Is Hong Kong a separate state or not? Flag and coat of arms of Hong Kong. dishes worth trying

Hong Kong is a city that surprises. A special atmosphere reigns here, which at first sight amazes travelers who arrive here. Such a sight, perhaps, cannot be found anywhere else in the world: a jungle of high-rise buildings coexists with pristine nature, and highways, as if they have caught the city in their nets, hover over old Chinatowns and futuristic buildings.

This is a place where the cultures of the West and the East merge, and the past meets the future. Tourists from all over the world come here to first immerse themselves in the crazy world of skyscrapers, highways and neon signs, and then escape to natural oases untouched by civilization. All this can be found in Hong Kong, which will be discussed in our article.

Hong Kong is a special administrative region of the People's Republic of China. The fact is that Hong Kong is an autonomous territory. On the one hand, since 1997, Hong Kong has been considered to belong to China, which controls it foreign policy, and is also responsible for defense. On the other hand, Hong Kong has its own laws and regulations, its own politic system, culture and even has its own currency - the Hong Kong dollar. In this regard, we can say that its special position allows us to call Hong Kong a kind of state within a state. Hong Kong will exist in this status until 2047.

The traditions of both the West and the East have merged here, and this is not surprising, because for a long time Hong Kong was an overseas territory of Great Britain and was returned to China only on June 1, 1997.

Today, thanks to its advantageous geographical location, developed legislative framework and unique infrastructure, Hong Kong is one of the world's financial centers. It is not surprising that even with the virtual absence natural resources, the standard of living here is considered one of the highest in the Asian region. Favorable conditions for trade have been created for entrepreneurs here thanks to low taxes and effective legislation. The Basic Law of Hong Kong, passed in 1990, replaces the constitution and gives the territory not only broad autonomy, but also the ability to apply separate legislation, which has been successfully practiced. Unlike China, Hong Kong is governed by English law.

Is Hong Kong the capital of China

Thanks to its developed infrastructure and economy, many consider Hong Kong to be the capital of China, but this opinion is wrong. Hong Kong is not the capital of China or any other country. As noted above, Hong Kong has a special status with China (special administrative district), which will last until 2047.

Since Hong Kong consists of one city, we can assume that the city of Hong Kong is the capital of the state of the same name. Sometimes you can find information that the capital of Hong Kong is the city of Victoria, but this name has nothing to do with the capital. Previously, during British colonial times, the city bore the name “Victoria”, and then was renamed Hong Kong. The old name now refers only to the Victoria City area, in which the largest number of administrative buildings were concentrated during the times of the colonialists.

Hong Kong city on the map

If you look at a map of China, you will see that Hong Kong is marked with one small dot, along with other cities in the country. However, zooming in on the map, it becomes noticeable that the territory of Hong Kong is not limited to the size of one town and consists of Hong Kong Island, the Kowloon Peninsula and the New Territories.

In addition, Hong Kong includes 262 islands located in the South China Sea, which washes the territory of Hong Kong from the south, north and west. The territory called Hong Kong is an entire entity consisting of 18 districts. The city center is largely located on the Kowloon Peninsula, as well as on the northern shore of the island. This is the most densely populated island of the archipelago. A significant part of the island, however, remains undeveloped due to the mountainous landscape.

Hong Kong in Chinese: another name for Hong Kong

There are many dialects in China. Hieroglyphs are most often written the same, but they can be pronounced completely differently. On official language China (Mandarin) Hong Kong is called "Hong Kong". In the local dialect (Yue), the city is called “henkon”, and it is from this word that its name, known throughout the world, was formed. The city owes its modern name to the British, who pronounced “henkon” in their own way, which is why it was transformed into two words “hong” and “kong”. It was this name that was assigned to the island in 1842.

Both Chinese names, Hong Kong and Hong Kong, translate as “fragrant harbour”. The area began to be called such a beautiful epithet because of the numerous traders of seasonings and aromatic incense who chose the coast of the island.

General information about the city

Hong Kong is considered one of the most developed and dynamic cities in the world. Life is in full swing here, and the main driver, of course, is people. We will find out further who lives in Hong Kong and how such a small piece of land managed to accommodate several million people.

The area of ​​Hong Kong is 1104 square kilometers. It is interesting that the city managed to take about 6 square kilometers from the sea thanks to modern technologies.

Population: how many people are there in Hong Kong?

More than 7 million people live in Hong Kong. The government statistics agency ( estimates Hong Kong's population to be 7,482,500 as of 19 February 2019. In mid-2018, this figure was 7,413,100 people, so the natural increase in the city's population over the past 6 months was 69,400 people or 0.9%. Statistics are updated every six months.

Hong Kong's population is constantly increasing, and it is often said that the city is home to more people than its territory can accommodate. The situation is complicated by the fact that, due to its location on mountainous and hilly terrain, only a quarter of the city’s territory is inhabited, and the rest of the space is reserved for nature reserves and recreation areas. Related to this is the fact that Hong Kong is a growing city and has a huge number of skyscrapers. Their number reaches 8,000, and Hong Kong has surpassed even New York in this regard. High-rise buildings are truly full of life: they house not only apartments, but a wide variety of institutions, even schools and hospitals.

Population growth is mainly due to migrants, most of whom come from China. Chinese make up about 95% of the population. Hong Kong is also home to Vietnamese, Indonesians, Filipinos and Pakistanis. At the same time, the rate of natural increase in Hong Kong is one of the lowest on the planet.

The population mainly lives on Hong Kong Island and Kowloon, many prefer the Shenzhen area due to its lower population and cost of living.

What language is spoken in Hong Kong?

Chinese and English are spoken in Hong Kong. These are the official languages ​​here, and bilingualism is found literally at every turn. According to statistics English language About 30% of the city's population speaks fluently.

Independent travel to Hong Kong

It is quite possible to go on an independent trip to Hong Kong. Developed infrastructure and well-established communications with various countries make the city attractive to tourists. Next, we will find out whether a visa is needed for Hong Kong, how to get there and what attractions to see.

Visa issue

Hong Kong has autonomy in visa matters. Even though the city is technically part of China, visa rules are somewhat different. Russian citizens do not need a visa to visit Hong Kong for up to two weeks. It is important to take into account that the time of stay is counted by the day, and not by the number of hours.

If the visit is planned for a longer period, a visa is required. Chinese visa holders do not need to obtain an additional visa to Hong Kong. If, in addition to Hong Kong, you will visit other regions of China, you will need to apply for a Chinese visa.

How to get there

Travelers from Russia can fly to Hong Kong by direct flight from Moscow, Novosibirsk and Vladivostok, as well as with a transfer in Beijing, Astana, Dubai or Istanbul.

You can get to Hong Kong by planes of Aeroflot, Emirates, Turkish Airlines and Air China. Sometimes these airlines have sales that will allow you to save big. In general, tickets to Hong Kong cannot be called cheap. For example, a flight from Moscow with Emirates will cost about $530 roundtrip.

Hong Kong Airport is one of the largest and most expensive airports in the world, which has been awarded a special award in this area more than once. Everything is here - from gym to a 3D cinema and an aviation center.

From the airport to the city you can take a bus, Aeroexpress, or even a ferry if you need to get to the Pearl River Delta. You can also get from the airport to any point in the city by taxi.

Buses depart from the Cheon Tat Rod center at the airport. You can get to the city by buses of routes A and E, except E21A, 21X, 31. The orange color of the bus means its ability to accommodate a large amount of luggage. The fare ranges from 22 to 48 Hong Kong dollars, which is approximately 3-6 US dollars.

Taxis come in red, green and blue color. Red taxis can take you from the airport to Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, and New Towns such as Quan Wan, Chen Gwan Ou and Sa Thin. Blue taxis operate from the airport to Lantau, while green taxis can take you from the airport to the New Territories. If you suddenly fail to remember the color of the desired taxi, then taxi drivers or controllers will always help you figure it out. As noted above, every second resident here speaks English fluently. The cost of the trip usually ranges from HK$220 to HK$360.

Aeroexpress trains run every 10-12 minutes from 5.54 am to 0.48 am, travel time is 24 minutes. The ticket price for travel from the airport to Hong Kong station is 115 Hong Kong dollars (about 13 US dollars).

The ferry terminal is accessible just before the immigration checkpoint. This type of airport transfer is only available to air passengers.

What to see

There's definitely a lot to see in Hong Kong. Tourists can find attractions to suit every taste. Firstly, the very appearance of this city, built according to Feng Shui, can already be called a landmark, because it resembles a kaleidoscope in which traditional Chinese and modern futuristic infrastructure, urban jungles and green oases of natural parks have been combined into a single picture. Travelers arriving in Hong Kong should definitely visit the following places:

Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade is the center of the city, home to many museums and restaurants. Here you can visit the Space Museum, the Art Museum, the Teaware Museum and a cultural center where various exhibitions are held. Excursion boats depart from Tsim Sha Tsui Pier around Victoria Harbour.

At 552 meters, Victoria Peak is the highest point in Hong Kong and offers views of the entire island. Tourists ascend to the mountain itself by high-speed train along rails with a slope of 40 degrees.

Aberdeen area - here you can have a snack in one of the floating restaurants.

Shengwan Quarter - this place will appeal to lovers of Chinese ancient architecture.

Po Lin Temple on sharp Lantau - it is in this temple that Sama is located big world a statue of a sitting Buddha that took 12 years to build.

Temple of Ten Thousand Buddhas – in order to visit this temple you will have to climb 400 steps.

Natural attractions cannot be ignored either. In Hong Kong, you should definitely check out the Botanical and Zoological Gardens, the Ocean Park (home to the world's longest escalators), the Bird Garden, and Lama Island, home to large green turtles.

In addition, Hong Kong is considered to be a paradise for lovers nightlife and shopping. Fans of shopping can spend days on end doing this activity, as shops are everywhere here. To get started, you can go to Tsim Sha Tsui. The Old Town Central area offers designer items, vintage jewelry and stylish accessories.

Public transport in the city

Hong Kong's transport infrastructure is very developed, and one can even say that it is at the highest level. In the city you can use various types transport: trams, metro, electric trains, buses, funiculars and ferries. First of all, it is worth noting the Hong Kong metro. This is real underground city with shops, ATMs and cafes. By metro you can get to anywhere in the city, including to another island.

Separately, it is necessary to mention the so-called moving sidewalks, of which there are a huge number in the city. It's about about travelators and escalators. By the way, the longest escalator in the world, Central Mid Levels, listed in the Guinness Book of Records, is located in Hong Kong. Its length is 800 meters.

The city has a developed taxi and bus system. Taxis vary in color, so it's important to remember the color you want. You can pay for travel in cash or with transport cards. On buses and trams there is a special ticket office next to the driver where you can purchase a ticket. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that the machine does not issue change. The fare will vary depending on the travel distance, class, and type of carrier. This is a whole scheme that is quite difficult to remember, so it is clearly presented at every stop and metro station. Ferries also operate between the islands.

It is quite convenient to use transport cards (Octopus card). For tourists there is separate species transport card called On-Loan Octopus. In addition to paying for travel, the card can be used to make purchases in stores, cafes, and gas stations. Discounts are available on a number of products using the card. At the end of use, you can return the card and return the deposit of 50 HKD (Hong Kong dollars).

“Hong Kong is the capital of which country?” – people often ask this question. They ask an Internet search engine, and within a few minutes they find out that Hong Kong is not a capital, it is not just a city or a country. Hong Kong received the status of a special administrative region of the People's Republic of China.

Etymology of the name

To the question “Hong Kong is the capital of which country?” not everyone is able to answer correctly. At the same time, they will say that it may be located somewhere in China. Translated into Russian, the name of the area is translated as “fragrant harbor.” The area got its name from the area of ​​the same name, which is located on the island. Many years ago, aromatic substances were traded on the island.

Today and yesterday

It is useless to ask the question of where Hong Kong is located, in what country. It can safely be called an independent state with its own culture, customs and traditions. Currently, Hong Kong is considered one of the main financial and business centers not only of the East, but also of the rest of the world. Local authorities strive to ensure that the administrative district not only retains the status of a business capital, but also does not lose its attractive appearance, was well-maintained. Special services take care of ecology and landscaping. However, most of the territories on which the district is located are still not developed.

The “state” has practically no history of its own:

  • If a person who lived about two hundred years ago was asked where Hong Kong is located, in what country, he would answer that in Great Britain, for which he could not be accused of ignorance of geography. In the 1840s, Hong Kong was captured by this European country. The area was subsequently occupied by Japan.
  • At the end of the twentieth century, long negotiations began, which went down in history as the “war of words.” In 1997, Hong Kong was transferred to China, from which it received special rights until 2047.

Who knows how they will answer the question “Hong Kong is the capital of which country?” next generations. History is too unpredictable and sometimes brings surprises. This autonomous part of vast China has everything necessary to turn an administrative region into a separate state: several ministries, its own leadership and budget. Hong Kong may have an independent future ahead.

There is an administrative region of Hong Kong that has a special status. It is a city-state with its own political, economic and social structure. Before receiving the status of a special administrative region on July 1, 1997, Hong Kong had been used by Great Britain since the 19th century, according to the Beijing Treaty. Today, Hong Kong is one of the main economic and financial centers of Asia and the whole world.

Despite the fact that Hong Kong is part of China, it exists quite autonomously. It has its own laws and regulations, its own taxation system.

Hong Kong geographically

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is located on the southern coast of China, on the Kowloon Peninsula and a number of islands. The largest island is Hong Kong, where the supreme power and financial and economic center are concentrated. Geographically, Hong Kong can be divided into three parts - Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and the New Territories.

Having a favorable location in the southeast of the South China Sea, near the mouth of the Dongjiang River, the territory is attractive to global investors. Lucrative contracts are concluded here every day, and Hong Kong acts in them both as an independent role and as an intermediary. Hong Kong's special status lies in its certain economic and political independence.

Population density and number in Hong Kong

Now about the population itself. As of 2017, Hong Kong's population is approximately 7.4 million. Moreover, the area of ​​this administrative region is slightly more than a thousand (1092) square kilometers. This fact allows us to say that Hong Kong is a fairly densely populated area in terms of population per square kilometer.

Population density also plays a big role in land and real estate prices. The higher the density, the correspondingly higher the prices. Prices for 1 square meter land in Hong Kong breaks most world records.

Having made some simple calculations, we calculate the population density of Hong Kong, and we get a figure of more than seven thousand people per square kilometer.

Most of the population lives in densely populated areas central regions located on the Kowloon Peninsula and in northern parts Hong Kong Island, where most business and business centers are concentrated.

Nationalities of Hong Kong

When asked how many of the population in Hong Kong represent one or another nation, one can answer that the predominant nationality of people living in Hong Kong is Chinese. They make up about 95%, and are represented for the most part by representatives of the Chinese provinces such as Cantonese, Hakka and Chaozhuo.

Other nationalities are varied, but not so numerous. Hong Kong's population includes Filipinos, Indonesians, Thais, Japanese, Koreans, Pakistanis, Nepalese, Indians, Americans, British, Canadians, as well as a small number of other nationalities.

Languages ​​of Hong Kong

Languages ​​having official status in Hong Kong, it is Chinese and English. However, a resident of Central China would have difficulty understanding the speech of a native Hong Kong resident. And all because of the fact that it is widespread here Chinese language. In writing they are almost indistinguishable, but in hearing they are perceived differently.

Filipino, Indonesian and other immigrant languages ​​are also spoken unofficially.

Western and oriental cultures are so intertwined with each other in Hong Kong that the majority of the Hong Kong population, having Chinese surnames, bears English names (John Lee, Emmy Tan and the like).

Religions and denominations

At the legislative level in Hong Kong, as in other secular countries, free choice of religion is guaranteed. The religions and denominations followed by the population in Hong Kong are diverse due to the immigrants arriving here.

However, the main religions here, as in China, are Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. Some ancient Buddhist temples, monasteries and sculptures date back several hundred years and are still in operation today and attract many religious pilgrims. It's not just the Hong Kong population that flocks to these outstanding monuments.

Catholicism and Protestantism were brought to the colonists immediately after the capture in 1841. The first churches of both Catholics and Protestants appeared already in the 50s of the 19th century. Currently, the estimated population of Hong Kong who adheres to these two Christian denominations is 700 thousand people.

A considerable number among the population of Hong Kong are those who adhere to Islam and Hinduism. In total there are approximately 250-270 thousand people, half of whom are from Indonesia, as well as migrants from India, Pakistan and other Asian countries. Several mosques and an Islamic center have been built for Muslims in Hong Kong.

Unemployment rate

The unemployment rate in Hong Kong can be called average - it is 3-4% of total number population. During the Asian economic crisis at the turn of the century (1998-2003), the unemployment rate reached 6%, but then this figure gradually decreased, in 2010 unemployment reached its minimum (2%), then increased slightly and by mid-2012 it was 3. 2%.

The working age figure for the entire population of Hong Kong fluctuates slightly at 60%.

Areas of employment in Hong Kong

Due to the fact that there is virtually no government control over small and medium-sized businesses in Hong Kong, about 60% of the working population is employed in the private sector. Of the population working in the private sector, 80% are involved in the service sector. This includes trade, tourism business, services in the field of finance, real estate, insurance, utilities and social sphere services.

The population employed in industry is about 11%. Among the industrial sectors, the leading places are occupied by the textile, clothing, electrical and radio-electronic industries, followed by the production of toys, plastic and steel products, applied arts etc.

The population employed in agriculture has a small share. This is due to the fact that the area of ​​agricultural land in Hong Kong is only 6%. The main activities here are vegetable cultivation, pig farming and fishing. Agriculture Hong Kong can only saturate its own market by 20%.


In 1997, after the return of Hong Kong territories to China, the population was resettled from mainland Chinese areas. Mostly from rural areas of China, attracted by the income and availability of jobs. For example, people from the Chinese province of Guangdong are usually employed in low-paid professions such as construction, service and public utilities, or port work.

Also, a significant part of the employment sector is occupied by immigrants from neighboring countries. Most retail and street trade workers are from Pakistan or India. And the female population, who came from Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand, mostly work as service personnel - hotel maids and waitresses.


In terms of demographic aspects, the population of Hong Kong can be considered by age indicators, fertility rates, average life expectancy and population growth rates.

The average birth rate of children in Hong Kong is 203 per day. The mortality rate is almost two times lower and amounts to 122 people per day.

In 2016, natural population growth amounted to more than 29 thousand people. And the annual population growth due to immigrants is at the level of 30 thousand people.

The age of the population of Hong Kong has the following structure: children from birth to 14 years old - within 14%, from 15 years to 64 years old - about 74% and over 65 years old - 12%. The percentage of the female population prevails over the male population and amounts to 51-52%.

Life expectancy in Hong Kong is quite high and corresponds to life expectancy in highly developed countries. For the male population of Hong Kong, the average life expectancy is 79 years, and for the female population - 84 years.

Culture and standard of living

Economically, Hong Kong is a fairly prosperous territory of the PRC. Its economy ranks 9th in the world. Among the world's exporters, Hong Kong ranks 11th. The standard of living here is also one of the highest in the world and is among the top ten countries with the highest this indicator. But one should not think that this is a place where only rich people live.

Life in Hong Kong is quite expensive, the average cost of living here is about 2.5 thousand dollars. The main problem population is purchasing their own housing, you can often find representatives of vulnerable segments of the population living literally in boxes. There is also an acute problem with the lack of clean drinking water.

Despite the fact that the majority of Hong Kong residents adhere to European values ​​and way of life, they still treat their indigenous traditions very carefully and respectfully. For example, all buildings and structures in Hong Kong are built according to the traditional Chinese teachings of Feng Shui. The educated population of Hong Kong believes in the existence of good and evil spirits, dragons and unfavorable numbers. On the streets of Hong Kong you can often find fortune tellers offering fortune telling to passers-by. Many office and stock exchange workers practice traditional Chinese gymnastics in city parks before starting their working day.

The population of the country of Hong Kong (one can consider Hong Kong as a city-state) is literate. The literacy rate is 97% among men and 90% among women. Since 1971 elementary education is compulsory and free; secondary and higher education can also be obtained free of charge or with a small surcharge. But kindergartens, studying at a private school or taking courses are paid.

In Hong Kong, along with institutes higher education, there are 8 highest educational institutions, there are theaters, museums and other cultural institutions.

Victoria Peak, towering 552 meters above Hong Kong - highest point islands. Every year, more than 6 million people climb to its observation deck (373 meters) to see the panorama of the entire island, the New Territories and the mountains visible in the distance. Hong Kong looks most impressive at night, when its skyscrapers are flooded with thousands of lights. At the top, tourists can visit souvenir shops and cafes, as well as look at replicas of celebrities at Madame Tussauds Wax Museum. A high-speed tram takes visitors to the mountain, covering 3.5 kilometers in 8 minutes on rails laid at an angle of 45°.

The Aberdeen area is famous for its houseboats and restaurants.

Kowloon Island Park, designed in typical Chinese style, is a great place to stroll among its sculptures, stones and pavilions. You can come here from 06.30 to 23.00, admission is free.

Symphony of Lights is the world's largest laser show, lighting up 20 skyscrapers in the city's business district every night. This feast of light begins at 20.00, lasts 13 minutes and consists of five parts - Awakening, Energy, Legacy, Friendship and Celebration. The best places to watch the show are the Tsim Sha Tsui waterfront, near the Clock Tower, Avenue of the Stars and the right side of the Star Ferry Pier. You can admire the spectacular spectacle while on the water; renting a boat or speedboat will cost $15-20 per person.

The colorful Shengwan quarter gives an excellent idea of ​​traditional Chinese architecture; many ancient buildings have been preserved on its streets.

The Sik Sik Yuen Wong Tai Temple, located on the Kowloon Peninsula, is dedicated to a monk who, at the age of 15, created a herbal potion that helps get rid of many diseases. Here, in Kowloon, is the Taoist monastery Tin Hau Temple, built in honor of the Goddess of the Sea. The sanctuary is built on the coast and creates the illusion of an underwater temple rising from the water.

On the slope of Sha Tin Hill is the Temple of 10,000 Buddhas, and 400 steps lead to the top of the hill, guarded by statues of sages, none of which are similar to the other.

The village of Aberdeen, located right on the water, is made up of boats that are home to fishing families. Life in the settlement is the same as it was a century ago, despite the presence of a modern metropolis in the neighborhood.

There is another distinctive village of Tai O on Lantau Island; this settlement is often called the “Venice of Hong Kong”. The houses of local residents are built on stilts; you can only approach them by junks (boats). Many tourists visit Tai O to feast on exotic seafood for a nominal fee in miniature cafes where fishermen prepare their fresh catch.

The marshy park, located next to the Mai Po bird sanctuary, introduces visitors to its inhabitants and offers its guests an excellent educational program.

Is Hong Kong an amazing, mysterious country, city or island? Some ordinary people believe that Hong Kong is the capital of China. Of course, this opinion is wrong, since the capital of China is Beijing. In fact, Hong Kong is part of the People's Republic of China. It is a large administrative region located on the Kowloon Peninsula and 260 other islands. One of the islands has the same name as the entire area - Hong Kong.

Hong Kong District

The official name of the territory is the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. For a long time, the part of China located in the southeast belonged to the Chinese Empire. It was inhabited mainly by ethnic Chinese in the 14th century. Over time, this territory found itself at the intersection of sea and land trade routes. Many Europeans decided to settle in this advantageous location. Between 1856 and 1860, during the Opium War, Great Britain took over part of the Kowloon Peninsula. And after some time, she leased the rest of the peninsula for 99 years: until July 1997.

And it became unclear: who owns the country of Hong Kong, whose capital is the city of the same name? In the early 50s, a mass of Chinese refugees poured into the peninsula, along with financial capital. This determined the status of the area. In 1984, China and Great Britain signed a declaration according to which the British side returned its territory to China. China pledged to preserve the social, economic and legislative systems in force at that time for exactly 50 years, starting from the end of the lease.

Hong Kong is the capital of which country?

As a result, a administrative unit with an area of ​​more than 1000 sq. kilometers and with a population of more than 7 million people. This area is very unique. When determining state borders There remains a British checkpoint, and only through it is it possible to enter the territory of Hong Kong and China. The entry visa is issued by the Chinese Embassy. State language are Chinese and English. The local currency is the Hong Kong dollar. The symbol is a white dolphin. There are several religious concessions: Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism.

Finance center

Today Hong Kong is one of the leading financial and trading centers in the world and a major exporter of Chinese goods. It owns 44% of imports. This is a free trade zone, convenient for opening any business. Hong Kong is a land of contrasts. Along with technical progress Ancient culture and centuries-old Chinese traditions coexist closely here. Here you can meet a fortune teller near the temple, and nearby is a large financial center where transactions with oil and gold are carried out. Business people do not have the question: “Hong Kong is the capital of which state?” Everyone knows that countries with the same name!

The entire territory of the region is built up with tall buildings: Hong Kong ranks one of the first in the world in terms of the number of skyscrapers. Special attention attracted by the airport located on the entire island. Availability the latest equipment, radio equipment provides air passengers comfortable conditions. Cleanliness and order, comfortable soft benches, silence and unobtrusive light - all this makes it possible to have a good rest before the flight. Conditions for movement are no less favorable.

Hong Kong infrastructure

Not only at the airport, but everywhere roads and sidewalks have clear markings and signs. Strict adherence to traffic rules, the absence of sound signals, and the colorful design of the streets involuntarily suggest the thought: “Hong Kong is the capital of which country?” It is very different from the rest of China. Huge buildings, shopping and business centers, restaurants, residential buildings - everything is convenient and beautiful.

Kilometer-long suspended pedestrian crossings, bridges, and tunnels make it possible to significantly shorten the journey and arrive at the appointed place in a timely manner. Including to work. A convenient means of transportation is escalators, which are provided in all business areas of the city. There is also a “mid-level”: one of the longest open-air escalator systems in the world. As public transport Double-decker buses and trams are used. Surprisingly, they are all of the old type with wooden benches that were produced at the beginning of the twentieth century. At first glance, this seems strange, but does not spoil the overall impression. It even adds charm to the city. This is what Hong Kong is like. Which country's capital would refuse such a developed infrastructure?

For communication between the islands there are metro and ferries, decorated in a high class. Telephones, computers, and free Internet are available.

Sights of the area

In Hong Kong you can see a lot of interesting and unusual things. Among the skyscrapers, on the roof of the IFC shopping center, there is a park with beautiful lawns, fountains, benches and tables for visitors. On one of the towers there is Observation deck. It offers a magnificent panorama. The city has many museums and a large bronze statue of Buddha.

You can relax and dine in one of the many restaurants and sushi bars, in a quiet and peaceful environment. Living conditions in the country are very favorable, especially for professional specialists: their work is always in demand.

Now it becomes clear what Hong Kong is, the capital of which country, where it is located and why it is interesting for tourists and travelers. In practice it is a separate country, but in fact it is a region of China, Hong Kong, which is very beautiful and unique.

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