A terrible accident occurred in the west of the capital. Punishment for a fatal accident

In Daytona Beach, USA, on February 23, at the popular NASCAR series car race, a massive collision of racing cars occurred, as a result of which debris from the cars flew into the stands, injuring spectators. As of this hour, the number of victims is 32 people. The exact number of wounded is being clarified.

The accident happened before the last lap of the race. The car crashed at great speed into the fence that separates the spectator stands from the track, as a result of which debris from cars and fences flew into the stands, hitting the spectators.

The car that crashed into the fence also received severe damage to the front end.

Immediately after the incident, ambulance crews and 911 service transported the victims to local medical clinics. According to foreign press reports, 6 people are in serious condition.

This event will leave a dark mark on the famous Daytona Beach-Nascar auto racing circuit. We offer you a video to watch the recording of this terrible accident during the last lap of the race.


In Russia there are more than three thousand six hundred chemically hazardous facilities, and one hundred forty-six cities with a population of more than one hundred thousand people are located in zones of increased chemical danger.

Today's release of toxic substances in Moscow belongs to the category of so-called. non-catastrophic incidents of exceeding the norms for the content of any substance in the atmosphere. But humanity has experienced a huge number of man-made emergencies associated with chemicals. Here are the 8 biggest...

1. Seveso, Italy

In 1976 at chemical plant An accident occurred in the Italian city of Seveso, as a result of which an area of ​​more than 18 km was contaminated with dioxin. More than 1,000 people were injured, and there was widespread death of animals. Elimination of the consequences of the accident lasted more than a year.

2. Flixborough, England

On June 1, 1974, at a chemical plant in the UK in the city of Flixborough, an accident occurred at the Nipro plant, which was producing ammonium. In terms of its power, the explosion was equal to the effect of a 45-ton TNT charge if it had been detonated at a height of 45 meters from the ground. As a result of the incident, 55 people were killed and 75 were injured.

3. Suzhou, China

In China, in September 1978, as a result of an accident at a chemical plant in the city of Suzhou, 28 tons of sodium cyanide spilled into the river. This number is enough to kill 48 million people, but the Zhongguo Qingnian Bao newspaper reported that the number of victims was only 3 thousand.

4. Bhopal, India

One of the most significant global chemical disasters of the 20th century was the explosion at the Union Carbide plant, which occurred on December 2, 1984 in Bhopal (India) and led to the poisoning and death of 4,035 people. More than 40 thousand people were affected. A cloud of 43 tons of toxic methyl isocyanate gas (the toxicity of methyl isocyanate is 2-3 times greater than the toxicity of phosgene), which escaped from the plant, contaminated an area 5 km long and 2 km wide.

5. Sandoz plant, Switzerland

On November 1, 1986, a fire occurred in the warehouse of a chemical factory in Switzerland. While extinguishing the fire, about 30 tons of agricultural pesticides spilled into the Rhine. Millions of fish died and drinking water was contaminated.

6. Yaroslavl, Russia

In 1988, during a train accident in Yaroslavl, a spill of heptyl, which belongs to the first toxicity class, occurred. About 3 thousand people were in the possible destruction zone. About 2 thousand people and a large amount of equipment took part in eliminating the consequences of the accident.

7. Jonave (USSR, Lithuania)

In 1989, a chemical accident occurred in Jonava (Lithuania). About 7 thousand tons of liquid ammonia spilled over the territory of the plant, forming a lake of toxic liquid with a surface area of ​​​​about 10 thousand square meters. m. As a result of the fire, a warehouse with nitrophoska caught fire, its thermal decomposition with the release of toxic gases. The depth of spread of contaminated air reached 30 km and only favorable meteorological conditions did not lead to the defeat of people.

8. Mexico

In August 1991 in Mexico during train accident 32 tanks containing liquid chlorine derailed. About 300 tons of chlorine were released into the atmosphere. In the area where the contaminated air spread, about 500 people suffered injuries of varying severity, of which 17 people died on the spot. From the nearest settlements Over a thousand residents were evacuated.

What to do in the event of a hazardous chemical release

All this poses a serious danger to people, given the high population density in cities. Therefore, even “after the chemical alarm goes off,” experts advise:

  • do not eat fruits and herbs from the garden or any products displayed for sale in the open air;
  • do not eat eggs, as well as meat from livestock and poultry slaughtered after the alarm was declared in the contaminated area;
  • do not drink both well water and tap water, since both the source and the water supply may be contaminated;
  • avoid drinking milk received after the alarm was declared;
  • eat canned food or purchased before the disaster.

What to do in case of a chemical accident. Video of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

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An industrial accident is an unscheduled stop or disruption of the production process at an enterprise, which leads to material damage and loss of life. A dangerous man-made incident can cause the destruction of buildings, failure of equipment and vehicles, and harm to the natural environment.

A disaster is an industrial accident of large scale, resulting in a large number of human casualties.

Causes of industrial accidents

An object National economy or other purpose, in the event of an accident in which the death of people, animals and plants is possible, there is a threat to health or material damage and the environment natural environment, is a potentially hazardous production facility.

The causes of industrial accidents and disasters can be:

  • violation of production technology;
  • violation of the rules for operating machines, tools, structures and safety precautions;
  • defects in the construction of structures and installation of technical equipment;
  • violation of repair work regulations;
  • improper organization of the production process;
  • natural disasters.

The consequences of industrial accidents are explosions, fires, destruction of residential and industrial facilities, failure of machinery and equipment. Often, industrial accidents result in large-scale air pollution and the release of aggressive liquids and petroleum products.

and dangers

Accidents with the threat of release of biologically active substances are incidents with a relatively rare probability, due to the need to keep information secret, as well as the timely implementation of measures to prevent such emergencies. Possible during the use of substances in enterprises or during transportation, dangerous due to severity possible consequences for the population.

Destruction of buildings and structures - incidents provoked by indirect factors: exceeding the permissible number of people by limited areas, strong vibrations from passing traffic, excessive pressure on the upper floors of the building. Types of collapses: transport communications, industrial buildings, residential and social buildings.

Accidents in electric power and utility systems lead to complications in the life of the population, disruptions in industrial activity and agriculture.

Accidents at industrial treatment plants entail not only negative consequences for operating personnel, but also lead to massive emissions harmful substances into the surrounding space (autonomous power plants and power grids with long interruptions in power supply, damage to transport and electrical contact networks).

Hydrodynamic accidents are industrial accidents that occur as a result of the destruction of hydraulic structures. The consequences may include flooding, destruction of buildings, loss of life, disruption of navigation, destruction material assets. The largest number of industrial accidents and disasters occur at explosive facilities and hydraulic structures that are potentially dangerous. Industrial accidents include those that occurred due to the release of harmful gases and pollutants, the release Wastewater at hydraulic structures.

Causes of man-made accidents

Man-made accidents occur due to the following reasons:

The danger increases significantly in the presence of panic, dissemination of provocative information, and failure to comply with authorized persons.

Technical causes of the accident

These include factors independent of the organization of work:

  • flaws in technological processes and tools; design flaws;
  • insufficient mechanization of work;
  • imperfection of fences;
  • low quality of safety devices and alarm systems;
  • low degree of strength of materials;
  • unsafe characteristics of materials and reactions formed during production.

Organizational causes of the accident

Relating to the organization of work:

  • deficiencies in area maintenance, including aisles and driveways;
  • incorrect location of equipment;
  • poor organization of workplaces;
  • violation of the rules for operating tools, equipment, vehicles;
  • violation of transportation, warehousing, and storage standards;
  • violation of planned repair standards;
  • deficiencies in worker safety training;
  • improperly organized group work;
  • low degree of technical supervision during hazardous labor processes;
  • use of mechanisms for purposes other than their intended purpose;
  • lack of fences and their malfunction;
  • lack of protective equipment;
  • evasion of compliance with labor standards (overtime work shifts, excessive workload).

Sanitary and hygienic causes of the accident

Causes of accidents due to violation of sanitary standards:

  • high content of toxic fumes;
  • insufficient lighting;
  • noise and ultrasound levels are higher than permissible;
  • unfavorable;
  • strong radioactive radiation higher than permissible;
  • neglect of personal protective equipment;
  • violation of hygiene standards.

Personal reasons for accidents

Failure to comply with internal work regulations, violation of industrial safety rules, illness and other reasons can lead to an accident at a production facility.

Psychophysical reasons include:

  • overstrain of a physical and neuropsychic nature and errors due to stress, monotony of work;
  • discrepancy between psychophysiological characteristics and skills and the nature of the work performed, the ability to perceive and process information;
  • inconsistency of anthropometric data (height, weight);
  • occupational diseases due to exposure to harmful production factors.

Accident investigation

The purpose of a technical investigation of an accident is to establish the conditions and causes of the accident, develop measures to eliminate the consequences and measures to prevent repeated accidents at the facility and other potentially dangerous enterprises.

Investigation of accidents at hazardous production facilities is carried out in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (December 30, 2001 No. 197-FZ) and is accompanied by the following actions:

  • urgently informing the Service exercising control over the facility, the local government body, the insurance company, the trade union community, the state labor inspectorate for the constituent entity of the Russian Federation about the accident;
  • taking measures to protect the life and health of workers, environment, property of third parties from emergency consequences;
  • assistance in maintaining the situation at the scene of the incident until the time of investigation, with the exception of cases when liquidation of consequences and provision of medical assistance are necessary.

  • recording information on photos, video and audio media, a commission is formed to create these materials;
  • measures to eliminate devastating consequences on the object;
  • conducting a technical analysis of the causes of the disaster, taking measures to eliminate and prevent emergency causes;
  • assistance to the commission to investigate the incident at the enterprise.

Actions of the commission

During the investigation, commission members carry out a number of actions necessary to establish the causes of the industrial accident:

  • inspection, creation of photo, audio-video information, diagrams and location of the accident;
  • drawing up a protocol for analyzing the incident;
  • an investigation is underway in cooperation with emergency services;
  • drawing up documentary evidence by interviewing witnesses and explanatory notes from officials;
  • analysis of the circumstances that led to a terrible accident or incident, establishing a list of causes;
  • analysis of the nature of technology violations and operating conditions of the facility;
  • carrying out production control checks;
  • analysis of standards for compliance with industrial safety conditions at energy facilities and hydraulic structures;
  • analysis of compliance of the facility and technologies with design documentation;
  • comparison of the legality of design decisions with their changes and implementation;
  • identification of inconsistencies in the field of equipment use;
  • identifying malfunctions of personnel protective equipment;
  • analysis of personnel qualifications;
  • checking the insurance contract regarding damage caused during work at the site;
  • checking the quality of technical documentation for equipment operation;
  • establishing the causes of a man-made accident and restoring the details of its development based on interviews with witnesses, analysis of documentation, expert opinions, and the results of an investigative experiment;
  • identification of deviations from industrial safety standards and analysis of the behavior of persons responsible for errors;
  • checking the performance of duties by the production control service;
  • development of methods to eliminate the preconditions for the accident and its reoccurrence;
  • preliminary determination of the amount of damage, taking into account direct losses, socio-economic losses, damage due to improperly used potential of the facility, harm caused to the environment.

An integral document for preparing for a technical investigation into the causes of an industrial accident is a calculation of economic damage, signed by the management of a structural unit.

Based on the results of the investigation, the head of the structural unit issues an order to eliminate the preconditions and consequences of the accident, introduce measures to stabilize production and bring to justice those who committed violations of legislative, regulatory requirements RF.

Materials of technical investigation

The list of materials regarding the causes of the accident is appointed by the chairman of the commission, taking into account the nature of the accident.

Documentation regarding the cause of the incident at the site includes:

  • an order to create a commission to investigate the technical causes of the accident;
  • act of investigation;
  • accident scene investigation report with photo and video materials;
  • report of the commission chairman on the expert opinion, if necessary;
  • expert research on the details of the accident with the provision of calculations, graphical applications, etc.;
  • reports from the services of mine rescue units, gas rescue, and paramilitary units on the process of eliminating the accident;
  • protocols for interviewing employees involved in the accident and safety officials;
  • certified copies of personnel training documentation, excerpts from labor safety briefing logs;
  • certificates of financial, economic, environmental damage;
  • an industrial incident report according to the established template;
  • a copy of the risk insurance contract for injury at work;
  • facts about violations of industrial and energy safety standards in the documentation listing the points;
  • data on untimely notification of relevant organizations about the accident.

Documentation accounting

The commission for technical investigation of the causes of the accident considers the originals of documents, in addition - copies and extracts from them, certified by authorized persons at the facility. Documents must be correctly executed, without corrections, erasures, or additions.

The result of determining the causes of the accident is recorded in the investigation report, which is stored for up to two years. A set of materials is sent to the territorial body of the investigation service, organizations that took part in the investigation of the causes of the disaster, and other bodies.

Incidents are recorded by employees and services responsible for production control industrial safety in the registration log, which indicates the date, location, characteristics, causes of the incident, downtime, amount of damage, methods for eliminating the causes of the accident.

There are about 45 thousand potentially unsafe industrial production facilities operating on the territory of the Russian Federation, as a result of which people suffer and die.

November 14 An accident occurred at the Avisma plant in the city of Berezniki, Perm Territory, as a result of which three men died and 21 people were hospitalized. It was initially reported that there was a release of chlorine at the plant. However, according to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, people died, its composition began to be established by the investigation. The cause of the accident at the enterprise was work carried out when the fan was not working.

4th of July occurred at the Devon polymer production plant in the village of Levashovo, Vyborg district of St. Petersburg. Three people were injured.

12 June in Moscow at a refrigeration plant occurred with a volume of one liter. At the time of the leak chemical substance There were 12 employees at the cold storage plant, all of them were evacuated. There were no casualties.

May 27 in Moscow, at a fruit and vegetable base located on Kavkazsky Boulevard, it was used in the production of perfumes and aerosols, as well as in refrigeration units and for extinguishing fires at hazardous facilities. Four people were injured as a result of the accident.

May 19 in Kurgan, thirty liters at the local pharmaceutical plant "Sintez" in workshop No. 1, in the building for the production of synthetic antibiotics. The spill occurred in area 10 square meters. Three people were injured.

May 17 at the Korund chemical plant located in the city of Dzerzhinsk Nizhny Novgorod region. One person was intoxicated with chlorine and was sent to the hospital; seven who came in unwell were treated on the spot.

20th of March in the village of Samarskoye, Azov region Rostov region occurred in a private workshop for packing and refining sunflower oil. As a result of the emergency, one of the female workers died at the scene, the second in a medical facility.
Eight people after poisoning.

February 6 occurred at Bolotnaya station in Novosibirsk region. One quarter of the liquid leaked from the tank with a capacity of 52 tons, and part of the ammonia hydrate leaked along the route. The leaking tank arrived as part of a freight train from the Khimzavodskaya station in Kuibyshevskaya railway and was heading to the Bratsk station of the East Siberian Railway. The tank was immediately unhooked and moved to a dead end. Ammonia hydrate spill on railway station did not affect the schedule of passenger and freight trains.


December 11th An ammonia leak occurred in one of the workshops of the Beloretsk Metallurgical Plant. . The spill area was 15 square meters. 15 workers were evacuated from the scene of the incident; no one was injured.

Nov. 1 A tanker truck carrying ammonia water overturned near the village of Krasnosvobodnoye, Tambov district. The tanker was carrying a 26% ammonia solution, which is used to make fertilizers and is practically safe. From 12 tons. Firefighters washed off the spilled solution with water, and rescuers sealed the neck of the tank.

On the night of September 1 At the Chelyabinsk-Glavny station, smoke was recorded in one of the cars. During the inspection, a carload of bromine was found in a glass container, with several bottles broken. The car was promptly removed from the station to a specially designated area where a cordon was set up. On the same day in the afternoon it was completely liquidated. According to the Investigative Committee (IC), 132 people were injured as a result of the release of bromine vapor, of whom 50 were hospitalized.

July 20 occurred at a non-ferrous metals collection point in the Kirovsky district of Perm. The emergency occurred after cylinders brought for delivery began to be opened at the metal collection point. 29 people were hospitalized.

June 10th an ammonia release occurred in Veliky Novgorod. An incident occurred at OJSC Khladokombinat. 14 people sought medical help. There were no signs of ammonia poisoning. The cause of the incident was an error by the operator of Khladokombinat OJSC, who supplied ammonia to an unused dilapidated pipeline.

April 27 occurred at Khimprom OJSC in Novocheboksarsk (Chuvashia). As a result, five employees of the enterprise received poisoning of varying degrees of severity. The voltage dropped on the enterprise's power grids, which led to the shutdown of electrical installations and their shutdown in building 411 of the electrolysis workshop; an accident occurred with the release of electrochlorine gas into the electrolysis hall and the production premises of the building.
A few hours later, after one accident with the release of chlorine at the enterprise, another occurred. At about 01.25 Moscow time on April 28, during a subsequent check of the equipment and applying a heat load to a series of electrolyzers of the enterprise, one of them depressurized, resulting in repeated local contamination with chlorine in the electrolysis room.


November 22 occurred at a cold storage plant in the north of Moscow. During repair work on the territory of the refrigeration plant located at Leningradskoye Shosse, building 69, a 10-mm pipe through which ammonia passes was depressurized. Automatic protection shut off the ammonia supply. People were evacuated, there were no injuries. The dangerous cloud did not extend beyond the territory of the enterprise.

October 21 in Yekaterinburg, at gas distribution station No. 1 (located in the forested park area of ​​the village of Kalinovka), an odorant chemical was released, which was carried by the wind towards Kalinovka and the city of Berezovsky. Experts discovered and sealed the leak, and also neutralized the odorant in the soil with a manganese solution. There is no threat to people.

August 13 In the Sverdlovsk region, in the chemical workshop of the Turin Pulp and Paper Plant CJSC, a group of acute occupational chlorine poisoning occurred due to a spill of sodium hypochlorite during a violation of the technological process. Four victims were hospitalized.

At night from 14 to 15 February in the city of Krasnokamsk ( Perm region) JSC "Promkhimperm" carried out an overflow of solvent, as a result of which a leak of this substance occurred. While performing this work, a hose broke and two cubic meters of solvent spilled onto the site, which went down the slope through the sewer to wastewater treatment plants LLC "Iodobrom", and then - to the Votkinsk reservoir. As a result, over 50 thousand people were left without water for several days, since the water supply in the city was turned off due to the accident.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources



The Soviet government and its head, Comrade. Stalin instructed me to make the following statement:

Today, at 4 o'clock in the morning, without presenting any claims to the Soviet Union, without declaring war, German troops attacked our country, attacked our borders in many places and bombed our cities - Zhitomir, Kyiv - from their planes , Sevastopol, Kaunas and some others, and more than two hundred people were killed and wounded. Enemy aircraft raids and artillery shelling were also carried out from Romanian and Finnish territory.

This unheard of attack on our country is a treachery unparalleled in the history of civilized nations. The attack on our country was carried out despite the fact that a non-aggression treaty was concluded between the USSR and Germany and the Soviet government fulfilled all the terms of this treaty in all good faith. The attack on our country was carried out despite the fact that during the entire duration of this treaty the German government could never make a single claim against the USSR regarding the implementation of the treaty. All responsibility for this predatory attack on the Soviet Union falls entirely on the German fascist rulers.

After the attack, the German ambassador in Moscow, Schulenburg, at 5:30 a.m. made me, as the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, a statement on behalf of his government that the German government had decided to go to war against the USSR in connection with the concentration of Red Army units in the eastern German border.

In response to this, by me on behalf of Soviet government it was stated that before last minute The German government did not make any claims against the Soviet government that Germany carried out an attack on the USSR, despite its peace-loving position Soviet Union, and that thereby Nazi Germany is the attacking party.

On behalf of the government of the Soviet Union, I must also state that at no point did our troops and our aviation allow the border to be violated, and therefore the statement made by Romanian radio this morning that Soviet aviation allegedly fired at Romanian airfields is a complete lie and provocation. The entire today’s declaration by Hitler, who is trying to retroactively concoct incriminating material about the Soviet Union’s non-compliance with the Soviet-German Pact, is the same lie and provocation.

Now that the attack on the Soviet Union has already taken place, the Soviet government has given our troops an order to repulse the bandit attack and expel German troops from the territory of our homeland. This war was imposed on us not by the German people, not by the German workers, peasants and intellectuals, whose suffering we well understand, but by a clique of bloodthirsty fascist rulers of Germany who enslaved the French, Czechs, Poles, Serbs, Norway, Belgium, Denmark, Holland, Greece and other peoples .

The Government of the Soviet Union expresses its unshakable confidence that our valiant army and navy and the brave falcons of Soviet aviation will honorably fulfill their duty to their homeland, to Soviet people, and will deal a crushing blow to the aggressor.

This is not the first time our people have had to deal with an attacking, arrogant enemy. At one time, our people responded to Napoleon’s campaign in Russia with a Patriotic War and Napoleon was defeated and came to his collapse. The same will happen with the arrogant Hitler, who declared new trip against our country. The Red Army and all our people will once again lead the victorious Patriotic War for the homeland, for honor, for freedom.

The Government of the Soviet Union expresses its firm confidence that the entire population of our country, all workers, peasants and intellectuals, men and women, will treat their duties and their work with due consciousness. Our entire people must now be united and united as never before. Each of us must demand from ourselves and from others discipline, organization, and dedication worthy of a true Soviet patriot in order to provide all the needs of the Red Army, Navy and Air Force to ensure victory over the enemy.

The government calls on you, citizens of the Soviet Union, to rally your ranks even more closely around our glorious Bolshevik Party, around our Soviet government, around our great leader Comrade. Stalin.

Our cause is just. The enemy will be defeated. Victory will be ours.

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