How much should you pay for a hostel? About the procedure for paying for accommodation in a student dormitory. What to do if you don't get a place

Tariffs for payment of student dormitories belonging to the relevant educational institutions must be set at the local level by self-government bodies that are on the list of founders of these institutions or by government organizations.

For the third time, the State Duma adopted a Law that establishes the principle of payment for living space provided to students in a dormitory. On this basis, in the Housing Code Russian Federation Corresponding changes will appear, and corresponding amendments will also be made to the Education Law.

Educational institutions that have student dormitories on their books pay for utilities using funds that are transferred to universities from the state budget. According to the deputy, who is a member of the Education Committee of the State Duma, for each individual student dormitory, the amount of fees for students is set taking into account many factors: the degree of improvement, what and what quality of utilities are provided, location, layout of the premises, and so on. The Student Council, if there is one in the educational institution, also takes part in the development of tariffs for paying for the dormitory. The accepted fixed fee is fixed in a separate regulatory document. The deputy explained that the maximum amount of payment for living in a dormitory, only in terms of its hiring, should not exceed that established by the founders of the educational institution. Payment for utilities in the hostel must be paid by students according to the tariffs established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The deputy also said that the management of the educational institution has the right to reduce fees both for living in the dormitory and for the provided utilities. In some cases, fees for students belonging to certain categories may be completely waived. The basis for this may be the decision of the Student Council. As the deputy explained, all students who: receive a social scholarship, are included in the category of orphans, or those who are left without parental care, according to current legislation, are completely exempt from the obligation to pay for a hostel, and in addition have an advantage in receiving priority housing.

The deputy drew attention to the point that student dormitories should not be used for other purposes if there are students who are not provided with housing. Everyone who is provided with a place in a dormitory must enter into a rental agreement with the administration of the educational institution, according to which they are obliged to pay for the provided living space, as well as utilities. According to information received earlier from the head of the Education Committee under the State Duma, the amount of payment for student housing cannot be more than 600 rubles, the lower limit is set at 300 rubles.

Having entered educational institution young people find themselves in an unusual environment. An unfamiliar city is always full of surprises and the body adapts best among its peers.

The hostel is precisely the environment where young people most easily get used to new living conditions. Parents are afraid for their children and try to create comfortable conditions for them, for example, rent an apartment. Living in a group has more advantages in personal development, and the cost of living in a dormitory is much lower than a rented apartment.

How much does it cost to stay in a hostel?

Each university decides this differently. Educational institutions were given complete freedom in pricing. Previously, the price was tied to the scholarship and did not exceed 5% of it. In the new conditions, some universities have increased prices tenfold, and the payment began to exceed the amount of the scholarship.

The unscrupulous administration began to include in the payment all utility costs that students should not pay at all. They promise to rectify the current situation in the near future.

Average figures, in the old fashioned way, are still calculated in relation to the size of the scholarship. For example, in the dormitories of more or less adequate universities in the current 2013-2014 year, the dormitory fee did not exceed 330-400 rubles. The only thing to note is that payment is never accepted on a monthly basis. Usually, immediately upon check-in, the student is asked to pay for accommodation for at least six months, and preferably for a year.

Another point concerns freshmen. Sometimes they are charged additional fees in the form of fees for the purchase of new furniture. These fees are often quite large, and they are required to be paid immediately. It's up to you to pay or not. In principle, new furniture will not hurt anyone. However, in any case, it is recommended to take from the administration any confirmation of payment - a receipt or receipt. And if your expectations are disappointed, you can get your money back by filing a complaint with the rector.

What are the rules for living in the hostel?

Having broken away from parental care for the first time, young people very soon realize that the life that seemed like paradise to them has many limitations. Failure to comply with the rules of residence may result in you ending up on the street. The student is obliged:

  1. Adhere to the internal daily routine in the hostel. Maintain provided furniture and other property. Maintain order and cleanliness in the room and technical areas.
  2. Do not exceed the limit for using water and gas. Participate in beautification of the surrounding area.
  3. When moving out, hand over the furniture and other accessories intact. The student must pay for damaged or lost items.

The student is prohibited:

  1. Connect additional heating devices.
  2. Move to another room without permission.
  3. Cook food and wash clothes in the living room; there are special rooms for this.
  4. Block fire passages, balconies and corridors with furniture.

Living according to a routine is difficult and inconvenient only at first; soon it will become a habit, and the old way of life will fade into the background.

Who to be friends with from the hostel authorities?

This question arises immediately after moving in. Person number one is the commandant. Small gifts will definitely improve his or her mood, and an envelope with a certain amount will help to settle into a normal room with good neighbors.

You definitely need to butter up the wardrobe maid. Clean linen, a separate desk - this issue can also be solved with small handouts.

And finally, the watchman is an important person who should not be passed by with his head raised. By adding some household supplies, you can ensure free entry and exit after curfew.

Senior students, having lived in a dorm for five years, are reluctant to leave their cozy nest. Ahead new life, new acquaintances, unfamiliar surroundings that you will have to get used to again. The past years will be remembered for a lifetime and will be remembered as the most wonderful time.

The six-month payment format is practiced in many universities in the country. And although the Housing Code states that payment must be made before the 10th day of the next month for the previous month, the contract may indicate other deadlines. If yours does not have such a clause, pay monthly - you have every right.

“In order to increase financial stability […] residents of student dormitories are recommended to pay fees for […] the year or semester,” says the BelSU response to the editor’s request. Keyword- “recommended”.

“Students […] are given the opportunity to pay for their accommodation monthly, and also, upon their personal application, for several months or six months,” commentary from BSTU. It is not necessary to use the “opportunity”.

“Warn all residents of the hostel that they need to find 16-26 thousand rubles (6 thousand - security deposit and 10-20 thousand - payment in advance for approximately 5-10 months). I invite those who disagree to come to my office to write an application for eviction from the hostel.”

As long as the tenancy agreement is not terminated (and it is terminated only in the event of expulsion), the university can evict the student only in court and for reasons more compelling than non-payment in advance. For example, if in fact you live in another place. Or you don’t pay for utilities for more than six months. You spoil property. You systematically violate the rights of your neighbors.


But threats will remain threats (and will result in trouble for their authors) provided that students defend their rights. And here’s the glitch: the majority are not ready to reveal the names – neither the authors, nor even their own.

“Students turn to me for help, but are afraid to go with me to the rector to solve the problem,” says the chairman of the BelSU student council Vladislav Skibin.

And the student council, by the way, by law can influence the decisions of the rector’s office: the same amount of dormitory fees is decided “taking into account the opinions of councils and representative bodies of students.”

We understand students who don’t want to scorch themselves and cause themselves unnecessary problems. But we also understand that no name will achieve anything. No name means no problem.

At the beginning of October, at the Stimul-2018 school of activists, there were students who asked questions directly to the rector Oleg Polukhin.

“Oleg Nikolaevich promised to look into it. In fact, it’s different at all faculties: some managed to get a receipt from the dean’s office and not pay for six months, but in others they force it. After a conversation with the rector, the situation changed: at least they stopped requiring six-month receipts from the guys,” notes Skibin.

Don't cause destruction

We will separately explain about security deposit– 6 thousand rubles, which BelSU students contribute starting this year. This is a kind of insurance in case you suddenly stop paying for the dorm or start destroying it (this money will be used to pay off the debt or pay for repairs). If you live without serious incidents, the entire amount will be returned upon eviction.

“The law says nothing about this type of payment. Most likely, it was introduced due to the large number of student debts,” believes Ruslan Lapshin.

The chairman of the united student council of dormitories speaks about this Natalya Ladik:

“When you know the situation from the inside, you understand that everything has a reason. Last year, students owed a lot to the university. There are often cases when parents give money to pay for the hostel, and the guys spend it on something else.”

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What's the price

There are also students who pay in advance without protest. From their point of view, this is justified: pay and live in peace. In the “technologist”, for example, there are more of these, and this is understandable: in six months the maximum is obtained 3,777 rubles. Where does BelSU get 10-20 thousand from?

Let's count. In a dorm, you are required to pay for rent (that is, for the room itself) and utilities (electricity, water, gas, heating). If the university is a state university, then general house needs are not included in the student’s bill. This means that you do not pay for garbage removal, elevator operation, or lighting on the stairs. Hiring is always cheap, even in the coolest student dorms in the country it is rarely more 100 rubles. In Dormitory No. 5 of BelSU it costs everything 4 rubles 12 kopecks behind square meter living space.

The story with communal services is more complicated. Its size depends on the type of dormitory (corridor, sectional, apartment), the number of people living in the room, the type of stove (electric or gas) and other factors. A student who has settled in a single room in the 5th dormitory of BelSU can pay 900 rubles in December (high heating consumption), and his classmates from a four-bed room in warm May will meet 500 . The spread may be small, as in BSTU (no matter where and what time of year you live, give 530–600 rubles), or may be absent altogether, as in BSIIK (hire + utilities - 600 rubles for all).

As a result, the average bill for four Belgorod universities and one Stary Oskol university is 700 rubles per month (these are mandatory payments, more on the rest a little later). At St. Petersburg State University it is almost two times less, although St. Petersburg’s electricity, gas, and water are hardly cheaper than those in Belgorod. The fact is that when a university determines utility tariffs for students, it takes into account “subsidies for the maintenance of property and financial support for the fulfillment of government assignments.” Lapshin explains that the state allocates obviously more to St. Petersburg State University than to Belgorod State University, and this allows St. Petersburg residents to reduce the burden on the student’s pocket.

Photo from the editorial archive

A big difference

However, utilities are not the most serious problem for residents. At BelSU, when you check into superior dormitories, you will be offered an agreement on the provision of additional services. These are additional 1 000 (dormitories no. 1–4) or 1 300 (dormitory no. 5) rubles.

“Such services include […] separate sections with all amenities, additional furniture in sections and common areas, a gym, an aerobics room, a table tennis room, recreation rooms, study rooms, a utility room with automatic washing machines, a storage room, sports equipment rental point, etc.,” the department told OnOnas. social policy university

The letter from the Ministry of Education and Science “On the procedure for paying for accommodation in a student dormitory” states that Additional services“must be paid for and provided separately if the student needs them.” What if you don't need it?

“Students can refuse these services,” BelSU told us.

And they added that “the university has a dormitory (on Preobrazhenskaya Street - editor's note), in which additional household services are not provided, only fees are charged for renting residential premises and for utilities.”

That is, de facto, in case of refusal of additional services, a student has two options - to a hostel on Preobrazhenskaya (without exercise equipment, aerobics and everything else) or to a rented apartment.

In apartment-type dormitories of BelGAU named after. V. Ya. Gorin also has an additional payment “for the quality of increased comfort and infrastructure improvement” - 1 020 And 1,460 rubles(for double and single occupancy respectively). It turns out that housing at an agricultural university is more expensive, but there are only two premium-class dorms out of five, and at BelSU there are five out of six.

It is logical that new things are valued higher than old ones, and comfortable ones are more expensive than uncomfortable ones. But the options are also more flexible. In the same BelGAU in ordinary dorms, for an additional fee, a student can, if he wants, put a washing machine in his room (and pay an extra 19 rubles a month for this), a microwave oven (62 rubles), a multicooker (353 rubles) and so on. In Starooskolsky Institute of Technology A. A. Ugarov charges only 78 rubles for additional services (this includes the general use of a refrigerator, boiler, kitchen set, iron and other small items).

Of course, a slow cooker is not an aerobics room, and an iron is not a tennis court. But at St. Petersburg State University and in many other Russian universities, a student goes to a gym or bike rental (on campus or not) and decides for himself what he wants to pay extra for. This is called freedom of choice.

Natalia Malykhina

Hello, dear Sergey!

In your case, there is an illegal collection of fees for the hostel, so you should definitely inform the university about this if they do not know that you are an orphan student (since there are also cases of loss of documents), providing supporting documents about this: certificates death of parents and a birth certificate in which they are indicated as your parents (or a court decision on deprivation of parental rights - if there was such deprivation; or a certificate of the death of the mother and a certificate from their registry office that the child’s father is recorded according to (in case if the mother was a single mother)).
Otherwise, you may be subject to various disciplinary sanctions. It should also be taken into account that a student who has been evicted from a dormitory has the right to appeal the unlawful eviction in court by filing a claim for restoration of violated rights.
And regarding the legislative justification that you do not have to pay for the hostel.
Residential premises in specialized housing stock educational organization are provided free of charge and on a priority basis to the categories of students specified in Part 5 of Art. 36 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ, which also includes: orphans and children without parental care, persons from among orphans and children without parental care. State social scholarship assigned to students who are orphans and children left without parental care, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care.
In accordance with clauses 20, 21 of the Letter of Rosoobrazovanie dated July 27, 2007 N 1276/12-16 “On the direction for use in the work of the Sample Regulations on Student Dormitories” (together with the “Approximate Regulations on Student Dormitories of the Federal State educational institution higher and secondary vocational education of the Russian Federation, subordinate to the Federal Agency for Education", approved. Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation 07/10/2007):
"20. The students' accommodation fee includes the following utilities and household services:
- heating;
- lighting according to SES standards;
- cold and hot water supply, drainage;
- use of electric and gas stoves in equipped kitchens, showers, study rooms, libraries, reading rooms in dormitories, medical centers;
- use of furniture and other equipment installed in the rooms in accordance with the Approximate Standards for equipping student dormitories with furniture and other equipment;
- elevator maintenance;
- provision of bedding (bedding must be changed at least once every 10 days);
- cleaning staircases and common areas using detergents;
- sanitization of common areas;
- security (may be partially paid for by residents).
21. Expenses for additional services not related to educational process, such as living in a separate room (room), block, section (with all amenities), installing a telephone, as well as living in premises with high comfortable conditions(presence in the rooms of flooring, upholstered furniture, chandeliers, additional lamps, TV, computer network Internet), provided exclusively at the request of students, are determined by the list, volume and quality of services provided to residents (letter Federal agency on education dated May 17, 2006 N 800/12-16)".
Based on clause 18 of the same Letter, persons who are on full state provision(orphans and children left without parental care, persons from among them before completing their studies at an educational institution), as well as disabled people of groups I and II.

Question: I read that from September 1, non-resident students preferential categories In university dormitories, accommodation is provided free of charge. Is it so? Are all beneficiaries given this right? What about those who have already paid for their accommodation?

Answer from Vice-Rector for Operation of Material and Technical Base Gennady Sergeevich Vasilyev: Indeed, in accordance with paragraph 4 of Art. 39 of the Law on Education, which came into force on September 1, 2013, to persons specified in paragraph 5 of Art. 36 (that is, to the same citizens who are entitled to a social scholarship) living quarters in student dormitories are provided free of charge. As follows from the text of the law, we're talking about on the exemption of students from fees for accommodation (let me remind you that for students of a budgetary form of education it is 5% of the scholarship amount), but not from fees for additional services (for example, from fees for using a storage room).

To recalculate the fee, the same grounds must be present as for the calculation of a social scholarship. Therefore, the fee will be recalculated automatically after a decision is made to assign a social scholarship to the student. The student himself does not need to do anything to recalculate the dormitory fee - employees of the vice-rector's services for educational work will forward the relevant orders to the Settlement Department, and the Settlement Department employees will recalculate.

At the same time, anyone from among those who have been assigned a social scholarship can write an application addressed to the Director of the Campus with a request to return the payment for accommodation to the bank card. If there is no such statement, the payment already made will be offset against other services provided by the University. Let me remind you that at the end of your stay in the hostel, mutual settlements are reconciled. So if at the end of your studies the University has a debt, the money will be returned in any case.

As of today, the relevant certificates began to arrive in significant numbers at the University only last week. Thus, the main wave of recalculations will apparently occur in November - December.

In conclusion, I will quote paragraph 5 of Art. 36 of the Law on Education, which contains a list of preferential categories of citizens:
"5. The state social scholarship is awarded to students who are orphans and children left without parental care, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care, disabled children, disabled people of groups I and II, disabled from childhood, students exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster on Chernobyl nuclear power plant and other radiation disasters due to nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk training ground, students who are disabled due to military injury or illness received during the course of military service, and combat veterans or those entitled to receive state social assistance, as well as students from among citizens who have served for at least three years under contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, in engineering technical, road construction military formations under federal executive authorities and in rescue military formations of the federal executive authority authorized to solve problems in the field of civil defense, the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, federal security service bodies, state security agencies and the federal body for ensuring mobilization training of state authorities of the Russian Federation on military positions subject to filling by soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen, and dismissed from military service on the grounds provided for in subparagraphs “b” - “d” of paragraph 1, subparagraph “a” of paragraph 2 and subparagraphs “a” - “c” of paragraph 3 Article 51 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 N 53-FZ "On Military Duty and Military Service".

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