The teacher teaches. Specialty: Primary school teacher. School teacher training


The ability to teach and teach also needs to be learned. Is it possible to get a teaching diploma remotely, where can I get training and get an education as a teacher? Let's find out!

Choosing the path to obtaining a teaching diploma is not an easy task and requires maximum concentration.

But if some could do it, then others can too. Especially today, when there are many more options for training as a teacher - there is a budget, a contract.

How to get a teacher education?

There is a classic model of study - entering a higher educational institution and receiving a diploma from a university, academy or institute. This is the path taken by the majority of those who want to study to become teachers either part-time or part-time and gain admission to the world of teaching.

The second option is to study at a secondary school - college, technical school, college. This option is less popular, but is still available for teacher training.

The third option is to study at a college or university in almost any profession that can be useful in the education system, and then take pedagogical courses for advanced training and retraining of teachers. This path gives you the chance to study for anyone, and then get a teaching diploma. The path is long, but for some it becomes the only true one.

Modern technologies provide a chance to get a higher education without leaving home. You can obtain almost any specialty remotely, including the profession of a teacher. No trips to study, the opportunity to work and study at the same time, live in any city and even outside the country. Why not.

Get Remote education teacher became possible relatively recently. But despite all the obvious advantages of the method, educational institutions are in no hurry to transfer the educational process to the vastness of the global network.

There were and still are fears that the human factor will be stronger and students will not be able to master the required program in full. But under the influence of time, doubts are increasingly being cast aside, and already today some colleges, universities and training centers have developed and are ready to offer applicants a program distance learning teachers. It is ideal for adult students who already have an education behind them.

How to get a teaching diploma remotely?

First, you need to study the list of educational institutions that provide the opportunity to study online. Once the choice is made, you can safely submit documents.

Submission of documents also takes place via the Internet, in the form of sending a scanned package of documents. After enrollment, the student is given access to Personal Area, which provides functionality for viewing lectures and taking exams and tests.

The great news is that distance education for teachers is equivalent to behind full-time training. The diploma will not indicate that the student studied online!

Technical requirements are minimal: you need to have a stable Internet with high speed, a communication program, a web camera and an audio headset. The student is virtually present at all scheduled lectures, takes part in practical seminars and is in constant contact with his teachers.

When studying to become a teacher remotely, examination session also takes place online in the form of test tasks.

Some subjects are taken in the form of detailed answers to posed questions, some exams must be taken directly by teachers, but most are tests.

Where can I get a teacher education remotely?

For training, applicants can choose to study in higher, secondary vocational and additional education.

From scratch, after grades 9 and 11, get a teaching diploma primary classes, a special education teacher and a specialization in “Special Preschool Education,” you can, for example, at the Moscow City Open College.

After 11, you can go to study at Synergy University, where there is a training profile in Pedagogy. The capital's university educates students not only from Moscow and Russian regions, but also from the CIS countries. Studying is paid, but completely remote; final exams and diploma defense are carried out online.

For example, in Federal Institute advanced training and retraining there are courses for distance learning to become a teacher-defectologist, and at MISAO (Federal Center vocational education) there are many options for obtaining a teaching diploma in a wide variety of areas.

Benefits of distance learning for teachers

The development of modern IT technologies does not stand still. The possibilities of virtual space are becoming wider every day. There is no longer a place on earth where there is no Internet (in Russia for sure), which means you can get higher education from any region of the Russian Federation without leaving your locality.

The cost of obtaining teacher education remotely is, as a rule, 2 times lower than through correspondence and full-time courses.

This is explained by the fact that the costs of the educational process are reduced threefold: operation teaching aids and classrooms, catering, wages teaching staff. At the same time, distance learning allows you not to be tied to one place and always remain in the educational process.

Marina Solotova

It was 1979. I studied in the 9th grade. An evening was held at school on the occasion of February 23rd. A school ensemble was playing in the hall, and I was in seventh heaven because for the first time I danced with Igor from a parallel class, with whom I was in love “until my death.”

Towards the end of the Best Evening of my life, we found ourselves in the toilet at the same time - me, our class teacher and two smoking tenth graders. It seemed cool that I had a cigarette too. I repeat: it seemed. While I was walking, no, flying home, she called my mother. And instead of talking about how wonderful Igor was, my mother and I talked about something completely different.

Mom, of course, believed me. But at the age of 16 I was a proud girl, sometimes to the point of stupidity. I don’t know what especially offended me: the slander or the stolen evening, but I was very offended by the class.

And in the morning I announced to my mother that I would no longer go to school. Because “I don’t want to have anything to do with a person who vilely slanders me and thinks such things about me.” Leaving for work, my mother said: “Okay, in the evening we’ll decide what to do: evening school, to another school, to a music school - there are tons of options.” I covered myself warmer and fell asleep.

First the phone rang. My cousin, who was visiting us on the occasion of the student holidays, picked up the phone and said: “But she won’t come to school anymore.” And she explained why.

Half an hour later the doorbell rang. The head teacher and the class teacher entered the apartment... Having listened carefully to my version, the head teacher Raisa Vladimirovna said that, of course, I could leave school, but it’s better not to. She, it seemed to me, spoke for a long time and quite convincingly, but I was adamant. And then she said: “If the teacher is wrong, he will apologize to you. Is it true, Alla Turashevna?”

And Alla Turashevna apologized. And I quickly got dressed and grabbed my briefcase. And she barely restrained herself from throwing herself on Alla Turashevna’s neck. Now I regret it, I should have quit.

This was not humiliation of the teacher. None of my classmates were sarcastic about this. It never occurred to any of us to mock class teacher or elevate me to the rank of hero. This was a demonstration of professionalism based on respect for the student. It was a demonstration of the dignity of the school and teachers. Our teachers had self-esteem.

Today, on the eve of the new school year, the question haunts me: is today’s teacher ready to come to a student’s home to apologize to him? And I'm inclined to answer in the negative.

Not because teachers have become less professional. Both then and now there are different teachers. And those whom children love immensely, because there is a reason. And those whom they cannot stand, because there is a reason. But modern teachers often do not have enough time and energy to love and respect children, because they are forced to love departments and ministries. This amount of unnecessary, meaningless work, often bordering on profanity, can be done either from Great love, or being in slavery. Only a robot can withstand such a load, and only for the time being.

I am writing these obvious things now so that parents understand: we should not expect, let alone demand from teachers, a special emotional attitude towards our children. They simply don't have the resources for this. And the one that exists, we need to protect together. Do not call, for example, the department and the president if the teacher did something wrong. Just try to resolve the issue calmly and amicably within the boundaries of the class.

Because for every complaint we make, the school and teacher will write a million explanations, instead of teaching our children. We need to understand that our task is not to re-educate the teacher, but to teach the child to behave correctly and without harm to health in any situation. And protect it where necessary.

The teacher must teach! Everything else is our responsibility. I remember the father of my fifth-grader, who sincerely did not understand why his child did not wash his hands before sitting down to dinner at home. “What are you teaching them here?!” - Dad was indignant. I teach them Russian language and literature. And their mom and dad should teach them how to wash their hands, it would be good long before the fifth grade...

This is why I have loved reading all my life.

In the second quarter of first grade, I moved to another school - my parents got an apartment in a new area. At the age of 7, my reading technique was exactly the same as it is now - it just happened. Let me remind you that in 1970 the concept of “preparing for school” did not exist in principle, so a good half of first-graders learned their first letters school desk, according to the ABC book.

Listening to my classmates trying to put letters into syllables, and syllables into words, was very boring for me. I immediately found out where the library was located in the school. A week later, the librarian who gave me books “according to age” said to my teacher Maria Fedorovna: “This strange girl came to you, at one break she takes a book, and at the second she gives it back and asks for a new one.” Maria Feodorovna, who during my first days in a class where forty-two people studied, did not touch me, called me over and asked me to read.

After that, not once in 3 years of elementary school did I watch how my classmates read or retell the texts. During reading, I was seated at the last desk and I read what was interesting to me: “Robinson Crusoe”, “The Children of Captain Grant”, “The Wild Dog Dingo”... and once a week, in class extracurricular reading, I retold these books to my classmates, and they gave me grades for this. And in the mathematics lesson, the place at the last desk was occupied by Irka Galaeva, who solved problems for the 4th grade. I am convinced: this is why I love reading all my life, and Irka loves mathematics.

Today, on the eve of the new school year, I am haunted by the question: is today’s teacher ready to provide such an individual approach to his students? And I'm inclined to answer in the negative.

Not because there are no children in school today who are not interested in repeating for the hundredth time what they remember from the year before. There are many more such children today than in 1970. Modern teachers do not have the opportunity to choose a child complex tasks and give them the opportunity to solve them.

Because the teacher will be asked, first of all, for the student to count exactly 4 cells from the edge of the page, and God forbid 6 or 3. Or for what, so that when trying to find out how much milk is poured into six two-liter cans, the student multiplies the liters on cans, and in no case vice versa. And so that the student can do this on the Unified State Exam: “Indicate all the numbers in the place of which one letter N is written. Write the numbers in a row without spaces, commas and other additional characters”.

And it doesn’t matter that a person writes absolutely correctly, if he wrote down a number with a space in the Russian language exam – that’s it, it’s a mistake. I am writing these obvious things now so that parents understand: we should not expect, let alone demand from teachers, that they develop in our children a love of literature, history and mathematics. They don't have the energy or time for this. Today they get paid for something else. We need to understand that we should not scold a child for his grades. And if we want him to know and love the subject, we, the parents, should be puzzled by this. The teacher’s task is to prepare for the Unified State Exam. And to be puzzled by the development of interest in new knowledge, the formation analytical skills we parents must, whether we like it or not. These are today's realities.

And then he went with the puppy to the biology teacher

I had a sponsored class. I’ll tell you for those who don’t remember what it is: we went to the fourth, and our teacher took the first. And we went to this first (and then second, third, etc.) class as chefs. When my sponsors were in fifth grade, one of them, Sergei, found a puppy on the street. Wet, dirty and sick. Sergei knew for sure that his mother would not allow him to bring the puppy home. But he also knew for sure that he would no longer be able to live without this puppy. And then Sergei came with this puppy to Nina Vasilievna, a biology teacher. Home. Nina Vasilievna took the puppy, washed him, cured him, and a couple of weeks later she went with him and Sergei to Sergeyev’s mother. And she persuaded her to allow her son to bring a friend home.

Today, on the eve of the new school year, the question haunts me: is today’s teacher ready to delve so deeply into a child’s life and rush to help? And I'm inclined to answer in the negative.

Not because the teachers all suddenly became callous and soulless. But because today one tenth of us, as in the joke, work at one and a half times the rate, because they have nothing to eat for one, and there is no time for two. The rest work at two or more. Because they report to departments not on the number of puppies rescued, but on the number of students participating in cross-country athletics and attending extracurricular activities.

Realities of the time: the teacher cannot stay true friend and life coach. It cannot for objective reasons. Today he has no time to wash and treat the puppy; in the evening, after checking the notebooks and filling out electronic diaries, responds in the chat to our parent messages like: “Vera Petrovna, finally explain, can we have notebooks with pictures or green ones for everyone?!”

Today, the day before school year, I want to wish our teachers patience, wisdom, strength and understanding parents. To parents - common sense, resilience and Real teachers. And all together - health and the ability to cooperate in the name of the main thing we have in life - the happiness of our children. Let's try together? Let's try not to shift our responsibility onto each other, because it is different. Don't start hostilities. Because then our children become either weapons or victims. The weapon fires. The victim defends himself. Let's show our children by example how to listen and hear each other.

Teacher- a profession in the field of education, which consists of training and educating the younger generation with the goal of their successful and rapid entry into public life. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in psychology (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Short description

Most teachers work in secondary secondary school primary school teachers, teachers of individual subjects. The teaching profession is in demand in boarding schools, vocational schools, technical schools, colleges, universities, and preschool institutions. Teachers of various courses ( in English, computer literacy, yoga, etc.) can also be called high rank Teachers.

Specifics of the profession

The work of a teacher is multifaceted and includes the following functions:

  • explanation of new material using means accessible to a certain age;
  • control over the assimilation of material: survey and assessment of students’ knowledge;
  • checking class and homework;
  • consulting students and their parents on the selection of books, manuals, and workbooks necessary for studying;
  • class management;
  • carrying out educational work with children;
  • assistance in revealing the creative potential, abilities and capabilities of students;
  • identifying the interests and inclinations of students for an adequate selection of programs and teaching methods;
  • studying the individual characteristics of children and providing effective psychological and pedagogical influence on them;
  • formation of the student’s personality;
  • developing students’ desire to master new knowledge;
  • organizing extracurricular group activities, conducting discussions, disputes, meetings;
  • explanation of current social events and phenomena;
  • participation in the development and implementation of educational and training programs;
  • drawing up thematic and lesson plans;
  • preparation of documentation (magazines, reports).

Pros and cons of the profession


  • creative work that involves constant growth;
  • possibility of part-time tutoring;
  • Part-time work possible;
  • are pleased with the success of students;
  • high authority of a successful teacher and gratitude from students;
  • long 2-month vacation - guaranteed in summer;
  • Working with young people fills you with energy and optimism.


  • low salaries in public schools;
  • nervous work that requires enormous patience;
  • preparing for tomorrow's lesson, checking notebooks takes up a lot of personal free time;
  • a lot of social work and unnecessary writing;
  • repeating the same information year after year gets boring.

Place of work

  • educational institutions (kindergartens, schools, colleges, technical schools, universities);
  • social organizations (orphanages, shelters, boarding schools, children's creativity and leisure centers);
  • preparatory courses for preschoolers;
  • work in law enforcement agencies(children's reception centers, colonies);
  • Russian Academy of Education;
  • city ​​and municipal educational and methodological centers;
  • tutoring activities.
  • Personal qualities
  • a penchant for working with children;
  • observation: the ability to see trends in the child’s development, the ability to develop his skills;
  • the ability to interest students and lead;
  • high degree of personal responsibility;
  • public speaking and organizational skills;
  • high level of communication skills;
  • the ability to pay attention to several objects at the same time;
  • mental and emotional balance;
  • endurance, self-control and self-control;
  • ability to resolve conflicts;
  • patience;
  • interest and respect for the other person;
  • desire for self-knowledge, self-development;
  • originality, resourcefulness, versatility;
  • tact;
  • determination;
  • enthusiasm, artistry;
  • demanding of oneself and others.

School teacher training

The first stage of professional pedagogical education in Russia is teacher training colleges, providing secondary vocational education for teaching in preschool institutions and primary schools.

Specialties: "Teaching in primary school", "Pedagogy of additional education", "Special preschool education", "Physical education", "Correctional pedagogy in primary education", etc.

The second stage of professional pedagogical education is higher education institutions, where you can receive higher pedagogical education, as well as psychological education. Specialties: “Pedagogy and methodology preschool education", "Foreign language", "Philology", "Mathematics", "Physics", "Chemistry", etc.

Bachelor's and master's degrees are two levels of higher pedagogical education.

The first level is a bachelor's degree, in which training lasts 4 years. A bachelor's degree gives the right to work as teachers in various educational institutions.

The second level is master’s training, which takes place over 2 years and prepares specialists to solve various problems. pedagogical problems and research activities.

Postgraduate studies

The third level of teacher training is postgraduate and doctoral studies, which produce scientific and pedagogical personnel highly qualified for training teachers in higher educational institutions.

We invite teachers to undergo training in High school technology and management (HSTU). Training takes place in part-time using distance learning technologies, which will allow you to combine study with work. Educational activities VSTU is licensed and meets professional standards. Now you have the opportunity to get a 50% discount using the promo code uchitel50. The cost, taking into account the discount, will be 4,975 rubles, and only 1,000 rubles. Have time to pass professional education at the lowest price!

Russian Institute of Vocational Education "IPO" - recruits students to obtain a specialty through a distance program of professional retraining and advanced training. Studying at the IPO is a convenient and quick way to receive distance education. 200+ training courses. 8000+ graduates from 200 cities. Short deadlines for completing documents and external training, interest-free installments from the institute and individual discounts. Contact us!

Invites specialists with higher and secondary pedagogical education to a professional course. The Academy's retraining and advanced training programs are an opportunity to master a new specialty and improve teaching skills by studying in a modern distance learning format.

In this course you can obtain the profession of an English teacher remotely in 5 months and 9,000 rubles:
- One of the most affordable prices in Russia;
— Diploma of professional retraining of the established form;
— Training in a completely distance format;
— Certificate of compliance with professional standards worth 10,000 rubles. For a present!
— The largest educational institution of additional professional education. education in Russia.

The list of other subjects depends on the area of ​​training and specialization. For example, if we're talking about about a teacher of Russian language and literature, then an additional subject is literature. In the case of musical art or physical culture only need Unified State Exam results in society and Russian, because the applicant undergoes a professional test during the entrance campaign.

What else should you take to become a teacher after 11th grade in universities?

If an applicant wants to enroll in the profile “Psychological and pedagogical education” (code: 44.03.02) or “Special (defectological) education” (code: 44.03.03), then he needs to pass the Unified State Examination in biology (profile) and Russian language, and also one subject of the university's choice: society, history, mathematics, foreign language, chemistry.

Future specialists in preschool and primary education handed over within Unified State Exam Society and the Russian language, as well as mathematics, biology, a foreign language - it all depends on the requirements of the educational institution and specialization. In some universities, the third subject replaces a professional test in the form of an interview.


The prospect of career growth for teachers is associated with increasing the level of teaching skills and winning competitions professional achievements, training successful students (winners of subject Olympiads). A teacher can become a head teacher or school director, or move to a leadership position in the Regional Educational Institution or City Educational Institution. You can open your own business providing educational services.


"School for Beginner Teacher"

Analytical justification for the program

Any person starting his professional journey experiences difficulties and problems due to the lack of necessary experience. Becoming a teacher is more difficult, more complex than for representatives of other professions because pedagogical education does not guarantee success for a novice teacher. A teacher is not a profession, it is a way of life. The modern rhythm of life requires continuous professional growth, a creative attitude to work, and dedication from a teacher. Of course, a real teacher has professional teaching skills and knowledge of innovative teaching and educational technologies. Very important role The personal qualities of the teacher play a role: pedagogical position, attitude towards life, colleagues, children and people in general. All these professional skills and character traits are primarily inherent, of course, in a teacher with many years of experience. But what about a novice teacher who has just graduated from university, or who has no pedagogical education at all?

At the beginning of its professional activity The young teacher faces certain difficulties. The inability to accurately calculate time in a lesson, to logically arrange the sequence of stages of a lesson, difficulties in explaining the material, lack of mutual understanding with children and colleagues, difficulties in recruiting children into associations - this is not a complete list of adversities that await a novice teacher. Often, novice teachers experience a feeling of uncertainty in their actions, as a result of which problems arise. According to psychologists, 87% of beginning teachers prioritize the lack of teaching skills and communication with children.

A novice teacher must get comfortable in a new team, establish good relationships with children, be able to speak competently and emotionally in class, and try to interest children in their subject. That is, in short, to learn to teach. He needs to develop his own individual style of communication with children, colleagues and the administration of the institution. For a teacher, this is a new personal situation - responsibility for the quality of his work, the result that teachers, students, and parents expect. A novice specialist needs constant comradely assistance. It would be easier for novice teachers to begin their teaching career if the older generation of teachers sought to pass on their experience to them, and at the same time they were ready to accept it.

Purpose of the program: scientific and methodological support for the activities of beginning teachers, improving their professional skills, revealing individual teaching abilities, creating the need for constant self-development and self-improvement


- differentiated and purposefully plan methodological work based on the identified potential capabilities of the beginning teacher;

- improve the professional level of the teacher, taking into account his needs, difficulties, and achievements;

- develop the creative potential of beginning teachers, motivate their participation in innovation activity; trace the dynamics of the development of the professional activity of each teacher;

- increase the productivity of a teacher and the effectiveness of the teaching and educational process in an educational institution;

- create conditions to satisfy the self-education needs of beginning teachers.

Program implementation mechanism

“The School of a Beginning Teacher” is a permanent form of increasing the methodological literacy of a beginning teacher: propaedeutic adaptation work, monitoring studies, accompaniment of a novice teacher ; organization of professional communication, orientation of teachers without secondary education special education for receipt higher education. The program will be implemented by organizing various forms methodological work: seminars, trainings, consultations, surveys, self-education, etc. Construction effective interaction all subjects educational process needs to be done in four directions:

First direction: monitoring “Theoretical knowledge and professional skills of a teacher” - tracking 3 times during the year (at the beginning, middle and end) of the results of the teacher’s activities in the following areas: knowledge of your subject, ability to analyze, knowledge of teaching methods, knowledge of children's developmental psychology, knowledge of the psychology of children’s communication, the psychology of creativity, the ability to use a variety of different shapes organizations cognitive activity students, updating the methodological equipment of the lesson. The results of the survey help to identify what problems arose during the work, what successes the teacher achieved, what methodological assistance he needs to prove. Based on these results, a plan for self-education is drawn up, studying the main directions of his activities.

Second direction: adaptation- teacher’s acquaintance with teaching materials by area of ​​activity, library, classrooms, specifics of recruiting children into associations, plans for educational, methodological, educational work, documentation, basic requirements for its maintenance, the basics of scheduling classes. The main thing at this stage is to help the teacher understand all the intricacies of communication between members of the teaching staff and students, and work with documentation.

Third direction: mentoring- support for a beginning teacher: from the director and deputies to a colleague teacher; a well-planned mentoring system, development of self-confidence, the ability to organize a group and keep children in the association. After all, it is not enough to be talented and educated. If there are no wise mentors nearby, then a novice teacher will never turn into a valuable specialist. The main thing at this stage is to help the teacher understand all the intricacies of the teaching profession. We consider the work of teacher-mentors as one of the most responsible public assignments. These are experienced, creative teachers. They make up individual plan working with a novice teacher.

Fourth direction: professional development- A methodologist or curator should act as a tutor for teacher-mentors, who will always tell you how to properly plan work with a teacher and choose forms of work. The teaching profession is complex, it requires a vocation, which the experienced teaching staff of the institution helps to reveal. IN professional development For a novice teacher, there is the presence of pedagogical abilities. They consist of the following components:

Didactic - the art of transmitting knowledge in an accessible form;

Constructive - when the teacher does not use ready-made recipes, but creates them himself for each specific situation;

Expressive - the ability to include appropriate humor, benevolent irony, and jokes in your explanation;

Communicative – the right approach to students in the process of learning and education;

The ability to distribute attention – a broad overview of attention, the ability to easily switch from one object to another as needed;

Acting - the ability, depending on the situation and educational tasks, to be either kind, sometimes strict, sometimes calm, but always objective and fair;

The ability to control all your words, actions, actions, mood.

It should be noted that all components of pedagogical abilities are closely interconnected, complement and presuppose each other. The absence of one or more can be compensated by the active development of other components. Considerable attention is paid to such a form of individual methodological work as consultation. Beginning teachers will receive specific advice on difficult issues, samples of developments different types classes, recommendations. An inexperienced teacher receives help not only from a mentor, but also from a supervisor methodological unification, deputy director, psychologist, experienced teachers.

Implementation of the program

First stage. Preparatory (September-October)

Target: Creation of a methodological basis for the implementation of the program: recommendations, training and diagnostic materials.

- compiling a list of beginning teachers (Appendix 1)

- development of a work plan for the “School for Beginning Teachers” (Appendix 2)

- input diagnostics, s self-diagnosis (Appendix 6)

- appointment of mentors, drawing up an individual plan of work with a novice teacher.

- organizational matters. Familiarization with the institution, traditions, internal labor regulations creation of regulatory documents for program implementation; position, order;

Development of monitoring of program implementation: input diagnostics, diagnostics of teacher professional readiness: activities, skills, knowledge, correction; success assessment academic work teacher

Development of software and methodological, information support: programs, recommendations, memos for aspiring teachers, mentors;

- methodological assistance in developing an educational program

- methodological assistance in drawing up calendar and thematic planning.

Providing methodological assistance in developing lesson plans.

Expected Result:

- Identification of methodological difficulties among beginning teachers.

- Creation of a methodological basis for project implementation

- Development of software, methodological and information support

Second stage. Practical (November-February)

Target: Implementation of the program into practical activities

Information and methodological support for beginning teachers: consultations, recommendations, training;

Monitoring the dynamics of changes;

Requirements for a modern occupation;

Open classes by experienced teachers, where you can specifically see and learn how to use such areas Diary of mutual visits (Appendix 3)

- main stages of the lesson

Classification of methods, techniques used in the educational process;

Didactic, psychological, hygienic, educational requirements;

Definition of educational goal;

Implementation of didactic principles of teaching;

Selection of rational methods, techniques, methods;

Interactive forms and methods of teaching;

Non-traditional, integrated classes using computer technologies;

Interim diagnostics (attendance at classes)

- individual approach to teaching gifted children;

This will help the teacher rationally choose the type of lesson, its structure, correctly determine tasks, goals (educational, educational, developmental), rational teaching methods, combine different forms of collective and individual work, get acquainted with modern educational technologies, interactive methods.

Expected results:

1. Promotion professional competence teachers:

2. Increasing the effectiveness of training, maintaining and increasing the number of students;

3. Expanding opportunities for creative development the child’s personality, the realization of his potential;

4. Inclusion of every aspiring teacher in a creative search through participation in the work of the SNP

Third stage. Analytical (March-May)

Target: Analysis, assessment, perspective of teacher development.

Monitoring the mutual impact of level increases professional competence novice teachers and changes in the effectiveness of the educational process in their associations;

Self-analysis of the lesson.

- organization of individual work with students.

Formation of unified approaches to assessing students’ knowledge;

Non-traditional, integrated classes using computer technology interactive forms and teaching methods

Design of a “Beginner Teacher Portfolio”

Final diagnostics. Self-diagnosis (Appendix 8)

Every novice teacher from the first days of his pedagogical activity Together with his mentor, he is preparing a “Portfolio for a beginning teacher” (4). This folder is " desk book

", which contains the most necessary tips, recommendations and materials needed in becoming a teacher.

The Portfolio is collected as it accumulates:

- Section 1. General information about the teacher"

- Last name, first name, patronymic of the teacher,

- home address,

- Place of Birth,

- Date of Birth,

- information about education,

- professional activity,

trainingSection 2.


Diploma of professional education;

Employment history;

Attestation sheet or order for assigning a category;

Certificates of advanced training courses.

Section 3. Results of pedagogical activities”

- Children's achievements

Achievements of the teacher (Diplomas, certificates, letters of gratitude, certificates of participants, etc.)

Section 4. Scientific and methodological activities:

Messages and reports at conferences, seminars, MO

Participation in innovative and research work of students (individual plan for working with children, materials on working with gifted children)

List of references on the topic of self-education

Publications and articles in scientific and methodological journals, on websites

Lesson developments

Master classes.

- Section 6. “Reviews”

Reviews from children and parents.

Section 2. “Self-analysis of teaching activities”

Program examination materials

Monitoring progress and quality of education (graphs, diagrams)

Monitoring student achievements (creative growth map)

Analysis of teaching activities, diagnostics of teacher work

Questionnaires and tests for students and parents

Expected Result The portfolio is constantly updated with the necessary materials. Gradually, this becomes the “center of self-education” of the teacher.

: obtaining an objective assessment of the activities of beginning teachers, identifying effective forms of methodological assistance.

- Methodological support of the program

- Program “School for Beginning Teachers”

- Work plan for mentors with beginning teachers

- Memo for a mentor of a novice teacher (Appendix 7)

Expected results of the program implementation

The implementation of the program will contribute :

Adaptation of beginning teachers in the institution;

Activation of practical, individual, independent teaching skills;

Improving the professional competence of teachers in matters of pedagogy and psychology;

Ensuring continuous improvement of teaching quality;

Improving work methods to develop creative and independent activities of students;

The use of new pedagogical technologies in the work of beginning teachers;


1. Manager's Handbook educational institution- the topic of the article is “Adaptation of a beginning teacher” (No. 5, 2010, p. 54);

2. Methodist - topic "Adaptation of young specialists in institutions of additional education (No. 5, 2010, p. 41);

3. Methodist - topic "Case technology in working with young specialists" (No. 5, 2010, p. 51);

4. National project "Education" - topic "On the implementation of the program "School for a beginning teacher as a way to optimize the process of entering the profession" (No. 3, 2010, p. 17);

5. Innovations in education - topic "Features of the development of integrative trends in Russian special education (Integrative, inclusive education)" (No. 8, 2010, p. 4);

6. Pedagogy - topic “Ethical and pedagogical approach to the formation of value orientations of a future teacher and principles of its implementation” (No. 6, 2010, p. 15);

7. Public education - topic "Does a young specialist have a legal status?" (No. 2, 2010, p. 132);

8. The school director - the topic “He flew away and did not promise to return...” (No. 8, 2010, p. 4);

9. Primary school + before and after - “On the preparation of a future teacher for the spiritual and moral education of the individual” (No. 9, 2010, p. 10

10. Social Psychology. – M.: Andreeva G.M. Aspect Press, 1999. – 375 p.

11. Body language. – M.: Piz A. Eksmo, 2005. – 272 p.

12. School for a beginning teacher: Methodological recommendations. Vorobyova N.I., Tsintsar A.L.

Appendix 2

Work plan of the “School for Beginning Teachers”

Forms, methods of implementation


Organization of education at the School

Regulatory framework: law on education, regulations on the establishment of additional education for children, concept of development of the institution;

Inner order rules.



Initiation as a teacher

Ceremonial event

head of the school for novice teacher, cult mass department

Organization of the educational process

Structure of educational programs of additional education;

Calendar and thematic planning;

Criteria for assessing educational and educational achievements of children;

Records management

Practical lesson


Administration, head of the novice teacher’s school, mentors

Learning process

Principles and rules of training;

Forms of organization of the educational process;

Theoretical seminar

Cognitive activity of students

Psychological characteristics of students’ cognitive activity;

Ways to form cognitive interests;

Motives for learning;

Training seminar

head of the school for novice teachers, experienced teachers

Teaching methods

Lesson 1.

The essence and functions of teaching methods;

Classification of teaching methods;


teacher-mentors, heads of educational institutions

Lesson 2.

Different ways of learning;

Practical teaching methods;

Lesson 3.

Logical teaching methods. Methods for monitoring students' knowledge.

Lesson 4.

Game teaching methods. Methods of self-management of the educational process.

Forms of training

Lesson 1.

Lesson is the main form of organizing the educational process of the lesson function. Objectives of the lesson. Types of activities. Requirements for a modern occupation.

Theoretical seminar, practical lesson

teacher-mentors, head of a novice teacher's school

Lesson 2.

Designing a lesson according to goals, didactic tasks, and the content of program material;

Choice of teaching methods.

Open classes for beginning teachers, discussion

Lesson 3.

Open lesson – features of preparation and conduct;

Analysis and self-analysis of the lesson.

Practical lesson

head of a novice teacher's school administration, manager MO,

Lesson 4.

Different forms of training: excursions, seminars, electives, elective courses...

Analysis of their implementation;

Goals and objectives of training forms


Educational process

Forms and types of educational activities;

Methods of educating schoolchildren;
-national character of education;

Criteria for personality upbringing;

Features of oriented learning and upbringing of children.

Problem seminar

The role of the teacher in the educational process

Personality of the teacher-creator;

Requirements for a teacher;

Self-education and self-education of a teacher;

The role of the teacher’s personality in the modern educational process.


head of the school for aspiring teachers, teachers


A kaleidoscope of pedagogical discoveries from novice teachers “Let’s get to know each other, young colleague!”

Kaleidoscope of finds

head of the school for aspiring teachers, mentors

cult-mass department

Competitive and entertaining program for aspiring teachers “Our Hope”.


Appendix No. 3

Seven golden rules for a teacher

1. You must love what you do and move forward step by step (I. Pavlov)

2. You can’t pretend to be an intellectual (D. Likhachev)

3. Politeness is brought up only by politeness (W. James)

4. “Magic Ten”: Count to ten before you give vent to your anger. And he will seem disgusting to you. (V. James)

5. A sage looks for everything in himself, and a fool - in another person (Confucius).

6. No big victory is possible without a small victory over oneself (L. Leonov)

7. The first steps are always the most difficult (R. Tagore)

Commandments for a beginning teacher

1. Plunge into your work and then nothing will stop you from working fruitfully.

2. Be friendly and you will be brave.

3. Don't be arrogant and you can become a leader.

4. Know how to demand and forgive.

5. Believe in the unique abilities of each child.

6. Be competent and be confident.

7. Believe that every child can be taught, it just takes time.

8. Make learning a joy.

9. Be not a leader for your child, but a rival, then he will be able to surpass you.

Memo for a beginning teacher

1. Prepare thoroughly for classes. Be sure to use the lesson plan and adhere to all its points. Make it a rule: availability lesson plan is your admission to the lesson.

2. When going to class, you must know thoroughly where you have come, why, what you will do, and whether it will be effective.

3. Come to the office before the start of class to prepare everything you need for the class.

4. Try to show the beauty and attractiveness of the organized beginning of the lesson, strive to ensure that it takes less and less time each time.

5. Conduct the lesson so that each child is constantly busy. Remember: pauses, slowness, inactivity are the enemies of discipline.

6. Engage children with interesting content, creating problem situations, and brainstorming. Control the pace of the lesson, help the weak believe in themselves. Keep your entire group in sight. Especially watch those who have unstable attention. Prevent attempts to disrupt work order.

7. More often make requests and questions to those students who are distracted in class or involved in extraneous matters.

8. At the end of the lesson, give an overall assessment of the work of the group and individual children. Let children feel satisfaction from the results of their work. Try to notice the positive in the work of undisciplined students, but do not do it often and undeservedly, for little effort.

Appendix No. 4

Diary of mutual attendance at classes



Lesson topic

Goal, tasks

Conclusions of the proposal

You are a very close person to your student. Try to keep him always open to you. Become his friend and mentor.

Don't be afraid to admit that you don't know something. Be with them in the search.

Try to instill in the child faith in himself and in his success. Then many peaks will become surmountable for him.

Don’t demand “perfect discipline” in class. Don't be authoritarian. Remember, an activity is a part of a child’s life. He should not be constrained and clamped. Form in him an open, enthusiastic, uninhibited personality, capable of creativity, comprehensively developed.

Strive to ensure that your classes do not become formulaic, conducted according to a stencil. Let discoveries be made in classes, truths be born, peaks conquered, and searches continue.

Every meeting with a teacher for parents should be useful and productive. Each meeting is to equip them with new knowledge from the field of pedagogy, psychology, and the learning process.

Enter the office with a smile. When you meet, look into everyone’s eyes, find out their mood and support them if they are sad.

Bring good energy to your children and always remember that “a child is not a vessel that needs to be filled, but a torch that needs to be lit.”

Be on the lookout for opportunities to find a way to overcome failure.

Remember, every activity you do should be a small step forward, towards learning something new and unknown.

A child must always overcome difficulty in learning. For only in difficulties do the abilities necessary to overcome them develop. Be able to determine the “bar” of difficulty. It should not be overestimated or underestimated.

Teach your students to work. Don't take the easy way out in learning. But remember how important it is to support, encourage, be there for you in difficult situation. Feel where your leverage, your knowledge, your experience are needed.

If out of two points you are wondering which one to choose, don’t hesitate, put the highest one. Believe in the child. Give him wings. Give him hope.

Do not hide your good feelings from your children, but remember: there should never be a special place for “favorites” among them. Try to see in each child what is destined for him, reveal it to him himself and develop in him that hidden thing that he does not even suspect.

Remember that the child should be interested in the lesson. Only when it is interesting does the child become attentive.

When communicating with the parents of your students, remember that their children are the most precious thing in life. Be smart and tactful. Find the right words. Try not to offend or humiliate their dignity.

Don't be afraid to apologize if you're wrong. Your authority in the eyes of students will only increase. Be patient with their mistakes too.

Live with children life to the fullest. Rejoice and grieve with them. Get carried away and be surprised. Make jokes and instruct. Teach to be impatient with lies and violence. Teach justice, perseverance, truthfulness.

Don't raise people who are too arrogant - they will be avoided; too modest - they will not be respected; those who are too talkative will not be paid attention to; those who are too silent will not be taken into account; too harsh - they will be brushed aside; those who are too kind will be trampled upon.

Appendix No. 6

Memo for mentor of a novice teacher

1. Together with the beginning teacher, develop and deeply analyze educational programs And explanatory notes to them.

2. Help create a thematic plan by asking Special attention for the selection of material for systematic repetition, practical and laboratory work, excursions.

3. Provide assistance in preparing for classes, especially the first ones, for the first meeting with students. The most difficult topics are best developed together. In your group, try to study the material 2-3 lessons ahead of schedule, in order to give the novice teacher the opportunity to use the methodology for covering the most complex topics.

4. Try to cook and select together didactic material, visual aids.

5. Attend classes for a novice teacher, followed by a thorough analysis, invite him to your classes, and discuss them together.

6. Help with selection methodological literature for self-education and in its organization.

7. Share your experience without preaching, but by kindly showing examples of your work.

8. Help in a timely manner, patiently, persistently. Never forget to celebrate the positive in your work.

9. Teach not to copy, not to rely on ready-made developments, but to develop your own pedagogical style.

Appendix 7.

Incoming monitoring.


teacher professional readiness

1. Understanding children's conditions and the ability to motivate children.

2. Speed ​​of pedagogical reaction and ability to impromptu.

3. Positive charge, wit, humor.

4. Ability to communicate with children, colleagues, and parents.

5. Skill before entrance to the institution throw off the burden of problems.

6. Tolerance is the acquired and developed ability to have a kind mental attitude towards everything on the planet, the ability to forgive, see and support the beautiful in a person.

7. Empathy is the ability to empathize, sympathize, the willingness of the soul to help a person and support him.

8. Passion for every task he takes on.

9. The ability to keep children's secrets.

10. The ability to live in the interests of children.

11. Initiative, energy.

13. Having interests that are attractive to children.

14. The ability and desire to compose, invent, and bring to completion.

15. The ability to patiently move towards the intended goal.

16. Ability to initiate, organize and help children's amateur organizations.

17. Ability to come to help in a timely manner.

18. Ability to search and create.

19. The ability and desire to follow the path of self-education and self-development.

20. Emotional freedom wide palette positive sensory perception of the world. The ability to infect others with your energy.

21. A stable ethical position, a moral law in the soul.

22. External attractiveness, the ability to express one’s thoughts figuratively, beautifully, expressively and clearly.

23. The ability for self-irony.

24. Reflective ability.

25. Constantly taking care of your health and the health of students.

26. The ability to finish what you start.

27. Daily constant deep psychological-pedagogical, subject, methodological preparation to classes.

28. The ability to admit your mistakes.

29. Ability to be individually productive working with students

Appendix 8.

Final monitoring

1. What difficulties have you encountered? List them.

2. How do you overcome them?

3. Who helps you in your work? How?

4. I'm going to class to...

5. What is the most difficult thing in your work for you?

6. What personality traits are most difficult for children to achieve?

7. How do you explain the difficulties in your activities?

8. What should a modern teacher be like?

9. How to develop a child’s individual abilities in the educational process?

10. What and how can you learn from an experienced teacher?

11. Have there been any difficulties in your educational work?

12. What books on pedagogy, psychology, and methodology have you read over the past academic year?

13. What pedagogical discoveries did you have?

14. What topics were the most effective and interesting for you this year? What was your creative success?

Diagnostic test card for assessing teacher professional growth

Theoretical knowledge and professional skills of a teacher

Beginning of the year

Mid year

The end of the year

1. Knowledge of your subject

2. Ability to analyze

3. Knowledge of teaching methods

4. Knowledge of child developmental psychology and ability to use psychological methods, techniques, procedures, norms in their professional activities.

5. Knowledge of the psychology of children's communication, the psychology of creativity. Ability to stimulate children's activity.

6. Search for various forms of organizing students' cognitive activity.

7. Possession and use of various forms of activities, traditional and non-traditional.

8. The ability to engage children and organize their individual and collective successful activities.

9. Knowledge and use of modern educational technologies in their work.

10. Rational use of clarity in your work.

Kapliy Tatyana Egorovna

“What a modern teacher teaches and learns”

Done the job

Kapliy Tatyana Egorovna,

teacher of Orthodox culture,

Municipal educational institution "Proletarskaya secondary

secondary school No. 2"

Rakityansky district

Belgorod region

“...If the teacher connects

I have love for the work and for the students,

he is a perfect teacher." L.N. Tolstoy.

A modern teacher... What should he be like? Interesting question.He must be native and such a teacher must always be: in the past, in the present, and in the future. Because he is a teacher! His work must be appreciated and in demand!“Teaching is an art, a work no less titanic than the work of a writer or composer, but more difficult and responsible. The teacher addresses the human soul not through music, like a composer, or with the help of paints, like an artist, but directly. He educates with his knowledge and love, his attitude towards the world,” said D.S. Likhachev.

To achieve this, a teacher must have the following characteristics:

  • loves children and shows interest in them;
  • know the psychology of students of different ages;
  • value the child’s personality;
  • be able to observe children’s behavior and draw conclusions;
  • assess intellectual potential and build a strategy individual development child;
  • communicate easily with children, achieve their love and respect;
  • successfully manage a children's team;
  • know your subject deeply;
  • be ready to innovate and strives to develop.

Before our eyes, the country is changing, the school is changing, and the life of a modern student is changing. And the teacher should not lag behind this hectic life, therefore a modern teacher must be demanding, but fair and always give the student the right to respond, to realize himself. Of course, for this you need to be an experienced specialist, a real professional in your field. But what is the most important thing in a teacher’s work? The main thing is to show the child the world as it really is.What is he like, a modern teacher? Modern man- is someone who understands the uniqueness of children of our time,reveals the most best qualities, embedded in the soul of a child, encourages children to receive joy from the acquired knowledge.

Here are the main features inherent in modern students:

  • easy perception of information;
  • high intellectual potential and diversity of its manifestations;
  • ability to quickly master electronic innovations;
  • pragmatism;
  • poor orientation to real world problems;
  • low level of physical activity;
  • lack of self-control;
  • decreased learning motivation .

Such different characteristics of modern children create special preconditions for teacher creativity. By studying new approaches and preserving the pedagogical finds of past years, a modern teacher builds his own teaching system; it should be interesting to every child. Therefore, a modern teacher simply must be flexible.

L.N. Tolstoy once said that to a good teacher It is enough to have only two qualities - great knowledge and a big heart. I think that these words of Lev Nikolaevich are relevant in the past, in the present, and in the future.The main task of a teacher’s work currently is: to help children acquire new knowledge using modern information Technology And effective methods learning, be able to form the student’s information competence, develop students’ curiosity, cognitive and creative interest.

In other words, a modern teacher does not simply convey the knowledge he has, but teaches children to think, reason, defend their opinions, respect the opinions of other people, using the knowledge acquired in school.

A teacher, first of all, must love children. This means that communication with children will be interesting to him, the opinions of schoolchildren will not seem stupid and boring to him, their affairs will sincerely interest and excite him. This means seeing children as individuals, endowed with certain characters that should be taken into account. The teacher should enter the class with a smile on his face, showing that he is glad to see his students, happy to communicate with them, he must feel that his experience, his knowledge lead the students. He teaches the student to work, think, create, and strives for his student to be a co-author: argue, share his opinion, speak, express his point of view. A true teacher turns to the sources of folk culture, which enrich a person, ennoble his soul, teach him to appreciate the past and present. The role of teachers in the development of society is important as they pass on knowledge from generation to generation.

It seems to me that a real teacher should be responsive, understanding and able to support a student, cheer him up in difficult times, but on the other hand, a teacher should be strict and fair, this disciplines children and teaches them to be responsible.Throughout his professional career, a modern teacher studies himself, improves his skills, shares his work experience with his colleagues, conducts master classes, open lessons, participates in various competitions, writes articles, conducts seminars. A teacher is a person who not only knows how to teach children, but is also able to learn from her students. Our world is in constant motion. Does the teacher have the right to remain the same? It is unlikely that such a teacher will be useful to society; only one who is able to master and evaluate new information himself will be able to lead active, cognitive, and potential children.

What kind of teachers should there be in the 21st century? They must be: energetic, educated people who easily adapt to changes; they are teachers who deeply know their subject and want to pass on their knowledge to children.

The world is changing the education system is being improved , outdated requirements for a teacher are being replaced by a modern teacher standard. It contains the professional and personal characteristics necessary for a specialist to work with children; these are qualities that will allow the teacher to create a developmental environment and help children understand new information, master knowledge, skills and abilities that are important for them.

The level of a modern teacher will allow him to design and simulate situations and events that will enrich the emotions and value orientations of children. Such a child will be ready to overcome all life's difficulties and will be able to realize himself even in difficult conditions. Professional standard contains state requirements for teachers.

What kind of a modern teacher is he? Each generation seeks the answer to this question and creates the image of an ideal teacher, which means that the teaching profession has not lost its importance for society

Thus, a teacher, like 100 years ago, must be widely educated, kind, intelligent, beautiful, understanding of children, and always be interesting, because the TEACHER spends most of his time professionally raising and teaching children.

I consider my work very important and I am proud of my children, since each of them has great creative potential that I have to reveal. Teacher, pedagogue - how much these words conceal! I'am a teacher! And it sounds proud!

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