Dress rehearsal for the May 7 air parade. Where is the best place to watch the Victory Parade rehearsal?

For evening training, the procession of a column of military vehicles from the site on Nizhnie Mnevniki Street will begin at 18-00. Tanks and armored personnel carriers will go to the dress rehearsal of the 2017 Victory Parade at 06-00.

The rehearsal schedule for the main part of the parade, which will take place on Red Square, looks like this:

May 3 in the evening (from 22-00 to 00:00)- pedestrian passage of military personnel and equipment. Armored vehicles will be present at the site from 20:00, it will be possible to take photographs and videotapes.

May 4 in the morning (from 10:30 to 11:00) - training for the passage of an aviation group (traffic in the city will not be affected),

May 7 (from 10-00 to 13:00)- dress rehearsal for the 2017 Victory Parade with the participation of walking parade crews, equipment and aviation. Armored vehicles will be on site from 06:00 am, and photographs and videos will be available.

Rehearsal of the Victory Parade on May 3, 2017 in Moscow: The route of movement of equipment on the map.

The route of military equipment for this year's Parade, approved by the mayor's office, has the following sequence, including 25 route points.
Military equipment will pass along the route:
1. st. Lower Mnevniki
2. st. People's Militia
3. st. Blogs
4. 3venigorodskoe highway
5. st. Red Presnya
6. st. Barricade
7. st. Sadovaya-Kydrinskaya
8. st. Bolshaya Sadovaya
9. Triumphal Square
10. st. Tverskaya
11. Manezhnaya Square
12. Red Square
13. Vasilyevsky Spusk
14. Kremlin embankment
15. Borovitskaya Square
16. st. Moxovaya
17. st. Vozdvizhenka
18. st. New Arbat
19. Novinsky Boulevard
20. st. Barricade
21. st. Red Presnya
22. 3venigorodskoe highway
23. st. Blogs
24. st. People's Militia
25. st. Lower Mnevniki

The traffic police also warns that adjacent streets and alleys will in some cases also be blocked; in some cases, they will have one-way traffic in the direction opposite to the intersection of the streets where vehicles are moving.

The following metro stations are located along the route of the column:




"Street 1905"







"Okhotny Ryad",


"Revolution square",


"Lenin's Library",

"Alexander Garden",



Compared to the previous year, the schedule coincided almost completely, however, there are changes in the schedule of plans for blocking streets in front of the Parade, and changes have also affected the work of the Moscow metro - this year more stations will work only for entrance and transfer.

The Russian Ministry of Defense provided an opportunity to observe the preparation of military equipment for the Victory Parade. Viewers of the official YouTube channel of the military department had the opportunity to look at the training of the crews of the mechanized column, which will take place on May 9 across Red Square. In 2017, 114 units of equipment, 72 aircraft and 10,001 military personnel will take part in the Victory Parade.

Rehearsal for the Victory Parade on May 3, 2017 in Moscow: Street closures during the parade

About 20 streets of Moscow will be blocked on Thursday, April 27, in connection with the rehearsal of the parade in honor of Victory Day, the press service of the capital’s traffic police reports.

The movement of any transport (including public) will be blocked along the streets of Nizhniye Mnevniki, Narodnogo Opolcheniya, Mnevniki, Zvenigorodskoye Highway, Krasnaya Presnya, Barrikadnaya, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, Bolshaya Sadovaya Street, Triumfalnaya Square, Tverskaya Street, Red Square, Kremlin Embankment, Borovitskaya square, on the Bolshoi Moskvoretsky and Bolshoi Kamenny bridges, along Bolotnaya Street and Bolotnaya Square, on Mokhovaya Street, Vozdvizhenka, Novy Arbat and Novinsky Boulevard.

Traffic restrictions will begin at 17:00 and continue until the end of the events. The restrictions will be in effect on the days of the next parade rehearsals on May 3 from 17:00, on May 7 and on the day of the parade on May 9 - from 05:00 in the morning.

Rehearsal of the Victory Parade on May 3, 2017 in Moscow: Where is the best place for pedestrians to watch

A calmer and more correct option is to look at the tanks, armored personnel carriers and Iskanders on the streets of Moscow during evening training or the morning dress rehearsal.

For example, on the section of Tverskaya street between Pushkinskaya metro station and Okhotny Ryad metro station in the evening, starting from 18-45 - approximately at this time the column lines up along Tverskaya, and you can observe the equipment in motion. The vehicles will be stationary until 22-35, and then will move to Red Square - this is a second chance to see how they drive combat vehicles.

Do not stand near the metro exits - walk at least 200 meters along the street so as not to jostle in the crowd.

Our regular reader Alexey Mitrofanov shared his view on where it is better to watch the parade:

“We were at the dress rehearsal yesterday. First, we watched the movement of equipment at the intersection of the Boulevard Ring with Tverskaya Street (from the side of Pushkinskaya Square inside the ring), and then we walked along the ring to the Bolshoi Ustinsky Bridge.

There were a lot of people on the outer and inner sides of the ring, but in the middle it was very free and you could choose a place to view equipment.

I can only confirm: the Bolshoi Ustinsky Bridge is the best place to view pedestrian columns after the Spasskaya Tower. And for aviation, I think this is the best point, since the entire fleet is flying at you, and above you the helicopters go to the left, and the planes go to the right.

Since we were walking along the ring with two children, we almost missed the movement of foot columns to Red Square. If we had gone by car (the ring from Terskaya to the Bolshoi Ustinsky Bridge was free from both traffic police officers and vehicles), we would also have seen the formation of foot columns. This will not work for the parade itself, since according to the cordon employees (officers) all Tverskaya will be “cleared” of people and observation from it will be impossible. I don’t know about the bridge, but at the exit of pedestrian columns it is blocked for vehicles and all lanes are available for pedestrian traffic. Naturally, you won’t be able to see the pedestrian columns from the roadway, but the aviation will be in all its glory!”

At the Dress Rehearsal on May 7, in terms of time and movements, everything will be exactly the same as on Victory Day.

Rehearsal of the Victory Parade on May 3, 2017 in Moscow: Where is the best place to watch by car (photo/map)

There is just one ideal place to watch the Victory Parade rehearsal in your car! This is the street. Nizhnye Mnevniki opposite the Tatneft gas station. BUT! If it’s difficult to guess when it comes to the departure of armored vehicles to the parade site, then everything is quite accurate when it comes to the return time. And so: come to " observation deck“It’s best no later than 23:30. It is at 23:30 that Nizhniye Mnevniki Street is completely blocked in both directions and it will no longer be possible to get to the observation point. The procession of the armored vehicle column itself will begin at 23:50-00:00.

Portal ETOLIK draws Special attention that they will open traffic on the street. Nizhniye Mnevniki ONLY after, following the column of armored vehicles, a “harvesting and watering regiment” passes, which is closed by a decrepit tractor with a tank of, you won’t believe it, water). But seriously (we weren’t joking before either), it will be possible to leave no earlier than 1:10 am. But believe me, it's worth it! Just imagine, you are sitting in your car, and military equipment is passing by at a distance of 10 meters from your infernal chariot! See the video of how it was (and will be) at the very bottom of the article.

Rehearsal for the Victory Parade on May 3, 2017 in Moscow: How the metro will work.

The operating hours of six Moscow metro stations will be changed on the evening of Wednesday, May 3, due to rehearsals for the parade in honor of Victory Day, the press service of the capital's metro reports.

From 19:00 until the end of the parade rehearsal only for entry and transfer The following metro stations will operate:
- Oxotny series,
- Theatral,
- Revolution Square,
- Alexandrovsky Garden,
- Borovitskaya,
- Library named after Lenin.

Station exits will be closed.

Rehearsal for the Victory Parade on May 3, 2017 in Moscow: Where to see the soldiers taking part in the rehearsal.

Unfortunately, it will not be possible to see the entire walking part. Both during rehearsals and on Victory Day, foot columns usually approach Red Square in several ways: from Kotelnicheskaya Embankment, along Varvarka and along Ilyinka. The streets and alleys closest to them will be blocked, but perhaps something can be seen from the Bolshoi Ustinsky Bridge.

From afar, across the Moscow River, the parade units on Vasilievsky Spusk are visible from Sofiyskaya Embankment, unless it is blocked. It is better to take a seat early, as there are usually a lot of people interested. The Kremlin embankment, Bolshoi Moskvoretsky and Bolshoi Kamenny bridges will be closed.

Video of the parade rehearsal on April 27, 2017 from the street. Nizhniye Mnevniki

Victory Parade 2017 rehearsal photos

With this coming significant date, many residents and guests of the capital want to know when and where rehearsals will take place and from what point is it best to watch the passage Russian troops and an aviation parade? In order to get an answer to these questions, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the information below.

Where and when will the parade rehearsal take place?

According to the press service of the Russian Ministry of Defense, rehearsals for military personnel will take place at the parade ground in Albino, Moscow Region. Currently, the exact rehearsal schedule has not yet been announced, however, preliminary dates for preparatory activities are already known.

Evening training of military columns and equipment will be disciplined at a special site on the street. Nizhniye Mnevniki, 45 at 18:00, and the dress rehearsal with the participation of tanks and armored personnel carriers will take place at 06:00 Moscow time.

Streets along which military equipment and pedestrian crews will proceed will be blocked starting at 16:00. May 7-9 - from 05:00. In addition, it is possible that traffic will be blocked on the streets and alleys adjacent to Nizhny Mnevniki.

Last year the rehearsal dates were as follows:

  • 03/28/2016, 22:00 - preparation of equipment and training of foot parade crews.
  • 04/05/2016, 11:00 - aviation preparations for the parade.
  • 03/05/2017, 22:00 - second rehearsal of the parade of foot crews and equipment.
  • 04/07/2017, 10:00 - last dress rehearsal with the participation of all units of the Russian troops, including heavy military equipment and aviation.

During the rehearsal, the Teatralnaya, Okhotny Ryad, Borovitskaya, Alexandrovsky Sad, Revolution Square, and Lenin Library metro stations will operate in entry and transfer modes. During the passage of heavy combat vehicles along a given route, entry will be limited at the Pushkinskaya, Tverskaya, Mayakovskaya, Chekhovskaya, Kitay Gorod and Lubyanka stations. It is also worth considering that underground passages will also be blocked.

How to get to the parade in Moscow?

On the eve of the great holiday, this question is one of the most pressing. Unfortunately, not every Russian will be able to witness the parade on Red Square. It will be possible to be among the spectators only if you have a personal invitation, which will be awarded to WWII veterans, high-ranking military personnel, civil servants and media representatives. If you don’t have an invitation card, you can watch the procession of military columns and the aviation program on the streets of the capital during rehearsals, or on the day of the parade (before or after they pass through Red Square).

Where can I look at military equipment?

In order to see armored personnel carriers, tanks, Iskanders and other heavy equipment in all their glory, you need to familiarize yourself in advance with the schedule and route of their passage through the streets of Moscow during morning or evening training. For example, you will be able to observe the movement of troops and equipment in the Tverskaya section - Pushkinskaya and Okhotny Ryad metro stations. This is where the evening parade rehearsal will take place. The approximate time training starts at 18:45 Moscow time. Until 22:45, heavy combat vehicles will stand along Tverskaya Street, and then move towards Red Square.

The dress rehearsal for the parade on May 7, 2017 is another good chance to see the march of troops exactly in the sequence in which it will take place on the main square of the country on Victory Day.

To look at tanks and armored personnel carriers on May 9, you need to take a place in advance on one of the sections of the route along which columns of troops will move:

  • st. Tverskaya;
  • from pl. Pushkinskaya to Manezhnaya Square;
  • Kremlin embankment.

It is worth recalling that on Victory Day a huge number of people will gather in the listed areas and closer to the center, so it is recommended to take a good place for viewing in advance, preferably several hours before the start of the movement of military equipment. It is also necessary to take into account that the view may be obstructed by fencing, reserve types of equipment, watering and harvesting machines that will be driven to the designated areas to carry out the relevant work after the end of the parade.

Where can I watch the aviation program?

Unlike ground equipment, aviation will be visible in many places in the capital. Combat helicopters and aircraft will fly closer to the end of the parade program on Red Square. The most advantageous areas for viewing aviation are Leningradsky Prospekt, Tverskaya Street and Raushskaya Embankment (on the odd-numbered side of the streets).

During rehearsals, Raushskaya embankment is not closed. It is still unknown whether this section will be closed on May 9th. The aviation flight path will not pass strictly over Red Square, but a little to the side: over GUM. Thus, the spectators present at the parade will have a more favorable viewing angle.

Where to watch the procession of ground troops?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to watch the entire walking part of the program. As a rule, military columns pass towards Red Square in several ways:

  • along Kotelnikov Street;
  • according to Varvarka;
  • according to Ilyinka.

The adjacent lanes and streets will be blocked, however, a small view will be open from the Bolshoi Ustinsky Bridge.

The parade units will be partially visible on Vasilyevsky Spusk and Sofievskaya Embankment. The Bolshoi Moskvoretsky, Bolshoi Kamenny bridges, as well as the Kremlin embankment will be closed.

The first rehearsals for the Victory Parade on Red Square, dedicated to the 72nd anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, have begun in Moscow. Due to preparations for the holiday, a number of streets in the center of the capital will be inaccessible to motorists during rehearsals and the parade itself.

25th of April

According to the press service of the Moscow government, on Tuesday, 25th of April, from 7.00 to 9.30 they blocked the passage of Devichye Pole in the area from Plyushchikha Street to the intersection with Novokonyushenny Lane.

Besides, 25th of April from 21.30 until the end of the event (approximately 24.00) the area from Triumfalnaya Square to Manezhnaya, as well as Okhotny Ryad, Mokhovaya, Teatralny Proezd, Tverskoy and Strastnoy Boulevards are blocked. Cars will be detoured along Petrovka, Bolshaya Nikitskaya and Bolshaya Lubyanka streets.

The mayor's office advises drivers to plan their route in advance when traveling to the city center and, if possible, use public transport.

The next rehearsal will take place in two days - Thursday, April 27, Wednesday, May 3, and Sunday, May 7. Military equipment will take part in them.

April 27 and May 3

April 27 and May 3, 2017 from 17.00 until the end of the event, traffic will be limited, including public traffic: on Nizhniye Mnevniki and Mnevniki streets, Zvenigorodskoe highway, Krasnaya Presnya, Barrikadnaya, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, Bolshaya Sadovaya, Triumfalnaya streets, Tverskaya and Okhotny Ryad streets, Teatralny proezd, Novaya square, Kitaigorodsky proezd, Moskvoretskaya and Kremlevskaya embankments, Borovitskaya square, Mokhovaya, Vozdvizhenka and Novy Arbat streets, Novinsky, Strastnoy and Tverskoy boulevards, B. Putinkovsky lane, B. Moskvoretsky bridge, Bolotnaya street, Bolotnaya square, Solyanka street and B. Kamenny bridge.

From 19.00 Until the end of the rehearsal, the stations “Revolution Square”, “Okhotny Ryad”, “Teatralnaya”, “Alexandrovsky Garden”, “Borovitskaya” and “Lenin Library” will be open for entry and transfer only.

May 7 and 9

May 7 and during the parade itself 9th May roads along the equipment route will be blocked from 05.00 until the end of the event.

May Day

In addition, the official website of the Moscow City Hall warns that in order to prepare and conduct the May Day holiday demonstration April 30 from 08.00 to 08.00 May 2 Traffic will be limited to one lane on the Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge and the Kremlin Embankment. A May 1 from 08.30 to 12.00 The Kremlin and Moskvoretskaya embankments, the Bolshoy Moskvoretsky Bridge, Vasilyevsky Spusk Square, as well as Moskvoretskaya, Varvarka and Ilyinka streets will be completely blocked.

The Victory Parade on Red Square in Moscow this year will traditionally begin on May 9 at 10.00. Mechanized and foot columns will take part in it. For the first time in the history of the parade, Arctic military equipment will appear on the square, represented by the Tor-M2DT self-propelled air defense systems and the Pantsir-SA anti-aircraft missile and gun system, as well as Arctic support vehicles. A convoy will also take part in the parade for the first time military police Russian Armed Forces. Multi-purpose off-road armored vehicles "Tiger", "Typhoon-K", "Typhoon-U" will pass through Red Square. In the aviation part of the parade, 17 helicopters and 55 aircraft will fly over the Moscow sky, including Tu-160 and Tu-95MS missile carriers and Su-30SM multirole fighters.

Published 04/27/17 14:53

Which streets in Moscow will be blocked due to the rehearsal of the 2017 Victory Parade - read the Topnews material.

Military equipment will march along Moscow streets during the days of rehearsals and the parade itself on Red Square on April 27, May 3 and May 7, due to which a number of streets will be closed to traffic, and the operating hours of ground transport will also change.

Military equipment will pass along the route Nizhnie Mnevniki street - Narodnogo Opolcheniya street - Mnevniki street - Zvenigorodskoe highway - Krasnaya Presnya street - Barrikadnaya street - Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya street - Bolshaya Sadovaya street - Triumfalnaya square - Tverskaya street - Kremlin embankment - Borovitskaya square - Mokhovaya street - Vozdvizhenka street - New Arbat street - Novinsky Boulevard - Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya street - Tverskaya street; Red Square - Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge - Bolotnaya Street - Bolotnaya Square - Bolshoy Kamenny Bridge.

As Gazeta.Ru was informed by the capital's State Traffic Inspectorate, until the end of the events the following highways will be closed to traffic: Nizhniye Mnevniki and Mnevniki streets, Zvenigorodskoye Highway, Krasnaya Presnya, Barrikadnaya, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, Bolshaya Sadovaya, Triumfalnaya Square, Tverskaya and Okhotny streets Row, Teatralny Proezd, Novaya Square, Kitaygorodsky Proezd, Moskvoretskaya and Kremlinskaya embankments, Borovitskaya Square, Mokhovaya, Vozdvizhenka and Novy Arbat streets, Novinsky, Strastnoy and Tverskoy boulevards, Bolshoy Putinkovsky Lane, Bolshoy Moskvoretsky Bridge, Bolotnaya Street, Bolotnaya Square, Solyanka Street and Big Stone Bridge.

Drivers are asked, if possible, to avoid traveling to the center by car and use public transport. The following metro stations are located along the route of the column: “Molodezhnaya”, “Krylatskoye”, “Polezhaevskaya”, “Ulitsa 1905 Goda”, “Krasnopresnenskaya”, “Barrikadnaya”, “Mayakovskaya”, “Pushkinskaya”, “Tverskaya”, “Chekhovskaya” , “Okhotny Ryad”, “Teatralnaya”, “Revolution Square”, “Borovitskaya”, “Lenin Library”, “Alexandrovsky Garden”, “Arbatskaya”, “Smolenskaya”.

The first training of military personnel and equipment will take place in Moscow on April 27 from 22:00. More than 10,000 military personnel and over 110 units of military equipment will pass through Red Square.

As reported by the Department of Information and Mass Communications of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, senior military personnel will be part of 28 parade units of the foot column. educational institutions, Suvorov, Nakhimov military schools, cadet corps, as well as military personnel of the Western Military District, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Russian Guard and the FSB of Russia.

For the first time, the parade crew of the All-Russian military-patriotic movement "Yunarmiya" and military personnel of the 61st will take part in the parade separate brigade Marine Corps coastal troops of the Northern Fleet.

The organizers promise that new models of modern Russian weapons will participate in the Victory Parade this year.

This year, for the first time in the history of the parade, Arctic military equipment will appear on the square, represented by the Tor-M2DT self-propelled air defense systems and the Pantsir-SA anti-aircraft missile and gun system, as well as Arctic support vehicles.

In addition, a column of military police of the Russian Armed Forces will take part in the parade for the first time. Multi-purpose off-road armored vehicles "Tiger", "Typhoon-K", "Typhoon-U" will pass through Red Square. In the aviation part of the parade, 17 helicopters and 55 aircraft will fly over the Moscow sky, including Tu-160 and Tu-95MS missile carriers and Su-30SM multirole fighters.

According to the Department of Transport, due to the May Day demonstrations, from 8.00 on April 30 to 8.00 on May 2, traffic on one lane will also be limited on the Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge and the Kremlin Embankment.

Traffic will be completely closed from 8.30 to 12.30 on May 1 on the Kremlin and Moskvoretskaya embankments, along the Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge, Vasilyevsky Spusk, Moskvoretskaya Street, as well as Varvarka and Ilyinka streets.

Traffic police data on road closures due to holiday events on May 1 have not yet been published.

The largest and most ambitious Victory Parade, which takes place in Russia on May 9, is, of course, the event on Red Square. You need to understand that organizing a parade is a huge job of a large number of people and it cannot be done without rehearsals. The dress rehearsal will take place in the capital on May 7. We remind you that this will be a day off - Sunday, therefore, it is better to get out of the city to avoid stuck in traffic jams.

Since the Victory Day parade on Red Square is a very large-scale event, rehearsals are held in several stages. The first rehearsal will take place on April 27, on this day traffic along the parade route will be blocked for 17 hours.

Pay attention to the schedule of rehearsals for the 2017 Victory Parade: two more will be held in May, on the 3rd (from 17.00) and the 7th (from 17.00). These days, traffic on the streets of Moscow will be limited, because military equipment will pass there. Rehearsals, as a rule, begin at 18.00 and take up to 17 hours; in total, more than 10,000 soldiers and officers, as well as 100 units of military equipment, take part in them.

The Victory Parade itself will begin at 5 a.m. on May 9, Victory Day. Which streets will be blocked during rehearsals and the event itself.

May 3 and 7: two more rehearsals in the capital

Victory Day is the most important holiday in May and one of the main holidays in the country; it has been a day off for the seventh decade since great victory over Nazi Germany. IN Soviet times Parades on May 9 were held on Red Square only in anniversary years. But in modern Russia This parade receives special attention. On the eve of the holiday, rehearsals for the 2017 Victory Parade in Moscow are held.

This year, rehearsals will take place on April 27, then on May 3, and the dress rehearsal will be on May 7. Why is this important to know for Muscovites and guests of the capital? Because during rehearsals and the event itself, traffic on the central streets of Moscow will be blocked. You can see in detail which streets will be blocked and how to plan a detour in the photographs in this material.

How to attend rehearsals and parade

You can get to the 2017 Victory Parade in Moscow, just like the grand rehearsals of this holiday, only by special invitation. You cannot buy tickets for the event. Tickets are issued to officials, representatives of the press, as well as veterans of the Great Patriotic War and the persons who will accompany them.

If you really want to see the equipment and aviation, then this can be done on the days of rehearsals, when the columns will already be leaving Red Square. Especially a lot of people gather on the streets open for viewing the parade on the Victory Day itself, so it is recommended to enjoy the spectacle on training days. It will be no different from May 9 itself, except for the date.

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