Fear the wrath of a patient man, for he is. Quotes: Confucius. Anger is the result of thoughts

What other emotion is as powerful as anger? It captures the whole being and it takes a fraction of a second for emotions to splash out. And if a person is patient and knows how to hide his feelings well? If he accumulated this negative charge in himself, not giving it an outlet? "Fear the wrath of a patient man," said the English poet Dryden John. Why is it that a patient person is so dangerous?

Anger is the result of thoughts

From each specific situation, the individual draws appropriate conclusions. And how offensive the spoken words or the conflict that has arisen cannot always be immediately assessed. But emotions are manifested at the physiological level. There is an involuntary trembling in the hands, the pulse suddenly quickens, the pressure rises sharply. This is a state of mobilization that arises in response to an external threat and requires appropriate action. The expression “beware of the wrath of a patient person” means that emotions are restrained and accumulated, but sooner or later they will have to be released.

repressed emotions

It is the repressed anger that causes violent outbursts. It is considered indecent to show negative emotions.

It speaks of a lack of education. We are taught to forgive, understand, take into account the opinion of another person, but at the same time, our own feelings and desires are not taken into account, and our own position does not have the right to life.

Anger motivates a person to action. When suppressing anger, the feeling does not disappear anywhere, it will definitely manifest itself later, but in a more frightening form. Therefore, one should be afraid of the wrath of a patient person. Who said that he would get rid of this emotion? Like any other feeling, sooner or later anger must come out. It's like hot air balloon, which continue to inflate, but do not allow air to escape. Until one more, last breath causes him to rip to shreds.

A person who restrains anger is in a state of constant depression and nervous strain. He often withdraws into himself and shows inertia. But with the right set of circumstances, anger will gradually break out. These can be bouts of irritability or sudden outbursts of rage, which are often directed at loved ones or innocent people. That is why one should be afraid of the wrath of a patient person.

Releasing a pent up feeling

Along with other feelings, children are born with a healthy sense of anger. But parents from an early age inspire the child that he should not show attacks of aggression and tantrums, but should listen to his elders and restrain his emotions.

As a result, the child learns to obey someone else's will and suppress the spiritual impulse.

And over the years, a person begins to develop dependence on others. And in some cases, the accumulated emotions are taken out on their own children, who are also beginning to be suppressed. As a result, children develop a sense of fear, and there is a fear of the anger of a patient person who can give an unexpected outlet to negative emotions.

The release of a long-held feeling can be unconsciously directed to the wearer himself. This may show up:

  • in diseases that arise on a nervous basis;
  • in suicide attempts;
  • depending on drugs, alcohol, food, medicines.

There are certain characteristics of a person holding back anger. appearance. He has dull, lifeless eyes, he is tense, and as if clamped.

Sometimes it is necessary not so much to be afraid of the wrath of a patient person as to be careful in dealing with him. An angry person is devoid of fear.

He has a feeling of incredible physical strength and confidence, which can lead to bouts of aggression.

  • Noble people live in harmony with other people, but do not follow other people, low people follow other people, but do not live in harmony with them.
  • A noble man blames himself, a small man blames others.
  • A noble husband knows his superiority, but avoids competition. He gets along with everyone, but does not collude with anyone.
  • A noble man endures adversity. AND short person dissolves in trouble.
  • The noble does not strive to eat well and live richly. He hurries in deeds, but slows down in speeches. Associating with virtuous people, he corrects himself. It can be said of such a person that he is devoted to teaching.
  • Fear the wrath of a patient man.
  • Throwing a stone into the water, each time you fall into the center of the circle.
  • Be hard on yourself and soft on others. So you protect yourself from human hostility.
  • The greatest glory is not in never being wrong, but in being able to get up every time you fall.
  • The attraction of souls turns into friendship, the attraction of the mind turns into respect, the attraction of bodies turns into passion. And only all together can turn into love.
  • Choose a profession you love and you won't have to work a day in your life.
  • In ancient times, people studied in order to improve themselves. Today they study in order to surprise others.
  • In a country where there is order, be bold both in actions and in speeches. In a country where there is no order, be bold in action, but careful in speech.
  • Give instructions only to those who seek knowledge after discovering their ignorance. Help only those who do not know how to clearly express their cherished thoughts. Teach only those who are able, having learned about one corner of the square, to imagine the other three.
  • Even in the company of two people, I will certainly find something to learn from them. I will try to imitate their virtues, and I myself will learn from their shortcomings.
  • Good must be repaid with good, and evil must be repaid with justice.
  • A gem cannot be polished without friction. Similarly, a person cannot become successful without a sufficient number of difficult attempts.
  • If you want to be successful, avoid the six vices: sleepiness, laziness, fear, anger, idleness, and indecision.
  • If they spit in your back, then you are going ahead.
  • If you hate, then you have been defeated.
  • If you don't have bad thoughts, you won't have bad deeds.
  • When the state is governed according to reason, poverty and need are shameful; when the state is not governed according to reason, wealth and honors are shameful.
  • Young people should not be treated with condescension. It is very possible that, having matured, they will become outstanding husbands. Only one who has achieved nothing by reaching the age of forty or fifty does not deserve respect.
  • People want wealth and fame for themselves; if both cannot be obtained honestly, they should be avoided. People are afraid of poverty and obscurity; if both cannot be avoided without loss of honor, they should be accepted.
  • There is nothing to regret in this life. Happened - made a conclusion and live on.
  • Intemperance in trifles will ruin a great cause.
  • Don't worry that people don't know you, worry that you don't know people.
  • Don't do to others what you don't want for yourself...
  • Not talking to a person who is worthy of talking means losing a person. And talking to a person who is not worthy of talking means losing words. The wise lose neither people nor words.
  • Don't be afraid of change. Most often, they happen exactly at the moment when they are needed.
  • Do not shake the green apple tree - when the apple is ripe, it will fall by itself.
  • One word can change your mind. One feeling can change your life. One person can change you.
  • Treat everyone with kindness and respect, even those who are rude to you. Not because they are worthy people, but because you are a worthy person.
  • Useful friends are a direct friend, a sincere friend and a friend who has heard a lot. Harmful friends are a hypocritical friend, an insincere friend, and a talkative friend.
  • Sometimes we see a lot, but do not notice the main thing.
  • Visiting and listening to evil people is already the beginning of an evil deed.
  • To send people to war untrained is to betray them.
  • Reverence without knowing what is due turns into self-torture. Caution without proper knowledge turns into cowardice. Courage without proper knowledge turns into recklessness. Straightforwardness without knowledge of the proper turns into rudeness.
  • A respectful son is one who grieves his father and mother, except perhaps with his illness.
  • Tell me - and I will forget, show me - and maybe I will remember, involve me - and then I will comprehend.
  • The word must be true, the action must be decisive.
  • Those who do not think about distant difficulties are sure to face close troubles.
  • What you can perceive calmly no longer controls you.
  • Demand a lot of yourself and expect little of others, and you won't have to get angry too often.
  • Three paths lead to knowledge: the path of reflection is the noblest path, the path of imitation is the easiest, and the path of experience is the most bitter.
  • Rule the people with dignity and the people will be respectful. Treat people kindly, and people will work hard. Exalt the virtuous and instruct the unlearned, and people will trust you.
  • Study as if you are constantly feeling the lack of your knowledge, and as if you are constantly afraid of losing your knowledge.
  • You have sails, and you are clinging to the anchor.

Fear the wrath of a patient man.
Do you know how a person who has been silent for a long time and endured you can be covered with anger? This is a flurry of accusations and aggression. You do not even suspect that you are being tolerated, you do not even realize that they are adjusting to you. All this is done with a smile and in silence. And then you will be billed for what you owe. You may be indignant: “I didn’t order this?”. They will answer you: “Did you eat my patience and my condescending attitude towards you? Ate. Now we must."
The hour of reckoning will be similar to surrealism. You will be accused of being soulless, cruel, not sensitive. You will be told how you could not notice the quivering Soul next to you, filled with a refined perception of reality, unlike you, the thick-skinned one. You will be told that you are taking advantage of kindness and manipulating and taking advantage of other people.
Don't believe.
This is a masochistic triumph. This is masochistic righteous anger.
All these are not your problems, all these are not your shortcomings. Do not believe and do not be fooled by all this. Stand your ground, voicing, if necessary, several times: “I didn’t ask for this, I didn’t want it from you, don’t stand it, say it. If you don't want it, don't."
These saviors cannot be stopped by logic, they need to be treated for a long time (I know this from myself, a rescuer who helped a large number of people who did not even ask for it).
Be careful.
If a person does something disinterestedly for you, calling himself kind, sensitive, caring, but does not take into account and does not voice his interests, then expect a bill from him. Do not be surprised when you are asked (at best) or required to repay.
The most disgusting thing about this is that sometimes you really don’t understand when they are adjusting to you and that the counter is already turned on and an accurate, cold account of all the good that is done for you has gone. Quiet so, not even a ticking counter shakes your debt.
Undoubtedly, there are kind people who are capable of narcissistically not demanding satisfaction for themselves, but they are so few that it is almost impossible to meet them.
Someone does good in order to amuse himself with the thought of his messianic greatness.
Someone does good, expecting gratitude and respect for themselves.
Someone does good in the hope of being compensated in good attitude to yourself.
Some do good because they hope to buy heaven after death.
Someone does good, because the feeling of guilt will not torment and there is an opportunity to be weird and do evil before.
Everyone has their own version and reasons. Be vigilant with people who consider themselves kind, helpful, sincere and fair. Be aware of masochistic anger.

In an old low hut,
At the edge of the forest,
Grandma and Grandpa lived
Lived in the world for forty years.
Suddenly, their world expired
Grandma seems cold
Every day goes haywire
Grandfather sends a stream of threats
Waves a rolling pin in front of him,
She glares at him with her gaze.
Grandfather did not get off the stove,
He did not understand Grandma.
The days went by,
Grandfather forgot about peace
And he did not know in advance
Life is waiting for a grandmother!
One day, at an early hour,
Grandma seems to have a reserve of words,
Not silent for a second
A look of fiery sparks.
grandfather with...

- What from Munich?
- Do not interrupt, but listen, (he liked to repeat,
constantly climbed into the ears), about the perfect blow that
invisible, inaudible and imperceptible, ...
- Then why oh why it as though and is not present? Only consequences
on your face? Trunk or……
- Tea, chalymsya, grind, (fall), hope-
we eat that we look back, look back, life is formed
etsya, swears, her crystal will sparkle in the sun,
and these are only its consequences (“strike?”), sparks
and the stars, hanging out in your mind, head,
this is for you ... .. not a flight ...

We teach the science that took away kindness.
Person! You are a frequency converter.

The link of conscience is a return link with God.
Person? Just! Violet charm and reproduction.
The man made corrections to the female frequency skew and that frequency rushed off.
The world is groaning! Media low-frequency doldonite.
Solution: 30 - human wurf relationship.
Disasters, if no action is active.

We are dead without the law of sacrifice.
Nastya also has worries from the lack of dispassion.
Verbosity, my dear, is debilitating.
May strength, if words ...

The bull walked through the forest, ahead,
He was looking for a place under the house,
That winter, not far away,
You need a warm corner.
Suddenly in front of a thick spruce forest,
A lamb stood in front of him:
- Where are you, my friend, rushing,
Don't take care of your legs?
The bull answered sedately,
He's used to questions.
- Soon, you see, winter,
She will come to us.
I want to build a house
Enjoy warm sleep
Only construction to start
Need to find a place
And on it already, without a yawn,
In a month, put the house.
The ram has an interest
He doesn't say a word...

Only in man beauty, love and happiness settled,
A wonderful life was given to him, and the Virgin Mother prayed for him.
And God gave us life and gave us a heart even,
And he gave us his soul so that we could live, everything was ours.
And he gave a million: wealth and money, diamonds,
There are a lot of diamonds, like a wagon, so that we live without options.
And he endowed beauty - all the women that came from the foam,
He created all Aphrodite to one, so that there would be no betrayal.
And he let us go into the world to live, to enjoy, to develop ...

The bird choir meets in the morning,
Promising joy in the day.
With peace in the song of happiness feeling,
Shared the birds in it.

Good for them, God's birds,
Unfamiliar with the wrath of evil.
From the poverty of the curse of fear,
With the life of nests, they are not relatives.

And they are with the dawn dawn,
Soul of harmless purity,
Shared in a ringing song
Music enchanting beauty.

No to them sincere, not ours,
Everyone sing - not money for.
There are no saints among them and the fallen,
And their homeland is Earth.

And I, superfluous to the world of people,
Their song - did not become a stranger ...

Happy New Year 2018, the year of the yellow dog!

On the threshold New Year comes
The houses of the Rus-Slavs, contrary to
The first Toast hints to all enemies,
Convincing Rus' not to go!

At ZERO hours, every year, offers,
Cover the gray-haired swords!
To the poisoners of arrows hints, -
Let's all pour water instead of poison,
Who will fall in the glades of war,
And, if he remains alive, he will begin to see clearly, -
Having bequeathed to his children not to believe,
To those who are preparing war again,
Against the RACE of RA-Rus, he is delirious!

Russia will not put together coffins ...

It is impossible to hold the wind
Do not dress free thoughts in chains.
Do not return what happened yesterday
Do not fold like steppe tablecloths.

Don't drink yesterday's water
Do not keep warm from the days of the past light.
If happiness is gone
So there is, the Will of God in this.

Do not touch, sunset with your hand,
Do not gain the dawn of tenderness in a handful.
Can't fix it with kindness
Fierce meanness, anger and anger.

Do not hold back the feelings of the walls of dungeons,
Do not bring closer, in the way of the horizon.
And having killed, with a sharp arrow of birds,

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