→gene→protein→DNA

4. trait→DNA→mRNA→protein

3) occurs in the nucleus;

4) mRNA is synthesized;

5) protein is synthesized;


Protein biosynthesis

1. The DNA triplet AAT corresponds to the tRNA anticodon:

l. AAT 3. UUA

2. TTA 4. AAU

2. The sequence correctly reflects the way genetic information is realized:

1. gene→protein→mRNA→property→trait

2. mRNA→gene→protein→DNA

3. gene→mRNA→protein→property→trait

4. trait→DNA→mRNA→protein

3. Establish a correspondence between the stages of protein biosynthesis and their features.

1) amino acids are added to tRNA; A) transcription

2) occurs in the cytoplasm on ribosomes; B) broadcast

3) occurs in the nucleus;

4) mRNA is synthesized;

5) protein is synthesized;

6) DNA serves as the matrix for synthesis.

4. Protein synthesis is impossible without:

A) waste of ATP energy D) participation of phospholipids

B) Amino acids D) cell center

B) Participation of tRNA E) membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum

5. The biosynthesis of the polypeptide involves tRNA molecules with the anticodons GUC, CGA, AAG in this sequence. Determine the corresponding nucleotide sequence of mRNA, DNA and amino acid sequence in a fragment of a protein molecule. Use the genetic code table.


6. 40 tRNA molecules were involved in translation. Indicate how many times the mass of the synthesized protein molecule is less than the mass of the mRNA section that serves as the template for this process. Average molecular mass amino acids 110, nucleotides - 300. Explain your answer.

Test on the topic “Protein biosynthesis” (grade 9).

Part A. Single-choice tasks.

1. The material carrier of hereditary information in a cell is:

a) and RNA; b) t RNA; c) DNA; d) chromosomes.

2. The gene encodes information about the structure:

a) several proteins;

b) one of the complementary DNA strands;

c) amino acid sequence in one DNA molecule;

d) one amino acid.

3. Transcription is the process of:

a) education and RNA;

b) DNA doubling;

c) formation of a protein chain on ribosomes;

d) connections of tRNA with amino acids.

4. If the nucleotide composition of DNA is ATT – HCC – TAT, then the nucleotide composition

and RNA:

a) TAA – CGC – UTA; c) UAA – CGC – AUA;

b) TAA – GCH – UTU; d) UAA – CGC – ATA.

5. The amino acid tryptophan is encoded by the codon UGG. Which DNA triplet carries information about this amino acid:

a) ACC; b) TCC; c) UCC; d) UAA.

6. and RNA is synthesized in:

a) ribosomes; b) cytoplasm; c) Golgi complex; c) core.

7. Broadcasting is synthesis:

a) polypeptide chain on ribosomes;

c) and RNA from a DNA template;

8. TRNA codons are complementary to triplets:

a) r RNA; b) DNA; c) and RNA; d) DNA, and RNA, t RNA.

9. The role of ribosomes in protein synthesis is:

a) tRNA synthesis; c) growth of the DNA chain;

b) polypeptide assembly; d) synthesis of amino acids.

10. Build the correct sequence of protein biosynthesis processes:

a) broadcast; c) transcription;

b) DNA doubling; d) polypeptide synthesis.

Part B. Match the process and the place in which it occurs.


1. What are protein monomers:

A) nucleotides; B) monosaccharides;

B) amino acids; D) carboxylic acids.

2. What special connections formed between amino acids in the primary structure of a protein:

A) peptide; B) hydrogen;

B) disulfide; D) esters.

3. Where information about protein structure is stored:

A) in ATP; B) in DNA; B) in RNA; D) in the cytoplasm.

4. What organic substances can accelerate the process of protein synthesis:

A) hormones; B) antibodies; B) genes; D) enzymes.

5. What is the main function of proteins in a cell:

A) energy; B) protective;

B) motor; D) construction.


1. The material carrier of hereditary information in a eukaryotic cell is:

1) mRNA 3) DNA

2) tRNA 4) chromosome

2. The gene encodes information about:

1) the structure of proteins, fats and carbohydrates

2) primary protein structure

3) nucleotide sequences in DNA

4) amino acid sequences in 2 or more protein molecules

3. DNA replication is accompanied by the breaking of chemical bonds:

1) peptide, between amino acids

2) covalent, between carbohydrate and phosphate

3) hydrogen, between nitrogenous bases

4) ionic, inside the structure of the molecule

4. How many new single strands are synthesized when one DNA molecule is doubled:

1) four 2) one 3) two 4) three

5. When a DNA molecule replicates, the following is formed:

1) a thread that has broken up into separate fragments of daughter molecules

2) a molecule consisting of two new DNA strands

3) a molecule, half of which consists of an mRNA strand

4) a daughter molecule consisting of one old and one new DNA strand


1. If the nucleotide composition of DNA is ATT-GCH-TAT, then the nucleotide composition of mRNA is:



2. If an amino acid is encoded by the UGG codon, then in DNA it corresponds to a triplet:

1) TCC 2) AGG 3) UCC 4) ACC

3. One triplet of DNA carries information about:

1) sequence of amino acids in a protein molecule

2) the location of a specific amino acid in the protein chain

3) a sign of a specific organism

4) an amino acid included in the protein chain

4. The DNA code is degenerate because:

1) one code encodes one amino acid

2) one codon encodes several amino acids

3) there are punctuation marks between codons

4) one amino acid is encoded by several codons

5. Evolutionary significance genetic code is that it:

1) triplet 2) individual 3) universal 4) degenerate


1. mRNA synthesis begins with:

1) DNA separation into two strands

2) interaction between the RNA polymerase enzyme and the gene

3) gene duplication

4) gene breakdown into nucleotides

2. Transcription is a process:

1) DNA replication 2) mRNA synthesis 3) protein synthesis

4) joining tRNA to amino acid

3. The template for the synthesis of an mRNA molecule during transcription is:

1) the entire DNA molecule

2) completely one of the chains of the DNA molecule

3) a section of one of the DNA chains

4) in some cases one of the chains of the DNA molecule, in others – the entire DNA molecule.

4. Transcription occurs:

1) in the nucleus 2) on ribosomes 3) in the cytoplasm 4) on the channels of the smooth ER

5. Determine the nucleotide sequence of mRNA, if known

DNA nucleotide sequence


A – T?

T – Eh?

G - C?

C – G?

C – G?

G – C?


1. Correlate the substances and structures involved in protein synthesis with their functions.


1. Select three correctly named properties of the genetic code.

A) The code is specific only to eukaryotic cells and bacteria

B) The code is universal for eukaryotic cells, bacteria and viruses

B) One triplet encodes the sequence of amino acids in a protein molecule

D) The code is degenerate, so amino acids can be encoded by several codons

D) The code is redundant. Can code for more than 20 amino acids

E) The code is characteristic only of eukaryotic cells

2. Construct the sequence of protein biosynthesis reactions.

A) Removing information from DNA

B) Recognition by the tRNA anticodon of its codon on the mRNA

B) Removal of amino acid from tRNA

D) Entry of mRNA to ribosomes

E) Attaching an amino acid to a protein chain using an enzyme

3. Construct a sequence of translation reactions.

A) Addition of an amino acid to tRNA

B) The beginning of the synthesis of the polypeptide chain on the ribosome

B) Attachment of mRNA to the ribosome

D) End of protein synthesis

E) Elongation of the polypeptide chain

4. Find errors in the given text.

1. Genetic information is contained in the sequence of nucleotides in nucleic acid molecules. 2. It is transferred from mRNA to DNA. 3. The genetic code is written in the “RNA language”. 4. The code consists of four nucleotides. 5. Almost every amino acid is encrypted by more than one codon. 6. Each codon encodes only one amino acid. 7. Each living organism has its own genetic code.


Block1- 1B 2A 3B 4G 5G

Block2- 1-3 2-2 3-3 4-3 5-4

Block3- 1-3 2-4 3-4 4-4 5-3

Block4 1-2 2-2 3-3 4-1 5-A

Block5 1-E 2-A 3-B 4-B 5-F 6-D 7-D

Control test: 1-BGD 2-AGBVD 3-VABDG 4- 2,4,7


1. Transcription occurs:

2. During translation, the template for assembling the polypeptide chain of a protein is:

a) both strands of DNA b) one of the strands of the DNA molecule

c) an mRNA molecule d) in some cases one of the DNA chains, in others – an mRNA molecule

3. The nucleotide sequence in the tRNA anticodon is strictly complementary:

a) a triplet encoding a protein b) an amino acid to which this tRNA is associated

c) nucleotide sequences of the gene d) mRNA codon that carries out translation

4. A section of a tRNA molecule of three nucleotides that is complementary to i-RNA is called:

a) triplet; b) codon; c) matrix; d) anticodon

5.The protein consists of 150 amino acid residues. How many triplets are there in the gene that encodes the primary structure of this protein? A)150; B)450;

6. The same amino acid corresponds to the anticodon UCA on transfer RNA and a triplet in the gene on DNA: A) GTA B) ACA C) TGT D) TCA

7. The synthesis of hemoglobin in a cell is controlled by a certain segment of the DNA molecule, which is called: A) codon B) triplet C) genetic code D) gene

8. mRNA molecules, unlike tRNA: A) serve as a matrix for protein synthesis B) serve as a matrix for tRNA synthesis C) deliver amino acids to the ribosome D) transfer enzymes to the ribosome

9. mRNA is synthesized on the DNA fragment CGATTGCG, find it: A) GCTACGCT; B) GCUACGCU;


10. Find sentences with errors and write down the correct version:

1. Nucleic acids, like proteins, are polymers. 2. Amino acids serve as monomers of nucleic acids. 3. Ribonucleic acid contains four amino acids: adenine, guanine, thymine, cytosine. 4. Cells contain two types of nucleic acids: DNA and ATP.

1. Translation in the cell is carried out:

a) in the nucleus b) on ribosomes c) in the cytoplasm d) on the channels of the smooth ER

2. The template for the synthesis of an mRNA molecule during transcription is:

a) the entire DNA molecule b) completely one of the chains of the DNA molecule c) a section of one of the DNA chains

d) in some cases one of the chains of a DNA molecule, in others – the entire DNA molecule

3. During protein biosynthesis in the cell, ATP energy:

a) is spent b) is stored c) is not spent or allocated

d) at some stages of synthesis it is consumed, at others it is released

4. The section of the DNA molecule that signals the beginning of mRNA synthesis is called: a) terminator; b) codon; c) promoter; d) repressor

5.The protein consists of 150 amino acid residues. How many nucleotides are there in the gene that encodes the primary structure of this protein? A) 150 B) 450 C) 30 D) 50

6. A section of DNA containing information about one polypeptide chain is called A) chromosome B) triplet C) genome D) code

7. Which sequence correctly reflects the path of implementation of genetic information
A) gene --> mRNA --> protein --> trait B) trait --> protein --> mRNA --> gene --> DNA
C) mRNA --> gene --> protein --> trait D) gene --> DNA --> trait --> protein

8. The number of nucleotides encoding each amino acid in a cell: A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D)4

9. The codons of mRNA - TsGUAUG correspond to tRNA anticodons: A) TsGUAUG; B) GCTUTC; B) GCATAC

10. Find the sentences with errors and write down the correct version:

1. DNA is the template for all types of RNA (mRNA, tRNA, rRNA). 2. tRNA brings proteins to the site of synthesis. 3. Deoxyribonucleic acid contains: uracil, adenine, cytosine, thymine. 4. RNA ensures the storage and transmission of hereditary information from the mother cell to the daughter cell.

Answers: 1-B; 2-A; 3-G; 4-B; 5-B; 6-A;




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