Test work of the USSR in 1945 1991. I. Working with chronology

Control test work

Option I

b) development of virgin lands;

c) the split of Germany;

f) Cuban missile crisis;

2) attempt at a putsch by the State Emergency Committee;

2) Plisetskaya M.; b) cinema;

3) Bodrov S.; to the theatre;

4) Tabakov O. d) literature;


3) dissolution of the Department of Internal Affairs;

4) “Prague Spring”.

Option II

1. Place in the correct order the following events in the history of Russia 1945-1991;

a) dispersal of the CPSU on Russian territory;

b) election of Yeltsin B.N. President of the RSFSR;

c) the formation of economic councils;

d) “the doctors’ case”;

e) carrying out “Kosygin” reforms;

f) board of Chernenko K.U.

2. Select from the list given events related to the reign of L.I. Brezhnev.

1) increase in the number of officials;

2) transparency policy;

3) growth of privileges of the nomenklatura;

4) neo-Stalinism;

5) interethnic conflict in the Fergana Valley.

3. Establish the correct correspondence between the characteristic features of cultural development and periods of history.


1) strict control; a) thaw;

2) publicity; b) stagnation;

3) dudes; c) perestroika;

4) samizdat d) post-war period.

4. Establish the correct correspondence between events and periods foreign policy USSR


1) the collapse of the world socialist system; A) 1953-1964;

2) new political thinking; B) 1985 - 1991;

3) resumption of diplomatic relations with Japan;

4) creation of the Warsaw Pact Organization.

5. Name 1 fact from the field of economic, internal political and spiritual life of Soviet society that proves that the period from 1985 to 1991. is truly a period of “perestroika”.

6. Give definitions:

shadow economy, personnel revolution

7. Specify at least 2 directions externally political activity Brezhneva L.I. Identify at least 2 outcomes (results) of his leadership.

8. Name at least 3 reasons for the exacerbation of interethnic conflicts during the era of perestroika.

Option III

1. Place in the correct chronological order the following events in Russian history from 1953 to 1991:

a) the reign of Andropov Yu.V.;

b) renaming the People's Commissariats into ministries;

c) holding the 20th Party Congress;

d) the policy of détente in international politics;

e) election of M.S. Gorbachev as General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party;

e) Y. Gagarin’s flight into space.

2. Select N.S. transformations from the list provided. Khrushchev.

1) corn epic;

2) universal free education;

3) liquidation of line ministries;

4) transfer of MTS into the ownership of collective farms;

5) adoption of the Constitution of “developed socialism”.

3. Set the correct match.


1) Rostropovich M.L.; a) opera;

2) Lyubimov Yu.; b) theater;

3) Solzhenitsyn A.; c) music;

4) Obraztsova E.. d) literature;

4. Establish a correspondence between events and periods of economic reforms.


1) creation of economic councils; A) "perestroika"

2) transition to self-financing and self-sufficiency; B) thaw.

3) development of the cooperative movement;

4) increase in purchase prices for products Agriculture.

5. Name 1 fact from the field of economic, domestic political and international life of Soviet society that proves that in post-war period the country was truly restored.

6. Define:

stagnation, conversion.

7. Name at least 2 areas of restructuring policy. Determine 2 consequences (outcomes) of its implementation.

8. Name at least 3 reasons for the collapse of the USSR.

Standards and “price” of answers.

1 option

Option 2

Option 3











1d 2d 3b 4c

1c 2d 3b 4d

1c 2d 3d 4a






Any wording is allowed that does not distort the general meaning of the answer.

Maxi -





Criteria for evaluation.

30 - 33 points

Rating "5"

24 - 29 points

Rating "4"

16 – 23 points

Rating "3"

15 or less points

Rating "2"


Control test work

Option I

1. Place in the correct order the following events in the history of the country from 1945 to 1991:

a) election of M.S. Gorbachev as President of the USSR;

b) development of virgin lands;

c) the split of Germany;

d) entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan;

e) proclamation of the course of perestroika;

f) Cuban missile crisis;

2. Select from the list of events related to the process of the collapse of the USSR.

1) signing of the Belovezhskaya Accords;

2) attempt at a putsch by the State Emergency Committee;

3) adoption of the 1993 Constitution;

4) secession of the Baltic republics from the USSR;

5) signing of the SALT-1 agreement.

3. Set the correct match.


1) Solzhenitsyn A.I.; a) ballet.

2) Plisetskaya M.; b) cinema;

3) Bodrov S.; to the theatre;

4) Tabakov O. d) literature;

4. Establish a correspondence between the events and periods of the history of the USSR:


1) Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe; A) 1964-1985;

2) withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan; B) 1985-1991

3) dissolution of the Department of Internal Affairs;

4) “Prague Spring”.

5. Name 1 fact from the field of economic, internal political and spiritual life of Soviet society that proves that the period from 1964 to 1985. is indeed a period of “stagnation”.

6. Define: superpower, thaw.

7. Indicate at least 2 areas of internal political activity of N.S. Khrushchev. Identify at least 2 outcomes (results) of his leadership.

8. Name at least 3 sources of recovery National economy after the war.


Topic 6: USSR in 1945 – 1991

Option 1

During the reign of N.S. Khrushchev carried out (- on)

During the economic reform of 1965, carried out under the leadership of A.N. Kosygin

A. They became supporters of democratic reforms in the USSR in the 1980s. A.N. Yakovlev and B.N. Yeltsin.

B. The XIX Conference of the CPSU set a course for restoring the sovereignty of the Soviet system and fighting the party nomenklatura.

Constitution of the USSR 1936

Constitution of the USSR 1977

Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993

1971 Peace Program

What terms came into use in the period 1985 - 1992?:

The development of spiritual life during the period of “perestroika” was facilitated by (s)

“During the period under review, the formation of a multi-party system in the USSR also took place. The majority of the newly formed parties were in opposition to the regime. The CPSU itself was experiencing a serious crisis; the 28th Party Congress only led to the withdrawal of its most radical members, led by Yeltsin. Number of party in Last year perestroika decreased from 20 to 15 million people, the Baltic Communist Parties declared themselves independent.”

What year's events are we talking about?

M.S. Gorbachev

KGB chairman

E.A. Shevardnadze

minister of defense

D.F. Ustinov

Foreign Secretary

V.A. Kryuchkov

President of the USSR

Minister of Internal Affairs

Topic 6: USSR in 1945 – 1991

Test 12. USSR in 1965 – 1991. The period of “stagnation” and “perestroika.

Option 2

Perestroika, started by M.S. Gorbachev in 1985, was associated with

During the economic reform of 1965, carried out under the leadership of A.N. Kosygin,

Are the following statements true?

A. Perestroika originates from the policy of accelerating the socio-economic development of the country.

B. Most important integral part The policy of perestroika became openness in the discussion of pressing social problems.

Regulations on leadership and guiding roles communist party in society was enshrined in

Constitution of the USSR 1936

Constitution of the USSR 1977

Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993

1971 Peace Program

During the implementation of the economic reform of 1987

What phenomena were included in social life USSR in the period 1965 - 1985?:

Choose the correct combination of answers:

One of the largest construction projects of the 1970s was the construction

Read an excerpt from an essay by a modern historian.

“There was no need to organize high-profile trials and broadcast campaigns, as was the case in the 30s and 40s. It was easy to put pressure on those you didn’t want, by depriving you of access to the viewer, the reader. Most talented poets, writers, artists, and directors, as a rule, found themselves in the border space between official and unofficial culture. Therefore, a small hint was enough, and publishing houses stopped accepting manuscripts, performances were removed from the repertoire, and films were shelved. It was possible not to shoot, but to force him to go abroad and then declare him a traitor. Even prominent, honored artists felt the pressure of the so-called “artistic councils”, which decided what might be necessary and understandable to the Soviet audience and what not.”

What event relates to the historical period being described?

Establish a correspondence between the statesmen of the USSR and the posts they held. Enter the answer you received in the table:

I option


1 . Which of the following events occurred in 1957?

a) the first manned flight into space

b) Cuban missile crisis

c) launch the first artificial satellite Earth

G) XX Congress of the CPSU

2. In what year did the development of virgin lands begin?

a) 1949 b) 1954 c) 1965 d) 1970

3. The economic reform of A.N. Kosygin was carried out in the USSR in :

a) 1949-1953 b) 1956-1960 c) 1965-1975 d) 1985-1991

4. Dates: 1953, 1964, 1985 associated with (with)

a) adoption of new Constitutions

b) sending troops to other countries

c) holding in the USSR International festivals youth

d) Change of leaders of the country


1. Which of the following phenomena is associated with the concept of “Lysenkoism”?

a) liquidation of MTS and sale of equipment to collective farms

b) development of virgin and fallow lands

c) forced expansion of corn cultivation

d) ban on research in the field of genetics

2. The period in the history of the USSR from the mid-50s to the mid-60s, characterized by the renewal of the spiritual life of society and the exposure of the cult of personality, was called the period

a) deideologization

b) publicity

c) “thaw”

d) “new political thinking”


1. Which of the following events brought the world to the brink of nuclear war? ?

a) entry of troops of the USSR and other ATS states into Czechoslovakia

b) entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan

c) Cuban missile crisis

d) the Vietnam War

2 . What feature characterized the economy of the USSR in the 1960s? – the first half of the 1980s?

a) priority development of light industry

b) preferential financing of the military-industrial complex

c) creation of a banking system

d) intensive nature of economic development

1. The consequences of World War II were:

a) conclusion of the Soviet-American treaty

b) expansion of the political and military influence of the USSR

c) strengthening ties between the USSR and its allies anti-Hitler coalition

d) formation of the League of Nations

2. What was the reason for the USSR's refusal to accept the Marshall Plan after the end of World War II?

a) hope for help from Eastern European countries

b) waiting for help from third world countries

c) fear of becoming politically and economically dependent on the United States

d) counting on economic recovery with the help of France and England



Concepts, names

1) I.V. Stalin

2) N.S. Khrushchev

3) L.I.Brezhnev

4) M.S.Gorbachev

A) Human rights movement

B) deportation

B) farmers

D) sixties

D) vouchers


2. Match events with their dates



1) Cuban Missile Crisis

2) Entry of Soviet troops into Hungary

3) Creation of the CIS

4) Signing of the Helsingki Final Act on Security and Cooperation

A) 1956

B) 1962

B) 1975

D) 1982

D) 1991

3. Establish a correspondence between the names of national cultural figures and their areas of activity

Field of activity

1) R.I. Rozhdestvensky

2) M.L. Rostropovich

3) I.S.Glazunov

4) V.I. Mukhina

5) B.L. Parsnip

A) sculptor

B) artist

B) poet

G. musician

D. film director

E) writer

History quiz on the topic:

"USSR in 1945-1991." (Grade 11)

Option 2

I . Tasks on knowledge of dates and chronology

1. In what year was S. Khrushchev elected First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee?

a) 1976 b) 1985 c) 1964 d) 1953

2. In what year did important events for the USSR take place - the test of the first in the USSR atomic bomb, the creation of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance?

a) 1945 b) 1949 c) 1955 d) 1970 e) 1990

3 The dissident movement in the USSR was called:

a) political parliamentary opposition to the executive branch

b) citizens who had relatives abroad

c) all citizens of the USSR who went abroad

d) the activities of groups and individuals who did not share the dominant ideology

4. In connection with what events in the USSR did the concept of voluntarism appear?

the struggle for power after the death of I.V. Stalin

b) removal of N.S. Khrushchev from all posts

c) the organization of the State Emergency Committee

d) the abolition of Article 6 of the Constitution on the leading role of the CPSU

II . Tasks for knowledge of concepts and terms:

1. Which concept belongs to the first post-war years in USSR ?

a) price liberalization

b) card system

c) bankruptcy

d) inflation

2 . Which of the named events, phenomena relates to the concept “ cold war»?

a) signing of the Anti-Comintern Pact

b) political confrontation between the USSR and the USA

c) Soviet-Yugoslav conflict 1948-1949.

d) open armed clash between two “centers of power”

III . Tasks to establish relationships between facts and concepts, characteristic features of phenomena

1. One of the results of the process of détente in the 1970s. was:

d) holding the Conference on Security in Europe in Helsinki

2. What feature characterized the social and political life of the USSR during the “thaw” period?

a) Exposing the personality cult of J.V. Stalin

b) pursuing a policy of openness

c) refusal of ideological control

d) transition to a multi-party system

IV . Tasks to explain the causes and consequences of events

1. The reasons for the removal of N.S. Khrushchev from all posts in 1964 included:

a) the desire of a group of party leaders for power

b) the decision to send ATS troops into Czechoslovakia

c) carrying out significant reductions in the leadership of the CPSU

d) adoption of a course towards the transition to a market economy

2. One of the results of the process of détente in the 1970s. was :

a) establishing cooperation between the USSR and NATO

b) cessation of all armed conflicts

c) adoption of a UN resolution on destruction nuclear weapons

d) holding the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe in Helsinki

V . Compliance tasks

1. Establish a correspondence between political events in the USSR and the periods when they occurred

Transfer of Crimea to Ukraine; resignation of G.M. Malenkov from the post of Chairman of the Council of Ministers;

events in Novocherkassk.

    Transformation of the Council of People's Commissars into the Council of Ministers; fight against cosmopolitanism;

    Explosion on Chernobyl nuclear power plant; repeal of the Constitution's article on the leading role of the CPSU

4. Adoption of the “developed” Constitution


A) 1945 -1953

B)) 1953-1964

B) 1965-1985

D) 1985-1991

1) M. Sholokhov

2) A. Solzhenitsyn

3) A.Platonov

4) B. Pasternak

5) I. Ehrenburg

A) Doctor Zhivago

B) "Thaw"

B) "Pit"

D) "GULAG Archipelago"

D) “The Fate of Man”

E) " Hot Snow»

    Establish correspondences between foreign policy events in the USSR and dates

1) Beginning Afghan war

2) Signing in Moscow of the Soviet-American Treaty on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Defense Systems (ABM)

3) Introduction of troops of the USSR and other ATS countries into Czechoslovakia

4) Signing in Helsinki of the Final Act on Security and Cooperation in Europe

A) 1975

B) 1968

B) 1972

D) 1979

Test "Apogee and crisis of the Soviet system. 1945-1991"

1. What feature characterized the state of agriculture in the 1950s?

1) the area under cultivation has sharply decreased

2) the area of ​​individual subsidiary plots has increased significantly

3) collective farmers were given the opportunity to purchase tractors as private property

4) mass development of virgin lands began

2. Sign of “stagnation” in the USSR economy in the 1970s-1980s:

1) reduction in the number of management staff

2) complete separation of science from industry

3) reduction in military production

4) lag in the scientific and technical field

3. Which of the following can be identified as the reason for the restructuring?

A) worsening relations with the United States in the early 80s.
B) success social policy in USSR
B) the arms race undermined the economy of the USSR

4. Find the correct statement:

A) political reforms in the USSR led to an increase in the authority of the CPSU
B) as a result of political reforms, the CPSU lost its monopoly of power
C) the result of political reforms in the USSR was an increase in the number of members of the CPSU

5. When did the explosion occur at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant?

A) 1985
B) 1986
B) 1988

6. Establish a correspondence between the names of the leaders of the USSR and the periods of their stay in power


A) N.S. Khrushchev 1) 1982-1984.
B) M.S. Gorbachev 2) 1964-1982.
B) L.I. Brezhnev 3) 1953-1964.
D) Yu.V. Andropova 4) 1985-1991

7. Establish correspondence between concepts and periods with which they are associated


A) perestroika 1) 1945-1953.
B) de-Stalinization 2) 1953-1964.
B) Stalinism 3) 1965-1985.
D) stagnation 4) 1985-1991.

8. What are the features of the economic reforms of perestroika?

A) creation of the private sector in the economy
B) introduction of rental relations
B) the emergence of farming
D) privatization of state property

9. The consequence of the policy of glasnost in the USSR during the period of perestroika was (o)
A) arrest of opponents of perestroika
B) official condemnation of the political activities of the CPSU in previous decades
C) publication of previously prohibited works of literature
D) growth of the ranks of the CPSU

10. Which of the above statesmen held the post Secretary General Central Committee of the CPSU

A) L.I. Brezhnev

B) G.M. Malenkov

B) Yu.V. Andropov

D) N.S. Khrushchev

D) A.A. Gromyko

E) M. S. Gorbachev

Please indicate the correct answer


11. Which of the following characterizes personnel policy in the CPSU in the 1970s – early 1980s?

A) alternativeness in the election of party leadership

B) a ban on holding leadership positions in the party for persons over 70 years of age

C) preferential appointment of Russians to leadership positions in the Union republics

D) long tenure of managers in their positions

12. Which of the following events occurred in the period from 1975 to 1980?

A) election of Yu.V. Andropov for the post of General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee

B) the beginning of the “acceleration” policy

B) adoption of the new fourth Soviet Constitution

D) the first spacewalk of Soviet cosmonauts

13. The consequence of the development of the dissident movement in the USSR during the period of “stagnation” was

A) Introducing articles on civil liberties into the Constitution of the USSR

B) strengthening party control over the creative intelligentsia

B) an increase in the number of labor strikes

D) limitation of the functions of the KGB

14. Pluralism is

A) a political regime with unlimited power of one person

B) leadership positions and persons approved by party bodies

B) officers of the Soviet Army

D) plurality of opinions, views

15.What can be attributed to the reasons for the collapse of the USSR:

A) Weakening government agencies and the decline in the prestige of the Communist Party

B) revitalization of activities Supreme Council USSR

C) renewal of the ranks of the party apparatus

16.Read an excerpt from a speech by one of the leaders Soviet state and indicate his last name:

“Dear compatriots! Fellow citizens! Due to the current situation with the formation of the Commonwealth of Independent States, I am ceasing my activities as President of the USSR. I make this decision for reasons of principle. I firmly stood for independence, the independence of peoples, and the sovereignty of republics. But at the same time, for the preservation of the union state, the integrity of the country. Events took a different path. The prevailing line was to dismember the country and disunite the state, with which I cannot agree.”


17. Read an excerpt from a historical document and indicate the name of the leader of the USSR in question:

“By character he was a good-natured and gentle person, loved a joke and himself embodied stability, which, however, turned into stagnation, and his pliability and vanity led to shameful manipulation by those around him.”


18.. Read an excerpt from a media report and indicate the year in which the events described took place:

“According to reliable sources, the President of the USSR M.S. Gorbachev, who was removed from power by the State Emergency Committee on the night of August 19 “due to his inability to govern the state due to health conditions,” is now under house arrest at his dacha in Crimea.”

PRACTICAL WORK ON THE TOPIC: USSR IN 1945 - 1991 Test work Option I 1. Which of the following happened in the USSR in the first post-war years? 1) adoption of the new Constitution of the USSR 2) change of senior party and state leadership 3) monetary reform 4) beginning of the development of virgin lands 2. First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee after the death of I.V. Stalin was elected: 1) L.P. Beria 2) G.M. Malenkov 3) V.M. Molotov 4) N.S. Khrushchev 3. The implementation of economic reform in 1965 was headed by: 1) N.I. Ryzhkov 2) N.A. Voznesensky 3) A.N. Kosygin 4) V.M. Molotov 4. Place in the correct order the following events in the history of the country from 1945 to 1991: a) the election of M.S. Gorbachev as President of the USSR; b) development of virgin lands; c) the split of Germany; d) entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan; e) proclamation of the course of perestroika; f) Cuban missile crisis; 5. Select from the list of events related to the process of the collapse of the USSR. 1) signing of the Belovezhskaya Accords; 2) attempt at a putsch by the State Emergency Committee; 3) adoption of the 1993 Constitution; 4) secession of the Baltic republics from the USSR; 5) signing the SALT1 agreement. 6. Set the correct match. CULTURAL FIGURES 1) Solzhenitsyn A.I.; 2) Plisetskaya M.; 3) Bodrov S.; 4) Tabakov O. 7. Establish a correspondence between the events and periods of the history of the USSR: EVENTS 1) Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe; 2) withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan; 3) dissolution of the Department of Internal Affairs; 4) “Prague Spring”. 8. Fill in the blank cells of the table using the data provided in the list below. For each lettered cell, select the number of the desired element. AREA OF CULTURE a) ballet. b) cinema; to the theatre; d) literature; Among the conspirators were members of the party leadership, a number of party committees and funds mass media supported the actions of state criminals. This put the communists in a false position. Many party members refused to cooperate with the conspirators, condemned the coup and joined the fight against it. No one has the moral right to indiscriminately accuse all communists, and I, as President, consider myself obligated to protect them as citizens from unfounded accusations. In this situation, the CPSU Central Committee must make a difficult but honest decision to dissolve itself. The fate of the Republican Communist Parties and local party organizations will be determined by them themselves. I do not consider it possible for myself to continue to perform the functions of the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee and I resign accordingly.” Using the passage and your knowledge of history, choose three true statements from the list given. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in your answer. 1) The author of the statement held an important government post simultaneously with the post of Secretary General. 2) One of those whom the author of the statement calls conspirators was G.I. Yanaev. 3) The conspirators discussed in this passage were in cahoots with the President of the Russian Federation. 4) The author states that all party members supported the conspirators. 5) The statement was made in 1993. 6) During the same year when this statement was made, the activities of the party named in the passage were ceased on the territory of Russia. 10. Look at the image and complete the task. Which judgments about the poster are correct? Choose two judgments from the five proposed. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table. 1) The poster appeared during the five-year restoration plan. 2) The leader of the country at the time the poster appeared was N. S. Khrushchev. 3) The period when this poster appeared went down in history as the “thaw”. 4) During the development of virgin lands, the grain crop to which the poster is dedicated was predominant. 5) The result of the corn company was the solution to the problem of supplying the country with food. PRACTICAL WORK ON THE TOPIC: USSR IN 1945 - 1991 Control test work Option II 1. What were people called in the late 1960s - mid-1980s who did not share the dominant ideology in the USSR? 1) dissidents 2) cosmopolitans 3) disenfranchised 4) anarchists 2. What event occurred in connection with the celebration of the 300th anniversary of Ukraine’s entry into the Russian state? 1) holding a festival of youth and students in Kyiv 2) transferring Crimea from the RSFSR to the Ukrainian SSR 3) launching a hydroelectric power station on the Dnieper 4) opening the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 3. Which of the above refers to the reasons for the transition of the Soviet leadership to the policy of perestroika? 1) the collapse of the world socialist system 2) “stagnation”, crisis phenomena in all spheres of social life 3) demands of international organizations 4) mass protests of the population against the regime 4. Place in the correct order the following events in the history of Russia 1945-1991; a) dispersal of the CPSU on Russian territory; b) election of Yeltsin B.N. President of the RSFSR; c) the formation of economic councils; d) “the doctors’ case”; e) carrying out “Kosygin” reforms; f) board of Chernenko K.U. 5. Select from the list given events related to the reign of L.I. Brezhnev. 1) increase in the number of officials; 2) transparency policy; 3) growth of privileges of the nomenklatura; 4) neo-Stalinism; 5) interethnic conflict in the Fergana Valley. 6. Establish the correct correspondence between the characteristic features of cultural development and periods of history. CHARACTERISTICS 1) strict control; 2) publicity; 3) dudes; 4) samizdat 7. Establish the correct correspondence between events and periods of foreign policy of the USSR EVENTS 1) collapse of the world system of socialism; 2) new political thinking; 3) resumption of diplomatic relations with Japan; 4) creation of the Warsaw Pact Organization. 8. Fill in the blank cells of the table using the data provided in the list below. For each lettered cell, select the number of the desired element. PERIODS OF CONDUCT a) thaw; b) stagnation;< .. >The war in Afghanistan damaged the authority of the Soviet Armed Forces. They were given an unlawful and unrealistic task: by military means to force the people, numbering 17 million people, to submit to an unpopular government based on Soviet bayonets.<...>It was obvious to sensible people in advance that the illusory nature of the illusions that some people had about the fact that Soviet troops would not need to fight in Afghanistan would be obvious. They, they say, will stand as garrisons, protecting the revolutionary regime from attempts to overthrow it by external forces, and the Afghan army itself will cope with the internal rebel forces. Real reality quickly dispelled these illusions. Soviet troops had to be drawn into a nine-year bloody adventure<...>" Using the passage, choose three correct statements from the list given. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in your answer. 1) the participation of Soviet troops in the war referred to in the text received the approval of the United Nations. 2) the war referred to in the text began for Soviet troops in 1979. 3) during this war, the enemy of the Soviet troops used partisan methods of struggle. 4) the leader of the country at the beginning of the war mentioned in the text was M. S. Gorbachev. 5) according to the author, Soviet troops could not solve the tasks assigned to them in this war. 6) the war mentioned in the text lasted less than three years. 10. Look at the image and complete the task. Which judgments associated with this image are correct? Choose two judgments from the five proposed. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table. 1) During the Olympics, the symbols of which are shown in the image, the Soviet Union was led by N. S. Khrushchev. 2) The Olympics, the symbols of which are shown in the image, became the second Olympics held on the territory of the USSR. 3) This image shows the symbols of the Winter Olympic Games held in Moscow. 4) The US team did not take part in the Olympics, the symbols of which are shown in the image. 5) The USSR boycotted the next Olympic Games, which were held in the USA after the Moscow Olympics.

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