Test 29 palace coups. History lesson "Palace coups" (7th grade). The era of palace coups is a period

Option 1

1. The Supreme Privy Council was created under:

a) PetreIb) CatherineIc) Elizabeth d) CatherineII

2. Main role played in palace coups:

a) archers b) representatives of the old family aristocracy

c) noble guard d) Cossacks

3. Which of the named persons could become the Russian Empress only by signing the “conditions”:

a) EkaterinaIb) EkaterinaII

c) Anna Ioannovna d) Anna Leopoldovna

4. era palace coups in Russia ended with the beginning of the reign:

a) PetraIIb) Anna Ioannovna c) PeterIIId) CatherineII

5. Regent is:

a) guardian for a young or ill ruler b) favorite of the ruler

c) the title of head of state in Russia after Northern War d) head of the Cabinet of Ministers

6. Public policy in the 18th century, aimed at transforming the most outdated aspects of society:

a) protectionism b) regency

c) enlightened absolutism d) Bironovism

7. Elizabeth was:

a) Catherine’s nieceIb) daughter of PeterI

c) daughter of PeterIId) mother of Anna Ioannovna

8. Under Anna Ioannovna, such an organ appeared as:

a) Supreme Privy Council b) Senate

c) Cabinet of Ministers d) Conference at the Highest Court

9. An enemy of Russia in the wars of 1768-1774 and 1787-1791. was:

a) Turkey b) Sweden c) Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth d) Prussia

10. During the reign of CatherineII:

a) the highest positions are occupied by the Germans, Russia is losing access to the Black Sea

b) the conditions were signed, the “Manifesto on the Liberty of the Nobility” was published

c) secularization and provincial reform were carried out

d) the position of the nobility weakened, the position of the peasants improved

11. Emelyan Pugachev, the leader of the rebels, declared himself a miraculous survivor:

a) PeterIIb) Ivan Antonovich c) PeterIIId) PeterI

12. Set the correct match. Write down the selected letters under the corresponding numbers in the table.

1) 1725-1727 a) the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna

2) 1730-1740 b) Catherine's reignII

3) 1761-1762 c) the reign of PeterIII

4) 1727-1730 d) the reign of Anna Ioannovna

5) 1741-1761 d) reign of CatherineI

6) 1762-1796 f) the reign of PeterII




A) Seven Years' War

1) 1733-1735

B) Russo-Swedish War

2) 1768-1774

IN) Russo-Turkish War

3) 1756 - 1762

4) 1773-1775

D) War of the Polish Succession

5) 1741-1743

14. Write down the term in question.

“A courtier who enjoys the special favor of the monarch, receives from him various privileges and influences domestic and foreign policy.”


Test on the history of Russia, grade 7

Topic: “The era of palace coups and the era of enlightened absolutism”

Option 2

Time to complete the work is 20 minutes.

In tasks No. 1-11, circle one correct answer.

1. The period of palace coups covers:

a) 1682-1725 b) 1725-1762 c) 1730-1740 d) 1725-1801

2. Indicate which of the following is the main reason for palace coups:

a) interference of European powers in the internal affairs of Russia

b) change by PeterI traditional system succession to the throne

c) decline in development Agriculture

d) weakening of the role of the guard in government affairs

3. What does the word "favorite" mean?

a) a courtier serving in tsarist army

b) commander-in-chief of the Russian army

c) a courtier who enjoys the favor of the monarch

d) guardian for a minor ruler

4. Conditions are called:

a) terms of the contract b) rules of court life

c) decrees of the ruler d) procedure for promotion

5. Anna Ioannovna belonged to Peter I...

a) daughter b) niece c) granddaughter d) cousin

6. The reign of which of the following monarchs does not belong to the era of palace coups?

a) Peter III b) Catherine II c) Elizaveta Petrovna d) Catherine I

7. The main content of domestic policy 1725-1762. was:

a) attempts to cancel serfdom

b) strengthening the position of the old tribal aristocracy

c) improving the lives of the poor

d) expansion and strengthening of the privileges of the nobility

8. Catherine's policyIIcalled:

a) republican b) enlightened absolutism

c) complaining absolutism d) Bironovism

9. Transfer of church and monastery lands to public administration called

a) mercantilism b) protectionism c) secularization d) regency

10. Russia's opponent in the Seven Years' War was

a) France b) Turkey c) Sweden d) Prussia

11. Prepare a code of laws Russian Empire hadspecially created body

A)Stacked commissionb) Volnoye economic society

V) Supreme Privy Councild) Secret Chancery

12. Correlate the Russian emperors and the years of their reign. Write down the selected letters under the corresponding numbers in the table.








Anna Ioannovna


Ivan Antonovich


Elizaveta Petrovna

13. Match the date and event. Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.



A) Russian-Turkish war

1) 1773-1775

B) Sections of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

2) 1787-1791

B) Seven Years' War

3) 1741-1743

D) The uprising of Emelyan Pugachev

4) 1772, 1793, 1795

D) Russian-Swedish war

5) 1756-1762

14. Za-pi-shi-te term-min, about which we are talking.

“The temporary ruler of the state during the childhood or illness of the heir to the throne.”



Option 1

Test "Palace coups" 7th grade

Option 2.

1. The beginning of the era of palace coups is connected

a) with the beginning of the reign of Catherine II b) with the accession of Elizabeth Petrovna to the throne

c) with the beginning of the reign of Peter I d) with the death of Peter I

2. The era of palace coups in Russia lasted

a) 35 years old b) 36 years old c) 37 years old d) 38 years old

3. He had key positions in the Supreme Privy Council

a) A.D. Menshikov b) D.M. Golitsyn c) B.K. Minikh d) A.I. Osterman

4. The main reason the frequency and ease of palace coups was

a) the existence of a legal order of succession to the throne

b) strengthening the role of the guard in government affairs

c) absence of struggle for power

d) reducing the role of nobles in government affairs

5. A decree on the right of the monarch to appoint a successor from among all his relatives was issued to the board

a) Catherine I b) Peter I c) Elizaveta Petrovna d) Catherine II

6. The conditioning had a purpose.

a) strengthen the power of absolutism b) strengthen the position of the guard at court

c) strengthen the position of the nobility d) limit the absolute power of the Russian monarch

7. The weakening of the ruling dynasty during the period of palace coups led

a) intensifying struggle for power between court factions

b) to the absence of various, including foreign, contenders for the throne

c) to strengthen the traditional system of succession to the throne

d) to strengthen the influence of the boyar opposition on the tsar

8. Establish a correspondence between the ruler of Russia and the time of his reign

9. Who are we talking about?

The niece of the great king, the widow of the poor Duke of Courland, who became empress at the invitation of the Supreme Privy Council. Ten years of the reign of this formidable woman were marked by the strengthening of the position of the Baltic Germans at the throne.

10. The reasons for palace coups in Russia were:

1. change in the order of succession to the throne;

2. strengthening the role of the guard;

3. growth of palace intrigues;

4. struggle for power between various court groups;

5. interference of foreign powers in Russian affairs.


Test "Palace coups" 7th grade

Option 1

1. Place in chronological sequence rulers of the era of palace coups:
a) Peter II b) Peter III c) Ivan VI d) Catherine I e) Catherine II
2. Who inherited the Russian throne after the death of Peter I?
a) Peter II Alekseevich, grandson; b) Anna, his daughter; c) Ekaterina, wife.
3. During the reign of Catherine I, real power belonged to:
a) representatives of the old nobility (E. A. Dolgoruky, D. M. Golitsyn);
b) the Senate;
c) P. I. Yaguzhinsky;
d) A.D. Menshikov.

4. The person who played the main role at Anna Ioannovna’s court:
a) Ushakov; b) Biron; c) Osterman.
5. Match the names of Russian rulers and their family ties:
a) Catherine I;
b) Anna Ioannovna;
c) Peter II;
d) Elizaveta Petrovna;
e) Peter III.
1) daughter of Peter I;
2) grandson of Peter I;
3) grandson of Peter 1 and great-nephew of the Swedish KOV Charles XII;
4) wife of Peter I;
5) niece of Peter I.

6. Who are we talking about?

“All winter, the young emperor went every day from early morning on a sleigh to Izmailovo with his favorite Ivan Dolgorukov and his father. There he spent the whole day, surrounded only by the Dolgorukovs and their friends, listening to endless complaints about the Germans, who, thanks to the reforms of his grandfather, Peter I, seized most of the power into their own hands. The young sovereign became a toy in the hands of a small circle of greedy egoists...”

7. The main role in the palace coups was played by:
a) archers b) representatives of the old family aristocracy
c) noble guard d) Cossacks

8. Conditions are:

a) the conditions for Anna Ivanovna’s accession to the throne, put forward by the Supreme Privy Council.
b) the conditions for serving in the Russian army, adopted under Anna Ivanovna.
c) a set of rules of behavior in the noble circle.
d) the title of one of the chapters of Domostroi.

9. The reign of Peter I’s daughter Elizaveta Petrovna continued

a) 5 years b) 10 years c) 15 years d) 20 years

10. Name the provisions that were not contained in the conditions presented to Anna Ioannovna

1) do not get married

2) do not start wars and do not make peace

3) the possibility of introducing new taxes

4) the opportunity to grant estates and villages with serfs

5) assign military ranks only up to the colonel

6) transfer command of the guards and troops to the Supreme Privy Council

7) do not encroach on the lives, estates and honor of nobles

8) the right to appoint an heir

1. Which year should take the empty place in the series: 1730, 1741,_____, 1801?

1) 1721 2) 1755 3) 1762 4) 1775

2. Arrange the names of the rulers of Russia in the order of their reigns.

1) Peter I 3) Elizaveta Petrovna

2) Alexey Mikhailovich 4) Anna Ioannovna

3. Place in chronological order the names of the wars that Russia waged in XV1-XV3rd century

1) Seven Years' War

2) Northern War

3) Livonian War

4) war with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth for the return of Smolensk

4. In what years did palace coups take place in Russia? Please indicate two correct dates out of the four given.

1) 1645 2) 1727 3) 1762 4) 1801

5. During which of the named wars did Russian troops occupy Berlin?

1) Livonian 2) Northern 3) Smolensk 4) Seven Years

6. The famous commander who wrote the book “The Science of Victory” is

1) P.A. Rumyantsev 3) F.F. Ushakov

2) A. V. Suvorov 4) M. I. Kutuzov

7. Which of the named rulers came to power as a result of palace coups? Please indicate two correct names out of the four given.

1) Peter I 3) Paul I

2) Elizaveta Petrovna 4) Catherine II

8. Legislative body created under CatherineI, was called

1) Senate 3) Supreme Privy Council

2) Council of Ministers 4) State Duma

9. Which of these concepts refers to the era of palace coups in Russia?

1) “Seven Boyars” 3) oprichnina

2) “Khovanshchina” 4) Bironovschina

10. Anna Ioannovna took the imperial throne

1) as a result of election by the Zemsky Sobor

2) according to the will of Peter I

3) as a result of a palace coup

4) at the invitation of the Supreme Privy Council

11. Which of the named rulers came to power as a result of palace coups?

1) Alexey Mikhailovich, Peter II 2) Peter I, Pavel I

4) Elizaveta Petrovna, Catherine II 3) Catherine I, Peter III

12. Which of the above was related to the consequences of palace coupsXVIIIV.?

1) limitation of the emperor’s power by the State Council

2) establishment of zemstvo self-government bodies

3) growth of guard privileges

4) creation of a gendarmerie corps

13. Where was the first university in Russia opened during the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna?

    in St. Petersburg 3) in Moscow

    in Koenigsberg 4) in Kyiv

14. Historical painting by V.I. Surikov’s “Menshikov in Berezovo” recreates the events associated

1) with palace coups 3) with Streltsy riots

2) with the Northern War 4) with the peasant uprising under the leadership of K. Bulavin

15. Which of the Russian monarchs was on the throne for only six months?

1) Ivan VI 3) Peter III

2) Catherine I 4) Boris Godunov

16. The petty bourgeois class in Russia at the end of the 18th century included:

1) urban artisans 3) homeowners

2) small traders 4) all of the above

17. Cossacks in the 18th - early 20th centuries. - This:

1) people who worked for hire 3) policemen

2) military class 4) guards

18. Note the reason for the palace coups.

1) the interest of the nobility in expanding their privileges

2) the desire of foreign powers to increase their influence on the policies of Russian emperors

3) the inability of rulers to solve internal economic problems

4) dissatisfaction of high society with the foreign policy of the autocrats

19. Which of the names mentioned is associated with the Seven Years' War?

1) Franz Lefort 3) Peter Rumyantsev

2) Grigory Orlov 4) Mikhail Skopin-Shuisky

20. A type of state power in which the power of the monarch becomes unlimited and estate-representative bodies cease to operate

1) bureaucracy 3) avant-garde

2) absolutism 4) protectionism

21. Main task foreign policy Russia in the second halfXVIIIV. was (moose)

1) struggle for access to the Baltic Sea 3) advance to Western Siberia

2) the struggle for access to the Black Sea 4) the conquest of colonies in the Balkans

22. Mark one of the associates of Empress Anna Ioannovna.

1) A. Razumovsky 3) F. Lefort

2) E. Biron 4) A. Kurbsky

23. State policy of patronage of domestic industry and trade

1) secularization 3) oprichnina

2) protectionism 4) mercantilism

24. What is the name of the one carried out inXVIIIV. transfer of church land property to state property?

1) secularization 3) mercantilism

2) otkhodnichestvo 4) zemstvo

25. The era of “palace coups” is characterized

1) weakening of serfdom

2) weakening of the central government apparatus

3) defeats in wars with foreign countries

4) strengthening the role of the guard

26. The reign of Empress Anna Ioannovna went down in history as

1) Khovanshchina 3) Bironovschina

2) rule by the supreme leaders 4) Arakcheevism

27. Which of the above refers to Elizaveta Petrovna’s policy in the field of education?

1) the beginning of book printing 3) the opening of Moscow University

2) creation of digital schools 4) opening of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum

28. What was the condition for Anna Ioannovna receiving the Russian throne?

1) liquidation of the Supreme Privy Council, restoration of the role of the Senate

2) concentration of command of the guards regiments in the hands of the empress

3) exemption of nobles from compulsory military service

4) joint rule of the empress with the Supreme Privy Council

29. What was the name of the one created inXVIIIV. one of the main government bodies in Russia?

1) Boyar Duma. 3) Zemsky Sobor.

2) Senate 4) State Duma

30. Which of the above events is associated with the concept of “condition”?

1) reforms of Peter I 3) accession to the throne of Catherine I

2) reforms of Paul I 4) accession to the throne of Anna Ioannovna.

31. The list below provides events that occurred during the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna and CatherineII. Select from the list events related to the era of Elizabeth Petrovna.

1) introduction of serfdom in Ukraine

2) the beginning of the Seven Years' War

3) abolition of internal customs

4) the first partition of Poland

5) creation of the Statutory Commission

6) publication of a decree on the right of the landowner to exile serfs to Siberia.

32. Read an excerpt from the work of S.M. Solovyov “History of Russia since ancient times” and indicate the monarch about whose reign we're talking about.

“It was natural to surround yourself with people who could not be offended by the foreignness of the favorite... such was Osterman, the smartest and most experienced statesman in foreign and internal affairs, whom the Russians themselves recognized as necessary... such was Minich, the Feldzeigmeister General, a first-class military talent. Relying on Osterman in domestic affairs and in foreign policy affairs, on Minich in military affairs, on Levenvold at court, one can be at peace. You can also caress Russians, non-dangerous people, without pretensions: such is Prince Alexei Mikhailovich Cherkassky, a noble man and the first rich man.”

    Peter I 3) Anna Ioanovna

    Peter III 4) Elizaveta Petrovna

33. Read an excerpt from the work of historian E.V. Anisimov’s “Women on the Russian Throne” and indicate which empress it is talking about.

“In the pursuit of fashion, the empress was always first. Contemporaries write that ______________ never wore the same dress twice - moreover, she changed them several times a day. We find confirmation of this in the description of the fire in Moscow in 1753, when four thousand of the empress’s dresses burned in the palace. The emperor’s tutor discovered in her wardrobe 15 thousand dresses, not worn at all, two chests of silk stockings, several thousand pairs of shoes and more than a hundred uncut pieces of rich French fabrics.”

1) Catherine I 3) Elizaveta Petrovna

2) Catherine II 4) Anna Ioannovna

34. Read an excerpt from a letter addressed to I.I. Shuvalov (1754), and indicate the name of the author of the letter.

“... trusting in Your Excellency’s paternal mercy and generosity towards me, I take the liberty of offering my opinion on the establishment of Moscow University briefly in general.

1) My main reason, communicated to Your Excellency, is to remember that the University plan should serve in all future generations. For this reason, despite the fact that we now do not have the satisfaction of scientific people, we must include a sufficient number of professors and paid students. First, you can get involved with as many as you can find. Over time, the set will be completed. It would be more useful to use the remaining amount from empty places for the collection of the university library, rather than, having now made a meager and narrow plan for the scarcity of scientists, after they have multiplied, redoing it again and asking for an increase in the amount...”

1) V.N. Tatishchev 3) N.I. Novikov

2) M. V. Lomonosov 4) E. R. Dashkova

35. Read an excerpt from the document and write its title.

“From now on, by the will of Almighty God and by the general desire of the Russian people, upon the repose of the Most Serene Great Sovereign Peter the Second, Emperor and Autocrat of All-Russia, our dear Sovereign nephew, we accepted the Imperial All-Russian throne... for this sake, through this we most strongly promise that and my most important care and effort will be not only about the content, but also about the extreme and all possible dissemination

Orthodox of our faith of the Greek confession, also, upon accepting the Russian crown, I will not enter into marriage for the rest of my life and will not have an heir, neither with myself nor with myself. We also promise that since the integrity and well-being of every state depends on good advice, for this reason we will always maintain the now established Supreme Privy Council of eight persons, even without the consent of the Supreme Privy Council:

1) Do not start a war with anyone.

2) Do not make peace.

3) Do not burden our faithful subjects with any new taxes...

And if I don’t fulfill or keep anything according to this promise, then I will be deprived of the Russian crown.”

36. Read an excerpt from the work of V. O. Klyuchevsky and name the emperor mentioned in the passage.

“On the Russian throne [he] became even more of a Holsteiner than he was at home... He was afraid of everything in Russia, called it a damned country and himself expressed the conviction that he would certainly have to die in it, but did not try at all to get used to it and get closer to it ... During his reign, several important and practical decrees were issued, such as, for example, decrees on the abolition of the Secret Chancellery, on allowing schismatics who fled abroad to return to Russia with a ban on prosecution for schism<...>A decree on the freedom of the nobility was also issued. But [the emperor] himself cared little about his position and soon managed to cause unanimous murmur in society with his course of action.”

37. Read an excerpt from a historian’s essay and answer the questions.

“When she came to power, [the Empress] replaced all German dignitaries with Russian people. In governing the country, the line of Peter I was formally revived, but the daughter from her father stood too far behind in terms of intelligence and scope of reformation. During her reign, successes were achieved in the development of science and culture, in foreign policy, which was facilitated by the activities of M.V. Lomonosov, P.I. and I.I. Shuvalov...”

1) Name the empress in question and the circumstances under which she came to power.

2) Based on the proposed text and knowledge from the history course, give examples of successes in the domestic and foreign policy of this empress, which the author mentions.

38. Read an excerpt from a historian’s essay and write the name statesman, which is in question.

“In his misfortune, to the surprise of everyone, he showed extraordinary fortitude. Alienated from the whole world, among the forest expanses of Siberia, the former generalissimo did not complain about his fate and encouraged the children in every possible way. On the steep bank of the river, with the help of his servants, he built a house and a church. For the former ruler of Russia, days passed quietly in a modest house in a harsh region.

He lived in Siberian exile for less than a year and a half; on November 12, 1729, he died and was buried in the church he built next to his daughter. This is how one of the outstanding statesmen of the 18th century ended his earthly journey.”

Option 1

A1. What name did the phenomenon receive in government and public life, in which favorites who do not have the abilities and knowledge necessary for service are appointed to high positions?

1) Time of Troubles 2) “Seven Boyars” 3) regency 4) favoritism

A2. Whose board adopted the document, an excerpt from which is given?

For this reason, through this we most firmly promise that my most important care and effort will be not only about the content, but also the extreme and every possible dissemination of our Orthodox faith of the Greek confession, and also, upon accepting the Russian crown, not to enter into marriage for the rest of my life and the heir , neither with yourself nor by yourself, do not define anyone. We also promise that the integrity and well-being of every state depends on good advice; For this reason, we always maintain the now established Supreme Privy Council of eight persons, and without the Supreme Privy Council there is agreement: 1. Do not start a war with anyone. 2. Do not make peace... And if I don’t fulfill or keep anything according to this promise, then I will be deprived of the Russian crown.

1) military failures of Russia 2) the desire of the peasantry to limit boyar tyranny

3) strengthening the role of the guard in government affairs 4) moving the capital to St. Petersburg

A4. Whose positions strengthened during the reign of Peter II?

I) patriarch 2) immigrants from Courland 3) nobility 4) feudal aristocracy

IN 1. Arrange the rulers Russian state in chronological order.

1. Catherine II 2. Elizabeth I 3. Anna Ioannovna 4. PeterIII


Test 29. Palace coups. Option 2

A1. What is the temporary rule of one or more persons called in the event of a long absence, illness or minority of the sovereign?

1) regency 2) favoritism 3) Time of Troubles 4) “Seven Boyars”

A2. During whose reign was the decree adopted, an excerpt from which is given?

For the good, we have decided and commanded from now on, at our court, for both external and internal state important affairs, to establish a Supreme Privy Council, at which we ourselves will be present... To be with us in the Secret Supreme Council to the following persons: Field Marshal General and Secret Actual Councilor His Serene Highness Prince Menshikov, Admiral General and Secret Actual Councilor Count Apraksin, State Chancellor and Secret Actual Councilor Count Golovkin, Privy Actual Councilor Count Tolstoy, Secret Actual Councilor Prince Golitsyn, Vice-Chancellor and Privy Acting advisor Baron Osterman.

1) Elizabeth I 3) Anna Leopoldovna

2) Anna Ioannovna 4) Catherine I

A3. What was the cause of palace coups in the 18th century?

1) the appearance of impostors 2) Peter I changing the order of succession to the throne

3) spreading slander against the ruling dynasty 4) the desire of the Cossacks to obtain noble privileges

A4. Who were the opponents of conditioning?

1) patriarch and church 2) immigrants from Courland 3) nobles 4) representatives of the feudal aristocracy

IN 1.Arrange the rulers of the Russian state in chronological order.

1. Anna Ioannovna 2. Peter II 3. Catherine I 4. Ivan Antonovich

Developed by history and social studies teacher L.P. Fedyushkina.

Option 1.
1.Which of the named persons was the favorite of Empress Anna Ioanovna
A) A. Bestuzhev Ryumin B) I. Dolgoruky C) E. Biron D) A. Menshikov
2. The years of the reign of Peter the Third are characterized
A) the introduction of an indefinite search for fugitive peasants
B) the liquidation of the Russian army in Prussia
B) dissolution of the Boyar Duma
D) successful Russian-Turkish wars
3. Nobles were exempt from compulsory service
A) in 1735 B) in 1741 C) 1755 D) 1762
4. Which of the following battles took place during the Seven Years' War
A) near Poltava B) near Bakhchisarai
C) near Kunersdorf D) near Azov
5. The Cabinet of Ministers was established in the board
A) Catherine the First B) Peter the Second
C) Anna Ioannovna D) Elizaveta Petrovna
6. The palace coup that brought Elizabeth Petrovna to the throne took place
A) in 1725 B) in 1730 C) in 1741 D) in 1762
7. Read an excerpt from the work of V.O. Klyuchevsky and indicate the name of the empress about
in question
“This reign... is one of the darkest pages of our history and the darkest
the stain on it is the empress herself... The Germans poured into Russia like rubbish
holey bag, stuck around the courtyard, inhabited the throne, hunkered down on the most profitable
places in management. The Secret Chancery works tirelessly, denunciations
maintaining due respect for the powers that be and protecting them

8. He was appointed regent for the young Ivan Antonovich
A) B. Minikh B) A. Osterma C) E. Biron D) D. Golitsyn
9. Members of the Supreme Privy Council offered Anna Ioannovna
A) establish a patriarchate B) establish a regency
C) sign the conditions D) liquidate the Senate
10. Russia waged the Seven Years' War against
A) Turkey B) Sweden C) Prussia D) France
11. Mark the years of the reign of Peter the Third
A) 17251727 B) 17401741 B) 1742 – 1755 D) 17621762
12. The result of palace coups was
A) strengthening of serfdom
B) attracting foreign capital to the Russian economy
B) expansion of the rights of merchants
D) the introduction of freedom of trade for peasants
13. The Supreme Privy Council was created into a board
A) Elizaveta Petrovna B) Catherine the First
C) Peter the Third D) Anna Ioannovna
14. The noble bank was established in Russia during the reign of

A) Catherine the First B) Anna Ioannovna C) Elizaveta Petrovna D) Peter the Second
15. Which of the following was the cause of the conflict with Turkey in the 18th century
A) the struggle for the “Polish heritage”
B) Russia’s desire to conquer Crimea
C) Turkey’s desire to conquer Azov
D) Turkey’s dissatisfaction with the annexation of Kazakh lands to Russia
16. An attempt was made to limit imperial power
A) in 1726 B) in 1727 C) in 1730 D) in 1741
17. Which of the named events happened earlier than the others?
A) creation of a Conference at the highest court
B) publication of the Manifesto on the liberty of the nobility
C) permission for landowners to exile peasants to Siberia
D) creation of the Supreme Privy Council
18. Note the main events of the Seven Years' War
A) the battle of Gangut and Kunersdorf
B) the battle of Großägerdsdorf, the capture of Königsberg and Berlin
C) capture of the Azov fortress by Russian troops, victory near Zorndorf and near the village of Lesnaya
D) the battle of Poltava and Helsingfors
19. Which of these events related to Elizabeth’s domestic policy?
Petrovna (Two correct answers)
A) granting landowners the right to exile their serfs to Siberia
B) publication of the Letter of Complaint to the cities
C) the creation of regiments of the “new system”
D) opening of Moscow University
20. Indicate who you are talking about. By her origin she should not have ruled
Russia, however, she became the wife of the emperor, then with the help of the guard and her supporters
(Golovkin, Tolstoy, Yaguzhinsky) ascended the throne and ruled Russia for about two
21. Which of the listed persons belongs to the associates of Anna Ioannovna (Three
correct answer)
A) F. Prokopovich B) A. Menshikov C) A. Osterman
D) E. Biron D) B. Minikh E) P. Shuvalov

A) Russian-Swedish war
B) The coming to power of Peter the Second
D) offer of conditions to Anna Ioannovna

A) ransom
1) temporary ruler of the state during the minority of the heir
2) a representative of the tax-paying class who served in the army all his life
3) close to the king and enjoying special privileges
4) transfer by the state to private individuals for a certain fee of the right
collecting taxes or selling any goods
B) favorite
B) regent
D) recruit

History test on the topic “The era of palace coups”
Option 2.
1.Celebrate the years of the reign of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna
A) 17271730 B) 17301740 B) 17421761 D) 17611763
2. As a result of the Russian-Turkish war of 1735-1739. territories ceded to Russia
A) Right Bank Ukraine B) Left Bank Ukraine
C) Crimea D) East Prussia
3. Catherine the First ascended the throne thanks to support
A) I. Dolgoruky B) A. Osterman C) A. Menshikov D) P. Saltykov
4. Home driving force palace coups were representatives
A) guards B) clergy D) peasantry D) Cossacks
5. As a result of the Seven Years' War
A) lands in Prussia were annexed to Russia
B) Russia returned the conquered lands to Prussia
B) Crimea went to Russia
D) Russia conquered Finland
6. Which of the following is the cause of palace coups
A) expansion of the rights of the townspeople
B) development of projects for the abolition of serfdom
C) the struggle to strengthen Russia in Europe
D) the ability to occupy the throne regardless of kinship
7. Read an excerpt from the work of N.M. Karamzin and indicate the name of the empress, about
the board in question.
“Russia has come to its senses. Russians have appeared in the highest places of management again
people... People's activity is being shrouded by the destruction of internal
customs, banks come to the aid of the landowner and merchant, in the east
strong development of ore wealth begins, trade with Central Asia
takes on vast dimensions... are the writers who remain to live in
memory and thoughts of posterity, is a folk theater, a magazine, in the old
A university is being founded in Moscow.”
A) Ekaterina Alekseevna B) Anna Ioannovna
C) Elizaveta Petrovna D) Anna Leopoldovna
8. A manifesto on the freedom of the nobility was published
A) Peter the Great B) Elizaveta Petrovna
C) Peter the Third D) Anna Ioannovna
9. The person who led the state in the event of the monarch’s childhood or illness,
was called
A) supreme B) regents C) recruit D) favorite
10. The Belgrade Peace was concluded

A) in 1735 B) in 1739 C) in 1742 D) in 1762
11. At the head of the “supreme leaders” was
A) I. Dolgoruky B) D. Golitsyn C) A. Volynsky D) A. Razumovsky
12. Which of the following happened during the reign of Peter the Great?
A) sent into exile A. Menshikov
B) E. Biron was removed from power
C) regulations were drawn up that limited the power of the emperor
D) the Noble Corps was opened
13. Work on the landowner's land is called
A) recruitment B) corvee C) contract D) session
14. The result of Elizabeth Petrovna’s foreign policy was
A) annexation of the Baltic lands to Russia
B) successful operations in Prussia
B) accession Central Asia to Russia
D) successful operations of Russian troops in Crimea
15. The Cabinet of Ministers was created instead
A) Governing Senate B) Office of Secret Affairs
C) Supreme Privy Council D) Holy Synod
16. The Belgrade Peace was concluded after the war
A) with Turkey B) with Poland C) with Prussia D) with Persia
17. Which event happened earlier than others?
A) creation of a Conference at the Supreme Court
B) capture of Azov by Russian troops
B) capture of Berlin by Russian troops
D) the battle of Großegerdsdorf
18. The introduction of a 25-year service life for nobles was carried out in the 18th century
A) in the 20s B) in the 30s C) in the 40s D) in the 50s
19. Which of the above refers to the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna (Two faithful
A) creation of the Gentry Corps
B) restriction of the rights of nobles in inheriting property
C) expansion of the rights of landowners in relation to serfs
D) exemption of nobles from whipping punishments
20. Indicate who you are talking about. He was born and grew up as a frail child, poorly endowed
abilities. He was taught so poorly in Holstein that he came to Russia at the age of 14
he was completely ignorant and even the empress was amazed by his ignorance. Prussia's neighbor
inherited, he was fascinated by the military glory and strategic genius of Frederick
Second. ___________________
21. Which of the listed persons belonged to the associates of Elizabeth Petrovna (Three
correct answer)
A) A. Bestuzhev Ryumin B) A. Menshikov C) A. Osterman
D) A. Razumovsky D) B. Minikh E) P. Shuvalov
22. Place events in chronological order
A) limiting the period of compulsory noble service to 25 years
B) Battle of Großegerdsdorf
B) Manifesto on freedom for the nobility
D) Link of A. Menshikov to Berezov
23. Match terms and their definitions

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