Conder deposit. Conder Ridge: a magical ring that contains the world's largest reserves of platinum

:  /  (G) (O) (I) 57.584167 , 134.656389 57°35′03″ n. w. /  134°39′23″ E. d.(G) (O) (I)57.584167° s. w.

134.656389° E. d. (T) A country Russia Region Khabarovsk region Area Ayano-Maisky district Highest point

1398 m Conder at Wikimedia Commons


- a mountain range in the Ayano-Maisky district of the Khabarovsk Territory. It is composed of alkaline-ultrabasic igneous rocks.

The ridge is best known for its almost perfect ring-shaped shape with a diameter of about 8 kilometers and an altitude of 1200 m to 1387 m.


Located 75 km west of the village of Dzhigda and 100 km west-southwest of the village of Nelkan, downstream of the Maimakan River, and 1100 km north of Khabarovsk.

The ridge is located in a harshly picturesque, but inaccessible place. It is not considered a tourist attraction precisely because it is home to a nationally significant platinum mine. Geological structure The ridge owes its origin to igneous intrusion. In other words, as a result of volcanic activity in the bowels of the earth, molten masses fell from the deep to the upper layers

earth's crust

. Because the igneous masses were not pushed to the surface with insufficient force, they only uplifted the surface shales, thus forming a circular ridge. View of the Konder ridge from a helicopter The rocks of the massif are exposed among Archean metamorphic complexes and overlying terrigenous deposits of Upper Proterozoic age. The massif has a regular round shape in plan with a diameter of about 7.5 km, broken by two apophyses of diorites in the south and northeast. The structure of the massif is concentrically zonal, characterized by the presence of a central core and a surrounding rim, consisting of concentrically closed rings formed by rocks different composition reach 6.5 km. Clinopyroxenites, peridotites and melanocratic gabbroids of normal alkalinity form a relatively narrow ring zone around the dunite core up to 500 meters thick. Numerous dike-like bodies of kosvites also form a ring zone along the periphery of the ultramafic stock; in addition, they form a large field in the center of the massif and are found in the form of isolated vein bodies among dunites, peridotites and clinopyroxenites. Among the kosvites there are areas of coarse-grained apatite-biotite-titanomagnetite-pyroxene rocks. Crossing vein and dike formations, represented by alkaline nepheline-syenite pegmatites, are also widespread throughout the massif. Along the periphery of the Konder intrusion, carbonatites are located in the form of veins with a thickness of 0.5 to 45 m. They form two groups of shear cracks, one of which dips towards the center of the massif at angles of 35° - 50°, forming a system of conical veins, and the other from the intrusion at angles of 45° - 65°, creating a system of ring dikes. Sometimes carbonatites are intersected by veins of alkaline pegmatites. The faults of the Konder intrusion are represented by radial and ring faults. According to the theory of E. Anderson, radial (conical) faults arise with an increase in vertical pressure in a deep magma chamber, and are shear cracks along the surface of maximum pressure stress. Ring faults, on the contrary, occur when pressure decreases and are often accompanied by the subsidence of a section of rock enclosed within the ring.


In the northern part, where the circle of the ridge opens, the river of the same name, a tributary of Worgalan, flows out of it.

History of development

Despite its incredible beauty and amazing shape, the ring-shaped Konder ridge is not on the list of visited tourist attractions Far East. And it’s not just that the nearest settlement is more than 75 kilometers away, and the territory itself is devoid of infrastructure and abounds in brown bears. Inside the ridge there is the world's largest deposit of platinum - a noble metal whose value is comparable to gold, and in many ways exceeds it.

The Konder ridge is located in the north of the Khabarovsk Territory, in the Ayano-Maisky district. The mountains form an almost ideally shaped ring, the diameter of which is about 8 kilometers. The mountain ring opens only in one place, in the northern part, where the Conder River flowing from it made its way to freedom. It is interesting that, despite the proximity Sea of ​​Okhotsk, the river flows north and belongs to the Arctic Ocean basin. The height of the ridge varies from 1200 to 1387 meters. The nearest settlement is the village of Dzhigda with a population of about 200 people, located 70 kilometers east of the Konder ridge.

Scientists became interested in the ring-shaped mountain back in the 30s of the last century. Initially it was believed that the ridge was of meteorite origin and was formed as a result of an impact celestial body about the surface of the Earth. But large-scale studies conducted in the 1970s showed that this was not the case. According to geologists, Conder was formed as a result of magmatic intrusion. In past geological eras, this area was a zone volcanic activity. Molten magma came to the surface, but in the case of the Conder Ridge, the buoyant force was not enough, and a huge “bubble” of magma only lifted the upper layers of rock, composed of clay shales. It was they who formed the mysterious ridge, which the ancestors of the Yakuts and Evenks considered holy and called Urgula.

Igneous rocks always have a rich set of valuable elements, and the Konder ridge is no exception in this regard. In its central part, a deposit of platinum group metals, unique in its parameters, was discovered. More than 50 minerals containing platinum group elements were found in it, some of which are extremely rare on the planet or are even found only in the Conder deposit. The main platinum mineral of the deposit is isoferroplatinum, which, in addition to platinum, contains valuable iridium. In addition to platinum group metals, gold and silver were found here. The deposit of alluvial platinum inside the ridge, as well as deposits in the valley of the Conder River, have been developed since the 80s of the last century.

Platinum in pure form is a shiny silvery-white metal. The main deposits of this valuable metal are located in South Africa, Russia, China, Canada, Zimbabwe and the USA. Platinum and various alloys containing it are widely used for the manufacture of jewelry, in medicine, in the production of electrodes, laser technology, electromagnetic devices and much more.

Konder is a mountain range in the Ayano-Maisky district of the Khabarovsk Territory. It is composed of alkaline-ultrabasic igneous rocks. Link
In the beliefs of the Evenks and Yakuts, Konder has long been considered a holy mountain called Urgula

Located 75 km west of the village of Dzhigda and 100 km west-southwest of the village of Nelkan, downstream of the Maimakan River, and 1100 km north of Khabarovsk.
The ridge is located in a harshly picturesque, but inaccessible place. It is not considered a tourist attraction precisely because it is home to a nationally significant platinum mine.

Link on the map. Coordinates 57° 37" 50.50" N 134° 39" 22.92" E

The official explanation of this geology of the massif:

The ridge owes its origin to magmatic intrusion. In other words, as a result of volcanic activity in the bowels of the earth, molten masses fell from the deep to the upper layers of the earth's crust. Because the igneous masses were not pushed to the surface with insufficient force, they only uplifted the surface shales, thus forming a circular ridge.

Another one unique feature Conder Ridge - one of the largest platinum deposits in the world located on its territory. Scientists came to this conclusion in the late 1970s, and before that they believed that this was an episodic phenomenon.

Already in 1984, regular work on the extraction of platinum by prospectors of the Amur artel began. As it turned out, the platinum deposits are huge, as evidenced by nuggets weighing from one and a half to three and a half kilograms. In addition, there were also crystalline nuggets. In addition to platinum, a number of other platinoids were found on the territory of the ridge, which also began to be mined industrially, as well as deposited nepheline, black garnet, monticellite, and blue calcite. It also has its own endemic mineral - conderite.
Currently, the Amur Mining Artel (part of the Russian Platinum group of companies) continues to develop the Conder alluvial platinum deposit.

This is not a volcano. The version that the Konder structure was not a volcano in the past is supported by the fact that during large-scale studies during the exploration period and subsequent exploitation, no traces of volcanic activity were identified in the area of ​​the deposit - the so-called effusive (outpoured) rocks of various types. composition, on the contrary, all rocks studied in the massif, including rocks bearing platinum-metal mineralization, can only form at a pressure much higher than atmospheric pressure, i.e. are intrusive (deep).

This video says that initially, platinum was found precisely inside the ring structure, but it ended and prospectors switched to mining it in the river valleys.

So, we’ve read the official information, let’s look and think about this education from a different point of view:

We see that the ring ridge (in itself - not natural in shape and impossible in formation) is located without forest cover on the slopes. This means that he is young in geological age. There can be no talk of any millions of years if not even a layer of turf has been formed to secure the trees on the slopes.
But perhaps the height of the ridge does not allow vegetation to appear here due to the severity of the climate. This is observed in the massifs to the west.

A river flows from the center of the massif, which indicates a large flow of water from the depths

I know what they will say about this whole picture izofatov , Kushelev. And I, perhaps, will join their opinion that this ring-shaped massif is the site of platinum mining sometime in the past. Our advanced ancestors, Gods, evil aliens ravaging planets - this is a complex question. And I don’t dare answer it. But this is exactly the picture that emerges. It is quite possible that the mining was underground, the dumps were brought to the surface in the form of a ring, which we now perceive as natural.
But the most main fact The one thing that screams “pro” is the presence of platinum here on an industrial scale.

On the elevation map, the Conder ridge looks just as unnatural

At the top of the ridge

As you can see, the rock that makes up the massif is crushed rock

View of the basin

Lack of trees on slopes

At the entrance to the "ring"

Prospectors have turned up the river valley

These platinum crystals are sometimes found in the Conder deposit: native platinum; twin crystals about 2 cm; Konder ridge

It’s hard to imagine that just recently our Earth was mercilessly developed. But many facts speak about this.

Addition. For an analogy, I’ll add photographs of circular shafts:

Supposedly the Xiko volcano. Located at the very southern end of the Mexico City metropolis.


- Can Norilsk Nickel and Vladimir Potanin become your allies?

We had and continue to have a good relationship with Vladimir Potanin. We worked together - and successfully - on a number of projects. Several years ago we discussed various options interactions on platinum as well. They also talked about a possible partnership. They talked about the exchange option, so to speak, with “tails”. For us, the main product is platinum group metals, and for Norilsk Nickel it is nickel and copper. The discussion was about exchanging nickel and copper for platinum group metals according to some coefficient. I am sure our dialogue will develop. In any case, Russian Platinum will not be a bull in a china shop in Taimyr; we intend to work normally in cooperation with all interested parties.

- Would you like to see Norilsk Nickel as a partner with an equity participation in the capital of Russian Platinum? Have such proposals been made to Potanin?

Everything is possible with mutual interest.

Back in 2009, we discussed the possibility of Norilsk Nickel's equity participation in our platinum assets. When considering a partnership, we must understand what Norilsk Nickel can offer us. They have infrastructure, we don't. We need to either create everything of our own from scratch, or negotiate with our neighbor. Of course, it is necessary to first understand the economics of this infrastructure, and on this basis, clarify the economics of the development of the entire project. We are ready to continue the dialogue.

- Still, are you ready to sell your stake in Russian Platinum?

In business, something is bought and sold all the time. But today we are not selling anything to anyone.

- In Taimyr there is also a platinum-copper-nickel deposit that is interesting for you, Maslovskoye, which is adjacent to the southern part of Norilsk-1. Norilsk Nickel has included it in its long-term strategy and expects to obtain it without bidding on first-discoverer rights.

The fact is that in Russia, since January 2013, there has been a law according to which rights to subsoil plots of federal significance can only be acquired at auctions. We will definitely take part in the auction. And I am confident that having a license for the southern part of Norilsk-1, we will be able to offer a higher premium for the Maslovskoye field than other companies. For us, taking into account logistics and other things, this will be a single complex with the Chernogorsk field and Norilsk-1. Ore from all three sites will be processed at one mining and processing plant.

- But your victory in the competition for Norilsk-1 caused such a strong protest from Norilsk Nickel... What kind of reaction do you expect when declaring your interest in Maslovsky, which the MMC actually considers its own?

I don't expect any reaction. We work in the legal field. If the state puts a site up for auction and I participate in it, I should not think what other companies will think. I'm just calculating my economics. Of course, this takes into account the possibility of interaction with other partners, including Norilsk Nickel.


We believe that we can complete this project on our own. But if we see that we can’t cope, no one is stopping us from attracting global companies with their management capabilities, metal extraction technologies, and logistics as minority shareholders. We will discuss it, because the task of the project is to make its economy as profitable as possible.

- Have you already received offers from foreigners?

There is a working dialogue going on.

- This summer, Russian Platinum announced that if it does not gain access to the port of Dudinka, it will build its own terminal on the Yenisei?

In the Khabarovsk Territory, we transport products from Konder (platinum deposit) along the winter road more than 500 kilometers towards the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. In Norilsk there will be 230 kilometers. That is, the winter road will be more than two times shorter. If we fail to agree on Dudinka, we will build our own terminal. It's about about an investment of 20-30 million dollars, and construction will take six months. So far there has been no progress in the dialogue on Dudinka. However, every cloud has a silver lining: if we build a terminal in Igarka and a highway from there, we will not only increase our own capitalization - all major settlements north Krasnoyarsk Territory.

- Russian Platinum acquired the Zimny ​​gas site in the Krasnoyarsk Territory to supply its projects. And you have already said that you can sell it if you agree with Norilskgazprom on supplies. How are the negotiations going?

Here, too, there are no specifics yet. The fact is that we bought the deposit based on the fact that we have no energy sources. But if we come to an agreement with Norilskgazprom and we have supply guarantees for 50 years, then the rights to the field can be transferred as payment or sold on the market.

- Do you have problems with the administration of the city of Norilsk in terms of access to infrastructure and obtaining permits for construction?

At first, the city administration was wary of our arrival in the Norilsk industrial region. Today the ice has broken; we are in dialogue. At a meeting in Krasnoyarsk on December 10, the chairman Legislative Assembly Krasnoyarsk Territory Alexander Uss and the head of the city of Norilsk Oleg Kurilov took the initiative to create a quadripartite working group with the participation of the region, the city, Russian Platinum and Norilsk Nickel to resolve urgent issues of interaction and determine areas for further cooperation in solving economic and social issues

Once again, readers themselves provide an interesting link to unique and unknown places on our planet. Blog author gorynych1 shared a link to a ring-shaped mountain range in the Khabarovsk Territory. I suggest you look at all its unusualness.

1398 m- a mountain range in the Ayano-Maisky district of the Khabarovsk Territory. It is composed of alkaline-ultrabasic igneous rocks.

The ridge is best known for its almost perfect ring-shaped shape, with a diameter of about 8 kilometers and an altitude of 1200 to 1387 meters. In the beliefs of the Evenks and Yakuts, the Konder ridge has long been considered a holy mountain called Urgula. It is located 75 km west of the village of Dzhigda and 100 km west-southwest of the village of Nelkan, downstream of the Maimakan River, and also 1100 km north of Khabarovsk.

The ridge is located in a harshly picturesque, and at the same time in a remote place. It is not considered a tourist attraction precisely because it is home to a nationally significant platinum mine.

Coordinates of the place on the map: 57°37’50.50″N and 134°39’22.92″E.

The official explanation of this geology of the massif:

The ridge owes its origin to magmatic intrusion. In other words, as a result of volcanic activity in the bowels of the earth, molten masses fell from the deep to the upper layers of the earth's crust. Because the igneous masses were not pushed to the surface with insufficient force, they only uplifted the surface shales, thus forming a circular ridge.

Another unique feature of the Conder ridge is one of the largest platinum deposits in the world located on its territory. Scientists came to this conclusion in the late 1970s, and before that they believed that this was an episodic phenomenon.

Already in 1984, regular work on the extraction of platinum by prospectors of the Amur artel began. As it turned out, the platinum deposits are huge, as evidenced by nuggets weighing from one and a half to three and a half kilograms. In addition, there were also crystalline nuggets. In addition to platinum, a number of other platinoids were found on the territory of the ridge, which also began to be mined industrially, as well as deposits of nepheline, black garnet, monticellite, and blue calcite. It also has its own endemic mineral - conderite.

Currently, the Amur Mining Artel (part of the Russian Platinum group of companies) continues to develop the Conder alluvial platinum deposit.

This is not a volcano. The version that the Konder structure was not a volcano in the past is supported by the fact that during large-scale studies during the exploration period and subsequent exploitation, no traces of volcanic activity were identified in the area of ​​the deposit - the so-called effusive (outpoured) rocks of various types. composition. On the contrary, all rocks studied in the massif, including rocks bearing platinum-metal mineralization, can only form at a pressure much higher than atmospheric pressure, that is, they are intrusive (deep).

This video says that initially, platinum was found precisely inside the ring structure, but it ended and prospectors switched to mining it in the river valleys.

So, we have read the official information, let's look and think about this education from a different point of view.

Note that the ring ridge, which itself is not natural in shape and impossible in formation, is found without forest cover on the slopes. This means that he is young in geological age. There can be no talk of any millions of years if not even a layer of turf has been formed to secure the trees on the slopes.

But perhaps the height of the ridge does not allow vegetation to appear here due to the severity of the climate. This is observed in the massifs to the west.

A river flows from the center of the massif, which indicates a large flow of water from the depths.

Perhaps I will join the opinion that this ring-shaped massif is a place where platinum was mined sometime in the past. Our advanced ancestors, the “Gods,” evil aliens ravaging the planets. This is exactly the picture that emerges. It is quite possible that the mining was underground, the dumps were brought to the surface in the form of a ring, which we now perceive as natural.

But the most important fact that screams “for” the above explanation is the presence of platinum in that place on an industrial scale.

On the elevation map, the Conder ridge looks just as unnatural.

View from the top of the ridge.

As you can see, the rock from which the massif is composed is crushed rock.

These platinum crystals are sometimes found in the deposit near Conder: native platinum, twin crystals about 2 centimeters in size.

It’s hard to imagine that just recently our Earth was mercilessly developed. But many facts speak about this.

For an analogy, I will add photographs of circular shafts. There are similarities between the Conder ridge and the circular ramparts.

As an example, the supposed Xiko volcano. Located at the very southern end of the Mexico City metropolis.

The scale, of course, is not the same, but building such shafts with shovels...
Labor costs are more than for a fortress, but efficiency is less. In general, there is such a version...

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