Online test in chemistry oxidation state. Oxidation state. tests. 8th grade chemistry test (8th grade) on the topic. Oxidation state of acid-forming element

Test with an answer on the topic “Compounds of chemical elements. Oxidation state » compiled in accordance with the mandatory minimum basic content educational program O.S. Gabrielyan for the 8th grade chemistry course.

The test can be used to consolidate and test students’ knowledge, to prepare for the State Examination, tests and tests.



Test. Valence. Oxidation state.

  1. The oxidation state is

1) number chemical bonds, formed by an atom chemical element

2) the conditional charge of an atom, calculated on the basis of the assumption that the compound is built according to the ionic type

3) a number equal to the number of electrons in an atom

4) a number equal to the number of electrons in the outer level of the atom

2.Maximum valence of a phosphorus atom:

1)+5 2)V 3)+4 4)IV

3.Minimum valence of a chlorine atom:

1)VI 2) -6 3) I 4)-1

4.Maximum oxidation state of chlorine:

1) VII 2)-2 3)II 4)-1

5. Minimum oxidation state of a carbon atom6

1)V 2)-4 3)II 4)+2

6. An atom of a chemical element cannot have a negative oxidation state:

1) Br 2)N 3)Mg 4)P

7. An atom of a chemical element can have the maximum value of oxidation state +2:

1)Al 2)S 3)Si 4)O

8. Nitrogen has an oxidation state of -3 in the substance:

1)NH3 2)N2O3 3)N2 4)NF3

9. A substance in which the oxidation state of chromium is +6:

1)Cr2O3 2)CrO 3)CrO3 4)Cr

10. In the SCl6 compound, the oxidation states of sulfur and chlorine are respectively equal:

1)+6 and -1 2)-6 and +1 3)+3 and -2 4)+12 and -2



Test task with an answer on the topic “Compounds of chemical elements. Oxidation state" are compiled in accordance with the mandatory minimum content of the main educational program of O.S. Gabrielyan for the 8th grade chemistry course.

The test can be used to consolidate and test students' knowledge, to prepare for the State Examination, tests and tests.

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The degree of oxidation of chemical elements. Tests. Part A. A1. The binary substance is: 1) HNO3 2) CO 3) NaOH 4) H2SO3 A2. Oxidation state of phosphorus in compound P 2 O 5 is equal to: 1) -3 2)0 3)+5 4) +3 A3. The oxidation state +2 is typical for: 1) for metals of group 1 2) for metals of group 3 3) for metals of group 2 4) for non-metals of group 5 A4. Atoms in molecules simple substances and atoms in a free state have an oxidation state of 1) 0 2) -1 3) +1 4) +2 A5. What is the formula of a compound in which the elements have oxidation states +1 and -3? 1)PH 3 2)P 2 O 3 3)PF 3 4)K 3 P A6. Nitrogen has the lowest oxidation state in the compound: 1)NO 2 2)N 2 O 3 3)NH 3 4)N 2 0 A7.Chlorine has an oxidation state equal to zero in the compound: 1) NaCl 2)HCL 3)Cl 2 4)Cl 2 O 7 A8. In connection K 2 S oxidation state of sulfur is equal to: 1) 0 2)+2 3)-2 4)-1 A9. Which line contains the formulas of compounds where chlorine is in the highest and lowest oxidation states: 1) HCL, NaCl 2) Cl 2 O 7, Cl 2 O 3) CL 2 O 3, HCL 4) KCl, Cl 2 O A10. In connection OF 2 the oxidation state of oxygen is equal to: 1)-2 2)-1 3)0 4)+2 Part B. B1.U establish a correspondence between the formula of the substance and the oxidation state of nitrogen in them

Answer: A B C B2. Establish a correspondence between the formula of a substance and the oxidation state of chlorine in it


1. Phosphorus atoms have the same oxidation state in the compounds P 2 O 5 and

1) H 3 PO 3 3) Mg 3 P 2

2) (NH 4) 3 PO 4 4) PH 3

2. Nitrogen atoms have the same oxidation state in the compounds N 2 O 3 and

1) KNO 3 3) Ca(NO 3) 2

2) (NH 4) 2 S 4) NH 3

3. An element has its highest oxidation state in the oxide, the formula of which is

1) CaO 3) Cl 2 O

2) P 2 O 3 4) NO 2

4. Phosphorus has the lowest oxidation state in compounds

1) P 2 O 5 2) Mg 2 P 3 3) PCl 3 4) K 3 PO 3

5. Chlorine has the highest oxidation state in the compound

1) KClO 4 3) CaCl 2

2) Ca(ClO 3) 2 4) NH 4 Cl

6. The sulfur in the compound has the same oxidation state as silicon in Na 2 SiO 3

1) K 2 SO 4 2) (NH 4) 2 S 3) H 2 SO 3 4) Al 2 S 3

7. Carbon has the highest oxidation state in the compound

1) Al 4 C 3 2) CH 4 3) Na 4 C 4) CO 2

8. In which of the compounds is the oxidation state of sulfur equal to +4?

1) K 2 SO 3 2) H 2 SO 4 3) (NH 4) 2 S 4) Fe 2 (SO 4) 3

9. Nitrogen atoms have same degree oxidation in compounds

1) NH 4 Cl and NF 3 3) Ca 3 N 2 and KNO 3

2) NO 2 and NO 4) N 2 O 3 and HNO 2

10. The oxidation states of nitrogen and phosphorus in (NH 4) 3 PO 4 are respectively equal

1) +1 and +8 3) +3 and -5

2) -4 and +5 4) -3 and +5

1. Establish a correspondence between the formula of a substance and the oxidation state of carbon in it.

Substance formula

Oxidation state

A) CH 2 WITHl 2

1) -4


2) -2


3) 0

G)CBr 4

4) +2

5) +4

2. Establish a correspondence between the formula of the compound and the value of the oxidation state of chlorine in it

Substance formula

Oxidation state

A)Ca(OCl) 2


B)KClO 3




G)FeCl 3



3. Establish a correspondence between the formulas of substances and the oxidation states of manganese

Substance formula

Oxidation state

A)MnSO 4

1) +1

B) Mn 2 O 7


IN) K 2 MnO 4


G) MnO 2

4) +6

5) +7

6) +8

4. Establish a correspondence between the formula of a substance and the degree of nitrogen in it

Substance formula

Oxidation state

A)(NH 4 ) 2 SO 4

1) -3

B) N 2 H 4

2) -2

IN) CH 3 NO 2

3) -1

G) KNO 3

4) +2

5) +3

6) +5

5. Establish a correspondence between the formula of a substance and the degree of oxidation of nitrogen in it.


Oxidation state


1) -3

B) (CH 3 ) 2 N.H.

2) -2

IN)N.H. 4 Br

3) +2

G)N 2 H 4

4) +3

5) +4

6) +5

6. Establish a correspondence between the name of a chemical element and the possible values ​​of its oxidation states.

Item name

Oxidation states

A) Chlorine

1) -2, -1, 0, +2

B) Fluorine

2) -2, 0, +4, +6

B) Phosphorus

3) -3, 0, +3, +5

D) Sulfur

4) -1, 0

5) -1, 0, +1, +3, +5, +7

6) -4, -2, 0, +2, +4

7. Establish a correspondence between the formula of a substance and the oxidation state of carbon in it.

Substance formula

Oxidation state

A) CH 4

1) -4


2) -2


3) 0


4) +2

5) +4

8. Establish a correspondence between the formula of a substance and the oxidation state of chlorine in it

Substance formula

Chlorine oxidation state


1) -1

B)ClF 5

2) +1

IN)Cl 2 O

3) +3

G)Cl 3 N

4) +5

9. Establish a correspondence between the formula of a substance and the degree of oxidation of nitrogen in it

Substance formula

Oxidation state of nitrogen atom

A) N 2

1) -3

B) H 2 N-NH 2

2) -2

IN) NH 3

3) 0


4) +5

10. Establish a correspondence between the formula of the ion and the oxidation state of the acid-forming element in it

And he

Oxidation state of acid-forming element

A)Cr 2 O 7 2-

1) +3

B)SO 3 2-

2) +4

IN)P 2 O 7 4-

3) +5

G)NO 2 -

4) +6

11. Establish a correspondence between the formula of the ion and its ability to exhibit redox properties

Ion formula

Redox properties

A)N 3-

1) Oxidizing agent only

B)HPO 3 2-

2) Reducing agent only

IN)SO 3 2-

3) Both an oxidizing agent and a reducing agent

G)C 4-

4) Neither an oxidizing agent nor a reducing agent

12. Establish a correspondence between the formula of the ion and the oxidation state of the acid-forming element in it

And he

Phosphorus oxidation state

A) RO 4 3–

1) -3

B) N 2 R 2 ABOUT 7 2-

2) +3

B) NRO 4 2-

3) +4

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