Notes on sound automation with syllables. Staging and automation of sound C: notes of an individual lesson. Basic correctional and speech therapy work

Summary of individual speech therapy session in 4th grade.

Topic: Sound automation [C].

Goal: Automation of the sound [S] in syllables, words, sentences, phrases and coherent speech using the lexical and grammatical material “Winter”

    Automation of the sound [S] in syllables, words, sentences, phrases, coherent speech.

    Develop speech breathing, articulatory motor skills, fine motor skills, attention, memory.

    Develop phonemic awareness, enrich lexicon, form grammatical skills, develop coherent speech.

    Cultivate hard work.

Equipment: mirror, subject and subject pictures, symbol pictures, computer, task cards.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Organizing time.

We always speak beautifully

Loud and leisurely

We speak clearly

Because we're in no hurry.

2. Breathing exercises.

    Inhale through the nose, exhale through the nose.

    Inhale through the mouth and exhale through the nose.

    Inhale through the mouth and exhale through the mouth.

    Inhale through the mouth and exhale through the nose. Blowing on a snowflake.

3. Articulation gymnastics.

"Visiting the tongue."

4.Message about the topic of the lesson.

Guess a riddle:

White flakes are flying
They fall quietly and circle.
Everything turned white.
What covered the paths? (Snow.)

What sound did you hear at the beginning of the word “snow”?

Today in class we will pronounce the sounds [S] in syllables, words and sentences.

5. Description of sound articulation

Make the sound [C] (The child makes the sound in front of the mirror.)

Clarify the articulation of sound.

How are the lips positioned when pronouncing the sounds [C]?

Where was the tongue when we pronounced the sounds [S]?

When we pronounce the sounds [S] what kind of air comes out?

6. Automation of the sound [S] in syllables, words, phrases.

Read the syllables and pronounce them

Conjugate-reflected speech.

Speak 2 times

Icicle, snowfall, descent, pine, condition, snowflake.

Sa-sa-sa where does the fox live?

Su-su-su saw a fox in the forest

Sy-sy-sy the fox has a long tail.

Remember and tell a simple poem about a wasp.

Sa-sa-sa there is a wasp in the garden,

Sa-sa-sa a wasp is flying towards me,

Sy-sy-sy, the wasp has a mustache,

Si-sy-sy there is no wasp in the garden.

7. Finger gymnastics.

One day the mice came out (we moved the fingers of both hands on the table).

See what time it is (pull back the sleeve on your left hand right hand)

One, two, three, four (put your elbows on the table and bend four fingers in turn)

The mice pulled the weights (we clench and unclench our fists)

One, two, three, four, five (bend five fingers one by one)

And we went for a walk again (we move the fingers of both hands on the table).

8. Give a complete answer to the question.

When does the snow melt?

What does lemon taste like?

What can a magician do?

Who's sitting on the bitch?

What's on the table?

Which last sound in the word "forest"?

9. Game "1-5"

Count from 1 to 5 the word icicle, snowflake.

10. Conjugate verbs according to the pattern

I'm sledding.

You, he, she, we, you, they.

11. Game "Confusion".

Read the words and make a beautiful sentence.

Sonya, Sanya, sled, ride, on, and

Pine trees, forest, snow, covered in

Fox, winter, fluffy, fur, o

12. Physical training

13. Game “On the contrary”

The onions are bitter, and the sugar...

The lion is strong, and the kitten...

The bush is low, and the tree...

Katya has dark hair, and Valya...

Vitya has a new bag, and Taras...

Slava was hungry before lunch, and after lunch...

The laundry is wet after washing, and then...

14. Replace the letter in the middle of the word with C.
What new word did you get?

paw - weasel bear - bowl

brand - modeling - _____

15. Working with text.

Read the text, instead of dots, insert words that suit their meaning.

It was cold and snowy.

It goes often in winter.

It shines, but does not heat.


The children took it and went outside.

Sonya and Slava were blinding.

In winter you can find...

The kids have fun in winter.

Retelling the text.

16. Summary of the lesson.

What sound did we learn to pronounce correctly?

Name words with these sounds.

Assessment of the child's activity.

Dryagina N.S., teacher - speech therapist, Samara.

Topic: Automation of the sound [S] in words and sentences.

    • automation [C] in words, sentences;
    • exercise in selecting antonyms - signs;
    • exercise in dividing words into syllables;
    • development of coherent speech: drawing up common sentences (based on pictures);
    • development of phonemic hearing, memory, attention, thinking.

Equipment: subject pictures, “Bird” manual, Sonya doll.

Progress of the lesson.

  1. Organizing time:
  2. Speech therapist: Hello, Ilya! Now I'll tell you a riddle. Listen.

    “It shines, sparkles, warms everyone.” What is this?

    Child: The sun.

    Speech therapist: Correct. How can we say kindly about the sun?

    Child: Sunny.

    Speech therapist: Well done! Imagine that the sun warms your face and hands, it makes you feel good. Let's stretch, smile, show how good and pleasant we are. A cold wind has blown, you are cold. Let's show how cold and unpleasant it is for us. The sun was shining again.

  3. Speech therapist: Have a seat. Ilya, I suggest you go on a journey. It won't be easy. Let's hit the road. And on the road, you and I will take the sound that is found in the words: owl, bag, helmet, forest, globe...
  4. Child: Sound [s].

    Speech therapist: Tell me what sound [s] is?

    Child: The sound [s] is a consonant, deaf, hard, denoted in blue.

    Speech therapist: Let's walk along the path and sing a song. Repeat after me exactly as I did:

    A hundred - a hundred - a hundred

    Ska - sko - sku

    Sleep - sleep - dreams

    Som - garden - soup

    Chair - table - knock

  5. Speech therapist: Where did the path lead us? There is a river ahead, but there is no bridge. Only some boards are lying... (there are 10 pictures on the table in a pile: catfish, dog, elephant, plane, pan, rhinoceros, fox, bus, forest, trolleybus). Let's look at the planks. And let’s arrange them like this: pictures in the name of which the sound [s] is at the beginning, in the middle, at the end (we use the “Bird” manual)
  6. Speech therapist: Count the pictures. How many “planks” are there?

    Child: There are more “planks” where the sound [s] is at the beginning of the word.

  7. Speech therapist: Now let's build a bridge. Laying out a bridge from these “planks”. First those “tablets” that have 1 syllable, then 2 syllables, 3 syllables.
  8. Child: Forest, elephant - 1 syllable, fox, catfish - 2 syllables, pan, bus, trolleybus, rhinoceros - 3 syllables.

    Speech therapist: Cheerful.

    Child : Sad.

    Speech therapist: Choose a picture where the boy has a cheerful face and where he has a sad one.

    Speech therapist: Wide.

    Child: Narrow.

    Speech therapist: Show me where the bow is wide and where it is narrow.

    Speech therapist: Low.

    Child: Tall.

    Speech therapist: show me where the spruce is tall and where it is low.

    Speech therapist: Cloudy.

    Child: Clear.

    Speech therapist: Show me which picture makes you smile, and which one makes you sad.

    Speech therapist: New.

    Child: Old.

    Speech therapist: show me where the new sandals are and where the old ones are.

    Speech therapist: Well done! What sound was found in each word you said? ([With])

  9. Speech therapist: Let's rest a little, and then we'll move on. Finger gymnastics:
  10. Speech therapist: And here the girl Sonya meets us. Sonya wants to play with you. Look, she has prepared pictures for you. Look carefully and tell me how they differ?
  11. Speech therapist: Look, Sonya has prepared more pictures for you. Let's make sentences based on the pictures, and Sonya will listen. (Sveta eats sushi. Sonya drinks plum juice. The dog eats meat.
  12. Speech therapist: Well done! Sonya really liked your suggestions. She thanks you and gives you a gift. It's time for us to return home. And here is our bridge. We need to go through it again and remember all the pictures. You remember them well, right? If the child is at a loss, then you can offer him help: remember if there were animals, transport, dishes in the pictures... (The child remembers and names the picture. Turning it over and checking the correctness of the answer)

  13. Lesson summary: Our journey has come to an end. What sound accompanied us on this journey? ([WITH]). Well done! You did very well today. I really liked the way you pronounced the sound [C], how you called words backwards.

Maloletkova Marina Vladimirovna

Summary of a subgroup speech therapy lesson

for preschoolers preparatory group

“Automation of the [S] sound in syllables, words and sentences”

Target: Fix the pronunciation of the sound [C] in syllables, words and sentences.


Correctional and educational:

Clarify the articulation and characteristics of sound [C];

Develop skills in agreeing a numeral with a noun; adjective with noun in masculine, feminine and neuter gender;

Develop skills in coordinating words in a sentence;

Pin views by lexical topic"Autumn".

Correctional and developmental:

Develop holistic perception, auditory-speech memory, attention, phonemic awareness;

Develop grammatical structure speech, inflection skills;
- develop visual-spatial concepts;

Develop gross motor skills and coordination of movements;

Correctional and educational:

Promote the formation of positive emotions;

Promote the formation of self-esteem;

The ability to control your own speech.

Equipment: cards for articulation gymnastics, individual mirrors, teaching aid for breathing exercises, cut-out pictures, magnetic letters and numbers, digital chart, teaching aid for the game “Listen, lay out, check!”, ball, object pictures, coloring pages.

Progress of the lesson

1 . Organizational stage.

1) Psychological attitude.

Hello guys. When we pass the ball, we will express wishes to each other for today. (Children take turns saying their wishes.)

I wish you a good day, may everything work out for you today.

2) Creation of a motivational field.

Guys, look at the picture. What season do you think it depicts? Why did you decide so? What's missing from the picture? (Krasok)

And the colors, what colors are needed to make autumn beautiful.

I suggest you bring back the colors of autumn today. To bring back the colors of autumn, you will have to work hard. You will have to speak so correctly and clearly that everyone can understand. Ready?

2. Main part

Guys, look at the first color you can bring back for fall. Yellow. What's in the fall yellow color? Does autumn need yellow paint?

To return the yellow paint to you, you need to do articulation and breathing exercises.

1) Articulation gymnastics.

“Fence”, “Slide”, “Let’s brush your bottom teeth”, “Crocodile”

(Children perform articulation gymnastics using individual mirrors.)

2) Breathing exercises.

We will blow like the autumn wind, but what is the autumn wind?

Blow on the leaves smoothly so that they fly off the fungus.

Blow so that the leaves swirl.

(Children blow on the leaf smoothly and for a long time.)

Do you think you completed the task? Evaluate yourself. Denis, did you have any difficulties? What about your Maxim?

Take yellow paint.

3) Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

What's the next color we'll be bringing back for fall? Red. What is red in autumn? Does autumn need red paint?

To return the red paint, you need to listen to me carefully, think, and then answer.

Listen carefully to the words and determine which sound is the same in all the words: forest, boots, leaf, pine trees.

That's right, it's the sound [S]. The topic of our lesson: sound [S]. Today you will identify the sound [S] by ear, and also learn to pronounce the sound [S] in syllables, words and sentences.

4) Sound characteristics [C].

Tell me what position they should be in lips, teeth, tongue, to pronounce the sound [C] correctly. Take the mirrors and say the sound [S]. Is the air stream warm or cold when pronouncing the sound [C]?

Is [S] a vowel or a consonant? Hard or soft? Voiced or voiceless?

(Children characterize the sound [C] based on the diagram and tactile sensations).

Summarize. Maxim, do you think everything worked out for you, and Denis? Let's bring back the red color for autumn.

5) Development of phonemic hearing

What color will the next paint be? Orange. What will happen in the fall orange color? Does autumn need orange paint?

To get the orange paint back, you have to be very careful. You need to hear the [S] sound in syllables and words.

Game "Clap, don't yawn"

As soon as you hear the sound [C] in a syllable, clap your hands.

Sa, we, so, zu, na, sy, ru, do, se, us, yb, as, us, os.

Game “Listen, lay out, check!”

I will pronounce the words, and as soon as you hear the sound [C] in the word

fill the playing field with a picture (pump, plane).

Words: chest, tablet, stroller, forest, notebook, floor, fox, compass, work.

6) Automation of the sound [C] in open and closed syllables.

What paint will we return? Brown. What will be brown in the fall? Need brown paint?

You will have to work hard and correctly pronounce syllables with the sound [C]

Using the digital scheme, repeat the syllables a given number of times:

Maxim Denis





(Children read the syllables and use the power of their voice to highlight the given syllable)

Fizminutka Game “Drawing autumn”

Most of the paints were returned. Let's draw the signs of autumn with our hands.

We paint a gray, gloomy sky.

(Raise your arms up, use your hands to “paint” the sky left and right.)

We draw big cold puddles.

(Bend over and “draw circles” with freely moving hands below.)

We draw a light drizzle.

(They move their fingers chaotically, lowering their hands from top to bottom, all the way to the floor.)

Development of facial muscles.

In autumn, the weather can change during the day. Imagine that a gloomy gray cloud came running and the rain started dripping, show how people are upset and cower from the cold and wind. Show how people rejoice when the sun comes out again and it gets warmer.

(Children complete the task using facial expressions and symbolic movements.)

7) Automation of the sound [S] in words.

What color will the next paint be? Gray. What will be gray in autumn? Need some gray paint for fall?

To bring back the gray color of autumn, you need to correctly and clearly pronounce words with the sound [C].

Game "One - Many" with a ball.

Let's play the game "One-many" , I say one thing you many and vice versa.

Nose-noses, bus-buses, tray-trays, pineapple-pineapples, foxes-fox, coconuts-coconut.

Game "1,2,5,9".

Make up phrases with the words sock, plane, dog, wasp according to the model.

Sample: one cod, two cods, five cods, nine cods.

8) Automation of the sound [S] in sentences.

What color will the next paint be? Green. Does autumn need some green paint?

To return the green paint, you need to correctly and clearly pronounce words with the sound [C] in sentences. Only the sentences will be enchanted, you need to disenchant them.

Sanya put the boots on.

Sonya wears beads.

A pine tree sits on an owl.

The asters planted the gardener.

A piece of meat bites a dog.

The table was set on the dishes.

Get green paint.

3. Reflection.

All the colors of autumn have returned. Well done boys!

Would you like to see a beautiful, colorful autumn? Then turn over the cards with paints and assemble a picture. Did you get the same pictures? Find the differences.

What sound did you learn to pronounce today?

Which task did you like the most?

What were the difficulties?

4. Homework.

Autumn has prepared coloring books for you, what colors will you use to paint autumn at home?

Topic: Automation of the sound [s’] in syllables, words, phrases.

Goal: to consolidate the clear pronunciation of the sound [s’] in syllables, words, and phrases.

Objectives: Educational: Consolidation of syllabic analysis skills

Correctional and developmental: development of phonemic processes

Educational: developing control over one’s own speech

Equipment: 2 toys (piglets), toy house, wardrobe, costume, paper flowers and leaves, counting sticks, picture maze.

Progress of the lesson

I. Org. moment

Guess the riddle and find out who will come to our class today. Crochet tail, heel nose. Who is this? (Piglet).
Right. This is what we have. (The speech therapist shows the toy). And his name is Sema. He is going to go visit his friend Masyana.

II. Articulation gymnastics

In order to go on a visit, you need to wash, get dressed, dress up. Sema goes to brush her teeth. How does Sema brush his teeth and tongue? (Example: brush your lower teeth, clean your tongue). Sema brushed his teeth and smiled. How did Sema smile? (Exercise smile).

III. Face massage

And now Syoma is washing his face. And we wash our face,
We rub our cheeks together.
Wash your nose, ears, forehead,
So we washed ourselves and moved on.

VI. Mimic gymnastics

Sema thinks about what to wear. He remembered that he had a suit and was happy. (Show how happy Sema was).
I opened the wardrobe and didn’t find the suit. I was surprised. Then I got upset. (How surprised, upset?).
I found a suit. I was happy. (How happy were you?).

V. Articulation analysis

What sound do I highlight in the names SEMA, MASYANYA. Say it.
What shape do your lips take when you pronounce the sound [s’]? Where is your tongue when you pronounce this sound?

VI. Sound Characteristics

Tell me what you know about the sound [s’]?
Is the sound [s’] a vowel or a consonant? Hard or soft? Voiced or voiceless?

VII. Breathing exercises

The wind blew and autumn leaves flew into the room. They urgently need to be removed. Sema can’t cope quickly on his own, help him. (Blowing paper leaves off the surface of the table. Control over the air stream that should come from the tongue is required.)

VIII. Development of phonemic hearing in syllables

Pig Sema came up with a game for his friend and wants to consult with you: do you think Masyanya will like such a game? I name the syllables, and as soon as you hear the sound [s’], you clap your hands.
- SYA-; -SE-; - RY-; - YAS-; - AXLE-; -BA-; -AR-; -ASH-; ETC.

IX. Consolidating sounds in syllables, developing a sense of rhythm

Well, it's time to hit the road. But the trouble is, the door slammed shut. Piglet Sema cannot get out of the house. To open the door, you need to cast a spell. I'll try to help you. Repeat after me.
SYA - SYA; SYA - SYA - SYA; ya - ya; ya - ya - ya;
SIO - SIO; SIO - SIO - SIO; Yos - Yos; Yos - Yos - Yos;
SY - SY; SYU - SYU - SYU; Yus - Yus; Yus - Yus - Yus;
The last spell turned out to be correct and the door opened.

X. Fixing sounds in words

"Picture Labyrinth" Look how confusing the path is. Now you and Sema will walk along this path, and so as not to get bored, sing the song s’ - s’ - s’. On this path you will meet baby animals and birds, be prepared! (The child runs his finger through the maze, naming the cubs that he meets along the way: elk calf, lynx calf, piglet, fox cub, gosling.)
XI. Finger gymnastics
Let's count who you met?
(The child names the cubs and bends his fingers.)
You greeted everyone you met. Who did you say hello to?
(He lists who he greeted (he said hello to the little fox, to the gosling, to the calf of elk, etc.), while connecting the thumb to the other fingers one by one.)

XII. Development of phonemic hearing in words

You have come to a boring clearing, there is not a single flower on it. Let's try to decorate it? I will name the words, and you will repeat after me. As soon as you hear the sound [s’], you will put the flower in the clearing. (SIEVE, DESK, SEVEN, CANCER, VILLAGE, PIG, NOTEBOOK, LETTER, NET, PEN, CHITCH).

XIII. Syllable analysis

There is a river in front of you. There is no way to cross it. We need to make a bridge. To do this, break down the words into syllables. How many syllables are in a word, so many shelves you put. (JELLOW, Ribbon, GOOSE, TEN, NORTH, SIEVE, ELK. LYNX, ORANGE).
XVI. Nouns agree with adjectives
So you got to Masyanya, and he meets you. Tell me, Masyan, who did you meet? What are they?
(We met a calf, a gosling, etc. A gosling - small, yellow, etc. a calf - ...., a piglet ...

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Objective of the lesson: automating sound pronunciation [C]

Lesson objectives:

  • Reinforce the correct pronunciation of the sound [C] in syllables and words.
  • Improving articulatory motor skills;
  • Develop auditory attention, thinking, creative imagination;
  • Develop gross and fine motor skills, tactile sensations.
  • Improve syllabic analysis skills;
  • Teach the child to listen carefully to the adult’s speech and answer questions;
  • Develop phonemic awareness;
  • Develop attention, thinking, fine motor skills;
  • Develop coherent and figurative speech;
  • Develop perseverance and self-control skills


A noisy drawing with the image of a wasp, a mirror, a cutting picture, a ball, paper models of wasps, a Zvukoznaika toy, pictures of the rules of behavior in a speech therapist’s office, a Su-jok ball.



L.: Hello, do you remember who is waiting for you here?

L.: That’s right, Zvukoznayka, let’s say hello to him.

Let's say “hello” with our hands,
Let's say “hello” with our eyes,
Let's say “hello” with our mouth.

The child and the Zvukoznaika greet each other.

L.: Zvukoznayka missed you very much, and he wants to tell and show you a lot.

L.: But first, let’s remember our rules, what these signs are on our wall and what they mean.

Speech therapy room signs: 1. Do not put your hands in your mouth.

2. Listen carefully to the speech therapist

L.: Well done, visiting Zvukoznayka, you shouldn’t put your hands in your mouth, and you also need to listen carefully.


Zvukoznaika has a guest today, try to guess who it is.

Look carefully at the picture and listen to the riddle.

Zvukoznayka ate jam
Yes, how his eyes bulge out
flew to visit him

Who is visiting Zvukoznayka?

L.: That's right, it's a striped wasp.

What sound do we hear in the middle of the word wasp?

Correct [C].

1. Psycho-gymnastics

Facial exercises

L.: Here is a mirror that will help us depict how Zvukoznayka met the wasp:

L.: – Zvukoznayka ate jam

Let's feign pleasure

- Yes, my eyes bulged out

Now let's act surprised

– A striped wasp flew to visit him.

Let's show how Zvukoznayka was happy with his guest.

L.: Well done, you did great.

2. Articulation gymnastics

L.: Now let’s show Zvukoznayka and his guest what our tongue can do.

  • "Swing".

Open your mouth.
On the count of 1, place the tip of the tongue behind the upper teeth.
On the count of 2, place the tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth.

  • "Slide".

Open your mouth slightly. Press the lateral edges of the tongue against the upper molars. Place the tip of your tongue against your lower front teeth. Hold in this position for 15 seconds.

  • “Let's brush our teeth.”

“Brush” the lower teeth from the inside with the tip of your tongue (from left to right, from top to bottom). The lower jaw is motionless.

  • "Coil".

Place the tip of the tongue against the lower front teeth, and press the lateral edges of the tongue against the upper molars. Roll the wide tongue forward and move it deep into the mouth.

  • “Fence.”

Smile, exposing your closed teeth with tension.

3. Exercise to form the correct air stream.

“Let’s help the bees fly.”

“Paper bees” are suspended above the table; let’s gently blow on them. Make sure that the child does not puff out his cheeks while performing the exercise.

4. Working with syllables.

L.: The striped wasp flew well, and while she is resting, we will play an interesting game “Ball”.

Game "Ball".

L.: Throw the ball and repeat the syllable.

The speech therapist says a syllable, the child will repeat the heard syllable in response.

sa - so - su - sy as – os – us – ys
hundred - hundred - stu - sty ast – ost – mouth – yst
hundred - stu - sty - hundred ost - mouth - yst - ast
stu - sty - hundred - hundred mouth - yst - ast - ost
sty – hundred – hundred – sty yst – ast – ost – mouth

5. Development of fine motor skills.

Finger gymnastics using su-jok therapy.

L.: Well done, now it’s time to play with our magic rings and balls.

6. Working with cut pictures.

L.: The Wasp brought a picture as a gift to Zvukoznaika, but accidentally tore it, help me put it back together.

L.: You did an excellent job with this task, well done.

7. Learning pure talk - enumeration.

L.: And Zvukoznayka also prepared interesting sayings for us. Let's say them together, pay close attention to the sound [C], it should sound clear and beautiful.

Sa-sa-sa, sa-sa-sa -
They threw away their belts.
Sa-sa-sa, sa-sa-sa -
The dog was bitten by a wasp.
Sa-sa-sa, sa-sa-sa -
The mower sketched the oats.
Sa-sa-sa, sa-sa-sa -
We wrote down the addresses.
Sa-sa-sa, sa-sa-sa -
Oksana has sausage.

8. Phonemic awareness.

Game “Catch the Sound”.

L.: I will say the words, and when you hear the sound [S], clap.

Bass, chair, horse, kvass, herd, wasp, book.


It's time to say goodbye to Zvukoznaika, he really enjoyed playing with you. Remember who came to visit Zvukoznaika today?

What did the wasp bring with it? What sound did we play with?

Well done, Zvukoznaika will be waiting for you to visit.

Have questions?

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