How long to study in evening school after 9. Such different evening schools. What does evening school give?

Evening school is an opportunity to make up for the gap in education, come to your senses, think about the prospects, combining it with work activity educational process. Such educational institutions are of particular importance in the domestic education system.

Specifics of activity

Evening comprehensive school occupies an intermediate position between regular daytime educational institutions and additional education. Information about the accessibility of education appears on television screens. IN real life depending on various factors, some high school students are forced to leave the walls home school, look for a way to make money.

Evening school is a chance to acquire an education, without which it is difficult to count on moving up the career ladder. Every citizen at any age has the opportunity to receive a complete secondary education. Then a graduate of such an institution can continue his studies at a higher-level educational institution.

Evening schools are not only a way to fill missing gaps in education, but also an excellent reason to think about the near future, combining education with work.

Who can attend night school

During the existence Soviet Union Such educational institutions were in demand among working youth far from school age. Currently, the situation has changed radically. Now evening school students are teenagers from disadvantaged families who are unable to study in regular educational institutions. Approximately a third of the students are young people who have left school age and work in various companies. Of course, we are not talking about the fact that every high school student has the right to drop out of high school and replace it with an evening course of study. According to the legislation operating in the Russian Federation, only teenagers who have received permission from the commission on juvenile affairs have the right to transfer to such an educational institution.

Who else can be “sheltered” by evening school? After this, the guys can work under a contract in the ranks of the RF Armed Forces, because without secondary education this is impossible.

Also, athletes who, due to constant travel to competitions, cannot cope with the program of a regular comprehensive school, become evening school students.

Evening school problems

Evening school in Moscow is a common occurrence these days. These educational institutions have a lot of problems caused by the reform of the domestic educational system. Let's list some of them:

  • financing of material, technical, methodological parts, as well as staff on a residual basis;
  • lack of special training programs;
  • low status of the teacher.

Among the others educational institutions Due to minimal funding, it is the evening school that remains without high-quality cosmetic repairs and educational materials. The city does not always allocate material resources to solve such a problem.

Difficulties also arise with staffing such an educational institution. There are not enough methodologists, social educators, psychologists, and educators here.

Evening school is a special option educational organizations, in which special teaching aids. Due to insufficient funding, teachers are forced to independently rework standard curricula, adjusting them to the number of hours allocated in evening schools.

Specifics of training

According to the educational standards established in Russian Federation, the duration of study in evening schools is three years. Increasing the training period is a necessary measure, since classes in these educational institutions They do not take place every day, and the number of training sessions is significantly less than in day schools.

Based on the name of this educational institution, it can be understood that classes are held in the evenings. Most evening schools operate from 16 to 20 hours. Students can choose an individual schedule for attending classes, having previously agreed with the teaching staff that they will complete some of the lessons independently, without attending evening school.

Day form

Currently, there are also evening schools that offer full-time education. Lessons in such educational institutions begin at 9 am and end at 15-16 hours. With this form, students attend school four times a week. The main contingent consists of teenagers from disadvantaged families who were unable to study in regular secondary schools. Teachers are quite loyal to such students and use them in their professional activity differentiated approach.

Among distinctive features In modern evening schools, it is also possible to distinguish the composition of the class of different ages. Both an older person and a teenager can sit at one desk here.

Prospects for existence

Over the course of several recent years In our country there is an active discussion of the issue regarding the existence of evening schools. Some experts are convinced that modern society Such educational institutions are not needed. Proponents of this idea argue their point of view by saying that secondary education today can be obtained both in a regular school and remotely. But the results of numerous statistical studies indicate that recently the population’s demand for this form of education has increased significantly. Many modern people they want to receive secondary education without interrupting their work, and they have 10-15 years of work experience.

Reasons for the demand for evening schools

Where do so many citizens come from who want to receive secondary education in evening schools? According to UNESCO, in Russia today there are more than a million illiterate children and adolescents. Instead of studying at desks, they lead a wandering lifestyle.

Among the reasons for the demand for evening education, experts also highlight the optimization process, which involves the closure of small-scale educational institutions. Not all children have the opportunity to travel to other settlements to continue studying, so often evening school remains the only way not just get an education, but also become a full-fledged member of society.


Considering the demand for evening schools among teenagers and working youth, the issue of closing them is currently suspended. Despite the complex and diverse age group, these educational institutions host not only educational classes, but also a variety of events.

The times of the “Big Change” and “Spring on Zarechnaya Street” have not passed

This Prokopyevsk school has classes three times a week. High school students do not have diaries; many are already mothers and fathers themselves. If such students skip school, it means they were not released from work. The younger class are troubled teenagers who were expelled from regular schools. Our correspondent looked into the evening to find out how much everything has changed since the times of “The Big Change” and “Spring on Zarechnaya Street.”

English lesson at evening school in Prokopyevsk


The only evening party in Prokopyevsk operates on the basis of the former 41st school. Since 2013, the school has become part of the Electrical Mechanical Engineering College, but we will call it in the old manner. There seems to be not one, but two evening schools here. High school students (students in grades 10–12) are adults, responsible and socialized. And schoolchildren enter the 9th grade by referral from the juvenile affairs inspectorate. Graduates of the local ninth grade, as a rule, continue their education in other educational institutions. It’s extremely rare to come here in the tenth year.

Ninth-grader Antonina (name changed for ethical reasons) has been studying in the evening class since October; before that she went to a regular school. She is dressed in a country style, wrapped in a down scarf and resembles the girl depicted on the Alenka chocolate bar, only older and larger. Gives the impression of an open, trusting and non-conflict person.

– Why were you transferred here?

- For hooliganism.

– What exactly did you do?

- I misbehaved. The windows of the school were broken.

– You seem calm.

“They kept saying there: “Tonka!” It's Tonka! Tonka messed up again...” And I decided: “Since you say so, here you go - get it!”

- Isn’t there something like that here?

- No. The teachers are different here.

According to Antonina's teachers today, even if she was once uncontrollable, she now behaves differently. True, I recently ran away from my last lesson and had to call Tonina’s grandmother. I don’t ask the corresponding question, but it’s clear that the girl either doesn’t have parents, or the fate of her daughter is indifferent to them.

The very first evening school in Prokopyevsk opened in 1933 and was located in Artema Lane. Since the late 90s, cooperation between this school and School No. 41 began. The school also recruited groups of two-year students who received only a profession, but not a certificate of secondary education. Many studied at the same time in the evening. To make life easier for such students, they decided to conduct lessons within the walls of 41st. Nowadays there is no school in Artyom Lane. Eight years ago, she completely “moved” to the school, where both students mastering a profession and, separately, evening school students study. Former evening school teachers now work at the school: they teach classes both in groups of students and in evening school classes.

I am talking with just such a teacher. She asked not to be named.

“Look,” she explains. – Student N. – there is no need for his name to appear. Committed a crime - one, two. I missed a lot of classes at regular school. In the end, they posed the question point blank. He says: “I won’t come to you!” He came to us and is now one of the best in the class. Trying. Then he wants to go to college or technical school.

As the teacher said, N. “stole metal from somewhere.” She believes that the guy has reformed. And she’s very worried about him.

– I talked to the investigator. There will be a trial. I hope they give me a conditional sentence.

– What if he ends up in a colony?

– There is also a school there. Finish his studies. I have children who sit in prison and call me from there.

All students here are called children, even older ones (a couple of years ago a forty-three-year-old man studied at this school). As for calls from the colony, the teacher recalls a ninth-grader who got married and left the party. She gave birth to two. I couldn’t get a job without education. To feed herself, she sold drugs. I still finished my nine-year school, but behind barbed wire. The former student, having been released, is unlikely to come to the upper evening classes, but she will still break with her criminal past, the teacher is sure.

How successfully do those sent by the juvenile affairs inspectorate in the evening socialize? The teachers found it difficult to answer. Some difficult teenagers don’t care about directions: you don’t need a certificate to steal and rob. And teachers sometimes hear: “Your student is behind bars!”, but this criminal has never been to evening school. Those who attend classes, as a rule, come to their senses. For them, the evening is a chance to change their life, and they try not to miss this chance.

“You know, I recently met a man on the street,” says the same teacher. - He said hello: “Remember, I studied with you?” Tolya! He graduated from our ninth grade. He says: “I’m in Moscow. Graduated from medical school. I work as a nurse in a military unit.” For Tolya, everything turned out as he dreamed. I'm so happy for him!

The ninth-graders I saw did not look like criminals. Quite adequate and polite, although not too sociable. I think many could stay in regular schools, from which they exclude - so that the indicators do not spoil - not only novice criminals, but also petty hooligans and truants. Pregnant schoolgirls also go out in the evening.

– Do you treat such young mothers normally?

- Of course, this is life. For a regular school, this is something non-standard, but here adults also study. “They don’t look at us askance,” says the teacher.

Careerists and technicians

Those who at one time completed only five classes also studied in the Prokopyevsk evening. But there are very few of them left in the city; the appropriate class cannot be filled, and they go to Novokuznetsk evening school to make up for lost time. And in Prokopyevskaya today the youngest grade is ninth. And there are more and more ninth-graders. In ordinary schools, after the ninth, they previously took only two OGEs, now there are five. Accordingly, the number of those who failed has increased. Those who fail the exam are often transferred to the evening class. Olga Terentyeva, a teacher of Russian and literature at the evening school and classroom teacher 12th grade.

According to the Law “On Education”, basic education is compulsory (up to 9th grade inclusive). However, many employers interpret the law differently and send those who do not have “high school”, that is, eleven years, to study in the evening. Olga Sergeevna explains that many evening high school students entered this school under the threat of being fired from their jobs. Others need the Unified State Exam to enter a university. In general, in the evening everything is very heterogeneous. Adults. Almost all high school students work. Everyone has their own background, life experience and your motives for finishing the eleventh (more precisely, the twelfth - the program here has been extended).

Several years ago, Olga Sergeevna had a student who worked as a driver and said that he was not going to turn the wheel and swallow dust all his life, but wanted to sit in an office in a leadership position, wear a white shirt and a fashionable jacket. He achieved his goal.

However, for school books in adulthood, not only careerists are hired, but also those with whom you can really sympathize.

- Nurses are studying. Sellers who do not want to sell beer, but want to move somewhere further. Technicians. Yesterday a student said: “How long can I scrub floors and clean toilets?! I didn’t study when I should have, but now I’m sitting in class and don’t understand anything.” But she’s trying,” says Olga Terentyeva.

There was also a girl studying in the evening who was simultaneously graduating from the Prokopyevsk College of Music. I wanted to properly prepare for the Unified State Exam in order to enter a university. Now she is a vocalist in one of the Moscow theaters.

Olga Sergeevna has a generally positive attitude towards the Unified State Examination. Evening graduates take it in the general stream, together with students from regular schools. They no longer have to count on the teachers they know to be sorry. And the cunning ones—there are, of course, some—understand that you can’t buy a certificate anymore: using an electronic database, it’s easy to check whether the holder of the “corks” has passed the Unified State Exam.

Olga Terentyeva in class

But, according to Olga Terentyeva, it is still better to study on time. Once upon a time, the programs of evening and regular schools coincided, with the same number of hours allocated to each subject. Now classes are three days a week. In form they are lessons, but in essence they are consultations. You need to master a lot of material on your own. During the year, students take several tests in all subjects. Failures on the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam are not common, but they do happen. Some high school students, who seem to have come with a desire to study, still drop out of evening school.

As teachers said, last year one student had to leave her studies because her boss did not want to reconsider her work schedule. It is probably easier to manage the uneducated.

“The best crusts in town”

Today, about 40 ninth-graders and 30 high school students study in the Prokopyevskaya evening.

A few minutes before the start of the first lesson in my senior year, I manage to have a very short conversation with thirty-five-year-old Svetlana.

– I forgot everything completely! - she admits. “But here the teachers explain things more clearly, they explain everything.” It’s even funny that I didn’t understand these topics at the time.

After evening school, Svetlana is going to medical college. She has a son in the ninth, a daughter in the sixth. She helps them do their homework, and the children appreciated how much their mother’s level of erudition has increased.

Tenth-grader Evgeny Shabaev works as a repairman at an open-pit mine. At one time, I received a profession at school No. 12, but not a certificate of secondary education. I came on my own in the evening; they didn’t force me to come at work. Works: day, night, two days at home. Sometimes it’s possible to go to classes three times a week, sometimes only once. Teachers say Shabaev is doing well academically.

– We have the best “corks” in the city - licenses for a BelAZ or a bulldozer. They teach at Gostekhnadzor, they don’t need eleven classes,” says Evgeniy.

- Why did you go to the evening party then?

- It will come in handy. I want to study while I have time and opportunity.

Yulia is Evgeniy’s classmate. He travels to classes from the village of Mikhailovka. There are six hundred inhabitants and only a nine-year-old, after graduating from which the girl took courses as a manicurist. Now he works in this specialty. After a two-year break, I decided to return to school – now in the evening.

– Very convenient schedule: only three days a week. Therefore, it is possible to combine it with work. – says Yulia.

– Does your employer let you go to study?

- I work for myself.

– They ask strictly here, do they teach seriously?

– More serious than at the school where I studied before.

Mikhailovka belongs to the Prokopyevsky district, but is much closer to Kiselevsk - only fifteen minutes away. Prokopyevsk teachers explained that, as far as they know, there is not a single evening school left in Kiselevsk. And the Kiselevsk Education Department confirmed that there are no more evening parties in this city.

Let us add that there is only one evening school left in the entire Prokopyevsky district - on the basis of the agricultural college in the village of Shkolny. They called there. College leaders say that one evening is not enough for the whole region; residents of not all villages and towns can regularly go to Shkolny.

The topic of evening schools is rarely raised in the press. There is still an opinion that this form of education is for losers and poor students. Nevertheless, several thousand Russian citizens annually receive secondary education in such educational institutions.

It was in the evening: the pros and cons of evening school

Life turned out in such a way that I did not receive a complete secondary education on time. The need to continue education in secondary and then in higher school arose recently. Of course, I heard about evening schools, but I was never specifically interested in this form of education. Therefore, all the information had to be collected from scratch.

My work is based on constant travel, I don’t sit in one place. Therefore, it was very important to find a school located close to home, so as not to waste time and energy on the road.

The first thing I did was call the district department of the education department of my district and get the addresses and phone numbers of nearby schools. I outlined the main selection criteria for myself.

+ evening schools

  • opportunity to study not every day;
  • free education;
  • a schedule convenient for combining with other studies or work;
  • variety of forms of education
- evening schools
  • multi-age classes;
  • schematic presentation of material in some forms of training;
  • not suitable for people with poor self-control

Firstly, I am the only breadwinner in the family, there is no “extra” money. Education shouldn't cost too much. Secondly, I was interested in studying in which I would need to do a minimum of homework - there was very little free time. Thirdly, the number of classes per week and their start time are important. We are ready to leave work early, but not every day.

Having weighed my desires and possibilities, I began calling educational institutions.

In two years: accelerated receipt of a certificate

The first thing I did was apply to a school that offered external training. Accelerated full-time and correspondence education is available in every second “evening”. Ninth grade graduates can complete their last two school years in one. At first glance, this is very convenient for “adult” schoolchildren: they don’t have to wait long for the desired certificate.

But after talking in more detail, I realized that the intensive course was not suitable for me. The program is very rich. Most topics have to be actively worked on at home. A schematic system of presentation predominates: teachers give lectures, as in an institute. All Additional information the student obtains it himself: prepares reports, studies textbooks and additional literature. After each block the topics are test papers. You also need to prepare for them.

At the end of the year you will have to take all (!) general education subjects. And there are many of them: algebra, geometry, physics, chemistry, literature, etc. It is very difficult for a person who works a lot to prepare for so many tests. At a minimum, you need to take a vacation.

I was also confused by the issue of payment. There is no free intensive. School fees range from $500 to $1,000 per year. You must pay for each additional consultation with teachers.

For adults

At the next school on the list I decided to find out about regular, non-abbreviated programs. It turns out that according to the standards, the period of study in an evening general education institution is at the third level ( high school) is three years. The fact is that classes are not held every day (three times a week - study, one day - tests). The number of teaching hours per week is significantly less than in a regular school (23 instead of 36). The increased duration of training is a necessary measure, otherwise you will not have time to complete the required program.

By the way, the thematic content of classes in day and evening schools is the same. The exception is physical education and the so-called aesthetic cycle subjects: drawing, drawing, etc. Not all evening schools have computer science.

Classes are held in the evenings, from 16.00 to 20.30. For those who cannot take time off from work three times a week, an individual schedule is provided: by agreement with the teachers, you can skip part of the lessons by completing assignments at home.

At the end of the training, final exams are taken according to the same system as in a regular school. Two subjects are compulsory (composition, algebra), two more are optional from other school disciplines. Those who graduate from school are issued a state-issued certificate, exactly the same as in a regular secondary school.

Do you want to take the Unified State Exam? If there are enough people willing, a single State exam carried out centrally. If not, graduates can sign up for the Unified State Exam on their own.

Golden mean

“If there is a short and a long program, perhaps there is also a medium one,” I thought and continued collecting information.

There really is such an option. True, you will have to study... in the morning. The full name of the "evening" is State educational institution evening shift general education school. It turns out that there are not only evening shifts, but also morning ones. Lessons start at 9 am and end almost like in a regular school - after lunch. "What's the difference then?" - I asked.

Firstly, you will have to study four days a week, not five. This regime suits children who left regular school to begin actively preparing for admission to university. An additional free day appears for visiting or preparatory courses. Secondly, such training is also suitable for the opposite category of students - those who had problems with their studies at their previous school. In the “evening”, teachers are more attentive, if necessary, provide additional training, and practice a differentiated approach. Those in need psychological assistance(for example, children from disadvantaged families) can use the free services of a psychologist or social educator.

The third plus is the opportunity to simultaneously acquire a profession. In some schools (in particular, GOU VSOSH 51), special classes in computer science are organized for full-time students, upon completion of which a certificate is issued for the acquired profession of a laboratory programmer.

In the mornings, school-age children (14-16 years old) often study. There are few adults - at this time everyone is at work.

In the morning groups, students’ leisure time is thought out: free trips to the theater and museums, bus excursions around Moscow and the nearest Moscow region are organized. There are clubs and sections (for example, theater or music).

By the way, some evening schools accept students without a major. general education. Classes are organized for ninth or even eighth grades. True, to come to such a school general principles it is impossible: the conclusion of the commission on early dismissal is required, indicating the reasons that forced you to leave your previous place of study.

Sitting at a desk

After analyzing the information collected, I came to the conclusion: I will stick to the traditional three-year system. The loss of time is compensated by a convenient class schedule, small homework, and detailed presentation. I chose the school closest to my home that offered this form of education.

To enroll in an evening school, it is enough to bring a certificate of basic school education(9 classes). If for some reason you cannot provide this document, although we graduated from nine classes, there is a way out. According to the regulations on evening schools, in this case a special subject commission is assembled. Its representatives examine the applicant in basic school disciplines. Can you demonstrate enough level knowledge - they will enroll in school. Such cases do happen. For example, one of the young people lost his certificate during the move. Since he studied in another city, there was no time to restore the document. I had to take an exam!

All other applicants are exempt from entrance examinations, testing or even interviews. Evening schools accept everyone without any pre-selection.

There were 26 people in my class; there are more young men than girls. Most of the students are students from a nearby school. This situation is widespread in evening schools. Children receive vocational education at a school or college, and complete secondary education at a high school. The schedule turns out to be intense: in the morning - professional classes, in the evening - general subjects. But after three years, students receive both a certificate and a diploma at once.

Several classmates are people my age - in their early twenties. They all work during the day. According to the observations of teachers, the older the student, the more seriously he approaches the matter. Such students went on to study further consciously and do not want to waste time just like that.

I'm rewriting the schedule. Every day there are five to six lessons. Before the first lesson, I’m worried - what if I don’t understand anything from the teacher’s explanation? Still, a long break in classes can make itself felt... I’m especially worried about algebra and geometry - these subjects were never good for me.

At first I really had a hard time: while I got into the rhythm, I remembered the necessary formulas and rules... Then it became easier. The teachers were very helpful - they additionally explained what I didn’t understand and helped me concentrate. After all, teaching a group of different ages is much more difficult than a class that has become “used to” over the years of joint education: each “evening” student has his own motivation for classes, his own gaps in knowledge, his own difficulties... One gets tired at work and therefore falls asleep in class, the other too I am far behind the program, the third has all his thoughts occupied with his family or parallel studies.

One of the teachers said that the most difficult period in work is September. During this month, most students undergo adaptation. Failures are possible: unfortunately, not everyone who enrolls graduates from school.

But you shouldn’t think that evening school students are complete losers. For example, last year 24% of VSOSH 51 graduates entered universities, including state ones. The profiles of the institutes are very different, as are the students themselves, and the reasons that brought them to the threshold of the “evening”.

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